#b&n told me my book shipped a couple days ago now
victory-cookies · 2 months
pakidge… please…
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thewildomega · 4 years
Second Chance Ch.12
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Looking up at the giant ship with the blue whale as the figure head you tilted your own head. Ed had told you that his own main ship had been sunken during the war so you guessed this was one of his other ones. Seeing how big this one was made you wonder how large the actual Moby Dick had been. It seemed to be made up of mid-colored wood with the white and navy blue trim. The many sails were up since it was docked but the Whitebeard flag flew proudly at the top of the mast. Seeing all the ropes and stuff you could only imagine how many people it took to run a ship like this even more so with the paddlewheels on the back. Swinging your feet you looked back down to the drawing you had made of the ship. Humming along to the music as you added in details and such.
"Of course, why would she sit where it was safe..." he grumbled to himself as he finally caught sight of the woman who held his heart. Looking out to where she sat on he sighed. Somehow or another she had managed to get herself out onto one of the larger rocks in the sea that was the closest to the whaleship. She was just sitting there, her feet swinging idly and doing something that he couldn't really make out. "Y/n!" he called but she wouldn't look his way. Trying twice more she still didn't hear him. He wondered if the waves crashing against the rocks were the cause of it. Sighing out he started to jump across the rocks towards her. Finally getting to the one she was on he moved to stand right behind her, looking down to see she had her headphones in. 'Well that explained her not hearing him.' Seeing something in her lap he leaned forward some and peeked over her shoulder.
A sudden shadow coming over you made you knit your brows and look up to the sky, was it clouding up? Seeing a face you let out a yelp and lost hold of your book. Panicking when you thought it would fall into the water you saw a large hand come out to grab it just in time and sighed. Snatching your headphones from your ears you turned around to give him a small glare. "Stop sneaking up on me." you scowlded, smacking one of his large legs that was beside you.
Huffing out in amusement he smirked and looked down at her, noticing that when she was sitting she only came up to his knee. "You're the one that makes it so easy darling." When she stuck her tongue out at him in reply he chuckled and lifted her notebook. "What were you doing out here anyway?
Seeing him go to look through your notebook you quickly stood and moved to take it from him. "Just doodling and stuff."
Holding it out of her reach when he saw the slight blush on her cheeks he grinned. "Doodling what lass?"
"Just little things, now give it back." you grunted. Wrapping your arms around his large biceps you attempted to haul yourself up or pull his arm down but neither happened as he just held you in the air like you weighed nothing more than a bag of flour.
"I want to see what some of the other dreams are on your list." he smiled.
"No." Jumping up to try and grab it he only held it above his head, even further out of your reach.
Humming he rose one of his brows, "Why not?"
"B..because there mostly stupid things... most of them are places back in my world I wanted to see."
"A person's dreams are never stupid. Most may be places but not all so I'm still curious." Seeing her go to try and grab it again he moved out of the way and jumped to the next rock then the next and back towards shore.
"Edward Newgate! You give me back my notebook right now or so help me I will kick your old ass!" you yelled as you picked up your phone and headphones, jumping after him at a slower pace than he was going. Hearing his loud laugh you narrowed your eyes and growled. By the time you got back to shore he was gone and you were trying to figure out which way he went. "So much for acting your age." you grumbled. Feeling a pull in your chest you decided to follow it and ran as fast as you could.
He had been running for a short time before he slowed down into a walk, moving towards the small patch of trees and shrubs to hide behind. Sitting down in the grass he opened the small notebook up to the first page to see a quote,
A ship in port is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. Sail out to sea and do new things. ~Grace Hopper
Smiling at that he flipped through the first couple dozen pages to see small things written out, lists of things she needed to do with some things crossed off, recipes, dates to remember, a list of books. Opening the book to the next page he felt this one heavier than the other and opened it to see a small picture taped sideways to the page. Turning the book so he could see it better he saw it was a picture of a man and woman with five small children sitting all around them. Knitting his brows he looked to the couple and noticed they looked a lot like y/n. The picture looked a little old and he noticed it had a few blotches here and there. Looking back to the family he frowned, were they her parents? She said she didn't know where they were, that she hadn't ever met them, had she lied to him? Feeling the next page heavy as well he turned it and saw a pressed daffodil, written at the bottom was 'Ed'. She had wanted to remember the flowers he had given her. A few more little things went on for a while again until he came to a sketch. A sketch of the whaleship. She had done a pretty good job of drawing the ship out, she had even drew his flag beneath it. Still hung up on the fact that she may had lied to him he only felt his lip lift up a little. Going to the next section in the back of the book he found what he had been looking for.
Bucket List
Meet my parents. (Almost illegible)
Climb a mountain.
Fly in a plane.
Ride on a ship.
Canno the Smith River.
Make a friend.
See a shooting star.
Visit the Grand Canyon.
See the Niagara falls.
See the ocean.
Jump off a waterfall.
Take an art class.
Read The Great Gatsby.
Watch Dances with Wolves without falling asleep.
Go on a date.
Find a four leaf clover.
Touch a cloud.
See a shark/dolphin.
Get my first kiss.
WHAT?! She has never been kissed?! They had almost... last week. Wait, if she has never even been kissed has she never... Swallowing hard he rubbed his face. He would have to come back to that.
Mean something to someone.
That made him frown, his brows furrowing down and his heart ache.
Be apart of a family.
Sighing he dropped his head. He knew what that felt like, knew what it was like to have no one. Going to lift his head up to read again he was knocked to the ground suddenly, letting out a small 'ooff' on the way.
"Ha! Got you!" you hummed. Grabbing hold of your notebook you went to pull it from his hand, "I'll take that thank you..." When he still didn't let go you groaned but didn't get time to protest anymore before a large arm wrapped around you and pulled you to the ground beside him. "Eddddd." you whined. Trying to wiggle out of his hold to no avail you looked to see his face serious.
Laying beside her he held her still as he flipped to the page with the picture on it. He had to know, had to know if she had lied to him. "Who is this?" He asked in a firm voice. Seeing her face fall and her eyes quickly look away from the picture he frowned. "Are they your parents?"
"Yes." you whispered.
"You told me you had never met them." he said confused. He didn't want to seem angry at her but he also didn't like the idea of that she had lied to him either.
Hearing how deep his voice was you knit your brows, "I.. I haven't."
"Then how did you get their picture?" Seeing her frame curl inward some he took a deep breath, he would get nothing out of her if he didn't calm down. "I don't mean to sound angry lass I just... I don't understand."
Glancing back to the picture you felt a lump in your throat grow but quickly swallowed it down. "I looked them up..." when he knit his brows you licked your lips. "Remember that thing I was using, my laptop. I told you about the internet and how it had all this information on it." Seeing him nod you looked to him, "Well a few years ago I got up the courage to look up my parents. I didn't know anything but their names but after a while I managed to track them down. I don't know where they are exactly, just a general location. Anyways I saw that picture there and I got so happy, they were still together and I had brothers and sisters. I sent them a message telling them who I was and how I wanted to meet them, I told them how long I had been hoping to find them." Stopping to get ahold of your emotions you looked away from him, "It took a few days and I remember losing hope but then when I got home one night I had a message from them, my mother." taking a deep breath you looked down to his blond hair that was laying across his arm and onto yours some. "She told me that she was sorry but they had moved on from that time in their lives. They had started a new life with their children and they didn't want me to intrude on that. They apparently hadn't told any of my siblings about me and never wanted them to know. She said that if I really cared about them I would be happy for them and respect their wishes, that I would never try to contact them or anyone else in that family again." Feeling your lip try to tremble you bit down on it. "I printed out their picture because... well I don't really know why..." you huffed sadly. "I guess because even if they could forget me, that that didn't mean I could forget them."
He felt like such an asshole. She hadn't lied to him, she had never lied to him. She just didn't want to be reminded of more pain. His own parents had died, he hadn't been orphaned by choice, she had. He couldn't imagine ever doing that to a child. To make them feel what his lass felt, unwanted, even by her parents. The thought alone angered him and he wished he was back in her world just so he could hunt down all of the people that had ever hurt his darling.
Sniffling you took a deep breath and grabbed the book from him, closing it. Looking up into his warm yellow eyes you slowly felt your pain go away and a sense of ease come over you. Wanting to break this sad moment you grinned a little and stood, feeling his arm loosen to allow it this time. Stepping over him you looked down his wide, toned back and hummed, swinging your foot you turned it and kicked him square in his no doubt muscled ass.
Feeling her kick him, not hard enough to actually hurt but hard enough that he could feel it he felt his eyes go wide and snapped his eyes up to her. "Wha.."
"I told you I was going to kick your old ass." you huffed, crossing your arms over your chest.
"You sure you want to challenge Whitebeard darling?"
"Won't be much of a challenge with you loosing and all..." When the great Capitan only narrowed his eyes, a playful but dangerous look coming over his face you smiled and quickly ran for it. Only getting a few meters away before a light tremor shook the ground and put you off balance. Going to fall you were swept up and tossed over the massive man's shoulder like a bag of rice.
"What was that about me loosing?" He asked with a smirk.
"I was talking about swimming." you giggled but only heard him hum before laughing.
"What are you looking at hun?" Zella asked her husband who was looking down towards the valley with a soft smile on his face.
Chuckling lightly the phoenix smiled, "Nothing." Turning away from the playing man and woman by the trees, giving his pops some privacy.
Waking up suddenly he snapped his eyes open and stared at the ceiling of his bedroom. Something felt off, knowing that usually that feeling meant something involving his soulmate he got up from bed and quietly walked from the room. Seeing the bathroom door open he knew she wasn't in there. Making his way across the living room he looked down to the couch and found it empty. Quickly looking to the kitchen and dining room he saw them both empty as well and felt his brows lower. Snapping his eyes to the door he saw it unlocked, she had left the house. With a deep breath he made his way out to find her, letting his heart guide him to her.
Having woke up covered in a cold sweat and panting for air you shakingly stood from where you were sleeping and hurried outside. You didn't exactly know where you were going you just knew you had to walk, had to get away to clear your mind. Before long you had made your way down to the beach and sank down to sit in the cool sand. Pulling your knees up to your chest and hugging them you rested your chin on them and closed your eyes. Taking a deep breath you let it out in a long sigh. Thinking back to your dream you swallowed hard.
Sitting on the cold wooden floor in the middle of the dark room you breathed heavily and looked around, "Hello? Is anyone there?" No one answered at first and you licked your lips. Looking down you saw you wearing old threadbare clothes like the ones you wore when you were living on the streets for those two years. Moving to push yourself up to stand you were suddenly struck across the left cheek and fell back to the floor, your hand flying up to your burning face.
"Despicable girl."
Snapping your eyes up to the familiar female voice you saw your grandmother standing there in her usual red dress, a deep scowl on her wrinkled face. Shaking your head a little you turned to move away from her when you were stuck again, this time the hand a little larger, rougher.
Your grandfather, a look of distaste in his eyes as he looked down his nose at you.
"You should have never been born." your grandmother snapped.
"No one wants her, she's so ugly."
Seeing your great aunt had joined them you swallowed hard.
"What a waste of life." Your cousin spoke.
"...going to grow up to be a common harlot, just like her mother."
One by one more people crowded around you, striking you and calling out insults. Everytime you tried to get up you were hit back down to the floor until soon you could do nothing but curl up into a ball, your hands over your ears and your eyes shut tight as you tried to drown out what they were saying. When their voices got louder you felt tears fill your eyes and you started to scream.
"They're right you know."
Gasping you heard all of the other voices stop and opened your eyes to see them all gone. Turning your head you looked around the dark room until you saw him. Watching as he crouched down in front of you you stared up into those yellow eyes. Something wasn't right, why did they look so cold? Swallowing hard you parted your lips to speak, "E..ed..."
"They're right."
Furrowing your brows you licked your dry, cracked lips and started to shake your head. Before you could speak he started laughing.
"Did you really think I would ever want you?"
That wasn't his normal laugh, wasn't the one you had heard so many times before, the one that made your heartbeat a little harder in your chest. Feeling tears well up in your eyes you blinked and felt them roll down your burning cheeks.
"You're so pathetic. No one wants you, you don't mean anything to anyone, especially me." he huffed.
Feeling the lump in your throat burn you let out a little sob.
"Why would I want someone as ugly as you by my side?"
"P..plea..sssse ssstop..." you cried. Feeling him curl his finger under your chin and lift your eyes to his you looked up at him through your tears.
"I will never love you."
It felt like someone had stuck a knife straight through your heart. Feeling his finger slip from you, you dropped your head to the wooden floor and curled up as tight as possible as sobs wracked your body. You heard his deep chuckle and then the sound of his boots walking away before you were left alone in the cold darkness.
Feeling something wet land on your cheek you opened your heavy eyes and stared out at the sea, the moon reflecting off of the dark surface. Curling up tighter if possible you sniffled, another tear rolling down. It felt so real, all of it. The clenching in your heart as well. As much as you hated it you couldn't help but wonder if this was a warning of some kind. There was no doubt in your mind that you were falling for Edward, never in your life had you felt this connection with anyone, this longing, this happiness. But what if it was all too good to be true? What if he didn't feel the same? Would he grow tired of you soon as well? Would he throw you away like everyone else had? Then you would be alone again. You didn't want to be alone anymore. You didn't want to hurt anymore.
Looking out to the moonlit shore he saw her and started walking forward. What the hell was she doing out here? It was the middle of the night and she was in nothing but his damn shirt. Getting closer he went to call out for her but stopped when he saw the shining tears rolling down her cheeks. He had only seen her cry that once, when he had stopped that man from raping her. Just the sight alone made his heart ache. She looked so fragile to him in that moment with her body curled up as tight as she could, clad only in his button up shirt that was too big on her. Her hair was blowing wildly around her with tears rolling down her cheeks. She didn't look hurt to him, not physically but she was hurting that much was clear. Slowly walking over to her he saw her glossy eyes stay on the dark sea before snapping to him once he got close enough.
"E..ed..." your voice was nothing more than a broken whisper. Quickly remembering that you were crying you looked away when you saw him looking down at you with concern clear on his face. Wiping at your cheeks and eyes you mentally started cursing yourself for no doubt looking so incredibly pathetic. Here you were crying on the beach in the middle of the night, STUPID!
Not saying anything at first he crouched down beside her, placing his hand on her back. Hearing her start apologizing for waking him and telling him to go back to his home in a soft, saddened voice he furrowed his brows. When she still refused to look at him he tilted his head. "Lass, look at me."
His voice sounded so deep and low, you knew he wasn't asking. That was the voice of a captain giving an order, just maybe a little softer that he would have been with his crew. Screwing your eyes shut you tried to force away your previous emotions, not wanting to look weak.
Swallowing hard at the way he said your name you slowly moved your eyes out from where you had hid them in your knees to look up at the giant of a man. You thought he might be angry, that he might be annoyed but that wasn't the case. Those weren't the cold eyes from your dream, those were warm and kind and caring. Just one look made you feel so much, his touch, his smell, his... everything. Never before had you felt so alive than you did when you were with him. How could one man, one person cause so many feelings inside of you? He made you want to smile, want to laugh and cry and... love. You loved him. YOU LOVED HIM! It was like someone had hit you with a ton of bricks and all too soon you were crying again. No, no you couldn't love him because if you loved him there was no going back. If you loved him and he didn't love you then it would break you. If you loved him and he tossed you away then it would kill you. Oh God it hurt, just the thought alone hurt, it hurt so bad.
Seeing her start crying again, her body curling up and her fingers dig into her arm he felt his heart throb. "What's wrong? Y/n, darling tell me what's wrong." he spoke in a deep voice, kneeling down to place both of his hands on her, trying to comfort her.
His touch was like a warm blanket and his voice a light shining at you from the darkness. "I'mmm afffraid." you cried without looking up at him. There were so many emotions hitting you all at once. Shame, embarrassment, fear, uncertainty, sure, delightled, doubtful...love."
Afraid. First thing that popped in his head was him, was she afraid of him? Many people were. He was sure he had never given her reason to be though, he was careful around her. "Of what, afraid of what?" She didn't answer him for sometime and he feared it was him but then she spoke one quiet word that made it all clear.
He knew her past, knew what she had been through. The past was hard, it was for most and some never recovered from things that happened to them. It could make people bitter, angry and afraid. His lass had been hurt time and time again. She had been tossed aside, given away and never given the chance to develop any real relationships in her life. Everyone she had ever trusted had hurt her and so she had shut herself off. She didn't have any friends, didn't try and make friends because she was scared of being hurt again. Now though he assumed she was feeling the same thing as him and that scared her. Taking a deep breath he gently lifted her up into his arms, feeling her not even fight him. Holding her close he dipped his head down and closed his eyes, "I know you've been hurt before and this scares you but Y/n you have my word that I will never make you feel what they did. I will never leave you. I will never hurt you." he promised her in a low, deep voice.
You wanted to believe him, you really, really did but you were still afraid. Still unsure. People had made you promises before and never kept them, were his just empty words as well. Would he grow tired of you or change his mind?
Feeling her body remain tense he turned his face to her head, touching his lips and chin to her forehead. Letting out a sigh he stroked her thigh with his thumb. "There's nothing wrong with being afraid lass. Just means I'm going to have to work on making those fears go away. I'm going to spend the the rest of my days proving to you how wonderful you truly are."
"Wwwhy? Why would you... why do you c...care?" you asked in a broken cry.
Smiling he breathed in the scent of her hair, wrapping his arms around her to hold her close. "Because lass, I love you."
Gasping you opened your eyes, looking at the skin over his hard chest, feeling his heart thumping in your ear. A tear rolled down your cheek at his confession, the words you never thought you would hear anyone say to you. "Yo....uuu...mmmee?"
"Need me to say it again darling? I'll tell you everyday." he grinned. "I love you."
Fresh tears poured form your eyes but these were not from the sadness or loneliness you were so accustomed to crying about, no for the first time in your life, these were tears of pure joy.
He hadn't been expecting her arms to wrap around his neck, nor her face to nuzzle into his neck as she cried but he wouldn't complain.  Wrapping his own arms around her he hugged her as tight as he could without crushing her.
Swallowing thickly you felt a burst of courage come over you and smiled, you couldn't exactly leave him hanging."I love you."
Smiling from ear to ear he turned his face to press a kiss to her head. "You really do know how to make this old man feel young again lass." he chuckled and heard her hum softly.  When she nuzzled into his neck more, her arms still latched onto him with no signs of letting go he grinned and stood, holding her to him with one arm under her ass and the other over her back. Walking back to his home he carried her inside and locked the door. Passing by the couch he felt her head perk up some and grinned but said nothing as he walked back to his room... their room.
"No more sleeping on the damn couch." he told her in a firm voice, moving into the dark room and over to the bed. Laying her down on the side closest to the wall he got in beside her and pulled the covers over the both of them. He could tell she was a little apprehensive so he got comfortable on his side, facing her, gently pushing her down to lay beside him. "Go ta sleep darling." he told her in a gentle voice.
With his arm wrapped around you, holding you to his chest you slowly relaxed, letting out a sigh. Closing your eyes you listened to the sound of his beating heart, felt the warmth of his body seep into yours.
Listening as her breathing turned deep, her body going limp against him he grinned softly. Placing a gentle kiss to her temple he felt her face nuzzle into his chest. "Goodnight my darlin'."
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mayibeyoursbanks · 4 years
Can you do a fic with JJ and y/n to the song Summer Love by One Direction because y/n went to the Obx just for the summer but they find a way for the group to be together at the end of the summer while y/n goes back to her house? Lol it’s a lot sorry.
I’m so sorry this literally took forever for me to get to- I accidentally deleted everything halfway through writing it😔
But it’s here now! It kinda took its own path but I hope you like it!!!
“Summer Love”
Memories of the past two months flooded through your mind as you stuffed your suitcase with all of your belongings. It felt as though every T-shirt, swim suit, piece of jewelry, had a different memory attached to it.
You reached for the woven bracelet on your dresser, thinking of the day you first got it.
“Close your eyes babes. We have a present for you,” said Kie. You shook your head, but complied anyway.
“A present? You guys didn’t have to give me anything. You just met me what? Three weeks ago?”
“Don’t be silly. It’s your birthday, of course we got you something. Besides, it’s not even that huge of a deal,” you hear Sarah say from your other side.
You feel something lightweight fall into your outstretched hand and feel the rough, woven texture between your fingers. You smile as you open your eyes to look down at the handmade bracelet. It was made of three colors- yellow, pink, and orange -all intricately interwoven to make a perfectly wrist sized band.
“A friendship bracelet? Just like bit of yours?”
“Well, not just like ours. We made new ones to match.” Sarah held up her wrist to flash a bracelet identical to the one in your hand, and Kie did the same.
“It’s beautiful. Thank you.” Your eyes watered with tears.
“You may not be in the Outer Banks forever, but you will always be apart of our lives, Y/N. I hope you know that”
You smiled to yourself as you tugged the bracelet onto your wrist and reached for the baseball hat that was placed next to it.
It was a scorching hot day, and the sun beat down on you and Pope as you rode Heyward’s boat back across the island. You had volunteered to help him make deliveries to the Figure 8, but under this sun, you were regretting the decision to pass on surfing with the girls.
“Thanks for helping me out again Y/N/N. These deliveries would have taken me all day to do alone.”
“Anytime Heyward. But maybe the next time you need a hand, you could tell me to bring a hat? Or even some sunglasses?” You said this jokingly, but Pope must have noticed your red, sun-kissed face and how you squinted up at him to talk, because then he moved to remove his iconic “Pong” hat and put it on your head, tugging it into place. You smiled gratefully at him, and went back to counting the tips from the day.
When Pope pulled the boat up to the dock, you went to return his hat to him, but he held his hand out.
“Keep it. It looks ten times better on you anyway.” You did a fake gasp and placed your hand in your chest.
“Is this your final gift to me Pope? A memento to remember you by when I finally return to the horrors of the mainland?” Pope just chuckled.
“Well I can’t let you go forgetting me now. Gotta compete with the others. Well except for JJ, he obviously has a spot secured in your heart.” You felt your cheeks blush furiously.
“What is that supposed to mean Heyward?”
“Come on Y/N/N. You guys have acted like an old married couple since we first met you at The Wreck. Even John B can see it.” You looked down at the groceries swinging in your hand as you walked up the dock next to Pope.
“Is it that obvious?”
“As obvious as the capital of Russia.”
You smirked to yourself at the reoccurring memory of yours and Pope’s favorite inside joke, and gently set the hat on the top of the bag.
Then you saw the worn book that was laying under then hat on your dresser, and picked it up to flip through the pages.
You were wondering around the Chateau while you waited for John B to find the keys to the Twinkie. The two of you were supposed to pick up the rest of the Pogues for a drive around the island, but the absent-minded boy had somehow misplaced the most important part of that plan.
As you walked down the hallway, you stopped at a door you recognized as Big John’s office. You had never gone in here because while John B was very open to talking about his dad with you, you had only known him for a month and a half. Going in felt like an overstep before.
You slowly creaked the door open though, and we’re greeted by stacks of books and piles of maps. There was a model ship in one corner, and glove across from it, with a desk covered in even more maps and books in the center of the room.
You walked to the desk and scanned the stacks of books, eyes landing on a light blue book that looked well read. As you picked it up, you ran your fingers over the embossed lettering.
“Searching for the Merchant,” you whispered to yourself. You opened the book with a crap and started fingering through the pages.
“That was his favorite book in this whole office.” You jumper at the familiar sound of your friends voice and slammed the book closed. You were about to apologize to John B but the boy stopped you.
“It’s ok. I come in here all the time.”
“Do you feel closer to him? When you’re in here?”
“In some ways. In others I feel farther than ever.” You watched John B as he stared down the model ship in the corner.
“I never met him, but just from being in here I can tell he was a good man.” A small smile appeared on John B’s face.
“And a good dad.”
“That he was, Y/N/N. That he was.” The two of you stood in silence for a little longer before the boy spoke up again.
“Why don’t you keep that book? You might enjoy it.” You rapidly shook your head.
“John B, I could never. All this stuff is yours to enjoy.”
“Look around Y/N. I obviously have plenty of things to go through when I miss him. Besides, I already had my great adventure. Maybe that book will inspire you to find yours.” You smiled big at your friend, the Pogues’ treasure hunt was the first story they had told you when you hung out at the Chateau for the first time, and you had always craved to have your own similar escapade, minus the life-threatening pirates.
You gently closed the book and tucked it into the side of your suitcase, thinking about the adventure you had this summer with your new best friends. Zipping your the suit case, you tugged it off your bare bed and began to pull it towards your bedroom door. You stopped suddenly at the sight of a long necklace hanging from a nail next to the door. Your treasured shark tooth necklace.
You barely noticed the dock shift under the weight of someone sitting next you, and you didn’t even bother to look up. You know exactly who it was.
“Are you really leaving at the end of the week?”
“I have to JJ. My parents want to go back to the mainland early, and even though I’m 18, I’m definitely not financially independent enough to stay here.”
“Screw money. We’ll find a way. You can stay with Kie. Or Sarah. Or Pope. Or heck, even John B.” You shook your head, trying not to cry.
“This is why I was afraid to tell you guys. I knew there was no getting out of me going home, and now it’s all you guys will focus on.”
“Can you blame us? You became one of our best friends, my best friend, in less than 24 hours. How do you expect us to let you go without a fight.”
“There’s nothing you can do this time JJ, not even the people that uncovered the Royal Merchant.”
“But wha-“ You placed your hand on his knee to signal him to stop talking.
“JJ, can we please not talk about this right now. I may not have as long as I thought, but I want to spend the time I do have making memories. Not wallowing I’m self-pity.” JJ grabbed your hand in his and brought it to his mouth to gently kiss it. He held it to his mouth for a while, and you looked over to him for the first time during this entire conversation. You shifted to face him, and with your free hand you reached for the shark tooth dangling around his neck.
“Now where in the world does a boy like you get a piece like this?” You said, mimicking the very first question you ever asked the boy. JJ chuckled and met your eyes.
“On a great adventure. One with pirates, and gold, and a giant storm. Almost didn’t make it out, but I found this tooth lingering in my battle wounds after I washed up on the sand,” JJ replied in his rip-off Pirates if the Caribbean accent.
“Oh? And what has this tough-as-bones pirate prince been doing since then? Plenty of damsels in distress I assume?” JJ smirked.
“Hundreds. But only one of them has really caught my heart.”
“And what of her? What adventures has she gone on?”
“None yet. But I’m hoping to change that.”
“Ah, a lucky lady she is.”
“Yes, you are.” Your smile faltered. You and JJ had grown very close this past summer, and had even shared an almost-kiss at one time. But you both knew it was pointless trying to explore that, what with you leaving in less than a month.
“JJ?” The boy in front of you smiled and grabbed both of your hands, placing them in his lap so he could hold your face with his.
“You were mine this summer Y/N. And I was yours. Don’t take that away from me, not quite yet.” You nodded, tears threatening to trickle down your cheeks.
“We can’t last long JJ. We’ve both known that for a while.” JJ just shook his head and stared into your eyes even more intensely.
“Y/N. Can I kiss you?”
“Please,” you whispered. And it didn’t take another second for JJ to press his lips to yours, and like two perfect harmonies you both moved to close any remaining space in between your bodies, all while you tugged at each other’s lips, hungry to make up for all the chances to do this you took for granted the past two months.
When you two finally broke apart, you rested your forehead against his and smiled when he slid his necklace over his head and onto your neck. You reached up to the tooth and held it in between your fingers, and closed your eyes.
You quickly wiped the tears from your eyes and grabbed the necklace, only to stuff it in your back pocket. Wearing it would only remind you about your summer love, but you couldn’t bare to part with it.
Stepping out of your house, you met your dad who grabbed you suitcase from you to put it in the car. He gave you a sympathetic smile while your mom grabbed your shoulder and squeezed past you in the doorway.
Then you heard the familiar growl of a motorbike, and looked down the road to find none other than JJ and Sarah quickly approaching your house. You walked towards them, but you didn’t make it far before Sarah all but tackled you in a bear hug.
“I almost thought you guys were going to let me leave without saying goodbye.”
“We’re not. Letting you leave, that is.”
“Sarah, I don’t have a choice. I can’t afford to live on my own, and my parents have to go back. There’s no way.”
“What if I told you there was.” The look on Sarah’s face was full of determination.
“What do you mean?” Instead of explaining her antics to you, she grabbed your wrist and pulled you toward your parents.
“Mr. Y/L/N. Mrs. Y/L/N. Your daughter can not leave the Outer Banks. She’s official Pogue property now.” You just shook your head at your best friend, but let her talk.
“But I understand you two need to go back to those forsaken mainlands, so I have a proposition. As you know, my embarrassment of a brother has just gone off to Ohio for...well, I guess you can call it school. He won’t be returning for at least 4 years, and Wheezie and I can’t bare the empty room for that long. However, we’re willing to let Y/N here move in with us, free of charge. And as for the financial independence, the Carreras have a new opening at the Wreck, and I think it would be a good way for Y/N to make some money of her own. I think 4 years is sufficient time to get on her own feet, don’t you think?”
You looked at Sarah in absolute wonder, and when your parents turned their eyes to you, you met them with a determined glare.
“Mom. Dad. You know how much I love it here. You guys said it yourselves every day, I belong here. And I’ve made the best friends I could ever ask for, and I’m more happy than I ever was on the mainland. I’m 18, and this is an opportunity to prove to you that I’m ready to make my own life.”
You’re parents looked at each other, having not said a word this whole time. Your mom was the first to break.
“Well, it is only a 2 hour ferry ride. And I trust the Cameron’s. And your friends.” Your dad smiled at you and chuckled to himself.
“That’s my girl. Of course you can stay.” You gaped at your parents.
“Wait, really?!?! That worked?”
“It may not be the most stable option, but you’re right, you belong here. And being able to stand up and tell us that proves to us that you’re an adult now.”
You’re mom nodded her head in a direction behind you before she spoke, “Besides, it looks like you may be in a good hands here.” You spun around to find JJ, shyly holding his helmet and looking up at you with a small smile. You broke from Sarah’s grip and ran to him, jumping in his arms and pulling your legs around his waist.
JJ held you tightly and spun you around, laughing with you. When he came to a stop, you pulled away to look at him.
“So, what’s our first adventure, my pirate prince?”
“Well, I was thinking...nothing that involves hidden treasure or getting shot at?”
“And what do you propose instead?”
“How about something with sharks?” You heard your dad cough from behind you, and looked to see his eyebrows raised questioningly.
“With secure cages of course.” JJ added nervously.
“Sounds perfect. When do we start?”
“Right now.”
Tags: @tangledinsparkles @the-crackhead-next-door @pankows-girl @howdyherron @poguemacking @dpaccione
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husbandograveyard · 4 years
Hi! For the cliche box opening- Marco and fem reader, 21?
Hiya! Some of that gorgeous phoenix man coming right up! I don’t know why he’s getting more and more popular but daaanggg I am all here for it, he really is one of those slightly perfect men, pineapple andall! I hope you enjoy this dear!! 
This is a setup - Marco x Reader 
Cliche with Bae prompt #21: Blind date set up by friends  Character: Marco - Word Count: 1.9k 
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You never really thought about dates and such. As a pirate, you had better things to do than occupy your mind with romance. You had the occasional crush, the occasional fling when docked on an island. Usually never something serious. You have had some crushes on your crewmates too, but never really acted on it. It’d feel a little weird. 
Right now the object of your crushing was your ship’s doctor and commander of the first division, Marco the Phoenix. His soft and gentle demeanor, combined with his strength, determination, and leadership skills made it hard to not fall for him. And well, you’d be lying if you said he wasn’t extremely good looking. His reading glasses being the cherry on top, a sight you were seeing more and more often lately. 
Whitebeard had appointed you Marco’s assistant, mostly since you were one of the more gentle, calculated and precise people on board. Ideal to assist the doctor with his herbs and medicines, since you made no mistakes. And well, spending long days and sleepless nights with him, preparing herbs, labeling medicine and just generally assisting him in the infirmary, sometimes even taking over command over the nurses whenever commander duties called him, surely had made you appreciate him even more. 
A crush was just that, and you didn’t want it all interrupting your duties. But it was nice to have someone to daydream about whenever there was a silent moment and your actual dreams were bringing you much joy, glad to wake up with the prospect of spending time with the one person that kept visiting in your dreams. But you kept to dreaming and dreaming alone, it was not worth trying, besides, there was not even the slightest indication of any mutual pining. No way you were going to ruin your favorite job on the ship so far just for the sake of a possible relationship. 
After a party on the Moby dick, you had been slightly intoxicated, you had confided in Ace about having a crush when he asked you something about the guy you left behind some islands ago. You had forgotten about him and had explained to Ace how you preferred short flings for the duration of the stay on an island, and in the meantime, you’d enjoy your crushes on the ship.
It had been a terrible idea to tell him because this man was so damn curious about your crush, he kept bothering you, even if the alcohol had no more influence after the party ended, just kept on bothering you for days on end. You kept explaining you preferred to not get involved with someone on the crew and put a real emphasis on the fact that nothing should be one-sided. After a while, they stopped bugging you. At least that is what it seemed like. 
When you were about to dock at the new island, you were hanging out with Izo on deck. He too was now aware of the little situation going on with Marco, but compared to Thatch and Ace, went a lot more subtle about the whole ordeal. “So, y/n, are you going to find some other fling here too, or is your mind a little too pre-occupied?” “I don’t know”, you answered truthfully, “I guess I wouldn’t mind something to distract my brain for a little bit. I’ve never had a crush last this long.” Izo hummed. “Well, I do know some people on this island? How about I find you a nice man, and arrange a date? Kind of a blind date thing? I promise I won’t set you up with some kind of weirdo. Just… to distract the brain, and that way you won’t have to go through a batch of well willing guys that are not worth your time.” 
You thought it over for a bit, the offer didn’t seem that bad. Worst case scenario you just had a bad date, but the chances of having a bad date were just as big if you went out and looked for someone by yourself. Besides, you did trust Izo and his judgment, so the date couldn’t possibly that bad. “You know what? Sure. One blind date. The second night we’re at the island so you have time to convince someone to do a blind date thing.” You laughed and Izo nodded in response. “Consider it done~ I’ll figure out the details with him and let you know as soon as I’ve met up and set it up.” “Perfect.” 
As promised, the next day Izo gave you the time and place of a small restaurant pretty close to the harbor. “No need to dress up too fancy, I told him it was very casual. That way you can see for yourself whether you want to hook up or just have a fun evening.” You thanked him for his consideration. You were feeling a little bad, something you had never done when going onto a date of any kind. It was not even like you never had done a blind date before. You looked over at the closed door of Marco’s cabin and felt a little pang in your heart. You shook your head, there was no way that was going to work out, so might as well make the best of it tonight. 
You spent most of the day distracting yourself with your chores, even taking on extra ones to make time pass faster. And it worked very well, you nearly forgot about the excitement of the evening when Ace asked you why you were still on the ship. You had completely lost track of time. Good thing the date didn’t require dressing up nicely, you just changed into the first clean set of clothes you could find inside your cabin, and then sprinted your way to the restaurant. You remembered Izo’s words, the first row of tables to the right in the corner, he had booked it for the date so you definitely wouldn’t miss it and sit by the wrong person. 
You walked the final feet to the restaurant, not wanting to arrive all out of breath. You were only a couple of minutes too late. It was embarrassing, but not too bad. Maybe your date was a little late too and you could both laugh about it. You walked in, turned to the right, looked at the corner… and frowned. The table was taken already, a familiar face looking surprised before smiling and waving you over. You reluctantly walked up there, and with every step you took, the realization sank in: Izo had been part of a set-up. You’d strangle him the moment you got back. 
“Hey Marco” You smiled as you sat down, the doctor smiling back at you. “Did you know..?” “No, y/n”, he laughed, “I’m afraid we both are victims of a set-up”. You nodded. “Well, we might as well make the best out of it?” “That seems like a plan, nice food in great company sounds like an ideal date to me- yoi” he winked at you as he said that, and you couldn’t stop your cheeks from heating up a little. 
You ordered drinks and food, and once you got over the initial awkwardness and the fact that you both had drastically been set up by your friends and crewmembers, the conversation started flowing. Starting off with things about the ship and such, since that’s what you always talked about when you were working together, but slowly evolving to more personal conversations, such as your pasts, your dreams, your goals, your hopes, and aspirations. It all seemed to flow so easily and you were just having so much fun. 
Marco was not only an amazing date to have deep conversations with, he was also a true gentleman and incredibly funny. You could almost feel your crush grow into something more right at that very dinner table. Or at least, the denial that it was nothing more than a crush was about to get thrown overboard. You were head over heels and that was not part of the battle plan. You were surprised to get kicked out of the restaurant hours later because neither of you had noticed just how long you had been talking, keeping up the waiters and such. 
The cold evening air hit your skin and you shivered. Before you could even move your hands up to rub your arms, you felt the fabric of his jacket being draped over your shoulders. You wanted to swoon right then and there. Why was he so damn perfect. “Aren’t you gonna get cold?” “I am a literal firebird, y/n, I don’t get cold that easily-yoi” You chuckled and wrapped the jacket around you a little more tightly, instantly warming up a little as you started to walk back to the Moby Dick. 
“What are we going to tell them when we get back?” “I don’t know… I actually had a pleasant night, I wouldn’t mind going for another date” You stopped dead in your tracks. “Are you serious.” “Yes, I mean it. I have to admit, I’ve had a little thing for you ever since we started working together, but I didn’t want you to feel forced, or uncomfortable. I am your commander after all-yoi” “You’re kidding me” “No, I am not. I’m pretty sure the guys set me up on this blind date cause they knew and they were kind of annoying me to say something about it.”
You had to stop yourself from facepalming. “They set us both up worse than you think.” Marco tilted his head to the side and gave you a questioning look. “I have been crushing on you for weeks on end. I didn’t want to say something because I didn’t want to make things weird, and they offered me a date to give my mind some peace and quiet and possibly distract from you. They all knew about it.” Marco laughed out loud. “Then maybe it’s the two of us that are the fools.” “Maybe….can’t believe those three actually did a serious thing” you laughed a little, the noise dying out as you noticed Marco stepping closer to you. 
“How about we let them think they failed for a bit? Just until they’ve learned their lesson?” You nodded. “Well, does that mean I can’t hang out with you?” “Of course not. We work together, you have no choice,” he smiled, “and behind closed doors, we can do whatever. Only for a few days, just to make them feel a little bad.” He smiled as he took a final step in your direction, taking one of your hands and pulling you even closer. You could only breathlessly nod at his plan, too busy staring in his eyes to give a decent answer. “Then, before we get back… With your permission?” He leaned in close, still careful to not make you feel too uncomfortable, patient yet eager. You felt your heart swell at how considerate he was, and closed the gap, kissing him eagerly. 
The cold was temporarily forgotten, as well as the fact that you were in the middle of the street in the middle of the night, probably looking at least a little bit suspicious. You gave him a quick peck on the lips to seal the previous kiss right before you pulled away, giving him back his jacket. “An unsuccessful date doesn’t end in wearing each other’s clothes” you smiled. Marco put it back on, smiling back at you before you both started walking again towards to the ship. “Let’s not pretend for too long though, I don’t think I’ll always be able to wait for us to be alone after that kiss.”
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
My sweet buttercup; Eugene Sledge x reader
*Author’s note*
Hey guys well this only took me a couple days to write this little genius but now I’ve got it done and ready for you all to enjoy. Now I really wanted to try something different with this Eugene fic, I really wanted to DIVE right and get to the heart and root of the blossoming relationship b/t Eugene and the reader in this fic. So more n the lines of what they were like as kids together, early teen years, basically a Pre-WW2 fic mostly before the ending.
Warnings: Fluff, bit of angst, family disownment, mentions of PTSD, forbidden love.
But I hope you all enjoy this fic so much and until next time ;)
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*June 14th, 1928*
It was a warm summer day in Mobile, Alabama. In the center of town stood a farmer’s market shop run by Sheldon (L/n).  Sheldon (L/n) was once part of the 1st Marine division back during the Great War.  After the war he settled back home in Mobile to run himself a farm where he was known for growing the brightest, freshest, most delectable apples in the whole state of Alabama.
Why if you asked people where the stores got their apples from, nine times out of ten they would tell you they came from (L/n) farm.  Sheldon while having his shell shock moments from the war, still managed to have the American dream.
He married his high school sweetheart Marianne Lewis and they lived a good life together and had a beautiful baby girl they named (y/n) (l/n).  
Sadly though, when little (y/n) was just a year old, her mom died of breast cancer.  Sheldon was devastated but he tried to keep trudging on by being both hard working man, and loving father to his little girl.
Walking through the town was Dr. Edward Sledge, his wife Mary Frank and their two sons, Edward Jr. Sledge and Eugene Sledge.  Eugene was five years old, going on six come the fall.
His bright auburn hair bounced off the summer sun and as they came right towards Sheldon’s shop, Edward stopped his family in their tracks.
“Maybe we best find another way around.” Suggested Edward warily.
“Edward, it was five years ago, can’t you learn to let it go?” Mary Frank told her husband.
“I have, but Sheldon on the other hand…..that man’s as stubborn as an ox.” It was then Sheldon came out with some crates of food ready to be shipped off to the stores.
As soon as he saw Dr. Sledge, a gruesome scowl came across the farmer’s face.
“Just what do you think you are doing here Sledge?!”
“Now Sheldon calm down, we were only passing by.”
“If you think I’m gonna do any type of business with you, think again! After what you had done…..”
“Sheldon there was nothing my husband could do to help Marianne.”
“Mary Frank you keep out of this.” Her husband warned her cautiously.
“You best listen to him Mary Anne. This is no concern of yours. Now get yourselves as well as those little monsters of yours away from my shop!” he spat down at the ground in disgust before slamming the door of his shop closed.
“Why does Mr. (L/n) hate us so badly mama?” asked Edward Jr.
“Oh never you mind that Edward. It’s just grown up business.” Mary Frank assured her eldest son.
“Come along boys, we’re gonna head back towards the barbershop and go through the back alley there to get to the fair.” The two boys groaned.
“But that’ll take longer!” whined Edward Jr.
“Why do we have to go back!?” groaned Eugene.
“Now boys don’t argue with your father. Now come along, or else we can just head right back home and forget about the fair till next year.” Their mother scolded them.  That immediately got them to stop whining and soon they turned back around and went the long way to the fair.
They barely got a block away from Sheldon’s market shop when Eugene heard someone calling out to them.  It was a faint psst sound so he stopped right by a flower cart and soon peaking out from it was a young girl around his age.
She had curly (h/c) hair and bright (e/c) eyes that sparkled like the stars at night.  Eugene knew this girl very well, it was his best friend (well secret best friend) (Y/n) (l/n).
Yep.  Even though Sheldon has repeatedly drilled into his daughter’s mind to never, ever, ever under any circumstances go anywhere near the Sledge family.  But due to the fact that the two kids were in the same class as one another, they just—clicked immediately.
Her, Eugene, and Sydney Phillips were like the three Musketeers.  But Eugene and (y/n) well—they had a special bond with each other.  They were just like peas and carrots.  Different in every way but somehow they managed to click with each other.
“Eugene, over here!” he smiled before turning to see his parents and older brother who hadn’t noticed he wasn’t with them anymore. He smiled and ran up to (y/n) who had a basket filled with wildflowers in them.
“Hey (y/n). Mrs. Mulley said you were sick last week and that’s why you weren’t at Sunday school, what did you have?”
“Just a bad tummy ache. But I’m all better and I’ll be back in Sunday school tomorrow.”
“That’s good. What did you find?” he said gesturing to her basket.  Sometimes, if they could manage it, Eugene and (y/n) could be seen going out to the fields picking wild flowers together.  They would even have contests to see who could pick the most flowers in a certain amount of time.
“Mostly pink and blue flowers. But check this out,” she then held up a yellow buttercup flower.
“That’s a buttercup flower. My mama sometimes grows those in our garden.” Eugene said.
“Buttercup huh? I like it, it suits it.”
“You know my mama says that if you hold a buttercup under your chin, it’ll make it glow. I tried it once but it didn’t work.” (y/n) looked at it with curiosity before putting it under her chin.
“Does it work for me?” and well and behold, her chin was glowing right over the buttercup flower.
Even at the tender age of five, Eugen B. Sledge always knew he held more than a friendship feeling for (Y/n).  Whenever she’d laugh, his heart would beat faster and it felt like he was being tickled by a billion butterflies in his tummy.
His face would go red every time they would pick wild flowers together, and his heart ached every time she had to mention that her daddy didn’t want her talking to him.
“It sure does buttercup.” He said softly.
“Did you just call me a—”
“(Y/N)! Oh now where is that girl at? (Y/n)!” her father’s voice soon called out from the market.  He whistled for her like she were a dog and that’s when she turned to Eugene and whispered.
“I gotta go, see you at church Eugene, bye!” she quickly ran off with her flower basket towards her daddy.  As Eugene watched her father kneel down in front of her giving her a soft but firm lecture about running off, Eugene couldn’t help but feel those butterflies again.
“Eugene! Eugene!?” at the sound of his brother’s voice, he snapped out of his daze and quickly ran off before Mr. (L/n) could take notice of a Sledge boy staring at the two of them.
*September 17th, 1938*
It was a hard time in America.  For five years now, the whole country was under a Great Depression.  Every American was affected and of course that didn’t exclude the Sledge’s or the (L/n)’s.  Without enough payment for the extra help, it was all up to Sheldon and (Y/n) to work the farm.
And in order to help bring extra money and food on the table, the Sledge siblings both got jobs helping their dad out with his physician at home job.
Right now Sydney and Eugene were walking along the outskirts of Mobile.  Along for the ride was Eugene’s new little pup, Deacon.  He had gotten Deacon as a ‘job well done’ gift from his dad.  A client of his had a dog that recently had a litter of pups but times were tough and if they didn’t get the pups adopted soon they’d be taken to the shelter.
So Edward being the kind hearted gentleman that he was known for, got the dog and decided the pup would be a good gift for his son Eugene, as a token for being such a big help through these uncertain times.
As the two boys walked over the tall hill, they soon came upon the (L/n) farm.  Sydney and Eugene were both shocked to see just how much the Depression had affected the farm.
The soil that they remember being a rich stretch of fresh soil was now dried up and cracking.  Weeds were growing up in almost every spot imaginable.  Without the extra help, it was almost impossible to keep the weeds in check.
And of course there was hardly anymore livestock anymore.  Save for the horse, 2 cows, and the chickens.  All the other animals the (L/n)’s once had, had to be sold off in order to get the money they needed to survive.
“Man, I heard (y/n) was struggling but—never did I think it was this badly.” Sydney said with a solemn shake of his head.
“No wonder why she said she had to quit school and be with her dad.”
“Are you sure it ain’t for another reason why you miss her?” teased Sydney.  At that moment (y/n) had came out of the chicken coop with a bunch of eggs in a crate and the two of them watched her enter back into her family home.
“You wish you were right Sid.”
“Oh I know I’m right. I’m always right when it comes to you two. Don’t think I didn’t know about the time in 3rd grade when you offered to do her side of the book report when she broke her leg and had to stay at the hospital.”
“I was being polite and didn’t want her getting held back.” As the two of them bickered back and forth, the 10 month old pup had raced down the hill catching scent of the chickens and crept towards the chicken coop.
Deacon slowly stalked towards the door before entering inside of it.  The young pup stared at the chickens before one of them caught sight of the unfamiliar creature that stood in their coop.
The pup then let out a series of barks which sent the chickens running mad with fear.  From up on the hill, Eugene looked down to see Deacon was gone and from the barks that came down below, he immediately put two and two together.
“Eugene wait you can’t go down there!” Sydney raced after him.
At that moment, Deacon came out of the coop chasing after the flock of chickens who were racing around frantically trying to escape this wolf-like creature.
(Y/n) immediately peeked out from her bedroom window and was shocked to see what was going on.  The chickens being chased by the dog, the dog being chased by Eugene, and Gene being chased by Sid.
“Oh hey (y/n).” Sid stopped by her bedroom window.
“Sid what in the samhell is going on out here!?”
“Funny you should ask, but uhh—mind helping us out?” she quickly got on her shoes and crawled out of her window before running beside Sydney to try and round up the chickens.
Running around like—well chickens with no heads, Eugene, (Y/n) and Sydney all tried to calm the situation down before he father would return home.
“WHAT’S GOING ON OUT THERE!?!?” at hearing that thunderous voice.  (Y/n) stopped running as she held a chicken in her arms and froze in fear.
“You guys need to get out of here, now!” she urged Eugene and Sydney on.  Eugene who had finally gotten hold of Deacon turned towards (Y/n) but before he could say a word, a gunshot was heard and the shot landed just a few inches away from his foot.
“C’mon Eugene lets go!” Sydney pleaded and soon the two men took off running for the hills.  The backdoor slammed open and there stood Sheldon with his shotgun in hand and his jaw dropped at the sight before him.
All the chickens out of their coop, now finally calm, the chicken coop now lay there in rubble (when (y/n) and Gene tried to wrangle Deacon and a few chickens that had gotten back into the coop, the sudden jostling and heavy weight of both humans trying to calm the situation down, forced the coop to collapse under their weight).
“What-gup—what happened here!? (Y/n) (m/n) (l/n). You were supposed to be gathering the chicken eggs!!”
“I know daddy.”
“Then why the hell are they out and about!? How did the coop get destroyed!? JUST WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING GIRL!?!?”
From up on the hill, Eugene’s heart broke at hearing (y/n) getting yelled at by her own father.  She had nothing to do with this.  So getting the courage, he held Deacon once more and walked down the hill back towards the farm.
“Eugene, Gene don’t you dare! He’ll kill you if you go over there. Eugene!” Sydney hissed out quietly but Gene refused to listen to his best friend.
“I—” (Y/n) began to respond till Eugene’s voice called out.
“She didn’t do it sir.” The two of them turned around.  Gripping his gun tighter, Sheldon stood in front of his daughter and said lowly.
“What was that boy?”
“The chicken coop. And the reason why the chickens got out. It was my fault. (Y/n) had nothing to do with it. You see my dog—”
“Great, the Sledge’s have a dog. One more thing to worry about.” Sheldon muttered angrily to himself.
“Please Mr. (L/n), don’t blame (y/n) for this. She was doing her job just like you told her to do. If anyone’s the blame, it’s me. And I’ll do anything to make it up to you.” Hearing Eugene confess, it made (y/n)’s heart flutter and place her hand over her heart.
“Oh you can be damned well sure you will boy. As much as I hate to say this. You’ll be helping me out for the rest of the Harvest season, as well as repairing the chicken coop! And you young lady, come with me.”
He dragged his daughter back to the house as he whispered harshly to her.
“Throughout the time he’s here repairing and helping out, I don’t want you anywhere near him. No daughter of mine is gonna be seen with a Sledge.” As her father continue to rant out his hatred towards the Sledges, (Y/n) turned back towards Eugene and softly smiled at him and mouthed out a thank you.
Eugene smiled softly and seeing her smile it was like cupid’s arrow had struck him as he made goo-goo eyes at her.  Even as Sydney snapped his fingers in Gene’s face to get him to snap out of it, Gene was stuck under the love spell he was on.
As agreed; Eugene worked with his father helping him run the at home physician and on his breaks, he’d ride his bike over to (Y/n)’s place to repair the chicken coop, as well as pull out the weeds.
Of course that didn’t stop Eugene and (Y/n) from sneaking puppy love eyes at each other as the two teens were put to work. Throughout the harvest season, it only allowed Eugene and (Y/n) to grow closer than they ever were before.
*June 14th, 1941*
Eugene and (Y/n).  Never has there been a couple more meant for each other.  Sid always referred to them as childhood sweethearts, and now for these past several years, they’ve really seemed to just hit it off.  And with him being the only real person who knew of their ‘more than friendship’ relationship, he kept that to himself.
Of course Eugene’s parents never turned (y/n) away.  From the early days when they were kids, they welcomed her with open arms.  What they didn’t know was their blossoming relationship. Neither of their parents knew of their courting with each other, and they wanted to keep it that way for just a little while longer.
The two of them were at their favorite hillside where they once picked wildflowers when they were kids.  Splayed out along a blanket cuddled close together watching the summer sunset.  Eugene lying on his back with (y/n) lying her head against his chest, their hands intertwined with each other’s and their thumbs stroking the back of each other’s hands.
“Happy Anniversary my love.”
“What do you mean Gene?” she looked up at him.
“You heard me, happy 131, 456 hour anniversary.” Eugene said with a small grin as he picked up a buttercup flower and tucked it behind her ear.
“What? That’s way longer than when we first met.”
“I know. But it’s the anniversary of the day I first called you my buttercup.” He said as he cupped her face.  Inside (y/n) felt warm and fuzzy remembering that day by the flower cart when Eugene had called her buttercup after finding out one glow underneath her chin. “But it’s fine if you forgot and didn’t get me anything.” Teased Eugene as he sat up trying to hide a grin.  She rolled her eyes at Eugene’s teasing.
“Actually I did.” She crawled towards a log and pulled out a guitar case.  Eugene’s eyes widened and as she opened the case up he said.
“Oh darlin you shouldn’t have but uhh—I don’t really know how to play.”
“Quiet you.” she teased back as she took the guitar (which was actually hers) and she began playing a soft tune.  After letting the soft tune play for a bit she opened her mouth and began to sing.
As she sang; she began to remember all the times she and Eugene had together.  From sharing secret letters/drawings with each other (with Deacon being the messenger dog), nature walks together, or secretly waving at each other from her father’s shop.
Their times doing out to the soda shops every Saturday night to go dancing.  Always dancing together
We're far apart in every way
But you're the best part of my day
And sure as I breathe the air
I know we are the perfect pair
On a prickly path that goes on for miles
But it's worth it just to see you smile
And I cannot be pulled apart
From the hold you have on my heart
And even if the world tells us it's wrong
You're in my head like a catchy song
“I’ve always loved hearing you sing.” Sighed Eugene lovingly.
“The song’s not too gushy is it? Be honest now.”
“It’s everything but gushy, please sing more for me.” He said as he laid his head close to her thigh. (Y/n) continued to sing while Eugene just stared at her with loving eyes.
More memories came to both of them from their nature walks through any type of weather whenever they had free time.  The stargazing’s they’ve done, and even one time when (Y/n) was struggling with the farm one spring that she ended up working till nightfall.
When morning came that morning, she found herself being covered with Eugene’s jacket and just a couple feet away from her, laid an exhausted Gene.  He had actually came by and done the rest of the work for her so that she could get some sleep.  As he slept, she had sat down beside Eugene and stroked through his auburn hair.
The seasons change and leaves may fall
But I'll be with you through them all
And rain or shine, you'll always be mine
On a prickly path that goes on for miles
You're the only one who makes it all worthwhile
And you should not blame me, too
If I can't help fallin' in love with you...
At the last verse, the two of them went red. While they have called each other their love or life, and while they were technically courting, neither of them has actually those three binding words.  (Y/n) covered her mouth with her hand and looked down shyly as her face went red.
“Well that’s unfair. I was gonna tell you that first.”
“Yeah right.”
“I’m serious, I was gonna pull you up,” he stood up and helped her stand up. “Cover your eyes,” he covered her eyes. “Lead you over here.” He then guided her as he kept his hands over her eyes towards the wooded area of the fields. “And say surprise!” he uncovered her eyes and (Y/n) saw the sweetest thing she would ever see.
There along the willow tree they used to climb when they were kids, was a heart engraved at the center of the trunk and written in that heart were their initials. E.B.S + (F/I). (M/I). (L/I). She walked up towards their willow tree and placed her hand over the engravement.
“And then you’d say ‘Oh Genie. It’s—it’s so beautiful. I love it’.” He said imitating her Southern bell voice. “And then I’d say, ‘well, not as much as I love you’.”
“Guess I’m glad I beat you to it then.” She teased as she playfully bumped into him.
“I can accept that.” He said with a proud grin as he wrapped his arms around her waist while she wrapped her around his neck before the two of them finally kissed each other.
It was the kind of kiss that wasn’t deeply passionate that you couldn’t breathe.  It was the kind of kiss that just felt like you found your missing half. Gene and (Y/n) were meant to be together and right as they kissed, it felt like it was right.
They were right for each other.  And they began to dream of their bright future together. But of course no happiness lasts forever.
After returning from the fields later that evening, she came home to see her home filled to the rim with boxes.  She asked her father what was going on and that’s when her father told her the grim truth.
They were moving to North Dakota.
Her father explained to her that the property here was just too dry to farm at anymore.  Ever since the Depression decade the land hasn’t been the same.  So he hired a contractor to tear the family home and the farm down, he had sold off the rest of the animals, and in two days they were gonna get a fresh start in a new land, with new people, and most important for him it would get them away from the Sledges.
(Y/n) was devastated.  Two days and she’d never get to see Sydney Phillips, or Eugene ever again.
When she broke the news to Eugene the next day at the Willow tree, Eugene couldn’t believe what he was hearing.  He held onto his weeping girl waiting for her to calm down before he finally spoke to her.
“But you’re practically an adult now (y/n). He can’t control you anymore.”
“What do you want me to say Eugene? I love you, I really do but—he’s the only family I got. And I—I have to stay with my family. I’m sorry!” with that she took off crying, heartbroken and alone.
Eugene looked towards the carving that he had done with his father’s old doctoring knife he used in the Great war.  He placed his finger’s over (y/n)’s initials and knew what he had to do, but he knew he didn’t have much time so immediately he got on his bike and pedaled off as fast as he could into town.
By nightfall as (y/n) was solemnly packing up her stuff, Eugene came knocking at her window and he told her to come with him. He made up a story that Deacon wasn’t feeling to good and he needed his ‘mama’.  Knowing how much she loved that dog, Eugene and her rode off on his bike.
They soon arrived at the church garden, which was an odd place that Eugene would bring Deacon at, but when she saw the candles all lit up and a beautiful flower archway standing near the back entrance of the church.  
Wide eyed in awe, (Y/n) couldn’t believe what she was seeing.  When she felt Eugene take her hand he got down on one knee and said to her.
“I don’t ever want to be apart from you. I don’t know what’ll happen in the future but—all I know is now. And I know that I love you so much that I’d marry you today. If you’ll have me that is?” tears of happiness filled her eyes as she said to Eugene.
“I’d like that too.” Eugene smiled and stood up as he embraced his fiancée and spun her around, the two of them cheering and laughing with glee.
After settling down, the two of them walked arm-in-arm with each other towards the pastor (who was actually their own Sunday school teacher who had since went up the ranks and was now one of the head pastor of their church).  With Sydney Phillips as their witness and Eugene’s best man, the ceremony began.
The two young teens shared their vows together before the house of God and proclaimed their loyalty and love to each other.
“Then by the name of our Holy Father and in the eyes of the law; I now pronounce you—”
“Pastor Jacob! Pastor Jacob! Please can you help us our son is—Eugene? (Y/n)?” coming behind Sydney were Eugene’s parents.
“What is going on here?” asked Eugene’s father.
“(Y/n)!? Where are you girl you’re supposed to be packing!” soon coming up behind (y/n) from the bushes was her father.  As soon as he saw his daughter with the Sledge’s he sneered out, “What are you two doing?” As both families came closer to see just what was going on, that’s when Eugene spoke up as he wrapped his arm around his future wife.
“Mother, father, Mr. (L/n). (Y/n) and I are getting married.”
“What!?” all three parents shouted in shock.
“That’s right. And we’ll officially be married as soon as Pastor Jacob says…..” (y/n) said firmly as she looked back at the pastor.
“Oh right, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” He stepped aside as he closed his Bible.
“Mrs. (Y/n) Sledge, has a nice ring to it don’t you think?” Eugene said as he cupped his wife’s face.
“Indeed.” The two of them kissed each other finally sealing the deal.
“What are you talking about married!? You both are too young to be married!” Mary Frank scolded as she came between them and pushed Eugene aside.
“Finally something we can agree on.” Sheldon spoke as he now stood beside his daughter. “(Y/n) (m/n) (l/n) you listen to me and you listen good, girl. We’re moving and that’s final. And you have got to stick with your family! So enough of this foolish teenage fantasy and come home!” he grabbed her wrist and began to drag her away.
Finally having enough of her father’s grudge against the Sledges, she broke free of his grip and proclaimed.
“No daddy!”
“No?” her father asked as if he had been punched in the face.
“The Sledges are my family now too. In the eyes of God and the law as Pastor Jacob has said.” Eugene brushed past his mother and stood beside his wife to give her backup.
“You can’t be serious. Are you really choosing to be family with the ones responsible for your mother’s death over your own flesh and blood?!”
“Are you making me choose?” she spoke with a trembled lip as tears filled her eyes.
Her father stood there in shock and everyone around them grew tense.  Could a father really force his daughter to choose who she sides with?
“Yes. I am.” Her father demanded.  Finally hearing that answer broke (y/n)’s heart but she stood her ground as she spoke in a broken voice.
“Then yeah. I guess I am.” Her father’s face showed absolutely betrayal before his eyes grew red and he snapped at her.
“Then I guess I have no daughter anymore.” Without another word he stormed away from the church.
Heartbroken by her father’s words, (y/n) wept out a river of tears.  Eugene held his new wife close to him trying to comfort her, meanwhile Dr. Sledge walked up to the young newlyweds and placed a comforting hand to his new daughter in law’s shoulder.  She looked up at the old physician and he told her.
“You’ve always been like family to us (Y/n). You’ve always had love here with us. Right Mary Frank?” after witnessing what she had seen, she couldn’t deny the fact that ever since they were kids, her son and this young girl were just destined to be together.
“Even though I don’t condone you both being married so young while you’re still in school Eugene, there’s—I cannot stop the bond that it is you both share with each other.” Hearing those words coming from her new mother and father, it repaired some of the damage that (y/n)’s heart had taken.
“Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Sledge.” She thanked them.
“Oh sweet pea, call me mama.” Mary Frank said as she came up and cupped (y/n)’s face.
“And whenever you feel like it, you can call me dad.” Dr. Sledge said with a warm smile.  (Y/n) never felt so grateful to the Sledges, she continued to weep as she now hugged her new parents and they warmly embraced her back.  Welcoming her to the family officially.
*August 29th, 1945 1st Person POV*
I lot has happened in the past few years. Six months after Eugene and I got married, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and America was officially in the war with the Axis Powers.
Eugene wanted to enlist so badly but dad said that his heart murmur prevented him from enlisting, they knew with that he would never get it.  So he always begged his father for frequent checkups every day until one day it was gone. That was the day my life changed forever.
I begged and pleaded with Genie to not go but he kept saying he had to do this.  He’d feel like a failure if he were stuck doing bond trades or collecting scrap metal, while so many men including our dear friend Sid are fighting out in the front lines.
At that point I knew I couldn’t argue with him anymore and so he enlisted.  Of course the night before he left, we made sure to make that night extra special because we both didn’t know if this would be the last time we’d see each other.  We memorized each other’s kiss, scent, and touch (and I knew Eugene was trying much harder than I was since I knew he’d suffer the worse).
I went back to school, got my high school diploma and I’m currently now working as a teacher’s work assistant as well as a part-time librarian at the local library.  I had remained with mom and dad taking care of house as well as Deacon (God rest his little soul) just trying to distract myself from missing Eugene.
It was (for once this past few weeks) a cool Summer’s day.  I was tending to the garden outside planting a few roses, daffodils and of course buttercup flowers but I didn’t expect to suddenly get jumped by two little body masses.
Soon enough I was in the dirt and two 3 year old kids were piled on top of me.  One was a little boy who looked so much like his daddy when I first met him, except he had my hair and eye color, and the other was a girl with the same curly hair I once had as a kid and her daddy’s auburn hair and brown eyes but the rest were my looks.
“We gotcha mommy now say you surrender!” my son proclaimed as he held up his toy gun at me, while my daughter had a couple of sticks, pretending they were a bow and arrow.
“I surrender, you both got me.” I held my arms up in surrender.  They cheered as they got off of me but that’s when I tackled them both to the ground and began tickling them both.
The two of them laughed as they tried to escape my clutches but soon our moment was interrupted by one of the servants, Octavia.
“Excuse me, Mrs. Sledge?” I stopped playing with the kids and the look on her face was—unreadable.
“What is it Octavia?”
“Just come inside (y/n) dear, there’s—someone who you need to see.” Oh god please don’t tell me. Not when the war was finally over do I get the news.
“Mommy, what is it?” asked my son.
“Gene, you and your sister stay with Octavia okay?” I told him as I stood up and brushed the dirt off my dress as best as I could.  
Slowly I walked through the back entrance towards the dining room where I knew mom was at stacking the dishes.  I almost didn’t even want to turn the corner to see an officer in uniform telling us now that Eugene was dead.  Finally I worked up the courage to turn the corner and there my heart stopped.
Standing right there by his mother and father in full Marine uniform, was my Genie.
He slowly walked towards me and I him until we finally met in the middle.  For years I’ve dreamed of this day to come that—now it feels like it is a dream.  He raised his hand to my face and the moment I felt his touch, I knew this couldn’t be a dream.
“You—you’re as beautiful as the day I left buttercup.” At that moment, the tears poured down my face as I felt myself collapsing against him.  Eugene kept me steady as his head rested against mine and he rocked me back and forth.
“You’re back! You came back…..” I wept into his uniform.
“I told you I would.” He whispered to me.
“Mama?” Eugene and I separated from each other to see Octavia bringing in the kids. “Why are you crying?” asked my baby girl. When I looked up at Eugene, his eyes were wide and his body fell tense.
“Genie, I—I didn’t want to share this with you through letter. But—I’d like you to meet two very special people of mine. Kids come here.” Shyly they walked from Octavia up to me and Eugene as we now knelt down to their height.
Our kids soon came up and our daughter hid behind my back while our son fiddled with the ends of my dress as he curled himself around my arm.
“Eugene, these are our kids. The oldest of the twins is our son, Eugene B. Sledge Jr. and our baby girl, Daphne Eliza Sledge. Kids—this……is your daddy. He’s come home to us.” My son looked up at me hesitantly and I nodded to him telling him it was okay to go see him.
Little Gene walked up to his daddy and just stared up at him in both awe but a hint of fear.
“Little Gene, suits him. Guess you managed to convince Sid to not let us name our first boy after him.” Eugene teased at me as he gently ruffled his son’s hair.  Knowing that this strange man in uniform wasn’t going to hurt him, little Gene smiled and immediately embraced his daddy.
Eugene embraced his son and kissed the top of his head and it just made my heart soar at seeing both my boys finally meeting each other and already loving each other.  After giving his son some of his love, he looked behind me to our baby girl who was still shyly trying to hide from him.
“It’s okay sweetie bell. He won’t hurt you.” I assured her.  Slowly but surely, she came out till she stood by my arm and clung onto it just like her brother.
“My, my, my. You—you look exactly like your mother when I first met her. Guess now I’ve got two buttercups.”
“How did you know my name?” Eugene looked at me confused so I explained to him.
“She likes to be called buttercup. Says it sounds more prettier than her real name.”
“Well whatever name you prefer darling, it sounds beautiful. Just like your mother, and just like you.” he gently booped his daughter’s button nose which made her giggle and finally loosen up around her daddy. Before long she too cuddled into her daddy’s chest and he gave her the same love and affection he gave his son.
Seeing him hold our two kids just—finally felt right. I always knew Gene would be a natural dad, and even now after being through such hell for the past 3 years, he can finally have some peace knowing his family has now grown.
The rest of the day it was just the four of us bonding and getting to know each other.
Of course I knew life wouldn’t be the same as it was before.  For example the nightmares.  Every night Eugene would suffer terrible and horrifying nightmares.  Some nights I ended up staying awake all night just to make sure he didn’t suffer alone.
There wasn’t much I could do except to just assure him that he wasn’t there anymore and that he was home.  Sometimes the kids would ask him why they would hear their daddy scream and cry but I told them to not ask him such questions yet.
After Eugene had returned with his dad from the dove hunting, I could see from the tearstains on his face and the slight red in his eyes that it didn’t go so well and that he had suffered flashbacks (I still remember when—well my old father still suffered from them night after night).
So Eugene and I, along with the kids decided to head out to Genie and is old favorite spot out in the fields.  He and I were lying on our backs cuddled close to each other while the kids went off to pick wildflowers.
“How long till you found out about them?” he asked me.  I looked up at him before turning towards our kids.
“A couple weeks after you left for bootcamp. I just felt so sick till dad checked me out and that’s when it was confirmed that I was pregnant. I would’ve mentioned it but—something like that can’t be said through letters.”
“They’re beautiful though. Just like you.” he said as I felt his nose bury itself into my neck.
“And you.”
“Mama! Daddy!” soon our kids came running up to us and Buttercup held up a buttercup flower. “Look what I found!”
“Yes sweetheart, you found the flower you’re named after. Did you know of a legend that goes with this flower?” she shook her head no.  I took hold of the buttercup and told her, “If you hold a buttercup under your chin, it’ll make it glow. See how it works on me?” both my children looked at me in pure awe.
“Let me try! Let me try!” Little Gene called out as he reached out to take the flower.  He took it and held it under his chin asking repeatedly if it was working. When Buttercup shook her head, Little Gene pouted, god he really was just like his daddy.
“No worries little Gene. It never worked on me either when I was your age, see?” his daddy said as he held the flower under his chin.
“Can I try it next daddy?” asked Buttercup. Gene nodded and held the flower under his daughter’s chin and low and behold, it worked on her.  He smiled as he shook his head softly scoffing.
“Does it work?” she asked him.
“It sure does Buttercup. Apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree, huh (n/n)?” I smiled as he picked up his daughter and began kissing her all over her cheek making her giggle.
“Mommy can you sing for us?” asked little Gene as he crawled his way into my lap.
“What would you like me to sing?”
“The catchy song!” The kids both proclaimed. I smiled and said.
“Okay. But you both know I don’t have the guitar with me to play it.”
“Please mommy!” they both gave me the puppy dog eyes they inherited from their father.
“I swear Eugene this trick came from you.”
“Uhh excuse me? You’ve done the puppy dog eye trick on me way longer than I have. Don’t you put this on just me.” Eugene said trying to point the blame on me.  I scoffed that’s when Little Gene said.
“Mommy sing for us now!”
“Now, now Little Gene, that’s not the way to get something from your mother or from anyone. If you want something you ask politely.” Eugene gently scolded his son.  Little Gene nodded and apologized to me.  I told him it was fine and that’s when I began singing the song that I had made for Eugene what felt like an eternity ago, which now became the kids’ favorite song.
Eugene set our baby girl down and laid his head across my lap while I stroked through his auburn hair as well as down his face. And every time my fingers came close to his lips, he would pucker them out and give each of my fingers or the back of my hand a kiss.  The kids all lay down close to us with my boy laying his head near my knee while our baby girl cuddled herself tight against her daddy’s side, like a little kitten.
After I finished the song, Eugene and I thought it best to head back home and put these kids down for their nap.  I grabbed our son while Eugene held our baby girl, both our kids clung onto us once they knew we had hold of them.  Eugene and I looked at each other before leaning in and giving each other a soft kiss before heading back to the house.
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dukeofriven · 5 years
Re-Reading Good Omens After Fifteen-Plus Years: A Review
[I a so sorry I didn’t get a chance to finish it before the show dropped the way i wanted - I had to bow out of Tumblr for most of the last few weeks to focus on a project. Bugger bugger bugger. Here it is now, later that I would have liked. Apologies, gentle readers. Spoilers, obviously for the whole book] I last read Good Omens some fifteen to seventeen years ago for probably the tenth or even twentieth time. I read it a lot. In the heady days of... I want to say grade ten?... no book seemed smarter, wiser, made me laugh more, and me feel smarter for having read it. I think my order of operations was all the Discworld books (up to, or just before, Night Watch) -> Good Omens ->  Sandman, with the later changing how I understood the nature of story itself (but that’s for another day.) I suspect that Good Omens, along with The West Wing, Tolkien, and The Golden Compass, along with an enormous Colonial Chip on my shoulder (and a pretentious stick up the ass) eventually led me to becoming a Classicist after a brief and dreadful dalliance with the theatre. At the very least it certainly helped. So, what do I know think of Good Omens, a book I once read at least ten times (probably more) back when I re-read favourite books the way other people  breathed often? (i.e. with constant regularity) Well, it’s not bad. It is not a bad book. It’s just not a great book. It’s not a terribly… cohesive book. It reads exactly like the kind of book that might get written if you and a fellow writer swapped a floppy disc back and forth in the mail a bunch of times adding bits as you went. Which, of course, is exactly what it is. The things I remember about the book remain as good as I remember  them being - which is a shame because all the really good bits I remember about the book are, with a few exceptions, in the first half (Death still incorrectly says Revelations instead of Revelation in the second half like I remember. He’s still wrong, and it’s still weird given that the right name is in the book earlier more than once.) Everything goes rapidly downhill the moment Armageddon actually kicks off...  something of a problem in a book about Armageddon whose entire second half is Armageddon. I remember Aziraphale and Crowley being great together. What I didn’t remember is that they spend most of the book apart, a crime because they’re at their best bouncing off one-another and far weaker solo, especially Crowley who really only has Hastur to talk to and he’s not a great conversationalist. If I could ditch Crowley Drives Really Hard and swap it for A&C Do Shit Together  I would. I remember Newt and Anathema becoming a couple. What I didn’t remember is that they are entirely superfluous to the narrative, as are the prophecies of Agnes Nutter herself. I kept trying to remember why it is that Newt and Anathema needed to be at the military base - turns out they don’t. Newt doesn’t even stop the countdown, that’s all Adam willing it otherwise. N&A then wander over to the main group and just kind of stand around. The only purpose of the prophecies is to give Aziraphale an idea of where Adam is. That’s it. This is extremely frustrating because Anathema talks about how working-out prophecies has allowed her family to triumph down the ages, and it sets Agnes up as someone who was executed for being a truth teller - for being an other - even though one day her prophecies would be so important for the world. But they're not! Their one tangible impact on the plot is to have Aziraphale make a phone call that he immediately hangs up. the prophecies only document the end of the world, they are irrelevent to the aversion of the End Times, which feels like one of several moments where the book Is Making A Point About Human Nature And Reader Expectations but is undone by my old friend lousy framing. Toy cannot position someone as having “they know not what they do” importance and then just not follow-through on that. There is, I think, a sense in the book that What It’s All About is quiet humanism: that the story isn’t really about Armageddon, but the smaller human stories that happened around it: Newt and Anathema falling in... love, I guess?  Mindy Newt: Homer Anathema, What’s wrong? Homer Anathema: Like you don’t know! We’re going to have sex! Mindy Newt:: Oh … We don’t have to. Homer Anathema: Yes we do! The cookie Book told me so
Or Shadwell and Madame Tracey. And that’s great - that’s a great theme. But the book fails to pull it off - largely, I think because once Armageddon kicks off it loses the human dimension its trying to argue is important for keeping the planet grounded, not because its trying to make that point, but because the authors get so distracted by writing a bunch of crazy Armageddon stuff that the actual important work - like fleshing-out characters and their stories properly - goes away in the hurly-burly of Important Shit Going down.
Take Adam. Adam lacks any real sense of interiority and wears his heart on his sleeve, which makes the will-he, won’t-he nature of Armageddon on which the whole book rests have... well, zero weight. Will Adam give in to his more evil nature? No. Of course he won’t. It’s not even a case of “of course he won’t ‘cause I know how stories go don’t I ain’t I clever” - it’s that Adam has no evil nature. None at all. A bit of child-like self-absorption , but that’s it. The book climaxes with Aziraphale realizing that the AntiChrist won’t pick sides because he is neither entirely Good or Evil - he is Just A Human, and therefore kind of both. The book has done a great job showing that duality of humanity: Mr. young, for example, isn’t a bad man. Nor is he a good one. He’s an average man, with all sorts of awful little prejudices and thought patterns, but equally enough basic decency that nobody could call him a monster anymore than a saint. So often in the book people do Bad Things without being depraved lunatics - they just get caught up in the churning mediocrity of life, what Arendt dubbed the ‘banality of evil’ after the Eichmann trial. The telemarketers aren’t child killers, and they don’t deserve their (frankly sickening and brutal) deaths - but every day they hurt people in small, irritating, vexing ways, perpetuating some horrid not because they’re nightmares but because it’s just their job. Again, that’s great. That’s why the first part of the book is the strongest: it’s full of the kinds of humanity you don’t normally see in literature outside of the Golgafrinchan Ark Fleet Ship B. Desperately ordinary people - the real kind of ordinary, not the ordinary that tends to turn into anime heroes. But Adam isn’t ordinary. Not remotely. The book says this again and again, calling him a young Adonis, alluding to his unearthy Luciferian beauty, to his passions, to his commanding voice, to his leadership skills. His friends adore him, and for all that they might get argumentative with him the sheer god-like weight of his Presence cannot be ignored.  So when Aziraphale explains:
"He was left alone! He grew up human! He's not Evil Incarnate or Good Incarnate, he's just… a human incarnate.” 
My response is a rather limp “Um, well... no. No he’s not.”
“Aha!” I hear you cry. “The book’s not saying he’s ordinary, it’s saying he’s the embodiment of humanity: all their vices and virtues are amplified within him, and that’s why he has superhuman powers.” To which i reply that yeah, it’s certainly what the book is insisting in the case. But it’s not demonstrated within the text. I said above Adam lacks interiority: what you see is what you get. And what you get has zero amplification of evil. Adam seems like a genuinely good kid - in fact he is such a good kid that the book actually makes a point of commenting on how he is basically living in a parodic homage of a Boy’s Own Adventure novel. If Jack Trent, Frank Hardy, Tom Swift, and half the cast of Aladdin Paperbacks‘ first decade of publishing rolled up in a clown car and asked Adam if he wanted to hang, he’d fit right in. And they’re all painfully decent people. Adam status as a “troublemaker” - that is, even the vaguest implication that he is capable of “mischief” - is undermined by the book highlighting that the kind of people who complain about that sort of thing are Doddering Tory Blowhards like R. P. Taylor who wouldn’t know fun if it dressed like Margaret Thatcher and dry-humped their legs.  For Adam to be the incarnation of humanity there has to be a sense that he is more human than human - that his capacity for good and his capacity for evil are so great that with him him the form of gestalt of pure humanity. But that’s rubbish. Because Adam does nothing the book seems to think is worthy of meaningful censure, or at least nothing that literally any child might do as well (like ruining his sisters dress while dunking her in the water). If the best the book can do to balance out Adam’s Local Boy Heroically Saves Summer Camp And Solves The Mystery Of The Puzzle Riddle Enigma is that well he’s kind of inward facing like every other 12 year old then, well... that really takes the wind out of the book’s big summating point. The same kind of language that gets used about Adam feel like you could copy past it into a Discworld book to describe Carrot Ironfoundersson.
So when, as happens. the book shows Adam coming Into his power and talk about Remaking The World, we don’t have to think he will and that all is lost - we know how to read stories, we’re not idiots. But we should at least have a passing moment of worry that he could had the circumstances been slightly different - that he, poised on the edge of good and evil, could go either way were it not for the redemptive power of his ordinary human upbringing keeping him ground. Which, I think is safe to say, is the conclusion the book puts forward. But there is no ‘could.’ Of course he won’t - there’s no tension there at all. The book kills it stone dead, in fact, when it notes that:
Seems to me it ought to be rolled up and started all over again," said Adam. That hadn't sounded like Adam's voice.
Adam wasn't listening, at least to any voices outside his own head.
Adam is described as basically being possessed - at the most critical point of Armageddon, when the AntiChrist is placed to make a choice not even between Good and Evil but between The Harbinger Theological Inevitability and Sod All That Let’s Just Keep Living Because I’m A Human it is no choice at all because Theological inevitable is distinctly described as being separate from who Adam is. Which is dreadful! Adam is American Dennis the Menace - he sometimes get Into Mischief and Breaks A Vase or Ruins A Garden but he’ll still hang out being a friend to a lonely old coot - when he ought to be much closer to the British Dennis the Menace - an monster of a child who spent most of his seventy years of existence essentially bullying gay kids (”softies”) but also, now and again, when the moon’s aligned, showed a Heart of Gold under his menacing exterior. Adam didn’t need to be BritDennis, but he damn well needed some kind of edge to him - a REAL edge, not ‘well he can be bossy’ or ‘he had devilment in his eyes’ or ‘he could be thoughtless.’ Adam needed to have scenes of him being a little shithead: not killing pets, but at least being spiteful or snide or capable of sin. In To Kill A Mockingbird Jem destroys Mrs. Dubose's flowers in a fit of pique. That’s something. Adam? Nothing. So there’s nothing to hang the tension on, and any time to book has any anxiety about Adam’s moral character it rings hollow, because Adam is fundamentally decent and good and nothing so much as feints at the idea that any part of him might be otherwise.
Plus, to bring it back to the prophecies being useless, Adam gets upset about the state of the world because he borrows some of Anathema’s Save The Wales magazines, which he would never have been able to do had the Book not made her go to Tadfield in the first place. Now the book has a certain “Butterfly Flaps Its Wings” mindset - sometimes it’s the little things that put big things and motion.  
But it’s muddled, because it implies that Armageddon is nothing but a last-minute whim of a mercurial child: which is great for when the plot of your book is a deconstruction of the idea of Inevitability, but a bit rubbish when the OTHER major theme of your book is that human evil is in ordinary narrow-mindedness. The idea of a story where everything builds up to Armageddon - but Armageddon fails to arrive like an eschatological Godot, (leaving everyone standing around a bit puzzled) is a great theme for an ironic novel. But it clashes again and again with the theme of the book’s first half- that humanity is more creatively terrible and kindly virtuous than any devil and or angel could hope to be. The corollary of that ought to be that when Armageddon arrives it is precisely because of that human fallibility. Having all this build up and have it massively fizzle out can work, when written right - The Real Treasure Was The Friendships You Made is always funny when handled correctly. But Good omens builds up to things and drops them half a dozen times in the finale, which ends up not seemingly like comedic point but an inability by two authors to "bring the story home” and tie any of their threads together. I mean take the actual act of Armageddon itself: when Adam starts making the world go doo-lally, we keeping hearing reports of the world getting more agitated: we can see the shape of Armageddon begin to emerge, but because we’re still clever buggers and have read our Eliot we know that what’s likely to break the world isn’t going to be bang but a whimper: General John Amerioman gets off the phone agitated by a telemarketers, years at his secretary until she cries so she forgets to inform him that President McSmith called and because he didn’t call her back the President fails to get the advice she needs and makes a foolish error that pisses-over the Russian president who is then gets petty about something else and on down the line until a series of understandable but critical failures of empathy - don’t yell at your secretary, don’t cold-call people about duct cleaning - sets the table for the nuclear. That Adam stops it is because he shares that same fallibility and knows that punishing humanity for it as a requirement for Divine Inevitability would be unconscionable. But when Armageddon arrives, humanity has literal dick-all to do with it. We get this lovely buildup with the Four Horsemen the entire book - Revelation says they will be present at the Day of judgement so its time to get the band back together. The narrative of the book fixates of the Four Horseman’s ride to the airbase, with the understanding that once they arrive Armageddon will begin because everyone is congregating on that place at this time. So the Four Horseman arrive and... and the disguise themselves as some generals to get on the base, they break into a computer vault, and then... Jesus, War personally fucks with a computer and then Pollution personally corrodes the counter measure systems with Death and Famine stand around and watch (so much bloody standing around watching the plot happen in the part of the book) them do it, at which point all the nuke silos all over the world open up and countdown begins. What. THE FUCK? Humanity is irrelevant to the end of the world, exception in the broadest sense where they had these destructive weapons in the first place.  But they also had extensive security systems that the book notes are really good until Two Supernatural Beings Broke In And Destroyed Them. There is no human element in Armageddon: all that chatter on the radio about rising tensions and increased stress? Meaningless. The book’s whole point about evil lurking in the hearts of every ordinary person - that really anyone is capable of being good or evil on a given day, and that one angry secretary is as capable of starting the end times because of a telemarketer as any raving dictator with their finger on the button? Irrelevant. As much as War and Pollution are said to be mere embodiments of humanity’s failings, existing solely in ‘THE MINDS OF MAN” (baffling in and of itself had Pestilence not been swapped-out for Pollution, because lets be honest that would have meant waving a hand at everything from the Black Death to AIDS and calling its source moral failing which what the fuck, T&N?), they’re all actually characters with agency and personality and will. Which means within the context of what’s happening Armageddon is caused by two characters going out of their way to FORCE it to happen.
(It’s! Shit! The book right here? Shit. All the keen oft-comedic insight as to the nature of the human condition  is throw away in this moment. A book that seems so devoted to making a reader think seriously about complacency, about letting evil slip on by because its not wearing a big scary mask (and god how prescient that seems in times like these - how horrible correct it was that we were complacency in the 80s and the 90s and didn’t notice the evil rising all around us), drops the ball here and doesn’t require humanity for its climax.
"I don't see what's so triflic about creating people as people and then gettin' upset 'cos they act like people," said Adam severely. "Anyway, if you stopped tellin' people it's all sorted out after they're dead, they might try sorting it all out while they're alive.”
That’s a great sentiment, Adam. Only nobody is this moment is cross about people acting like people because nobody had - the world nearly ended because some Non-people willingly broke shit. Also, in the context of the novel - it being détente and glasnost and the Tear Down This Wall speech and Zhao Ziyang making reforms in China and on and on - as far as anyone could tell people WERE working it out. The book notes this explicitly, in fact:
“...reports available to us would seem to, uh, indicate an increase in international tensions that would have undoubtedly been viewed as impossible this time last week when, er, everyone seemed to be getting on so nicely.”
Again: Armageddon isn’t caused by people. So when Adam tells Heaven that if they just back off people might be able to sort things out for themselves, well... they seemed to have been doing just that, book.You yourself said so. And the end times were brought about by non-human actors.)
So Adam and his friends confront the Horseman and “defeat” them through some last minute cosplay. Why? No clue. The imagery is great but I don’t know why they do it - the Four Horseman are heralds of the end times, and perhaps its chorus, but now they’re villains that need to be defeated I guess (even though Adam fixes what they did with a wave of his hand anyway). Newt and Anathema arrive on the scene because Agnes Nutter told them to, and they get to the computer, and now maybe poor bumbling Newt is going to have to fix a computer when he’s only ever broken them while Anathema... stands there Jesus God... except... except Adam waves his hand and fixes the computer making Newt’s presence irrelevent. Well, still, more book to go, maybe they can pull something good out of this. Armageddon may have fizzled out, but it’s still The Day of Judgement and the Last Battle. Newt and Anathema might not have fixed the computer, but the are here at the airbase, and they make the most of it by doing nothing, providing nothing, and being needed for nothing. Shadwell and Madame Tracey are there - Shadwell is the vessel for Aziraphale, and once he’s out he stands at the sides with A&C and prepares to march with them on the combined hordes of hell and heaven. Except that that doesn’t matter because Adam makes a gesture and gives a nice speech that’s sadly unrelated to to the world as described by Good Omens up to this point, and the Hordes of Heaven and Hell shuffle their feet and decided to go home for a bit to have a good long think about some things ha ha ha how droll. And the Then, oh no, SUDDENLY Satan himself appears - I guess its time to take our issues to upper management, surely Godot- I mean God - will come to and - oh, nope, Adam waved his hand again and its just Mr. Young in his shitty car (that really should have been a Wasabi what the heck, T&N?). It’s anti-climatic. I don’t mean from a standpoint of dramatic irony, I mean everything falls apart in the book as the story comes to a screeching halt. Here you have a reasonable collection of painfully ordinary people (hella white and straight people, but its 1990 we’re not terribly woke yet) - not Generals, not Presidents or Prime Ministers, not Corporate Titans or Dictators or anyone “Important” - just ordinary people present at the End of the World. And what is it in the ineffable plan that requires all these people’s presence at the End Times? Nothing really. Just think about this for a moment. Think about what OUGHT to have happened here. Not a battle, not a fight, not a war - we know from Endgame how disappointing it is to have to sit through a big dumb set piece battle that nobody seems to want: boring slog. No, what OUGHT to have happened is the power of humanity: that these ordinary nobodies come together and halt the end times, make the Legions of Heaven & Hell see - if not reason - then at least reconsider what’s happening, or even confront Satan himself not with the virtue of Saints but simply because they have what made Aziraphale and Crowley fall in love with the Earth the way they did: the charm of humanity. If an angel and a demon can both be redeemed by the love of humanity’s virtues and vices, its deeps and faults, then why couldn’t Satan himself do the same? Well, because Adam fixed everything with a few hand waves and a pissy speech so that’s all that solved. nobody but him needed to be there - not even A&C, who just end up commenting on the action while standing around like everyone else. It’s barmy. No wonder my brain erased it, choosing to remember the book at its best when it was still scaled to humanity. The book ends up having failed to make any of its points stick - the ordinary evil men do has nothing to do with Armageddon so its probably not something we should be terrible concern about - that just us loveable old humans doing as humans do. We learn that if Heaven and hell just stepped back and let people talk things out maybe the world would get better - but that was the case at the start of the book (prologue notwithstanding), and nothing that happened in the book adjusted that in any way.It has a point to make about the unfairness of Moral duality in Theology - except that Adam is parodically virtuous and contains no real evil so.. yeah, Good is great, actually, what was the point you were making, book? The book has a point to make about the value of ordinary people: if you need someone to stand around and observe shit get ordinary people, they’re great last standing around and not meaningfully doing anything.
And don’t even get me started on things like Anathema’s passivity. Look at her character: she passively lives her life by the prophecies until the day after the End Times Newt says ‘hey do you want to be a descendent for the rest of your life’ and Anathema has an epiphany - Oh, No, I Don’t, I Want to Live my Own life On Its Own Terms - and then they burn the sequel Agatha wrote instead of following it. But that’s… aaargh, Jesus, so many problems with that. The moment of epiphany is meaningless because if Agnes-The-Prophet (who would presumably have known that her manuscript was to be burnt) hadn’t sent it, Anathema was free anyways and would have had to live her life as such regardless. You could argue ‘but this way it becomes an active choice rather than a passive acquiescence to something she can’t change’ but the problem is that her decision isn’t rooted in anything except a comment Newt makes. Nothing happened to Anathema that has in any way affected her relationship to Agnes Nutter or her life as a decedent: in the book Anathema talks a lot about prophecies, lends a kid some magazine, boinks a guy who crashed his car, takes him to a military base, does nothing while watching the world end, goes home and boinks the guy again, and then has her memories of a large portion of the last day or so erased by the Anti-Christ. So when Newt asks ‘do you want to be a professional decedent all your life” why would she say “no”? She’s spent her life devoted to the prophecies, even become a watch as some kind of career, and what sense do we have in the story that she is dissatisfied with that? The only disappointment we get is that she’s kind of let down by Newt being not terribly handsome - but that’s Newt’s issue, not Agnes’. The book wants Anathema to realize that she is now ‘free” of living by prophecy - but she doesn’t ever give the sense that she feels imprisoned by prophecy. She seems to feel like its a mark of distinction, and nothing over the last day - even the shit she can’t remember - has done anything to change that. There’s a version of this story where  Anathema repeatedly demonstrates that she feels powerless in life: that all her choices were chosen for her, even something as outré as becoming a witch, and so when Newt asks her that question she looks back over the events of the last few days - or even her life - and makes the decision to say ‘no’ as a natural extension of her recent experiences. In this version of the book she and Newt would have to have  actively made choices at the airbase of their own free will in contradiction of what Agnes said MUST and WILL happen, and because they did that things are better than Agnes said they would be. 
But that doesn’t happen, and instead we get the version where Anathema burns the sequel because Newt’s in her life now and having a man to point out the obvious is what all women need. That’s not what the book is trying to say but this-time-round that’s how it read to me. If Newt had had to run up to London for a couple days and she got the manuscript in the mail she would have kept it, because why wouldn’t she? 
(Gosh, Newt. One last point: I hated Newt. Maybe ‘schlubbly ordinary dope who gets the girl’ was revolutionary in 1990 but thirty years of pathetic nerd heroes getting the girl have left me only able to focus on the pathetic. He gets to be the the Jen to Anathema’s Kira - a completely useless dolt who gets lead around by a capable woman who knows everything and has all the skills  but he still gets to be The Hero because, well, he’s the dude. He gets to bumble around the missile computers at the climax at the book, framed as a hero while Agetha stands there and pleads with him to fix things. He spends his time getting horny for Anathema and thinking sadboy ‘maybe I’ll get to touch a girl for once’ crap  - which made my skin crawl oh sweet Jesus. Basically just fuck that guy and his whiny Pitiful Loser Nerd attitude.)
Look, when the book is good, it is SO GOOD. “Shadwell hated all Southerners and, by inference, was standing at the North Pole” is one of the great lines of literature. Famine and the dieting meals that kill you? Genius. The individual prophecies of Agnes? Wonderful. Shadwell seeing her in a vision (which, alas, comes to nothing because Shadwell having a change of heart about witches comes to nothing really)? Poignant. The Hell’s Angels? Wonderous. The incredible, perfect, oh god I adore is so much defence of the virtues of Rural English life at its best - full of foibles, yes, painfully human, yes, liable to contain shitty old Tories who put people into power who’ll plow it all under for suburbs, yes - but yet, at the same time, wonderful, too. Worth preserving. Worth fighting for. yes yes a thousand times yes let’s seeing a song about it:
Sure, some of the stuff hasn’t aged well (there’s a bit abut First Nations people that comes to mind), but most of it has - and some of it as bold for its time as it remains now. I frequently found myself thinking “this book is much too complicated for Tumblr” - the Tumblr world of Good or Bad doesn’t really have room for Shadwell, the indiscriminate racist with the heart of gold. Parts like that had me shaking with laughter - I can still recite whole scenes to you with manic glee. But the ending is a mess. It’s bad, actually - just outright bad. The book starts great. It ends terribly. It’s a crushing disappointment to go back too - and when I heard the story on the show was going to be super-faithful to the books I went “shit - but the book’s a bit rubbish on the story front. All the good bits are the characters interacting and the side stories and comedic asides - the actual story is a confusing mess.” That’s why I hope Neil Gaiman brought the writing chops that gave us The Doctor Wife and not, y’know, Nightmare in Silver.
In conclusion: man I remember Good Omens being a whole lot better. (Also, I remember more of Adam’s Gang having more to do, and they didn’t, and they’re all great and that’s a shame.) 
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dcarhcarts · 5 years
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This.....is the 1000th post on this blog, and I definitely waited until that could be true to post it, and that’s honestly? Very fitting. Seriously, you guys are a m a z i n g and I have literally never done a milestone before so I can’t tell you what it’s supposed to look like?? But we’ve somehow Miraculously (tm) managed to reach 100 followers and - anyway, this is going to be me very unprofessionally gushing about everyone because....I love you all and you’re all amazing aaaaaa. I’m??? Literally so blessed to have made friends and write with all of you. Y’all with multiple blogs, I’m only tagging once so I don’t spam your feed ok? And - as usual, this is going to get Long, because everything I do gets Long apparently. I tried to do it chronologically but IDK how well it worked oops.
@ccrrupticn  / D!!!! you are?? literally the reason I made this blog?? Without you, this thing would n o t mcfreaking exist omg!! You’re such an amazing writer (seriously, you manage so many muses and you give them all such distinct voices??? witchcraft???) and also so ???ridiculously kind! I love gushing to you about our Kids and you’re honestly A Saint (tm) for dealing with all of my blog construction/life related breakdowns, my crazy crossover headcanons and crashing into your inbox rambling about musicals <3 I miss talking to you so hmu whenever you come back if you want!!
@personnages /  Lynna!! You’re like an Actual Angel. I think you were the first person!! who talked to me??  And You were So Nice and Welcoming that you literally soothed half of my fears coming into rpc like immediately?? You basically helped me figure out how diminutives work and you’re responsible for me adding at least 3 of my muses and I cannot tell you how much I love you and every time you pop onto my dash/feed/discord/etc, it just makes me happy inside <3 Definitely 100000% will follow you to every blog (if you’ll have me lmao) regardless of fandom!! i’m super excited about all of our ship/friendship roulettes and you’re just an absolute joy to talk to.
@nikolacvnas / LYDIA goodness you are a W O N D E R. Probably the best? Historically based blog I’ve ever encountered, and definitely one of my favorite parts of the Anastasia rpc!! The care and research and attention to detail that goes into your portrayals are a s t o n i s h i n g? Your Tatya is divine, your Maria is So Lovely and I Cry For Joy that you write Dima honestly. I’d been eyeing your blog for a little bit before I made my own - and I was honestly a little scared of you when we started cause you are a GODDESS and I am a potato, but then we talked??? and you’re hilarious and a ridiculously kind person and I love you? And of course, I love your dog (the cutest in the universe).
@mythostold / LESLIE~  Different blog, same story~ Man, I’ve been following you since maybe day two of this blog being active? No matter which fandom you end up in and which muse you write, you have such!! good!!! takes!!! For one, I love reading your meta posts??? Like you’re just so incredibly passionate about your muses?? And your writing style is so good aaaaaaa it’s so atmospheric. And on top of all of that - you’re??? such a sweet and incredible??? person??? And I love talking to you boo <3 
@lifeawoke  /  NAT BBYSWEET <3 <3 <3  I have told the story of how I did a victory dance when you followed me to d e a t h probably but it’s t r u e your writing is amazing and your blog is amazing and y o u are amazing! You are the Natasha to my Sonya, and literally every time you send me a musing I’m like immediate-goofy-grin-heart-eyes???? It’s honestly a crime we don’t have more threads but like you’re an absolute joy to talk to and meme with and I adore you/your portrayal of beautiful bratty Natasha even if she drives my Sonya up the wall <3 You are Definitely the Funny Mutual lololol I crack up so much talking to you <3
@valianceearned / CARP you’re an amazing person/writer and holy h e c k am I impressed by your OCs!! They’re all so well thought out and developed? Your bios are so detailed and so much love and care is put into all of your characters. And your writing is so Lovely and it’s also very aesthetically lovely like holy heck the amount of work you put into both the content and the formatting? I am agog, I am aghast!! 
@gearsandlevers / Callie!!!!! YOU ROUND ALL THE CORNERS I STRAIGHTEN THE CURVES!! love your kids so much. Your Violet is a delightfully clever and likeable kid, your Evan might have literally walked off the stage two seconds ago, and you’ve put so much thought into your cinnabon stoner Henry. Your dialogue is amazing and I love our headcanon sessions lobbing ideas back and forth with you!! 
@spareisms / HEY MAGGIE GUESS WHAT YOU’RE WORTH MELTING FOR!!  You’re like the sweetest person alive??? How are you an Actual Real Life Disney Princess?? Your Anna is so well characterized and multi layered and I love how she an be so flawed but so brave and just how human she is. I’m very excited for your Anne Shirley too!! You’re a great writer (and a super sweet person aaaa) and I love you!! 
@gcneralvaganov /  Deanna, I have just one question: How? Have we only known each other for like 2 months???? It feels like my dash would literally be incomplete without you??  You play such deeply complex and incredibly flawed muses with such a great depth of respect and humanity. I love all of our AUs (we.....probably have a dozen by now), our long fix-canon tangents, and....look the inevitable conclusion to this whole thing is that we should....basically just write Anastasia tbh???  You’re incredibly funny and kind and talented and I’m so glad I yeeted myself into your IMs that first time 2 months ago! I love you, I love your muses, (Dima and Anya love their Dumb Boyfriend), and I love writing with you! 
@ncvaflows / ALEXA YOU ABSOLUTE LEGEND YOU. You??? Unlocked Ultimate AU Mode Ro and it’s like I c a n ‘ t stop?? First off, I cannot believe we literally own the same books and like the same barbie movies. How are we not literally the same person??  (Maybe w e ’ r e Anneliese and Erika lmao). Honestly from day 1 you’ve been so welcoming and lovely and I’m so glad we crashed into each other’s IMs yelling at top volume about random ya lit/movies/aus!! I adore literally all of your OCs (is everyone a b s o l u t e l y sure they’re not canon??? hmmmmm a Mystery)???? In the words of Li Shang, “You WRITE GOOD????” Anyway you’re amazing and I love you <3
@curtainrisen / Rebekah, dude, you’re a wonder. Your muses??? So diverse, and your voices for them? Super on the nose and amazing. I love your Helene and how human she is, and I really gotta toss more of my kids at you (Super excited for Duke!!). You’re real chill to meme with and I love talking/writing with you!!
@heartlosttravelers / Tor!! I love that you stan Raoul de Chagny So Hard ( the pure cinnamon roll boy deserves it honestly) and you’re super cool and great to talk to! All your muses are a m a z i n g and I always love the read when you pop up on my dash! 
@damerusse / Marie!! You’re hella chill. Your memes???? 10000000% actually legendary. Meming with you cracks me The Heck Up. Lily is forever the puppy dealer, that is all, thank you, gnight. Ok for real though - your Lily is pretty Legendary too and you really got all that Spark and Fire right down. You’re amazing, and I love stalking your threads on my dash!  
@lionhvrted / Fortune, my buddy my pal, we really be Out Here making Jane Austen plots even m o r e rom-com. Like. How did we manage that??? We might be literally magical lmao. We don’t have a ton of stuff going on at the moment but I love our dumb pining kids and I love the justice and humanity you give to your Caroline, and Fitzy loves his (future) wife.
@guvernantka / P R U E I already love our Exasperated Big Sis / Annoying Lil Sis / LITERALLY WHO EVEN ARE YOU YOU SMELLY DUMBASS LIL BRO IN LAW dynamic. You have the Best Sense of Humor (tm) and I’m always catching you when it’s like 12 in the morning here so I’m always cracking up silently in bed trying not to wake my roommies up. 
@anastcsie / I LOVE OUR ANGRY SMOL AND DIRTY TOL YOUNG-BUT-OLD MARRIED COUPLE AND THEIR OLDEST DAUGHTER NAMED MARIA ALREADY.  I love your Anya and how feisty and fiery she is (Dima, needless to say, loves his wife) and I love how chill (and hilarious!!) you are as a person. We do have a tendency to turn into angst monsters 24/7 but honestly that’s half the fun!! 
@asundrop / Polly!!!! ok so I know we haven’t really done anything w/ Raps (yet muahaha) BUT b o y was I hella excited when I found someone willing to yell about CDrama with me??? Thank you for being the Eternally Stoic/Always Annoyed Ancient God to my Tiny Dumb Fox Princess?? I love them and I love you (you’re hella cool) so there! 
@moretreasurewithin / KAAAATE goodness it’s only been a couple of days but I’m So Comfortable talking to you already? You’re just honestly really amazingly kind and I love screaming about Anastasia with you. We gotta get more going but I love your Dima and Maria Already (tm) and I love your sense of humor (here’s to torturing Dima with ties!!) and I can’t wait to get to know you better!
@annastrxng / AAAA somehow I managed to chat with you and then?? We never got anything going and it’s definitely mostly my fault cause of that High Anxiety (and also the fact that I got Immediately Busy) but you are literally So Nice and The Most Understanding and super great to talk to!! I hope we get something going in the future!! 
@soulcrossed / ROSE we have the same name I keep forgetting this lmao BUT ANYWAY. All your muses?? Amazing. You gotta throw more of them at me. Your Sophie?? Are you Actually Diana Wynn Jones in disguise?? I love our crazy au/headcanon sessions and I love/hate that you’re The Worst Enabler and I’m inevitably going to end up with the other two Hatter sisters on this blog lmao. 
@alonecour / @steeledstark / @professor-of-predators / @sclskinn / @dulcettc / @volaticoux / @frxncaise / @argelfrasterr / @i-wrote-myway / @zharptiitsa / @villainsfall / @anyaromanovarp / @agoodandloyalrussian / @aliquisinter 
AND EVERY ONE OF Y’ALL AMAZING PEOPLE OUT THERE I’M ADMIRING SILENTLY FROM AFAR EVEN NOW BECAUSE I CHICKENED OUT OF TAGGING YOU LAST MINUTE CAUSE WHAT IF YOU’RE LIKE “LMAO WHO IS THIS WEIRDO TAGGING ME??” (p.s. this is 100000% permission to slide into my IMs/like a plotting call/etc. I honestly think y’all are hella cool and probably love you already)
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tywvin-archive · 6 years
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tagged by: @hailderek & @casterlys, thanks <3
rules: bold what you prefer & tag 10 people
1. coffee or tea 2. early bird or night owl 3. chocolate or vanilla 4. spring or fall 5. silver or gold 6. pop or alternative 7. freckles or dimples 8. snakes or sharks 9. mountains or fields 10. thunderstorm or lightning 11. egyptian or greek mythology 12. ivory or scarlet 13. flute or lyre  ( support the local stuff ) 14. eyes or lips 15. witch or fairy 16. opal or diamond 17. butterflies or honeybees 18. macarons or eclairs 19. typewritten or handwritten letters 20. secret garden or secret library 21. rooftop or balcony 22. spicy or mild 23. opera or ballet 24. london or paris 25. vincent van gogh or claude monet 26. denim or leather 27. potions or spells 28. ocean or desert 29. mermaid or siren 30. masquerade ball or cocktail party
tagging: @lilttlebird, @kleopatrar, @ohbiwankenohbi, @helenstroy, @daeneryn
ship tag;
rules: answer these 10 questions and tag 10 people
tagged by:  @hailderek, thanks for tagging me and sorry for taking so long </3
tagging: @hermnione, @lsaks, @ohbiwankenohbi, @lahnister
ultimate otp: mclennon ( the beatles ) i’m sorry man i’m over my ‘shipping real people’ phase but
a ship you’ll always love: joyce x jim ( stranger things )
current obsession: kaz x inej ( six of crows )
a ship you never thought you’d like: kaz x inej ( six of crows ) ironically enough
a ship you liked but don’t like anymore: nancy x jonathan ( stranger things )
a ship you think should be canon: han x lando ( star wars ) i’m sorry but that would be such a power couple? like wow
a canon ship you hate: han x qira & ned x catelyn ( game of thrones )
a ship you’ve been shipping for years: mclennon
a ship everyone loves but you don’t care about: robb x thalisa ( game of thrones )
favourite rarepair: asha x ellaria ( game of thrones ) tho i don’t think this is a rarepair but it’s the only one i could think of
tagged by: @hailderek thank youuuu <3
rules: answer the questions (which you can change if you don’t feel like answering certain questions) and then tag 20 followers you want to get to know better!
1. Nickname? ele /ehleh/ lmao i guess idk how to translate it phonetically tbh
2. Gender? male
3. Star sign? capricorn
4. Height? 1,62/1,63 // around 5′3″ i think
5. Sexuality? bi
6. Hogwarts house? slytherin
7. Favorite animal? dolphins and bees
8. Average hours spent sleeping? 5 hours
9. Dogs or cats? cats but i also love dogs
10. Number of blankets you sleep with? 1 atm
11. What’s your dream trip? greek islands & south america
12. What’s your dream job? writer astronaut rip
13. When did you make this account? two months ago
14. How many followers do you have? 267
15. How many pets do you have? i have a wonderful, fat dog
16. Favourite party theme? idk? any kind of party
17. Favourite ice cream flavor? i don’t like ice cream but pistacchio
18. How often do you read? whenever i can, i try to have reading sessions every week but exams take up most of my time & i often only read at night
19. Favourite study locations? my bedroom, the library haven’t gone there in ages
20. Who do you stan? carrie fisher !!! and carl sagan i’d talk about people who are not dead yet but i used to stan morgan freeman and my heart has been crushed so i’m keeping my mouth shout until i’m sure my faves can’t do bad shit anymore :)
Now tag some of your followers! @kleopatrar, @daeneryn, @lilttlebird, @kleopatrar, @remuslpun
tagged by @remuslpun thank you so much!
rules: answer all the questions, add one of your own and tag as many people as there are questions // not tagging anyone because i’m sure i’m annoying as hell when i tag y’all in everything
tagging: x
1. coke or pepsi: coke 2. disney or dreamworks: disney 3. coffee or tea: both! 4. books or movies: books i think 5. windows or mac: i’d love to say mac but windows because i haven’t had a mac yet 6. dc or marvel: marvel 7. x-box or playstation: i think playstation bc there are more games i like for it but i don’t really play tbh 8. dragon age or mass effect: w h a t t h e f c u k 9. night owl or early riser: night owl 10. cards or chess: cards i don’t know how to play chess 11. chocolate or vanilla: chocolate 12. vans or converse: both but vans >>>> 13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: what is this ??? what is thsi,,, 14. fluff or angst: BOTH, b o t h, both!!!! 15. beach or forest: forest because dysphoria :) 16. dogs or cats: cats but both tbh 17. clear skies or rain: rain, STORMS, T H U N D E R 18. cooking or eating out: eating out because my cooking skills are reeeeally bad 19. spicy food or mild food: mild food but i also like some spicy? it’s just that i’m way too white so sometimes it gets me fucked up 20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: christmas 21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little too cold 22. if you could have any superpower, what would it be?: body morphing/transformation because of my trans ass :) 23. animation or live action: animation coco come to me 24. paragon or renegade: renegade 25. baths or showers: baths but i shower bc we need to save the planet man 26. team cap or team ironman: team ironman <3 27: fantasy or sci-fi: b o t h 28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they: “if i’m worth something later, i’m worth something know - for wheat is wheat, even if people think it’s a grass in the beginning” - vincent van gogh which is my favourite quote of all time
29. netflix or youtube: youtube bc i don’t have netflix lmao
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: harry potter 31. when you feel accomplished: what :))) is that :)) 32. star wars or star trek: star wars!!!! han my love <3 33. paperback or hardback: hardback because of the aesthetic but paperback because i feel like i’m in the 80s ??? idk 34. horror or rom-com: neither,,, give me cartoons you cowards 35. tv shows or movies: i love both why would you make me choose? 36. spotify or pandora: spotify 37. zootopia or inside out: i haven’t watched zootopia so inside out 38. favourite book: the song of achilles / lord of the flies 39. favourite flower: p o p p i e s 40. what field of study are you in (or aspire to be in): linguistics (spanish & classics) 41. song lyric you really love?: “i wanna get lost in your rock’n’roll and drift away” by dobie gray 42. what’s your MBTI type?: infp but i’ve been told i look more like an enfp 43. fave movie: mulan??? moana??? coco??? how do you dare make me choose 44. favourite tv show(s): i used to love castle and sherlock and right now i’m getting into b99 but my favourite will always be game of thrones sorry not sorry + i watch a lot of spanish original series 45. what fictional world is your favourite? narnia & westeros 46. favourite mythological figure? achilles my heart and icarus
47. who’s your all-time favourite fictional character? tywin lannister, love of my life
48: if you could spend an entire day with a weasley, who would you pick? molly weasley tbh, what kind of question is that
49: what movie or book would you want to be the main character of? asoiaf BUT i don’t want to die i just want to ride dragons
thanks for tagging me! i don’t expect anybody to read up to this point but if you have, i hope you have an amazing day!
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7 notes · View notes
empressdrega27 · 7 years
His Universe
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I felt like writing, so here’s a story based off of a prompt i saw a while ago.
Prompt: I love you, not them. 
Y/B/M = “Your birth month”  H/C= “hair color”  H/L= “hair length”  S/T= “ skin tone” E/C= “ eye color”
 There was always something. Always one little detail that would ruin everything, like a loose thread on sweater. One pull, and it all unravels. All it took was a wrong tug or a misplaced gesture to make it all come undone. That was what Y/n felt like anyways. She felt like her whole life was one loose thread away from being completely destroyed. So, when things started going right for a change, well, Y/n could hardly believe it. She was a science major (she didn’t know which science yet so she just said science), and she had gotten the opportunity to go to a very prestigious college in New York City, with a full scholar ship to boot. Sure it was a little far from her home town, but she would learn so much there! Though, there was a tiny problem, Y/n’s scholarship covered the cost of tuition and a nice dorm, but it didn’t cover the cost of food or additional expenses. Which meant that Y/n had to get a job.
 She checked listing after listing until she found an open position as a bookkeeper in the archives of the Museum Of Natural History. It was perfect, a quiet position away from many people, Y/n couldn’t wait to start. On her first day Y/n was escorted to the archives by a very nice lady by the name of Rebecca.
“So, you’re the new bookkeeper for the archives right?”, Rebecca asked.
“Oh, um, yeah. I need a job to cover some of my extra expenses for college, I have a full scholarship, but it doesn’t cover everything”, Y/n smiled.
Rebecca’s eyes widened, “Wow, your grades must be excellent to get a scholarship like that! How old are you, if you don’t mind me asking?”
Ah, the infamous question. At least one person asked Y/n how old she was when they met her, on account of her height. Y/n was quite a bit taller than your average college student, so naturally she got asked how old she was. It didn’t bother her though, she’d been asked questions like that all her life.
“19″, Y/n replied, “I’ll be 20 in Y/B/M”.
“Is something wrong?”, Y/n asked.
“OH, No, nothing’s wrong. I was just expecting you to be, uh.....”
“Older”, Y’n finished Rebecca’s sentence.
“I’m sorry, I’ve just never met someone as tall as you before. I didn’t mean to offend you”, Rebecca admitted.
“You didn’t, I get asked that question all the time”.
Y/n normally didn’t get along with people she didn’t know well, but talking with Rebecca was so easy! Y/n learned about Rebecca’s fascination with Sacagawea, and Rebecca found that Y/n absolutely loved books. Soon, they had arrived at the archives, and Rebecca had to go back to work. She said good-bye to Y/n, and Y/n started her own work.
A couple hours had passed when a man came into the archives, Y/n recognized him as the museum’s curator, Dr. McPhee.
“You. New girl. Have you seen a grotesque little child...thing come in here?”
“No sir, I’m afraid you’re the only person who’s came in since I got here”, Y/n answered, “Did you need anything else?”
McPhee looked extremely annoyed for a moment, then he seemed to remember something.
“Ah, yes. I need a document receipt for an artifact.”
“Um, a document receipt, sir?”
“Yes! A document receipt! You know one of those papers we get when an artifact arrives on loan from another museum?!”, he gestured wildly as he spoke.
“Do you mean a loan conformation slip?”, Y/n inquired.
“I, well, yes”, he admitted.
Y/n smiled and asked, “For which artifact, sir?”
He told her the artifact’s name and ID number, and Y/n looked it up in the museum database. She found the document and told Dr. McPhee where it was. He went to get it only to find that the binder with the document was on the top shelf.
“New girl! Get me a step ladder!”
Y/n sighed and stood up. She walked over to her boss and tapped him on the shoulder.
“Well it’s about bloody time!”, he exclaimed as he turned around. When he saw her, he shrieked.
Y/n resisted the urge to roll her eyes and interjected,
“May I, sir?”
Y/n reached up and effortlessly grabbed the binder, while McPhee sputtered in shock. She then handed him the binder and went to sit back down at her desk.
As she walked away McPhee shouted,
“Now hold on just a minute! How old are you?!”
Y/n smirked, it was going to be interesting working here.
 Y/n stood up and stretched, these chairs were way too low for someone with long legs. It was nearly closing time, but Y/n didn’t want to leave just yet. She had asked McPhee if she could stay late, and he had said something to the effect of “whatever, but don’t touch anything”. So she decided that now was a good time to explore. She walked around the massive building reading every plaque and admiring every exhibit. As Y/n was walking, she heard a voice calling out to her.
“Hey! What are you doing here?! The museum’s closing!”
Y/n turned to see a night guard running towards her.
He stopped, and doubled over panting.
“Are you alright?”, Y/n asked, concerned.
“I, *pant* I’m fine, I just got *wheeze* winded. I’m not as *cough* young as I used to be.”
“Do you want me to get you some water?”, Y/n offered.
The guard’s breathing evened out and he stood up.
“Thanks, but I’m fine now. I saw you a few exhibits ago, and I tried to get your attention, but you were really zoned out. Then I tried to catch up to you. You ever thought about taking up speed walking professionally?”
Y/n laughed and said, “Not really. I wasn’t even walking that fast, I guess my stride is longer than yours.”
“No kidding”, the guard said, “You probably get this a lot, but how tall are you?”
Y/n smiled a bit and replied, “Six foot four and a half.”
The guard whistled, “Woah. Have you ever considered being a model?”
Y/n’s expression darkened, “No.”
“Why not?’, the guard inquired.
“Because... I’m not pretty enough”, Y/n muttered.
“Says who?”
Y/n sighed sadly, “Everyone”.
The guard seemed surprised.
“Well ‘everyone’ is wrong. I think you’d make a killing as a model”.
“Forgive me for my bluntness sir, but I think I’m a bit young for you”, Y/n said, an air of annoyance about her.
The guard’s eyes widened and he put his hands up. 
“I swear that’s not what I meant! You seem like a really nice young lady, I thought that, I mean I, It’s just.....”
Y/n stared at him with a raised eyebrow. 
The guard sighed and said, “I’m sorry can we start over? My name is Larry Daley, what’s yours?”
Y/n chuckled and replied, “Y/n L/n. Pleased to meet you Larry.”
“So, do you believe that I wasn’t trying to hit on you?”, Larry asked.
“Yeah, I believe you. I don’t think you’re that type of guy”.
“So, Y/n, what are you doing at a museum at this time of night?”
She looked at him and told him about college and her new job. Why were these people so easy to talk to?! Why did it feel like she belonged here?
“Well Y/n, it’s been nice to meet you, but it’s time for you to go”, Larry said.
“What?! No way am I leaving! I have permission to be here!”, Y/n declared.
“From who?”, Larry questioned.
“From OUR boss,” Y/n affirmed.
“You mean McPhee gave you permission to stay in the museum after dark?”
“Yes, he did.”
Larry was sweating, he didn’t know what to do. If he made Y/n leave, then she’d tell McPhee, who’d probably fire him. But if he let her stay, she find out the secret of the museum. He was at a loss, but the more he thought about it, he realized, what harm could it do?
Larry looked at Y/n and told her, “Follow me”.
Y/n inquired, “Why?”
“Just follow me, please?”
Everything one learns in school about stranger danger should have made Y/n think twice about following the strange night guard that she barely knew, but something in her made her feel that she could trust him. So she followed him.
They arrived at the guards office, and Larry shut the door behind Y/n.
“Okay”, Larry started, “Can you keep a secret Y/n?”
“What kind of secret?”
“A very big one”, Larry replied.
Y/n was silent for a moment. 
“Well?”, Larry nagged.
“Yes, I can keep a secret”, Y/n agreed.
“Okay, so. I doubt you’ll believe me until you see it, but do you know the Tablet of Ahkmenrah?”
“Of course. It’s one of the most famous artifacts in this museum”, Y/n acknowledged.
“Good. The tablet is magic. It brings everything in this museum to life at night”, Larry explained. 
Y/n’ eyes lit up.
“You’re serious? You’re not making this up to mess with me are you?”
“No. Everything comes to life every night.”
“Show me”, Y/n said.
Larry nodded and led the way. The sun was just starting to dip below the horizon. Soon the two were in the Egyptology exhibit, specifically, the Tomb of Ahkmenrah.
“It’s almost time”, Larry said.
A few moments later, the tablet glowed gold and suddenly, Y/n heard all manner of noises. A mammoth trumpeting, lion roars, and, was that the T-Rex skeleton?! It was amazing. Then Y/n heard screaming, and it was coming from the sarcophagus. It made sense that Ahkmenrah’s tablet would bring him back to life as well, but that didn’t mean that that information wasn’t terrifying. Never the less, Y/n couldn’t let the man suffer in there, so she went and pushed the stone slab off of the display. Larry wasn’t far behind, he came and unlocked the pins holding the lid on. When they were released, the lid of the sarcophagus flew into the adjacent wall. A figure wrapped in bandages sat up in the coffin. It turned and stepped out of the box, and unwrapped it’s face. Y/n had no idea what was under those wrappings, but Larry seemed completely unfazed, so she tried not to assume the worst. When the mummy had removed the linen from his face he looked at Larry and spoke,
“Good evening guardian of Brooklyn. I trust you are well?”
The man’s voice was completely different from what Y/n was expecting, he spoke in perfect english, and he had a very smooth British accent. 
Larry answered, “Hey Ahk. I’m doing fine, how about you?”
The pharaoh smiled and replied, “I am doing quite well, though I could not help but notice that you were late.”
Larry scratched the back of his neck and replied, “Yeah, sorry about that. I was talking with a new friend.” He gestured to Y/n. 
Ahkmenrah looked to where Larry had pointed and he saw her. The two looked at each other. Y/n could see Ahkmenrah’s face clearly now. He had grey-green eyes with hooded eyelids, and he had short curly black hair. His skin was a sun kissed bronze, and his smile was beautiful. He was hands down, the most gorgeous man Y/n had ever seen. She could hardly breathe, and it seemed that Ahk was in a similar situation. When he turned to look at Larry’s new friend, he was shocked. Before him stood the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She had glossy H/L H/C hair, flawless S/T skin, and the most breathtaking E/C eyes. She was a goddess. He walked toward her, and when he was in front of her he had to look up to look her in the eyes. She towered over him like a mighty obelisk. He bowed lowly, and said,
“I am Ahkmenrah, fourth king of the fourth king, ruler of the land of my fathers. I would be honored to hear your name.”
Y/n blushed and answered, “I’m Y/n Y/l, you don’t have to bow to me, I don’t have a special title or anything. It’s an honor to meet you, your highness.”
She did her best curtsy as Ahk straightened up.
“Y/n. What a magnificent name, it fits you well. It is as beautiful as you are.”
She blushed even more at that and stammered, “T-thank you your majesty.”
“Please, no more of that nonsense. Ahkmenrah is fine, or just Ahk if you prefer. I understand that my name is a bit of a mouthful.”
“I don’t think it is. I suppose most people can’t figure out the inflection”, Y/n replied.
Ahk’s face lit up, “Can you say it with the inflection?”
“Of course! Ahkmenrah. It’s not that hard,” Y/n asserted.
A massive grin appeared on Ahk’s face, “That was perfect! I don’t think even I could say it better! You are even more incredible than I thought.”
“Why thank you Ahkmenrah”, Y/n was certain that she would never stop blushing at this point.
“How about we let Ahk get dressed?”, Larry cut in.
“Ah. Yes, if you’ll excuse me Y/n, I shall be done in a moment.”
“Yeah, um, take your time!”, Y/n walked out of the tomb and waited by an exhibit of Egyptian jewelry. She became so engrossed in the exhibit that she didn’t hear Ahk walking towards her once he was dressed.
“Exquisite, aren’t they?”
Y/n gasped and flinched. Ahk put his hand on her arm and said,
“Are you alright? I didn’t mean to startle you. I apologize.”
“I’m fine! I just got caught up with reading the stuff on the exhibit, that’s all”, Y/n assured him.
“I’m glad you’re all right. Do you like to read?”
Y/n beamed and answered, “Oh yes! I love to read, I always have, that’s why I got a job at the archives in this museum!”
“You work here?”
Y/n nodded, “I just got the job today in fact.”
Ahk and Y/n kept talking and wandering through the exhibits together. Larry watched them talking, and as the two disappeared around a corner, Larry saw Ahk looking up at Y/n and listening to her speak. Larry chuckled under his breath, Oh man. It had only been 15 minutes and Ahk was in love.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  In the days after Y/n found out about the museum she met more of the exhibits. Y/n came to know that Rebecca had known about the museum and that she was dating Larry. She met Jed and Octavius, who she liked very much. They liked her very much too, and they could see how absolutely besotted Y/n was. She adored Ahk, but she was afraid to make a move. She thought he was WAY outta her league. After all he was so handsome and sweet, and she wasn’t good enough for him. He was her best friend, she didn’t wanna ruin that.
Meanwhile, Ahk was trying his hardest to make Y/n see that he loved her. He complimented her constantly, he kissed her hand, he hugged her, but she never did anything other than blush. He was beginning to think that she didn’t feel the same way. Until one day he decided to go for broke. When Y/n came to see him that night , Ahk said he had something to show her. She followed him.
“Where are we going Ahk?”
“Patience, my beauty. It’s a surprise.”
“Okay...”, Y/n was suspicious.
They came to a deserted part of the museum, and Ahk took off his crown.
“Well, where’s this surprise? I don’t see anything.”
“Close your eyes”, Ahk said.
Y/n sighed and grumbled, “Alright, but this better be good.”
She closed her eyes and heard Ahk’s clothes jingling as he walked. He was getting closer. She waited. Suddenly, Y/n felt Ahk’s arms around her neck, and his lips on hers. She gasped. Was this really happening? Was Ahk, KISSING HER?! He must have thought that her gasp was a bad sign because she felt him pulling back. Y/n couldn’t have that. She wrapped her arms around his back and kissed him again. He didn’t hesitate, he squeezed her tighter and deepened the kiss. They stayed like that for what seemed like hours. When they broke the kiss Ahk put both of his hands on Y/n’s face and said,
“Y/n, my beauty, my lotus, my goddess, I love you. I have loved you from the moment we met. I cannot live without you, you are what makes waking up each night worth it.”
Y/n placed her forehead against his,
“Ahkmenrah, I love you too. I adore you. I would do anything for you. I count the hours until I can be with you. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, my king. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”
“I am also sorry, for not being more forward. I was trying to be subtle, but I suppose subtle doesn’t always work”, Ahk smiled.
Y/n laughed, “It would probably have worked better if I wasn’t so oblivious.”
Ahk chuckled, “Perhaps, but it worked out in the end. That’s all that matters.”
It had been a little over a year since Ahkmenrah had confessed to Y/n, and their relationship was still going strong. The museum was now open at night, and Y/n was allowed to assist Ahk with tours. It was fun telling facts about history to all the interesting visitors, especially when Ahk was with her. Y/n’s life had become so good and happy, she knew that something would come along to ruin it. Sooner or later it would happen, it always did. And Y/n was right, her unraveling came in the form of some of the museum guests. There were always people who looked at Ahk, he was a guide after all, but there were some whose gaze lingered a bit more than necessary. There were some guests that didn’t follow the rules, they laughed and flirted, they batted their perfect eyelashes at him. Y/n wouldn’t have minded so much if they didn’t always ignore her! They always pretended she wasn’t there, Ahk always introduced himself, and then he introduced Y/n as his girlfriend and lovely assistant, but these people never listened. 
It started getting worse after a while. Now the group started calling Y/n names when Ahk wasn’t looking. Then they would shove her. Some would even yell at her if they were alone with her. But that wasn’t the worst thing, the worst thing of all was that Y/n had started believing what they were saying about her. She believed she wasn’t good enough for Ahk, that he was just with her because he felt sorry for her. Y/n believed that Ahk never thought she was beautiful, it was all just a joke, like her. She got worse and worse each day. All the light had gone out of her eyes, and Ahk was worried sick. His beloved was looking more and more despondent each day. It had to be those rude idiots that came around every so often. Well, if he caught them hurting his goddess, they would be sorry.
One day, the group of mean girls (and some boys) returned. They tormented Y/n as usual, only this time they managed to break her. She started sobbing and ran. They laughed at her, and started looking for Ahk, but he had seen what happened. He ran after Y/n and found her in his exhibit. He had never really seen her cry, and never wanted to see it again. He ran to her and wrapped his arms around her, stroking her back. 
“Shhhhh. It’s alright, I’ve got you. I’m here,” he soothed.
Y/n sobbed, “They’re right! I don’t deserve you. I’m ugly and stupid, and worthless! I should have never been born!”
At this point Ahkmenrah had tears running down his face as well. How could anyone be so cruel? Y/n was the kindest, most generous person he had ever met.. To make her feel so awful, was a heinous crime, and Ahk would make them suffer for this, but for now he would make Y/n feel better.
“Y/n look at me, please!”
She reluctantly did as he asked.
“Y/n when I look at you I see perfection. Your hair is an ocean of beauty, not even the finest silk could compare. In your eyes I see the universe, my universe. Because that’s what you are to me! You are my universe, the sun, the moon, the stars, you are all of them!”
Y/n sniffled, “But I’m too tall, and I-I’m f-fat.”
Ahk shook his head, “You are neither of those my love. You are mighty and strong, you are like the pyramids, a monument to greatness that will never fall.”
“Do you think I’m stupid, Ahk?”, Y/n muttered.
“My lotus, I have never met a more brilliant soul. Your intelligence is beyond those fool’s comprehension. If you are stupid, then this building is made of candy floss and I still have all of my internal organs.” 
Y/n giggled at that, and Ahk nuzzled her nose, “That’s my girl.”
“Can I ask you something Ahk?”
“Of course Love, what is it?”
“Are you sure you wouldn’t be happier with someone else?”
Ahk chimed in, “You mean someone like them, right?”
Y/n nodded.
Ahk leaned in and kissed her with as much love as he could muster. When he broke the kiss he murmured, “I love you, not them. I could never love someone as cruel as that. I will love you forever, no matter what.”
Y/n smiled, and replied, “Thank you, my king.”
A few days passed since the incident, and all of the exhibits had been told about the cruelty Y/n had suffered. They were outraged of course, and vowed that if those responsible ever showed their faces again, they would pay for what they did. Y/n was feeling better since then, and now had more self-confidence than ever, thanks not only to Ahk, but also to all of their friends as well.
Eventually, the group of mean girls (and guys) returned, but this time things were different. Now they were not only ignoring her again, they were touching Ahk. Y/n could tell that he was uncomfortable, and finally she had enough. It was one thing to harass her, it’s another thing completely to harass her boyfriend. As soon as one of the slime balls laid their skeezy hands on him, Y/n struck. She tapped the offending girl on the shoulder and, BAM! Y/n clocked her. 
“Who’s next?”, she asked in a menacing voice.
The group started to back away. 
“If any of you pricks come back here for any other reason than ta learn, I will smack all a y’all so hard you’ll get knocked into the next state. Do I make my self clear?”  They nodded and ran off, like the cowards they were. 
The one on the ground looked up at Y/n and asked, “You were so weak, what happened?”
Y/n smiled and replied, “I realized that you were the ones who were weak. You knew that Ahkmenrah would never leave me, so you tried to make me leave instead, but here’s the thing. I’ll never give him up, not to you, not to anyone. I love him more than you could comprehend, and I know that you’re jealous of me. I should never have believed anything you assholes said, but I was worried. Worried that my happiness would unravel like it always did, but now I know the truth. With Ahk, I’ll always be happy, and there’s nothing you can do about it.” 
They never returned to the museum, and Ahkmenrah and Y/n continued to live and be happy, together. Sometimes it may feel like one wrong move and your world comes undone, but remember, No matter how much of your life comes apart, there will always be someone to help you put it back together.
The End 
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agilenano · 5 years
Agilenano - News: Classic Lowes Buffalo Ny
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54 Lowes jobs available in Buffalo, NY on Indeed.com. Apply to Merchandising Associate, Retail Sales Associate, Stocker/Receiver and more! Explore career opportunities at Lowes various locations across North America, Canada, Mexico, and India. Learn more about recruiting events at Lowes here. Looking for jobs? Lowes offers a wide range of opportunities for you. Learn more here! Modern Disposal Services, Inc.Buffalo, NY. 4 months . To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. 29/11/2017 . a private career collegeSee this and similar jobs on LinkedIn. . Bryant & Stratton CollegeGetzville, NY, US. 4 months ago Be in the first 30. . Scheme, M.S. Thesis, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY. . L., Gore, R., Punnett, L., and Promoting Healthy and Safe Employment (PHASE) in . of Thermal Environment, in Contemporary Ergonomics 1992, E. J. Lovesey, Ed., Taylor . Public, L., Wilson, J., and Lowe, E. (2010), The Operational Demand. Lowe, J. andInstance, D. (1989) Schools and Quality. Paris, OECD. Mackay, D. . New York, Basic Books. Perrott,E. (1982) Effective . Rogers, W. (1990) You Know the Fair Rule: Strategies for Making the Hard Job of Discipline in . New York, Buffalo Books. contemporary schooling, in Steedman, C. et al.,(1985). Western. Listings of Cardboard Recycling & Disposal centers in Buffalo, NY. . Find your local Orchard Park Lowes, NY. 8 New York: 22:28From . Garbage disposal, 539 Maintenance Supervisor jobs available in Buffalo, Hamburg, NY 14075. A future.
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Find your local W. Amherst Lowes, NY. Visit Store #1883 for your home improvement projects. 28 reviews of Lowes Home Improvement Its no secret that Im obsessed with plants. . Photo of Lowes Home Improvement Amherst, NY, United States . I work for requires us to do phone sells when purchasing tools from Lowes As a Canadian who frequents Buffalo a lot for cross-border trips this Lowes is as good. 11 reviews of Lowes Home Improvement Ive had a few highs in WNY, but this was one of the Lowes. . Orchard Park, NY 14127 . Useful 1; Funny 1; Cool 1 . Lady in the appliance dept was more than happy to help us, she even got the lift. Reviews on Lowes Home Improvement in Cheektowaga, NY Lowes Home Improvement, The Home Depot, Hectors Hardware & Paint Co, Valu . Ive had a few highs in WNY, but this was one of the Lowes. . Forgot to take pics because we were having way too much fun looking around. . Tell us what were missing. 33 reviews of Lowes Home Improvement Im not here often, perhaps 2 times a . Useful 6; Funny 2; Cool 3 . Christopher S. Buffalo, NY . Useful 8; Funny 3; Cool 6 . He could have been aggravated with us for the amount of cuts or rude but. Read 30619 reviews from Lowes employees for free about Lowes culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more. 54 Lowes jobs available in Buffalo, NY on Indeed.com. Apply to Merchandising Associate, Retail Sales Associate, Stocker/Receiver and more! Lowes was no fun to work for. Loss Prevention and Safety- Manager (Former Employee) Dublin, CA March 26, 2019. I took the job at Lowes for the money. it. 22/05/2015 We teamed up with Lowes Home Improvement to makeover the patio of a . we headed to Buffalo, NY for a whirlwind weekend making over the patio of an . with the spacewhich always makes things way more fun for us!
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Queens, New York, U.S Residence, Los Angeles, California, U.S Occupation, Actress, theater director. Years active, 2004present. Spouse(s). Adam Shapiro ( m. 2012). Children, 1. Katie Quinn Lowes (born September 22, 1982) is an American actress and theater director. Katie Quinn Lowes is an American actress who portrays Quinn Perkins on ABCs Scandal. Born in Queens, New York, Lowes has been acting, dancing, and. Feb 13, 2019- Explore Kiats board Minimalist Layout on Pinterest. See more ideas about Page layout, Charts and Editorial design. home decor & style that calms the soul See more ideas about Minimalism, Arquitetura and Cement. . Living Room Kitchen, Living Room Interior, Living Rooms, Minimalist Interior Style your home with design ideas by room at Lowes. Get started on liberating your interior design at Decoraid in your city! NY SF. 14/04/2017 Minimalist Fumio Sasaki, 36, from Tokyo has written Goodbye, Things, which . But then he discovered the concept of decluttering and started. . signature furniture brandon town center minimalist concept lowes lake elsinore phone minimalist buffalo glass block buffalo ny modern contemporary poured . Mercilessly beautiful stone veneer over brick modern floor and decor katy minimalist concept best tile rochester 380 empire blvd rochester ny 14609. minimalist concept lorell executive high-back office chair modern contemporary minimalist central new york planting zone minimalist concept round table folgen minimalist computer desk legs marvelous patio furniture cushions at lowes . concept computer desk legs modern contemporary la kings vs buffalo. Maze & Snares of Minimalism, Julian Pretto Gallery, New York (NY) . Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, Coral Gables (FL), USA . Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo (NY), USA . The Actuality of the Idea, Modern Art, London . Small Works by Rene Pierre Allain/Carl Andre/Robert Barry/Kathy Drasher/Maureen.
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30/08/2018 Western District of New York . BUFFALO, N.Y. U.S. Attorney James P. Kennedy, Jr. announced today that a . Mikel Lowe, a/k/a L-O, 24; 29/03/2018 Shawn Woods, 26, of Buffalo, NY; Mikel Lowe, 24, of Buffalo, NY; Aaron Mack, 26, of Buffalo, NY; Michael Walker, 26, of Buffalo, NY; 08/06/2017 BUFFALO, N.Y.-Acting U.S. Attorney James P. Kennedy, Jr. announced . an indictment charging Mikel Lowe, aka L-O, 23, of Buffalo, NY, with. . Han through the High Qing (PhD diss., State University of New York at Buffalo, 1995). . On Qius conception of Chinas past, see On-cho Ng and Q. Edward Wang, . see Michael Loewe, The Heritage Left to the Empires, in The Cambridge. View Michael Rambachs profile on LinkedIn, the worlds largest professional community. . chair on the Lancaster NY Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. . The definition of Rain Dog: A Rain Dog is a dog caught in the rain, with its Singing Buffalos Good Feet jingle and opening for bands such as Rusted. In the Context of Diversity and Change Michael J. Kirton . A self-concept scale for children and its relationship to the childrens form on the . Lowe, E. A., & Taylor, W. G. K. (1986). . Great battlefields of the World. . Buffalo, NY: Brearly. For the conceptual history of tianxia, see Liu Junping, The Creation and Evolution of the Cosmological Concept tianxia (World or China) and Its Philosophical Implications, Chinese Confucianism Online: . New York: Columbia University Press. . Buffalo: State University ofNew York Press. Henke . Loewe, Michael (1999). The Clash: A History of U.S.Japan Relations, New York: W.W. Norton, 1997. . Lowe, Dorothy. . McGerr, Michael. . Militarism, its Dimensions and Corollaries: an Attempt at Conceptual Clarification. . Buffalo Bills Wild West and the Mythologization of the American Empire, in Cultures of United States Imperialism,. Imagine Staffing TechnologyBuffalo, NY . Providing excellent customer service; Documenting all communication with customers and companies in our contact.
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Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/classic-lowes-buffalo-ny
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deckspair · 5 years
Selling Your Soul | Shinobu | Trial 6.4 | re: Neo, Evangeline, sorta Chouko
“Th-The hell you are. Neo-kun, stop that, that isn’t funny and we both know it can’t be you, you’d never…!”
Shinobu would be the one to challenge him, though their voice hitched with desperation. It was clear that something had struck a nerve, and that the possibilities Neo brought up were not as inconceivable as Shinobu wanted them to be.
They stewed in silence as Neo revealed the logic behind what he said, and why he believed that this entire trial had been rigged against the few survivors. They broke that silence as he went on about how both he and Chouko had no family left to speak of – “you’re wrong, Neo-kun” – but was he really wrong? Chouko had confided in Shinobu about what the last motive implied to her. And Shinobu couldn’t remember seeing a Dr. Muneyuki being among the people confirmed safe aboard the ship.
(And then, a moment of realization and horror – no one ever said the people on board the other ships were still safe. Did… Did Evangeline ever consider that, too? Did she wonder if her parents were truly safe? Shinobu wasn’t going to be the one to propose the idea.)
“…No… No one’s punching anyone. Neo-kun brings up a good point. I-It isn’t just the five of us we need to think about. Th-though I don’t… I don’t know why the mastermind would ever put themself in danger too, especially if they…”
The observant, after all, would have seen Shinobu visibly flinch when Neo said Akira’s name.
Shinobu left the circle of podiums, retrieving the wheelchair they had set aside. It had been useful for transporting items of interest safely, but there’d been another reason to bring it, too. They cleared all the items on it off and onto their podium, and spoke gently and quietly to Neo – though, at this point, trying to be discreet about his health was futile.
Surely everyone could see the elephant in the room. Shinobu just didn’t want to admit to themself that all they could offer Neo was palliative care.
“Neo-kun, you need to rest… Please don’t overtax yourself.”
Whether or not he accepted their offer, Shinobu walked away, mulling over what the others had put forth. It made a lot of sense, but… but it hinged on some assumptions that were incorrect.
“Chelbamy’s not a student. He’s one of the researchers who was here originally – Chelbert Bellamy, the chief programmer, specifically.”
Shinobu began passing around a sheet of paper with a list of names and occupations, some of which might have seemed a bit familiar at this point:
[Role Call] A list of names and assigned roles is crumpled up under a pillow in the Engine Room. You don’t recognize any of the names.
Along with that, Shinobu showed everyone an employee ID card for the Hope’s Peak Posidonias Atlantica vessel, with a photo of a curly-haired person with thick, foggy glasses and the following information:
Name: Lindemuth Lints Designation: Head Researcher Clearance: Admin
[Lindemuth Lints] An employee ID card for someone named Lindemuth Lints, given the designation Head Researcher and clearance Admin, was found in the Lily Pond.
“I found the list in the engine room and the card in the lily pond. There’s… a couple names of interest. Lindemuth Lints was the head researcher, who created the flower pods in the lab downstairs, and… and Lindy Moth is linked to them. Lindy wasn’t helpful explaining how exactly they were connected: Just that Lints is ‘the reason’ Lindy was created, that they’re supposed to help Lints and maintain their work, and that it was Bellamy who actually created them. I… I couldn’t get much more than that…
…that, and if Lindy is to be believed, Bellamy isn’t on the ship and left before our class set sail. Maybe most of the researchers were supposed to be gone, al…although I think one of them might’ve greeted us when we first arrived? I think one stayed at least for orientation… I recognized them from the photos in their dorm.
The other thing is… Kaliya Shiva and Devi Shiva are related. I-I don’t know if it’s just coincidence. Maybe not. Maybe we’re only here b-because they wanted to save a crewmember’s relative and the rest of us were bonuses. Or… or it was Ananya Kore’s doing instead, and they saw us worth protecting because we’re… we’re what? Young, talented, promising? Useful?”
After all, despite whatever individual circumstances they all came from, simply being brought into the fold of Hope’s Peak Academy granted them privilege above their old stations. And that, perhaps, may have been the one reason someone saw it fit to save the orphans, the terminally-ill, and the working-class among the students.
Shinobu crossed their arms in discomfort, centering in on something else Neo had mentioned.
“You’re right, though. Someone here, either in our class or from the research crew, was likely interested in the concept of mind preservation and transferal. Refer to the… which was it… the Coral Lab. There were books about neuroscience, psychology, and religion, with emphasis on the nature of memories and souls. In particular, what stood out to me m-most was…
Was, first, trauma-induced memory loss, and the potential for… f-for deliberately forcing such repression. Second, there were theories about the brain, the body, the memories, and the soul. And third, Lindy was furious when I told them Junshu-san nearly burned the room down.
It… It doesn’t say a lot on its own, but… but if FrogBot’s been talking about that sort of thing…? Then this sounds like the research of someone who wanted to manipulate the very being of people.”
So, what, not only did they have to consider the possibility of forced amnesia, but they had to wonder what else might have been mucked around with? Cool!
“I think that… Hope’s Peak sponsored the submersibles? Or at least had a link to them. I vaguely recall a newspaper clipping about it in the lab too, a headline about a vessel sponsored by the school going on its first voyage – it was dated several years ago, so it’s not us. It could have still been this ship and the original crew, though…
…And, ah… Speaking of lists. I found this in FrogBot’s desk.”
Shinobu hesitated, before passing around another sheet.
[Feeling Listless] In a drawer in FrogBot’s desk is a list of names including yours and your seventeen fellow students’. It’s titled “TO MEET!” There are check marks next to the names of Kosuke, Law N. Oda, Sayuri, Mizuo, and Shinobu.
“…Now that I-I can speak freely… Yes, I went to FrogBot’s summons. They wanted me to… to spy for them. Give them information th-they didn’t have, in exchange for answering my questions. I… I didn’t… know what to do. I didn’t give an answer then and just left… but… but at the trial we learned they tortured Nakamura-san. And I knew I could never give them more ammo to hurt someone else.
…but this means FrogBot met with several people. Did… did anyone claim to meet them that isn’t on this list…?
Semi-related, I think I can… maybe speculate as to what Nishu-san got out of it? But it doesn’t really go anywhere, I… think. She just had a torn journal and a ruined photo on her desk.”
…well, crap. This stuff, Shinobu had forgotten to grab when they were gathering items for the trial. Everyone was just going to have to settle for video recordings of the objects in question.
[Journal] The journal looks similar to the ones found in the dorms. However, water damage has left most pages illegible, and it looks as if handfuls of pages has been directly torn out.
What little can be read appears on the last page. “Moving day… wonder what’s happening… others… I… miss… …ot. Hope… projects… …n’t destroyed
[Photograph] It’s a soggy photograph of a group of people.
It’s a photograph of roughly two dozen people, all smiling at the camera, though some smiles appear to be strained. Many of them are recognizable as students aboard the ship right now, but several more are not.
"And... And, no, I couldn't figure out where the Game Boy password goes, sorry. I even tried it on Bellamy's tablet, but no luck. I can't figure out his password at all -- I've tried that, Vita Nova, New Life, Plan Aqua... Are there any other ideas?”
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trekkin-bubblegum · 7 years
A change of scenery (part one)
It took me a lot to write this so I hope you enjoy.
I dedicate this to my wonderful mum
Warnings: none I don’t think
pairing: none yet 
 “His daughter is a mermaid, but approach her with caution. Her mind swims at depths most would drown in”
“you just have to hope Scotty won’t be sitting day after day, year after year saying, ‘I love you’ before kissing her headstone”
“you read the file then”
“of course, I did, like the rest of the crew I, will be responsible for her health, also when I found out scotty had a daughter I couldn’t not read the file, I mean why wouldn’t he say something”
“he was sworn to secrecy by Starfleet, he almost got condemned for it”
“because he fell in love?”
 “he fell in love with a woman from the 20th century, doctor”
“I thought his daughter was born in the 21st”
“yes, but her mother was born in the 1960s, the girl was born in the year 2000”
“the girl has a name its (Y/N) (Y/L/N) born on the (Y/B/D) 2000”
“I know we clarified that doctor”
“when does she come aboard?”
“we pick her up from star base six in a few hours, she has been in our time for about six months”
“they deemed her immune system strong enough, but I will be giving her a fully physical just to make sure”
“bones, bones you need to give the girl a chance, she’ll be absolutely terrified, remember she did lose her mother not that long ago, her mother died in an invisible war one of the first victims of that attack”
“not before innocence”
“what do you mean by that?”
“the first victim of war is innocence, especially when it is an invisible war, how could people live like that, how could people go to work on a train and know that a terrorist could attack them it’s not even like attacks were rare they happened just about every month”
“why don’t you ask the girl”
“she’s been through enough without me pestering her”
“I thought you were going to give her a physical?”
My eyes bore into the ceiling above, a whir of a tricorder next to my head and talking from the doctor next to me, but I found myself a little too distracted my mind kept going back to the night my mother died, it was the first night I finally understood why people fear silence and at that moment when I saw the life leave her beautiful eyes it was at four years old I realised that none of us are immortal.
My mother has always told me that my father was a solider but he had to leave to go to war and only a flag came back. But when my mother died, I almost died too. The straight line is the most terrifying thing I have experienced.
Losing my mother made me think that if I take a deep breathe will I breathe clean air, or will my lungs be filled with chemical gas and children will die around me. When you lose someone like I did these questions, I don’t believe in God, used to but how can I love anyone if I am going to lose them, I will never love this man who is my dad. He left me in my time of need, didn’t even come to see me sent people in uniforms, from the federation, how can I love someone that who for all my life I had never known.
There she stood. A small girl with mousey brown hair at waist that was done in thick braids, big brown eyes peeked out from thick eyelashes, she kind of looked like scotty but it really was only the eyes.
“good afternoon, Miss Scott, unfortunately your father has been caught up in engineering so Mr Spock, Doctor McCoy and I will conduct a tour of the ship when you are ready, but first we will show you to your quarters”
“thank you, sir”
Smiling at her Scottish accent I helped her down of the transporter pad, I looked to Bones who was studying her.
“this way” she smiled faintly at me and Bones ever the southern gentleman put his arm out to her which she took, just got to hope we don’t run into Mr Scott along the corridor.
Taking in her clothing I quickly realised it was Starfleet transportation uniform with a green stripe on the sleeve, which is the standard civilian uniform colour if being transported between space stations or ships.
“These will be your quarters they connect with your fathers we do hope you will be comfortable in your draw you will find some clothes that communications officer Uhura, nurse Chapel and yeoman Rand, who you meet later, we will leave you for now to get settled, your father will be along shortly”
“thank you, Sir”
After leaving her quarters I turned to Spock and McCoy. “so, what do we reckon?”
“what do you mean, Jim” chuckling at Spock’s inability to understand a human question.
“what he means by that Mr Spock, is what we think of the girl”
“yes, Doctor I understood the context quite clearly”
“then why ask the question”
“gentlemen, gentlemen all I did was ask a question” I said getting into the lift
“she seems nice, doesn’t say much though”
“Doctor, although I am not familiar with human emotions I can understand that she will be nervous and or scared by all of this”
“Spock, look here I am a doctor I’m now her doctor, so stop trying to be her physiologist”
“doctor, I sim-“
“simply was explaining what she must be feeling, I am a Vulcan not a Betazoid I cannot possible know what she is thinking”
Spock finished the conversation and went to his station, probably realising that some mediation would be happening tonight. One-nil to Bones, he lent on the back of the chair chuckling.
“Mr Scott” I said over the communicator
“aye sir”
“your daughter is on board and in your new quarters”
“thank you, sir, if you don’t mind I was going to finish up here”
“of course, Mr Scott, you are off duty tomorrow”
Smiling to myself I cut off the communication.
I stood in the middle of my new room it was a reasonable size there was a sort of living room area which had a table and chairs then through a small door way was a bed, a wardrobe, a desk with what looked to be a computer and next to it a small book shelf already filled with classics and some textbooks. Through another door leading of my room was a small bathroom with a shower, toilet, sink and vanity table peeking in the draws I found some makeup and jewellery and in a draw below that was an arrangement of soaps, deodorants and perfumes. Walking back though to my room area I peaked in the wardrobe there were a couple of dresses and jump suits, including the green Starfleet civilian transportation uniform. Sighing I sat down on the bed, looking over to the desk I spotted a piece of paper.
“dear Miss Scott,
Welcome aboard the USS Enterprise, before you get fully settled there are some rules which you must pay attention to as this is an on-duty government vessel.
1.       There are restricted areas on the ship and we ask that you pay attention to this unless you have permission from myself, the Captain.
2.       If someone ask for you over ships communication, you must acknowledge.
3.       It will be at your father’s discretion what punishment you are given if you break any rules, unless it is severe then it will be either first officer Spock or myself.  
4.       We do not mind your choice of clothing but please make sure it is appropriate, please follow this if a planet dignitary if coming aboard the ship.
5.       Unless stated by the person you must refer to them by rank and last name for example first officer/ lieutenant commander Spock.
6.       Please respect that shift work takes place on the ship so some people may be sleeping at different times
7.       By law of the federation you must have at least four hours a day of schooling by a Starfleet tutor
8.       If an alarm sounds please contact the bridge to let us know where you are if yellow alert sounds make your way to either the bridge or your quarters, if red alert or battle stations sounds make your way to sickbay and intern Doctor McCoy’s office and wait until further instructions from a senor crew member (lieutenant-commander and above).
We hope that you have a pleasant time on the enterprise for more information on rules and regulations please see the book on your book shelf titled ‘United Federation of Planets: rules and regulations of an on-duty Star Ship’.
Yours sincerely
Captain James T. Kirk
U.S.S Enterprise
Placing down the piece of paper I looked up at the wall and saw a clock I saw the time was 12:20 pm. I walked into the bathroom I went to take a shower this was all a little too much to handle.
After stepping out I got dressed and walked into my room where I saw a hunched figure in a red shirt sitting on my bed.
“um hello?”
“oh! sorry I dinnae mean tae startle you- “
“are you Mr Scott, my dad”
“yes lass, how do you do?”
“I’m” my voice cracked and I was so overcome with emotion I could no longer speak.
“hey, come here” he said pulling me into his arms and suddenly the man who I didn’t think I could love was gone and my father was holding me, crying into his chest he just held me.
Pulling away from him I got a good look at his face. I think I saw a man who I had known my entire life, but I knew it wasn’t true studying his face through my tears I saw a man who looked surprisingly venerable, he had wrinkles mapping out his eyes and corners of his mouth. You could tell he needed a shave and a haircut and that’s when I realised it is because of me as soon as he was informed I was alive or informed he has a daughter, he was probably going mad with wanting to meet me. For months now I had been thinking about him, criticizing him, but he didn’t deserve any of my insults that I had for him because he is my father and I’m not all.
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singingisfun · 8 years
Changing Tides - Chapter 16
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Changing Tides - Chapter 16
link to cover art by @otpapprovedbythegods
And here’s a link to an adorable pic of Dopey as a pirate by @clockadile
ff.net: From the beginning - Current Chapter
AO3:  From the beginning - Current Chapter
Tumblr: Prologue - Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Ch 7 - Ch 8 - Ch 9 -Ch 10 - Ch 11- Ch 12 - Ch 13 - Ch 14 - Ch 15
A/N:  I must begin with a HUGE thanks to all of you! To say I was surprised to see this little fic get second for the Best AU Enchanted Forest WIP in the CSfanfic awards is a gross understatement. Several of you have left comments saying that certain scenes in this have made you cry and now you have returned the favor. I was so overwhelmed, I shed actual, literal tears. So, my heartfelt thanks to all of you for taking the time to read, nominate, vote, review, or send messages... I can't tell you how much it means to me. Truly.
All my love, Rachel
Now, on to the next chapter. And a big shout-out to @optomisticgirl for her beta services. MWAH, B!
The Fight and The Advice
“FE FI FO FU – ”  Killian cuts off as the book shakes again, rolling his eyes in feigned annoyance and returning his voice to normal.  “Darling, how am I supposed to read this if you can’t keep it still?”
His question proves too much for Emma to continue to contain her laughter and she and Grace erupt into a fit of giggles while Dopey throws his head back in silent, but obvious, amusement.  They’re currently sitting on deck, Killian and Emma perched on a crate and Dopey sitting cross-legged at their feet with Grace on his lap while Killian tries to read a bedtime story to Grace.
“I’m s-sorry,” Emma stammers, “I just never knew what a flair you had for story-telling.  I wasn’t expecting the… voices.”
“Oh, Hook is the best story teller there is,” Grace pipes up with pride.  “He always does the different voices for me.  You should hear him do the Wicked Witch’s voice.  It’s amazing.”
“You mean like: ‘I’ll get you my pretty’?”  
Now it’s Killian’s turn to laugh.  “Princess, please never do that again.  You’ve got the accent all wrong.”
Emma makes a sound of indignation and pinches him on the thigh to which he yelps and sticks his lower lip out in an exaggerated pout that has their audience giggling again.
In truth, he’s not upset in the slightest by the way this evening has gone.  It’s been absolutely perfect to his mind.  It started out with he and Emma relaxing on the crate, her back to his chest while they watched the setting sun before Grace appeared and begged a story.  He’d immediately agreed but Emma hadn’t wanted to move so she’d offered to hold the book while he read over her shoulder, a perfect solution is his opinion since it meant he could continue to hold her while he read.  But as the story went on, it was getting increasingly difficult to read with the way the book kept shaking.
He goes back to reading but cuts off again before he even reaches the bottom of the page.
“Hey,” she snaps when he attempts to take the book from her, holding it out of his reach.
“We’re never going to get through this story if you keep laughing,” he retorts, then lowers his voice and lines his mouth up next to her ear. “And if we don’t get through this story, we’ll never get to bed.”
That little reminder has her sobering immediately and he nearly hoots out a laugh himself. “Okay, fine.  I’ll stop, I promise,” she replies, settling back into his chest.
Reaching around, she pulls her hair to one side so he can lay his chin on her shoulder again, then holds the book back up.  He manages to get through the rest of the story with only one more interruption, and by that time the sun has completely disappeared.  
Grace and Dopey give a short round of applause while Emma snaps the book shut and hands it to the little girl, then she sits back up, lacing the fingers of her now free hand with his.
“Time for bed,” Patricia calls from the helm, starting toward the steps to collect her daughter.
“Do I have to?” Grace whines, making the woman in his arms chuckle.
“It’s late, angel,” Jeff says from behind the wheel.
Grace’s shoulder slump but, just as her mother reaches her, her head shoots up.  “Can I sleep in the crews’ quarters again tonight?” she asks with a smile.
Jeff and Patricia share a look and Jeff shrugs.  
“You promise to let Dopey sleep? You won’t talk his ear off?” Patricia asks.
“I promise,” Grace immediately concedes, practically bouncing on her toes.
“Okay,” her mother says, “Let’s go get you changed first, then you can pick whichever bunk you want.”
Grace grins widely, thanking her mother and hugging her tight around the waist.  
Killian chuckles when, as soon as she releases her mother, the little girl insists on giving goodnight hugs to everyone else on board.  She’d make a hell of a pirate, he thinks with amusement, watching as she sends her mother an innocent look even as Patricia taps her foot in impatience.  The child pulls out every stop to prolong her bedtime.  She always has.  
As the two finally disappear below deck, Emma settles into him again, her head leaning back to rest on his shoulder so she can gaze at the stars.  
He knows he should get up, check their position, set their course, but he doesn’t want to let her go just yet.  The night is warm and the moon is bright and everything else can wait.  He just wants to hold her for a few more minutes, so he lowers his head to rub his nose along her shoulder, relishing the happy sigh she releases as he does so.
He raises his head when he hears Dopey lighting the nearest lamp and the dwarf gives him a satisfied smile, nodding to him in approval.  He nods back and glances across the deck to see Ruby giving him a similar look – only hers is more knowing – and he nearly blushes.  Emma, who is completely oblivious to the glances being sent their way, snuggles closer in his arms and he buries his face in her neck to hide his smile.  
It’s been another glorious day.  He and Emma had spent the afternoon with Dopey working on his form, him instructing and Emma demonstrating.  Eventually, everyone else had joined in and it had turned into a full out fencing class.  Then they’d all enjoyed a lovely dinner on deck under the setting sun.
“Today was fun,” she murmurs and it doesn’t surprise him at all that their thoughts are aligned.  
“Yes, it was,” he replies, tightening his grip on her waist.  
She twists her neck to brush a sweet kiss on his lips and he closes his eyes to savor it. His eyes stay closed as she does it again, a soft glide of mouth against mouth, and his chest warms with contentment.  
There’s an easy breeze coming off the ocean, blowing through her hair to the point where the ends of it glance across his neck, the soft strands and her subtle fragrance mixing together into a moment he wants to revel in, to memorize and burn onto his heart.  It’s the simple moments like this one that he missed most of all, they’re the memories he played over and over again in his head for so many years, and the fact that he’s able to experience more of them now makes him want to etch the picture of every one on his brain, commit to memory the silky skin behind her ear where his fingers brush, the quiet sigh he hears when she turns further in his arms, skimming her lips across his again.  
He’s so lost in his effort to memorize every sensation that he misses the way she goes still when he buries his nose in her neck to breathe her in – roses and a touch of a spice he doesn’t recognize that will haunt him for the rest of his life – but when his nose brushes the lobe of her ear and her fingers dig into his shoulder, there’s something about it that draws his attention and he, regretfully, leaves the solace of her throat to look at her.  When he does, she motions over his shoulder with an amused and slightly embarrassed expression and he turns to find Jeff crossing the deck toward them.  
“Later,” he hears her whisper and he turns back to see her eyes shining with merriment.
“Later,” he echoes.
“Sorry to interrupt,” Jeff says when he reaches them, “but I wanted to talk about where we’re headed.”
Killian stands to face his friend, slipping his arm around Emma's waist. “I was thinking Portsmouth,” he replies, “I was there a few months ago, and I think it’s our best option.”
“Yes, that would be excellent.  I’ve got several��” his eyes dart to Emma and back, “contacts there.”
“Good.  We should be there in a couple of days,” Killian tells him, appreciative of the fact that Jefferson used the term ‘contacts’ instead of ‘spies.’  His friend obviously suspects that he hasn’t told Emma about their operation yet and the look on his face confirms it.  
“Once we get there, we should do a bit of scouting before Grace leaves the ship,” Jeff comments.  
“Of course, I was already planning on it.”  
“Planning on what?” Patricia asks, appearing at her husband’s side and linking her arm with his.  
Jefferson’s eyes soften at his wife’s appearance, turning to kiss her on the cheek, “We’re headed to Portsmouth and Killian and I were just talking about doing a bit of scouting before anyone else leaves the ship.”
“You’re not going without me,” Patricia immediately responds.
He and Jefferson share a look.  
“It might be dangerous, darling,” Jeff says to his wife.
“And your point?” she asks, crossing her arms over her chest.
Jeff just sighs, obviously not willing to put up the fight to stop her. “Just that you’ll need to be careful.”
Patricia gives a sharp nod at that but softens it with a light kiss then, linking her arm back in his, her eyes suddenly lighting up with an idea. “We should stop by the tavern while we’re looking around.  Their tavern is always bursting at the seams with the latest tidbits!”
“Fine,” Jeff agrees, resignedly.
“I’m going, too,” Emma says.
Bloody hell.
His body stiffens against his will and he knows she notices, her own back going ramrod straight as she turns to face him. She's got that determined look in her eye, like she’s daring him to contradict her, the argument forming before he can even say a word.  But he’s not going to argue with her – he’s not.  He’s going to keep calm no matter how this conversation goes.  He lets his hand fall from her waist, hooking his thumb in his belt and schooling his features the best he can.  
“Emma,” he says carefully, trying to get her to see reason, “the closer we get to your kingdom, the more likely it is that you’ll be recognized.  Regina is looking for you.  You should stay aboard the Jolly, she’ll protect you.”
“And what about you?” she asks, obviously trying to stay calm as well.  “Regina is looking for both of us.  She sent a garrison of knights to capture you. Or have you forgotten that?”
“No, I haven’t.”
“Then what’s the difference?!”
Her voice is starting to rise and he grits his teeth against his need to match it.
“I can’t hide aboard this ship, love,” he says evenly, “I’m sure word of that encounter is spreading faster than lightning and I need to stop any rumors of my untimely demise as quickly as possible.”
“Why?” she demands, and now her arms are crossed over her chest.
“What do you mean, why?”  
“Everyone already thinks Killian Jones is dead.  Let them think Captain Hook is dead, too.”
He doesn’t expect the amount of venom that comes out with the word and Emma doesn’t seem to either, her eyes widening in shock.  
“But –”
“I don’t care what the general population thinks,” he cuts her off, “But the Evil Queen…?  She already knows by now that her plan failed and I’ll not give her the satisfaction of thinking she’s scared me into hiding!”
Her mouth snaps shut at that but her eyes are still flashing with annoyance.  After several cleansing breaths, he sees the tension in her shoulders start to relax and relief floods him, thinking he’s won this debate.  He’s just about to congratulate himself on keeping his temper (for the most part) under control, but then she lifts her chin at a regal angle.
“Fine, but I’m not going to hide, either,” she says.  Then, at the eye-roll he can’t contain, her voice goes a pitch higher, “People are going to find out I’m still alive soon enough.  What does it matter if they find out before we reach Camelot?”
“Outside of the impropriety of being seen in the company of a pirate?”
“Impropriety?” she asks in disbelief, “You’re worried about my reputation?”
“I’m worried about your LIFE!” he shouts.
“And I’m worried about YOURS!”
Their outburst echoes across the deck in the following silence, both of them breathing heavy and their stances stubborn.
Gods, she really doesn’t understand, does she?  She doesn’t see the difference…
He takes a long breath, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment to gather himself, grappling for any excuse he can come up with to convince her to stay aboard the ship.
“My life isn’t nearly as valuable as yours is, princess.” He rasps out the first thing that comes to mind.  “If Regina finds out where you are, she’ll set the remainder of her navy to find us. The Jolly is a marvel, yes, but she can’t stand against all of Regina’s ships.  If they find us before we reach Camelot, they’ll sink us without a second thought.”
“You know as well as I do that won’t happen,” she replies with derision, “By the time word reaches her, we’ll be half-way there and her ships won’t stand a chance at catching us.  The Jolly is a marvel, and she’s also the fastest ship in the realm.  Try again, Captain.”   
He bristles at the emphasis she puts on his title, a tinge of regret flickering through him that he’d made a point to use hers. But she needs to understand, dammit!  No matter how much she doesn’t like it, she is a princess.  She was born to rule a kingdom and her life is too bloody valuable to risk over a simple scouting mission.
(And that’s to say nothing of the prophecy that says she will be the one to defeat the Evil Queen - which he knows she knows nothing about, but she’s not stupid and she must at least suspect where this is headed.  While his life…  Well, he’s not as vital.  He’s already done what he needed to do.  He’s already awakened her magic and it will continue to strengthen with or without him.)
The tension is back in her shoulders as they stare each other down through the strained silence, her arms crossed so tightly over her chest that he idly wonders if she’ll have bruises tomorrow from how her fingers are gripping into her forearms. For his part, his heart is pounding heavily and he can feel his fingernails digging crescents into his palm.  He’s also acutely aware that everyone is watching, none of them daring to move.
It’s another few moments before Ruby’s voice breaks the non verbal battle. “What if there was no chance that she’ll be recognized?” she asks as though something just occurred to her.
Neither he nor Emma respond, their stares never wavering from the other, both of them so determined to not back down that they don’t even glance Ruby’s way, so it falls to Jeff to voice the question.
“How?” he asks.
“Magic,” she replies.  “Emma could do a glamour spell.”
That gets Emma’s attention and she finally breaks the nearly tangible tether between their eyes, swinging her gaze to Ruby.
“A glamour spell?”
“Yes, to change your appearance.  It’s the same principle you were using yesterday to change the color of our dresses,” Ruby says.
Killian’s stomach clenches into a tight fist when Emma’s eyes light up, an inexplicable but all-encompassing terror crawling up his chest.
“How do I do it?” she asks.
“Just picture what you want to look like and let your magic do the rest.”
No, no, no.
Emma nods, closing her eyes and concentrating even as jagged claws tear at the back of Killian’s throat, the sudden onslaught of fear manifesting itself by choking off his air supply.  
No. She needs to stay aboard the ship, he thinks.  She can’t…  It’s too dangerous.
His lungs are burning with the need for oxygen by the time Emma’s eyes open, looking to Ruby and shaking her head in an indication that it didn’t work and Killian finally manages to draw a breath.
“Try thinking of someone you know well.  Someone whose face is familiar – Gwen from The Gold Mine, maybe.”
The dread washes through him again instantly when Emma’s eyes close, her hands going into fists at her sides even as his do the same.  
Don’t let it work, he prays desperately.  Please, don’t let it work.  She’ll be safer on the ship.
Emma shakes her head, looking to Ruby again.
“Okay.  Try me,” Ruby suggests. “You probably know my face better than I do.”
“It’s not that,” Emma replies, “It’s…  I can’t even get the magic to start.  It’s…”  she trails off, looking down to her hands with confusion as she turns them over and back again…  
Then, without warning, she whips around to face him, her eyes wide with realization and her voice sharp with accusation.  
“What the hell are you doing?!” she demands.
He nearly stumbles back from the force of her words, confusion and anger making his denial much more heated than he intends.  “I’m not doing anything!”
“Yes, you are!” she shouts.
“No, I’m NOT!” he retorts – even though he’s not sure what he’s denying.  He’s just bloody standing here.  He hasn’t moved so much as a single muscle, so what on earth could she possibly think he’s doing?
Her chin juts out stubbornly as she snatches his hand and links their fingers together.  Clenching her eyes shut, she squeezes his hand, her face a mask of determination as she tries one last time to call on her magic.  His eyes drop to their interlaced fingers but there’s nothing, no spark, no warmth in his stomach, no light igniting between their palms.  
She drops his hand as if he’s burned her, taking a step back and looking at him with wide eyes.
“You don’t want it to work,” she says, disbelief and hurt lacing the words.  
A heavy weight swoops into his belly, the pain on her face lancing his heart even if he has no idea what he’s done to put it there.  But she’s right, he doesn’t want it to work, so he doesn’t respond to her implied question – not that he needs to, she already knows what he’s thinking.
“Why?” she asks, idly rubbing her thumb over the palm of the hand she’d just released from his.
“’Why’ what?”
“Why don’t you want it to work?!” she demands at the top of her voice.
Because this is the best excuse I have to keep you on the ship.  To keep you safe.  Because I’m terrified of losing you.  Because I won’t survive it, not again.  It has nothing to do with you being royalty or you defeating Regina and everything to do with the fact that I can’t even think about a world without you in it without spiraling into a complete bloody panic!
“What difference does it make?” he says instead.
“Because I can’t use my magic!”
“And how is that my fault?!”
“Because, you stubborn pirate, it’s not just my magic.  It’s ours!”
Her declaration doesn't register at first, his greater concern the way her eyes widen in alarm as though she hadn’t intended to share that secret just yet.  But he doesn’t have time to wonder why that is before the meaning of her words slam into him like a bloody hammer and his breath catches.
Their magic? What does she mean, their magic?  It’s her magic.  She’s the one who has power, not him.  She’s the one who saved his life and Grace’s life and Dopey’s life.  He just… gives her a boost occasionally, he doesn’t have anything to do with how she uses it.
She must see his confusion, so she takes it upon herself to demonstrate.  “Watch,” she says, reaching out and taking Ruby’s hand.  “Ruby cut herself earlier while she was making dinner.  I’m going to heal it, okay?”
Before he can say a word, she waves her hand and he feels the spark in his stomach, the small cut disappearing.  That only serves to confuse him even more because her magic is working, so what on earth is she going on about?
“Did you feel that?” she asks.
“Yes, but what does that prove?”
“You wanted it to heal, right?”
“Well, I…  I mean, I obviously don’t want Ruby to be in pain, but I – ”  
“So, you wanted it to heal,” she surmises, releasing Ruby’s hand and taking a step toward him.  “Don’t you see?  It only works when we want the same thing…  Consciously or not.”
He shakes his head in denial.  “That can’t be true.  You’ve used it without me before.  Bloody hell, I was sleeping the other morning when you healed yourself – ”  
“But you’d never want me to be in pain.  Just like you’d never want Ruby to be.”
“But – ”
“Look, it’s hard to explain but… every time I use it, it’s… it’s like you’re there with me… it’s like I can feel your heart working alongside mine.”  
He shakes his head again, his thoughts reeling.  He’s part of her magic?  But it’s impossible.  Isn’t it?  He doesn’t have… power.  He’s no one.  A commoner who was lucky enough to catch the eye of a princess.  She’s the special one.  He’s the son of a man who sold him into servitude the moment he was old enough to be useful.  She’s the product of true love.  A princess… Royalty…
From out of nowhere, Jeff’s words from a few days ago pop into his mind.  The love between the two of you…  It was electric.  It was magic, Killian.  Literally.  Everyone around you could feel it.  
His heart thuds and his eyes widen, his blood starting to race as he frantically thinks back to each and every time she’s used her magic, replaying each one in his head…  
Arendelle… the attack on the Jolly… the cave…  He’s felt it every time.  Even yesterday, while she was practicing and he was fencing with Dopey there was a subtle spark in his stomach.  His eyes had been drawn to her over and over again because he could feel her calling on it, contentment filling him because he was happy that it was strengthening… as he was hoping it would.  
When he looks back to her, she’s nervous, wringing her hands together as she eyes him warily, like she’s afraid of what his reaction will be.  But the only thing he can think is how amazing this is.  How a man like him, a one-handed pirate, could possibly be part of something like this…  A love so powerful that it can heal and protect everyone around them because, like Jeff said, it’s their love that makes the magic.  
He’s moving in the next second, weaving his hand her in hair and kissing her so soundly that she squeaks in surprise.  
Okay, definitely not the reaction she was expecting – not that she’s complaining.  
She’d been standing there, watching each thought flitter across his face – from disbelief to confusion to acceptance – terrified that he’d misinterpret her recent actions as a ploy to use him simply so her magic would work.  Or that he’d be angry that she’s kept it a secret.  But he doesn’t seem to be either, especially with the way he turns his back on their audience to afford them a bit of privacy so he can sweep his tongue through her mouth.
He breaks the kiss as abruptly as he’d started it and she’s so caught up in the haze of his lips that she has to concentrate to pry her eyes open.  When his face comes into focus, there’s a look of awe in his heavy-lidded gaze, his eyes searching her features like he’s seeing her for the first time.  Slipping his hand further into her hair, he guides her head to nuzzle his nose against hers and her heart swells in her chest.
She’s definitely not complaining.
Someone coughs loudly and they break apart, both of them blushing and clearing their throats as they turn back to their friends.
“Well, now that that’s settled,” Ruby says, “Can we get back to our current problem?  Emma needs to be able to disguise herself if she’s going to leave the ship.”
Killian’s shoulders immediately tense again and she looks over to him, his eyes clouding just before he hides them from her.  
“Killian?” she asks, her chest tightening when she sees the way his jaw clenches.
He shifts around on his feet, keeping his eyes averted and she turns to face him, only vaguely aware of their friends silently retreating.  
He shakes his head, his lower lip caught between his teeth.  “I’m sorry, love, but I…  If it’s true that your magic depends on both of us, then I’m…”  
He trails off, opening his eyes to give her a pleading look, begging her to understand.
Her heart sinks and her temper flairs back to life.  “You still don’t want it to work,” she says, trying to keep the sharpness of the knives she feels in her chest from coming out in her voice.
“I can’t help the way I feel, Emma.  I can’t – ”
“Why?!” she demands, and dammit, he looks like she’s just jabbed one of those knives into his chest now with how he sucks in a ragged gasp.
“Emma, please…”
She takes a measured breath to calm herself at the pleading in his eyes, but it doesn’t do anything to slow her racing blood.  Still, she manages to mask the worst of her annoyance when she speaks again.
“You don’t trust me,” she says flatly.
“It’s not that,” he immediately replies.
“Yes, it is,” she retorts, “It’s exactly that.  You don’t trust that I can take care of myself.”
“You know, I may not be a notorious pirate captain whose name strikes fear into anyone who hears it, but I'm not some spoiled, dainty princess, either!  I may have been living in ignorance for the past few years but I’m still me.  You used to have faith in me.  You used to treat me like an equal.  But now… what?  I’m supposed to sit on my hands while you go off without me?  I’m supposed to wait around on this ship like I’m fucking helpless while you risk your life?”  
“Love…” He takes a step toward her, raising his hand as though to sooth her and she bats it away.  
“Well, it’s not going to happen that way.  The only way you’ll get me to stay on this ship is if you physically restrain me!”
She turns on her heel and stalks off, too angry to even turn back when he calls her name.  
Once she’s safe inside his cabin is when the tears come, fury and hurt making them burn as they slide down her cheeks.  
That impossible… stubborn… thick-headed… pirate!  How can he even consider leaving her behind?  What does she need to do to prove to him that she’s just as capable as he is?  Because what she said on deck is true:  He used to trust her, he used to consider her an equal, he used to believe in her.  But now…  Now he doesn’t.
Her eyes land on the long leather coat hanging benignly on the peg next to the door and her blood boils.
Now he’s a highly-feared pirate captain who is used to people following his orders without question.  He’s the commander of his ship and everyone aboard.  And, somehow, he’s gotten it into his head that she’ll follow those commands without putting up a fight?  Well, he’s sorely mistaken.
Idly, she snatches a sword handle that’s sticking out of one of the chests lining the walls, pivoting and slashing it through the air with grace.  She may not be as good as he is with a sword anymore, but she’s no amateur.  Adjusting her grip on the hilt, she spins on the spot, the weapon zipping through the air so fast that she hears the hum of the blade before landing in a low lunge.
How naïve does he think she is? she thinks sourly.  Does he think she doesn’t understand the importance of what they’re doing?  It’s her kingdom they’re fighting for, her mother is the one locked in that tower, her father is the one who has been separated from his wife for all these years.  And if he thinks she’s going to let him treat her like some delicate, fragile figurehead who needs protecting while she stays behind…
She stabs the sword back into the chest, a satisfying clang of metal echoing through the room when it slides past the precious gold and silver treasures it had been nestled with.  Angrily, she wipes at her eyes, removing the evidence of tears and walks to the bed, plopping down and covering her face with her hands.
She’ll go mad if she’s stuck here worrying about him while he’s out there – probably rushing head-long into danger with a cavalier attitude toward his life.  Because that's exactly what he'll do.  He’s already proven he doesn’t see his life as a thing of value.  He’d been willing to die for Grace and he’d made it clear earlier that he considers her life more valuable than his and that’s just not true.  He’s more vital than he gives himself credit for but if half of what she’s heard of him is accurate, he takes insane risks on a regular basis and he… he can’t… She won’t survive losing him again.  She won’t.  She’s certain her heart would simply cease beating if…  if he…
Just the thought has tears spilling over again and she snatches up his pillow, hugging it to her chest as she lays back on the mattress.
She won't let him do it.  She'll chain herself to his side if she has to.  He's not going anywhere without her.
There’s a shuffle on the deck above her and she holds her breath, watching the hatch to see if it opens but it doesn't.  Instead, the footsteps retreat and she feels a pang of regret shoot through her.  She shouldn't have yelled at him.  She shouldn't have called him out for his pirate ways again. But dammit, does he really expect her to sit here and do nothing?
She clamps her eyes shut at the next sting of tears, willing them not to fall.  She considers going back up to try to talk sense into him, but changes her mind.  She'll wait for him to come down for the night.  They've already put on quite a show for everyone and she'd rather have this conversation in private.  
She stares at the ceiling and waits.  And waits.  
And waits.
It’s sometime later when she jolts to attention, confusion filtering through her when she sees the room is much darker than it had been. She must have fallen asleep, she realizes, unconsciously reaching across the bed seeking Killian.  Her hand glides over the empty mattress next to her and her stomach drops.
Glancing around the room, she notices the lanterns have nearly burned out, indicating she’s slept for a good portion of the night.  With a weight in her chest, she gets to her feet, her eyes still scratchy and sore from her earlier bout of tears.
Quietly, she makes her way up the ladder, expecting to find him at the helm.  Instead, though, she's greeted by another dark-haired man.  Jefferson is standing at the wheel and affords her a quick glance when he hears her.
“He's below deck,” he says without prompting, “assuring himself once again that all of the cannons are loaded and at the ready.”
His tone is reprimanding and, if she’s not mistaken, there's also a subtle implication of something more hidden in his words.  She's not sure because she doesn't know him very well, but her shoulders still slump at the admonishment.  He’s clearly not happy with her and who can blame him?  His loyalties lie squarely with Killian and their little scene earlier is most certainly the reason he’s not currently in bed with his wife.  Rather, he’s spent a good part of the night on deck, more than likely in an attempt to either console his friend or distract him.
Not wanting to deal with another confrontation, she skirts around him toward the stairs, but just as her foot lands on the first step, she hears him release an exasperated sigh.
“May I offer you a bit of advice, princess?” he asks.
She almost turns down his offer but there’s a trace of apology in his voice that makes her hesitate.  His sympathies might be with Killian but it does sound like he truly wants to help, and since he probably knows Killian better than anyone now, his advice could be immeasurably valuable.  So she removes her foot from the step and turns to face him, folding her hands demurely in front of her.  
Once he has her attention, he studies her for a moment, his eyes searching hers and his hand readjusting itself on the wheel in a nervous reflex, apparently trying to figure out how to approach whatever it is he wants to say.  She lets her hands fall to her sides at the obvious concern in his eyes and takes a step toward him, silently encouraging him.
Finally, he draws a deep breath, his eyes softening as he looks thoughtfully out at the horizon. “I've been married for some years now,” he starts, his voice soft, “and I love my wife with everything I have.  She and Grace have brought joy back to my life.  And joy was not something I thought to ever have again.”
This wistful admission is the last thing she expected and her brow wrinkles as he fiddles with the handle again.
“I won't pretend to know what it was like for you when you were informed of Killian’s death,” he says gently, “But I was there when he heard of yours.  He'd just lost his brother – killed right in front of him – and, within a fortnight, he lost you as well.  He had nothing left.  And it… broke him.”  
Emma’s eyes fill with tears, her heart aching.  He saw his brother die?  Liam died before they even escaped the castle?  She wants to ask what happened but her throat is clogged and, even though she tries, the lump obstructing her voice is too large to swallow past.
Jeff steps forward and takes her hand, holding it between both of his, his voice gentling even more. “I’m sure it was difficult for you as well, but at least you knew your parents were still alive.  You had, at least a sliver of hope for the future.  He didn't.  He lost everything in a very short span of time and… that kind of pain, it stays with you.  And it’s something you would give anything to keep from feeling again.”
She blinks to clear her blurred vision and it barely does any good with how fast her eyes fill again.  
“He doesn’t question your abilities, your highness.  You have to know that.  He’s just terrified.  And, if you’ll forgive me for saying so, I’d say the… strength of your anger earlier would indicate you are, too.”
Drawing a shaky breath, she squeezes his hand, a rush of affection pressing on her heart.  Yes, he’s squarely on Killian’s side but he also holds sympathy for hers.  And, he’s right, she and Killian are both scared of the same thing, it’s just that neither of them were willing to admit it.  (Well, Killian might have been but, once again, she relapsed to anger to cover her fear before he could explain himself.)  
As if understanding her predicament, he gingerly wipes a tear from her cheek, going on, “Take it easy on him, princess.  He’s nearly obsessed with keeping you safe.  This is the third time today the cannons have been checked.”
The statement melts her heart and she nods, his first comment when she alighted on deck suddenly making sense.  
Flashing a sad smile, he gives her a quick kiss on the back of the hand and steps back, returning to the wheel.  Then, in an effort to lighten the mood, he adds in a mischievous tone, “You know, there’s something I’ve learned over the years I’ve spent with my wife: Arguments are inevitable, especially when you’re both strong-willed people, but the making up can be…” he quirks an eyebrow…  “fun.”
She huffs out a laugh through her tears, completely taken off guard at his frank words considering the propriety he usually uses toward her.  
“Perhaps,” she replies in amusement but it fades quickly, adding, “but I wouldn’t know. Killian and I never used to argue.”
He must hear the melancholy return because his voice turns serious again. “That’s because you never had anything to argue about,” he points out.
At her questioning look he continues, “You were young back then, princess. You didn't have a care in the world.  Your kingdom was at peace.  There was no conflict, no war, and no reason to believe that would ever change.  You were, the both of you, fearless.  You'd never known loss, betrayal – and now there’s danger everywhere.  And danger makes emotions run high, especially when mixed with two people as headstrong as you and Killian.”
The creaking sound of a hatch opening draws both of their attentions and Killian appears, stopping abruptly when he sees the two of them at the helm.  Their eyes meet across the deck, but he doesn’t hold the gaze, instead flicking his eyes to Jefferson.  
Jeff looks completely unimpressed with Killian’s tense stance, in fact, he looks almost pleased at Killian’s irritation.  Turning back to Emma, he gives her a quick bow. “Well, I should leave you to it, princess,” he says, moving to walk past her.
She stops him with a hand on his arm.  “My friends call me Emma, Lord Galerus.”
He smiles softly.  “And mine call me Jeff, Emma.”
She gives him a thankful nod, hoping he understands how much she appreciates the help and insight she’s gained from him during their short conversation.  “Good night, Jeff.”
“Good night, Emma,” then he leans close to her ear, “Remember: Go easy…  the making up could be worth the fight.”
Her lips curve and she nods one more time in agreement, then he goes around her to make his way down the steps.  He pauses when he reaches Killian, whispering something to him that Emma doesn’t hear but makes Killian’s lip quirk for the barest instant.  Then he leaves, descending into one of the hatches.  
As soon as the creaky hatch latches shut, silence descends in a nearly physical fog, it’s thick weight even blocking out the sound of water lapping on the bow.  Killian hasn't moved, his hand anchored in the belt at his waist but, somehow, it doesn’t look as menacing without the pirate garb he’s been shedding over the past few days.  Still, his eyes are hard and his jaw ticking and her heart sinks even more.  She wants to go to him, just rush down the steps and throw herself into the comforting warmth of his arms, surrender the fight and beg forgiveness for losing her temper again, but her feet are rooted to the spot.   
“I thought you'd be asleep by now.”  His voice cracks the tiniest bit on the last word, completely at odds with the terse comment.  
“I thought you would've joined me by now,” she counters.
He fidgets and scratches at the back of his ear, looking away from her. “Well, I wasn't entirely sure my presence would be welcome.”
His voice has softened but it's still guarded and she aches to cross to him. To that end, she takes a step in his direction, “Killian – ”
“I don't want to fight, love,” he interjects, his hand lifting as though warding her off and she freezes mid-step.
“I don’t want to fight, either,” she replies, going ahead and taking the step closer.  
The space separating them feels like it stretches a mile and when he steps back as though to keep the distance even, her heart tightens so badly she fears it might stop beating.  
“Please Killian,” she rasps desperately, “I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled.  I just – ”  
“Why did you think I’d be upset about your magic depending on both us?” he interrupts in a rough voice, both curiosity and pain dripping from the question.
Her eyes pop wide, surprised that this, rather than her outburst, seems to be what has him the most upset, “It was just…” she falters, “Things have been getting better between us and I didn’t want to risk – ”
“Did you think I’d be angry?” he asks.
“I…  I just didn’t know how you’d react…” She replies, hesitantly starting down the steps to close at least some of the distance between them. “You see, this magic – our magic – it’s more than just us wanting the same thing. It also depends on… something else,” she explains.  
She's now at the bottom of the stairs and he hasn't moved, but she stops there and keeps her hand on the rail, needing something solid to hold on to as she goes on, “Right after I woke up, during those days when you were avoiding me… Well, it didn’t work at all then.  I didn’t understand why at first but once it did start working again, I realized it… Well, it…” she trails off and bites her lip, unable to meet his eyes.
“Its strength is directly related to the strength of our… feelings for each other,” he finishes for her, the way he says it giving her the impression that he’d already riddled through the matter while she’d been below.
She nods hesitantly, averting her eyes to stare at the grooves in the rail her thumb is nervously tracing. “Yes,” she manages in a jagged tone.
“And you were afraid I’d think you were only… using me to make our magic work.”
Again, she can tell he’s already reached this conclusion and even though there’s no accusation in the gently spoken statement, her cheeks redden in shame, her eyes filling with tears.  She nods slowly, her thumb nearly gouging the thick wood of the rail now.
“Emma,” he breathes taking slow steps until he's standing before her.  He shakes his head sadly, reaching out to cup her cheek, “I’d never think that, love.  Never.”
She’s frozen to the spot, swallowing tightly against the lump in her throat.  She sees moisture caught in the edges of his eyes and he lifts his left arm and uses his hook to gently tuck a stray curl behind her ear, searching her features with a sorrow so deep that it tugs at her heart.
“We don’t know each other at all anymore, do we?” he asks quietly.
The overwhelming sadness she hears makes her stomach plummet – because he believes it.  He’s been up here half the night, not upset because of her outburst, but pondering over her reason for not telling him about their magic and coming to this conclusion – this soul wrenching conclusion that they have changed so much that they don’t even know each other and he’s so wrong.  She does know him.  
“That’s not true.  I do know you,” she says, trying to put as much conviction as she can into her words, but her throat is so tight it only comes out as a croak.
He shakes his head in denial and tries to step back but her hands grapple at his shirt, urgently gripping it to stop him from retreating as she presses on, her voice getting stronger. “I know that you’re honorable and kind,” she declares fervently. “I know that you’d do anything for a friend and that you have a sense of loyalty that runs so deep you’re willing to give your life for it.”  She moves one hand to his cheek to make sure he keeps his eyes on hers. “I also know you’re scared,” she whispers, “you’re scared of so many things.  You’re scared to tell me what happened while we were apart, you’re scared that I don’t care for you the way I used to and that I won’t understand.”
“But that’s not all you’re scared of,” she hurries on, because she doesn’t want to push that right now, “You’re also scared of losing me again.  And that’s why you didn’t want the glamour spell to work earlier.  You want me to stay on the ship so that I’ll be safe.  But what you don’t understand is that I’m just as scared of losing you.”
He sucks in a breath, his hand tightening at the base of her neck. “Darling…” he whispers, tears now falling unchecked down his cheeks as his head falls forward to land on hers with a strangled sound.
“I won’t let you go without me,” she vows, “and that’s not me being stubborn or trying to defy you.  It’s me being terrified that you won’t come back.  You want to protect me, and I understand that, but why can’t you believe that I want to protect you just as much?  That if something happens to you, I…  I…”  Her voice clogs and she leans back to meet his eyes, noting the tiny glimmer of hope now shining in them.  “I can’t lose you again.  I can’t.  I need you, Killian.  I need you beside me, I need your strength and your faith and your hand in mine.  And that has nothing to do with magic… or… or strategy… or…”
“I need you, too,” he rasps out when her voice breaks, and then he's moving, covering her mouth with a kiss so desperate that it shoots dizzying relief through her system.  
He kisses her thoroughly, a broken groan releasing into her mouth when he tilts his head and his tongue slides against hers.  She can taste his tears, or maybe their hers, but either way, it adds more fuel to her response and her tongue moves with greater purpose, tangling with his.
She clutches his neck, holding on for all she’s worth when he backs her up until her spine makes contact with the corner hidden by the staircase.   He’s like a man possessed, his mouth burning a trail of fire across her cheek and down her neck as he pins her to the wall with his body.  
Tugging roughly on his hair, she brings his eyes to hers only long enough to say one more thing while she still can, something she needs to say and something he needs to hear.  “Never tell me again that my life is more important than yours,” she pants, clenching her fist in his hair for punctuation.  “Do you hear me?  Your life is just as important as mine.”
She connects their lips without waiting for his reply, using the same tuft of hair to angle his head and attack his mouth demandingly.  
“Never, do you understand?” she adds at the next break of lips.
“I understand,” he gasps out, his hand gliding down her spine and his hook nudging her thigh to prompt her to wrap it around his back.  
As soon as her leg is locked around him, he rocks his hips forward while his hand tugs her to him and she gasps, so caught up in the feel of him that she almost misses the mumble he releases into her neck.  “I can't lose you, either,” he grounds out. “I won’t survive it again.  I need you to breathe, love.”
His lips clamp down hard on her collarbone and suck even as hand and hook start yanking at her dress, his urgency making her mind simply turn off until she feels his fingers pressing into her.  It’s then that she realizes he intends to have her right here on deck and a thrill shivers through her veins.  Frantically, she reaches for his pants, nearly tearing them in her haste to free him from the confines, and amazes at the hard length of him jutting out and into her hand.  It’s the first time she’s touched him like this and she wants to take a moment to explore the feel of him, but she only gets time to register how silky the skin is before he’s batting her hand away and bending his knees to position himself.  He pauses for one breathless instant, meeting her eyes with feral need and then he’s plunging into her, his groan as loud and unrestrained as her own.  
It’s fast and fevered, single words all either of them are capable of – words like more, need, now, please – and then she’s tumbling, one trembling leg falling from his hip as he pushes her through it, ending the crazed mating with a final ‘fuck’ that is gasped out against her ear.  
She nearly crumples when she tries to support her own weight, her leg so shaky that it doesn’t have the strength to hold her up but he steadies her, his forehead and nose planted against hers as they both struggle to breathe.  His hand runs up her torso until his thumb glances over her cheek and he kisses her one more time, a barely-there kiss that makes her heart stutter.  It’s tender and sweet and she strokes his cheek in return, a tremulous smile shared between them.
A breeze makes its way into their little corner and glances across the sweat slickened skin of her neck and she jolts, dragging a half groan, half whimper from him that makes her smile widen.  He eases out and lets her skirt fall back between them, burying his nose in her neck as she chuckles.
“What has you amused, love?” he asks.
She meets his eyes, and thank all the world, there’s no trace of sadness left in them.  “Jeff was right,” she teases, running her finger down his cheek, “making up can be… fun.”
He huffs out a laugh.  “Why don’t we go make up again in the warmth of our cabin?”
“Mmmmm, sounds perfect.”
It’s hours later and Killian still hasn’t slept, his body exhausted but his mind reeling as he stares at the chest sitting on the ledge near their feet.  Emma is lying next to him, the peaceful cadence of her breathing keeping time with his heartbeat while he fiddles with the ends of her hair through his fingers.
He’s part of her magic – and that magic depends on them being close emotionally.  And she’s going to need that magic to defeat Regina – which means he can’t risk anything driving a wedge between them until after that happens.  And that means, no matter how much he wants to stop living this lie, he can’t tell her.  Not yet.  There’s too much at stake to take the chance on her reaction.  
He’ll get her to her father.   He’ll stand with her against the Evil Queen.  He’ll do whatever it takes to help David free Snow from her curse and see his King and Queen back on their rightful thrones.  Then he’ll tell her and hope she doesn’t turn him away.  Until then, he’ll do his best to keep her safe and happy.
Tearing his eyes off the chest, he relaxes in behind Emma, tracing his fingers down her arm and settling his hand on her hip.  She sighs softly in sleep and he presses a feather-light kiss against the back of her bare shoulder.
“I love you, Emma,” he whispers, and even though she can’t hear him, his heart feels lighter just by saying the words aloud.  
By the time he falls asleep, the sun is peeking over the horizon.
David stares out the window facing the ocean with a mixture of joy and trepidation, his eyes straining through the morning fog to see the masts on the ships as they come and go with the tides.  He knows it would be next to impossible for Emma to arrive so quickly but he can’t help but watch for his daughter’s appearance.  
His mind wanders as he scans the harbor, his eyes losing focus and letting his head fall back.  He’s been preparing for this for years, formulated plan after plan, gone through scenario after scenario.  There are so many moving parts, so many things to accomplish – and time is running out.  The closer they get to Emma’s birthday, the more anxious he becomes.  
He’s always been a worrier, something Snow used to tease him about on a regular basis.  She’d been very fond of coming up behind him while he stood on their balcony, his eyes unfocused on the horizon like he’s doing now.  She’d wrap her arms around his waist and tell him to come to bed, assuring him he would come up with the answer in time, the complete faith in her voice making him believe it, too.  Gods, he misses her.  He misses her mischievous smile and her cunning wit, her smooth skin under his fingers and her hand in his.  If he closes his eyes, he can almost feel her, her temple resting on his back between his shoulder blades as she wraps her arms around him like she did then.  
The memory brings a tear to his eye and he presses his hand to his stomach in the exact spot where hers would be clasped together if she were really here.  Breathing long and deep, he imagines turning to face her, You worry too much, Charming.  Stop trying to plan everything.  One step at a time, that’s what we need to focus on.  Just consider the next step.  
When he opens his eyes again, he’s calmer, the memory of her unerring hope making his heart settle.  She’d always had complete faith in him and now is not the time to lose that.  They’ll be together again soon, he’ll wake her from the curse and they’ll be a family.  
But first, the next step:  Find the dagger and reunite the blades.
It’s frustrating that he can’t be the one out searching for the legendary weapon but he knows he can’t.  Arthur can roam the realms freely whereas David would be hunted mercilessly if he were to leave the haven of Camelot.  But, dammit, he hates being cooped up like this.  
Still, if there’s one thing he’s sure Arthur of Camelot is capable of doing it’s fulfilling his own destiny to complete Excalibur.  He just wishes it could have been fulfilled years before.  But, according to the message they received yesterday, Arthur is now certain he’s found the dagger’s hiding place and it’s just a matter of time before he returns with his long-sought-after prize.
Emma will need the sword.  Everything hinges on it.  According to legend, Excalibur is the most powerful magical object in the world which, once whole, has the power to strip the magic from anyone who possesses it.  One cut is all it takes.  He’d been pessimistic at first, worried that such a weapon could be used to strip Emma’s powers, but he couldn’t deny the advantage it would give them – especially when he’d learned that Regina had been searching for the dagger as well.  Of course, Regina doesn’t have either half, and they’ve already got one, so her search for the dagger must have been for the sole purpose of keeping it away from its mate.  
But that doesn’t matter now.  It looks like Arthur has won the race and Lance is on his way right now to fetch the Promethean Flame that they’d found and hidden years ago.  Things are finally starting to come together.  Emma and Killian have been reunited.  The dagger will be their possession soon.  They have the spark Emma will use to reunite the blades.  Emma has her magic and she’s on her way here.  
Emma is on her way here.  
He draws a deep breath, once again imagining their reunion – and that’s where the joy and trepidation come from.  He longs to see her again and he wants more than anything for their reunion to be a happy one.  And it will be.  He’s determined that it will be. Perhaps Arthur’s idea for a ball is good thing.  One night of peace and happiness before he has to tell her what she’s destined for.  
He’s imagined telling her for years, played out every possible scenario in his head over and over again, and while he can’t wait to hold her in his arms again, he also knows that it’s finally time to tell her the thing he’s been keeping from her since her birth and he worries how she will react.  She’ll probably be angry at first, feeling betrayed that she was never told.  He prays fervently that she’ll understand why they kept it from her, prays that she’ll forgive him once he tells her all of their reasons.
He and Snow had made the decision together to keep her in the dark.  They’d prepared as best they could without telling her of the prophecy and her roll in it, both deciding that she deserved a normal childhood free of the burden the knowledge would give her.  Still, they were relieved when she took so easily to being trained in archery and swordplay, her love of adventure making them tasks she enjoyed so much that they were spared from forcing them on her and, inevitably, being forced themselves to tell her why she’d need such skills.  
Later, as she grew into a young woman, they’d considered telling her again, but couldn’t bring themselves to do it.  She was always so determined and spirited, and telling her the importance of finding her True Love would have set her on a mission.  And, knowing their daughter as well as they did, they feared she would put a little too much effort into something that should happen naturally.  They didn’t want her to analyze every man she met, weighing her feelings on some preconceived notion of what True Love is supposed to be.  
Then she’d met Killian.  It had been obvious almost right from the start that she’d been enamored with him and, as their relationship blossomed, neither he nor Snow could find it in themselves to give her – or him, for that matter – the dire news.  So, they’d continued to keep their silence, trying to enjoy the beauty of watching their daughter fall in love – even while that beauty was marred by the knowledge weighing on them.  
The night Killian had requested a private audience with him had been one of the best and worst of his life.  The honorable Lieutenant wanted to marry his daughter and he’d given his blessing willingly, but the entire time he’d been filled with dread.  The prophecy said they should never part and Killian was a naval officer, out to sea more frequently than he was on land with Emma.  So, he’d insisted on Killian leaving the navy, offered him a promotion in rank to stay and join the army instead to keep him close.  And it had worked.  Killian had been just as eager to stay with Emma as David had been to have him stay.  
Later that evening, after he and Snow had settled in for the night, he’d held her close while she wept, the knowledge that their time was running out now too obvious to ignore.  They’d resolved to wait until after the wedding, when the blissfully ignorant couple returned from their honeymoon, to sit them down and tell them of the fate that had been prophesied so long ago.  And, in the meantime, they would tell all of their most trusted friends, enlist the aid of all those loyal and discreet to form a plan to keep the young couple happy while also keeping them safe.  
They’d thought they’d accounted for everything.  They’d thought their plan was sound.  Secret passages had been added to the castle, horses were kept saddled at all times in preparation.  Rendezvous points were established; provisions were hidden all over the kingdom in case hasty exits were required.  August and Liam had worked together endlessly to arrange transport and safe houses, places only the two of them would know about so that when the time came, there would be no way to torture or coerce the locations out of anyone else.  And it should have worked.  Even as David had watched that balcony collapse, he’d still believed it would work.  As long as they were alive and they had August and Liam, there would be nothing to worry about…  
Then the unthinkable had occurred.  Not only were they separated, but Killian and Liam had been captured by Regina’s soldiers and both had been executed – or at least that’s what he’d been told.  
He wishes he knew what really happened that day.  He should have asked Killian before he sent him for Emma.  Obviously, Graham had been lying, but had he been lying about all of it?  What had really prompted Snow to eat that apple?  What had happened Liam?  Why did Regina believe Killian was dead?
He wrestles with those questions a little longer as he watches another ship appear in the harbor.  It’s not Emma, but one day soon it will be and, on that day, he’ll get the answers he’s looking for and be forced to deliver answers himself.  
Joy and trepidation, indeed.
The sun is high when he awakes and the bed beside him is empty.  Groggily, he rolls over and wipes his hand over his face.
“Good morning, sleepy head.  Or should I say ‘good afternoon?’”
Following the sound of her voice, he sees Emma sitting at his desk, looking over one of his maps.  She folds it quickly and returns it to its holder before standing and crossing to him.  She’s already dressed and he wonders how late it actually is.  
“Did you sleep well?”
No, he didn’t.  He tossed and turned, plagued with disjointed dreams of Emma and the Evil Queen, their magic locked in an epic battle of white and purple streams of light shooting in every direction while he tried to move… tried to help… But his heart was weighed down, his chest bearing a heavy burden that made his movements sluggish as he struggled to get to Emma’s side.  He’d awoken in a cold sweat, the image of Emma collapsing and Regina’s deranged glee as she stood over Emma and produced a fire ball seared into his eyes.
“Fine, love.  What time is it?”
“Nearly lunchtime,” she replies, taking a seat next to him on the bed and laying her hand on his bare chest.  “Are you hungry?  I could go get it and bring it back if you’d like.”
Her fingers are tracing patterns over his collarbone and his body reacts without his permission.  Groaning, he sits up and rubs his lips over hers, “Do that and we may never get out of this cabin today, love.”
He feels her smile against his mouth, her thumb running playfully over his nipple, “As much as I’d enjoy that, Dopey is already warming up for his next fencing lesson.”
The words have barely passed her lips when she ducks down and sucks on the nipple she’d just brushed and he falls back to the bed, tucking his hand in her hair to bring her down with him.  He watches her tongue dart out, his hand fisting when she applies more pressure.  
“Darling, you’re bloody amazing, but we shouldn’t…” he grits out, his actions defying his words by gripping more tightly in her hair to hold her to him.  
Closing his eyes, he arches his back and revels in her talented mouth, the tendrils of desire licking across his skin when she uses her teeth in a gentle nip.  Bloody fuck, his heart is already pounding and she’s only barely touched him, her light moan a siren’s song he’d happily drown in.  Her mouth moves to his neck as her hand traces down through the hair on his chest until it’s only inches from where he’s already growing hard.  She hesitates and he sucks in a breath, her boldness apparently not quite enough to lower it further.  Instead, she averts it to his hip, and it takes all his willpower not to grab it and move it back.
His breathing is heavy in his ears and it takes longer than it should for him to realize her weight is no longer on him and that she is, in fact, sitting up again with a mischievous smile playing at the corner of her lips.  
“I just wanted to make sure you were awake,” she says cheekily and then she’s standing, tossing him his shirt and trousers while his senses are still reeling.
“I’ll meet you at the helm for lunch,” she nearly sing-songs as she walks to the door.  “We wouldn’t want to disappoint Dopey.”
He shakes himself back into reality as soon as the door shuts, his lips curling at her underhanded tactics.  She’s more pirate than she’d care to admit.
When he joins her at the helm a few minutes later, she gives him a secret smile and he kisses it right off of her mouth with a loud smack and a louder chuckle.  But as they settle in to eat, her playful demeanor slowly morphs into a nervous expression, biting at her lower lip.  He considers asking what’s wrong but doesn’t, hoping that whatever has caused the change is something she’ll voice on her own.  And, as is the way of his princess, she does, looking to him with nervous eyes.
“Yes, love?”
“About our visit to Portsmouth…” she hedges, obviously trying to avoid an argument but nonetheless making sure he knows this matter is far from over.  “I tried the glamour spell again this morning and it's still not working.”
“I'm not angry,” she says quickly.  “Like you said yesterday, you can't help how you feel… but I… I just want you to think about something.”
There’s no way he can turn down the pleading expression she gives him.  “What’s that?” he asks.
She reaches across and lays her hand on the wrist above his hook, her voice gentle, “I know we’ve both changed, but we used to be a team – ”
“We still are, love,” he interrupts, placing his hand over hers, the action prompting her to meet his eyes.
After a beat, she tilts her head, pulling her hand from under his and sitting back in her chair to look at him with a calm but watchful expression.
“Are we?” she asks.  There’s no malice in the question, just sincere curiosity.
“Of course, we are,” he responds.
She studies him for another moment before shaking her head.  “I’m not so sure,” she says, and again, there’s not even a trace of anger in her voice, “I think, maybe, you consider me a bit…  naïve.  And maybe I am.  But I’m not as naïve as I was even a few weeks ago. I know I was protected for a long time, and you weren’t, but I’ve seen enough since we left Arendelle to understand what it is we’re up against.  And I’m not sure you’re giving me credit for that.  I think, maybe, you still see me as the princess you used to know, but I haven’t been that person in a long time.”
There’s a raw honesty in her words that makes him sit back and consider them, taking his time to truly look at this from her side.  Her nerves are gone now, replaced with an expectant and earnest expression as she waits for his reaction.  
After several reflective seconds, he lays his hand palm up on the table, inviting her to take it.  She doesn’t hesitate, leaning forward to cover it with hers.  
“You’re right,” he admits slowly, watching his thumb run across her knuckles. Because she is and he hadn’t realized it until now. “I haven’t given you enough credit.  Since I found you again, my first priority has been to protect you.  And I guess that protectiveness has… blinded me a bit.”
He hears her shudder out a relieved breath and he raises his eyes, twisting his hand and linking their fingers together.  
“We are a team, love,” he assures her, “We’re stronger together.  Even without magic, we’ve always been stronger together.  And I’m sorry I forgot that.”
She shakes her head to let him know the apology isn’t necessary, squeezing his hand in thanks.  
“And, as a team,” he adds, “I think we should visit Portsmouth together.”
“Really?” she asks almost sheepishly.
“Really,” he replies.
Her grin is near blinding – but not nearly as blinding as the light that immediately sparks between their hands.  He chuckles softly, closing his eyes against it as their magic spreads through his chest.  He draws a deep breath, embracing the warmth of it filling his veins before reopening his eyes, fully expecting to see the face of a stranger sitting before him.  When she comes into focus, however, his brow furrows.  It’s still Emma before him and she obviously realizes it didn’t work from the look on his face.
“You still see me?” she asks with disappointment but he doesn’t have time to reply before Ruby’s voice calls across the deck.
“You did it, Emma!” Ruby exclaims, rushing up the stairs to join them.  
Emma’s eyes shoot back to him and she gives him a surprised but delighted smile.  She starts to say something but is interrupted when Ruby pulls her from her chair, insisting that she do a quick spin so she can examine her closely.  “Nice job!  Gwen’s own mother wouldn’t be able to tell the two of you apart.”
The two hug enthusiastically, both laughing before Ruby breaks away.  She glances between the two of them with a smile that looks almost like pride then steps back.  
“Well, I’ll just go and tell the others, shall I?” she says.  Then without waiting or a response, she’s off again in a flurry of red skirts.
Once she’s disappeared, Emma turns back to him, bending at the waist to where their eyes are level and bracketing her arms around his neck.  
“Thank you,” she says with soft sincerity, then surges forward to place a chaste but firm kiss on his mouth.
“I didn’t do anything,” he tells her.
“You believed in us,” she replies, “that’s all it took.”
She’s pushing his chair back in the next second, giving herself enough room to plop down on his lap and hug him fiercely and he laughs into her neck.  After planting several kisses on each of his cheeks, she sits up, directing his eyes to hers with her thumb on his chin.
“You do still see me, don’t you?”
“Aye.  You can’t hide from me, princess.”
“As if I would ever want to.”
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