#babey gorl I love you
majimasleftasscheek · 2 years
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when you're haunted by a big titty demon that wants you to bite people 👹
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kingdomoftyto · 1 year
I just want to know whose absolutely baffling idea it was to have Trucy refer to Phoenix as "Daddy" when the word "Papa" is LITERALLY spelled out across his damn head in bright pink letters for the entire game
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shreksstepfather · 2 years
how about gaia for the ask game? :D they're probably my favorite oc of yours :) (i just think theyre neat)
Best sad gorl!
Full Name: Gaia!!
Gender and Sexuality: Cisgender lesbian :)
Pronouns: She/her
Ethnicity/Species: Bunnyyyyyyyyy!
Birthplace and Birthdate: Seeing as they're littermates, the same as Pontus (unknown location, but her birthday is April 28th!)
Guilty Pleasures: Gaia used to collect mouse bones, but nowadays she doesn't really have time to do much. I imagine she likes to wander through the woods and enjoy the quiet sometimes.
Phobias: Being unloved or useless :(
What They Would Be Famous For: She'd for SURE be a wrestler, no doubt in my mind.
What They Would Get Arrested For: Probably getting framed for murder by Pontus. Cough cough.
OC You Ship Them With: Gaia has a crush on Pop (another Protector)! We just don't see it much because the comic is from Pontus' perspective, and she could care less about what her sisters are up to.
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Rowan seems a bit unstable. Very concerning.
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: She'd definitely be a horror fan! She'd curl up with a cup of hot cocoa and read away for hours. I think what we're learning from all this is that Gaia wants to do anything EXCEPT be a Protector.
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Gaia would be especially opposed to the "bury your gays" and "women in refrigerators" tropes. She'd tell Pluto whenever a book she's reading has one.
Talents and/or Powers: She's pretty good at fighting, but compared to the other (much more skilled) Protectors, she looks like a joke. Pop isn't even that much older than her (probably a couple months) and yet she's STILL able to beat her every time.
Why Someone Might Love Them: Gaia is loyal, an underdog, constantly tired, purehearted, and forced into a harsh role that she never wanted part in. So basically the opposite of Pontus, which automatically makes her awesome in my book!
Why Someone Might Hate Them: Inconsistent characterization for Gaia has been a big problem in the planning process and I think that shows in the comics. I still don't know how to describe her, but I think the traits listed above are a good start. Any help would be appreciated!
How They Change: Gaia's already gone from a dorky, happy-go-lucky kit to a tired, serious Protector, which just goes to show how much that type of training harms young kits psychologically.
Why You Love Them: She babey :)
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strangefellows · 2 years
oh if you want servants specifically though then Karna, Da Vinci, Tristan, David, Mordred, Ushiwakamaru, Jeanne (all flavors), Diarmuid, Nursery Rhyme, Frankenstein, and Mandricardo
First impression
Karna: Oh! More Indian servants! He's pretty.
Tristan: Oh, Tristan and Isolde guy, I know him-- wait what the fuck (spoken bc Camelot)
Mordred: I....I love....what a design....what a personality....
Ushiwakamaru: After having flashbacks to Shishiwakamaru in YYH, I was like oh...horse girl!
Jeanne: Oh! Joan of Arc, hello girl you're pretty!
Diarmuid: Oh another Irish hero? Who are you? [looks him up] ...oh your poor bastard.
Frankenstein: Oh, gorl? OH, CUTE.
Mandricardo: Who is this sad lump of self-deprecation and why is he our friend, also what the fuck is Orlando Furioso?
Impression now
Karna: I kinda love him? He's a delight and so off kilter sometimes it's sweet, he's so sincere too, what a guy.
Da Vinci: Literally the best wine aunt a protagonist could have, I miss her, but also babyvinci is adorable.
Tristan: What a moron (affectionate). He's cute, though, I love his hair, what pretty hair.
David: LMAO TWINKLORD, but also boyyyy are you okay buddy? How's it been since Temple, you good?
Jeanne: She's...pretty! And can be funny! I don't have too many strong opinions about Ruler Jeanne but I'm sure when I finish Apocrypha I'll have more.
Diarmuid: Oh, you poor sweet bastard, you deserved so much better. I like Cu better in regards to Irish Lancers, but this poor man needs a vacation. I like him.
Nursery Rhyme: BABEY X100, precious angel, darling girl.
Frankenstein: DAUGHTER!!! Tho again, need to finish Apocrypha, but as I do know Caules from Case Files, I'm glad he's her Master, he's a good kid.
Favorite moment
Karna: Him and Jinako's interactions, always. Him and Jinako in LB4. Him vs Godjuna in LB4. Him being an absolute dingus in events, what a sweet no braincells boy.
Da Vinci: Probably her dramatics in Camelot, but also she's just really great in general, what a gal.
Tristan: His fight with Barghest in the beginning of LB6 was absolutely fucking gold, that was the coolest goddamn shit.
David: Specifically his ultra hardcore amazing finale/death scene in the Turas Realta manga Okeanos chapter, good god.
Mordred: So far, his part in LB3 was absolutely incredible and I just love him in general, but I think what's coming when I finish Apocrypha is going to blow all of it out of the water easily.
Ushiwakamaru: Her confrontation with Gorgon in Babylonia, specifically the anime version where it adds the little nursery rhyme Ritsuka taught her as she goes down and it made me sob like a little girl, but also the scene where Ritsuka tells her about the rhyme in the first place, that just struck me into my SOUL.
Jeanne: Again, I'll have smth definitive in Apocrypha, but right now her big damn heroes in Temple made me cry.
Jalter: Everything??? But no, her antics in Shinjuku were absolutely delightful, as was everything about the Serva*Fes Hawaii event even if I didn't manage to finish it bc it was my first event in the game.
Diarmuid: His helping Team Artoria against Gilles was really good in Zero, but oof ow ouch as well.
Nursery Rhyme: Her entire storyline in Extra destroyed me.
Frankenstein: Another "get back to me after Apocrypha", unfortunately, she's not very in focus in FGO.
Idea for a story
Karna: Listen the Mahabharata completely on its own sounds absolutely fucking insane I want to know more about Fate's version of eents.
Da Vinci: Da Vinci talk to me about your life talk to me about the Borgias, I'm going to throw the Ezio AC Trilogy at your head until you tell me your version of all of that stuff.
Tristan: Again, my kingdom for KOTR back when they were alive shenanigans, what was that fucking castle LIKE.
Mordred: See Tristan's entry, but also just...I want to explore his relationship with his siblings more, Gawain and Gareth etc.
Ushiwakamaru: We've pretty well explored her backstory, so let's have some fun Chaldea shenanigans!
Jeanne: I don't have very many ideas here >>
Jalter: I want her to interact with more Servants, I want her to interact with the other Avengers, I want her to interact with everyone, I love her lots.
Nursery Rhyme: Her dialogues for other people + other people's at her is so fascinating, I want to see what she gets up to daily in Chaldea. Also an Alice in Wonderland pastiche with other Servants as the characters would be fucking rad.
Frankenstein: Let this girl TALK for five minutes please. Let her have a chance to be more like the monster in the book and vocalize her trauma and desires beyond grunts and noises.
Mandricardo: Just good times with our friend, please. Though he deserves to talk to the Paladins and have a crisis or three.
Unpopular opinion
Karna: I don't have enough opinions ON him XD
Da Vinci: IDK man I just love her a lot. ARE there unpopular opinions?
Tristan: Little bitch boy (affectionate) but IDK again I don't know FGO fandom as well.
David: I do feel sorry for him given the Son situation but also I'm going to toss him off a cliff for his shit in Okeanos.
Ushiwakamaru: I like her normal outfit just fine, though I also like the edited less revealing ones too. She looks fine yall.
Jeanne: ....she's kinda boring, sorry XDDDD
Jalter: I like her more as a tsundere weirdo friend of ours than I did as the EVIL ANGRY VILLAIN in Orleans
Diarmuid: None here! He's a good boy. OH WAIT I don't think his comedy duo shenanigans with Fionn are funny, Fionn needs to leave him alone.
Nursery Rhyme: shrug emoji
Frankenstein: uhhhhhhhh
Mandricardo: nope!
Favorite relationship
Karna: Him and Jinako fucks me up so hard, I'm so glad she has Karna.
Da Vinci: Da Vinci and Roman were adorable, wine aunt and neurotic dad. I also love her relationships with Gordy and Sherlock.
Tristan: The KOTR Idiot Trio is delightful. Look at these idiots, no braincells, all stupid, what a bunch of dorks.
David: I love me some complicated father/son relationships!
Mordred: See above lmfao. Artoria and Mordred Good, but also OH MY GOD HIM AND KAIRI ????? KAIRI DAD MODE?????
Ushiwakamaru: Her and Benkei is sweet NGL.
Jeanne: So far in Apocrypha her and Sieg are cute friends.
Jalter: Jalter and Salter should kiss.
Diarmuid: His mutual respectful admiration with Artoria makes me smile every time, not gonna lie.
Nursery Rhyme: Her and Alice, I WEEP. But her and the other littles in Chaldea are always precious.
Frankenstein: Her and Caules, her and Mordred.
Mandricardo: MY FRIEND MY FRIEND MY FRIEND [yells] but also GOD I want to see him interact with Roland and the other Paladins.
Favorite headcanon
Karna: I don't have any real headcanons for him...Jinako taught him to play very simple video games. He likes Candy Crush.
Da Vinci: Well she's obviously transfemme. But like, it's not even a headcanon so much, she was SO probably fucking half of Florence way back when.
Tristan: Not sure about headcanons! But he's definitely somehow the sluttiest of the KOTR Idiot Trio.
David: Local man cries in his room for an hour after Temple. Local man also possibly has a physical fight with Ozy on religious grounds at some point too. I saw him fucking roast Ozy in a fic once and it was glorious.
Mordred: He's 100% transmasc and only uses she/her still because he doesn't quite get he can just....not use those anymore. He and Caenis bond over similar situations. He has a little scar on his face.
Ushiwakamaru: Not entirely ABOUT her, but for my Fujimaru, she told Ushiwaka her late little brother used to love her and sing that rhyme, and that bit from the anime def happened.
Jeanne: I don't really have many?
Jalter: She and my Fujimaru fucked at least once, after Shinjuku. She has burn scars all over her body.
Diarmuid: Poor boy might actually be a very repressed gay, or at least very very asexual. Save him.
Nursery Rhyme: The entirety of Chaldea unanimously loves her, and she's a comfort to the human staff sometimes, who she visits and sits with to help them get some mental relief sometimes.
Frankenstein: One of the less shy staff members is teaching her and anyone who wants to learn ASL! Yay, ease of communication!
Mandricardo: Man's a Saracen he's darker than the game makes him look. You wouldn't know it to look at him but he can hold his liquor extremely well and can drink most people under the table.
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cynamonowo · 5 months
kaname date, do-yoon han, yusuke kitagawa, yukari takeba
sparrow i love you so fucking much Let's Go!!!!
sexuality headcanon:
he's bi as fuck bitch!!! this man sucks pussy and eats cock and that's so Rad of him
gender headcanon:
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a ship i have with said character:
date/hitomi Wins. they're so married And so divorced. and she's calling him babygirl
a brotp i have with said character:
date & mizuki will always make me sob uncontrollably they're so family... It Has To Be You Date
a notp i have with said character:
date/ryuki 🤢🤢 the less said about it the better
a random headcanon:
after aini he celebrates all his six missed birthdays on one day & pouts when mizuki only gives him one gift (she makes it up to him by punching him five times)
general opinion over said character:
That's My Dad but also That's My Wife and That's My Gender. sir i want to chew on you. kaname date the manwhore of all time. he needs to be pressure washed but also locked in a therapy office for a week
sexuality headcanon:
he's also bisexuelle af. as long as they're willing to listen to him infodump about music he doesn't care about such petty things as Gender
gender headcanon:
he's so trans i love that for him <3 that little black thing poking out from underneath his shirt? a binder <3
a ship i have with said character:
gyuyoon makes me want to eat a pound of frozen shrimp they're so fucking homosexual
a brotp i have with said character:
"inha what do you mean i'm your pet cat" "you know exactly what i mean. now meow for me, boy"
a notp i have with said character:
i saw someone ship him with juyoung???? Hell Naw. she's like a cool older sister to him
a random headcanon:
he's that kind of autist to make jokes in an extremely flat tone of voice so people often assume he's being serious
General Opinion over said character:
bro he's just. so me. he's been made in a lab just so i can obsess over him & that's iconic. love me a polite boy who carries So Much Rage inside of him. speaking of,
sexuality headcanon:
asexual + gay 🥰 plus possibly demiromantic as well. takes a while for him to open up but then he's a cuddlebug
gender headcanon:
He's Trans Babey !! and canon can suck my ass about it
a ship i have with said character:
shukita will always be that one ship for me ;_; they're just. so good together
a brotp i have with said character:
ugh i love him with all the girls but him and ann are so iconic together. they'd run one hell of a fashion history podcast
a notp i have with said character:
yu//taba 🤮 they're siblings!!!!!! to me!!!!
a random headcanon:
he's decent at math - not the best, but his favorite subject is trigonometry
general opinion over said character:
while there are Associations preventing me from stanning as hard as before, he's still my precious baby boy who deserved better from the canon. he's so sweet but funny but vicious but Fucked In The Head. love him
sexuality headcanon:
she's a lesbian very deep in the closet 😔
gender headcanon:
mayhaps a bit of transfem yukatan... as a treat....
a ship i have with said character:
YUKAMITSU!!!!! it's so cute but also complicated. gorls
a brotp i have with said character:
her relationship with fuka is so fucking sweet like. c'mon. they're besties
a notp i have with said character:
with minato :/ it reeks of comphet on both sides lmao
a random headcanon:
she never fully makes up with her mom but they do manage to form a mostly civil relationship
general opinion over said character:
i support women's wrongs. she's such a deep, complicated character that deserves an apology from the fandom
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milliemo0 · 5 years
ANNOUNCEMENT!! I am a cat dad again! I'm finally ready to give another kitten a home and love them just as much as Maple Jr. This is my cat baby Syrup! She's a sweet little angel that will not leave my side and I will do everything in my power to make sure she has a happy and healthy life.
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soleilnomoon · 2 years
*RATTLES THE BARS* LET ME IIIIIN! I want to request! I would like to bequeath on you a meager request of blood root and sunrise for Killer, with kisses on the cheek and nose kisses, with theme #3 because you know ya girl. Mwah! Kiss Kiss Fall In Love <3
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ask and ye shall receive, bb gorl <3 i actually managed to keep it light
953 words, gn reader (no pronouns babey), sfw (hello??? what a surprise) but still 18+ mdni, no angst i promise only whatever semblance of fluff i think this is; only warning is that killer somehow is soft.
💖☁️ la vie est drôle ☁️💖 starring: “massacre soldier” killer x reader. blood root (fluff) at sunrise, cheek & nose kisses, #3 (rain).
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puffy purple clouds coast along the magenta and bubblegum pink sky, the sun making its slow ascent into the sky, its light leaving behind touches of marigold along the water. nothing, you think, can beat the view. you don’t normally wake up this early, but you’ve barely slept and you’re wired enough to enjoy the solitude of being outside on the ship’s deck as your crewmates sleep. the ship’s been anchored along the coast of a small island since last night, a small seafaring town not too far away. the plan is to stock up on supplies before sailing out again.
a breeze ruffles your hair and clothes, caresses your face—gently, a touch of adoration as the scent of sea salt infiltrates your nose. it’s a wonderful sensation, one that you like to remember from time to time; it’s almost as if you’re experiencing a rebirth every single time.
on average, he sleeps about three or four hours; on this particular morning, he wakes up after tossing and turning for far too long, grouchy, the fatigue sapping more and more of his patience as he steps out of his room in search of coffee. he likes this part of the morning, specifically because it means he has a little bit of tranquility before the chaos of the day begins. when he spots you near the railing, he pauses to take you all in—the way your eyes crinkle at the sides as you close them, head facing upwards, your smile equally as radiant as if you can taste the warmth of the sun. and maybe you can; he’s always wondered that—not seriously, no, but you seem to shine brightest when you’re outdoors, when the sun is at its highest peak, when your skin glows. golden, ethereal, the sort of thing that forces people to write poetry — but he’s no poet, and it’s impossible for him to capture your essence in word form anyway.
he won’t bother trying.
what he will do, though, is make his presence known. so when he calls out to you, shaking you from whatever meditative state you found yourself in, your smile only grows. he joins your side and as he’s about to reveal that small truth of his, the one he’s been meaning to tell you for quite some time  now, it starts to rain. at first, the drops are soft, spread out—hardly anything to concern himself over. 
but it’s the new world—the weather isn’t forgiving, nor is it predictable by any means. 
the clouds darken, the amalgamation of colors that lit up the sky blur together, revealing a sinister storm that might possibly head this way. you don’t move, though; the water is refreshing, you close your eyes again, the raindrops falling harder, multiplying in quantity, snuffing out the residual heat from the air completely. it takes a minute, but you’re already soaked, and he is too. he’s used to your impulsive decisions, used to your out-of-the-box thinking, but this—even this is a little outlandish for him.
killer doesn’t move from your side, however; he wonders what it is that keeps him in place, when he knows how much he hates the way water trickles inside of his helmet, but you’re here and if you’re here, then he must be too. it’s an illogical decision, one that he doesn’t understand completely, but you do. you open your eyes, droplets of water dripping from your eyelashes; he wipes it gently, almost as if he’s afraid of disturbing whatever tranquility you seek out in the rain. you’re grateful the rain picks up, because it distracts him and you can suffer in silence, your cheeks burning from that one gesture.
your hand finds his, you tug him along, feeling guilty that he waited in the rain with you. it’s not your intention to just monopolize his time like that, and you’re sure that killer can take care of himself, but you nudge him into your room and motion for him to sit anyway. 
he hates being wet, but he doesn’t hate it as much right now. and because of that, killer removes his helmet and places it on your nightstand, so that when you come back with a large fluffy towel, you’re momentarily stunned. it’s a testament to how much he trusts you, and that pesky blush finds its way back onto your cheeks, spreading down your neck and onto your chest.
“here,” you say quickly and hope he’ll take the towel so you can put some distance between you. he has something else in mind entirely; he pulls you onto his lap and while you fuss at him, you’re not really upset. if anything, you’re in a daze that feels more like a dream than anything. and even after you insist on him drying off first, he ignores you and instead brushes his lips against your cheek, your soft skin and accompanying sigh encouraging him to continue. you’re too stunned to speak, afraid that if you utter anything, it’ll come out foolish and he might leave.
you don’t want him to go. not now.
he’s not sure what he’s doing either, but he presses a soft kiss on your cheek and mirrors the move on the opposite side. when you look up at him, it’s with a tenderness that tears through his walls with ease, so much that he doesn’t anticipate you leaning forward and dropping a tiny kiss on the tip of his nose, a cheeky grin on your face as if you’re so very pleased with your actions. and in the end, he laughs and laughs, finding his situation—predicament, really—so ridiculous that he can’t believe he was ever concerned over a measly thing like confessing to you properly.
🌙 credit to @leafsea​ for the cute crescent moon divider 🌙
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demonbanger · 3 years
Do NOOOT doubt yourself. I LOVED IT. I got so immersed in the parts before the 👊💢 began that I was shocked when it happened
And it's so fun to take a character that's usually portrayed as a hard dom & make him call you ma'am like ‼️‼️‼️ your mind?? Amazing
I swear I relate to Gyutaro so much bc when anyone compliments me my brain just short circuits and I’m fanning myself like a Victorian lady so I don’t FAINT ON THE SPOT I—-
Thank you so s o much , I’m glad you agree its a hot idea , I just love having a big guy all of a sudden act babey and get so flustered and moan like a hentai gorl , the second it came into my mind I knew I HAD to write it even tho it was after a long day of school 😩
Another bigger, burly Pillar with white hair may be getting dommed very, Very soon 👀👀👀👀👀 #4wives1husbando
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httpghostface · 3 years
hewllo babey gorl ... 🦄🦄🦄😏😏🤾
theo I love you to death but why the uni emoji babey boy
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youtifulhobi · 3 years
You’re my: NOOR BABY, my mootual, my tea supplier
How I met you: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh good question, this goldfish brain cannot remember ripperoni please refresh my memory
Why I follow you: you're my future soulmate why would I not follow you lol
Your blog is: perdy and green and I love your banner uwu it's floral and pretty and I like it (✿◠‿◠)
Your URL is: GREAT, I KNOW PAPILLON MEANS BUTTERFLY AND I LIKE BUTTERLFIES AND HOBI'S FAVOURITE SONG IS BUTTERFLY and also it has the word butter in it which means......it's prime for pun time babey!!
Your icon is: you know what I'm starting to really hate this question bc I can't see shit like:
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Respect your elders my loves we live a hard life (no lmao I'm just 24 and I just can't see shit)
A random fact I know about you: you're loyal af, my gorl <3
General opinion: you're such a sweet girl, you never hesitate to jump to the defence of your friends, you're considerate, and you're so easy to talk to, my love!
A random thought I have: I'm burning up but I literally cannot be arsed to move to turn on the aircon so ig I'll just die here like the dramatic ass bitch I am
Send me a ♧ and I'll tell you what I think about you!
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silvcrlining · 4 years
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( laura harrier, cisfemale, she/her ) i took a trip into town and ran into ELAINE CARTER at the general store. isn’t that the PLAINTIVE you told me about last week? the one who is THIRTY-THREE, as well as MELANCHOLIC and CARING? well, we didn’t chat for long because they had to get back to their job as a CARPENTER, so i can’t say for sure, but i think you might be onto something…they even mentioned they want to MOVE ON FROM THE PAST like you said.
okay, i still need to write her bio and i have a bit of her timeline but i’m impatient, so here’s a summary for now.
miscarriage tw, death tw
february 12, 1987, elaine carter was born to a loving mother and father, amelia and kamden, and a slightly annoying but nevertheless kind older brother, elias. she grew up in zuzu city with her family, sans her father towards her later teens, given that he was serving in the army in the war against the gotoro empire.
in march of 2007, while elaine is in her second year of university as an architecture major, she learned that her father had been killed in action. while the whole family grieves, many attempt to contact kamden’s father (elaine’s grandfather), isaac, who was a rather isolated individual living in stardew valley, where he ran his own carpentry shop. with no one to check on him, plus being grief-stricken and unable to concentrate on her studies, elaine decides to take a a gap year and visit her grandfather in the valley. her brother stays with their mother to make sure she’s okay.
in may, she’s in stardew valley and staying in the shed in isaac’s backyard. he is stand-off-ish and rude and reserved, but as the days pass, elaine manages to bond with him in a way she never had before. by july, he offers to take her under his wing as an apprentice carpenter. she accepts, deciding to drop out of uni entirely.
so there she was! she lived in the valley for eight years, regularly visiting her family in the city and working alongside isaac after finishing her apprenticeship. but then...
in june of 2015, isaac became very sick, and elaine had to leave the valley, taking him with her to the city where he could be properly cared for. she doesn’t return, staying in zuzu to make sure everything’s alright. the shop is closed indefinitely.
in 2018, isaac passes away. he’s buried in stardew valley and elaine attends the funeral, but continues to stay in zuzu, now fearing for her mother’s health as she grows older.
she spirals a bit.
around late 2019, amelia decides to treat her children to a vacation, and they all go to... some place in europe idk i’ll figure it out. long story short, elaine ends up sleeping with a tourist. cut to--!
a few days after returning to zuzu, elaine finds out she’s pregnant. while scared and having no way of contacting the father, she has always wanted to start her own family, and she thought the baby would help mend the wounds that the death of her loved ones had left on her.
she moves back to stardew valley in january of 2020! she moves into her grandpa’s place, which she struggles to clean out but does so anyway, and spends a few months remodeling the carpentry shop, which she continues in his honor.
on may 30th, elaine has a miscarriage. she returns to the valley, determined to continue running the shop despite everything, but she becomes more isolated, more reserved and bleak as she struggles to deal with the loss of a child she had put so much of her dreams and hopes on. now, she keeps mostly to herself, struggling but slowly trying to get back to a happier place.
even though recent events have made her become a LOT more isolated, elaine has always been an introverted person, has always been a bit awkward, keeps to herself a lot.
that being said, she is an incredibly caring person! mom friend to the max, WILL bring you soup.
hobbies!! she has them!! she boxes (my gorl is strong, she has a pretty atheltic build, best muscles in the town!!) and she also does pottery (the shed in her backyard? it’s her pottery station now!!! let her make you some mugs!!!)
while isolated, she doesn’t just completely avoid ppl (well.... maybe some depends). if you talk to her, she’ll talk back, but she’s shit at starting conversations, so she won’t do that.
she’s pan!!
i’m not sure how much she travels around the town. i imagine she lives around where robin’s house is in the game, which is like up towards the mountains, so i feel like she spends a lot of time around that area or in her house, though she’ll go on walks every now and then, and even go to the saloon if she’s feeling spicy (by that i mean sitting quietly in a corner and watching everyone else talk).
alex better look out!!! that house is coming babey!!!
she lived in the valley for eight years, from 2007-2015, so she might know your muse?? mayhaps they were close friends but now she’s a lot more reserved and it’s just Not The Same, maybe they were ENEMIES, maybe a crush?? a lil tiny crush?? or whatever you wanna come up with
let. her. be. your. awkward mom friend!!
someone she actually talks to and isn’t weird with and considers a close friend??? sounds fake but ok
maybe just someone who visits the carpentry shop a lot bc.... they need a lot of furniture made or smth?? idk ur life
someone she pushes away!!
idk i think that is it just give me everything i love her
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loisinherlane · 4 years
damian and cass!!!!
rimi i love you. you are a god among us mortals.
Damian Wayne
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay. I could take him as bi, but he’s not straight. He is, however, still young and figuring this out. Gender Headcanon: Trans boy. One of the many things he shares with Tim that he is not happy about sharing with Tim. I’ve also liked demiboy or other nb headcanons I’ve seen for him! In general, this baby’s got some Gender. A ship I have with said character: Jon Kent/Damian, but very specifically as adults, like waaaaay in the future. I’ve got Opinions. A BROTP I have with said character: Maps Mizoguchi! Maya Ducard! Colin Wilkes! Jon Kent! I also like Damian and anyone in the Batfam because my baby deserves all the attention. A NOTP I have with said character: So sorry to have to say this clearly, but all the Batfam ships. Disgosting. A random headcanon: Best Ending: Damian stops being involved in hero work to be a civilian. (He’s a veterinarian and runs an animal sanctuary with Jon Kent.) Good Ending: Damian stays involved in hero work with his family. Bad Ending: Damian goes back to the League of Assassins. Worst Ending: Damian goes back to the League of Assassins and is a villain. Note: I like Bad Endings sometimes, but it has to be done RIGHT. For an actual headcanon, he idolizes Cass the most of all his family, which is why he can get shy around her. He feels like he needs to live up to the example she seets. General Opinion over said character: He’s..... baby. I love him so much. I think his character development is fascinating, and he really does try so hard. I also love his friendships. Damian has friends as messed up as him who give him that Connection and friends who are normal enough to show him how to be a kid. Good boy.
Cassandra Cain
Sexuality Headcanon: Lesbian babey!!! Her het relationships are comp het. Gender Headcanon: Woman but not like hard woman. She does not think too hard about gender. A ship I have with said character: StephCass. My gorls... A BROTP I have with said character: StephCass again. Tim and Cass are cute too! Can’t forget Babs and Cass either. Their relationship is so special. A NOTP I have with said character: Repeating what I said about. Don’t ship the Batkids. (Stephanie is an exception because she is not one of Bruce’s kids.) A random headcanon: Cass’s body language reading ability allows her to know people’s sexualities and gender better than they can, sometimes, but this does not allow her to put it into words. Because these are things that are complcated and can change over time, everyone else’s lack of surety in their sexualities can confuse her about her own. (Is this... the premise of my soon-to-come fic, maybe? :3c) General Opinion over said character: I love her!!! I got super nervous reading her solo series because I was worried about their portrayal of her speech and language disorders. It’s not as bad as I thought, though I will acknowledge that it’s not perfect. Also she’s a lesbian. I said this above, but I can’t help thinking about how comp het her short-lived relationship with Kon was.
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fifteenskies15 · 5 years
Uhh, I did a thing...
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@kuratsukiun and @bingsu-chan I may or may not overstep and made a lovechild/fanchild
And the Headcanons for the kids according to 15:
NobuNozo Kid
[Temporary name: Nobuo (信夫 means "Faithful man/Husband", might change later]
Mama's hair
Papa's face
Daifuku? Manju? WHY NOT BOTH?!
60% Nozomi, 40% Nobuyuki
Inherited Papa's immense strength and Mama's breathing style
Food thief ™
Mama's dirty look that could give demons and humans a long lasting nightmare
KyouSo Kid
[Depends on Kura, but for now, we'll call her Hinata (日向 which means "Sunny Place")]
A literal embodiment of sunshine
Smiles that could charm you and blind you
Loves cooking and family
Mama's hair, the sequel
Papa's eyes but not eyebrows, sorry-
A babey
Tamagomaki? Baked sweet potatoes? Both? Both, Both is good.
Papa's golden girl
Breath of fire or sky?
SaneHiro Kid
[Nozomi (希美) because she's this kid's namesake]
Smug gorl
Ohagi or Yakitori? Damn the demons, she loves both of them
Mama's face and eyes
Papa's hair and personality
Also loves to cook
Daddy's girl
50% Harsh like her dad, 50% Gentle like her mom
Actually cuss/swear
Prefers Mama's breathing styles
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Jester and Molly for that character ask thingo!
Jester: Sexuality Headcanon: asexual panromantic babey Gender Headcanon: oooh i think i have her as agender?? just. fuck gender. wear nice dresses. be cute. who cares. make chaos. A ship I have with said character: BEAUJESTER, Yashter, Bashter - just. gorls  A BROTP I have with said character: her and caleb are good, her and Nott are also great, her and fjord are lovely friends, BUT MOLLY IS THE ULTIMATE BRO A NOTP I have with said character: i. do not like the idea of widojest being canon??? its kinda cute but feels a little forced to me hfgjdkls; also so does fjester, just. her flirting with him is cute and meant well but it makes me uncomfortable cos ive been in fjords position and its hfgjkdlsakjfghkfdsjfhjsal pls no A random headcanon: she just. hits people in the back of the knee with her tail so they stumble and then she catches them to show off, its cute and literally nobody can be angry at her General Opinion over said character: a very good sweetheart who tries her best no matter what and is so beautifully layered and detailed as a character, truly an inspiration and i love her so so much
Molly: Sexuality Headcanon: bi-bi-bi  Gender Headcanon: we STAN a genderfluid icon A ship I have with said character: take one guess. one fucking guess. its widomauk (but also fjolly, claymauk, shadowgast and all of them together is Fantastic) A BROTP I have with said character: literally all of them. he gets along with everyone and is inherently charming eventually if not immediately. he’s EVERYONE’S FRIEND (but mollyasha is top tier platonic soulmates) A NOTP I have with said character: molly and beau or nott. jester or yasha i could see and be ok with, but beau is a bro and nott is just not for him. A random headcanon: he has little pet names for everyone - yasha is ‘dear’ because she’s dear to him or ‘yasha-bear’ when he’s being silly, caleb is ‘love’ because he loves him, jester is ‘sweetheart’ cos she is, nott ranges from ‘trouble’ to ‘magpie’ to ‘mother’, fjord is ‘seaweed’ or ‘seaman’, beau is all manner of things from ‘benchpress’ to ‘tool’ to ‘unpleasant one’, and caducues is ‘precious flower’.  General Opinion over said character: THE BEST BOY OUT THERE AN ABSOLUTE ICON AND A BEACON OF STARLIGHT AND HOPE FOR SO MANY PEOPLE HE MADE SOMETHING OF HIMSELF FROM THE GROUND UP AND MADE IT HIS MISSION TO BE GOOD AND KIND AND MAKE PEOPLE FEEL LOVED AND BY GOD DID HE ACHIEVE THAT I MISS YOU SO MUCH MOLLYMAUK PLEASE COME BACK TO US 
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jojo-reader-hell · 4 years
OMGGGG IM GONNA TRY TO DRAW QUEEN OF CUPS AS SOON AS I FINISH MY HOMEWORKK, I LOVE HER!! how tall is she? does she have scary fangs? :3c
she’s... I’d say about Star Platinum size? bigge fishe gorl, she has sharky teeths and she smiles a lot, she's good baby.
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axther · 5 years
hello, can i get a bnha matchup?? i’m a supershort(4’8”) lesbian gorl(obvi). i have long brown hair with bangs and brown eyes and usually wear just the comfiest clothes i have at the time lmao. i love sports, animals, sleeping, and SKINCARE. i don’t like talking to people i don’t know but with friends i have bIG CRACKHEAD ENERGY OKAY. i also don’t like school that much, but i manage. thank youu
Listen. crackhead? I love you. Crackhead lesbian? You’re my gf now. Or something along those lines. 
#1 is...Ochako!  
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It’s a personal headcanon of mine that’s she can be pure crackhead 
But it has to be ushered out 
Coaxed, if you will. 
But if done properly you two would become the menaces of U.A. 
But otherwise, she just sort of stands to the side 
And there’s a certain lovely aspect of it? 
She’ll stand there and watch you cackle about something with Denki and Sero 
And it looks a bit like she’s pining 
But then you pop up out of the blue and kiss her on the lips and say something along the lines of ‘the crabs will rise up’
And you go back to talking about crabs with knives and she stands there, bright red, giddy as hell, and looking ready to melt 
God she loves you 
This isn’t really part of the matchup per se
But holy crap i hope that the quirk you h/c to get is something Lovecraftian or Eldritch
Because there is so much capability in there 
Y’all are training 
And our queen is in her hero costume 
And she looks good
(as she does) 
And Mineta says something about her thighs
And all he hears is this screech
And he turns 
And all he sees is you
And there’s tentacles and smoke and red eyes and something unholy digging out of the ground 
You’re speeding towards him in a crab walk with your head on backwards 
And the entire time you’re saying ‘I’m coming for your kneecaps, infidel!’
Yeah mineta probably pissed himself 
And Ochako died laughing 
If she’s ever chilling on the dorm couch
She best hope that no one else is there 
Because you will appear out of nowhere and jump into her lap 
Are her thighs crushed? Yes
Is her heart full? Absolutely 
Does she need to go to Recovery Girl? Probably 
#2 is...Mina! 
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When you mentioned skincare 
Mina was my first thought 
Bc lets be honest 
Since her features don’t really lend themselves are particularly ‘normal’, and the fact that it’s so well taken care of, lends itself the idea that she definitely does some sort of skincare 
She might be able to make her acid become something to burn dead skin 
Of course i would not recommend trying that 
But you get the idea 
Tell me if i’m wrong!! 
But you seem like the kind of person that won’t really go all out for something, dressing-wise. 
Since you’ll just throw on whatever’s comfiest, this poses the juxtaposition 
That of which being the flamboyant-ness of Mina, and the subtleness of you 
And this juxtaposition is famed throughout U.A.?
It doesn’t really make sense to either of you but it’s one of those situations where you shrug and move on.
Which brings itself onto another topic 
Mina is a certified, 100% purebred crackhead. 
The crackhead level will be through the roof 
That, tied with Sero and Denki
God help Japan because it’s gonna need it 
You’ve heard of team Rainy Day 
Now get ready for the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 
#3 is...Tooru! 
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Did anyone say cuddle sessions 🥺🥺🥺
No one did but i sure as hell think that there’s gonna be some cuddles here 
I have a strong feeling that Tooru is one hell of a cuddlebug!! 
When you wanna sleep you best not be wearing too much 
or else you’ll get really overheated really fast 
She just wants to hold her gf is that too much to ask 🥺
No only that but you’re short
Which is a miracle for her, because the class average is about 5’3 or 5’4, so she’s not crazy short compared to everyone else!! 
She will joke that you’re snacc sized 
It’s really a double edged sword
Her intelligence is a solid ⅘ 
So if you have particular troubles with school she’d be more than willing to help you out!! 
And even…
If people aren’t looking 
She might fill it out herself 
Aizawa catches it right away 
But he lets it slide 
Because honestly 
Who needs to know about x and y when you got me and you
(that’s something she would say, probably) 
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