#baba sissoko
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intotheclash · 2 months ago
BABA SISSOKO & Mediterranean Blues - BIBISA @Auditorium Novecento Napol...
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gianlucacrugnola · 18 days ago
Baba Sissoko - Ebi
Baba Sissoko è molto attivo in questi mesi, con il nuovo video ‘Ebi’, visibile su tutte le principali piattaforme digitali, la preparazione di un lungo tour di concerti e il nuovo sito internet con tutte le informazioni Esce oggi 14 Febbraio, su tutte le principali piattaforme digitali, il nuovo video di Baba Sissoko, dal titolo ‘EBI’, nella tradizione di quella musica che lo stesso Baba chiama…
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lxrradio · 2 months ago
Nickodemus, Baba Sissoko, Gitkin Baba Rides The Wonderwheel
  Το “Baba Rides the Wonderwheel” είναι ένα single του παραγωγού Nickodemus, σε συνεργασία με τον Μαλινέζο μουσικό Baba Sissoko. Το κομμάτι συνδυάζει παραδοσιακά αφρικανικά στοιχεία με σύγχρονους ήχους, δημιουργώντας ένα μοναδικό ηχητικό τοπίο. Ο Baba Sissoko παίζει όλα τα όργανα και τραγουδά στη γλώσσα Bambara, ενώ ο Gitkin προσθέτει μια αίσθηση του Mali Blues με την κιθάρα του, πάνω στους…
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officialgleamstar · 2 years ago
*insert Bee Movie "D'ya Like Jazz?" meme here*
song recs time! I got a coupla jazzy ones, funky ones, and jazz-adjacent ones for ya :D
MAD RIDING by Masaru Imada
meet me in september by Bill Wurtz
That Life by Unknown Mortal Orchestra
Space 1 by Nala Sinephro
There Is A Place by Maisha
Sini Ka Dja by Baba Sissoko
Ice V by King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard
no worries about listening to them all - feel free to just pick whatever entices you - but they be some recs for you or anyone else who sees this :D
preemptively, i dont tend to enjoy jazz (which is insane because i used to literally play jazz in school) or like, instrumentals in general besides bittune or lo-fi, but im really excited to hear these songs :D
send me song recs!
MAD RIDING by Masaru Imada
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
this is a BOP but not something i would ever listen to on my own LMAO i prefer songs with lyrics over pure instrumental!! i think this would rule if i heard it in a video game though
meet me in september by Bill Wurtz
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
love bill wurtz <3 i dont listen to him very often since i gotta be in a specific mood for his music, but his music is always so awesome!!!
That Life by Unknown Mortal Orchestra
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
off topic slightly: obsessed with the album art for this LMAO. anyways YEAAAH I LOVE THIS!! i love singers with rougher/scratchier voices so this is tickling my brain real nicely. big fan!!
Space 1 by Nala Sinephro
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
another one where i just. like. lyrics ghfdghbdfhj but im tossing this straight into my homework playlist because it has the exact same vibe as my lo-fi stuff - which i have just now realized i dont need anymore. i graduated. huh. well, its in there anyways!
There Is A Place by Maisha
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
probably not particularly surprising with my previous answers, lol. i think this one is very intense which i enjoy, id probably love seeing this performed live! oooh or at a dramatic reveal in a movie!!! but not something id listen to casually
Sini Ka Dja by Baba Sissoko
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
i really liked the energy of this one! very good to bob my head along to. just not my kind of music :0 i liked the singing at the end a lot, i wish the entire thing was that LMAO
Ice V by King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
very bold to send a ten minute song. i am not listening to all that. to give it a fair shot though, i listened to it while i detangled my tablet wires, which took about 4 minutes and 30 seconds! it was neat, i liked it. another very video game feel one to me
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mindfulcuppa · 2 years ago
Passed Impressions; Threads Sewn with Word and Image
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2 >Tokyo >Helsinki >Lisbon >Waking Life
Japan air flew me like a special guest to Tokyo, a delightful transportation in the air. When I arrived, I had no real idea of how to get around, nor had I any Japanese in the lexicon (if only) - so anything like beer and soba noodles would grasp towards comfort.
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Call me cringe, but there was something magical about eating Japanese food in Japan. Though I did only had a brief gesture, a taste or morsel if you will, it encouraged a more detailed dive into food there. Hiromi had told me about a miniature car racetrack that they had inside of the airport, but unfortunately it wasn’t open late, so instead I sat on the Haneda observation deck in the rain and watched the planes takeoff. In the gate there were a deluge of people waiting to board to Singapore too, I sat with a family while their kids made up games to play with their temporary terminal friends. “I like to learn but I don’t like school, I like to read but I don’t like books,” one of them riddled. I sipped on a Japanese electrolyte drink and smiled at them as they laughed. 
Helsinki is a strange aura, in the airport at least… people at customs are very nice and all have healthy silver blonde hair. I am looking around a while, finally settling at a bar on the observation deck; I talk with the man at the bar, estimating an expensive cocktail about to be billed. Aspiring for a Finnish Vodka martini, and settling for a gin & tonic with Juniper berries, the bartender and I exchange some broken English pleasantries before I sit down and draw.
After about one and a half days of transit, the eventual arrival to destino Lisboa was a relief. I would walk to the bustling metro station conveniently placed 100 metres or so from the airport and try to find myself a ticket. There was a palpable stickiness to the air underground, and feeling the atmosphere inside the train grew a distant unknown. Embarrassingly I had forgotten the PIN number on the debit card I have had for half a decade, which only left me with about €50 until further notice. I would buy anything I could online, guessing items from the images with the websites all in Portuguese… Before I reached the hostel, four men on the street offered to sell me weed and cocaine (sure it was…). Oversharing, I explained that even if I wanted to, I only had €20 in cash to last me for some days and I had no access to other money. Also a heavy bag on my shoulders and way finding eyes. 
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Having passed metrics of time and space now, eaten a yummy tomato and cheese baguette and 2 pastel de nata, and snapped images of old fountains - I was tired. I think I stepped over 20,000 this day and finally made it to the ‘Good Night’ hostel (phew). I listened to the sounds of the accordion on the cobblestone street from the balcony, it felt like a shift in time. 
Waking Life
In the morning, I would arrange to meet two people from the meta verse to share a car out to a 6 day festival in the Portuguese countryside (Crato). Miguel from Porto, Harry from Glasgow, and myself found each other at the aeroporto before getting picked up in an Uber, and taken for a loooong drive in context. I think it was about 200km, with 20km of that being unsealed and dust-cloud birthing abaft our bumper. 
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The festival was lush (to put it lightly), and impressed with the natural mounded structures, bamboo assemblage, stage designs, and the lake (c/o mother nature, not WL of course…). There were bridges built, pontoon ferries across the lake (and if you’re lucky, with little chaperone children helpers), nests, treehouses, safe spaces, shade structures, a cinema, and regenerative forests. If one was to dream, i’m sure they would find some common ground with this festival. 
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Personally, I spent lots of time reading, swimming, dancing, and listening. Some musical highlights were Donna Leake, ADAB, Cosmo Sofi, Greg Foat, Baba Sissoko & Jean-Philippe Rykiel, Daphni, ALABASTER DEPLUME, Mark Ernestus Ndagga Rhythm Force, Zozo, Palms Trax, Aleksi Perälä, and Dele Sosimi Afrobeat Orchestra. The music didn’t stop the whole time, so there was lots that missed too.
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Flying a kite really high next to the music at the Praia stage provided a moment of bliss, watching others get lost in the hypnotic floating in the sky, the wavering dance, it made others smile which made me happy. There was a lot of gentle motion throughout the week; beauty in stillness, and comparative liberation through movement. Learning from each other was another noticeable effort, space being allocated to apuoro - where generous a exchange of lessons culminated around topics of dream and sensation. Specifically I enjoyed learning about reversing and remembering dreams, which has sent me on a path since. 
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Another special moment was in approach of the Má Estrela set (contemporary Portuguese experimental jazz{?}). The curiosity was well and truly high in the soundcheck, in fact, only few could distinguish what was going on. I sat next to this man as he rolled some sort of smoke, he was British and we had polite conversation. On my other shoulder was a mademoiselle whom seemed to know about the band upcoming. “I’m not sure if you’ll like it…” she said throwing caution, I said “We’ll see” and we sat alone but together in observation and listening. Experiencing waves of synthesis, saxophone, drone, and erratic drums in very different ways I predict, we tilted our heads with different signatures. The British man could not handle the jazz, and left before the first song would conclude. Following the set, it seemed like there was the world to talk about with my neighbour, so we stayed in each others space together for some moments to unfold our introspections.
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Enjoy the images, and a couple field recordings I snapped along the way of some of the music. I appreciate you reading these memories. 
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maximuswolf · 1 month ago
Baba Sissoko &amp; Mediterranean Blues - Bibisa [African Blues]
Baba Sissoko & Mediterranean Blues - Bibisa [African Blues] https://youtu.be/wEhHmTO9M2Y Submitted January 27, 2025 at 11:00AM by Chebelea https://ift.tt/JWQDcVd via /r/Music
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sardies · 4 months ago
Il Griot blues di Baba Sissoko ha chiuso la 18ª edizione del festival Ottobre in Poesia
Sassari. Energie artistiche e antiche tradizioni che si intrecciano, musica e parole che si fondono per trasmettere un messaggio di pace e fratellanza. Sul palco del teatro dell’Exma.Ter di Sassari, domenica 27 ottobre, la musica tradizionale del Mali e il Griot blues di Baba Sissoko, ospite d’eccezione dell’ultimo appuntamento del festival internazionale poetico della Sardegna, Ottobre in…
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lichenmaps · 1 year ago
Roedelius / Selbstportrait III
Ali Farka Touré and Toumani Diabaté / In the Heart of the Moon
Ballaké Sissoko and Baba Sissoko / Sissoko and Sissoko
King Sunny Ade and the Golden Mercury of Africa / Sweet Banana
Steely Dan / Countdown to Ecstasy
Wych Elm / Wych Elm
Roedelius and Tim Story / Lunz
Gonubie / "Blue Emperor"
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micro961 · 1 year ago
Classica Orchestra Afrobeat - Circles
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Il quarto album di inediti dell’ensemble diretto da Marco Zanotti
Un modello di vita più cooperativo, sostenibile, spirituale, ispirato e basato sulla circolarità e l’up-cycle.
 L'istrionico ensemble da camera di 14 elementi diretto da Marco Zanotti esce col suo quarto album di inediti pubblicato dalla label Brutture Moderne con la produzione artistica firmata da Andrea Scardovi. La Classica Orchestra Afrobeat in questo 2023 post-pandemico muove verso il concetto di circolarità con una nuova produzione intitolata “Circles”. Ospite d'onore dell'album è la regina della musica maliana Rokia Traoré, una delle più importanti artiste africane contemporanee che firma insieme a Zanotti il brano “Ka munu munu” (tradotto significa tutto gira).
«Se “Polyphonie”, il precedente disco uscito nel 2017, raccontava dei silenzi e dei canti della foresta, di una coralità delicata ed ecologica, con “Circles” ci ritroviamo in uno spazio-tempo se vogliamo distopico, un futuro nel quale le cose evidentemente non sono andate a finire bene, eppure (o forse per questo) siamo tornati ad un modello di vita più essenziale, cooperativo e sostenibile. Lo sguardo si distoglie dalla dimensione materiale e consumistica per volgersi verso l'alto, verso una dimensione più organica, spirituale, circolare. Dal legno come elemento centrale di “Polyphonie” siamo passati al metallo della mbira, del gong e degli ottoni, materiali sapientemente forgiati dall’uomo nell’antichità e riutilizzati nel futuro grazie all’up-cycling». Classica Orchestra Afrobeat
Per gli spettacoli live, Giovanna Caputi ha creato degli abiti di scena utilizzando stoffa grezza, corde ed elementi di recupero, mentre Marcello Detti ha realizzato una serie di gioielli con pezzi di vecchi strumenti musicali in ottone, inventando nuove geometrie circolari. E poi, sempre negli spettacoli dal vivo, troviamo l’orchestra accompagnata dalla Mutoids Waste Company, il collettivo nato in Inghilterra negli anni ’80 e residente da molti anni a Santarcangelo di Romagna, in quello spazio comunitario chiamato Mutonia. La foto di copertina dell'album è stata realizzata da Luca Perugini: un incredibile scatto effettuato dal basso verso l'alto di una torre di raffreddamento in disuso, alla ex-Sarom di Ravenna, mentre è di Thomas Cicognani la foto del retro di copertina.
Album Track by track La Classica Orchestra Afrobeat è un ensemble composto da 14 musicisti di estrazione mista classica, barocca e popolare. Diretta da Marco Zanotti, crea nei suoi lavori di composizione o arrangiamento un territorio di confine che mescola le sonorità e le peculiarità espressive degli strumenti della tradizione colta europea come archi, legni e clavicembalo con le percussioni, i canti e le poliritmie africane. Il disco d'esordio Shrine on you, Fela goes classical, risale al 2011, pubblicato dalla neonata etichetta indipendente Brutture Moderne. È un sentito omaggio a Fela Kuti, il più grande genio musicale nonchè ribelle politico africano della storia recente (Zanotti nello stesso anno traduce e cura l'edizione italiana della sua biografa, pubblicata da Arcana). L'album e l'idea della Classica Orchestra Afrobeat riscuotono sin da subito critiche entusiastiche, grazie ad una rilettura originale che diventa ponte di dialogo tra culture apparentemente distanti. All'album partecipano Seun Kuti e Oghene Kologbo e numerose sono le rassegne e i teatri che ospitano questo repertorio, scelto nel 2014 come evento di punta del Festival di Radio3 “RadioEuropa” e invitato nel 2013 (prima band italiana di sempre) allo storico Glastonbury Festival in Inghilterra.
Regard sur le passe, il secondo album uscito nel 2014, è una suite musicale in tre movimenti dal carattere spiccatamente barocco, che racconta l'epica dell'ultimo imperatore d'Africa, Samori Touré. Ospiti in scena in veste di cantante solista e narratore sono rispettivamente Sekouba Bambino e Baba Sissoko, due griot di fama internazionale, il primo considerato la “voce d'oro” dell'Africa Occidentale, il secondo ambasciatore della musica del Mali in tutto il mondo.
Il terzo lavoro risale al 2017 e si intitola Polyphonie: un concept-album di brani originali dedicato e ispirato alla foresta e al canto dei pigmei. Uno spettacolo dalla forte valenza ecologica, concepito e realizzato insieme al cantante camerunense Njamy Sitson. Tra le esibizioni più recenti della band quelle all’Auditorium Parco della Musica di Roma, al Teatro Verdi di Sassari, all’Orto Botanico di Padova, all’Auditorium Manzoni di Bologna, alla Rocca di Fano e un concerto-trekking per Ravenna Festival nel Parco del Casentino. Dopo l'anticipazione a maggio con l’uscita del nuovo singolo L’origine del mondo, alle porte dell’autunno 2023 esce il quarto disco di inediti dal titolo Circles per la label Brutture Moderne.
Etichetta: Brutture Moderne
https://classicafrobeat.com/ https://www.instagram.com/classicafrobeat/ https://www.facebook.com/classicafrobeat
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andremonde · 2 years ago
Cloudcast #258 English
Mon Lion par Baba Sissoko & Jean-Philippe Rykiel Bissai par Blick Bassy Yara par Canto Do Sol Yerkermo Sew par Entoto Band Lep par Blick Bassy Conundrum par Bela Fleck/ Zakir Hussain/Edgar Meyer/Rakesh Chaurasia Avlaski Culeni par Samaia Modern Mangas par Violons Barbares Kle par David Walters Ethiopiaye- Two steps closer par Langendorf United Yafa par Sophie Lukacs Joyful Sun+ par Toumani…
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damonalbarn · 3 years ago
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Paris, 28 March 2022, D. with Baba Sissoko [X]
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nemodesign818 · 4 years ago
Music Card No 248 / "An Uncertain Spring"
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peachmelbaesunpostre · 4 years ago
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sbrama · 6 years ago
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baba sissoko concert and psychophono djset  at cascina casottello Milano
web poster (fb) sbrama
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postleft · 3 years ago
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sardies · 4 months ago
Prosegue a Sassari Ottobre in Poesia, domenica Baba Sissoko in concerto
Baba Sissoko Sassari. La poesia al servizio dell’impegno civile, strumento di denuncia e controinformazione. Sarà il poeta afgano Basir Ahang l’ospite speciale del nuovo appuntamento di Ottobre in Poesia, il festival internazionale poetico della Sardegna, arrivato quest’anno alla sua diciottesima edizione. Prosegue la cavalcata poetica del primo festival letterario di Sassari che sabato 26…
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