#baby ditto
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ohnoitsrhenna · 1 year ago
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oh to be a little baby in a laundry basket full of socks
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gooberscollage · 10 months ago
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Collage…onge…ople …
Edit: Omg whoops forgot to thank @oceantoyz and @plusie !
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s4tvrnsays · 15 days ago
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Dittodrien confirmed???!?!?
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sambadeamigosgato · 7 months ago
Little guy...he's my son....
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They really hated him in that episode for some reason. Him and all of his clones were just being overloaded with things.
Poor little baby..
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electraslight · 2 years ago
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ive been rlly proud of my art lately :3 i am having so much fun making art and so much fun talking abt ben 10 w other people
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mewmewbakery151 · 5 months ago
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Happy Halloween 2024
BB is going as Blush / Mew!
Artist: @suraelis
Challenge: Mew New Friends
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dittolicous · 6 months ago
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god... look how much cuter they are then those sparkly bug eyed monstrosities...
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phamjeans · 1 year ago
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minji who is moved by love stories
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breadbuggenius · 9 months ago
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(Drawn in 2019) Media I was excited for in 2019...I have no idea why I felt the need to deep fry so much of my art back then, haha.
I actually still need to play Crafted World...Difficulties managing disabilities (especially OCD) has gave me quite the Switch backlog đź’€
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ditto-dex · 2 years ago
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#0795: Pheromosa
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textless · 2 years ago
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I’m not actually back yet - still wading through photos - but I’ll leave this here. 
Other people's dreams are mostly boring, and it's fine to look at the oldish photo and move on. 
I've had a couple of extra-vivid dream images stick with me after waking up lately.  I used to have horrible nightmares when I was younger, and mostly don't anymore, but sometimes I still have dreams that feel realer than life. 
Both of these have to do with travel, and aren't bad at all, just weirdly specific.
In the first, I had checked in to a hotel by myself, and found detailed instructions in the room about how to call down to the desk if needed.  Like, a script:
Hello, my name is JANET ANDERSON, in Room 602, and I would like MORE TOWELS, please.
That seemed a little odd, but the striking thing was that the instructions were on ditto paper, which is similar to carbon paper.  I haven't seen or touched a copy like that since grade school, but the very particular feel of it was instantly recognizable, thin and slightly shiny.  I folded it up and put it in my pocket with needless stealth.
This morning, I dreamt that I was on a trip and getting ready to leave in a rush.  I had a pile of luggage, and when I moved the bags it turned out I had an adorable little dog that I had completely forgotten about.  He was under the luggage but fine.  In fact, he was sound asleep.
He was a small light-brown dog with curly fur, and he was dreaming and talking in his sleep.  It didn't seem especially strange that he was talking, but I was struck by what he said.  He was moving his paws the way dogs sometimes do when they dream, and saying, "Mama leg, baby leg.  Mama leg, baby leg."
Then I woke up, thinking "Mama leg, baby leg," which doesn't have any special meaning for me but is a memorable phrase.
Happy Sunday, and have you had any unusual dreams lately?
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iamamythologicalcreature · 2 years ago
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I'm-Not-Going-To-Count-These-Sentences Sunday
Thank you @aroace-genderfluid-sheep and @hushed-chorus for the tags! (Guess what hushed-chorus I did that thing we talked about.) Also thank you to everyone who has tagged me on other WIP-days! I really appreciate it <3
So... I'm not counting sentences this time. I write long sentences, and I make rabid use of sentence-extending punctuation. And I have this thing about posting excerpts that are semi-contained in some way. Plus it's going to take me forever to get this fic posted, so I gotta give ya'll something. THUSLY: Here have a bunch of words.
(I really should have pinned my bi-weekly updates on Wednesday, but OH WELL.)
Context: Baz POV, with Agatha in the chapel after midnight, being 17 year olds. Simon is out of the picture after Baz kinda sorta stole his voice with a tape recorder in fifth year.
“I never thanked you for saving me,” she said, with just a little too much effort at nonchalance. “You did, actually,” I said, not slowing, or sparing her so much as a glance. “You might recall how you resembled a hypothermic beached mermaid? You were quite free with your gratitude once you caught your breath. It was all very melodramatic.” There was a brief pause - possibly an attempt to work out whether my description of her was complimentary or not. Either way, it didn’t deter her. “I never got to thank you the way I wanted to,” she said, a hint of a whine working its way past her shoddily built facade. I didn’t answer right away as I fought down a sudden surge of irritation, one that threatened to trigger my more destructive tendencies - self-destructive, perhaps, but not exclusively so. The only thing worse than being considered a villain was being cast as a tragic hero - someone only misunderstood, just waiting to be saved. “Basil—“ she began, apparently ready to try something else. I stopped short, forcing her to halt both her forward movement and that regrettable demonstration of poor judgment. We were at the entrance to the chapel, now, and it was easy to crowd her against the cold statuary. “How exactly did you want to thank me, then, Wellbelove?”
Later it's entirely likely these two are going to put special effort into trying to forget any of this ever happened, because teenage mistakes are brilliant like that. You're welcome, Bazatha.
Also, super stoked to be working on a couple @caught-on-tape-fest podfics as well as cowriting with @ileadacharmedlife for the @carryon-reverse-bang. Wheeeee I can totally do this all! >.>
Tags/Hellos under the cut! (BTW regarding tags - I'm often unable to browse tumblr, so if you've posted something creative Sunday/Wednesday/for the hell of it, please feel free to tag me so I see it!)
Thanks for the tags over the past couple weeks @aristocratic-otter, @whatevertheweather, @brilla-brilla-estrellita, @ileadacharmedlife, @prettygoododds, @cutestkilla, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @tender-ministrations, @ic3-que3n, @artsyunderstudy, @youarenevertooold, @ivelovedhimthroughworse - I love love love seeing what everyone is up to! (Sorry if I missed anyone - apparently tags don't always work? Sigh.)
Tags and hellos also to @fatalfangirl, @katmiscellanious, @shrekgogurt, @rimeswithpurple, @alleycat0306, @ebbpettier, @supercutedinosaurs, @nightimedreamersworld, @thewholelemon, @theearlgreymage, @bubble-gumhead, @raenestee, @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists (thanks for the extra notes XD), @ionlydrinkhotwater, @erzbethluna... And anyone else who wants tags, please let me know! Or just tag me! I love them.
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saoirsethesiamese · 2 years ago
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Her name is Ditto and she’s melty
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eatcrayonsalways-art · 4 months ago
Pt. 4 [sketches 2]
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(For context R.N. [shown in the last picture] is an insomnia creature I made and forgot to post to tumblr about a year ago {similar to autims and ADHD creatures TBH and IDK} but forgot due to ✨procrastination✨)
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a-fucking-nerd · 4 months ago
Shenanigans from session 1
When Wren left for this quest he could have never expected the colorful cast of characters he’s seemingly run into. They’re all… something that's for sure.
As they enter the bakery Wren can’t help but smile. A fellow dragon tamer, isn’t that a lovely surprise. He finds himself content discussing all the bits and bobs that come with a dragon companion. (Dottie and Ditto have destroyed more things than he can count) Content to ignore the chaos his -friends(?), acquaintances(?), companions(?), he’ll figure it out eventually- are participating in. Wren’s face freezes in the pleasant smile he had, mouth half open, words stolen from him, as he registers what Cortin just said. 
“Have you always been so hot, Kobold?” 
A love potion. A FUCKING LOVE POTION- Mother of all that is holy he doesn’t even remember my name. Looking over, Wren watches as Cortin awkwardly leans against the counter. God this hurts to watch. Smile tight, he takes a step back as the taller man starts leaning much too close for comfort. Wren cannot tell if it's the love potion or just genuine clumsiness on Cortin’s part that causes the man to fall to the floor. Snapping his fingers Dottie and Ditto obediently move where Wren points both heads moving around as they continue to take in the smells and sights of the bakery. Now with an extra buffer between them Wren feels much less like he’s about to be grabbed up, though the intense staring never seems to give.
“So… sludge person or ooze person?”
Wren stares baffled.
What kind of question is that!?
“That’s fine with me. Though with that in mind you might want to avoid my pet ooze!” Cortin responds.
Cortin holds out his Jar and Wren stares as the thing waves at him. His smile loosens a small bit as he gives the man a nod. “It’s definitely interesting.” He says voice still tight.
“Thank you.” Cortin preens at the compliment content to go back to just staring as he stores his ooze away once more.
The embarrassment Wren sees shroud Cortin afterwards is almost worth the emotional damage he got from the bakers parting words… almost.
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mewmewbakery151 · 4 months ago
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BB runs into a Mew?
BB is a new trainer of the Terrasta Region. They're pretending to be human but they're actually a mew! Rotom is a bit confused why a Mew is trying to catch a Houndour.
Artist: @suraelis
Challenge: Mew New Friends
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