anne-wild · 2 years
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Azareth Shadowwalker (I made this character reference sheet mostly for Artfight - I plan to update it with all of my OCs having something like this in time. This is the first.)
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Art Credit to Nicola Scott
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roarrzilla · 2 years
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Doodling my OCs as a rest. 
They are preparing to the New Life Festival... Azareth already has an arrogant mer in mind and a nice, big mudball ready.
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oldpossumkingz · 1 year
So many hate on Warlock but hear me out.
In the series, Warlock Dowling is a right little shit (as we all agree?) and acts as the typical spoiled pre-teen. He believes that learning is stupid, he argues with his mother about his birthday not being cool and is disrespectful to his mother and other adults in general. But. Warlock was nothing like this as a young boy and attitudes like his don't spawn out of nowhere.
When we first meet Warlock, we see him run up to Brother Francis (Aziraphale) and be told that he must be kind to all creatures and he seems to believe this as well but tells Aziraphale that Nanny Azareth (Crowley) tells him the opposite. In this scene, we also see that Crowley and Zira both tell Warlock explicitly not to listen to the other and this visibly confuses him. Much like a child with argumentative parents would be. This could not only harm his mental state, feeling like he has to pick a side, but also will affect how he sees things when he's older. But that's not the main problem.
We are shown multiple times that Warlock's father is not the best family man. He wasn't there for his son's birth, we don't see him as a part of his son's life at all really. He is also quite dismissive of his wife which could add to Warlock's disrespect towards his mother (who as we've seen has always been kind towards Warlock). And we also see his friends, all spoiled rich kids who boast about how much better their birthdays were than Warlock's. 11 is one of the prime ages where kids fear not fitting in, and among such openly judgmental children, I bet Warlock feared it more than anyone.
So yes, he's a little shit but he's a little shit with depth and I love it.
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scintillyyy · 9 months
4, 7, 12? :)
4. Which superhero family would make the best reality TV show? (Best is, of course, a subjective term.)
titans/teen titans. either dick OR tim's gen. listen, the draw of reality shows is watching people have messy as hell relationships. you all need to admit that watching any iteration of the titans would be about the same as watching the jersey shore.
7. One DC death you’d like to make permanent — or alternatively, one you’d erase so it never happened?
answered here
12. Pick up to 7 characters to star in a Teen Titans ongoing (any era or generation you like). What tone do you envision for this series?
nightwing post blockbuster's death dick, red robin tim in the midst of his breakdown era, rise of arsenal roy, currently in a cult cassie sandsmark, doug side era greta, i almost killed a man breakdown era cissie, and jericho but before he got possessed by the souls of azareth and everything started going wrong.
tone is that nobody's having a good time, but at least joey is smiling in the background
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sweetnsourhearts · 10 days
Have some fun with some dnd character incorrect quotes!
Novia: what kind of sounds annoy you?
Gravel: are we talking real sounds or imaginary ones?
Novia, now interested: let’s say imaginary
Gravel: spiders wearing flip flops
*everyone is giving advice to Arius*
Calinox: it’s okay to ask for help
Mhurren: you’re not a burden
Tanna: murder is okay
Deceit: your feelings matter
Scall: I need 28 lightbulbs for 28 ducks
Lunaris: ducks can’t eat lightbulbs?
Leo: I think that’s the point
Scall: exactly. I want my ducks to glow so I can find them
Kori: we’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what Nyth will and will not eat
Ash: grass? Yes!
Kori: moss? Yes!
Ash: leaves? Oh yes!
Kori: shoelaces? Strange but true!
Ash: worms? Sometimes!
Kori: rocks? Usually nah.
Ash: twigs? Usually!
Kori: Arthur’s cooking? Inconclusive!
Arthur: how did you… test this?
Kori: you just hand her stuff and say ‘eat this’ and if they eat it, they eat it
Arthur: I don’t know how to feel about this.
Lunaris: I personally don’t think it’s possible to come up with a crazier plan
Scall: we could attack them with hummus
Lunaris: I stand corrected
Scall: just keeping things in perspective
Arius: you’re too late! You’ll never stop me now!
Calinox: that’s where you’re wrong, we will stop you with the powers of:
Mhurren: friendship!
Deceit: harmony!
Tanna: incredible violence
Calinox: and love!
Tanna: and then they ran into my knife. They ran into my knife 10 times
Calinox: you mean you stabbed them?
Tanna: they ran into my knife
Cy: Norwegia is NOT A COUNTRY!
Gravel: then where are Norwegian people from!?
Lunaris: I left instructions for everyone while I’m gone
Scall: mine just says “Scall no”
Lunaris: I want you to apply it to every possible situation
Nyth: I typed “bitch” into my GPS and guess what? I’m in your driveway
Nyth: vroom vroom, come out already
Azareth: we’re having a baby
Scall: oh, congratu-
Lunaris, slamming adoption papers onto the table: it’s you, sign here
Nyth: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat*
Hepia: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 cents.
Nyth: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you.
Kori: Actually I did the math, Hepia would have $225, not $0.15.
Hepia: Fam I’m right here....
Arthur: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :)
Nyth: while you’re there could you buy me an apply juice please?
Arthur: Sorry I only have a dollar.
Nyth: :(
Kori: Hey I just realized my friend is right, Hepia would have $22,500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent.
Arthur: If I had $22,500 I would buy a can of soda and an apply juice.
Kori: You can buy anything you want with $22,500.
Ash: Yeah and he wants soda and apply juice.
Kori: Apply juice to what.
Ash: Directly to forehead.
Hepia: Great chat everyone.
Tanna: don’t worry, I’ve got a few knives up my sleeve
Calinox: I think you mean cards
Deceit: she did not
Tanna, pulling out knives: I did not
Tanna: who hurt you?
Calinox: *snorting* what, do you want a list?
Tanna: … yes, actually
Hepia, dramatically: they called me a fool
Nyth, sick of Hepia’s shit: they weren’t wrong
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thecrazyworldbuilder · 2 months
Random setting: Gods of The Worldhold
Gods of The Worldhold were more than just theoi. Gods were a mantle, a role to be played. Sure, what mortals called “gods” were usually theoi, but many were once mortals themselves.
A god was anyone who was mantled as such, and that was a dangerous play, for there were many mantles, and some wanted to wear several at once. And, to the world’s displeasure, so they did.
Volcanoes and smiths were forever joined under the dual-mantled god Heph. Sea depths and the eldritch were sewn together by noble Cthera, who vowed to contain the latter deep beneath the sea.
Sometimes gods were mantled new. A human god, god of the city of Azareth named Narthur, was once a mortal man, but achieved divinity through ascension, his soul finding the god mantle among the stars, and now blessing the royal bloodline.
And every time, when a god mantle changed owners, when a new god mantle was found or when one god conquered another and sewed their mantles together, it was a world-changing event. The ground trembled, the skies roared, and a new period, era, began.
And so it did this time.
When the god of magic, Thaumus, conquered the god of writing, Ackad, and took his mantle without thinking twice. The god of magic and writing, he thought - how powerful he’d be. How magnificent.
He was right. For the misfortune of the whole realm.
Every letter. Every word, every book - every single little glyph and graffiti, every tattoo.
All exploded with magic spells.
The world was destroyed, utterly. A new era began, an era where writing itself was a source of magic, where no book was possible without causing a chaotic explosion of spells, where no literacy could be spread.
The city of Azareth, mentioned above, didn’t quite survive the Apocalypse.
It housed some of the greatest libraries in the known world, and they changed it irreversibly. Each became an epicenter of a great fireball of raw, wild magic, transforming people into thousands of different shapes per second, turning matter to change state countless times. Gaseous rock. Liquid air. Solid blood.
Narthur managed to bless the city to become populated once again when people who weren’t in it at the time came and settled down. Among polygonal columns of stone, among buildings ruined, utterly, and terrain indescribable in short.
Azareth became a new cradle for humanity, and so did many other places around the world, where there weren’t as many books, or where there was a god to try and keep the land safe.
Many years have passed. Many have forgotten the specifics of this Apocalypse, yet every single children tale now spoke - to never, ever, write.
Kenkus traveled between cities as messengers, memorizing long speeches dictated to them. Once rogues and outcasts, they became the founders of the Courier Guild, growing riches, controlling the mail and shipment of practically any item.
The little number of elves who survived managed to explore the magic of writing as it was now. They were the ones who discovered the frightening fact of magic being bound to writing and writing only, as well as all writing, subsequently, being bound to magic. From this, an unlikely union came to fruition, as dwarves joined forces with the elves, and together, started re-exploring the magic of writing, letter by letter, creating enchanted items of great power.
Goblins, hobgoblins, orcs - all came to a renaissance as they never practiced writing before, so, their losses were minimal. Great raiding forces soon came into being, huge nations of many monstrous races working together for their own survival; Farming, building, waging wars, trading.
Divine magic was now the only way to cast spells, other than using writing for it, like scrolls and the like.
(Aaand it kind of stops there.)
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redsinistra · 2 years
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[OLD ART] 2017 
Compilation post of my Demon Hunter, Azareth, back when Legion released. 
I know I know, these are old but I remember improving so so so much while trying new things with these (like studying the Harbingers cinematic for its style, painting on top of a texture, trying to paint on top of my traditional drawing etc). Also I made a prop design:  the Book of Fel Names which we used on a mini-rp-campaign. Good times.
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cyclicalaberration · 9 months
42 & 28 for the ask game, any ocs :]
28: if your character existed in today's world, what social media would they avoid or be prominent on?
It's really hard to think of what my characters would be doing with social media because I've set them in times specifically to avoid it— let's see.
My DND characters have only ever used Facebook. Except azareth, who is both Tumblr and vine famous independently and refuses to use any social media except those two.
Olu would be regular famous but also be notorious for getting into drama on Twitter. She has every social media and you can't avoid her or her insatiable violence for drama.
Ethel has used twitch and GitHub. That's it. It hates Twitter with a passion and Tumblr gives it a migraine.
Lucyfr morgenstern thinks Instagram is the scum of the earth but uses Facebook because he has pta meetings to schedule goddamnit.
Julien Genet is on TikTok. This is unfortunate for everyone but he will sometimes quote them and it makes his patients explode. He hates Twitter though.
42: does your character celebrate their birthday? If not, why?
Arthur doesn't celebrate his birthday because he's too busy to do it, other people celebrate it for him.
Cy doesn't have a birthday, it's always existed and never existed and it's birthday is always and never.
Azareth has a fake birthday.
Calinox (goddamn my DND characters have names starting with TWO letters) doesn't celebrate his birthday because he's. Incredibly lonely.
Sysf characters don't have birthdays either, except Julien Genet who is VERY excited to celebrate his birthday. Olu celebrates her host's birthday once a century when she remembers to be an asshole to the remnant of that host that she still keeps alive.
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hypebeast1ife · 7 months
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SHOP: adidas YEEZY 700 V3 'Azareth'
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bitchmunkmusings · 9 months
Everyone’s Shadow [Damian/Raven]
continuing from here with @aquamanandfriends
She didn't miss the way he tensed at her touch, the split second action causing her to almost rethink reaching out. But once he relaxed, so did she. It wasn't as though she blamed him, he certainly had enough reasons to be cautious, if not out right adverse to physical contact. She would've reacted similarly, for her own separate reasons, but she was grateful they were both trying to move past it. Building trust with one another.
Raven laughed, the sound light and louder than usual as the alcohol settled warmly in her system as he spoke aloud to his apartment. Her nose scrunched up playfully at his choice of playlists. Party Vibes, after all, sounded a lot like something her roommates would turn on at the tower. Raven enjoyed music, it was one of the things she loved most when she first came from Azareth, learning all the different types, styles, and genres. Of course, over time, she'd certainly found her favorite, the music that calmed her and spoke to her more than the rest. "Yes." She agreed, laughing again as she nodded her head. "I think punk rock is definitely more of our vibe."
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anne-wild · 2 years
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One brat I did not plan to draw today, but it happened. You can blame my Spotify daily mix...
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rb-mentalpalace · 11 months
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gaeilgeoirgay · 2 years
DCU Rarepair Exchange
So! I recently participated in the @dcu-rarepair exchange and wrote a fic for the wonderful @abby-lynn-xx ! They also wrote an amazing fic for me, as it turns out we did a straight swap, so do go check out their work! I also received a Treat from sharpbluejay so definitely read that too, it was brilliant. 
Also wanted to tag @dick-rarepairs as this particular rarepair has Dick in it :)
However! This is the fic I wrote for @abby-lynn-xx. TW for blood and injury
life coating his hands
“Nightwing’s down!”
Beast Boy’s shout over comms makes Joey’s blood run cold. Dick is one of the strongest heroes he knows, and not much can force him out of a fight. This must be bad.
Joey flips the goon he’s fighting and slams him into the ground. The goon’s eyes roll back and Joey leans him against a pole to be arrested later before turning around to try and find Nightwing amid the chaos of the battlefield.
There’s a red and black heap just beyond Beast Boy, who is furiously attempting to keep the villain of the week from reaching Nightwing. Starfire is surrounded by goons beyond Jericho and although she’s trying to reach Nightwing, she’s hampered by them.
The villain is known as Bloody Mary for a reason, and her goons are all augmented by the blood magic she uses. Even Starfire is having trouble with circumventing them.
Joey looks around to see if there’s anyone else free, but Kid Flash is slumped in a corner as well, Raven defending him and Blue Beetle, Arsenal and Bumblebee are fighting back to back against another group.
Joey sprints towards Beast Boy, barrelling through the three men who try to stop him. When he arrives, Bloody Mary tries to tie him up with ropes of blood (where did she get the blood? Is it Nightwing’s? Kid Flash’s?) but she makes the mistake of locking eyes with him and Joey quickly takes control.
Her mind is tinted bright red, and Joey tastes iron as he guides her into unconsciousness. She hits the ground and he slips back to his own body, spitting out blood. It tastes like electricity and he shudders at the thought of it being Wally’s.
“Beast! Go help Starfire, I’ve got Nightwing!” Joey signs urgently and Gar transforms into a green kestrel, flying to Kori.
Joey drops to his knees beside Nightwing, who is unconscious and alarmingly pale. There’s a hole in his torso and blood is pouring out. There’s none around him though, and Joey initially takes comfort in that before realising Nightwing did lose the blood, it’s just Bloody Mary took it.
Dick’s eyes open and he arches off the ground, screaming as Joey presses down on his wound, wishing he had some sort of cloth or bandages to help stop the bleeding. Dick’s screams taper off to whimpers and he makes eye contact with Joey, relaxing slightly at the sight of a friend.
Joey can’t sign with his hands occupied on Dick’s wound but Dick seems to read his mind anyways, shaking hands opening a compartment on his utility belt that’s full of bandages. Joey risks taking one hand off of the hole in Dick’s body to grab as many of the bandages as he can and presses down hard on the injury with them.
“J-Jericho, w-w-what happened?” Dick tries to ask but Joey can’t explain with his hands occupied.
Dick gasps as Joey’s hands shift on the wound while he’s pressing on it and it seems to be the final straw. Joey’s eyes widen in alarm as Dick’s roll back in his skull, eyelids fluttering as he slips into unconsciousness again.
The noises of battle are dying down behind him but Joey doesn’t look up until the heat of Starfire at his back lets him know his team are here. Kori crouches down beside him and takes over holding the bandages to let Joey explain what’s wrong.
“He’s lost too much blood, he needs the medbay and a transfusion.” He signs quickly and Raven kneels down, hovering her hands over Dick.
“Azareth Metrion Zinthos, Azareth Metrion Zinthos.” She repeats as her hands glow. A thin barrier forms over the wound, holding Dick’s blood where it belongs.
Kori rises and takes Dick in her arms, comforting him quietly as he groans at the movement.
“I’ll take him. Gar, fly ahead and get the medbay ready.” She orders and Gar retransforms into the kestrel, zooming off towards the Tower.
Kori takes off as well and Joey turns to the others.
“How is Kid Flash?” He asks, Wally’s codename sign a lightning bolt crossed with the sign for “run”.
“He’s healing. Arsenal has him, they’re headed back to the Tower now.” Blue Beetle reports.
“And Bloody Mary?” Joey checks and Raven responds.
“Bumblebee is dealing with the cops. Bloody Mary is cuffed and ready for transport.” She tells him, softly reciting her magic over the spot Dick had been laying.
She’s scrubbing away his blood, Joey realises. She probably did the same for Wally’s as well, to ensure no one could take it and figure out their identities with DNA testing. The sight reminds him of the blood all over him right now.
Joey looks down and nearly gags at the sight of his hands. They’re absolutely covered in Dick’s blood, Dick’s life coating his hands. The blood is drying now, making his skin feel stiff. It’s all over his uniform too, and there’s so much of it. How can Dick even be alive, when all of his blood is on Joey’s hands?
Blue Beetle puts an unusually comforting hand on his shoulder.
“Nightwing’s a fighter, you know that. And he’s pulled through worse. Come on, we should head back so you can get cleaned up.” The other hero says and Joey nods, following him. He doesn’t remember the journey back to the tower or how Blue had coaxed him into the shower, but when he comes back to himself, Joey is in front of the medbay in clean clothes, all traces of blood washed away.
He takes a deep breath and pushes open the double doors, eyes automatically finding Dick, who is pale and wan but sitting up and alive.
“Hey Joey.” He says, smiling weakly, and Joey’s breath shudders out of him. He crosses the room with a few quick strides, feeling the urge to check on Dick himself, making sure he’s alive.
He slumps into the chair at Dick’s bedside, eyes flicking towards the heart monitor to reassure himself that Dick’s heart is still beating.
“How are you feeling?” Joey asks and Dick shrugs, before wincing at the sudden movement.
“Well, that was a mistake. But I’m alright, really. I’ve got a whole lot of morphine in me, and Raven did something when she got back to the Tower. I’ll be off my feet for a while longer, but I’m okay.” Dick says, and Joey relaxes for the first time in an hour.
“You had a hole in your stomach, Dick, I thought you were going to die..” Joey tells him, his hands shaking as he signs.
“Hey, hey, I’m alive okay? And I’m not going anywhere just yet, I promise.” Dick says soothingly and Joey feels tears burn in his eyes.
“ I can’t lose you, Dick” He says honestly. He doesn’t know what life would look like without Dick, but it would definitely be a lot less bright.
“Oh, Joey, sweetheart. I’m not leaving, you’re not losing me. Come here.” Dick says, reaching out an arm to him. Joey goes gladly, folding into Dick’s side, careful of his wound.
“Come on, up on the bed.” Dick coaxes him and Joey stands up, briefly mourning the loss of Dick’s warmth, before he clambers into the bed next to Dick, curling around him. Joey wriggles around a bit until his hands are free and Dick can see them clearly.
“You don’t know what you mean to me, Dick. I- please, Dick, you have to know, I have to tell you.” Joey says, shaky hands still getting his meaning across. Dick’s eyes soften, his trademark warmth directed at Joey.
“It’s okay, Joey. I love you, you know that? I really do.” He tells Joey softly and this time the tears spill over.
“I love you too.” Joey signs, putting as much emotion into his movements as he can. Dick smiles, and now, Joey can see the love in it.
“I’m a little stuck right now, but when I get out of here… do you want to get dinner?” Dick says, a small note of uncertainty in his voice. Joey leans up and after a nod of assent, he kisses it away.
“ I would love to.” He responds, before he settles down again, cuddling close to Dick. He knows the other Titans have been letting them have this time together, can feel their minds huddled outside the door, so he reaches out. Not enough to take anyone over, never his friends, but just a soft brush that lets them know they can come in.
The door opens and their friends spill in. Wally is paler than usual, his red hair stark against his skin, but he seems better. Kori has cleaned away Dick’s blood from herself, Roy free of Wally’s too, and Joey takes a calm breath. There’s no blood anymore, just them.
A soft murmur from Raven has the bed underneath him and Dick expanding, and the other Titans pile in, everyone laying a hand somewhere on Dick. Joey closes his eyes, and just breathes, revelling in the warmth and love surrounding them. The beep of Dick’s heart monitor and the quiet conversation from the other Titans lull him to sleep as he holds Dick’s hand.
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scrunkl3bunk1e · 1 year
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Alrighty then, if you want a super long post, you’ve got one.
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To start, the three gods are Apollyon, Godhead, and Zeus (OC). The realms are Azareth (Sheol), Caltrau (Cathedral), and Nirvana (Purgatory).
The hierarchy is as shown: Delirium~The Trinity~ Monarchy of Azareth~The Angel Star~Devils & Demons~Everyone else
The Delirium is the remains of the most pitiful and sad soul in the afterlife. In the current state, it’s Isaac’s dad, Abraham.
The Angel Star are Uriel, Gabriel, Raphael, Azrael (who’s been missing for years), and Samael (fallen angel). They are the elements of the realm, and Samael is the Tamer of the Realm, they (yes, they. they/him.) keep Delirium intact and stable.
The monarchy of Azareth is King Satanis, Queen Magdalena, and Prince Azazel. Yep, the Prince and Queen are your mains.
Enough about the hierarchy though. Let’s get into Isaac and his life.
Isaac was of course, a normal human boy. But when he almost dies in the box, he lives as Blubby. Isaac is no longer homeschooled (he seems more comfortable with other people, Maggy decided) and meets Laz, Sam, Eve, and Eden. Years later he meets (and falls in love with) Cain, and meets Judas. (BLUES)
He then tears off his own skin, becoming the Forgotten, and meets Fiend, Bertran, and Golem. But he later falls into a nightmare in Azareth and becomes Azazel. (VIOLETS & VIOLENCE)
With being a demon, he’s in a new class, with Fiend and his girlfriend Chilli (China!), Judas, and his sister Lilith. Isaac then gets butterflies about her and realizes that his future is with her, and she has two sons with him, Jacob and Esau. (JADE HEARTED)
Azazel meets Samael and sees his dad as Delirium, and enters Azareth to realize that he and his mother are the queen and prince. Then Cain and Judas fall in love just to spite him for breaking Cain’s heart in V&V. To be continued. (GOLDEN GLARE)
Look, yeah. This is still a WIP of a story, but yep! Azazel’s a prince who’s gone through lots of pain, and just wants to make it through happily.
Just think of Through the Sea of Time playing here, I’ll have to update this as the story goes along.
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blubael · 2 years
Half-Body of my oc Azareth. I didn't feel like drawing the rest of the arms.
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