#babbling again sorry
usercelestial · 1 year
Nate returning to richmond/taking over for Twd when he leaves seems like its almost definitely gonna happen even though I think him either staying at the current club (without Rupert influence dragging him down) or moving onto a new club with a fresh slate and being like a (friendly) rival to Richmond would be a nice ending.
Especially with the amount ted has said winning isn't the main goal having Nate and his club versus Richmond and their coach where yes, they're still hoping to each win but they're all genuinely enjoying the rivalry with no malice or hard feelings on either side after a win would be lovely
Yeah, I think Nate leaving West Ham/coming back to Richmond is the most likely ending for his character. The reason I like the idea of Nate taking over if Ted leaves is because I truly think that Nate deserves his own team, he just needs an adjustment in the way he coaches. It would be a nice development in character for him to be head coach at Richmond (being the boss and getting that recognition he's been craving from people who actually respect him). Again, I think where Nate fails as a coach is his inability, or rather, unwillingness to connect emotionally to people when they need it.
We've seen that since he was at Richmond in him calling players stupid when they don't do something right. I think when Nate was first coming into his own as a coach, we saw this side of him that I think he thought of as "powerful" when in reality, it was just mean. The moment that comes to mind is when Colin misses a goal at training and Nate calls him a dolt. There's a part of me that thinks he was mimicking Roy's behavior towards the team as a captain earlier on in trying to be demanding and assertive (which I feel like is connected to Nate's suspiciously Roy like suit and him kissing Keeley- he wants to be seen as someone more powerful than he feels he is). So he insults Colin when he fucks up, Roy on the other hand steps in and gives him advice on how to improve in his own way. I think Nate in this moment was doing what he thought a powerful leader would do (see an error, point it out; it's just that he's not doing it in a way that actually helps fix that error). He's being a powerful leader not a good leader.
There's nothing wrong with a bit of "tough love" to encourage the players but what Nate does is much more on the side of bullying and taking out his own issues on the people he thinks he can aka the people he views as below him. The thing about Nate is that he is a good coach, he won that West Ham match because of his tactics (not because he has Zava on his side), he is smart (and I'm not just saying that because he's my favorite lol). He would be the best person to take over Richmond if only he could work through his own anger and self-esteem issues to actually help the players- if only he could strike that balance of being assertive and kind.
My favorite thing about Nate is that he wants to be a good man, we saw that in this last episode, he just has so much clouding his way to what he wants to be that every time he takes one step forward he takes two steps back. His father never sees him for his accomplishments, Rupert is manipulating and isolating him, and I don't think Nate himself has ever actually felt like he's earned what he has. It's hard for him to accept that he truly could have done it on his own because Rupert or Ted (though differently) have always been beside him, pushing him forward. All this to say I think Nate has a long way to go emotionally and mentally but I think genuinely the best thing for him is to figure out his own way of coaching his own team without any one lingering over his shoulder. I hope that over the season he works through his anger and grows both as a person but also a leader because he has it in him to be a good one. Like Rebecca in season 1, he fell off the path a little but he's finding his way back.
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donelywell · 2 months
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SILVER!!!! (and Espio)
The boyyyy!!! Worth every cent!
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fuwaprince · 9 months
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👉👈 Hi friends! I have a long, serious post made just for you(!) that isn't full of spoilers, smut or mooning lawn gnomes. Please read if you can, this is a 💥 mutual aid request 💥
It has been a horribly painful and long while as most people following/keeping up with me know. and in a few days I'm going to be down $1500, which is basically all my fucking $
I can't afford Christmas for anybody, which sucks and I'm very sorry. I can't even take care of myself and haven't been, which also sucks and I'm very sorry
Landlords spontaneously raised rent on me more than halfway through this month as punishment for not getting to my house chores and not communicating, to be totally honest with you. I feel ashamed and awful about it but I didn't want to clean the place while multiple ppl living here had tested positive for COVID and kept walking around unmasked... I am not fully vaxxed because I've been too depressed to get any kind of necessary medical care done and I didn't want to catch COVID in the middle of my finals week for the semester. I woke up to being angrily and rudely bitched at first thing after the last of my finals (I passed at least). It wasn't a humanizing text. Fuck the mistreatment though. Rent is now almost doubled and it won't be lowered
There was no room for negotiation and I truly believe they've resorted to pricing me out of living here because the group of renters psychologically tormenting me wasn't effective (actually- putting a picture of my rapist on the fridge rly was super effective in getting me to isolate myself in my room all day and so was outing me as trans to the transphobic ass neighbors.... But I didn't and still don't have any place better to move out to, like the way they were hoping I would. Yes, I have looked and BEGGED btw)
I want out of here NOW, but I can't leave. I tried and had to come back because it was the best option. I can't afford to stay in a motel/hotel/BnB just to get away from them for a day or two during Christmas. I don't have any friends who I can spend the holiday with either. During the semester, I resorted to convincing classmates with keys to locked buildings to let me crash in them while they worked at night and I would leave before anybody showed up. Now that school is out, I can't do that. I don't have any family I can reach out to for support or friends who I can depend on for immediate help. I have been crying day in and day out for weeks. I have records of it posted throughout my blog. Literally crying for days on end. I'm being so fucking transparent
All that lump of text is to explain to whoever is out there, who might be listening and willing and able, to please consider helping me, if and ONLY IF able. I know times are tough and if you'd rather use your $ for other reasons or just don't have any to spare, don't sweat it and take care! 🫂
I've thought about what I could do for a long time and have helped myself how I can. It isn't enough. I've applied for so much assistance. Been approved and been sabotaged by my inhumane mom (who does not love me) via stealing my legal documents and letters and hiding them for months. My mind jumps to grim places but I'm clinging for dear life to whatever hope I have left that says things will get better. I wish I knew somebody with a business that I could work for. Part of me feels so fucking terrible for asking for help because I feel like a waste of all your resources. I feel like I shouldn't ask, like I really do not fucking deserve help, but there are friends online who care, who I know mentioned being interested in helping in whatever ways they can
So to the people who care to seriously me, I'm ready to accept it: please send me nice words to get through this and feel less alone. It feels pathetic to ask but I would love a nice letter. A nice card even. Kind words of any kind would go a long way. It means more to me than food. I have felt so broken and every day feels like a test to figure out how badly I actually want to live
I'm also leaving my cash app and paypal here in case anybody would like to do more than what I'm comfortable asking but probably very likely will inevitably need very very soon. I will be left with fucking nothing and I will have no idea what to do once rent is paid
Thank you to those of you who have sent love, offered to listen and heard me out. I really wish it wasn't so hard to survive. I'm trying to feel better knowing there are people out there who are also without help and hoping the best, but it doesn't make me feel any better or comforted tbh. I just wish the help was there for us. I wish there was a place to go for spare love, care, compassion, empathy, kindness, humanity, generosity... I need that more than I need $. Call me stupid but that's what I live for. I don't live for paying to survive in terrible conditions. I live for love and to smile with friends
I hope to write back to the friends who have already been so kind as to message me soon btw. I'm sorry for not replying sooner. Your overwhelming support is sincerely sweet and sometimes I cry because I can't believe people are so nice (to me???). It'll give me something to do that doesn't make me feel like dying! :') so thank you thank you thank you *fist bump*
Hope you're all doing as well as you can and that somehow things get better. Hope anybody else struggling like me doesn't make the mistake of isolating like a sick and dying animal. You deserve love. You deserve support. Don't be like me. Have the courage to reach out to the people who care about you for help as early on into your emergency as possible. Don't let your situation snowball because you spend so long trying to figure out if you're worth it!!! This Random Tumblr user is here to tell you that YOU ARE. Sending my infinite everlasting unconditional love. Be nice to yourselves. Be nice to each other. Fuck the hateful assholes who wish I would just kill myself already. Tell your friends you love them. Happy Holidays!!!
And here's a single picture of a mooning lawn gnome at the very end, as a treat! I told you this post wasn't full of it.... It just ended with it 👉👉
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lxvenderjewel · 4 months
link to my last meta here, it has some context for this
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So first of all. What if I ate glass
Do you think this means he didn't have very many close friends growing up? Just a bunch of acquaintances? And so he invited a bunch of people, but they all had prior commitments, and they didn't care enough about him to leave them to go to his party?
Do you think that's why he fucked up a lot of his close relationships as he got older? Because he never got close enough to anyone when he was younger, and he never learned how to be especially close with people?
Do you think he saw those people who had best friends, who would get matching necklaces, bracelets, whatever, and he would be so jealous? Because what was he not doing that these other people were, that got them such close friends?
Do you think as he went into the army he brought with him this sense of loneliness? Do you think he hooked up with a lot of people to try and get rid of that? And his army mates would praise him for it, even though it just made him feel emptier every time?
And then he got that aforementioned quarantine girlfriend, and he tried so hard with her, smothered her with affection. Yet for some reason he was still empty. He couldn't fully put himself into their relationship.
And eventually, on his birthday, she broke up with him.
Do you think he thought that, moving into 221B, would be another short phase in his life? That Sherlock would eventually move out, and he would go through life with this crushing sense of loneliness and disconnectino from the world?
Do you think he knew that he'd find his whole life in that little flat?
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ursie · 6 months
Speaking of Ableism it’s sooo transparent that whenever people pitch Stardew Valley as their “comfort game”, it being “perfect” and inclusive of “all queer people” (minus disabled ones) they always leave out the jarring and quite frankly triggering level of ableism in the game.
Which did not get removed in any of the updates! Like you can add moss to every tree but you can’t change Penny assaulting George + the fact you’re supposed to defend her from George being upset?? Like to clarify what actually happened is George is getting mail and PENNY MOVES HIS WHEELCHAIR WITHOUT HIS PERMISSION TO GET IT AND GEORGE IS RIGHTFULLY UPSET AND THE WRONG ANSWER IS SAYING YOU SHOULD ASK GEORGE FIRST???
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Plus the Harvey event?? Like George does know what’s best for his own body and once again the disabled man advocating for himself is the wrong answer?? Like Harvey you’re telling him to do arm exercises whilst he’s in a manual chair. That’s quite literally all he does
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Also Harvey threatening to tell Evelyn without George’s permission. Then there’s George’s dialogue himself from referring to himself as wheelchair bound, talking about how he can’t play catch w Alex, ect all of which is simply an ableist understanding of the disabled identity. Like to be clear George is not written to be a commentary on internalized ableism. The person writing his dialogue genuinely thinks he can’t play catch 😭 and this is all ignoring the ageism in his dialogue as well. The only good writing of George is him being mean to the villagers whom are textually ableist to him like. George and Evelyn should be meaner and Alex should kick both Penny and Harvey’s ass 😭
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nyxronomicon · 1 year
Head empty. Only thought is Simeon finding out about your self hatred and railing you until you can't remember any of those thoughts
-body worship, insecurity, bit of angst, breeding in the tags-
Omg he'd be so gentle... He asks what's troubling you when he sees you frown at yourself in the mirror. When you tell him you're feeling self conscious and ugly he just disagrees immediately.
But Simeon knows all too well how little words can change someone's mind, often feeling disgusted and disappointed with himself for abandoning the brothers like he did. For choosing the celestial realm just for its familiarity. He's such a coward.
He knows now that conventional beauty is only skin deep and the ugliness just beneath the surface is often much worse than one would think. And he's stunned when you're talking about yourself like that because in all the time he's known you, he's never even once thought anything about you was ugly.
If anything, he was the ugly one.
His first attraction to you was your looks and the way you carried yourself. Every moment he spends with you he finds new things to love about you and it just crushes him that you don't see it. So even if he can't change your mind, he at least needs to prove to you that it doesn't matter what you think.
You're beautiful without even trying. Just a smile from you takes his breath away without fail. The words to describe how incredible you are always fail him. Being with you is healing. His wretched broken heart has been heavy with sin and betrayal for as long as he can remember but you make him feel like it can be fixed. Or maybe that he never really was broken to begin with.
All he wants is to give that feeling back to you.
So he shows you. Pulls you away from the mirror. "Focus on me. On how I love you." Is all he mumbles before tenderly kissing you. Your kisses get deeper, your insecurities vanishing as he pulls away. His eyes are full of adoration, lost in you.
You close your eyes and feel. His hands worship every part of you, taking his time to press kisses down your torso, wherever he thinks you're most insecure. He mumbles loving words as he goes, the author in him crafting the ultimate love scene just for you to hear.
And if you still don't believe him? Well, he'll keep going as long as he needs to~
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domesticmp3 · 28 days
gojo knew that he'd make megumi laugh just by writing the truth as it is. i'm sure i'm overthinking it and giving in to overinterpretation, but their relationship has always been somewhat straightforward with megumi's tendency to say things matter-of-factly but keeping a lot of feelings to himself, and gojo's ability to be arrogant, cheeky and caring at the same time. with all the things left unsaid between so many characters, it would be hilarious, right after the "apocalypse", to reveal something personal and quite important... if it wasn't absolutely bleak in comparison to everything that's happened. and gojo just went with the most simple wording, probably knowing that he was going to die and that that fact would only add to the bitter humour of it all. with so many things unsaid between a parental figure that had to take on (not only) that role too early and a young sorcerer, struggling with coming to terms with his abilities (and with gaining self-confidence on a much deeper level than just being aware of his own capabilities), to say something personal and through time and in such a brief way - it is a way of showing that they're just that, two equal people. something is still unsaid, it will always be, but they both knew exactly what they didn't even have to say to know what the other one thinks. gojo knew megumi would still have time to learn how to be more open with those important to him.
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pervydollfemme · 2 months
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thinking very big and important thoughts today about being a bunny and accidentally stumbling into a den of wolves (,,> ᴗ <,,)
it happens by total accident. i can feel my heat is getting close, so i decide to go out and scavenge for necessities: fruits and berries, water, soft nesting material - before i won't be able to. but even though my heat hasn't officially started yet, being on the teetering edge is still enough to make my brain all kinds of fuzzy - and when i stumble into the den, it's because i mistook it for my burrow, which is actually a few more hops down the path.
it's already too late to run away once i catch the overwhelming scent of wolves everywhere with my twitching nose, because one of them tackles me to the ground, pushing me into the dirt. it makes me squeak out a frightened noise, my dark blonde ears and tail flattening and puffing up, instinctually baring my neck to the side as a sign of submission.
there's a wet, cold nosing at my cheek and bared neck that lets me know i probably won't be getting out of this alive. i squeeze my eyes shut in fear and defeat, waiting for a bite, for the savage tearing of my flesh to the bone...
but nothing comes.
the wolf rolls me on my back, peering down at me with inquisitive eyes. it's embarrassing to admit, but the first thought that comes to my bunny brain is just how pretty this wolf is! they have dark, tired eyes; warm-looking fur gathered up in thick, curly tufts; and sharp, untamed claws at the tip of big paws (a lot bigger than mine, i can't help but think, my nose twitching happily).
"you shouldn't be here, little bunny," the wolf says quietly - almost warmly, like we're old friends - tone dulcet and even. it definitely matches their looks. "this is a den of wolves. you are in heat."
for some reason, that makes me feel a little indignant. do they really think i'd come into a den of wolves on purpose?! "excuse me, mister, but i know that very well! i was looking for my burrow, which is a few hops down," i respond, ears standing up as a mirror to my annoyance. "and i'm not in heat, thank you very much. i'm almost in heat."
the wolf raises a brow at me. "feisty bunny, aren't you?" he asks, a certain playfulness to his tone that makes my traitorous body turn against me almost immediately. my dark blonde ears droop happily, tail perking up, warmth flooding my belly and wetness gathering between my thighs. he can surely smell it, but he's gracious enough to not comment, finally standing and helping me up from the ground. "there isn't much of a difference between in heat and almost in heat, not when it comes to wolves. you should be more careful next time - had another member of my pack found you instead of me, you may not have been so lucky."
"yes, i understand," i reply, meaning it genuinely. i couldn't think of another wolf who would be so generous as to let a bunny who stumbled into their den live. it would be like a starving wolf passing on a plate of raw meat and eating grass instead. "thank you, mr. wolf."
the wolf dips their head in acknowledgement. "you're welcome, little bunny," they say. "now head off to your burrow; i can smell your heat. you will be getting it soon, and i wouldn't want another creature to terrorize you. there's a fox around here who is well-known for tearing up pretty little bunnies like you."
my face flushes, my tail fluffing and thighs pressing together inadvertently. i really can't help it! not when this wolf is so kind, and funny, and handsome. were i a braver bunny, i'd invite him to my burrow to spend my heat with me, to be a potential mate; but i am unfortunately not. so, after saying my goodbyes and waiting for him to turn away, i choose to leave a small courting gift behind - a handful of my favorite fruit, fresh strawberries.
and truly, i expect nothing will come of it. i don't expect it to be taken as it's meant; after all, wolves and bunnies are drastically different creatures with drastically different courting rituals, drastically different ideas of courting gifts. my presumption is that they will see the berries as a sign of gratitude, a thank you for sparing my life when they just as easily could have torn me to pieces. a perfectly acceptable outcome, of course, considering i was grateful for my life being spared as well.
but, surprisingly, a few days later - a few days into the full swing of my heat - a soft knock comes from the entrance of my burrow. i groan to myself, rolling lazily from the warm comfort of my nest to check who it is. i don't bother with clothing my fully naked body at all, figuring my unexpected guest is probably another bunny coming to check up on me; who will understand just as well how suffocating wearing anything at all can be during your heat.
except, to my jaw-dropping shock and awe, the visitor waiting for me...
is the same wolf who's den i stumbled into a few days ago.
a loud squeak pops out of my mouth, my dark blonde ears standing straight up and nose twitching in surprise. "what are you doing here?!" i yelp, making a poor attempt to cover my naked body up with my arms.
the wolf only seems to be able to stare at me in similar shock for a few moments, dark eyes roving over my soft, barely-covered skin; jaw opening slightly to reveal rows of sharp teeth. "i..." they trail off, seemingly at a loss for words, something awfully shocking coming from a wolf, especially one who seems to be as generally in-control as this one - which is tantalizing in a such a strange way, making my thighs tighten and slick drip down my leg. they follow it with their eyes, tongue swiping over their lips like they're thinking of what i taste like. i can't help but lean closer, my arms dropping to uncover my body, expecting them to pin me down and take take take.
instead, they open one of their paws to reveal empty stems, clearly from my favorite fruit - the ones i left for him as a courting gift - strawberries. "did you leave these as a thank you?" they ask carefully, before continuing. "or...as something else?"
i flush red from my cheeks to shoulders, nervously shifting on my feet. "i, um," i stutter, trying to find my footing. "i left them—i left them as...a courting gift. if you'd like that."
the wolf appraises me carefully, eyeing everything of me on display. my soft tits, my pink pussy, my long hair brushed over my shoulder. their tongue flicks out, licking over their sharp teeth. "oh, my beautiful bunny. i'd love that," they finally respond, reaching out to cup my cheek in their paw. "will you let me in? let me breed you, mate you just the way you want? the way you so prettily asked for by leaving me these strawberries?"
"please," is the only coherent response i can think of, side-stepping to allow them entrance into my burrow. the wolf follows me in, trailing behind as i lead him to my nest, immediately dropping to my knees, my head pillowed against the soft sunflower i'd been using as a makeshift pillow. i look up at him with bleary eyes, twitching my tail and ears to beg wordlessly for their cock. to be taken care of; to be bred, to be mated.
"what does my little bunny want, hm?" they ask, and just hearing them call me theirs has me dripping wet, my slick-coated thighs parting welcomingly. "i want you to beg me for it. i want to hear your pretty voice, high-pitched and needy for me. can you do that?"
"yes!" i gasp affirmatively, and like a switch has been flipped, the words come pouring out. "please, please, i want you—i want you to mate me! i want your cock, want your knot, want you to breed me full of your pups. i want it so—so bad, so bad, want you so bad. please, can't you give me what i want? i'll be so good for you, be such a good mate, such an obedient bunny all the time. i-i promise!"
i'd look up at him once i finished, my eyes filled with tears and begging silently for him to accept my pleas. they'd watch me back for a few moments, running their paws over my ass, sharp claws nicking the delicate skin. keeping me on edge for a second before finally nodding their assent, and i'd look down to see their cock unsheathing, knot flaring at the base. "yes," i'd pant before i would be able to stop myself, thinking of how they'll feel in me, how their knot will lock us together, keep their cum safely inside of me. "my wolf, mine, please!"
"yes, bunny. all yours." he would agree, spreading my pussy with his claws and sliding in to the hilt, shaking a relieved and happy little moan out of me. there wouldn't be any build-up; he'd fuck me hard and fast from the start, knowing the best way to cause a lull in my heat is to fuck me like he means it. i would only be able to cry and whine as they fuck me, squirming around beneath them and throwing myself against their cock.
they'd turn me on my back as they felt my pussy start to tighten around them, wanting to watch my face as i cum on their cock, as they knot and mate me. "so close to cumming, aren't you, baby bunny? i can feel the way your cunt is tightening around me, sucking my knot in, begging for my cum," they'd growl, snapping their teeth in a way that i know should scare me, should make the prey in me want to run - but all it would make me do is moan louder, higher, baring my neck for their mark. he'd rub my swollen clit with his claws, another thing that i know should scare me, but only pushes me closer and closer to the edge. "come on, beautiful. cum for me. cum for your wolf."
and i would, of course, unable to hold back any longer, slick squirting from my pussy and staining their fur with wetness. the feeling of me cumming around his cock would make him cum too, breeding me full and locking it inside with his knot; mating me at the same time, razor-sharp teeth digging into my neck. it isn't in the nature of bunnies to generally give mate marks back, but i wouldn't be able to help myself, shooting up and digging my dull bunny teeth into his neck in return. "mine. my wolf," i would say, nuzzling against his fur.
they'd hum in agreement, wrapping themselves around me and nipping at my ears playfully, making me giggle and squirm. "my bunny."
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ineffably-idiotic · 10 months
the fact that crowley essentially says "one fabulous kiss and boom its sorted" when trying to get nina and maggie together, like that's how Love works. and his Last Ditch Effort at getting aziraphale to stay, to keep living in this comfortable existence they've carved out for themselves, to love him back, is a kiss. it's the most Human way he can think to express this love and desperation that is overflowing in him, because he knows that aziraphale loves humanity, they BOTH do. "to the world", and all that. "to us".
i wonder which kiss made him think of that. i wonder what historical event crowley saw, a miraculous kiss, and immediately realized "that is how humans love. this is what they do". was it in biblical times? was it from a romcom?
it's not even a GOOD kiss! neither of them have ever kissed before! its a messy smushing of lips and they're both shaking and crowley isn't sure if he's doing it right, aziraphale isn't sure what's Happening.
and aziraphale, in his fear, calls crowley's desperation "temptation". he forgives crowley for a sin that he himself has reprimanded himself for, many times over the years. its easier to blame his own falling in love on the demon himself. it's easier to backslide into an awful way of thinking that has kept you safe for millennia than take an unsteady step forward, a step where aziraphale isn't sure he'll have a place to land.
aziraphale is a guardian by nature, and what he does at the end of season 2 IS him trying to help. trying to protect, trying to fix. but for aziraphale to really break that cycle of running back to heaven for a secure attachment, he needs to realize how awful heaven is from the inside. because crowley sure as hell isn't opening up about what happened to him. because they never talk, and ESPECIALLY not about important things.
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emotionalcadaver · 6 months
You know what? I've gone out of my way to be nice. I've acknowledged that mob mentality and manipulation were at work. I've reached out to some of the people who were direct victims of Mr. McCreepy and his actions to check in on them and to extended my well wishes. I have made an effort not to victim blame or question anyone's experiences over what has happened.
But I do not appreciate my own experiences being questioned and belittled. No, he did not hurt me nearly as directly as he did many of you. But that does not change that he created an extremely hostile, unwelcoming, and anxiety inducing environment for myself, and many other people, simply because we happened to like a character that he didn't.
Many of you are missing the point. It was not simply because he disliked Grace that so many were turned off or upset by his behavior. It was because he went out of his way to comment on posts--like gifsets or textposts--spouting nasty things about her, purposefully picking fights with her fans, and openly bullying people for liking her or for trying to defend themselves when he burst onto their lovely gifs or other content they'd created spewing hated. That was the problem. And that's not even going into the issue that a lot of his posts on Grace crossed the line from simple character critique into full blown misogyny.
And so many of his fans engaged with that behavior and contributed to it. And by continuing to belittle and minimize the experiences of those who have tried to discuss this aspect of his public behavior and how it affected them and the fandom, you are proving that you never cared that he was hurting others. It was only when he hurt you personally that you started to give a damn.
I'm not even looking for an apology from anyone who engaged in the bullying. But I don't think that it's too much to ask that, after everything that has been revealed about this man, that you would stop trying to argue that his public behavior was acceptable. I am frankly flabbergasted to see so many people who are victims of him going out of their way to still defend him when it comes to this aspect of what he did.
This is a way that he has hurt and affected myself and others in the fandom, even when we chose not to directly engage with him. And it is just as valid as the other ways he hurt people on here. I am sorry if that makes you feel bad, because you happened to contribute to the bullying that created such an unwelcoming environment and quite likely drove some people out of the fandom entirely. But those of us who were impacted in this way have just as much right to express it as the rest of you.
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enden-k · 3 months
sunday model leaks gay yapping
sunday long gloves and long boots sunday long boots SUNDAY LONG BOOTS SUNDAY LONG BOOTS SUND
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moldylesbianism · 1 month
okay sorry for complaining again but like 99 percent of reddie shippers STILL genuinely believe that there wasn’t a reddie kiss because ransone is homophobic which is true but Why? is this your first concern after he harassed minors on instagram??? OH GOD FORBID THERE WASNT A REDDIE KISS!!! like Guys. do you really think they would’ve put it in th first place. and so many people STILL believe this rumor
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cowardlychimera · 2 years
okay posting them now because I was asked very nicely
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sophinarina · 1 year
Heya, since I've seen it circulated around a couple times since I came back to tumblr by those I follow, I just wanted to make a formal post about how one of my animations has been reuploaded here by someone else without my permission. I thought I could ignore it the first time, but seeing it pop up again kind of really sucks.
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It's an older post (2020) so not much I can do about it really, but I ask whoever sees this and then sees this post circulating, to not interact with it anymore. I'd greatly appreciate it. Also please don't harass the user, I don't wish for any ill intent. I'd rather for the post to disappear and be water under the bridge.
The original post for this was on my twitter, can be found here: https://twitter.com/sophinarina/status/1283414455011819525?s=20
Ive also posted it to my instagram here:
I wasnt active on tumblr at the time, so there is no original tumblr post for it and I haven't uploaded it myself here since coming back.
Again thank you for your time if you've read this! 🫶
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y-rhywbeth2 · 8 months
I've seen a few older players who really don't like Durge, and I expected to be one of them tbh. But their whole "living weapon" thing, the identity crisis of being artificial and having no connections outside of Bhaal, and being a reaction to/foil to Charname grew on me. I was going to play Durge regardless (I wanted to play a bloody Bhaalist before they took the cleric option out, and I certainly wasn't going to complain about playing a Bhaalspawn and being able to explore it differently to Charname's story - but I assumed I was going to have to headcanon in a different backstory). But I love my little edgelord dearly and won't trade him for the world.
I do tone down Durge's "uniqueness" though. From observation, they're not inherently different to other Bhaalspawn in any way that actually matters anyway, simply raised in unique circumstances compared to their siblings (carrying more divine essence and receiving Daddy's full attention and control now that there's nobody left to share these things with).
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cerealmonster15 · 3 months
haikaveh... save me haikaveh...
i KNOW it's been talked about to death but. the haikaveh research project. it literally haunts my mind. i cannot get over the implications. alhaitham going through his school life as someone that most people dont even really know about because he keeps to himself and doesn't socialize, with kaveh being the one exception to that, finding his way into his life as his Best Friend, and then leading to alhaithams one and only time he participated in a research topic. his bio says he only ever did ONE joint project!!! one!!! the one with kaveh his best friend and i think also his only friend at the time!!!! and then it ended in not only the project falling apart but also alhaithams only friendship. kavehs best friendship. they were each others closest person. they had no family around - alhaithams parents having died when he was young and his grandmother dying before he joined the akademiya, and kaveh's dad dying when he was young and his mom having moved to fontaine. like even if you dont look at it through a romantic lens it's still undeniable how important they were [and are] to each other..........
i'm getting off track but my point is very specifically for alhaitham, the one time he got close to someone, made a friend, even agreed to join one(1) group project ever, it ended in disaster. it led him into a fight so bad that his one and only friend said he regretted that friendship!!!! it was so bad alhaitham left the project and he and kaveh didnt speak for ages until they just happened to run into each other again at the tavern!!!!! like obviously it has to be incredibly awful for both of them but i just think how this probably had alhaitham in the cynical mindset that friendships and collaborations like that might just never work out for him because the one time he let someone into his life, it blew up on him and he was all alone again. even though alhaitham never seems to care much if people dont like him, that clearly cant still apply to someone he was exceptionally close to. like if he didnt care he woudlnt have been the one to take his name off the project and mutually not speak to kaveh...... kavehs words are the ones that hit the most significantly to alhaitham.......... kaveh is said/implied to have had at least some other friends while at school / people knew who he was, but not so much alhaitham. people didnt know him and the ones that did just knew he didnt socialize/he was not easy to get along with. he only had kaveh and then, for a while, he lost him too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#the number of times i have reread alhaitham character story 4 and kaveh character story 5. like. dont look at me. kfjsdklfh#on one hand im tempted to think alhaitham would have a fully cynical view of friendship#and be like USELESS NEVER AMOUNTS TO ANYTHING but. i kinda dont think he works like that#well i dont think he would think that either way now but#even in times of friendship breaking up w/kaveh like#alhaitham is very FACTS AND LOGIC and i feel like he would still like#idk. understand the objective value of human companionship. whether or not he feels it works for him#HOWEVER. jkdlhfsd he is also the one who in his other lore bits was like 'grandmother the other children are boring at school'#AT AGE SEVEN god he was probably such an unintentionally funny child. i love u alhaitham u are so neurodivergently coded#so idk i feel like he would have a period where hes like okay. i was alone before and clearly that was the right call bc my 1 friend is gon#even if he does well alone i cant even imagine like. kaveh mustve been a huge impact and difference in alhaithams life#humans need SOME level of socialization!! and kaveh was his.... aughhh god they literally also read as having a bad breakup!!!!!#queer coded TO ME!!!!!! friends to rivals/friends to lovers to enemies to it's complicated..................#but again even if u dont think of it in a romantic sense like it's still so much. they were and are so significant to each other.#their bond is so complex and oughghdhgh they make me go bonkers#i do not think of any other 2 genshin characters so intensely as i do them .what have they done to me. what the fuck.#im alone in my stupid little genshin pit endlessly babbling about these motherfuckers!!!!!!!#and i love them. also i like that one scene in i think cynos 2nd character quest where al and kav r in the library or w/e#and kavehs like wtf no way u dont small talk w/coworkers. and alhaithams like no i just happen 2 hear people but i do not engage#hes so real he likes to eavesdrop but he does NOT want to get involved!!!!!!!!!!!!#also that same scene where kaveh goes 'WTF looking thru these will take FOREVER!!!!' alhaitham: 'ill manage'#kaveh: >:( FINE ILL HELP YOU!!!! like ok he did not ask. silly.#and alhaitham teasing him right after all that. 'teach me to pretend u werent listening' '...' '...' '...' '...HEY STOP IGNORING ME' 'see.'#theyre so goofy. kaveh u walked right into that one. ily.#i love when i talk about characters and it's literally just me going 'wow remember when character x said this. remember when he did that.'#i just love repeating scenes and dialogue and lore over and over and over and offering nothing new to say about it JKFLDSHKLFH#sorry i love them SO much and im bad at drawing and bad at fanfic so i just have to ramble in text posts forever#i do have. a fanfic outlined for them. i am just scared to write it#nothing crazy deep or whatever but yknow. im in a bit of a Funk Right Now dont worry about it#i need a constant stream of alhaitham and kaveh content constantly injected directly into my brain.
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