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rjcity1 · 5 months ago
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Hey!(GIFs) - Rocky Romero
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asmarmiranda · 2 years ago
El propio cuerpo como transporte, el comercio de drogas como salvavidas y sustento. Actos de absoluta entrega que desafían las estructuras morales y legales para sobrevivir desde la tajante segregación.
MEDIOS DE SUPERVIVENCIA, TRANSPORTE Y NAVEGACION PARA UNA POSIBLE DESTRUCCION. Explora este enorme universo que se genera en poblaciones que dependen directamente de la producción y distribución de narcoticos ilegales.
Azukar, propone habitar la precariedad, mostrando los saltos al vacio que la necesidad y la falta de oportunidades entregan como única salida. Anclando los roles de la pobreza en la sociedad como pilares fundamentales. Viendo a los protagonistas siempre capaces de arriesgarlo todo, ya que no tienen mucho que perder. La violencia se ve como uno de sus elementos, mas no como su esencia. Funciona como fenómeno integral, es capaz de crear sin destruir.
El narcotráfico en el puerto del Callao, la vida de sus habitantes inmersa en él, y la familiaridad que todos aquí tienen con el tema, es una de las inspiraciones para un de las obras principales de esta residencia. “Falso barco – Barco falso” Es la obra en donde Alexander Azucar, invita a los niños del Callao a hacer barquitos de papel y les intercambia un sol por cada 10 origamis . Usando el mismo papel de mantequilla que sirve como envoltorio en el micro tráfico local, está actividad activo movimientos mágicos en los vínculos de los niños con su entorno y su propio futuro.
La muestra de Alexander Azukar estará en la Nueva sala de proyectos especiales de Galería Tokio desde el 24 de Agosto, Hasta el Lunes 02 de Septiembre.
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a-genji-main · 7 years ago
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SOOoo.. I miscounted. Right now I do not have 15 items left to earn from the normal loot boxes. The real number is 17, but I was itching to make this post.
^HERE THEY ARE^, the final 17 standard loot box items!! 
(Before the blizzard update comes through...)
They are:
Fake out
How amusing
Come here
Current loot count: 17
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authorzuke · 7 years ago
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All mothers give birth to children except my mum. She gave birth to a legend. Thank you mom. I still love you in heaven. #mom #mother #children #kids #legendary #azukar #dreamer (at New York metropolitan area)
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zdrer456 · 3 years ago
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Magica's Dog Laundry (part 2)
Part 1 www.deviantart.com/zdrer456/ar… Commission for www.deviantart.com/azukare
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fyeahgabeparker · 3 years ago
Where: Azukar Cafe
Who: @nadiaburakgazi
Waking up that morning, he walked from the king size bed to the kitchen, before noticing there was no coffee left. He hated himself for not buying any groceries since he moved into town. Not that he was ever a great cook, his fridge in Sacramento was mostly filled with nothing extremely healthy. He had not slept much in the last few nights, mostly getting wasted and barely eating anything except for takeout and dinner food. When he looked at his reflection in the mirror, though, that’s when he realized how he looked absolutely awful and needed more than three hours of sleep and coffee to survive the morning. He put on a clean pair of blue jeans and a gray shirt, before heading outside of his late mother’s house. There, he sat in his rental car and drove to Azukar Café, after setting the directions into his GPS. He had picked the location completely randomly, after seeing an advertisement in the newspaper.If he had known what was coming, maybe he would have picked another destination.
It was not very long until he was at Azukar, and Gabriel parked his car, before walking out and locking it, walking inside of the coffee shop. He froze in the middle of the store when he noticed the familiar face, his heart racing in his chest.It could not possibly be real. It had to be a bad joke, or maybe even it was not even her, and he was still high from the night before, even if he highly doubted so. Gabe tried to find a logical explanation to the sudden ghost in front of him, incapable to believe that maybe, just maybe Nadia was in Phoenix. And after their last argument, which had resumed – again – in him ending things between them, citing how she was never happy no matter what he did, and he never knew what to expect from her – he doubted that she would jump back in his arms at the moment she’d see him. He knew he had gone probably too far, calling her difficult. It was far from true, she wasn’t difficult at all. Stubborn, maybe, but had he really ever complained about it before? There was hardly anything he ever complained about when it came to Nadia. She had her flaws, but she was capable of dealing with all of his bullshit. It compensated for everything, in his opinion. The moment he walked out of her place and stepped into his car, that night, he immediately regretted their breakup and knew he should have turned back and apologized. Instead, he bought that stupid plane ticket. That was something else, hiding his trip to Phoenix from her was something he regretted. He knew it was wrong, but what could he tell her? He had told everyone in Sacramento that his parents were dead in a stupid car accident years ago. He could not just admit he had lied, and reveal all of his past. He didn’t want her to know about those embarrassing details of his life.
Realizing he was still standing there, in the middle of the place, he moved and decided to walk to her table. Thankfully, somehow, she was alone. Not that he was expecting to find her with someone. Quietly, he pulled the chair in front of her. Opening his mouth, he noted that he had absolutely no clue of what he would actually tell her. “Hey, babe…” It was probably an awfully bad start, considering where they left things. “You know, I can explain…” He said, his hand brushing his beard nervously, his other one laying on the table, fingers tapping nervously on it. “I’m glad to see you, you know.”
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marshmallow-manju · 4 years ago
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Potion commission of IchiBri’s OC Kei Azukar over on Toyhouse!
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lovefelp05 · 5 years ago
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ya que salió choco bonnie(pascua) decidí dibujarlo junto a los otros animatronicos celebridades de fnaf, dreadbeard fnaf VR (hallowen),frostbeard fnaf AR (navidad), shamrock freddy fnaf AR(san patricio)
(me gusta el efecto de choco bonnie a modo azukar intensifities) :v (y dreadbeard a modo....cerebrooouuuss uwu)
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humanslikeme · 5 years ago
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Alexander AZUKAR
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fabrifiblog · 8 years ago
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Calmi, Calmi, Calmi. Non è un nuovo libro di Fabrizio, ma della sua manager Paola Azukar, che riassume il viaggio del rap prima e dopo le major in Italia. Potrebbe comunque essere un libro interessante per gli amanti della musica rap o del settore manageriale. P.s. Non ho idea del perchè Fibra non abbia più immagine del profilo e copertina su FB. Errore o uscirà la nuova grafica?
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puredamien · 5 years ago
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Alexander Azukar, Taiwan July 2019
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somosmajos · 2 years ago
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Revisa nuestra nueva publicación en http://www.majos.cl/look/hitoh-coleccion-colaborativa-treino-x-alexander-azukar/
HITOH, colección colaborativa Treino x Alexander Azukar
HITOH Es una colección de streetwear Chilena, que nace de la colaboración entre el reconocido artista Alexander Azukar y una de las marcas pioneras del streetwear chileno llamada Treino. Esta colección comenzó a desarrollarse a finales del año 2020. El nombre fue escogido por el artista después de tener una conversación con el dueño de la marca y concluir que lo que llevarían a cabo seria un hito para la escena streetwear. Etimológicamente este nombre proviene de la palabra hito que alude a un suceso puntual e importante dentro del desarrollo de un proceso en la historia de una o mas personas. Seguidamente el artista irreverente tomo esta palabra y le agrego una H al final para poder elaborar las gráficas de la colección de manera simétrica y transformarla en un nombre sublime, haciendo referencia al upcycling en la moda.
Texto por Manolo Pérez aka Pohio (manoloperezdelarosa):
Al observar la colección capsula HITOH entre el artista Alexander Azucar y la marca de streetwear chilena Treino, se puede apreciar una serie de obras en las cuales la indumentaria son el formato elegido por el artista. La gráfica y gama cromática son fieles a la obra del artista haciendo alusión a las luces neones y como muchas veces nos guían en noches de frenesís. A su vez en la colección podemos encontrar representaciones de esta “nueva realidad” a la que nos han sumergido teniendo el código QR como uno de los hilos unificadores entre las piezas.
La colección esta compuesta de piezas que en sus cortes y diseño hacen una oda a la calle y su cotidianidad, tengo que destacar el conjunto deportivo de taslan (chaqueta y pantalón), con una deconstrucción de la grafica de la capsula. El totebag que aparte de seguir la línea con grafica llamativa, lleva incorporados paneles de carbono que evitan la lectura de los scaners y maquinas radiográficas, y una camiseta deportiva sublimada, llena de información, que le hace un guiño a esos partidos entre amigos en el barrio.
Alexander narra a través de HITOH su realidad hoy en día. Un collage de grafica propia, calle, viajes, lifestyle y referencias donde diferentes piezas de indumentaria y accesorios son consturidos para lograr un HITOH dentro del streetwear Sudamericano.
El desarrollo textil en esta colaboración está a cargo de Treino, -marca chilena de streetwear- que a lo largo de sus ocho años de trayectoria ha tenido como principal motor la fusión de la calle, su estilo de vida y las diferentes expresiones de arte urbano. Este fue un desafío para la perfección cómo comenta su director, Alejandro Gebert, quien señala: “Se imponen nuevas bases para presentar una colección colaborativa en este lado del mundo” con una incesante búsqueda de materiales premium, confección de máxima calidad en diferentes fábricas de latinoamérica obteniendo una interesante interpretación del profundo imaginario de Alexander Azukar en combinación totalmente estética y pulcra con la indumentaria deportiva.
La colección la pueden encontrar en el local de la marca Treino o en su sitio web www.treinoficial.cl.
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coffeeken-me · 6 years ago
Hanging out here @azukarcoffee for their Dia de los Muertos festival, a cool coffee shop, I need to write about it soon. #coffeeken #smallbusiness #abc15arizona #phoenixcoffee #localbusinesses #diademuertos (at Azukar Coffee) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpvRAdClz3_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kl3xriclj9us
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vasyalukyanenko · 7 years ago
HMWL Podcast 158: Suraj by House Music With Love @surajkenya After making his debut in Nairobi, SURAJ has emerged as a dynamic, trailblazing DJ/Producer in East Africa. Since then, he has set his sights on becoming a beacon in Africa's burgeoning electronic music scene. In just a matter of time, his music & live shows have become a fixture for fans and DJs alike and made his talent and captivating personality known to many on the continent and around the world. As he continues to shine and become even more sought-after, SURAJ is honing his skills and making every release and performance better than the last. Tracklist: AR Simple Sounds - Thunderstorm In Venda (Aluku Records) Leeu - Tusk (Aluku Records) Oscar P & FNX - Filtered African Blues (FNX Mix) (Seres Producoes) Kususa & Soulholic - Icilongo (Moblack Records) De Cave Man & Tonicvolts - Mabudede (Kususa Dub) (Moblack Records) DkA - Bonjour L’Afrique (Sobek Seven Sisters Remix) Team Distant - Jaguar (Aluku Records) PALMFooD - Kuzaliwa (Moblack Records) ID - ID (Gondwana Records) Shimza - My Selector (Cadenza Records) Rhythm Staircase & Sted E, Hybrid Heights - Azem (Azukar) Stefan Obermaier - Spirit (Natura Viva)
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a-genji-main · 7 years ago
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Items remaining:
Ecopoint: Antarctica
Carbon Fiber
Lights out
Bomb spin
Current loot count: 15
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makeupbydafne · 5 years ago
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Pues este fue el look para el evento de @suesymx y @azukar_moda_belleza con @nataliasubtil , me la pase genial, conocí gente, estuve con amigas y diganme que opinan del look, yo en lo particular lo ameeee ➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️ Desliza para. Er foros con @aylinsilvas @melinagarcia_makeup @jessiales @claudiarios_makeup @nataliasubtil @yohanayaq @makeupbyyoz @purpurinasoy #makeupdafne💄 #makeupbydafne💄 #youtuber #beautyblogger #beautyvlogger #beautyinfluencer #influencer #instablogger #latinablogger #bloggermexicana #bloggertapatia #bloggerstyle #makeup (en Azukar Moda & Belleza) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9_bTQ8JdN9/?igshid=qm497j2p29k0
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