#baby galra
chibi-pix · 1 year
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I was thinking of Pidge gaming with her son and this old piece came back to my memory. Man, has he really been around that long? Apparently. But, here we are. Newly drawn, improved posing and style, less stiff and more relaxed. And Pidge holding her baby even closer than just arms above him to game. And he still has his controller to chew on. Gods, I love this.
Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this one! Until next time!
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drawmebabyblue · 1 year
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He can't turn back and he's embarassed 😔
Also I forgot I had a tumblr, I really should move the app to somewhere I can actually see it on my phone 😭 God knows if it's out of sight, its out of mind
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discordiansamba · 7 months
The paladins discussing their favorite TV shows, but Hunk notices Keith's been quiet the entire time. He asks him what his favorite show is, tries to include him but all Keith does is tilt his head.
"I don't watch TV," is what he says.
And they're like. Okay, right. Weird desert hermit. But you must have watched TV as a kid, right?
Keith just squints at them. Not really? His dad had an old TV in his bedroom, but he pretty much used that to watch the news. And he didn't exactly spend that much time watching TV when he was in foster care. He guesses he used to watch nature documentaries with his dad sometimes? Sometimes he would watch old Westerns with Adam?
Pidge: how are you even alive?
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Krolia is very suddenly awoken the sudden pressure of 45 pounds of toddler on her kidney.
“Sorry,” Keith whispers when he sees she’s awake.
“Maybe let’s not stand on my internal organs,” she wheezes, and Keith scrambles off of her sheepishly.
“Sorry,” he repeats when he’s sat safely on her legs. He sticks his thumb in his mouth. “Didn’t mean to, Mama.”
Krolia carefully moves Tex’s arm of her midsection so she can sit up. She places a gentle hand on Keith’s cheek, and he leans into her palm with a sigh.
“What’s wrong, baby? Nightmare?”
Keith nods.
“You wanna sleep here? Or should I tuck you back in?”
He shrugs, but cuts such a nervous look to the door that Krolia can guess which one he really wants. She shifts over a little, making enough space between her and her husband for one little monkey.
“Come here, diallo.”
Keith doesn’t hesitate, diving in the space and curling up immediately. Unfortunately for Tex, their son’s mad dash for the safety between them included a pretty solid (although accidental) kick to the ribs.
“Jesus fu —”
“Language, Tex,” Krolia warns, desperately trying not to laugh. “We’ve got little monkey ears listening in.”
“‘M not a monkey,” Keith protests, giggling.
Tex is still a little wheezey from the assault to his ribs, but manages to smile and tease anyway. “I dunno. Krolia? I think he’s a monkey. What about you?”
Krolia taps a finger to her chin, pretending to think hard. “I think you might be right, Tex. I mean, he’s got his little monkey ears.” As she says it, she reaches forward and playfully tugs on the fluffy purple ears at the top of Keith’s head, that appear when he’s tired or emotional.
Keith bats her hands away. “Nuh-uh! They’re my Galra ears! Not monkey ears!”
Krolia’s grin gets so wide she feels it might split her face.
Her son is so cute.
“I know I’m right,” Tex continues to tease, “because he’s got little monkey paws!” Tex grabs on of Keith’s chubby hands and blows a raspberry on the palms, making him shriek with laughter.
“No, Daddy, no! That tickles!”
Tex continues to tickle the poor boy, until he squirms around enough to grab his father’s face with both hands, holding him still. “Stop, Daddy. You’re making me laugh so much I’m gonna explode.”
“You are the cutest — little — thing,” Tex says, punctuating each word with a kiss on Keith’s cheeks. Keith giggles, but his eyelids are beginning to droop.
“Alright, I think it’s time to tone down the sillies and go to sleep,” Krolia says.
Keith pouts. “But I’m not tired, Mama.”
“Then why are you yawning, baby?”
Keith shrugs. He can barely even keep his eyes open. “It’s awake yawning.”
“Oh, I see,” Tex says softly. “That makes sense.”
Keith makes a little humming sound. “Not tired,” he mumbles, eyes fully closed.
“Of course,” Krolia agrees, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Love you, munchkin.”
Keith’s out before he can respond.
Tex chuckles softly, looking at Keith with more softness than she ever thought capable of him. Not that he’s a rough man by any means (well. Maybe by one or two means, if you check her drift, but she has no problem with that), but to see his jagged edges so smoothed out… Krolia is more and more grateful, every day of her life, that she decided to stay.
“I love that little squirt so much,” Tex says quietly. “I never thought I wanted kids, before. Always seemed like too much to handle. But there’s nothing I wouldn’t handle for him.”
“I know,” Krolia says.
“I hope he knows how much I love him,” Tex continues.
“He does. He knows, Tex. You tell him all the time.”
“I worry,” Tex admits, brushing Keith’s fluffy hair off his forehead. “I can’t explain it. But I’m always worried that I won’t always get to tell him, and that he’ll forget.”
Krolia is familiar with that anxiety. Despite knowing how far away Earth is from everything — truly, in terms of distance, the planet is almost untouchable — there’s always a low thrum of terror in her veins. What if Zarkon discovers a way to track the lions? What then? How will she protect her family? Will she be able to?
“You have to trust him,” Krolia whispers. “We do what we can. We tell him every day, we make sure he’s as safe and loved as he can be. From there —” she shrugs, looking at her husband a little helplessly. “From there, it’s up to the universe what happens. We have to trust that he’ll remember that to us, he’s the most precious thing to exist.”
Tex doesn’t look — comforted by her words, exactly. But he does look calmed.
“I do trust him,” he says.
“Then everything will be fine.”
Krolia can’t promise that, not really. But she knows that she will do everything in her power to keep that promise. And she has to trust that it’s enough.
other part of this au
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sockdooe · 4 months
This might be a controversial opinion… but Keith’s galra representation should be him being a hairless cat than full purple cat.
Like he’s got weird patches of fur on him that are soft (yes hairless cats can still have fur they just grow in patches like chest, chin, legs). He’s really wrinkly especially on his back and face (people think he just has deep eye bags)
On his skin there’s some patches of color that are on his hands and feet as well as his stomach.
Like I do get why people want him to be all fluffy and purple but let that man be a cold chicken.
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thanks for coming to my ted talk :)
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ninjacreature · 5 months
recently ive been rewatching voltron and i decided to go through the tag for keith’s mom and
oh my god it’s misako all over again is this just something that happens everywhere
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im-smart-i-swear · 7 days
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what if galran babies were just kinda semi sentient small sacks of loose sand. like kittens. and swinging em aroud and dangling them and holding them w one hand like a bag of rice was normal
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khaoskrakenart · 8 months
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lilflowerpot · 1 year
Hey quick anatomy question if you have time!! I know galra are mammals so it makes sense that kits are born without teeth or very small teeth so that they can nurse, without causing too much pain to their mothers but do galra lose baby teeth? Or do the teeth they first grow just grow stronger and larger and as their skills grow new teeth grow in the back? What do you think? Question inspired bc a saw one of those pics of toddlers/young kids skulls with the adult teeth growing above the baby teeth that hadn’t fallen out yet!
Thanks for answering questions like these I love the lore and learning about galra it’s so fun and interesting. I remember one of the shows creators saying theyd like to explore the blades of marmora more either through a book or separate series. But since the fandom was so batshit and hostile to the show creators I wouldn’t be surprised if they never want anything to do with this media again which is unfortunate. Finding your fic was like a balm for my curiosity bc I’ve always thought the galra were so interesting and it’s sad we didn’t get to learn more about really any of the aliens, would’ve been real fun I think
Ty hope you are well!
So most mammals are born toothless (due to their initial food source being their mother's milk) and will go forth to have two sets of teeth in their lifetime, the first being their baby—or deciduous—teeth as they wean, and their second their permanent adult teeth as they mature. The galra are no exception to this!
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So yes, galra kitlings are born toothless and remain that way until they're weaned at around 10 imperial decaphobes—that's right, a full decade!—which, if you're in need of a refresher on galra lifespans, is the human equivalent of 2-3 years old. At this age kitlings begin teething, their first set of teeth making a rapid appearance until they have the full set of 20: twelve incisors, four canines, and four carnassials. These deciduous teeth last them far longer than the human equivalent, as galra children don't typically begin to lose them until early adolescence (~40idp) and their permanent replacements might not finish emerging until young adulthood (~70idp). Eventually, however, they'll find themselves with a truly magnificent set of 32 pearly whites—the same quantity as humans, but with an entirely different distribution.
12 / 12 Incisors: these are the sharp, flat, thin-edged teeth at the front of the mouth used for both grooming, and shearing food. Both kits and adults have twelve of these teeth—eight central incisors at the front of the mouth, four on each row, book-ended by four lateral incisors.
4 / 6 Canines: these are the sharp, pointed, sickle-like teeth that sit next to the incisors—the longest of all the teeth and deeply embedded in the jaw bone, they're designed to grasp and tear tough meat. Kits have four of these teeth, while adults have six, and the additional pair are the largest, situated in the upper jaw next to the lateral incisors.
0 / 6 Premolars: these teeth are larger than both incisors and canines, with many ridges to help chew and grind up food, but do not emerge until adolescence.
4 / 4 Carnassials: the largest tooth in the jaw, these teeth are modified pre-molars—elongated like scissor-blades, and specialised for cutting and shearing meat. These are the only type of tooth that humans do not have an equivalent of, with carnassials on Earth being found in the mouths of carnivorous predators such as dogs, cats, hyenas, and bears.
0 / 4 Molars: larger than all but carnassials, these teeth have a flat ridged surface that serves to chew and grind up food. As with premolars, these teeth do not emerge until adolescence.
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galraluver · 2 days
This is the version of this request where I got a little carried away 😅
~ Bogh ~
~ If you were magically turned into a baby
~ Honesty touching a random pouch of magic dust in an antique shop wasn't your best idea, but you did it anyway and got turned into a baby
~ Bogh’s initial reaction would be a mixture of confusion and shock, then when you look up at him he immediately picks you up and holds you protectively
~ He's your significant other while you're an adult, but when you get turned into a baby he naturally takes on the responsibility of taking care of you
~ While the two of you are in a town on a planet he buys some baby supplies for you, then he takes you back to his assigned base
~ He's not used to taking care of babies, although you're super cute and you fit in the palm of his hand
~ Bogh keeps you in his room in the blanket nest on his bed where you're safest, and he takes the rest of the afternoon off from his duties
~ His crew are confused when their commander returns with a baby that suspiciously looks exactly like you, but Bogh only gives them a brief explanation of what happened
~ Human babies cry a lot more than he originally thought and he wasn't sure why until he fed you
~ Human babies are also harder to take care of than he thought, luckily at some point he gets you to take a nap
~ Changing diapers is the hardest part for him because of how large his hands are, and it's a task he doesn't really want to do even though it's necessary
~ Honesty, Bogh loves feeding you because it's calming for both of you
~ Luckily for him your clothes shrunk when you got turned into a baby, so while you're taking a nap he takes a picture of you
~ Bogh definitely takes a few adorable pictures of you while you're a baby bc he thinks you're the most adorable smol bebe in the universe and he wants to remember you being tiny
~ After you return to your normal self he fills you in on what happened and shows you the pictures he took of you while you were a baby
~ He didn't take any pictures you're embarrassed of because he's not that kind of person, so naturally you think the pictures are really cute
~ If Bogh was magically turned into a baby
~ The same happens to him, only it happened by accident
~ One minute your significant other was standing next to you, then the next he turned into a baby and was sitting on the floor
~ You just stood there in shock, gawking at your once fully-grown lover who magically got turned into a baby
~ You're not necessarily used to taking care of babies, and even if you are you’ve never taken care of a galran kit before
~ The shopkeeper snaps you out of your thoughts and explains what happened, so after the explanation you have to take care of Bogh until he turns back to normal the next day
~ Compared to a human baby he's pretty big and he's definitely a chubby little guy, but he's super adorable and he's not too much trouble
~ His base isn't equipped for babies, so you have to go buy whatever supplies you might need (thankfully by some miracle you found the galra version of diapers at a baby supplies store)
~ You don't know the first thing about taking care of a galran kit, luckily one of Bogh’s crewmembers gives you a few pointers
~ Bogh is an adventurous baby and if you're not constantly watching him he tends to crawl away
~ Just like his adult self, he absolutely loves snuggling with you on the bed
~ Loves peek-a-boo and patty cake, so of course you play both with him
~ Feeding, burping and changing him are pretty easy since he's easygoing
~ However, you weren't aware that galra kits can sleep for so long
~ You take a few pictures of baby Bogh when he's napping because you won't ever get to see him as a baby ever again
~ You also recorded a few videos during playtime before he fell asleep
~ The next day comes sooner than you thought it would and Bogh returns to his normal self, and after you tell him what happened he thanks you for taking care of him
~ Ulaz ~
~ If you were magically turned into a baby
~ You and Ulaz were our on a date at a street fair on a planet when you accidentally drank a potion that turned you into a baby
~ Ulaz was stunned at first, but then his instincts would kick in and he would immediately pick you up and cradle you against his chest
~ He would definitely take care of you because you're very special to him, but if you were magically turned into a baby then he would take care of you even more bc you're a tiny infant and technically you're still you
~ However, just because you're temporarily a baby doesn't mean that you don't have a good grip (seriously though, Ulaz is surprised by how strongly you can grip his suit, one of his fingers, ect.)
~ Once you both return to the castle/base he'll definitely remove his chest armor so you can be comfy against his chest
~ This man is very resourceful and will figure out how to make a baby sling to carry you around in
~ He thinks you're the cutest baby in the entire universe while he's taking care if you
~ Ulaz is a doctor, so he's not bothered if he has to change your diaper at any point in time; he won't tell you later about it since he doesn't want adult you to be embarrassed
~ Will let you nap on his chest if you get sleepy and he'll take a nap with you as well
~ The paladins/other Blades are surprised by how well Ulaz takes care of you considering that he's never had kids of his own before
~ You don't cry once while you're a baby because you feel safe with Ulaz
~ Ulaz makes a nest on his bed for the two of you to rest in
~ You love it when he purrs and snuggles with you
~ It takes about a day for you to magically turn back into your normal self and you don't remember a thing
~ Ulaz fills you in on what happened and that he took care of you, which you were grateful for
~ Ulaz can hardly wait for when the two of you have children with each other in the future, he'll be the greatest dad ever
~ If Ulaz was magically turned into a baby
~ The same thing happens, but in reverse
~ You weren't expecting Ulaz to magically get turned into a baby and at first you nearly have a panic attack, but then you quickly realize that Ulaz is a pretty chill baby
~ But only with you, if anyone else tries to hold him he screams
~ Imagine Ulaz as a somewhat chubby baby with an extremely fluffy crest and big round eyes
~ Come to think of it, he's pretty clingy as a baby
~ You have to carry him around in a baby sling pretty much all the time, otherwise he starts crying
~ He's literally the cutest baby in the universe and he doesn't cause any trouble
~ One of the other Blades has to give you instructions on how to feed Ulaz if/when he gets hungry, including how to mix the formula and how warm it needs to be
~ You get to take lots of cute pictures of Ulaz while he's still a baby, especially when he takes a nap
~ You only have to change his diaper once and it's not too bad since the galra version of diapers are more absorbent
~ Ulaz already loves snuggling when he's an adult, but he loves it even more while he's a baby
~ After taking care of lil’ Ulaz for a day you definitely want to have kids with him in the future after he returns to his normal adult self
~ To remember the day, Shiro/Thace takes a picture of you holding Ulaz
~ Your significant other returns to normal the next day and doesn't remember anything, so you show him the picture that Shiro/Thace had taken of the two of you
~ Ulaz is grateful that you were the one who took care of him while he was vulnerable, and he expresses his gratitude by snuggling with you
~ Hepta ~
~ If you were magically turned into a baby
~ While you and Hepta were exploring a planet you saw some kind of fruit growing on a tree, little did you know that it had been enchanted by a sorceress
~ Right after you first bit into the fruit a poof of smoke surrounded you and the next moment you were a baby, luckily your clothes shrunk with you; Hepta had to rub his eyes when he saw that you'd been turned into a baby; he thought that he was just imagining it at first, unfortunately he wasn't
~ He nearly fainted, but he needed to get you away from the grove of trees before the sorceress came back
~ Hepta could hardly believe that you got turned into a baby and he doesn't know what to do because he's never been around babies before, nor has he even taken care of one
~ After calling up Ladnok she gave him a little advice; since she's his older sister she helped their parents take care of him back when he was a baby
~ Honesty, Hepta has to admit that you're pretty cute as a baby, but he has to get some baby supplies so he can take care of you until you turn back to your normal self
~ He prefers to keep you close to him because he's afraid that someone in the crew he's a part of might try to hurt you
~ Poor Hepta panics when you start crying because he doesn't know what you need until he figures out that you're just hungry
~ Loves feeding and burping you bc it makes him feel like a dad taking care of his offspring even though you're not his child, unfortunately he eventually has to change your diaper and nearly faints again
~ Swears to himself that he'll never tell you that he changed your diaper
~ Playtime is a lot of fun even though he only knows how to play peek-a-boo, just getting to hear your cute laugh makes Hepta feel a happiness he's never felt before
~ At some point you both take a nap on his couch with you sleeping on his chest
~ Just to remember the day, Hepta takes a selfie while he's got you in a baby sling
~ After taking care of baby you for a day, he decides that he definitely wants to have kids with you someday after you return to normal
~ The next day when you're back to your normal adult self Hepta tells you most of what happened after you ate the fruit and he shows you the selfie he took
~ Ultimately you're just glad that your significant other took such good care of you while you were a baby for a day
~ If Hepta was magically turned into a baby
~ The two of you were on the same planet in the same grove of trees, but the sorceress had been around and Hepta somehow pissed her off to the point where she magically turned him into a baby for a day as a punishment
~ You wanted to tell your significant other off, but he was a baby and you weren't mean enough to yell at a baby for something he did when he'd been an adult
~ Honestly you're just too shocked that your s/o got turned into a baby to react properly, you just do what you need to do in order to take care of him
~ Hepta's a super cute baby, but if you put him down he screams
~ Either that or he tries to crawl away and get into things he shouldn't
~ Basically, he's a little trouble maker
~ You keep him mostly to yourself, except you call upon his older sister for a little advice and she tells you a couple of embarrassing stories from when Hepta was a baby
~ You have to get some baby supplies so you can take care of your babyfied significant other, including a few cute little outfits
~ You also take lots of pictures
~ At some point Hepta spits up on himself because of an upset tummy because he drank his formula too fast and you have to bathe him
~ Hepta loves water and splashing is ensured
~ Your shirt gets soaked, but he's just so cute that you can't get upset at him; besides, you have plenty of dry shirts you can wear instead of the wet one
~ After Hepta's bath he gets sleepy and by that point it's bedtime anyway
~ The two of you fall asleep on the bed and he won't sleep unless he's laying on top of you
~ The next morning a fully grown Hepta is laying on top of you and after you tell him what happened the previous day and he decides to try not pissing anyone else off
~ Herreh ~
~ If you were magically turned into a baby
~ You and Herreh were simply on an outing on one of the planets in Ladnok's territory enjoying a date at the alien equivalent of a café when you accidentally ordered a potion instead of a regular drink
~ One minute you were sipping your drink, then the next you turned into a baby
~ Herreh was absolutely speechless when he watched you get turned into a baby and even after he got a good look at you he was still speechless, then he realized what happened
~ In all his life he'd never seen anyone get turned into a baby in a magical way before and it took him a while to respond until he saw you staring up at him, and not knowing when you'll return back to normal has him panicking a little
~ Then a protective instinct takes over him and he pays for everything before he takes you back to the cruiser, but on the way he had to buy some baby supplies
~ Before Herreh takes the rest of the day off so he can take care of you he shows you to Ladnok and explains what happened
~ Ladnok understands and gives her lieutenant the rest of the day off
~ Herreh is a gruff older man who's seen a lot during his life, yet taking care of you makes him less gruff
~ When he sees you smile at him while you grip one of his pointer fingers he actually smiles and feels his heart melt
~ This poor man isn't sure how to take care of babies, especially human babies, and you turn out to be more of a handful than he expected
~ If/when you cry he's not sure why or what to do until he figures out what you need
~ He only takes one picture of you while you're napping
~ Herreh isn't exactly crazy about kids, but since you're his significant other when you're an adult and baby you brings out the caring side of him
~ Luckily for him you turn back to your normal self by the next day and he tells you about what happened
~ From then on you would be sure to double check your order whenever you go out to eat somewhere
~ If Herreh was magically turned into a baby
~ Herreh already knows not to order anything suspicious, unfortunately the waiter got his drink order mixed up with someone else's
~ As soon as your significant other turned into a baby you panicked; people don't just turn into babies on a normal basis and you're not sure what to do, all you could do at the time was stare at him with your mouth partially open
~ Herreh's a gruff older man, so seeing him as an adorable baby is extremely shocking
~ After you question the waiter on what happened he felt guilty about what happened and promised you that the effects would wear off by the next day
~ You naturally take care of Herreh since he's normally your lover, although while he's a baby you're his caretaker
~ You're the only person he smiles for and he's a bit clingy as well
~ He's a surprisingly quiet baby except when he's drinking from a bottle of formula
~ Baby galra sleep a lot which means Herreh sleeps for most of the time he's a baby
~ He's also got a head full of fluffy hair and absolutely no scars, it's kind of refreshing seeing your once significant other as an innocent baby
~ You get lots of cute pics while he's napping though
~ Before you know it the next day comes and Herreh is back to his normal gruff self
~ He thanks you for taking care of him during his time of vulnerability and for the first time ever he's actually a little more cheerful than usual
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a-witch-in-endor · 2 years
hi me again!!! just wanted to say that the concept of keith having an extra color cone is SO COOL I LOVE IT
Keith thinking he's colourblind because he sees colour differently is so much fun to me. I think my favourite part of the story is getting to sprinkle in other ways that Keith just isn't quite human.
I'm glad you're enjoying the story!
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chibi-pix · 5 months
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This may or may not have been a WIP for a few months.... Anyway! Some Mama Pidge AU, featuring Krolia being the happiest grandma around. She won't accept Keith's claims of not courting Pidge. She wants Darrell for her grandson and Pidge as her daughter-in-law. Also, apparently Krolia kidnaps Darrell a lot. Oops.
Anyway! I hope y'all enjoy this one! Remember, commissions are open and available on my ko-fi. Until next time!
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saltwife · 1 year
Chapters: 5/? Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lotor/Thace Characters: Thace, Kolivan, Antok, Lotor, Keith, Ulaz Additional Tags: Reunions, Awkward Conversations, Ex-lovers, Blade of Marmora, Whump, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, All the Blades are Alive Because I Said So, Prisoner of War, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Rating May Change, I honestly haven’t decided if this will get smutty or not, Medical Stuff, Drinking, ANGST Chapter Summary: 
In which Thace and Keith are sent to the Naughty Step; and Thace makes bad choices.
FINALLY. After a years long hiatus, I bring you a new chapter. Chapter 5, Beauty and Pride, is now posted! Pick up where we left off, or start from the beginning by clicking the link in the header.
I promise it will be less than 4 years until the next one! (I have an outline and everything!)
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beastking-golion · 1 year
If another voltron is ever made I pray to god they use vld like designs but keep kallura this time plz plz plz plz plz
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swagging-back-to · 1 year
nooooooo this is awful
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iloveboysinred · 5 months
Life with Keith after the war [Domestic fluff hcs]
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pg.13 fluff| Keith Kogane x gn reader
cw; fluff, domestic life, mentions of war
-Okay so after the war against the Galra was won, you and Keith moved back to his house in the desert, opting to live a quiet life in isolation.
-it was peaceful and a stark contrast to the almost constant chaos of whirling around in space.
-you and Keith made some renovations to the home, fixing broken windows, re-storing the paint on the walls, and getting working appliances like a new fridge, a microwave and a bunch of new cups and plates.
-Mornings with him were your favorite, you always woke up before him, turning on some music and cooking breakfast for yourselves, watching the sun finish rising.
-he didn't wake up too long after you, your lack of warmth in bed basically forcing him to get up and look for you.
-He would find you in the kitchen, a cute apron that was much too long for you covering you from the mess of pancake batter all over the counter.
-"Morning Keith" "mmh morning baby. What's cooking?"
-he would come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist, burying his face in the crook of your neck, his sleep laden eyes still not adjusted to the bright morning light shinning through the windows. He made a mental note to get curtains.
-He would hold onto your hips and sway side to side, following the beat of the music playing.
-you guys regularly visited Shiro, almost always taking home Tupperwares of food his husband would cook, never returning them back because Keith kept forgetting them.
-you guys had built a dog house outside for Kosmo, but he would just teleport right back inside, suddenly laying over you and Keith on the bed, wagging his tail like a puppy.
-You guys spent most of the day indoors, watching movies, talking about the future, loving on each other and trying to make up for all the times you couldn't be like this in space.
-Keith had become such a cuddle bug it was ridiculous, his hands were always wrapped around your waist, and he always had to be touching you, sub-consciously or on purpose.
-When you guys would sitting down at the dinning table, his hand would interlink with yours or rest on your thigh.
-you never went to bed before chit chatting about your day, exchanging I love yous and snuggling up under the covers.
-on the nights that you did stay up together, you and him would sit outside and stargaze, or stay in and watch scary movies with all types of sugary junk food, as if you guys were still teenagers.
-you regularly de-tangled and kept up with Keith's hair, it was so healthy and shiny.
-whenever Krolia visited you would all catch up, her sharing with you her earliest memories of baby Keith.
-he would blush and cross his arms, growing more and more embarrassed at every story. Your giggling not making it any better.
-after about a year and a half, Keith asked you to marry him. Much to Krolia's delight.
-you decided to have a small wedding, Keith not being the big flashy party type of man.
-You invited all the former paladins, as well as Ulaz and Krolia, everyone making sure to show up and celebrate your special day.
-you were over the moon once your vows were said and you were officially married, yanking Keith onto you and pressing a kiss to his lips, everyone cheering behind you and clapping.
-after the wedding, you guys laid in bed, just admiring each other, loving kisses exchanged between the both of you.
-from then on Keith just called you by your shared last name most of the time.
-"good morning, Mr/s Kogane"
-made it a point to let everyone know you were his spouse.
-he was such a sap, having multiple framed pictures of your wedding all over the house.
-Eventually the conversation of children came up, deciding when the time came you would adopt, wanting to give a child a family, just as Shiro did to Keith.
-Keith splurged as much as he could for the new addition to the family, buying clothes, food, toiletries, everything.
-he filled what used to be his room in the house with kid stuff.
-Shiro would frequently come over during this time, brining handbooks on parenting, offering useful advice on how to make the child feel at home and comfortable.
-When your new son came home you and Keith were over the moon, low-key freaking the little boy out with your enthusiasm.
-got a regular dog for him, scared Kosmo would teleport him to god knows where.
-it took a while, but he ended up warning up to you and Keith, you guys were a proper family.
-you and Keith grew old and grey.
-you would still hold hands on the porch, sitting side by side as the days would go by, but your love never ceased.
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