#baby metallica
bubbledtee · 1 year
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so babygirl
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duffsmckagan · 17 days
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tazziez · 2 months
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i know james burning his arm was bad and all, BUT DAMN HE LOOKS SO FINE
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iheartjameshetfield · 10 months
lord forgive me for i am about to sin 🙏🙏
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i truly believe that during this specific era, james had the biggest size kink. so big it would drive him feral.
he’s just obsessed with making you seem small just so that he could take care of you in every way possible. he loves how his large hands can cover up almost your entire torso when he’s holding you, fucking into you.
he loves seeing his bulge appear in your stomach. it just makes him fuck you even deeper, wanting to see how big the bulge could get. or the way he rests his elbows on each side of you, trapping you and you try to claw onto him.
whenever you suck him off, he always has to bring his cock to your face, comparing you to him as he wonders how the fuck were you supposed to put all that in your mouth?? he spits over your lips, bringing his hand down to grab your jaw, forcing your mouth open with his thumb, making you suck on it. after he pulls his thumb out, he’d bring his tip, smearing his precum against your lips before motioning for you to open your mouth, tapping his cock on your tongue.
he couldn’t wait anymore, so without any warning, he thrusts himself into your mouth, making you gag. he sees the mark of your lipstick near his base, he lets out a breathy moan. you bring up both of your hands to stroke him, wanting him to feel as good as possible. he loves pulling out paint your face, wanting to make you look as messy as possible with your unruly hair and runny mascara and smeared lipstick. he spreads his cum all over your face, feeding some of it to you.
he remembers the time you wanted to be the one on top for once. you had never tried this position with him yet. he was so gentle, murmuring sweet words of encouragement. you were sat on top of him, knees on each side as you stroke his cock. when you’re ready, he has his hands on your hips, lifting you so he could set you on his dick very slowly. the sight was almost comedic, seeing your eyes pop out as you hiss from the stretch.
“it’s okay, sweet girl, take your time.”
you whine and whimper when you finally take all of him, causing james to groan as he brings his hand to the bulge that appeared in your stomach, rubbing his hand there and around your tummy. you were so tight around him, and he tried his hardest to resist the urge from fucking you at an inhuman pace, but with the way you were clenching around him, he couldn’t take it slow much longer.
he got up from the couch, effortlessly carrying you with him as he cradled you with one arm, and the other rests beside your head against the wall as he fucks mercilessly into you. you cry out, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as you muffle the sounds of your whines into the crook of his neck. it didn’t take long for the both of you to cum. he brings the hand that was resting against the wall and uses it to stroke your hair, mumbling sweet words as he peppers you kisses,
“you did so good for me, princess. i didn’t hurt you, did i?” he coos.
he continues to baby you, setting you on the couch to clean the cum from his thighs and from you. he lays down on the couch next to you, bringing you into his arms as you both fall asleep, his arm wrapping around the entirety of you.
this absolutely sucked i’m sorry but i just needed to get this out of my system.
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amsmuch · 6 months
Jason is so silly
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k111lemall · 3 months
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I Wanna Be Yours 💋 Kirk Hammett x Fem!Reader
“Secrets I have held in my heart - Are harder to hide than I thought - 𝑀𝒶𝓎𝒷𝑒 𝐼 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇𝓈.”
word count: 2,254
warnings: angst, fluff, smut, unprotected p in v sex, Kirk kinda talks crazy??
Standing by the stage was starting to become comforting. You always stood next to a couple of boxes by the side of the stage, watching Kirk play. Every so often he would throw you a glance and smile at you before looking back at the crowd and continuing to play.
Then after every show you would congratulate Kirk and his bandmates before they walked off to their dressing rooms to change and then meet you outside by the bus to go to the nearest bar/club.
But tonight was different.
You and Kirk had drunk a little more than usual on the bus while everyone else chatted outside. And along with a couple of drinks came a couple of touches, very intimate touches.
Kirk had his hand on your upper thigh and you had yours on his chest while you both stared at the ceiling of the bus and talked. You hadn’t admitted to anyone (but you were sure Lars, James, and Jason were catching on) that you liked Kirk, you had for years. So these touches that were coming from him were enough to cause your brain to become all fuzzy.
You both snapped out of your drunken daze by the sound of the bus door opening, and Kirk quickly removed his hand from your leg and sat up quickly. You did the same for your arm on his chest and you both tried your best to make it look like you were both sitting and talking civilly. James came up the steps of the bus and looked at you and Kirk and gave you both a smirk. “We’re on in an hour Kirk, they want us in the dressing room to get prepped, now.” James said and pointed to Kirk.
“Alright man I’m coming,” Kirk said and stumbled as he got up. Kirk made his way off the bus, you following slowly behind him but just as you were about to get out James stopped and looked at you, “Ya know, if you want some alone time with Kirk tonight - me and the boys can always go to the other dressing room…” James said and smirked.
“I doubt that's ever gonna happen between me and Kirk but thanks for trying James,” you replied, trying to hide the failed hope in your voice. “If you say so…” James said and moved his arm so you could get off the bus. As you stepped off, you held a wave of sadness come over you as you realized that Kirk probably didn’t think much of the interaction you both had shared minutes before.
So there you stood your normal spot on the side of the stage - admiring Kirk as he played a few feet away from you. You kept your eyes on his face, waiting for that moment when he would turn and look at you and you would get butterflies in your stomach. But that moment never came, he stared at the crowd, his bandmates, and that one girl in the front row who wouldn’t stop screaming.
You hated to admit it but you hated the feeling you had in the bottom of your stomach. You wanted to jump around and flail - so that maybe just maybe Kirk would glance at you, even if it was just from the corner of his eye, but just enough so that you knew that he knew that you were there.
When James announced that they were heading off the stage, you saw him walk over to Kirk and put his hand on his shoulder, and say something in his ear and Kirk responded with a thumbs up. The whole band made their way to where you stood on the side of the stage. “You guys were awesome!” you said and smiled at them “Thanks Y/N.” Jason said and smiled before wiping his forehead with a towel.
“Hey man I’m gonna go ahead and head to the dressing room, see you guys there.” Kirk said and started to walk to the dressing room. “Alright, we’ll be there in a second.” Lars said, “Hey Y/N, we have some extra shirts in the dressing room if you wanna come look at them.” Lars said and raised his eyebrows at you. “Yeah sure I’ll look!” you said and smiled, Lars looked at James and then back at you. “Okay, we’ll be in dressing room one! Meet there in like five minutes?” Lars asked and you nodded.
Lars smiled and then he and the other guys began walking to the dressing room. To pass the time you grabbed a drink and took a big swig (not because you totally didn’t want to face Kirk or anything) and then set the drink back on the table. You fixed your hair and your skirt and began walking down the hallway to dressing room one.
You knocked on the door and when you heard someone call back “Mhm” you opened the door, only to see just Kirk standing there. “Oh, I thought you were the guys.” Kirk said and you gave him a confused look “I thought you were too…are they not in here?” you asked “No, I thought they were still talking to you.” Kirk said coldly and continued to flip through the magazine he was reading.
You couldn’t handle it. “Did I do something?” You asked and Kirk whipped his head up “No?” he replied “Why do you think you did something?” Kirk asked and followed it up with an awkward laugh “You’ve been avoiding me, I mean - on the bus earlier you were all fine with me and lately, you’ve just been really…cold.” You said. Kirk closed his magazine and set it on his lap “I was drunk on the bus…and those other times I just - I don’t know.” he replied. Your heart began to beat a little faster.
“Kirk - I -“ you tried to start but couldn’t find the words to say what you wanted to. “Y/N.” Kirk said and got up “Close the door.” Kirk said, and after a second of standing there looking at him, you walked in and closed the door behind you. Kirk walked up to you. “Tell me what you want to say…” Kirk said and looked at you, you looked up at him and your brain went foggy - like it had on the bus that afternoon.
“Kirk I just want you to like me.” You finally blurted out. “I do like you!” Kirk responded “No Kirk, I want you to like, like me.” you said quietly. You looked down at your feet “I wanna be yours Kirk.” you said. After a moment of silence, Kirk brought his finger under your chin and pushed up lightly so you were looking at him again. “Y/N, I want nothing more than that too but-“ Kirk began “Then why are you so confusing!” you cried out. “Y/N I’m not trying to be confusing! I like you too I just…is this really what you want to do all the time?” Kirk asked and tilted his head.
“Do what?” you asked “Just hang out backstage and on the bus? I want to do more with you than have you watch me from the side of the stage.” Kirk said and took his hands into yours “Kirk I’m fine with doing that I have been for years! I-“ you started but Kirk cut you off “No Y/N! I don’t want that for you! I want to be with you - but maybe when this whole tour is over we can you know…be together.” Kirk said.
“Kirk…please I want you now! I don’t care if I have to stand on the side of the stage, as long as I’m with you every night I won’t care!” You say and step closer to him. “Touring is not a good time for that, I mean as shitty as it is - you see how James and them are… I don’t want that to be the type of life you live right now it isn’t fair.” Kirk said.
“Kirk…I’m not worried about that. I mean, I just want you Kirk…I need you.” you whine. Kirk places his hands on the side of your arms “Y/N…I want you too but-“ Kirk begins “Then have me, the room is empty.” you quickly say, Kirk looks around.
“Do you really want this?” Kirk asks “Yes Kirk, I want to be yours.” You say and look up at him. Kirk places his hand on the side of your face. “Then I feel like we shouldn’t wait.” Kirk says bringing his face down to yours and placing a soft kiss on your lips.
Beer, that’s the only taste you can make out as he slides his tongue into your mouth. You moan slightly as Kirk brings his hand to the back of your neck and pulls you closer to deepen the kiss. His other hand comes up to your side and begins to lift your shirt and you feel goosebumps begin to rise against your arms.
“Take your shirt off.” Kirk whispers into your ear before beginning to kiss down your neck. You do as he says and Kirk brings his hand up to cup your boob over your bra, and you bring your hand up to the side of his neck. Kirk brings both of his hands down and slides them down your back till he reaches your ass and squeezes, pulling you against his chest. “Kirk..” you whine “I need you to be quiet, I don’t want anyone interrupting us,” Kirk whispers into your ear, and you nod as he returns to your lips.
Kirk's hand slides from your back to in between your legs, and he rubs his finger against your heat. You can feel him smile against your lips, “If I knew you would’ve been this wet for me I would’ve done this a long time ago.” Kirk says, smiling even wider. You look up at him and bite your lip, Kirk stares at your lips for a moment. “Take your skirt off, and whatever you have on under it too,” Kirk says, you waste no time hooking your thumbs on your skirt and pulling it down to your ankles, along with your shorts and underwear, and kicking them all to the side. Kirk brings his hand to the clasp of your bra and unclasps it, letting it fall in front of you.
You bring your hands to the bottom of Kirk’s shirt and start to pull it off, Kirk takes over and fully removes his shirt and throws it off to the side. Kirk looks up at the clock on the wall, “We have ten minutes - let’s not waste it.” Kirk says and grabs your hand, bringing you over to the table along the side of the wall. Kirk lifts you up and places you on the table, placing his hands on the tops of your knees and moving your legs apart.
You bring your hands down to unbutton Kirk’s jeans. Kirk watches as you fumble with his belt, when you finally get the zipper down Kirk pulls his pants down to his ankles and you finally take a chance to notice the tent in his pants, you bring your hand down to rub him through his boxers and Kirk tilts his head back. “I can’t wait any longer Kirk..” you whine and Kirk looks at you and smirks.
He reaches into his boxers and pulls his cock out and pumps it a few times. The tip is a dark pinkish color and leaks pre-cum from the tip. Kirk rubs his tip through your folds a few times, spreading his pre-cum through them before finally lining himself up with your hole and slowly pushing himself in. You gasp at the feeling and you look up at Kirk.
“You okay?” he asks with some worry in his voice, “I’m fine, please Kirk.” you say “It's okay babe, I got you, okay?” Kirk says and places a quick kiss on your lips. Kirk begins to push himself in and out of you slowly, but he can notice the look of wanting more on your face.
Without notice Kirk quickened his pace, causing you to moan out loudly and grab onto his shoulders for support. Kirk grabbed one of your legs and threw it over his shoulder so that he could push himself deeper into you. “Fuck..” Kirk huffed out “Why haven’t I fucked you sooner…” Kirk groaned.
“Kirk, I’m gonna cum!” you yelled “Cum, cum for me.” Kirk said and looked at you. You looked into his eyes for a moment before you felt the coil in your stomach snap - you leaned your head back and moaned loudly as your release came around Kirk. Kirk's mouth opened a little as he pulled out and shortly after released his hot load onto your stomach.
You both breathed heavily. After a moment Kirk grabbed a towel from the table and began to clean your stomach, he looked down and smiled at you, and let out a small laugh.
“What?” you asked him, laughing slightly along with him. “I’m sorry for not treating you how I should’ve.” Kirk said, “Kirk, It’s okay…you didn’t know.” You say “Well I know now…” Kirk says as he finishes cleaning the last bit off of you. “So would you maybe…want to see where this goes?” Kirk asks, you sit up on the table.
“I would love that Kirk,” you reply, a giant smile plastered across your face.
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itsshawtyfellas · 8 months
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I want this man to throw me around like a rag doll and then put me in a headlock while breeds the shit out of me with backshots.
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clem900 · 2 months
Baby Kirky and baby Jasey 🫶✨️
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killerqueenhetfield · 9 months
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Him being born in the fall makes total sense stfu
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heavnlyhetfield · 1 year
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duffsmckagan · 26 days
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Imagine being between these two cuties
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ihugmomo · 8 months
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babymetal + other bands
(they've grown so much 🥺)
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iheartjameshetfield · 10 months
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nuchester · 8 days
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imagine laying in bed with Rob, watching a movie and braiding his hair :( 🩷
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1981whiplash · 6 days
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doubletalkingmaeve · 8 months
I JUST ********
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