#babs joins the vigilante business and then starts her own Gotham based vigilante group which gives her more power
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weirdo-from-bonesborough · 9 months ago
I was explaining to my sister Stephanie’s history, like how she started out as Spoiler and then she took over as Robin for her boyfriend, and then she became Batgirl, and my sister said, “Oh, like an MLM?”
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currentfandomkick · 5 years ago
thank @stareyedmoonchild and their post  Mid Day Thoughts for the quick fic
It started out as a joke in class--since she managed a collection around the Chinese new year and all the known miraculous (courtesy of Alya asking Ladybug and Chat in an interview), for their Gotham trip it was a challenge to do an outfit for each member of batfam the students could identify.
as it stood, she had a list of the following: Robin, Red Robin, Batgirl, and Batman. They decided Nightwing was more of a general hero since he kept jumping cities, while the others were deemed “uncertain’’. The Sirens.were a toss up, Red Hood was deemed a murdering vigilante and the others were only whispers on the internet. 
Marinette would have done one for what must have been a Batman inspired hero going by Black Black in China, but her challenge was Gotham-active only.
Day one was Robin day. She had done her research and combined what she liked and altered it to her taste while still being distinctly ‘Robin’. First layer was a black thermal. Next was a short sleeveless  red cheongasm with detailing to mimic the current Robin’s tunic, with the signature R in its usual place. Next was the cape, gold interior with an iridescent black exterior that fluttered past her waist, with a quick release just in case, all with a hood attached because it does get cold in Gotham.. Lastly thick dark green tights and a pair of green tinted black boots completed the look for her first day in Gotham. 
The class did ooo and ah over the end result, until Lila called it cosplay. 
Ignoring the challenge was issued by the head of the school’s fashion program.
She was not expecting to get grabbed by Riddler and Two-Face during lunch. Or for pair to broadcast it to Gotham.
“Batman, if you want your Robin back, come and get her!”
Riddler was issuing his clues while Two-face and his goons kept watch over her.
She could feel Tikki shaking in her hood, but couldn’t talk back without getting unwanted attention.
Bruce didn’t know what to do with the broadcast. He didn’t have another Robin? Damian was the only one that wanted the mantel.
That didn’t stop his family from running into his office with various levels of confused and betrayed faces.
“Master Bruce, it would be wise to cease the surprise adoptions and tell us when new family members have been acquired.”
“Damnit Bruce! You can’t help yourself when it comes to blue eyed raven haired children! Stop fucking up their lives!”
“B, what the hell.”
Bruce pinched his forehead.
“Father I will not stand to be replaced!”
That did it. the room was silent at the now fifteen year old Damian’s accusation.
“I haven’t adopted anyone.”
“Yet” grumbled Jason, watching the feed over Tim’s shoulder.
“Say, do  you go by Robinette?” one of the goon was heard asking.
The girl scrunched up her nose at that. “qu'est-ce qui ne va pas avec les américans? je ne suis pas un "Robin" ou l'un de vos héros.” (What is wrong with Americans? I am not a "Robin" or one of your heroes."
Tim rubbed his head. “She’s a foreigner.”
“Leave in 5,  Babs and Tim watch the feed.”
That settled the group, for the most part. until the girl said something very long that caused TIm to start wheezing.
“"Bien que vous ayez le même QI collectif que mes camarades de classe. Ce qui n'est qu'impressionnant dans le fait que le bambin moyen a plus de sens qu'eux lors d'une bonne journée."  * ( Though you do have the same collective IQ as my classmates. Which is only impressive in the fact that the average toddler has more sense than them on a good day.)
“She just dragged her class and her captors!”
the group paused at that. Bruce decided he’d look into it after the girl was out of harm’s way.
“Can we please just save the poor girl, She must be terrified.”
“Don’t think so. She just told Riddler ‘i have seen better color coordination from baby August, whoever that is, than from this poor excuse for grown men’ Are we sure we’re not getting a new sister?”
“I will begin preparing the room Master Bruce will inevitably request.”
Marinette rolled her eyes as the ‘batfam’ entered and Riddler and Two-face turned between her and Robin.
“Batman, I think you might have a case of Serial Adopter worse Bruce Wayne.”
That caused Red Hood to cackle. 
It distracted the man holding her just enough for her to get out of his grip a kick the man in the face. here
The room froze as they saw Marinette huff, turn to face Two-Face and grabbed the gun from his hand and threw it elsewhere. “Si tu vas me battre ce ne sera pas avec ça!”
“Uh, Red Robin, translate.”
“ ‘If you are going to fight me, it won’t be with’ that.”
They watched  during their own battles as the girl then threw Two-Face over her shoulder like it was nothing. 
“Father, I change my mind, she may join us.”
The girl looked over at that and raised an eyebrow. “J'ai une vie.” (I do have a life.) she took down another goon as she said, “mais merci pour l'offre.” (but thank you for the offer). The girl wiped her hands as she said “Mais Paris est ma maison, et quelqu'un doit aider avec le problème d'akuma.” (But paris is my home, and someone has to help with the akuma problem.)
Damian walked over to her, offering his hand. “Robin. Why are you dressed like me?”
“Marinette. Je dessine, et on m'a dit de faire des tenues pour les héros gotham choisis par mes camarades de classe.”  Marinette shrugged then gestured to her outfit. " Celui-ci était pour ta journée.”
“Hey, Replacement, translate.”
“She designs, had to make outfits inspired by us.”
“Non, choisis par mes camarades de classe. Sinon, j'aurais dû concevoir pour chaque membre du batfam et Sirens"”
“My mistake, her classmates chose who. apparently she’d have siren designs and one for each of us otherwise---speaking of, who did you design for, out of curiosity?”
Red Hood tried to move closer to her then, suddenly seeing into her hood. “Oh my--MDC!”
Marinette raised an eyebrow. “Oui.” 
Red Robin began.... hyperventilating? She wasn’t sure. 
Nightwing was swearing then, something about a bet--her English was good but not enough for fast mumbling.
Robin rolled his eyes. “I apologize for my father’s other partners. Now, you said something about an akuma problem....”
the rest of the night was spent with Marinette talking to the Gotham Police about the incident, with Robin staying close to her to translate as Red Robin was too busy acting like her over Jagged Stone before she met him.
“est-il toujours comme ça?“ Marinette pointed to Red Robin, who had yet to calm down from the earlier revelation.
“No, he’s usually a professional zombie.”
Marinette laughed at that. Somehow Robin ended up escorting her back to the hotel.
“Girl, we were so worried!” Alya hugged her. “You shouldn’t go off on your own just because you’re jealous that Lila’s dating Damian Wayne and you can’t even confess to Adrien without something going wrong, or him dating someone else or--” Alya then noticed Robin, right there and still hadn’t given her the time to point out she and Adrien were friends now or that Lila lied to get her expelled once and that she didn’t go off on her own, Bustier didn’t do a head check before leaving the coffee shop. “Can i get a picture!”
Robin was glaring... she didn’t know why though. “No. I hope you don’t get caught up in anything else during your stay here Marinette.” with that he left.
Marinette rubbed her temples, eventually making her way to her room.
Later Damian would snap at his brothers about Marinette not being his girlfriend or dreaded crush, and that she already has someone she likes and can they please focus on the akuma problem the girl mentioned?
Marinette tuned out Lila as she gushed about dating ‘Damiboo’ while Adrien thanked her for not causing a scene despite wanting to with his eyes on their way to their next destination. Only because she wanted a peaceful day.
During their hour of the Wayne Gardens Poison Ivy--one of the Sirens--walked over to her.
“So do I get an outfit too?”
Marinette sighed, twirling slighting in the batgirl outfit. “Outvoted on that one. If you feel any better, only the Robins, Batgirl and Batman were deemed real and heroes.”
Ivy hummed at that, watching Marinette work out a design. “But if i did, this I think a formal dress like this is what iId do.” 
the dress used Ivy’s old plant bustier as the base for a ballgown’s bust. The bustier on it was black with various shades of green vines and leaf patterns embroidered onto it. the skirt was an explosion of various plants and flowers found in the Wayne Garden.
Ivy smiled, walked off and sent out a tweet. 
Gotham, I elect we keep #notRobinette. If Batman won’t train her, I will.
It was later in the day that Marinette and her class would find out the #notRobinette tag was not only trending, but that there was now a twitter war between the Sirens and the entire Batfam for custody of Marinette.
Lila glared at her for it. 
A day later Lila was apparently sent a cease and desist from Wayne Industries and a warning that if she continued lying about the Waynes, she would be sued. 
Apparently Robin mentioned what Lila was saying to Batman, who is known to be the Wayne’s savior, and probably told them.
Marinette says probably as Damian appeared with Dick Grayson-Wayne to deliver them, and noted his measurements were awfully similar to Robin’s... and he was glaring at Lila identically to how Robin had glared Alya.
Before the pair left, Dick asked if his family could commission her, and if she could come in the Batman outfit for that one, please?
Alya answered for her. “She’d love to, right, Marinette!”
Somehow Adrien weaseled his way into coming with her--”For protection. And to stop you from getting adopted--there’s already two groups after m’lady, I can’t bear the thought of them taking you away from us all!”
“No kitty, “ Marinette booped him on the nose. “You can’t stand being stuck with Liar Rossi, your father and facing Hawkmoth without my baking.”
“And creative commentary on their outfits.”
“Hawkmoth is a terrorist and can’t handle even basic designs. He will rue the day he akumatized Nino, almost killed the adult population AND forced us all to witness that atrocity that was Bubbler’s outfit.”
The limo driver, Alfred, raised an eyebrow at that comment.
“Okay, that one was bad. Still want to know what he’d put you in though.”
“And if only for that reason, i refuse to be akumatized. Lila can try, but she is not going to get me there again.”
“uh, confessions later, work now?”
“Another time Chaton.”
Somehow the Waynes were easy for her to handle... Once Bruce was not staring at her like she was a ghost  and the howling clan that made up his kids (oddly the same number as the extended Batfam... and many with similar measurements to).
Except for Damian who was not answering her questions for his suit.
Instead he was glaring at Adrien, who was destroying Tim at a fighter game in her stead while asking “Why is he here?”
“Kitty, care to explain yourself!”
That had the room looking at the pair. 
“What did i do this time?”
“Follow me to work.”
“I am not letting you end up in a three-way adoption war in Gotham. When we’re in Paris its my job to deal with  being the fouht-over adoptee with yours and Nino’s families, and the Couffaines, and yours to watch father and Audrey and Aunt Amele argue over who discovered you while we sneak off to check up on how Kagami’s holding up.”
That had the room stare at them.
“There you have it, my best friend is convinced if he lets me out of his sight, one of the hero groups will kidnap me this time.”
“To be fair, it isn’t your first time being kidnapped, its just, not Paris so its worse.”
“Not your first time being kidnapped!” Dick yelled
The pair shurgged. “Akumas.”
“I’m pretty sure that Evillustrator started the kidnapping trend.”
“Does it count when its a date and I’m tricking him to get his akumatized object?”
“I think so, but Sabrina’s better on legal things like that.”
The Wanyes exchanged a look. 
“Plus, you get damseled more than me. especially is Lila’s involved.”
“We do not speak the devil’s name, it summons her.”
“We’re not in Paris, whatever magic side effects of  working with Hawkmoth isn’t around Chaton.”
When the Waynes (eventually) were caught up on the conversation, Bruce and the others exchanged a look.
They were adopting both of them. And the pair were definately the Ladybug and Chat Noir.
Dick patted Damian’s back when they left. “First heartbreak is the worst.”
Damian punched him.
Robin visited Marinette before the class left. 
“I was told to inform you i will be in Paris to assist your heroes. Please inform them however you communicate with them.”
Marinette nodded. She texted Adrien what happened, unaware they confirmed the batfam’s suspicions.
In Paris Robin was shocked to learn that Chat Noir was dating Ryuko, and that Ladybug set them up as civilians. He also learned that Ladybug and Marinette saw Adrein and Chat as a little brother.
And Chat and Adiren may have told both Robin and Damian that if they hurt Ladybug or Marinette, he would disappear.
It didn’t stop him from asking her out, or her from saying yes.
And it definately didn’t stop Alfred from telling Bruce that he cannot adopt her as Damian is handling her joining the family (over Dick’s cheers, Jason’s taunts and Tim and the girl’s teasing while Duke whispered “since when can he have a crush? i thought he said those were distractions.’)
Years later Damian did propose. In front of where they first met as Robin and #notRobinette.
Hope you enjoyed!
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