mobblespsycho100 · 4 months
dunmeshi indonesian high school au . kabru waketos and rin ketos
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mahayanapilgrim · 2 months
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Over and over again ~ Padmasambhava
All beings have lived and died and been reborn countless times. Over and over again they have experienced the indescribable Clear Light. But because they are obscured by the darkness of ignorance, they wander endlessly in a limitless samsara.
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lovedlovingly · 9 months
law of attraction really is the biggest scam of the 21st century. the pseudo science that comes with it and from it is massive and destructive. anti vaxx WISHES they had what LOA has
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musiquesduciel · 11 months
As much as I enjoyed watching Tati Westbrook's videos back in 2018 as 'ASMR' and background noise, not one product she ever recommended/raved about sat well on my skin.
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shinymoonbird · 2 years
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🕉️ 🔱  Om Namo Bhagavathe Sri ArunachalaRamanaya   🔱 🕉️ 
15. The Pervasiveness of Sleep (Sushupti Vyapaka Tiran)
957. Do not be disheartened and lose your mental vigour thinking that [the state of experiencing] sleep in dream has not yet been obtained. If the strength of [experiencing] sleep in the present waking state is obtained, then [the state of experiencing] sleep in dream will also be obtained.
Sadhu Om: The words ‘sleep in the present waking state’ [anavum nanavil sushupti] denote the state of wakeful sleep [jagrat-sushupti] or turiya, the state of experiencing no differences during waking. In order to attain this state, aspirants have to make efforts in the waking state. However, some aspirants used to ask Sri Bhagavan, “Do we also have to make such efforts in dream, so that we may attain the state of experiencing no differences even during dream?” This doubt is answered by Sri Bhagavan in this verse.
The feeling ‘I am this body’ [dehatma-buddhi] rises in the subtle body during dream only because of the habit of identifying the gross body as ‘I’ during waking. Hence, if one practices Self-enquiry in the waking state and thereby eradicates the dehatma-buddhi [the habit of thus identifying a body as ‘I’] in this state, that itself will be sufficient to eradicate the dehatma-buddhi in dream also. Therefore Sri Bhagavan advises in the next verse that, until the dehatma-buddhi is completely eradicated even in dream, one should not give up Self-enquiry in the waking state. Refer here to the fourth paragraph of the first chapter of Vichara Sangraham where Sri Bhagavan says, 
“All the three bodies [gross, subtle and causal] consisting of the five sheaths (*) are included in the feeling ‘I am the body’. If that one [i.e. the identification with the gross body] is removed, all [i.e. the identification with the other two bodies] will automatically be removed. Since [the identification with] the other bodies [the subtle and causal] survive only by depending upon this [the identification with the gross body], there is no need to remove them one by one.” 
The words ‘kanavil sushupti’ [sleep in dream]), which are used in the first and last lines of this verse, may also be taken to mean ‘sleep without dream’, in which case the following alternative meaning can be given: 
“Do not be disheartened and lose your mental vigour thinking that sleep without dream has not yet been obtained. If the strength of [experiencing] sleep in the present waking state is obtained, then sleep without dream will also be obtained.”
958. Until the state of sleep in waking [i.e. the state of wakeful sleep or jagrat-sushupti] is attained, Self-enquiry should not be given up. Moreover until sleep in dream is also attained, it is essential to persist in that enquiry [i.e. to continue trying to cling to the mere feeling ‘I’].
Michael James: The ideas in the above two verses were summarized by Sri Bhagavan in the following verse.
B 19. The state of sleep in waking [or jagrat-sushupti] will result by constant scrutinizing enquiry into oneself. Until sleep pervades and shines in waking and in dream, do that enquiry continuously.
~  Guru Vachaka Kovai  (The Garland of Guru's Sayings) - Part Three - The Experience Of The Truth
(*) A kosha, usually rendered “sheath”, is a covering of the Atman, or Self according to Vedantic philosophy. There are five koshas, and they are often visualised as the layers of an onion.
From gross to fine they are:
Annamaya kosha, “body” sheath - Anna means food, which is what sustains this level
Pranamaya kosha, "energy” sheath (Prana)
Manomaya kosha, “mind” sheath (Manas)
Vijñānamaya kosha, “discernment” sheath (Vijnana)
Anandamaya kosha, “bliss” sheath (Ananda)
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Arunachala at Sunrise Art Print
by Susan Rankin - fineartamerica
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votava-records · 1 year
Digable Planets - Borough Check ( We Live In Brooklyn ) Featuring GURU
Digable Planets & New York B-Boys share the spotlight in this Hip Hop dance montage featuring New York's finest street performers : Magnum, Napalm, Ken Fury, Fantum, Schlag, YeYo, Sossix, Mazen, Krilin, Omen, Frankie, & Chem.  
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i would post selfies on here if i could insure that no one from my real life would find this blog
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culturalappreciator · 2 years
Can I Get A Sample?!
The Sample
Toto- Georgy Porgy [ft. Cheryl Lynn] (1978)
The Sampler (1)
MC Lyte- Poor Georgie (1991)
The Sampler (2)
Joe- All Or Nothing [Remix] (1993)
The Sampler (3)
Guru- Kissed the World [ft. Caron Wheeler] (2007)
The Sampler (4)
Young Jeezy- Shake Life (2011)
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If this scene doesn't convince you to watch Juukou B-Fighter, then nothing will
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radiohaanji · 14 days
Get ready as Punjabi legend Babbu Maan reveals his journey, secrets, and untold stories in this exclusive Melbourne interview! Babbu Maan opens up about the highs and lows of his musical career, his inspirations, and the challenges that shaped him into the icon he is today. Discover the stories behind his famous tracks, his thoughts on Punjabi music's evolution, and how he stays connected to his roots despite global fame. Whether you are a devoted fan or new to his music, this is a must-watch glimpse into the soul of the artist.
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contact360marketing · 8 months
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“Contact 360 Marketing Pvt Ltd wishes you a Happy Guru Nanak Jayanti! May the divine wisdom of Guru Nanak Dev Ji guide us towards a life of virtue, humility, and gratitude. Warm regards from Contact 360 Marketing Pvt Ltd." "On the auspicious occasion of Guru Nanak Jayanti, Contact 360 Marketing Pvt Ltd extends heartfelt wishes for peace, harmony, and enlightenment. Happy Guru Nanak Jayanti!"
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melancholyofautvmn · 10 months
kenapa guru paling baik selalu mengajar mata pelajaran paling 🤬🤬🤬🖕🖕🖕😧😧😧☹☹☹👎👎👎
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luaminesce · 11 months
The fact that sites like Tattle Life and Guru Gossiper are still running and existing even after everything from toxicity to straight-up illegal shit like doxxing and libel is something that unsettles me.
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On October 4, 2005, Guru the Mad Monk was released on DVD in Canada.
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Here's some new Neil Flanagan art!
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occultamusica · 1 year
Guru Bobol - Esogriphe (in Esogriphe, 2022)
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shinymoonbird · 2 years
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🕉️ 🔱  Om Namo Bhagavathe Sri ArunachalaRamanaya   🔱 🕉️
15. A Abrangência do Sono (Sushupti Vyapaka Tiran)
957. Não desanime e não perca o seu vigor mental pensando que [o estado de experimentar] o sono no sonho ainda não foi obtido. Se a força de [experimentar] o sono no presente estado de vigília for obtida, então [o estado de experimentar] o sono no sonho também será obtido.
Sadhu Om: As palavras ‘sono no presente estado de vigília’ [anavum nanavil sushupti] denotam o estado de sono acordado [jagrat-sushupti] ou turiya, o estado de não experimentar diferenças durante a vigília. Para atingir este estado, os aspirantes têm que fazer esforços no estado de vigília. No entanto, alguns aspirantes costumavam perguntar a Sri Bhagavan: “Nós também temos que fazer tais esforços no sonho, para que possamos atingir o estado de não experimentar diferenças mesmo durante o sonho?” Esta dúvida é respondida por Sri Bhagavan neste versículo.
O sentimento 'eu sou este corpo' [dehatma-buddhi] surge no corpo subtil durante o sonho apenas por causa do hábito de identificar o corpo grosseiro como 'eu' durante a vigília. Portanto, se alguém pratica a Auto-investigação no estado de vigília e assim erradica o dehatma-buddhi [o hábito de identificar assim um corpo como 'eu'] neste estado, isso será suficiente para erradicar o dehatma-buddhi no sonho também. Portanto, Sri Bhagavan aconselha no versículo seguinte que, até que o dehatma-buddhi seja completamente erradicado, mesmo em sonho, não se deve desistir da Auto-investigação no estado de vigília. Remete-se aqui para o quarto parágrafo do primeiro capítulo de Vichara Sangraham, onde Sri Bhagavan diz: 
“Todos os três corpos [grosseiro, subtil e causal] consistindo nas cinco bainhas (*) estão incluídos no sentimento 'eu sou o corpo'. Se aquela [ou seja, a identificação com o corpo grosseiro] é removida, tudo [i.e. a identificação com os outros dois corpos] será automaticamente removida. Uma vez que [a identificação com] os outros corpos [o subtil e o causal] sobrevivem apenas dependendo disso [a identificação com o corpo grosseiro], não há necessidade de os remover um por um.”
As palavras 'kanavil sushupti' [sono no sonho]), que são usadas na primeira e na última linha deste versículo, também podem significar 'sono sem sonho', caso em que o seguinte significado alternativo pode ser dado: 
“Não desanime e não perca o seu vigor mental pensando que o sono sem sonho ainda não foi obtido. Se a força de [experimentar] o sono no presente estado de vigília for obtida, então o sono sem sonho também será obtido.”
958. Até que seja alcançado o estado de sono na vigília [i.e. o estado de sono desperto ou jagrat-sushupti], a auto-investigação não deve ser abandonada. Além disso, até que o sono no sonho também seja alcançado, é essencial persistir nessa investigação [i.e. continuar tentando agarrar-se ao mero sentimento 'eu'].
Michael James: As ideias nos dois versículos acima foram resumidas por Sri Bhagavan no versículo seguinte.
B 19. O estado de sono na vigília [ou jagrat-sushupti] resultará da constante investigação escrutinadora de si mesmo. Até que o sono permeie e brilhe na vigília e no sonho, faça essa investigação continuamente.
~  Guru Vachaka Kovai  (Grinalda das Palavras do Guru) - Parte Três - A Experiência Da Verdade
(*) Kosha, habitualmente traduzida como “bainha”, é uma camada de cobertura de Atman, ou Ser, de acordo com a filosofia do Vedanta. Há cinco koshas, e costumam ser visualizadas como as camadas de uma cebola. Da mais grosseira até à mais subtil, são:
Annamaya kosha, “Corpo físico” - Anna significa alimento, que é o que sustenta este nível
Pranamaya kosha, “Corpo de energia” - Prana
Manomaya kosha “Corpo mental” - Manas
Vijñānamaya kosha, “Corpo de sabedoria” - Vijnana
Anandamaya kosha, “Corpo de felicidade” - Ananda
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Arunachala North Facing - Art Print  by Susan Rankin
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