#azel sparks
dark-frosted-heart · 1 month
Choose Your True Love - Azel Radwan (part 3/4)
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This is the from the 4th anniversary event
As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. 
The living god, who usually didn’t hold an ounce of interest in me, brazenly followed me into my room.
Was going to my room necessary for his “nightly stroll”—
I thought back to how he had captured the attention of everyone in court and held my head.
(I’m sure he’s been seen entering my room…there’s going to be weird rumors spreading tomorrow)
Emma: Prince Azel…
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Azel: I like how the view of the moon from this guest room.
Emma: …It’s bigger and more beautiful when you look at it outside.
Azel: It’s my preference.
Emma: If that’s the case, then I think I’ll go somewhere else.
(Before someone gets the wrong idea…)
When I turned to leave, he grabbed my hand.
Emma: …What?
Azel: I’m simply grabbing your hand.
Emma: It can’t be just that. Is there a reason why I can’t leave my room?
Azel: No, where you go doesn’t matter to me.
Emma: Then please let me go.
Azel: You’re pretty bold to give a god commands.
Emma: …It’s not a command, but a request.
Azel: I don’t feel like listening.
Mysterious eyes stared down at me grumpily—or maybe he was sulking.
It was a strange feeling, like they were cursing at me, saying “it’s your fault,” even though I haven’t done anything.
(Maybe I’m just imagining things…)
Emma: Prince Azel, if there’s something you want to say, then please say it.
Azel: I got nothing to say.
Emma: People who have nothing to say don’t hold me back like this.
Azel: I’m not holding you back. Don’t make me repeat myself.
Emma: You’re being unreasonable?!
Azel: Are you complaining?
Emma: Very much so!
Azel: …You… I can’t be here?
(W-why…does he look so offended)
A frown gradually formed on that handsome face sculpted by the gods.
He obviously wanted to say something, but was hesitant to do so.
Emma: …It’s not that you’re not allowed in here, I just don’t know what’s going on in your head.
I stared into his starry eyes, trying to read his mind.
I almost got lost in his inhumanly beautiful eyes, but the longer I stared, the more the stars looked like sparks.
Azel: …Heartless.
Emma: Excuse me?
Azel: If for you, nothing’s happened yet, then… I’ll throw everything that’s happened for me.
Emma: …Um…?
Azel: How can you be so carefree when you’ve cursed a god?
Emma: I haven’t cursed anyone?!
Azel: Nope, you’ve cursed me. Or else I wouldn’t have followed you here. …Why can’t I let you go?
(...? Did he say something…)
Emma: This has to be some sort of misunderstanding.
Azel: I wish it was, damn it.
The more we spoke, the closer that mysterious starry sky got.
My heart started beating faster, as if in response to heat radiating from the shimmering stars.
(What is this atmosphere)
(Uneasy…thick and sweet…)
It was either an alarm going off, or something more.
When I pulled my hand away, he pulled back, bringing us even closer than before.
Azel: It’s all your fault.
The huge moon, the view from the room, all of it was filled by the beautiful visage of the god before me.
When people find themselves in some kind of unexpected situation, they freeze up instead of running away. Even when they feel like they can’t breathe or think they're in danger, their feet are glued to the floor.
(If this keeps going…)
We were so close that I unconsciously stopped breathing, and I was too nervous to even blink. Our lips were almost touching—though the moment I thought that, Prince Azel moved and buried his face in my shoulder.
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Azel: ……Damn it.
Emma: I… I just remembered something urgent. Excuse me!
When I came back to my senses, an unfamiliar emotion suddenly erupted, so I shook off Prince Azel’s hand and ran out of the room.
Emma: (What…what was that just now?!)
(I thought he was acting strange, but there’s no way the Prince Azel I know would do something like that)
(...Calm down. Just calm down)
(No, it’s impossible. I can’t calm down!)
I sprinted down the hallway to cool off my burning face.
But the moment I rounded a corner, I found my path blocked my palace maids.
Maid: Lady Emma, you’re here. We were about  to come get you. Come now, let’s go.
Emma: Huh…?
After dealing with the complex Prince Azel, I was caught by maids who looked oddly cheery. 
They snatched my left and right hands, dragging me away against my will.
Emma: Wait! What do you want from me?!
Maid: We thought we would help cleanse you, of course.
Emma: Cleanse…?
Maid: Please do not worry. We’ve all once served in the harem. This sort of thing is our specialty.
(What do they mean “this sort of thing”?!)
(...No, I have a guess, but I don’t want to acknowledge it!)
The maids of Tanzanite castle politely tossed me into the bath.
I declined their offer to help me bathe, but I wanted to throw all my thoughts away in this spacious bath.
(The worst is that there’s already a misunderstanding)
(Maids waited outside with scented oils, and all my clothes were taken away…)
(...What do I do? I want to cry. But first, I need to clear up this misunderstanding)
(Anyway! This is all Prince Azel’s fault)
(This new form of harassment is overdoing it…But that’s just harassment—)
I sank into the bubbling water when I heard footsteps echo in the bathhouse.
???: Haaaa…Now I remembered that I didn’t stop this.
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Azel: You okay?
Emma: Wha…
Azel: If you are, then that’s good. If you weren’t drugged, then—
Azel: ?!
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aquagirl1978 · 4 months
Hi :D I'd like to pretty please request azel 😈 :3, please and thank you!!
Hey @floydsteeth - so nice to see you in my inbox! You really made me work with this one - Azel is an interesting guy and quite unlike any other suitor I've written before. Thank you to the amazing translators on here for sharing their work - I'd be lost without your work. With this fic, I have once again written for all IkePri suitors.
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A/N: Part of my Naughty or Nice event Pairing: Azel Radwan x Reader Prompt: naughty Word Count: 616 Tags: spicy? i tried, it's hard with this guy
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“Where do you think you're going?”
You turned around slowly, your bag still in your hand, to face Azel who was lying in bed. Awake.
“I was going for a walk. Outside. I’ve been cooped up in this room with you for….three days? Not that you care,” you replied defiantly.
“You’re right. I don’t care.” He sighed dramatically and fell back onto the bed. “But if you must go out –”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. Bad things and misfortune will come my way. Right?”
“Where do you think you're going?”
You turned around slowly, your bag still in your hand, to face Azel who was lying in bed. Awake.
“I was going for a walk. Outside. I’ve been cooped up in this room with you for….three days? Not that you care,” you replied defiantly.
“You’re right. I don’t care.” He sighed dramatically and fell back onto the bed. “But if you must go out –”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. Bad things and misfortune will come my way. Right?”
“You could just stay here?” He rolled over onto his side, propping himself up on his elbow. Positioned like this, with his lean body sprawled out and his long hair, tied in a perfect ponytail, falling over his shoulder and his eyes – oh, those opalescent eyes – that you found to be so mysterious and mesmerizing, he did look like the God he claimed to be.
“No thanks.”
Azel sighed again, this time louder and more dramatic. “Fine. You win. Leave me here all by myself.” He covered his face with his hand, pretending to wipe away fake tears. He quickly looked up, his gaze fixed on your bag. “If you are going out…”
“Let me guess, you want something.”
“Well, I haven’t had breakfast yet.”
“There’s some dorayaki over there. A gift from Kagari. You can have that.”
Azel made a horrified face. “Do you think that is a suitable treat for a God?”
You let out an exasperated sigh. “Your loss then.”
“Tch, I suppose I can eat one if you refuse your God this one little favor.”
“My God? You’re my lover, not my God.”
“Aren’t they the same thing?” 
You stared at him blankly, your arms crossed tight against your chest.
“I should punish you for this defiance. Come here.”
Deciding it would be easier to simply accept your “punishment” rather than argue with a petulant God, you walked over to him, standing beside his bed. “I’m here.”
“Bend down a little closer,” he asked.
Seriously?  Boy, was he making you work for this. 
You plopped down on the bed next to him as ungraciously as possible , ignoring the disgusted look on his face. “Let’s say I eventually leave this room, and I manage to get you a nice snack – one appropriate for a God – what will you do for me? As repayment.”
“Don’t be silly. I’m a God. Gods don’t pay for things,” he scoffed.
“I told you, you're my lover, not a God,” you reminded softly, your hand reaching for his hair, “and as my lover….”
“What are you doing?” he bristled as you combed your fingers through his hair, removing his hair tie.
“Shh… you look so pretty with your hair down.” You ran your hand through his hair, long silky strands cascading like a silvery waterfall around his shoulders, a pale, pink blush colored your lover’s cheeks.
It didn’t take long for him to close his eyes and make a soft, pleased sound.  As if his body betrayed him, his shoulders jerked and his eyes opened, his gaze narrowing, meeting yours.
“If you’re going to complain, I'll just have to…”
“Do what?” he asked, daring you, as your face approached his.
“Nothing,” you said, your voice teasing as you gazed into his eyes. You felt a slight spark the moment your skin made contact with his; dragging a finger slowly down his arm, you linked your fingers with his when you reached his hand.
“I’m going to charge you for this…” His voice wavered, lacking its earlier confidence, as he stared back into your eyes.
You do that, you thought. It was well worth any price to watch the living God break before your eyes.
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesroseforclavis @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady
@queen-dahlia @ikehoe @ikemen-writer @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome
@kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @umi-adxhira
@crypticbibliophile @lancelotscloak @scorchieart @tele86 @nightfoxqueen
@melodiousramblings @wendolrea @aceuuuu @randonauticrap @aria-chikage
@nightghoul381 @maries-gallery @xbalayage @xenokiryu @alydra
@drachonia @ranhanabi777 @silver-dahlia @lunaaka @portrait-ninja
@sh0jun @ikesenwritings
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violettduchess · 9 months
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I've been playing with this idea since November and decided I might as well go for it!
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Origin: Although it pained me a bit, I went through my inbox, swinging a Sword of Deletion. I had too many requests that I knew deep down I would not be able to fulfill, for various reasons.
Now it's manageable enough that, along with the requests I've kept, I'm looking for some fresh ideas to help keep the creative sparks firing 🎇
That's where you come in!
✨For 48 hours, I'm going to open my inbox to any kind of Ikemen Prince or Ikemen Vamp request.✨
Details below 👇
What can you request?
A favorite trope (this has some good ideas!)
Something spicy
Basically, whatever you like!
I'm not providing a prompt list because these should come entirely from the creative well of your imagination! They can be super vague ("Something spicy with Clavis") or super detailed.
Are there themes or suitors I won't write? Yes ⬇️
Explicit NSFW / smut
Yandere / dubcon / noncon / incest
If you aren't sure, send a DM!
No-go Prince suitors: Rio, Nokto, Kagari, Azel
No-go Vamp suitors: Shakespeare, Charles-Henri, Sebastian
Requests are Reader x Suitor or Suitor POV.
I'm calling this request series Winter Flurries because there is no specific theme to what you should ask for, just a flurry of ideas from whoever wants to make a request! (and it happens to still be winter so that helped me come up with a name!)
As always, I reserve the right to choose which requests I fulfill and when I do so.
Requests are open now 💜
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ignifilis · 1 year
We Didn't Start the Fire
Oddly, the mages notice that Reason magic has been on the fritz lately. Even the most experienced sages find it difficult to control their magic, never mind the practicing novices that keep burning themselves and injuring others. A late-night attempt to study for a Reason exam quickly gets out of hand and sends a classroom up in flames. The Knights of Seiros and other members of the monastery’s facilities must rush in quickly in order to contain the fire and save lives. [Grants Reason +1]
stater for: @amiterum
Small, inconsequential things happen first. A Fire spell that takes a second longer to spark into flames. Thunder magic that seems to land a hair or two off its intended target, but then again, it's always been unwieldy on the best of days. These are explained away with hand waves and everyone has off days.
It's the more powerful spells that begin alerting everyone. A Blizzard spell turns into hail and cracks half the Training Hall's windows. One hopeful test-taker tries casting Excalibur and instead summons a tornado that takes hours to die out.
Azelle attempts casting his own spells, frowning when he can't even get a spark to light a candle. Warnings go up from various Reason professors, advising both faculty and students to avoid unnecessary magic until this issue can be solved. Tests are postponed or changed to focus solely on theory rather than application.
He spends his evenings buried in the library, cross referencing every book he can find on anything pertaining to wayward magic. Theories range from plausible--olds gods (or dragons, or both, as the case may be) awakening once more--to the utterly fantastical--the world's supply of magic is drying up.
The late nights begin to blur together. He's gently kicked out by another librarian, with strict orders to get some sleep. At first he pays no mind to the faint scent of smoke on the breeze. It's cold, after all, and students are known to set up impromptu fires around campus.
Then he notices the rushing Knights, their shouts of fire! and evacuate! Azelle breaks into a run as well, adrenaline washing away any previous sleepiness.
"What happened?" He asks the girl he finds himself running beside.
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arcaeda · 2 years
With one last whispered apology to his opponent, Azelle is directed to a new section of the battlefield. Holding his tome to his chest, he crosses the mud-soaked grass, senses at the ready. It's eerie being here all alone--
--a shape materializes in the rain. Azelle pauses, blinking rainwater from his eyes. He doesn't recognize the blue haired woman sitting astride the pegasus, but he assumes she must be his next opponent.
He automatically assumes a battle stance, hand rising as the pages of his tome flutter open. "I'm Professor Azelle," he says over the din of the rain. It feels wrong to strike when he doesn't even know the other's name.
Tongues of flame begin to spark on his fingertips. "It's been an honor to meet such talented foes."
[Roll: 20-2=7! Caeda is Hit! -1 HP]
[Azelle HP: 5/5. Caeda HP: 4/5]
Bolganone ignites, fire and water mixing into steam that clouds their field of vision.
it is not long after she’s taken back to the skies that she encounters her next “enemy” so to speak. though the rain would make any novice or unprepared pegasus knight a bundle of nerves, caeda’s bond with her mount allows her to keep calm even through the uncertainty of her vision. 
“i am caeda, queen of archanea. it’s a pleasure to be able to fight you like this professor azelle!” she calls from the sky with a proud smile. caeda very hurriedly grabs her poor pegasus’s reigns to pull him back from the explosion of fire that he casts— the very same that turns into smoke from the rain.
[ blessed lance heals caeda for 0.5HP, 4.5/5HP left ]
a gentle sigh leaves her throat as she feels the lance lick away at what little wounds have decided to intrude on her body. “alright, let’s go boy. we won’t be stopped by a little rain.” she pats her trusted mount’s head and then goes in for the strike.
[ caeda rolls to attack azelle with blessed lance, 14. 1.5 damage ]
[ darting blow activates! caeda rolls to attack azelle (again, sorry king), 10, 1.5 damage azella 3/5HP ]
a whirlwind is the only way to describe the speed at which she dives into him. one finely placed strike near his shoulder that turns into another as she darts back to face him again. “give it all you’ve got professor azelle!” she encourages as she pulls way, hoping to avoid a truly deadly explosion.
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saionofvalflame · 2 years
❀ scionic sparks | + azelle
Saias can’t help the little twirl as he gazes around the ballroom, signet ring on finger and stamp card in hand. Whenever he imagined attending a ball, he always thought of glittering dresses, tasty food, and couples dancing the night away... and this is everything he imagined and then some. He hadn’t expected the photo-artifexes, but they look like a lot of fun! Maybe he’ll try one of them out later. For now, he searches for someone to stamp his card, someone he hasn’t yet had the chance to meet.
A flash of familiar red amongst the crowd catches his eye, and he slips through the different people milling about, heading towards the red-haired man. He’s just opened his mouth to call out “Father!” when he takes a closer look at the man decked in red and white before him. Although the coloring looks the same, the man’s hair is too short and straight for Father. Saias reddens in embarrassment at having mistaken a stranger for his parent. Though... is it just him, or does the man look a bit familiar? That can’t be right, he would’ve remembered meeting him.
“Um... Excuse me, I was going to ask if you could stamp my card, it’s just... you look a lot like someone I know. Someone I’m related to, I mean. Sorry to presume, but do you know an Arvis of Velthomer?” the teen asks. “It’s all right if you don’t, I was just curious.”
starter for @fjalarspark​
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hallowed-delights · 4 years
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unlike a blue jelly bitch and his red jelly gf
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azelfire · 6 years
tagged by: @devotedrigelianflower & @caraidean tagging:@valflame @holysight @holytoem 
Azelle LV.24 Seer HP ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜ MP ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜ ATK ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜ DEF ⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ LCK ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜ SPD ⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ STA ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜
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                 ❝ D-don’t call me slow!! ❞ 
                                                                                                           〔 🔥 〕
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yvainstales · 3 years
Prompt #15: Thunderous
Yurt sized stack of firewood was impressive to behold. They had spent the day piling it up, stacking it carefully, adding dry grass and other bits and pieces which were to be discarded to it, before it was all doused in oil. Waiting now, just for that spark.
Before it though, was something even more impressive. Yvain recognized well that he was an outsider here, brought into the fold only because he had chanced upon one of the girls from the clan here being taken away on horseback. He’d killed the man. She was bound, and he made an assumption. Given that he has been aimlessly wandering while stewing in his own misery at the time, it was easy decision to make. He’d helped someone to help them, sure, but he also needed to do it for his own sake. To feel like he’d still have a reason to get up in the morning. Helping others could be that reason. He felt despondent enough to plainly admit that to the girl and her brother. The one who had come on horseback over the hill, charging like a madman while yelling obscenities. For a brief moment, they nearly clashed.
The same man who just laughed it off, slapped him on the shoulder and dragged him back to the clan. To give proper thanks. Food. It’s what Yvain thought. Food would have been nice, he felt. It has been a while since he ate properly. 
Weeks have passed since, and yet still he remained amongst these strange folk. Their language was hard to follow, accents difficult, but he was managing thanks to what he had picked up before. Some treated him warmly, and others merely politely. A welcomed guest, or a stray dog. It was difficult to decide. 
Mostly on the former side, perhaps. Watching Azel lead the dance and song to mark the change of the seasons, man’s clarion clear voice thundering over all others with such infectious enthusiasm that even Yvain, who had no knowledge of it all, clapped along and mouth the repeating rhymes, it was not hard to tell why. Azel was tall, well made with broad shoulders and a pair of impressive horns curving along the line of his jaw. Even by sight, he was imposing, but by personality even more so. A driven man, with a strong voice. He yells where he has to. Listens elsewhere. Shares in the pains and woes of his clansmen in equal measure with their happiness. 
A leading man, one could call him. 
So was there any suprise that even a stray like Yvain would be more accepted than not? Any surprise that he had started to feel like he might stay?
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herb-whump · 3 years
‘Don’t ever get far away, Precious’
I’m getting there okay. 
taglist: @albino-whumpee @torture-as-lovely-as-you
CW/ captivity, human trafficking, medical procedures, torture, pet whump. 
The doctor walked out of the room, leaving the boy alone. He clutched the bedsheets in his fingers and closed his eyes trying to fall asleep, but without the familiar ruckus of his former owner's room, it was incredibly hard. He squeezed his eyes even more but finally gave up. Lucius sighed. Why did Sir Azel leave him alone in here? Maybe he could at least be a lappet, while he works. Lucius loathed being alone, so even if the bed was comfortable, and he was nice and cozy, the boy knew he wanted someone's presence. 
He slowly got up and put on the fluffy slippers. Still not sure if the doctor won't be mad, even if he assured him, he wouldn't be, Lucius carefully knocked on the door. Azel soon opened. He had a surgical mask on, nitrile gloves, and some weird fleshy-looking bits stuck to his lab coat, but the blonde didn't think much of it.
- What's happening, Precious? Can't fall asleep? - The boy nodded, but Azel rolled his eyes, seemingly annoyed. - You want to sleep with me, huh? - Another nod - Well I guess it can't be helped. But you gotta cover your eyes alright? Don't want to scare you on the first day. The Doctor took Lucius and tied a scarf around his eyes. The boy was confused, but if it meant being close... he didn't mind. He was slowly taken to the room.
- Please don't mind some weird sounds, I'm working on a new project. - He said as he put Lucius down on a couch and gave him a blanket. The boy got cozy quickly but yelped upon hearing what sounded like another person squealing - I told you. - Azel laughed.
The man stood beside a surgical table, upon which a brown-haired boy was laying, tied up and gagged, shaking in fear, but choking on his words. He knew if he even made a sound, it would end badly. The soft squeal he just let out was enough to spark Sir Azel's Anger. He saw it in his eyes. The doctor took a scalpel from the table next to them and slowly began cutting into the boy's chest. The boy shrieked uncontrollably. 
- You're supposed to be quiet you shit face. - Azel said it quietly but the boy knew how badly he was angry. - If you don't shut the fuck up Julius, you're going to end up much worse. - He took the boy's face in one of his hands, forcing them to lock their eyes. Julius nodded, blood still oozing from a fresh cut on his chest. - Good.
He continued where he left off,  and Julius started squeezing his mouth and eyes full of tears. He could swear he could feel his teeth breaking from the force he was clenching them with. His breath was fast and shallow, he barely could breathe anyway. His nose was stuffed from crying. But finally, the cutting was over. Azel exposed the boy's rib cage, looking at it with excitement for a while. To be honest, it didn't look like a rib cage anymore. More like a boney mass. 
Sir Azel paid good money for Julius. You don't get a patient like him, suffering from Münchmeyer disease, every day.  He wanted to test him and keep him alive for as long as possible. That meant making sure that all of his life functions won't be stopped by the bone growth. He still will become stiff and won't be able to move soon, but he will be alive, as long as The doctor wants him to be, and he wants to get his money's worth.
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inthedusksynria · 4 years
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demoiselledefortune · 4 years
Pulling session on last banner:
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I think it’s fair to say I got pretty lucky... still have my free spark probably gonna get another erinys because she’s got an awful IV (-spd/+def) whereas Azel is mixed (+spd/-atk)
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crocodilegames-blog · 5 years
Azel au petit dej'
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markoftheasphodel · 6 years
Heheh... FE/Polar Explorers AU. ;)
So, Sir Sigurd Chalphy, star of the Royal Navy, sets off on a grand “scientific” mission to Antarctica with the not-so-secret goal of getting to the pole. Meanwhile, renowned explorer Arvis Velthomer, a man so ruthlessly efficient he’s eaten his own sled dogs, embarks on a scientific expedition to the frozen North.
Sir Sigurd’s expedition uses both dogs and ponies and they’re not planning to eat them. Anyway, Sigurd bids his wife and baby son goodbye and heads south with a merry crew that includes his BFF Dr. Quan Claus as second-in-command, the esteemed scholar Reverend Claud and a colorful bunch that includes a few well-born kids with sketchy credentials who happened to pony up funds for the expedition. Anyway, they go down to do some Science, which involves stealing the eggs from penguins thought to be the most primitive birds alive (they’re not) and a Missing Link and generally important. This egg stealin’ almost kills the three youngsters assigned to it, including young Azelle Velthomer, the frail but gifted half-brother of Arvis. Sigurd feels terrible about this and resolves to take special care of Azelle. He turns over some of Azelle’s scientific duties to Quan’s protege Finn, who is mostly there to handle the ponies but the ponies keep getting eaten by leopard seals. Finn takes very good notes, including notes on how the ponies get eaten by leopard seals.
Meanwhile, halfway on his journey north, Arvis and his small crew turn 180 degrees and head south. He does not report this intention to his backers or to the public.
With the Science part successfully accomplished, Sigurd’s party splits up. Azelle and a few others who aren’t faring well are sent home via ship. Sigurd, Quan, and three other especially fit individuals including Azelle’s BFF Lex are selected for the journey overland to the Pole, and Finn and a couple of others including Reverend Claud and Lewyn stay behind at the base camp to replenish the supply depots and to greet Sigurd et all on their triumphant return.
Before Sigurd & co leave, they receive a polite telegram:
Sigurd feels betrayed but puts a happy face on it. He and his chosen few embark with some of the remaining healthy ponies and some dogs to pull their sledges. The journey out isn’t bad, but they arrive to find Velthomer’s standard at the Pole. They’ve been beaten by a matter of weeks.
This saps the party of a necessary spark to keep going. The weather takes an unexpected turn for the worse, even by polar standards. It prevents the crew at the base camp from reaching the supply depots and holds Sigurd and his men back when they’ve no time to spare. Their rations don’t replenish their strength even when eaten generously and the first supply depot they come across is as empty as they left it. Chulainn slips on the ice, deteriorates and dies. Jamke, unable to walk anymore, makes the noble decision to low-key slip out and perish alone so as not to hold the other three back. It’s for nothing, as Sigurd, Quan, and Lex die in their tent during the raging blizzard, only a few miles out from the nearest full depot. Sigurd writes a bunch of inspirational notes he hopes will be found by someone, someday.
When the weather lifts, Finn, Lewyn and the Reverend are able to reach Sigurd’s tent at last and find the horrible sight of their leader frozen solid, surrounded by letters, journals, and fossils, and his dead companions. It’s impossible to retrieve any of the bodies and so they’re left there, with a memorial cairn that’ll be covered by ice one decade at a time.
None of Sigurd’s notes include “Arvis Velthomer is a right dastard” but he was probably thinking it.
Back home, Azelle researches the penguin eggs and finds them to be scientifically worthless. Claud’s eyesight and health are permanently ruined by what he experienced and he spends the remainder of his life looking for the spiritual meaning of what the hell happened down there. Lewyn second-guesses himself for the rest of his own life as to whether it was cowardice or prudence that kept them from forging ahead to replenish the depots– but he also discovers their rations were nutritionally deficient, only producing 50% of the energy they all needed to survive. Finn broods about it and then writes a stomach-churning doorstop of a book about how it was all the Worst Thing Ever, not to be read by anyone fond of ponies.
Arvis, conquerer of the South Pole, marries Sigurd’s widow and has a lovely family with her. As for Sigurd, the debate over whether he was the purest hero of exploration ever or a noble bungler rages for more than a century.
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lordrethandus · 5 years
The Flame That Guides Us Home Pt 5
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“J’a-l? R-pond! J-zel com- in!” What was left of her radio flickered and squeaked amongst the warped steel and melted rock. Slowly J’azel opened her eyes to see the fire-swept plains of Argus, cradling the remains of the Krakenax amongst the dirt and ashes. It still felt like her warframe was spiraling toward the ground, but she knew better; now that her consciousness was returning, she had to move fast if she wanted to reach her sister before the Horde did. “-azel?! Ans- -e!”
She reached up to dust off the damaged receiver, “J’azel… aauuugh… reporting in…”
“Than- the -ight!” Vice Admiral Taarth’s voice was clearer now, but it would be some time before she could fix her receiver. “I’m sen-ing a -escue squad! H-ld tight!”
J’azel tried to open her cockpit, but it was melted shut; she then pressed her plated hooves against the warped metal and began kicking with all of her strength. “Negative…! I have to face Miraan!” One, two, three, four kicks later, and the hatch burst open and allowed her to crawl out of her destroyed mech. She looked up to see debris still raining down from the explosion she caused. The tiny green embers and scorched ashes raining down around her brought distant memories of the first day of winter back when she was still a child. The Lightforged Eredar reached into the side hatch of her mech and retrieved her cherished greatsword, some climbing gear, and the hand-drawn picture of her family; with her warframe in pieces, she would have to walk the rest of the way. “Sending my coordinates. You can pick up my mech for repairs, but some of my team may have survived. They take priority.” It sent chills up her spine to lie so easily; she saw what happened firsthand, she knew damn well none of them survived. Not against that kind of firepower… or at that height.
Lord-Commander Sunsheath led the charge down the main hallway of the Krakenax, with his brothers and sisters in arms following closely behind. He could hear frenzied shouting and screaming in the lower levels beneath him, but he couldn't afford an investigation; there wasn't enough time to stage a rescue for those unfortunate enough to be captives of the Burning Legion, nor could he cut a swathe through their demonic ranks to quench his righteous bloodlust.
If the billions of people slaughtered across countless burned worlds could ever find any rest, if the Burning Legion could be put down for good, then Miraan the Benevolent needed to die.
Screams and shouting pierced the thick felsteel door before them; demonic voices filled with maddening rage and hatred. “There isn't anyone ahead of us… who could they be fighting?” Gonthar raised his meaty fist and halted their advance. “Konthus, help me with this door.” Without a word the Warbrave obeyed, shuffling through the ranks to offer his fellow tauren assistance.
The main deck of the Krakenax was in absolute chaos. Gonthar half-expected the Illidari giving these demons more than they could handle,  but that couldn't be further from the truth; felguards were slaughtering mo'arg, who were pounding shivarra into paste, who in turn were flaying felguards. The Burning Legion had turned against each other, their formations shattered and reduced to a tribalistic need to survive. A fel lord stood in the center, trying his best to restore order the only way he knew how; with additional violence.
The Oathguard looked on in awe and silence until the Sin'dorei paladin Varkol Suncloak said, “This is the single greatest thing I've ever seen.”
“Well?! What are we waiting for?!” Kaarst Shattercraft barked, pacing back and forth with eager anticipation. “Let's get in there! Lok'tar o-!”
“We are not here for them!” Gonthar grabbed the orc by the shoulder and pulled him back. Before anyone else got the bright idea of giving away their position, he turned to address Eristel. “We need a portal to take us past this carnage and as close to the command room as possible. Can you do it?”
“Of course, but…” Eristel stroked his chin before looking up at the second floor. “Portal magic is slow and loud. I can’t guarantee I can get it active before our position is compromised.”
Gonthar clenched his teeth before glancing over to Kaarst. “Shattercraft, Grimwald, Rahoa, and Breezehome. Draw attention away from our position, but don’t get reckless; we won’t be able to stage a rescue if you’re overwhelmed.” The four chosen snuck away without a single word, and Gonthar was already regretting this decision. He may have just sent four good soldiers to their deaths.
Eristel was right about the noise. A white ball of curious light sparked between his palms, letting out a whistling hiss not quite unlike a teapot. It grew louder as the ball did larger, until it was too big and too obnoxiously loud for the Pyromancer to hold between his fingers. Gonthar turned to see the chaos ahead, with some of them already felled by arrows. Kaarst leapt through the air into the crowd of demons, with Rahoa and Audrey at his heels. Up on the scaffolding he saw the other end of the portal appear, white hot and swelling. “There!” Eristel said at last. “It’s ready!”
“Everyone through the portal! Now!” Gonthar ushered the Oathguard in and waited until every single soldier under his command went through before he rejoined them; the Sunwalker did another quick check on the four engaging the Burning Legion, but from this height they were now nowhere to be found.
“Contact! Twelve o'clock!” Someone shouted.
Gonthar snapped his attention forward to see an imp swarm pour out of a nearby ventilation shaft. “Shields forward!” Several warriors and paladins rushed ahead and raised their bulwarks, just as the imps began their barrage. The door on their right swung open, revealing a sizable force of felguards.
“Right flank! Right flank!” Shouted another, giving the healers and magi just enough time to turn and defend themselves from the surprise attack. Gonthar threw himself at them, knocking a demon down while catching another beneath a hoof. Stinging agony wracked his body from a fallen demon burying a knife in his leg, but the Sunwalker raised his foot in retaliation and crushed the demon's head like a melon. He swung his sword in a wide arch immediately after, catching another felguard in the chin. Arrows and spells whizzed over his head from behind, felling a half dozen more of them.
“Aaahhh! No! Nooooo!” A priestess was pulled to the ground by two felhounds, screaming, kicking, and begging. Eristel turned and engulfed them in flames a split second later, but it was a split second too late; their razor sharp fangs had easily torn her apart. A small group of felguards ducked past Gonthar and focused on anyone wearing cloth or leather. The warriors and paladins protecting their allies from the unrelenting bombardment of imp fireballs began to falter, many of whom turned to face the felguard threat, only to take felfire to their backs. In an instant the Oathguard’s formations were undone.
Gonthar’s commands were drowned out by the chaos unfolding around him. All he could see was the flash of steel against steel, all he could hear were the frenzied screams of friend and foe alike; his body screamed for rest and he tasted blood and bile in his mouth, but he couldn’t give up. They were so close to defeating the Legion once and for all. So close… yet with this ambush, this just might be as far as they go. Gonthar didn’t see Sahe amidst the slaughter, but she was all he could think about now. Even as he struck down demon after demon, even as his blood boiled with his Grimtotem fury, and even as he shrugged off injuries that would have proved fatal for lesser tauren, he was focused on finding the Druidess and getting her to safety.
Gonthar’s ears twitched at the familiar bellow of Kaarst Shattercraft over the deafening chorus of battle. He glanced up just in time to see Kaarst, Rahoa, and Audrey Breezehome leap into the fray with Grimwald loosening a hail of arrows behind them. Seeing the crazed orc spin his axe around in a group of felguards with such reckless abandon emboldened those still standing with a surge of hope and renewed resolve. Gonthar turned around and swung his claymore so hard he cleaved a demon clean in half through the chest, spraying blood and entrails down the hallway. His hoof came down and turned another demon’s knee into splinters. The next swing of his sword caught yet another felguard by its dominant arm, leaving it easy pickings for the others. Gonthar didn’t know how long this struggle lasted, but by the time his blood trance was done, hardly anyone, demon or otherwise, was left standing. His body crumbled the moment the threat was over, with only the sound of his labored breathing and the groans of the dying remaining.
“Oathguard…!” He managed to shout out, but his weak voice didn't carry far. “Sound off…!” Only whimpers of agony answered him. Gonthar rubbed the sticky slime off his face, only to realize it came from his own open wounds above his head, from a gash that split his mane in half. “Oathguard! ...sound! Off!” Gonthar repeated, as loud as his burning lungs would allow.
One by one they called out their names: Varkol, Grimwald, Nairi, Rahoa, Audrey, Sahe, Clonce, Kaarst, Eristel. Their forces were five and fifty when they stepped aboard this accursed ship… now barely ten of them were left. Gonthar looked around to see so many of his brothers and sisters in arms either dead or well on their way, and with his meager band of exhausted companions left, only one choice was left before him.
“We’re retreating.” He commanded, as their only two remaining healers began trying to stabilize as many as they could. “This mission is a failure.”
Varkol exchanged glances with the few survivors before speaking. “Commander, with all due respect… we’ve come this far. We should see it through!”
“He’s right!” Nairi added. “If we turn tail and run now, all of those people died for noth-”
“This ambush severed the Oathguard at the knees! If we attack her with just us ten we WILL die!” Gonthar then pointed down toward those unable to stand. “We can’t abandon them either! I’m calling it! We are-!” A heavy slam against a nearby door nearly caused Gonthar to jump out of his bloodsoaked skin. The survivors whirled to face the newfound threat with fear and anger written on their faces. After three more slams the felsteel door collapsed in a cloud of golden cinders and smoke. Out came that draenei from the Army of the Light. “What…?”
“Ma’xerei kerekt?!” J’azel called out, stopping just a few steps forward once she saw their dying allies. Immediately the golden runes scrawled across her body lit up like the morning sun, forcing Gonthar and the others to shield their eyes. When the light faded, most of those on the floor were wreathed in the Light, and no longer moaning in agony. Even Gonthar’s wounds seemed to vanish.
“Th-thank you, Draenei…!” He didn’t know if she could understand him, and he didn’t care; the power of a healthy Lightforged Draenei was just the thing he needed to bring most of these people back to their homes and families, and that was not a gesture he would soon forget.
“Eredar.” She sharply corrected, drawing her sword from its sheath. She then pointed down the hallway to what had to be the command deck. “Miraan. Tu shelri’vaakt?”
“We can’t let her face her sister alone, Commander.” Eristel warned. “But it’s your call.” Gonthar looked down at Sahe, who cautiously nodded after a moment of silence.
“So be it.” He clenched his teeth before turning back to his team. “Varkol, Audrey, and Eristel. Go with the drae- the eredar. Nairi, Rahoa, Grimwald, Shattercraft, cover us while Clonce creates a portal back to Felfathom.” Nairi opened her mouth to object, but the Lord-Commander had already turned his back to help Sahe gather the living and the dead, and her team was already taking positions on the other side of the hallway to protect them.
The three elves and the eredar hurried down the narrowing corridor in silence until they came across two giant slabs of felsteel pressed against each other. “What now?!” Audrey whined. “It’ll take a small army and the largest siege engines the Horde has to open this!”
“Grelsor akampst.” J’azel spoke, pointing at Eristel and then at Varkol. “Grelsor akampst! Vi… vikaresk!” Eristel and Varkol exchanged weary looks before the eredar loudly groaned and grabbed them both by the wrists to pull closer to the door. “Vikaresk! Vikaresk vallesh!”
“I think she wants us to use fire, Vark.” Eristel suggested. When he summoned a ball of flame in his open palm, her eyes lit up. Varkol raised his free hand and did the same.
“Vallesh!” She repeated, slowly raising her hands up in a strange gesture. “Vallesh oziak thuum!”
When the flames grew almost too large for the pyromancer and the crusader to sustain, black runes scrawled across the door began to glow and hiss in response. Eristel scooped up the meager flame in Varkol’s hands and added it to his own, and with a hearty thrust of his arms, sent the pryoblast toward the largest rune on the door. In an instant the entire area lit up from the overloaded runes. They covered their faces and braced themselves for the explosion, but it never came. The doors swung open with a heavy groan.
“Eru’dei aca!” J’azel cheered, before raising her sword high over her head. “Chronokai kristor!”
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fjalarspark · 2 years
𝓢𝓸 𝓶𝓪𝓷𝔂 𝓽𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓼... (Plot Call)
Hello! New month, new missions! New missions, more points, and Azelle needs some! In total, he seeks 3 points (+ the activity-based one). 
🔥[Grants Reason +1] (Unaffiliated needed) An outside force impacts the story-lives of many, but will Azelle and his companion need to calm the chaos or suspect the calmness of it all? W/ Sitri
🔥[Grants Any Point +1] (Unaffiliated needed) And then there’s a dragon. Dragons were cool, right? Yeah, but their breath wasn’t.
🔥[Grants Faith +1] A legal tussle with Seiros herself (?) He never would’ve imagined it, but it can’t get any weirder than the storybook endeavor...yet. W/ Kurth
As always, we can plot on Discord w/ pings & DMs or on Tumblr with messages!
Note: Azelle’s tags and various other knick-knacks have been moved to a separate link on his blog entirely! (Like stats) There, I’ll keep up with threads and whatnot as well. It is, as of right now, outdated tag-wise, but I’ll be working to keep it more upheld and updated henceforth! I can now pin this post on his blog since I used to keep his tags and threads on a private post that I kept pinned to his blog.
Note: This post will also be updated once the above threads are snagged! Keeping it organized in two spots :) Will potentially also start a monthly tag endeavor unique to him so that I have another mean of organizing each bout of activity of his by month...TBD though.
Family Reunion - Deirdre [Finished]
Survival Task [Bow +1] - Julia
Scionic Sparks - Saias
(If any threads w/ him are missing, do let me know! I’m considering most ball-related threads over/closed/TBD)
(If the muns cannot/ do not want to continue these above threads, please contact me! I’m more than happy to continue or drop them based on your needs :D! )
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