#az anthology
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Here's my 2025 wishlist, including projects I'm currently working on:
Finish Simple Math
Finish Melos
Finish AIV
Start a new COD anthology ( ghoap/fem reader maybe?)
Finish the Horror and the Wild (fae!Simon baby bargain fic)
Finish Saudade (suicidal reader and Simon)
Start an Az anthology (single mom reader)
Finish the Same Deep Water as You (ghoap/female reader terminal illness fic)
Finish both Cosmic Love and Long & Lost (finally wrapping that specific fae au up)
None of this includes one shots, or a potential new long for fic (I have a few ideas rolling around for all the COD guys, ghoap/reader, and Az), and sounds like a lot but I wrote about 300k words in 2024 so I guess we'll see.
This also doesn't take into account what could happen if the Sandman makes it to Netflix in 2025.
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Hey there! Here's a random question, as a person tuned into the webcomic scene—do you have any idea what happened to "Templar AZ"? One day like a decade ago I went to check the site and it was down. I've never heard anything about it, and my sense is that the author is still very much on the scene
The author, Spike Trotman, is extremely on the scene. Like, Wikipedia Page on the scene. She's the owner of Iron Circus comics, where she published various anthology books on Kickstarter. She left Kickstarter over its flirting with crypto, and pretty much put BackerKit on the map with her hugely successful campaign from her new animation studio:
So, y'know, she's doing all right.
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Aro Writing Collection
Happy Aromantic Spectrum Visibility Day, I wanted to share some resources to find aromantic books/poetry/writing of any kind
A Carnival of Aros
Aro Worlds fiction
AZE Journal
The Aro Zine
Arospec Poetry Network (and their zine collection)
Aro & Ace books database
Queer Books database
Queer Fiction Book database
Aromantic stories recommended by Claudie Arseneault
AUREA's resources page
Aromantic books and no romance books on @aroaessidhe
Aromantic books on @aro-who-reads
Aro friendly media, Aggressively Arospectacular, and Aggressively Arospec Week on @aggressivelyarospec
@arospecfanworksweek for aro fanworks
Also I'm adding Commons Bonds as a book rec. It's a spec fic anthology of aromantic/platonic-focused works (you can find it in the aro books lists/databases linked above too)
If anyone has other things to add let me know!
(and thanks to @haveievermentioned for some of the recs)
#aro#aromantic#arospec#actually aromantic#aro writing#aro books#resource#aromantic spectrum#aromantic spectrum visibility day#to read
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2025 Translation Tuesday Entry - 08/52 Title: Князь Тишины (The Knyaz'/Prince of Silence) Artist: Наутилус Помпилиус (Nautilus Pompilius) Album: Невидимка (The Invisible, 1985)
По лунному свету блуждаю, посвистывая (Under the moonlight I roam, whistling,) Но только оглядываться мы не должны (But we must not look back around.) Идёт, идёт, идёт вс��ед за мной (He comes, he comes, he comes, following behind me,) Вышиной в десять сажень добрейший князь (Standing ten sazhens* tall, the kindest of princes,) Князь тишины (The prince of silence) Добрейший князь — Князь тишины (The kindest of princes, the prince of silence.)
Мой князь, Князь тишины (My prince, the prince of silence,) Мой князь, Князь тишины (My prince, the prince of silence,) Мой князь, Князь тишины (My prince, the prince of silence,) Мой князь, Князь тишины (My prince, the prince of silence.)
И горе мне, если впал я в безмолвие (And woe is me, if I should fall silent,) Или уставился на лик луны (Or gaze up at the moon's visage.) Стон, треск — стон, треск, (A groan, a crash - a groan, and a crash,) Растоптал бы меня, (He would crush me,) Растоптал моментально, добрейший князь (Crush me in an instant, the kindest of princes,) Князь тишины (The prince of silence) Добрейший князь — Князь тишины (The kindest of princes, the prince of silence.)
Мой князь, Князь тишины (My prince, the prince of silence,) Мой князь, Князь тишины (My prince, the prince of silence,) Мой князь, Князь тишины (My prince, the prince of silence,) Мой князь, Князь тишины (My prince, the prince of silence.)
*. - A sazhen (сажень) is an old unit of measurement, roughly 2.1m or 7 feet.
Ah, good old Нау (Nau)! 🥰 If you have any knowledge of Russia in the 80s-90s, chances are very high you know this band, or have been exposed to their music (perhaps without you knowing it). If you've ever watched Брат (Brother, 1997) you immediately know what's up, since part of the protagonist's story involves tracking down an album from this band, and their songs form most of the film's OST.
Established in 1982 by Vyacheslav Butusov and Dmitry Umetsky (both born in 1961), Наутилус Помпилиус (Nautilus Pompilius) cut a blaze through the most productive years of late-Soviet rock. They went from self-publishing their first albums underground at the beginning of the 80s to reaching the height of their popularity by the end of the decade - even after their disbandment in 1997, owing to creative differences between the musicians of the band, they remain legendary to this way. They've had several reunions since then, and Butusov retains a solo career.
But today's commentary isn't about the band's history. This version of 'Князь тишины' isn't actually what most people recall when they hear the title. The version released four years later is much more famous, and serves as the title of their 1989 album:
The lyrics are same across both versions. The overall structure of the song is, too, even though the 1989 version is clearly more polished and the 1985 version is more... janky, I suppose? 😬 It couldn't be any other way, since in 1985 Nautilus Pompilius was playing in small festivals and had just settled into their sound, whereas the recording of Князь Тишины (1989) marked the first time the band had ever been in a professional recording studio.
But this song was cooking for a long time before any of that. In 1982 Butusov 'accidentally' came across an anthology of 17-19th century Hungarian poetry. He adapted some material from it into the earlier albums, but one particular poem grabbed his attention: 'In Front of Good Prince Silence' by Endre Ady. I append the original Hungarian text and the English translation below, sourced from this page here:
Jó Csönd-herceg előtt
Holdfény alatt járom az erdőt. Vacog a fogam s fütyörészek. Hátam mögött jön tíz-öles Jó Csönd-herceg És jaj nekem, ha visszanézek.
Óh, jaj nekem, ha elnémulnék, Vagy fölbámulnék, föl a Holdra: Egy jajgatás, egy roppanás. Jó Csönd-herceg Nagyot lépne és eltiporna.
In Front of Good Prince Silence
Through my chattering teeth I whistle, Walking the woods on a moonlit track. Sixty foot tall, looming behind me, Good Prince Silence Follows and woe if I dare look back
Woe is me if I ceased my whistling, Or I stared at the moon, even tried: Sound of a wail and a snap - and - Good Prince Silence Would trample me down with a stride.
Everything in the poem made it directly through to 'Князь тишины'. I think it's the only song with the anthology's material where that happened. Butusov was clearly deeply taken with the existential weight of the poem, interpreting the figure of Prince Silence on one occasion as Jesus Christ. Apparently this is his favourite song from the NP repertoire; right now, I still prefer their nineties stuff a little more, but I admit 'Князь тишины' and their earliest work have grown on me since I began this project.
I'm one of the people who prefers the 1985 version, too. The vocal quality isn't the best, true, but I think the roughness of the instrumentation goes perfectly with the lyrics. It adds a note of imposing dread to the figure of Prince Silence, which is in line with Endre Ady's own comment on the matter:
"The good Prince Silence is not a wicked prince; it is the greatest power, and I was thinking not only of when you go alone by night and frighten off the terrible, fearsome silence, but also that it would be all up with me if ever in my life I allowed a silence dreader than Death to descend upon me." (Endre Ady, 1910)
#русский тамблер#langblr#russian language#russian music#Наутилус Помпилиус#nautilus pompilius#Князь Тишины#the prince of silence#russian translation#translation tuesday#audio#translation
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I went on another great adventure club field trip this weekend! The highlight was this friendly roadrunner. It was so close I could’ve touched it.
The petroglyphs were cool too! They were made by the indigenous Hohokam people who lived in central AZ from 500-1450 CE. I did some research so I could teach the kids a little history before the hike. I think the context helped them understand better why we shouldn’t touch the rocks.
The whole thing reminded me of one of the stories in Never Whistle at Night (indigenous horror anthology) which takes place at a petroglyph site in the four corners region. I can’t remember what the story was called so if you’ve read it, lmk! If you haven’t read this anthology, go check it out!!
3 miles out-and-back
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Grand Traxelektor 2024 / 3 – „Sense”
Ahogy a „Mind” a midtempo, „Move!” az uptempo, úgy a harmadik, éves válogatás a downtempo világa, trip-hop, kortárs elektronika, ambient, drone, field recordings, a neve: „Sense”. Teljes hossza 8 óra 30 perc, és 103 felvételből áll.
Grand Traxelektor 2024 / 3 – „Sense” Spotify Playlist
A Spotify-on csak 90 felvétel található meg a 103-ból, főleg a Tradecraft három remeke érzékeny veszteség (87%).
Grand Traxelektor 2024 / 3 – „Sense” – Full Playlist
36 - Discrete Time [Reality Engine, Past Inside the Present] AceMo - Moblu's Creation [Moblu, Sonic Messengers] Actress - Mellow Checx [Statik, Smalltown Supersound] Actress - Six [Statik, Smalltown Supersound] Akmuo - Longing For Light (Original Mix)[Clairvoyant Perception, Huinali] Al Wootton - Their Towers Are Desolate [Lifted From The Earth, Berceuse Heroique] Alva Noto - Noh Human [Hybr:ID III, Noton] Alva Noto - Sync Dark [Hybr:ID III, Noton] Alva Noto - Xerrox Ascent I [Xerrox Vol.5, Noton] Alva Noto - Xerrox Topia [Xerrox Vol.5, Noton] Andrei Rusu - I've Lost Controm (Philipp Otterbach Remix)[I've Lost Control, Malka Tuti] ASC & Sam KDC - Casting Shadows [Surfacing, Auxiliary] Baishui - The Hungry Fisherman 飢餓的船夫 [VA - Anthology Of Contemporary Music From Far East, Unexplained Sounds Group] Behrang Mohammadi - Tears Only Fall from the Right Eye (Philipp Odd Dub Bach Remix)[WUB003, WARNING] Big Yawn - The Voice [NGBE, Research] Billow Observatory - Garden of Four Streams [Billow Observatory, Felte] Boundary - Son Quienes Cortan los Cielos Grises [Oxido En El Espejo, Exotic Robotics] Brainbeats - Music Brings Us Together [Ubiquity, Virtual Forest] Brendon Moeller - Bask [Signal, Constellation Tatsu] Brendon Moeller - Precipice [Signal, Constellation Tatsu] Celia Hollander - Water / Water [Perfect Conditions, Self-Released] Chateau Flight - Clair de Lunea a Mykonos [La Folie Studio, Versatile] Chateau Flight - Theatre de Verdure [La Folie Studio, Versatile] Civilistjävel! - VII (Brödföda)[Brödföda, FELT] Concepción Huerta - The Sacredness: Minerals & Rhizome [The Earth Has Memory, Elevator Bath] Contours feat. Abel Selaocoe & Rebekah Reid - Elevation 2 [Elevations, Music From Memory] Đ.K. - Lights in the Mist [Spiral Shape, Worship] Ddroga - Red Hypergiant Stars [Future Nature, Future Sounds] Donato Dozzy - Velluto[Magda, Spazio Disponibile] Dub Squad - Blown Fruit (1999)[VA - Virtual Dreams II - Ambient Explorations In The House & Techno Age, Japan 1993-1999, Music From Memory] Entire - Midnight Circles [Midnight Tribes, Splot] E-Saggila - Stalking Star [Gamma Tag, Northern Electronics] Evitceles - Flawed [Erosion, Repulse Xplosif] Evitceles - Transparent Abstinence [Erosion, Repulse Xplosif] Evitceles - Within A Haze [Erosion, Repulse Xplosif] Fennesz - Personare [Mosaic, Touch]
Gazelle Twin - This House (Sealionwoman Mix)[Shadow Dogs, Invada] Ghost Lemurs - Bios [Wombs and Alien Spirits, Haunter] Holy Tongue & Shackleton - The Other Side of the Bridge [The Tumbling Psychic Joy of Now, AD 93] HVL - Far Field [Far Field, Delsin] Jay Glass Dubs - The Best Lawn in the Neighborhood [DJ HUMBLE (Expanded Edition), Extended Techniques] Jay Glass Dubs - The Power to Eat Colours [DJ HUMBLE (Expanded Edition), Extended Techniques] Jeff Mills - Mass Hypnosis [The Eye Witness, Axis] Jeff Mills - When Time Stops [The Trip - Enter the Black Hole, Axis] Jichael Mackson - Welcome [Wait for It, Ilian Tape] Ka Baird - Gate IX [Bearings Soundtracks For The Bardos, Rvng Intl.] Kali Malone - Fastened Maze [All Life Long, Ideologic Organ] Kalumet - Kronosphere (Moon Patrol Remix)[Kronosphere, Oslated] Kate Carr - The Bins Being Emptied Somewhere Near Twickenham [Midsummer, London, Persistence of Sound] Kate Carr - Transit Interlude (Vibrations Obscuring Conversations) [Midsummer, London, Persistence of Sound] Kazuya Ishigami - Quantum Mind [VA - Anthology Of Contemporary Music From Far East, Unexplained Sounds Group] Konduku - Hafif [Ebedi, Nous'klaer Audio] L.B. Dub Corp feat. Baal & Mortimer - Golden Star [Saturn to Home, Dekmantel] Lawrence - Blue Moon (Zoe Polanski Version)[Epiphany Remixes, Giegling] LBWL - Two (Original Mix)[crossed parallels, ant-zen] Lee Scratch Perry - Evil Generation [King Perry, False Idols] Lewis Spybey - Boot Island Twin [LEWISPYBEY, Up] Li Yilei - Pillow, Mantra and Trance [Nonage, Métron] Li Yilei - Pond, Grief and Glee [Nonage, Métron] Lia Kohl - Ignition, Sneakers [Normal Sounds, Moon Glyph] Lia Kohl & Ka Baird - Car Alarm, Turn Signal [Normal Sounds, Moon Glyph] Lucid Dreams - Clairvoyance [Mesmerism, UVB-76 Music] Lucid Dreams - Reincarnation [Mesmerism, UVB-76 Music]
Maelstrom feat. Fasme - Res 06 [The FM Tapes, Central Processing Unit] Mars89 & Seekersinternational - Come Round Ya [Dangerous Combination, Nocturnal Technology] Masaka Masaka - Cut Right Through [Barely Making Much, Hakuna Kulala] Maya Ongaku - Meiso Ongaku 2 [Electronic Phantoms, Guruguru Brain] Meemo Comma - Journey to the Sphere [Decimation Of I, Planet Mu] Monolake - Global Transport [Studio, Monolake / Imbalance Computer Music] MPU101 - JAN24onNE375 [MPU105, Ilian Tape] MPU101 - klubTG33 [MPU105, Ilian Tape] MPU101 - rioria juice [MPU104, Ilian Tape] MPU101 - sunset memories [MPU104, Ilian Tape] MPU101 - vanlife 702 ABCD [MPU104, Ilian Tape] Multiples - Two Hours or Something [Two Hours or Something, Stoor] Nic Arizona - Akalaton (Tapan at War Remix)[Shavua Tov Remixed, Malka Tuti] Nicolas Jaar - El Azar [Piedras 2, Other People] Not Waving & Romance - Let the One Love Tomorrow Who Has Never Loved and Let the One Who Has Loved Love Tomorrow [Infinite Light, Ecstatic] Ohm & Kvadrant - Precious Little Diamond (Deadbeat Remix)[Treasure Of King's Garden, Kontakt] Open Yellow Circle - Dark Blue Trees[New Meridian, Optimo Music] Open Yellow Circle - Hiraeth[New Meridian, Optimo Music] Paranoid London feat. Jennifer Touch - Touch the State of That [Arseholes, Liars, and Electronic Pioneers, Paranoid London] Priori feat. Sabola - Learn To Fly [This But More, NAFF] Rainsoft - Nature Resonance (Original Mix)[Nature Resonance, Oslated] Sangre Nueva & Kelman Duran - Laine [Versus, Club Romantico] Scanner - Lithargea [Alchemeia, Alltagsmusik] Seefeel - Antiskeptic [Everything Squared, Warp] Seefeel - Sky Hooks [Everything Squared, Warp] Smackos - Curved Moog Under a Raincloud [Once a Mirror, Perspektif] Smackos - Snowdonia Reverb not so Uncanny [Once a Mirror, Perspektif] Soreab - Untitled - Graft 03 - A [Graft 03, Graft] The Black Dog - Sleep Deprivation 22 Well, Do They [Dreamless Sleep, Dust Science] The Mole - Boulevard [High Hopes, Circus Company] Tradecraft - Black Mist [The Body Needs Purpose, Berceuse Heroique] Tradecraft - The Urgency Pt. I [The Body Needs Purpose, Berceuse Heroique] Tradecraft - The Urgency Pt. II [The Body Needs Purpose, Berceuse Heroique] V/Z, Valentina Magaletti & Zongamin - All The Rest of It [Kuboraum Sound Residency, Kuboraum Editions] Violence Gratuite - Iséo [Baleine à Boss, Hakuna Kulala] Vril - Lost Together [Far Field, Delsin] Wanderwelle - Ondergrondse verbindingen [Wat gebeurde er met sergeant Massuro?, Maalstroom Netherlands] Wanderwelle - Ongeloof in Kamer 3 [Wat gebeurde er met sergeant Massuro?, Maalstroom Netherlands] Years Of Denial - Art Break (Supreme Low Remix)[Suicide Disco Vol.2 Remixes, VEYL]

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#zene#zeneajánló#underground#electronic#music#traxelektor#intelligent dance music#spotify#grand traxelektor#Spotify
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imjarok church names #1
A Abbey About Account Acemoglu Actress Additional Adorn After Again Agree Aim Air Akkadian Albright Album All Also Amend American Americans An Ana And Anniversaries Announcements Ansbach Anthology Anyone Appearance Apply Appointed Approximately Aprikian Archibald Archive Are Area Areas Armed Article Articles As Ashes Ashley Ask Asturianu At Attribution Automatic Autry Available Awarded Az B Bach Back Bad Bahasa Band Bandai Base Based Basic Battle Be Bears Become Becoming Below Beta Between Body Bokmål Born Bosanski Both Britain Broader Buffer But By C Cahill California Call Cambridge Can Canada Cantata Caroline Català Cent Central Ceremony Cfl Chang Charles Chicago Chief Children Chorale Chowdhury Christian Churchill Churchill's Civil Class Clipper Coalition Code Collection College Colonies Color Commons Communion Community Comparative Conduct Conference Conflict Constitution Contact Content Control Cookie Coordination Core Costume Cottontail Could Crashed Create Creative Creatures Credit Critics Crowned César D Dahl Dansk Dark Daron Daughter Daughter's Day Days De'montre Dear Death Deaths Debut Debuted Degree Denied Derailed Desert Desk Deutsch Dev Developed Developers Development Devil Dich Dictionary Did Directory Disclaimers Discussions Donate Downtown Drama During E Earned Ears Economic Edit Editing Editors Education Educational Eesti Election Elevated Email Encyclopedia Encyclopedic End English Entered Entertainment Español Esperanto Europa European Euskara Express Extremely Failed Fall Featured Features Film Firefight First Follows For Force Forces Forum Foundation Founded Founder Four Fourth Français Free From Front Frysk Fulford Full Future Gaeilge Galego Game Game's Gameplay Games Garbis García Gare Gaza Gene General George Ginés González Government Great Guard Guide Hamas Has He Help Herbert Hermética Hezbollah Hill His History Holding Honours Horror Hosted Hosts House Hrvatski Hub Hymn Icy Ii In Inc Include Including Incumbent Indonesia Indonesian Infest Insistence Interactive International Into Invasion Investigate Iraq Iraqi Iron Is Israel Israeli Issues It Italiano Its Itself J Jamaludin James Johnson Joined Joseph June Jupiter Killed King Know Knowledge Kurdî Landing Languages Large Largest Latter Latviešu Launched Lead Leader Learning Led Legislator Leipzig Liberal Library License Liebe Lietuvių Light Links List Listed Locally Lockdown Locomotive Log Logo Lords Lost Luis
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Remi Wolf Unveils Genre-Defying Sophomore Album ‘Big Ideas’ – Listen Now!

Remi Wolf has cemented her status as a trailblazer in alternative pop with her sophomore album, ‘Big Ideas,’ released via Island Records. The album, available now, represents a bold step forward, showcasing Wolf's artistic growth and willingness to defy conventions. ‘Big Ideas’ is a testament to Wolf’s refined craftsmanship, exemplified by the focus track “Soup.” This 80s synth-pop influenced power ballad, released earlier this week with an accompanying visualizer, highlights her superlative songwriting abilities. The track features vibrant synth chords and disco-esque percussion, creating a perfect backdrop for Wolf’s soulful vocals to express the agony of heartbreak. Her lyrics weave moments of self-realization and maturity with playful delusion, capturing the struggle of holding onto a fading relationship. Earlier this year, Wolf generated buzz with the release of the album's lead single “Cinderella,” a disco-rock bop that set the tone for the album’s genre-blending exploration. This was followed by other tracks like “Toro,” “Alone in Miami,” and “Motorcycle,” each revealing more layers of her ambitious project. “Soup explores my relationship to commitment and follow through. If you ever really wanted to be there for someone fully but ended up getting drunk on a rooftop instead, Soup is for you!” says Wolf. She describes "Big Ideas" as her "mid-20s coming of age album," documenting wild nights, complex relationships, and her evolving thoughts on identity and purpose. "Big Ideas" propels Wolf to new artistic heights, showcasing her honed sense of self and musicianship. The album is a heartfelt anthology of vibrant, life-altering tracks that solidify her place in the music world. Following her critically acclaimed debut album "Juno" in 2021, Wolf’s rise has been meteoric. She has performed at major festivals like Coachella, Lollapalooza, and Bonnaroo, sold out tours across North America and Europe, and opened for renowned artists such as Lorde and Paramore. Recently, she toured with Olivia Rodrigo on the European leg of the "GUTS World Tour," performing at iconic venues like The O2 in London and Accor Arena in Paris. In support of "Big Ideas," Remi Wolf will appear on Jimmy Kimmel Live! on July 18th and embark on her international headlining tour starting September 10th. For a full list of tour dates, visit her official website or follow her on social media. "Big Ideas" is available on all major streaming platforms. Listen below: BIG IDEAS TOUR DATES https://www.remiwolf.com/ September 10 — Santa Barbara Bowl — Santa Barbara, CA September 11 — Frost Amphitheater — Stanford, CA September 13 — Edgefield — Troutdale, OR September 14 — The Orpheum — Vancouver, BC September 18 — Palace Theatre — St. Paul, MN September 19 — Aragon Ballroom — Chicago, IL September 20 — Royal Oak Music Theatre — Royal Oak, MI September 22 — Kemba Live (fka Express Live) — Columbus, OH September 24 — MGM Music Hall at Fenway — Boston, MA September 26 — Stage AE — Pittsburgh, PA September 27 — The Fillmore Philadelphia — Philadelphia, PA September 28 — All Things Go Festival — Columbia, MD October 1 — Kings Theatre — Brooklyn, NY October 2 — Kings Theatre — Brooklyn, NY October 4 — Rabbit Rabbit — Asheville, NC October 5 — Marathon Music Works — Nashville, TN October 7 — The Eastern — Atlanta, GA October 8 — The Eastern — Atlanta, GA October 11-13 — Austin City Limits - Austin, TX October 15 — Arizona Financial Theatre — Phoenix, AZ October 16 — The Greek Theatre — Los Angeles, CA November 28 — 02 Academy — Leeds, UK November 29 — Barrowland Ballroom — Glasgow, UK December 1 — National Stadium — Dublin, IRL December 2 — Albert Hall — Manchester, UK December 4 — 02 Academy — Bristol, UK December 5 — 02 Academy Brixton — London, UK Read the full article
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Remi Wolf Unveils Genre-Defying Sophomore Album ‘Big Ideas’ – Listen Now!

Remi Wolf has cemented her status as a trailblazer in alternative pop with her sophomore album, ‘Big Ideas,’ released via Island Records. The album, available now, represents a bold step forward, showcasing Wolf's artistic growth and willingness to defy conventions. ‘Big Ideas’ is a testament to Wolf’s refined craftsmanship, exemplified by the focus track “Soup.” This 80s synth-pop influenced power ballad, released earlier this week with an accompanying visualizer, highlights her superlative songwriting abilities. The track features vibrant synth chords and disco-esque percussion, creating a perfect backdrop for Wolf’s soulful vocals to express the agony of heartbreak. Her lyrics weave moments of self-realization and maturity with playful delusion, capturing the struggle of holding onto a fading relationship. Earlier this year, Wolf generated buzz with the release of the album's lead single “Cinderella,” a disco-rock bop that set the tone for the album’s genre-blending exploration. This was followed by other tracks like “Toro,” “Alone in Miami,” and “Motorcycle,” each revealing more layers of her ambitious project. “Soup explores my relationship to commitment and follow through. If you ever really wanted to be there for someone fully but ended up getting drunk on a rooftop instead, Soup is for you!” says Wolf. She describes "Big Ideas" as her "mid-20s coming of age album," documenting wild nights, complex relationships, and her evolving thoughts on identity and purpose. "Big Ideas" propels Wolf to new artistic heights, showcasing her honed sense of self and musicianship. The album is a heartfelt anthology of vibrant, life-altering tracks that solidify her place in the music world. Following her critically acclaimed debut album "Juno" in 2021, Wolf’s rise has been meteoric. She has performed at major festivals like Coachella, Lollapalooza, and Bonnaroo, sold out tours across North America and Europe, and opened for renowned artists such as Lorde and Paramore. Recently, she toured with Olivia Rodrigo on the European leg of the "GUTS World Tour," performing at iconic venues like The O2 in London and Accor Arena in Paris. In support of "Big Ideas," Remi Wolf will appear on Jimmy Kimmel Live! on July 18th and embark on her international headlining tour starting September 10th. For a full list of tour dates, visit her official website or follow her on social media. "Big Ideas" is available on all major streaming platforms. Listen below: BIG IDEAS TOUR DATES https://www.remiwolf.com/ September 10 — Santa Barbara Bowl — Santa Barbara, CA September 11 — Frost Amphitheater — Stanford, CA September 13 — Edgefield — Troutdale, OR September 14 — The Orpheum — Vancouver, BC September 18 — Palace Theatre — St. Paul, MN September 19 — Aragon Ballroom — Chicago, IL September 20 — Royal Oak Music Theatre — Royal Oak, MI September 22 — Kemba Live (fka Express Live) — Columbus, OH September 24 — MGM Music Hall at Fenway — Boston, MA September 26 — Stage AE — Pittsburgh, PA September 27 — The Fillmore Philadelphia — Philadelphia, PA September 28 — All Things Go Festival — Columbia, MD October 1 — Kings Theatre — Brooklyn, NY October 2 — Kings Theatre — Brooklyn, NY October 4 — Rabbit Rabbit — Asheville, NC October 5 — Marathon Music Works — Nashville, TN October 7 — The Eastern — Atlanta, GA October 8 — The Eastern — Atlanta, GA October 11-13 — Austin City Limits - Austin, TX October 15 — Arizona Financial Theatre — Phoenix, AZ October 16 — The Greek Theatre — Los Angeles, CA November 28 — 02 Academy — Leeds, UK November 29 — Barrowland Ballroom — Glasgow, UK December 1 — National Stadium — Dublin, IRL December 2 — Albert Hall — Manchester, UK December 4 — 02 Academy — Bristol, UK December 5 — 02 Academy Brixton — London, UK Read the full article
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Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. jan. 29 – feb. 4.)
Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. jan. 29 – feb. 4.) - https://metalindex.hu/2024/02/06/femjelzes-a-het-ujdonsagai-2024-jan-29-feb-4/ -
Százötven lemez sorakozik az alábbi listában, a múlt heti kínálatot foglalva össze vele az underground színtér minden szegletéből.
A Lucid Nightmare – Effigy (groove/thrash metal/crossover) Absent Memory – Hour of Sorrow (atmoszferikus post-black metal) Abyss – Chapel (doom metal) Ad Nihilum – An Escape for the Guilty (atmoszferikus black/doom/death metal) Aldern – Concoction of Madness (melodikus death metal/metalcore) Amimia – Amimia (atmoszferikus/post-black metal/shoegaze) Amuleto de Calamidades – Reflections in the Profound Mortality of Life (black metal) Ansia – Il tuo culo preso a calci (crossover/hardcore/thrash metal) Araduous – Hymns of a Lost Past (atmoszferikus black metal) Arcane Lich – Labyrinthia (nyers black metal) Arcane Tales – Until Where the Northern Lights Reign (power/szimfonikus metal) Archbeheth – Corruption (black metal/dark ambient) Arkhaeth – Profound Lore of the Ashen Specters (black metal) Askel – Cycles of Ruin (sludge/post-metal) Astral Fortress – In My Final Days… (atmoszferikus black metal) Astral Spectre – Ars Notoria (black/heavy metal) Atomic Bomb Blood Orgy – Beyond the Sea (groove/thrash metal/crossover) Axiomatic Dematerialization – Absolute Elimination of Existence (slam/brutális death metal) Baazlvaat – Ridiculed by the Common Soldiery (black/folk metal/hard rock) Bane of Havoc – Resistance (heavy/power metal) Bipolar Architecture – Metaphysicize (post-metal) Black Groove – Low End Scum (doom/sludge metal/hardcore) Black Tears of the Fallen – Mirroring (epikus doom/gothic metal) Blood Infection – …of Rome and Its Aberrations (death metal) Blutraum – Sic Semper Tyrannis (black metal) Breath of Wind – Journey Through the Galaxy (atmoszferikus black metal) Buer – Satanic Terror (nyers black metal) Burguul – Make a Change… Kill Yourself (depresszív black metal) Burning the Forgotten – Those with the Rotten Souls (melodikus death metal) Chimera – What Was Sundered and Undone (nyers black metal) Cinereous Rain – Chaos and Extinction (black/death metal) Count Dirtbagulous – Under a Freezing Hog (avantgárd black metal/dungeon synth) Crungus – Crungus (black/death metal) Crushing the Scepter – Inhumed (doom/black metal) Dark Haven – IV (melodikus death metal) Darkness My Desire – Irminsul (black metal) Deadyellow – What Was Left of Them (post-black metal) Deathropy – Deathropy (melodikus death metal) Demenzia Mortis – La forêt des pendus (blackened death metal) Demon Seizure – Murder Tales (stoner/groove metal) Desecrated Angel – Snuff Film (death metal) Devine Defilement – Age of Atrocities (death metal/deathcore) Diamond Falcon – Gates of Hell (heavy metal) Dinkxn – Why Doesn’t It Get Better? (depresszív black metal) Dissonanz – △ (black metal) Dom Zły – Ku pogrzebaniu serc (post-black metal/crust) Dropthehammer – Greed Misery (death metal/grindcore) Drunemeton – Tir nan Og (pogány/black metal) Dwarrowdelf – The Fallen Leaves (epikus black metal) Eagle of Woes – Revelation (melodikus death metal) Earthen – Unrelenting (heavy/doom metal) Electric Animal – Fortress of Fog (dungeon synth/black metal) Ensom – Poimandres (szimfonikus black metal) Enterprise Earth – Death: An Anthology (deathcore) Ethir Anduin – Глухомань (black/doom metal/rock) Everrime – One (szimfonikus metal) Falout – When the Past Hits Back (thrash metal/punk/hard rock) Fellbeast – Blessed by Darkness in Shadows We Dwell (black/doom metal) Fin de una Era – Evolution (szimfonikus power metal) From Frost – Songs of Darker Days (heavy/groove metal) Fullmoon Rite – Draped in the Shade of Luciferian Light (black metal) Geistwolfe – Geistwolfe (nyers black metal) Giliath – Sefiroth (black metal) GloomWitch – Exploring the Deepest Parts of the Galaxy (black metal) Goaß – Cruxifucked (black/death metal) Goddamn Gringos – Gnarled Remains of Decency (death/black metal) Golden Core – Kosmos brenner (progresszív stoner metal) Gore War – Terror Days (death metal) Gorthon – Cut to the Bone (sludge/doom metal) Graywitch – Children of Gods (heavy metal) Hadad – Digitaria (death metal) Hail Conjurer – Satanic Phenomenology (black metal) Hatskrømt – Riddergrav (black metal) Hollow Woods – Like Twisted Bones of Fallen Giants (black metal) Hutan – Forest Spirit (black metal) Hysteria – Heretic, Sadistic and Sexual Ecstasy… (melodikus blackened death metal) If It Bleeds It Dies – Astaroth (szimfonikus black/death metal/deathcore) Impostor – Jardín de cadáveres (groove/thrash metal) Incest Breath – Keeping the Bloodline Pure (death/thrash metal/punk) Into the Ashes – Consumed by the Negative Dimension (brutális/technikás death metal) Iptanarrud – My Suicide (depresszív black metal) Iskaldur – Fallen World (black metal) Jackalhead – Dreamweaver (heavy metal) Kasturn – The Torchbearer Fades (nyers black metal) KentuCH – Hail to the King (groove metal/hard rock) Khabra – Blood Necrology (death metal) Klysma – Death (slam/brutális death metal) Koersive – An Emperor’s Will (melodikus/progresszív thrash/death metal) Kolac – Kolac (black metal) Lampray – Litho-râles (progresszív black/death metal) Leyendas de Cierzo – De cierzo y Carcosa (power/szimfonikus metal) Light Outreached – Ethereal Travel (industrial szimfonikus black/death metal) Litosth – Cesariana (melodikus black/death metal) Magnertron – Amplified Assault (death/thrash metal) Massacre – Tri-pocalypse (EP) (death metal) Mastectomy – Devil Incarnates in Us (brutális death metal) Mezereum – Mezereum III (black metal) Mind Conflict – Temple of God (death metal/hardcore) Mixomatosis – Humanidad putrefacta (death metal/grindcore) Mörghuul – Domination of the Beast (blackened thrash/speed metal) Nàire – The Age of Man (atmoszferikus sludge metal/crust) Necrowretch – Swords of Dajjal (death/black metal) Niemaracz – The Tales of the Dense Forest (stoner/blackened heavy metal) Nlorgpipe – Warmen of the Stars (nyers black metal) Obsidian Shrine – Dereliction of Divinity (black metal) Paradox’ Mysticism – The Kryptic Hymns of Kosmic Labyrinths (black metal) Perveration – Putrefaction of Infinite Apogee (brutális death metal) Phobetor – Scopolamine Dreams (black metal) Planet 666 – Road Trip Through the Alien Wasteland (sludge/stoner metal) Prediction of the Witch – Sworn into the Void (heavy/groove metal) Project Arcadia – Of Sins and Other Tales (heavy/power metal) Raped by Zombies – Night of the Undead Orgy (slam/brutális death metal) Raping Christ – Spill the Blood of the Lamb (black metal) Re-Arise – Revive (heavy metal/hard rock) Redención Zero – Megalomanía (heavy metal) Reflet Crépusculaire – Vanished Scripts (nyers black metal) Sanguine Imperator – I Am Death (death metal) Seeds of Loss – Pale Sulphur (black metal) Sickening – The Death King (brutális death metal) Silent Fracture – All Life Suffers (melodikus death metal/metalcore) Silent Stream of Godless Elegy – Jiná (doom/folk metal) Sinistrum – Infernal Dawn (death/thrash metal) Sinnahti – The Virtue of Dying (black metal) Skogarmaor – Sanger av Skogarmaor (szimfonikus black/death/doom metal) Snares of Impurity – Eliterian Tyranny (nyers black metal) Solbrud – IIII (black metal) Soulmass – Principality of Mechanical Violence (death/doom metal) Stages of Decomposition – Raptures of Psychopathy (brutális death metal) Stash Hag – The Lava Levels (sludge/doom metal) Striker – Ultrapower (heavy/power metal) Taival – Journey to Beyond (black metal) Tekeli-Li – Return to Innsmouth (doom metal) Tellus Terror – Deathinitive Love Atmosfear (experimental death metal/deathcore) The Initiation – The Roar of the Abyss (black metal) The Lumbar Endeavor – The Dead Sea (doom/sludge metal) Tinja – Poluterror Emperor (brutális death metal/goregrind) Troy the Band – Cataclysm (stoner/doom metal) Unaussprechlichen Kulten – Häxan Sabaoth (death metal) Vægtløs – Afrtyk (atmsopheric post-black metal/shoegaze) Veiled Metamorphosis – Tentacled Void of Infinity (funeral doom/sludge metal) Verflucht – Damnation, Ruin, Famine (black metal) Vertebrae Fetish Totem – Alchemy (death/doom metal) Vrøde – Ostracized (black/folk metal) Wandering Oak – Resilience (progresszív heavy/black/folk metal) Weedow – Weedow (stoner/doom metal) Wolven Daughter – Gospel of the Claw (nyers black metal) Worhs – La grande poisseuse (black metal/experimental) Wytches Moon – Grimoire II: Magick (pszichedelikus doom/stoner metal/rock) Yajtay – Ayniy Kawsaypa (black metal)
0 notes
Last Song: Hang on, lemme check my youtube history... Kayama from Karl Jenkins' 'Songs of Sanctuary' album (I prefer the 'Symphonic Adiemus' version personally, but this one's not bad)
Favourite Colour: Blue and purple, especially deep, rich, saturated tones
Last Book: 'Keys from the Golden Vault', an official anthology of D&D heist-type adventures. Before that, 'Designing Terry Pratchett's Discworld' by Paul Kidby
Last movie: Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves
Last TV show: Doctor Who -- the whole Classic series is up on iPlayer and I'm working through from the very beginning! :D It's fascinating to track the Doctor's character arc and relate it to the influence of his human companions (especially Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright <3)
Sweet/Savoury/Spicy: I like 'em all, but I've noticed my sweet tooth diminishing a bit as I enter early middle age
Relationship status: So intensely aromantic and asexual that those kinds of attraction are marginally less comprehensible than yer average eldritch abomination -- I don't have the spoons for, or any interest in, being anything other than single XD
Last thing I Googled: 'british sign language translator', for purposes of visualising a temporarily-nonverbal Az snarking at Michael in my current WIP (this: https://wecapable.com/tools/text-to-british-sign-language-converter/ is the one I ended up using, if you're interested)
Current obsession: Good Omens/Ineffable Husbands <3
Looking forward to: The Doctor Who Christmas Special
Tagged by @vidavalor, not sure who to poke for onward tagging tbh...
Ten People I'd Like to Get to Know Better
Tagged by @daydreamerwonderkid
Last song: String Quintet #5: Minuet in E Op 11/5 G 275 by Luigi Boccherini (I had the classical station on in the car)
Favorite color: Orange
Last Book: To Shape A Dragon's Breath by Moniquill Blackgoose
Last movie: MST3K: Boggy Creek II (because it's tradition when I visit my family for my sister to fall asleep in the recliner while we watch MST3K)
Last TV show: M*A*S*H
Sweet/savory/spicy: SOUR. Or I guess sweet? But I love sour stuff. Pickled foods my beloved.
Relationship status: lol
Last thing I googled: black cat plushie (to show my friend the one I have that I mistake for my actual black cat at least once a month)
Current obsession: Forever Batfam. Almost free to lose myself in Venom!Steph AU, but not quite. Been watching a bunch of deep sea videos again, too.
Looking forward to: I have the day off tomorrow and I'm going to clean my kitchen and read a book!
No pressure tags @dangerousdan-dan @owlovo @sepia-stained-sunset @roseandgold137 @raan-miir-tah @dizaryswrites @spacemeowntain @cursedunicornofeast @your-dead-european-ancestor
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The First InaSure Novel Anthology and the party has come to an ended. But our AZ life in this hell will continued. Welcome, welcome~ Hope you were having a great time with us together in this.
The project goal is to materialized Slaine’s happiness world. And in this book we accomplished. Slaine is happy (100% at the end), with the one and only man for him, Kaizuka Inaho.
Everyone had been working extremely hard with the utmost care to create such an angelic masterpiece of work for each fanfic & fan art. With very much appreciation, I would love to thank you contributors & team of InaSure anthology project from the deepest of my heart, you all are so kind ❤
<< Credits >>
Anthology Artist:
zehel_az, the anthology cover & chibi illustrator
Anthology Authors:
@ambyrfire / Ambyrfire, the master of ‘The Rose and the Thorn’
CountLestanna / @kataphraktanna, the master of ‘天が落ちたとき’, & Ayuki, dedicated artist
@fabelyn / Slaine, the master of ‘On Ice’
hakumei_hogosha / hakumei_hogosha, the master of ‘On a Wing & a Prayer’
icinks, the master of ‘Floret’
@keibey / Keibey, the master of ‘si vis amari ama’
Liza0111, the master of ‘The Worst Day of His Life’
paperballoon, the master of ‘Saxifrage’
RealmOfTan, the master of ‘Somewhere Between Life and Death’
Ruenis / @unmei-no-ito, the master of ‘Almost Impossible’
TururaJ, the master of ‘Haven’
yuhee / @jinsio, the master of ‘the tale of a spirit god's love’
yui_minatsuki / @yui-minatsuki, the master of ‘Doll’
Support Team:
Callarin, @yuusouris23, art supporter and assistant
Alfa : cover graphic designer
hakumei_hogosha, proof-reader
@kataphraktanna, KuMikka, icinks, project admins
*Thank you Callarin, for the touching art of Slaine & his beloved blue sky.
☂ And our leading actors of this show:
Kaizuka Inaho & Slaine Troyard
They both are so wonderful and so beautiful, out of this world!
Last but not least, thank you every InaSure fans that continue to support the life of OrangeBat in this fandom. My apologies for any mistakes if it occurred during the game or appeared in the book.
For your treasure collection, you can download anthology in EPUB & PDF format from link below or read in AO3 collection. So, you can read anytime you want on the phone or tablet.
Inaho x Slaine Novel Anthology Vol.1 in E-Book format:
♥ PDF version
♠ EPUB version
Disclaimer: This is non-profit project. All works has been authorized.
© All rights reserved. No part of these works be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission.
And yes, we will continue to put our love into this project. Let’s see you again in 2018 for Inaho x Slaine Novel Anthology Vol.2!
May the power of OrangeBat be with you.
#ALDNOAH ZERO#inaho x slaine#inasureanthology#az anthology#inaho kaizuka#slaine troyard#orangebat#AZ#azfanbook
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⚠️ACOSF spoilers ⚠️

but on a more series note, I absolutely adore this girl. Not only is she a fun but level-headed and tough character, but she's also sweet and kind. And her being a victim of trauma and abuse has only made my respect for her skyrocket. I see my past in hers, and I feel so heard and understood by her pain and fortitude. As the first of the females to win the blood rite and become a valkyrie, I feel so much pride in her and her journey. I see her potential and I see all that she deserves, and all I can hope is that she becomes a present character in the next book so that we might explore all she has to offer.
I also ship gwynriel so hard. It just feels... right. I know he wants Elain and I think he'll try to pursue that forbidden love, but in the end, I think they'll gracefully part ways. I also hope to see him mourn and accept that he's moved on from Mor. Falling out of love can be painful and scary, and I wanna see that portrayed. (A great example of this is on Webtoon, in a story called Peaches by Leehama i believe, as part of an anthology).
I hope that he will be in a love triangle with Gwyn and Elain, but Gwyn will turn out to be his mate. Something about him being the one to rescue her, the one who makes her face her past, who pushes her to overcome and be just as competitive as he is, is beautiful. The way his shadows dance and sing around her is lovely. With Elain, the shadows are chased away by light (which is okay), but I think it's even better that his shadows (a part of him and his soul and feelings) feel happy and settled around Gwyn. With Elain, his shadows [and him] want to protect her and are a bit possessive, but with Gwyn, he becomes more comfortable and open and the Az the IC knows and loves. I think Gwyn is his mate, based on the way his body just naturally reacts to her and her presence. How his shadows sing and dance, and she is his muse. I don't want her to be a second choice (or really, a third if you consider Mor) and I want SJM to talk about that and show Gwyn that she isn't a second or third choice, she's the one he's been looking for. Even though he gave the necklace originally meant for Elain to Gwyn, it feels relevant that he thought to give it to her instead of letting it remain with Elain. That he sought her out at the library because something in him told him to give it to her. And the ending line of the chapter? It's about her.
I used to be reluctant to even go near the drama of Elucien/Elriel shippers, but now I realize that maybe Elucien and Gwynriel would be kind of awesome... Lucien is also a wonderful guy, and although I don't totally ship it, I think they would be wonderful friends at the least. But Gwynriel? That shit is fire. I also am excited to see Elain's development, because I know that she chooses to be soft, but is a force to be reckoned with. She's stronger than they know, and her decision to choose to be soft is admirable. People look down on others who like to have a simple, domestic life, but I praise Elain for her gentility. Now does she need some growth??? Um, yea. But I still am hyped to see her. I also feel like in this way, Lucien and Elain are a lot alike. A fox and a stag. They have a lot going on beneath the surface we don't see, and I'll be damned if people forget Elain isn't just Elain, she's an Archeron. Don't fuck with the Archerons.
tldr: stan gwyn and azriel, also elain and lucien but not as much
"you're the new ribbon, az" BOY SHE WONT STOP UNTIL SHE GETS U. like i feel like she'll have a crush on him and he won't realize or be open to it but then he will be and gah. there will be lots of pining.
i hope to see gwyn's journey as a victim of SA and overcoming her anxieties and fears. i want to see her explore the world, wear clothes she likes, feel goddamn worthy, explore her sexuality without being afraid anymore, like??? pls. therapy??? me??? naw. cope through book. book safe 😌
#gwyneth berdara#gwynriel#gwyn x azriel#acotar#acosf#a court of silver flames#acosf spoilers#elriel#azriel#shadowsinger#wlw#sjm#sarah j maas
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girl has anyone asked u about that 'RELIKT_draft 2' file u got going on from the wip thingy cause I need to know what it is ! (i know im late but u gotta forgive me pour soul)
ughhh I hate Tumblr so much, why am I seeing this message only now?
I wanted to start with - "well, it's a short story within my some-sort-of-punk universe" - but then I opened a file and saw it's over 34k words long??? I cannot write short fiction.
anyway. it's a story about Az-Amgalan (Azzie), a brilliant Light engineer, who finds a plane wreck - a relict of Previous Times - at the bottom of the frozen ocean and plans to restore it so that they can escape from their opressive country; all amidst the brewing revolution. I realise now why it's so long, it has just too many things in it! there is also Istra, Azzie's friend, the shaman-in-training of the Northern Clans and an illegal Light-user (I actually wrote a separate story about her that takes place after this one and got published in some post-contest anthology). there is Azzie's family, the Icebreakers clan that specializes in smuggling Light-related things into the country. and then there is Vaedij (Vaediyy? idk how his name should be written in English), kind-of-revolutionist, kind-of-inventor, kind-of-love interest for Azzie? it's a MESS and idk if I'll ever actually finish it lmao bc it's just one of many backstories for a novel I'm gonna write one day (I hope) and I mostly wrote it for myself.
#i know i say for myself and yet its the second or third draft already lmao#i cant finish things#majoris#reply#kasia writes
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my taglist
when you join the tag list you will be tagged in headcanons, fics, and similar writings. if you’d like to be added, send me an ask or dm me and tell me what fandoms you’d like to be tagged in (you can choose as many as you’d like).
✧ *:・゚
All of my writing:
✧ *:・゚
@musicallisto, @locke-writes, @neelia-thedaughtherof-athena, @amortensie, @captainshazamerica
Anne with an E:
@amortensie, @neelia-thedaughtherof-athena
Avatar: The Last Airbender:
@coffee--writes, @captainshazamerica, @thegirlwhocriedwerewolf
@amortensie, @growaswego
@findmeintheafterglow, @catsbooksandmusic, @multifandomfix, @captain-spencer
Choices: Stories You Play (all):
Blades of Light and Shadow:
@missameliep, @brokenandheadoverheels
Desire and Decorum:
@missameliep, @noesapphic
Elementalists, The:
Endless Summer:
Heist: Monaco, The:
Hero Vol. I:
High School Story:
High School Story: Class Act:
It Lives Anthology:
Perfect Match:
Chronicles of Narnia, The:
@musicallisto, @theletterhart, @locke-writes, @brokenandheadoverheels, @neelia-thedaughtherof-athena, @swanimagines, @catsbooksandmusic, @captainshazamerica, @amortensie, @thegirlwhocriedwerewolf
Cobra Kai
Disney and Pixar:
@musicallisto, @randomfandomimagine, @brokenandheadoverheels, @swanimagines
Dragon Prince, The:
Enola Holmes:
@swanimagines, @amortensie, @multifandomfix, @captainshazamerica, @brokenandheadoverheels
Flash, The:
@amortensie, @captainshazamerica
@musicallisto, @catsbooksandmusic, @thefifthweasley, @thegirlwhocriedwerewolf
Harry Potter (all):
@musicallisto, @theletterhart, @locke-writes, @randomfandomimagine, @brokenandheadoverheels, @timeofmadness, @writerdream22, @lotsoffandomrecs, @neelia-thedaughtherof-athena, @coffee--writes, @angelxnaa, @cooloaflandhero, @swanimagines, @amortensie, @multifandomfix, @fangirlings-things, @captainshazamerica
Fantastic Beasts Era:
Marauder Era:
Golden Trio Era:
Next-Gen Era:
Hogwarts Houses:
High School Musical: The Musical: The Series:
@theletterhart, @brokenandheadoverheels, @neelia-thedaughtherof-athena
Hunger Games, The:
@randomfandomimagine, @angelxnaa, @amortensie, @captainshazamerica
In The Heights:
Julie and the Phantoms:
@brokenandheadoverheels, @amortensie
Legend of Korra, The:
Les Misérables:
@musicallisto, @locke-writes, @amortensie, @captainshazamerica
Little Women:
@locke-writes, @brokenandheadoverheels, @coffee--writes, @swanimagines, @amortensie
@theletterhart, @locke-writes, @randomfandomimagine, @lotsoffandomrecs, @coffee--writes, @swanimagines, @amortensie, @captainshazamerica
Maze Runner, The:
@musicallisto, @theletterhart, @lotsoffandomrecs, @coffee--writes, @angelxnaa, @swanimagines
Merlin (BBC):
@locke-writes, @randomfandomimagine, @cooloaflandhero, @findmeintheafterglow, @catsbooksandmusic, @amortensie, @multifandomfix
Musketeers, The (BBC):
National Treasure:
@lotsoffandomrecs, @neelia-thedaughtherof-athena, @catsbooksandmusic, @amortensie, @captainshazamerica
Outsiders, The:
@locke-writes, @brokenandheadoverheels
Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus:
@musicallisto, @writerdream22, @lotsoffandomrecs, @neelia-thedaughtherof-athena, @coffee--writes, @cooloaflandhero
Pirates of the Caribbean:
@randomfandomimagine, @lotsoffandomrecs, @swanimagines, @multifandomfix
Pretty In Pink:
@angelxnaa, @cooloaflandhero
Series of Unfortunate Events, A:
@cooloaflandhero, @multifandomfix, @brokenandheadoverheels, @amortensie
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse:
@theletterhart, @locke-writes, @randomfandomimagine, @brokenandheadoverheels, @lotsoffandomrecs, @neelia-thedaughtherof-athena
Star Trek: Piccard:
Star Wars:
@locke-writes, @randomfandomimagine, @brokenandheadoverheels, @lotsoffandomrecs, @coffee--writes, @missameliep, @swanimagines, @captainshazamerica
To All The Boys (movies only):
@theletterhart, @brokenandheadoverheels
Tuck Everlasting:
Umbrella Academy, The:
@theletterhart, @brokenandheadoverheels, @writerdream22, @lotsoffandomrecs, @neelia-thedaughtherof-athena, @coffee--writes, @cooloaflandhero, @swanimagines, @multifandomfix, @amortensie
Witcher, The:
@angelxnaa, @cooloaflandhero, @swanimagines, @multifandomfix
✧ *:・゚
rules // fandoms // masterlist // taglist // ask // to-do list
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BSD'den alakasız!!
Yeni bir oyun yükledim (play store'da yok) adı Disney Twisted Wonderland. Oyundaki tek dil seçeneği Japonca olduğu için anlamakta zorlanıyorum ama oyuna yorum yapan Türkler sayesinde ilgimi çekti, tanıtım videolarına bakarak anlamaya çalışıyorum. Yardımcı olabilecek oyunu bilen var mı?? Bu arada tanıtım için video izledim az önce ve konuşan kişi Mori'nin ses aktörüydü! Duyunca gözümün önüne geldi, yorumlara baktım anlayanlar varmış çok sevindim. Akami-senpai, tavsiye ediyim mi bilemedim ve tanıdığım tek Türk sayfa burası o yüzden yazdım, alakasız oldu kusura bakmayın 👉👈 teşekkürler~
Anlamadığım oyunların oynanış videosunu izlerim genelde, kendim oynamam anladığım için, verebileceğim tek tavsiye bu maalesef😔 Başarılı bir oyun olduğunu biliyorum, anlamana yardımcı olur mu bilmiyorum ama bir de comic anthology (mangası) var
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