halopigg · 7 years
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@troy_lovegates #ThePaintedDesertProject #NavajoNation #TroyLovegates #Other #painteddesertproject #painteddesert #streetartspringbreakroadtrip2 #streetartspringbreakroadtrip #artnerd #artington #artingwithhalopigg #sonya7ii #sonyimages #azstreetart #voigtlander15mm (at Navajo, Arizona)
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Wow. ❤️ Posted @withrepost • @otterbeansmith Drove out to Tempe to check out the @nipseyhussle tribute. I hope this one doesn’t get painted over too soon... #phxmurals #tempemurals #nipseyhussle #phxgraffiti #azstreetart #azart #phxmuralproject #paintmoremurals (at Tempe, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwyLgcYleOB/?igshid=1tfs0xh6fw0y
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impermanent-art · 7 years
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Lalo Cota in Phoenix.
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projectcarma · 8 years
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halopigg · 7 years
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I love the way some of the pieces from #ThePaintedDesertProject are aging including this @stinkfishstink and @graficamazatl #streetartcollaboration! #Stinkfish #stinkfishstink #Mazatl #graficamazatl #NavajoNation #painteddesertproject #painteddesert #streetartspringbreakroadtrip2 #streetartspringbreakroadtrip #artnerd #artington #artingwithhalopigg #sonya7ii #sonyimages #azstreetart #voigtlander15mm (at Navajo, Arizona)
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Perfect light to capture this colorful piece on Historic Route 66 in Flagstaff #route66 #flagstaffstreetart #makemoreart #flgmurals #azartist #daytripping #phxmuralproject #azmurals #azstreetart (at Route 66 Flagstaff) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqieScMl2Ja/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xzirqrpm30eu
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impermanent-art · 7 years
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El Mac x Mando Rascon in Sedona, AZ.
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halopigg · 7 years
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#ThePaintedDesertProject is a must visit if you find yourself in Northern Arizona! Since 2009 founder/artist @jetsonorama (right tower) has been creating public art pieces and bringing in artists from around the world to various sites on the #NavajoNation. Over the course of an afternoon followed by an early morning adventure I traveled up and down Rt 89 finding piece after piece. Over the next day or so I’ll be posting many pics from this project. Here is artwork by founder #ChipThomas, @labronaoner, and @troy_lovegates! #jetsonorama #labrona #labronaoner #TroyLovesgates #Other #painteddesertproject #painteddesert #streetartspringbreakroadtrip2 #streetartspringbreakroadtrip #artnerd #artington #artingwithhalopigg #sonya7ii #sonyimages #azstreetart #voigtlander15mm (at Navajo, Arizona)
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impermanent-art · 7 years
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'Vergiss' by Fin DAC. Tucson, AZ.
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impermanent-art · 7 years
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Cyfione in Phoenix. 💀🌵
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impermanent-art · 7 years
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'Desert Rose (Nuevas Generaciones)' by El Mac. Mesa, AZ.
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impermanent-art · 7 years
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'Only 15,000 jaguars remain in the wild!' Louis Masai in Phoenix.
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impermanent-art · 7 years
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Pixel Pancho x 2501 collab for the Painted Desert Project in northern Arizona.
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impermanent-art · 7 years
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Greetings Tour in Tucson.
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impermanent-art · 7 years
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Carrie Marill in Phoenix.
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It’s a head inside a head inside a head — can only imagine the discussions that go on in there! 😂 🎨 @aaronlim7 @dougbale At @trans_am_phx and you can get a good BLT while you’re there! #phxmurals #phxmuralproject #supporlocalartists #artforeveryone #lovephoenix #phxgraffiti #urbanart #alleytourist #makemoreart #phxart #azartists #azart #azstreetart #phxstreetart (at TRANS AM PHX) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn1IbDYBG43/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=c470444v765p
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