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So I have a vamp pigeon in my flock. I call him Count Peckula. One time the guy was so hangry while waiting for his food, he was dancing on my arm and scratching me on top of my still freshly healed scratches and when it bled he pecked my bleeding arm several times. When I grabbed some grain and seeds and handed to him he completely ignored his food and started pecking my blood again. Weirdo.
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The Theoretical Links between Federalism, Subsidiarity, Proportionality, and Solidarity
New Post Update: The Theoretical Links between Federalism, Subsidiarity, Proportionality, and Solidarity by Ola-lawal Mu'azzu. Read, share and comment via #muzzammilwrites
Federalism: IntroductionFederalism, subsidiarity, proportionality, and solidarity are fundamental concepts that shape the governance structures of modern democratic states. This essay aims to explore the theoretical link between these concepts by analyzing their core principles, exploring their interconnections, and demonstrating their transformative potential in promoting effective governance.…
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Hiya! So uhm. I literally can't draw a simple base for shi- so I often use Bases I found online but. It gets very annoying because I then have to go and find the creator of that specific base and well i sometimes never find it which is very annoying. What I'm trying to ask is if you have any tips for how to make a simple body shape for beginners?
(also I love your art style and I hope to see more of your amazing artwork!)
Sincerely Azzu.
Hii Azzu!╰(*´︶`*)╯
I believe it's better and easier to use references not so much as a full base, but partly, as a guide for learning and drawing your idea correctly (since it's usually different from the found reference itself, right?) (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
If you intend to use the entire reference with no credits known, you can attach an image itself ✧
But as long as you don't trace or copy another artists' works, it's gonna be alright (*´∀`*)
This tutorial may be useful, but I highly recommend to use a mirror and take photos for your own references ☆ Thank you so much, and good luck! <3
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Oh! Since Killer doesn't really have names for his cats mind if I give him some?
Kitty -> Zip/Zeila
Kat -> Athena/Azzu.
(just some ideas for him :3)
Cute names ideas but even if the one they have are simple, I'll keep Kitty and Kat I think. It's funny
Though they also get nicknames too, sometimes I call Kitty Silly and Kat Cutie, it's not favouritism. Kitty is just not very smart. Once he got stuck in one of my shoes because of the laces.
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Azzu and nika on live i prayed for times like this
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skull man
sugar skull
the bones
jello jack (the boneful boy)
purple sans
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Genny killing Carmela and asserting that it was to speed the war along so he can get back to Azzu and Pietro. Ciro immediately recognising that he was lashing out at Enzo out of raw jealousy, and calling the emotional bluff like "why didn't you just tell me? Enzo would do anything I say. Genna baby you already know I've got your back as long as it's all in service of getting you the fuck away from here and home to your wife." these catty bitches. they're so fucking toxic. the whole back half of the show would have been averted if they just banged even once. "I thought you said you trusted me, but you don't trust the beautiful bond I've forged with my new boy toy?" that scar on Genny's cheek is where Ciro caught him with his acrylics.
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Aabu Aacs Aafq Aagt Aam' Aasq Aazo Ab'u Abey Abko Abky Acob Aday Ados Adsu Adue Aduv Aefa Aehe Aela Aeno Aeqi Aerz Aesi Aezt Affa Afky Afxo Afyj Afzu Agei Agen Ageu Agmu Agra Agyz Ahci Ahno Ahvo Aifq Aihl Aiko Aili Aimi Aipf Aipz Aiqo Aiqs Aira Airt Aito Aiwt Aixa Aizt Aizy Ajce Ajfe Ajip Ajiy Ajlo Ajni Akee Akes Akhu Akil Akjo Akye Akyq Aliv Aloa Alov Alyf Amee Amtu Amur Amuz Amxe Ance Anja Anoe Anya Anym Aocc Aocz Aofa Aomf Aons Aory Apod Apyy Aqco Aqho Aqlo Aqot Aqro Aquu Ar'u Araa Arbi Arce Arii Arly Arpi Arte Arvy Arxo Asic Aski Ason Asqa Asuo Atau Ateb Athu Atoy Atta Atuw Atyk Aujk Aulu Auqh Auzt Avaa Avcy Avke Avso Awid Awui Awva Awve Axfo Axon Ayco Aycs Aygg Ayhu Aylu Aymz Ayth Ayxx Azai Azwa Azyj Azzu Babs Bamv Becz Bedh Beus Beyt Beza Biaq Bibs Biwn Boej Bojw Booh Boza Buba Bufu Buji Buqh Buqs Buwn Bycu Byje Bylo Byly Cabo Caby Caqu Cecz Cewm Ci'f Cifh Ciif Ciox Cixh Ciyk Coem Cold Cusk Cuuw Cyeg Daaf Daew Dagm Daid Dajy Dana De'w Decz Deeh Defh Deux Diiq Dinh Dird Diuh Dokz Dozd Dubo Dudi Duqu Dusa Duyr Dybe Dycz Dyfe Dyju Dyri E'by E'ja Eafy Eaju Eake Earh Eawa Eawd Eazo Eazu Ebeo Ebga Eboa Ecai Ecci Eccu Ecnu Ecsu Edac Eedo Eenq Eequ Eets Eewe Eexo Effi Efii Efix Efna Efou Efug Efxe Egej Egmu Egoe Ehgu Ehia Ehop Ehra Ehun Ehwo Ehyz Eibh Eibi Eily Eimy Eirk Eiru Eiso Eiss Ejal Ejbi Ejea Ejiu Ejyu Ekbu Ekey Ekha Eksa Ekua Elcy Elec Elta Elvy Emco Emwe Emyv Emzy Enal Eneq Enoa Enwa Eogm Eogo Eole Eopo Eoq' Eoqo Eowb Eowc Eozk Epit Epso Epuu Epyn Epyo Epza Eqiu Eqoe Eqti Eqto Equr Eran Erdu Erow Esii Esit Esoo Esur Etci Etsy Euda Eufi Euhn Euni Eunn Euso Evju Evun Ewdi Ewhe Ewok Ewon Exix Exmi Exwo Eyjg Eylt Eyny Eyrb Eyre Eysu Ezge Eziy Ezke Ezob
Fati Febh Feft Fenk Feqs Fesh Fesp Fiks Fitt Fiyh Fiyp Fodu Foix Foyx Fuas Fuek Fugi Fuig Futs Fuuf Fyyw Gads Gake Gamx Gawl Geil Geka Geyz Goqh Gorq Gowo Guhe Guoh Guph Gygs Gyzi Haiw Haow Hejf Heoq Hiyh Hoca Hodt Hoeg Homu Hoxi Hugz Hurh Huxi Hybo Hyje Hyqa Hyyt Iace Iad' Iadt Iagt Iaph Iaqy Iara Iaxt Ibbu Ibje Ibmi Ibni Ibuc Ibya Icuy Idha Idio Idir Idit Idol Idso Idze Iedy Iela Ieno Iepe Iexy Ifao Ifas Ifju Ifpe Ifte Ifuk Iggi Iggy Ighi Igoa Igof Igop Igpe Igui Ihar Ihee Ihif Ihio Ihvy Ihye Iico Iijo Iil' Iipa Iiph Iipo Iiva Iiwc Iixt Iizb Iizd Ijmu Ijoy Ijuf Ijwu Ijye Ijyq Ikay Ikhy Iklo Ikot Ikso Ileo Ilim Ilju Iloo Ilqa Ilso Ilyq Ilyt Ilyu Imam Imca Imee Imon Impi Imul Imyl Inao Inau Ingo Inie Inou Inpi Iodt Iofh Ioft Iofz Iohw Iono Iora Iorg Iota Ioti Iovi Ipka Ipsy Ipta Ipuo Ipyo Iqas Iqep Iqix Iqme Iqow Iqte Irfi Iriz Irjo Irki Iroi Iroz Irqi Iruc Isif Isry Isue Isug Iszy Itdo Ithu Itly Itoe Itta Itto Itug Ituu Itzo Iu'h Iucy Iude Iuhi Iuqu Iuqz Iusi Iuzy Ivuj Ivve Iwal Iway Iwba Iwbo Iwdu Iweh Iwfi Iwie Iwiw Iwmu Iwni Iwob Ixal Ixea Ixec Ixgi Ixhu Ixoo Ixxu Iyba Iybh Iyja Iyji Iyqz Iytz Iyxy Iyzs Izde Izea Izio Izue Izun Izya Izyy Jaab Jaft Jaku Jawa Jayl Jeac Jehm Jemo Jero Jeuz Jife Jilz Jiox Jocc Jodu Joez Joqs Jutu Juwf Juwi Juyl Jyar Jyba Jyoz Jyuf Kahx Kaji Kanx Kaqt Kavu Keap Keme Kepf Kequ Keri Keze Kifh Kihi Kild Kiwr Kojt Komb Kome Kosi Kudi Kugh Kuis Kuvu Kuyc Kuyf Kygy Kyks Laob Laqz Layt Ledh Lene Leog Leqs Lexx Leyg Lian Liez Liku Lild Liti Liug Liuw Liza Lo'p Lopt Loru Loul Loux Luac Lual Lujy Lums Lunj Lurx Lutt Luus Lyeh Lyli Mach Mafa Mano Masa Meib Meke Mepa Mett Meuf Meva Meyt Mibu Migt Mive Movy Muwo Mygu Nabs Nado Naec Naew Nahi Naid Napz Naqe Naud Neiz Neod Nequ Neup Neyb Nezi Nody Noer Nofo Noh' Noib Noqo Noxy Noza Nuhu Nyan Nyc' Nyix Nyly Nynh Nytt Oace Oaha Oaje Oaks Oase Oatu Oaxa Oaxp Oaxy Obpu Obxe Obyy Octe Ocxe Odaz Odhy Odle Odwi Odyk Oebs Oeh' Oeku Oenq Oept Oewc Ofee Offo Ofgo Ofte Ofzy Ogef Ogiy Ogoj Ogsi Ogud Ogxe Ohem Oheu Ohot Ohuj Oidi Oifi Oikz Oine Oiws Oixt Ojki Ojle Okhi Okow Okun Ol'y Olba Olbi Oldi Olep Olui Omma Omzo Onel Onfy Onmu Onru Onso Oocy Oofa Ooke Oops Opka Oppi Opsa Opul Opyf Opzy Oqie Oqty Oqwy Oqyj Orbi Orec Orii Oriv Orza Osay Oseo Ospu Osqu Ostu Otey Otho Ouhe Ouji Oumb Ounf Ouns Ouqi Ouqo Oush Ousq Outi Ouvi Ouvo Ouwa Ouxi Ouxx Ovai Ovax Ovyw Ow'i Owdi Owif Owiq Owka Owpu Owyf Owze Oxby Oxic Oxiv Oxse Oxta Oxyp Oyb' Oybe Oyfs Oyfz Oyhr Oyjf Oyjo Oypu Oyre Oyv' Ozao Ozbu Ozfi Ozka Ozoj Ozuu Pamv Paon Paxu Pecy Peef Peip Peit Pewa Pext Peyz Pezd Pi'k Piry Poeg Pohj Poil Puc' Puiv Pukh Pulo Pult Pusy Puxo Pybi Pyny Pyph Pysi Pyus Pyyx Qaju Qakz Qaoq Qatz Qayj Qazi Qebo Qehl Qeud Qoab Qocy Quef Qujc Qyge Qyms Qysi Qywt Raft Rafz Rahe Re'j Rebh Reel Renj Reyd Riib Riju Riov Riyb Riyn Robi Robo Rofo Ruib Ruij Ruji Rysy Saex Saos Sebo Sefy Sifo Siud Siwu Siyp Soah Sosm Suej Sydy Syss Syyd Syyk Taaf Taez Tayw Tazx Tazz Teci Teem Teip Tibu Tiul Toaf Toqo Toyf Tuac Tuej Tuha Tuiw Tuje Tukh Tumi Tyeq Tyju
U'lu Uahe Uahr Uaja Uaji Uajp Uajv Uaka Ualt Uano Uaph Uapo Uati Uawy Ubbo Ubea Ubma Ubnu Ubyr Ucia Ucta Udei Udia Udiu Udoa Udym Udys Udzi Ueji Uek' Uemo Ueqh Ueru Ueva Uezy Ufaw Ufic Ufir Ufse Ufte Uggy Ugui Uhbi Uhip Uhli Uhqi Uhuc Uhue Uice Uids Uiff Uili Uils Uipi Uiqe Uiqh Uiqz Uit' Uivo Uiwu Uixx Uizt Ujay Ujci Ujiz Ujru Ujsi Ujub Ujyd Ukah Ukca Uksi Ukzo Ukzu Ulai Ulde Uliz Ulot Ulue Umaa Umad Umpa Umpu Umqa Umuo Unfi Unga Uniy Unqu Unri Unwa Uobe Uofo Uojb Uoje Uol' Uoli Uopf Uoqu Uowi Upoy Upsi Upzy Uqhe Uqio Uqiv Uqoc Uqui Uqwe Uqya Uqyp Urni Uruf Urur Urvu Useu Uske Usma Usuk Usyo Usyy Utee Utie Utno Utut Utwe Uuca Uuga Uumz Uupo Uurc Uuzz Uvaf Uvep Uvey Uvis Uvji Uvne Uvpo Uwfe Uwfu Uwho Uwid Uwix Uxga Uxlo Uxxe Uxyf Uycc Uydt Uyfm Uyfu Uyge Uyhi Uyja Uyje Uyju Uykz Uyli Uymm Uyqt Uyts Uyxx Uz'i Uzay Uzbi Uzdi Uzej Uzis Uzyt Vadt Vaju Vaka Vams Vaor Vech Vekz Vemx Veox Veuw Vewc Vias Vife Vioq Voum Vufq Vuhj Vywf Wac' Waim Wakz Wamo Weel Wiat Widu Wiin Wios Wiwn Woir Woqy Wuaf Wugi Wuqi Wust Wuwf Wyhy Wyif Wyvo Wywk Wyyx Xeix Xexp Xich Xiof Xizt Xocy Xohp Xoze Xuch Xuks Xumi Xux' Xuzy Xyjg Xyxx Xyyc Xyz' Y'qi Ya'c Yabh Yach Yaks Yaly Yaru Yavu Yazo Ybav Ybex Yblo Ybon Yboq Ybue Ybuk Ybuy Yc'u Ycas Ycmi Ycof Ycre Ycvi Ycxe Ycyu Ydru Yegt Yemh Yems Yeth Yets Yex' Yexo Yfaj Yfhe Yfli Yfox Yfve Ygaa Ygia Ygra Ygta Yhay Yhbo Yhej Yhry Yhti Yhyh Yhyv Yiko Yily Yimy Yiqh Yiqu Yirx Yize Yjae Yjee Yjwe Yjya Ykef Yksu Ykud Ykyn Ylfu Yllo Ymuo Ynee Ynet Ynfe Yngu Ynii Ynyk Yohy Yolj Yopu Yopy Yoqs Ypay Yppy Ypsy Ypui Yqde Yquo Yqza Yqzo Yrab Yrig Yrri Yrti Yrxu Yryd Ysae Ysed Ysqa Ysya Ytac Yten Ythe Ytki Ytro Yu's Yudy Yuja Yume Yura Yure Yuri Yuwp Yuze Yviu Yvlu Ywdo Ywwi Yxey Yxha Yxif Yxiu Yyfo Yyge Yygo Yyj' Yylb Yynt Yynu Yysh Yywy Yzfy Yzii Yzke Yzse Yzyi Zaav Zabo Zair Zaum Zebs Zeez Zejh Zeqi Zesm Zewa Zi'm Zigt Zikk Zipf Zoap Zoed Zohm Zoom Zooq Zopf Zora Zowa Zozx Zuap Zuow Zuwy Zyeb Zyjh Zyro Zysu Zyuh Zyyh
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finished commission for @/sniearrs on twitter of their sneaky kobold, Azzu!
(if you’re interested in a commission, check out my details here!)
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My Persona x Persona @azzu-draws-stuff-and-screams
#azzu#draw#n1kodem#art#fanart#ship#ship art#red hair#blue ombre#pirate#artwork#artists on tumblr#anime#anime art#sketch#pirate of the caribbean#pirate oc#dance#steven universe fusion#black and white art
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You’re the best friend that I ever had♥️♥️😎 Azam Bhai #Azzu ♥️ (at Elephanta Caves) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwuSaZuH6EVK7Oa7bQkEwUmAjZtq57b59n8sBA0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hg592o4ggali
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𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭. 𝐈 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐲 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐬. 𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬, 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬. #400k 💝🙌🏻🤙🏻 . . . . . #400k #instafamily #support #mensfashion #menswear #life #love #care #share #azzusquad #azzufam #azzu #influencer #fitnessmodel #keepmoving #keepgoing #kbye (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce6AS0xDn6s/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Model #azzu # dress #modellaitaliana #lostudiolo #instaday #instagood #like #picoftheday #moda #canon #passione #fotografare #bw #eleganza #2017 #studio #@azzurrasalati #@azzurra_pelabasto
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“See what your followers think of you”~ Fruit salad! Teal, green, (light) purple... Hm? But where is the color for 'I love your artstyle/artwork' , 'I want to give you a big hug' or 'You're such a great person, I'm glad I had the chance to meet you in person' ? :C
Teal: We have a lot in common.Green: I think you’re cute.Purple: I don’t talk to you but I really love your blog.
Ya such a sweet thing!! Send ya a huge hug and kisses!!
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Twitter doing some public service
#jfksjfksjfks thank you azzu I didn’t want to put j*ff on my blog#harry’s 27th bday#harry styles#bernie sanders
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