#ayurveda for dry eye
sitharajoys · 1 year
Dry eyes, a common eye condition, occur when your eyes don't produce enough tears or when the tears produced are of poor quality. Tears are essential for maintaining the health of the front surface of the eye and for providing clear vision. When the eyes become dry, it can lead to a range of problems and discomfort. Here are some of the common problems associated with dry eyes:
Discomfort and Irritation: Dry eyes can cause a persistent feeling of dryness, itching, burning, or stinging in the eyes. These sensations can be uncomfortable and distracting.
Redness: The irritation caused by dry eyes often leads to redness in the eyes, making them appear bloodshot.
Blurry Vision: Insufficient tear production can result in an unstable tear film, leading to blurry or fluctuating vision, especially when reading or using digital screens.
Sensitivity to Light: Dry eyes can make the eyes more sensitive to light, a condition known as photophobia. Bright lights, sunlight, or oncoming headlights at night may become bothersome.
Tearing: Paradoxically, dry eyes can sometimes trigger excessive tearing as the eyes try to compensate for the lack of moisture. These tears are often reflexive and do not provide the necessary lubrication.
Stringy Mucus: In some cases, dry eyes can cause the eyes to produce stringy mucus or discharge, which can be uncomfortable and affect vision.
Eye Fatigue: Dry eyes can lead to eye strain and fatigue, especially during tasks that require prolonged concentration, such as reading or using a computer.
Difficulty with Contact Lenses: Contact lens wearers may find it challenging to wear lenses comfortably when experiencing dry eyes. Dryness can lead to discomfort and even difficulty in keeping lenses in place.
Corneal Damage: If left untreated, chronic dry eyes can lead to damage to the cornea, the clear front surface of the eye. This can result in more serious issues like corneal ulcers or infections.
Decreased Quality of Life: Chronic dry eye symptoms can significantly impact a person's quality of life, making daily activities and tasks more challenging and less enjoyable.
It's important to note that dry eyes can result from various factors, including age, environmental conditions, medications, systemic diseases, and hormonal changes, among others. Treatment options for dry eyes range from over-the-counter artificial tears and lifestyle adjustments to prescription medications and medical procedures. If you are experiencing persistent dry eye symptoms, it's advisable to consult with an eye care specialist to determine the underlying cause and develop an appropriate treatment plan to alleviate your discomfort and prevent potential complications. Ayurveda provide perfect remedies for it without side effects.
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sanjeevannetralaya · 2 months
Breakthrough Treatments for Dry AMD: Exploring the Latest Advances
Dry Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a prevalent eye condition that primarily affects older adults, leading to gradual loss of central vision. As this condition progresses, it can significantly impact daily activities such as reading, driving, and recognising faces. At Sanjeevan Netralaya, we are dedicated to providing effective treatments for dry AMD using the latest advances in Ayurvedic medicine. This blog explores the latest breakthroughs in dry AMD treatment and how they can help preserve your vision.
Understanding Dry AMD
Dry AMD occurs when the macula, the central part of the retina responsible for sharp vision, deteriorates over time. This condition is characterised by the accumulation of drusen, yellow deposits that form under the retina. Unlike wet AMD, dry AMD progresses slowly and does not involve the growth of abnormal blood vessels. Early detection and proactive management are essential to slowing the progression of this condition and maintaining vision quality.
Latest Advances in Dry AMD Treatment
Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies  Triphala: A potent combination of three fruits – Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki – Triphala is known for its antioxidant properties and its ability to strengthen retinal health. Regular use of Triphala can help in reducing oxidative stress and supporting overall eye function.  Bilberry Extract: Rich in anthocyanins, bilberry extract enhances microcirculation within the eyes and protects retinal cells from damage. It is a key component of natural dry AMD treatment.
Nutritional Support  Antioxidant-Rich Diet: Consuming foods high in antioxidants such as green leafy vegetables, carrots, and berries can help protect the macula from oxidative damage. Nutrients like lutein and zeaxanthin, found in spinach and kale, are particularly beneficial for macular health.  Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Found in flaxseeds, walnuts, and fish oil, omega-3 fatty acids support eye health and reduce inflammation, making them an essential part of dry AMD treatment.
Eye Exercises  Simple eye exercises such as palming, blinking, and focusing on distant objects can improve eye circulation and reduce strain. These exercises are beneficial for maintaining healthy eyes and supporting dry AMD treatment.
Ayurvedic Therapies  Panchakarma: This detoxification therapy helps eliminate toxins from the body and balance the doshas. Treatments like Netrabasti (eye bath) with medicated ghee nourish the eyes, enhance vision clarity, and are effective in dry AMD treatment.  Nasya: Nasal administration of herbal oils can help clear the channels and improve ocular health. This treatment supports better vision and reduces symptoms of dry AMD.
Lifestyle Modifications  Protecting your eyes from excessive sunlight exposure, avoiding smoking, and managing stress through yoga and meditation are crucial steps in preserving vision and supporting dry AMD treatment. Adequate sleep and regular exercise also contribute to overall eye health.
The advancements in Ayurvedic medicine offer promising solutions for managing dry AMD effectively. Through a combination of herbal remedies, nutritional support, eye exercises, Ayurvedic therapies, and lifestyle modifications, patients can achieve significant improvements in their vision and quality of life.
At Sanjeevan Netralaya, we have treated over 6,00,000+ retina patients with 100% effectiveness. Our holistic approach to eye care ensures that each patient receives personalised treatment plans tailored to their specific needs. For more information on our dry AMD treatment options and to start your journey towards better eye health, visit our website today.
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talonabraxas · 1 month
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Aurveda Talon Abraxas
The Five Elements of Ayurveda - Ether, Air, Fire, Water & Earth
The Five Elements
Aurveda's core view is the connection between the macrocosm and the microcosm, from the universal to the individual, meaning what cxists outside also exists within us. The five great elements (pancha mahabhuta) that compose the world around us also make up our inner world. These elements-space, air, fire, water, earth-form the building blocks of life and mirror the basic principles in physics of space, energy, transformation, liquid, and matter. Each element is connected to a subtle energy, a tanmatra, that is associated with our senses--sound, touch, vision, taste, and smell.
Let's explore how the elements form our physical body.
Ether/Space (Akasha)
Ether or space, akasha, is the first and subtlest of all the elements. Ether is the space in which everything exists. It is universal, nonmoving, and formless. Its qualities are clear, light, subtle, soft, and immeasurable. This clement is related to the actions of expansion and vibration. The tanmatra of space is sound (shabda), and the ear is the Sensory organ that perceives sound.
Air (Vayu)
The air element, vayu, is the energy of movement. It initiates and directs motion. Its qualities are mobile, dry, light, cold, rough, and subtle. The tanmatra of air is touch (sparsha), and the sensory organ is skin, which helps detect movement. In the body, air expresses itself in the movement of the muscles, lungs, heart, and impulses of the nervous system. Its responsible for breathing, ingestion and elimination, and the flow of thought. Prana is the basic principle of the air element, the vital life force that is primarily taken in through breath and which life cannot exist without.
Fire (Agni)
The fire element, agni, is the energy of transformation. The qualities of fire are hot, sharp, light, dry, and subtle. The tanmatra of fire is vision (rupa), and the eyes are the sensory organ responsible for sight. The fire element governs all metabolic processes, aiding in the digestion of food, transformation of thoughts, and perception of light. Tejas is the subtle essence of fire, the burning flame of pure intelligence that pro-cesses all perception into knowledge.
Water (Apas)
From subtle to gross, the next element is water, called apas. Its main actions are cohesion and adhesion. Its qualities are cool, liquid, dull, soft, oily, and slimy. The tanmatra of water is taste (rasa). The tongue is the sensory organ that plays a large role in our experience of eating and our sense of satisfaction. Water lives in the body as plasma, saliva, mucous, cerebrospinal fuid, urine, and sweat. Ojas is the subtle essence of water, giving vitality and immunity to the bodily tissues.
Earth (Prithvi)
The earth element, prithvi, is the densest of all. It creates shape and structure. It is heavy, dull, dense, hard, and gross. The tanmatra of earth is smell (gandba), and the sensory organ is the nose. The earth element shapes all the body's solid structures and tissues, including the bones, cartilage, nails, teeth, hair, and skin.
Incorporating Ayurvedic principles into massage therapy goes beyond mere relaxation; it offers a holistic approach to harmonizing the mind, body, and spirit, promoting overall well-being. By addressing the elemental balance specific to an individual's constitution, we can tailor massages to effectively target stress and tension, ultimately leading to a more relaxed and grounded nervous system.
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Lytlift Brightening Under-Eye Oil-Serum!
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An 18-Herb Formulation Prepared Using a 5000-Year-Old Method of ‘Oil-Cooking’, Enriched with Eye-Opening ‘Eye-urvedic’ herbs!
Instantly brightens the under-eyes and gently allows brightness to resurface in that delicate area
Reduces the appearance of lines around the crow’s feet area
Softens, plumps, and de-texturizes the crepey crisscross look on the skin around the eyes
Soothes and counters the heat and tiredness in your eyes 
Moisturizes dry, dull under-eyes with a unique ‘Balance-Intel’, disappearing formula that soaks right into the skin, leaving just the right amount of cooling moisture and neither oily residue nor dry, parched skin.
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emotionalillusions · 7 months
All the pretty asks. Mwahahahahaha!!!
As you requested, here are all of them <3 ...even if you only asked for payback lol
angel; is there anyone you’d do anything for? Yes, a small few. 
galaxy; what fascinates you? A great many things inspire my fascination, first I am intensely fascinated with you @mishaps-and-mixtapes , otherwise in general I'd say history, traveling, the universe, books, the human mind, relationships, Ayurveda, writing, parenting.
melody; favorite artists? I have a lot of favs, a list thats far too long to put here. I will answer who I've been listening to most in the last month or two - Ella Mai, Kehlani, H.E.R., Erick the Architect, Mahalia, 6Lack, Banks, DaniLeigh, J Cole, Sade
silk; what outfit makes you feel confident? A pretty dress usually ups the confidence level but I can also feel great in a pair of jeans that hug my curves and a tank top. Ooh, also lingerie! Nothing says confidence like a lace chemise or corset and garter belt.
rose; favorite flower? Lilies, sunflowers, and daisies. And cherry blossoms.
sun; favorite season Autumn, but Spring is a close second.
film; favorite movie/tv show? This topic/question requires a few blunts and an overnight discussion. I can't even narrow it down. 
gorgeous; what do you like in a person? Everything that you are. 
diamond; favorite color? Purple, teal, mauve
infatuation; first crush? Oh, can I even remember the first crush? I'm pretty sure it was in elementary school, I don't even remember the kids name, but I remember he was funny and made me laugh.
dream; how long do you sleep on average? hahahahahaha. Oh, is this a serious question??? I get a few hours whenever my eyes refuse to stay open any longer. 
brilliant; what celebrity do people say you look like? Um, no one has ever really said I look like a celebrity.
perfume; favorite scent? You, yes you are definitely my favorite scent.  
fleece; have any pets? A little scrapper kitten, who is as adorable as he is mean.
pigment; what color is your hair naturally? if you could dye it any color which one would you choose? Naturally dark brown. I've had my hair a ton of different colors. I really like a dark red or purple.
charcoal; do you have a good relationship with your parents? Its always been kind of complicated as both my parents have issues with substance abuse, but I was really close with my mom before she passed. I don't have a bad relationship with my dad currently but he's not a reliable person and not someone I turn to during times of need. He is great for helping with some bigger home related projects when he's around.
ocean; do you take a yearly vacation? I've been trying to make it a tradition to go somewhere once a year, and the last couple years I've made it happen. 
murky; biggest fear? Something devastating happening to any of the kids. Death in general, even knowing it's an inevitable part of life. 
devotion; are you taken? Answered but I'll answer again. I belong completely to @mishaps-and-mixtapes
lingerie; what do you wear to bed? Depends on the night, but typically very little, tank and panties.
daydream; best memory? In the delivery rooms when they put the baby in my arms and get to see their sweet faces for the first time. 
joy; best feeling you’ve ever experienced?  Love and understanding. I've only truly felt that in a relationship with you. It's beyond comparable. 
masque; what’s your skincare routine? I wash my face lol. I've gotten better about using moisturizer and sunscreen since moving to a desert area. Holy dry skin batman.
valentine; best gift you’ve ever received? I appreciate a thoughtful gift, but they aren't my love language. I'd rather make memories than have something material I think. 
parchment; favorite book? I can't pick one favorite. The best book I read in the last year was A Gentleman in Moscow. 
garden; do you have a garden? plants?  A lot of plants. I'd love a garden, to grow my own fruits and vegetables. Oooh, a greenhouse!
oasis; dream destination? Ah, many! Petra, Tibet, Japan, Rome, Bali... 
sense; best subject? favorite subject? I was always good at Math and English, but I love Psychology & Philosophy
footprints; do you want kids? There's a few running around and want more with you, let's practice making them.
rainbow; what’s your sexuality? Straight, with a sprinkle of bicurious.
sweater; do you prefer loose or baggy clothes? Isn't loose and baggy the same thing?
nail laquer; punk or pastel? I swing both ways.
1975; if you could time travel to any time period, what would it be and why? Hm. Maybe the Renaissance period in Florence Italy for the appeal of the cultural and intellectual richness with figures like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Galileo.
tattoos; do you have/want and tattoos and piercings? I have a lot of tattoos, I stopped counting after getting to double digits. I also used to have more piercings. I'd love to have them redone and intend to.
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theaurvedicshala · 2 years
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Is your skin prone to irritability and inflammation? Do you frequently get rashes on your skin? If your answer is yes, then you may have sensitive skin. Although sensitive skin is prevalent, it is critical to take proper care of it. Chemicals, scents, and colours cause allergic reactions in people with sensitive skin. Furthermore, kids may become bothered by their clothing or develop rashes. There is a possibility that sensitive skin is a sign of an underlying illness. As a result, it is important to prevent triggers and soothe inflamed skin in order to enhance your life quality and find relief. Many cures for face inflammation may be found online, however Ayurveda is the most efficient therapy for face itching. This holistic technique is completely safe and can give you immediate treatment from any skin problem.
What Predisposes You To Skin Rashes?
Skin rashes can be caused by a variety of factors. The sort of skin rashes and allergies that a person has, as well as the skin allergy treatment, vary from person to person. The following are the most prevalent causes of skin rashes.
1. Genetic Predisposition
If a person has sensitive skin and has no underlying health concern, their skin might quickly get more inflamed. The following are some of the most typical causes of annoyance:
Strong winds
Temperature Drops Due to Sunlight
Excessively hot temperatures
Aside from that, the symptoms of reactive and sensitive skin can manifest in a variety of ways, including:
Redness patches
Dry Skin
Dry skin can be sensitive because it loses the protective fat and moisture that stops the skin from drying out. Furthermore, this skin type is more prone to occur on the hands, arms, and face. It is critical to keep it wet in order to keep it from drying out. Using face creams and hydrating lotions can aid in symptom prevention.
Atopic dermatitis, often known as Eczema, is a skin ailment that causes itching and dry spots on the skin. The symptoms of this illness differ from person to person. This illness can affect both adults and children. Legs, ankles, elbows, face, neck, and wrists are the most commonly affected locations. In certain places, people get rough, itchy rashes.
This disorder causes visible blood vessels and red skin, particularly on the face. In a rare cases, the skin might develop pus-filled, little pimples. Rosacea may be classified into several varieties, each with its own set of symptoms. These are itchy, puffy eyes, flushing, redresses, and acne-like rashes.
This disorder develops as a result of aberrant skin reactivity to sunlight. Photodermatosis is a disorder in which UV radiation from the sun cause the sensitive immune system to react, resulting in skin rash, scaly areas, and blisters. The response worsens if the skin is in contact with the skin for an extended length of time. As a result, it is advised to wear a hat and apply sunscreen when going outside in the sun.
Most Common Causes of Dry Skin That Cause Face Itching
Without a question, the skin has a complex relationship with the body and psyche. Indeed. When looking for the fundamental cause of skin disorders, there are various locations to look. The most important players are:
The Blood
Digestive system
Pitta, Kapha, and Vata imbalance
Disturbances in emotions
Most skin problems stem from deep inside the body, from organ weakness, digestive imbalances, excess toxins, and heat in the circulation. As a result, it is critical to seek for the safest solution for face itching that might assist!
When it comes to skin disorders, Ayurveda has a variety of therapy choices. If you have a skin issue, a skilled Ayurvedic doctor can assist you in identifying the symptoms and providing the best therapy to help you focus on your healing efforts and obtain the finest therapies.
The Yogshala offers treatments for various skin diseases. Get in touch with The Yogshala and get yourself treated with the best ayurvedic treatment.
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Area ,Mohan Nagar , Ghaziabad - 201007 ,
Uttar Pradesh , India
+91 9810242071
+91 9811979106
visit https://www.theyogshala.com/
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hindkushofficial · 9 days
In the world of natural skincare, few ingredients have stood the test of time like rose water. From ancient royalty to modern-day skincare enthusiasts, rose water, or "Gulabjal," has remained a prized beauty elixir. Hindkush introduces its Rose Water Organic Gulabjal, an all-natural, organic formula that brings the pure essence of roses straight to your skincare routine.
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The Legacy of Rose Water
For centuries, rose water has been a go-to beauty secret for glowing skin. It was known to the ancient Egyptians and has been revered in Ayurveda for its soothing and refreshing properties. Even today, Gulabjal is a staple in beauty regimes across the globe, owing to its ability to hydrate, refresh, and revitalize the skin.
But not all rose water is created equal. With Hindkush's Rose Water Organic Gulabjal, you get a product that is 100% pure, natural, and free from chemicals, preservatives, or artificial fragrances.
Why Choose Hindkush Organic Gulabjal?
100% Organic: Hindkush ensures that the roses used in the formulation of their Gulabjal are grown organically, without the use of pesticides or harmful chemicals. This guarantees that you’re applying only the purest form of rose water to your skin.
Natural Hydration and Refreshment: The hydrating properties of rose water make it ideal for all skin types. Whether you have dry, oily, or sensitive skin, Hindkush Organic Gulabjal offers gentle yet effective hydration. It penetrates deep into the skin, leaving it soft, supple, and refreshed.
Balances pH Levels: Maintaining your skin’s natural pH balance is essential for preventing breakouts, irritation, and dryness. Rose water helps regulate the skin's pH, restoring balance and keeping it in a healthy state. This makes Hindkush Gulabjal a perfect toner to use after cleansing your skin.
Soothing and Calming Properties: If you have sensitive skin or are prone to redness and inflammation, rose water works as a natural anti-inflammatory agent. Hindkush Organic Gulabjal helps soothe irritation, calm redness, and reduce puffiness, making it perfect for everyday use.
Antioxidant-Rich: Roses are packed with antioxidants that help fight free radicals and reduce signs of aging. Regular use of Hindkush Organic Gulabjal can help keep your skin youthful, bright, and free from environmental damage.
Perfect for All Skin Types: Whether you have acne-prone, dry, or combination skin, Hindkush Organic Gulabjal is designed to suit every skin type. Its gentle and soothing nature ensures that even the most sensitive skin can benefit from its magic.
Uses of Hindkush Organic Gulabjal
1. As a Natural Toner: After cleansing, apply Hindkush Organic Gulabjal on your face using a cotton pad. It helps tighten pores, refresh the skin, and balance the pH, leaving your face feeling fresh and rejuvenated.
2. As a Facial Mist: Spritz some rose water throughout the day to keep your skin hydrated and glowing. It’s especially beneficial during hot weather or after spending time outdoors, as it instantly refreshes and soothes the skin.
3. As a Makeup Remover: Mix Hindkush Gulabjal with a few drops of coconut oil to gently remove makeup without stripping your skin of its natural oils. This natural combination leaves your skin soft and nourished.
4. In Face Packs: Add Hindkush Organic Gulabjal to your favorite face masks or Multani Mitti for an extra dose of hydration and a cooling effect. The combination of rose water and natural face packs will leave your skin glowing like never before.
5. Soothe Tired Eyes: After a long day, soak cotton pads in Hindkush Organic Gulabjal and place them over your eyes. The calming properties of rose water help reduce puffiness and refresh tired eyes, giving you a relaxed and rejuvenated feel.
Why Organic Matters
Organic skincare is not just a trend; it’s a healthier, more responsible choice for both your skin and the environment. Conventional rose water products often contain artificial additives or preservatives, which can do more harm than good over time. Hindkush’s Rose Water Organic Gulabjal is derived from fresh, organic roses and distilled using traditional methods to ensure that you receive the purest form of rose water possible.
Using organic products like Hindkush Organic Gulabjal ensures that your skin absorbs only natural and beneficial ingredients, free from toxins or harmful chemicals.
Hindkush Rose Water Organic Gulabjal is more than just a beauty product; it’s a timeless skincare solution with countless benefits for your skin. Whether you’re looking for natural hydration, soothing relief, or anti-aging properties, this organic Gulabjal is a must-have in your beauty arsenal.
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Everything You Need to Know about Ayurveda for Eye Care
Ever squinted at your computer screen after a long day, feeling like your eyes are screaming for a break? With the digital age in full swing, eye strain and various eye issues have become our new normal. But here's a ray of hope: Ayurveda. This ancient Indian medical system has some timeless wisdom for nurturing those windows to your soul. Let's dive into how Ayurveda can help you take care of your eyes, with some expert insights from GS Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital. It is a Private Ayurvedic College in Uttar Pradesh known for its ayurvedic treatment.
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Understanding  Ayurveda:
Ayurveda, is a Sanskrit word meaning “to live life and cure any ailments using nature’s produce”, is a holistic approach to health that dates back over 5,000 years. Unlike modern medicine, which often focuses on treating symptoms, Ayurveda aims to bring balance to the body, mind, and spirit. It’s all about harmony. If your body is a symphony, Ayurveda ensures every instrument is perfectly tuned. Ayurvedic Medical Colleges in UP uses innovative method of teaching and practicing Ayurveda in day-to-day life.
The Connection Between Ayurveda and Eye Health:
Your eyes are more than just organs; in Ayurveda, they are seen as the gateway to your inner self. Good vision and healthy eyes are not merely about having 20/20 sight but about maintaining the balance of energies, or doshas, in your body. Each dosha—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—plays a crucial role in eye health, and disturbances in these doshas can manifest as various eye conditions.
Common Eye Problems and Ayurvedic Perspectives:
Ayurveda provides unique insights into common eye ailments, treating not just the symptoms but addressing the root causes. Let’s look at how it views and treats some typical eye issues and how Ayurvedic College in Uttar Pradesh treats its patients.
Dry Eyes:  
Dry eyes can be incredibly annoying, like having a grain of sand in your eye all day. Ayurveda links dry eyes to an imbalance in the Vata dosha, which governs movement and dryness in the body. Treatments often include soothing oils and dietary adjustments to pacify Vata.
It is known in Ayurveda as "Abhishyanda", conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the eye's conjunctiva. Pitta dosha, associated with heat and inflammation, is often to blame here. Cooling treatments, like washing the eyes with Triphala water, can help reduce the redness and discomfort.
Cataracts are a clouding of the eye’s lens, often related to aging. Ayurveda sees cataracts as a Kapha imbalance, where there's an accumulation of water and earth elements leading to obstruction. Herbal remedies like Guggulu and Triphala are used to manage this condition.
This condition involves increased pressure in the eyes and can lead to vision loss. Ayurveda considers it a complication of all three doshas but mainly Pitta and Kapha. Treatments focus on detoxification and managing eye pressure naturally.
Ayurvedic Doshas and Eye Health: 
Understanding how the three doshas affect your eyes is key to applying Ayurvedic principles effectively. Each dosha has its own influence and can manifest different types of eye issues when out of balance.
Vata Dosha:
Vata governs movement, dryness, and coldness. When Vata is imbalanced, you might experience dry eyes, eye twitching, or even blurry vision. Ayurvedic treatments focus on hydrating and warming the body to balance Vata.
Pitta Dosha:        
Pitta is all about heat and metabolism. Excess Pitta can lead to inflammation and burning sensations in the eyes, often seen in conditions like conjunctivitis or red, itchy eyes. Cooling therapies are commonly recommended to cure these conditions.
Kapha Dosha:     
Kapha relates to structure and lubrication. An imbalance in Kapha can cause issues like watery eyes, cataracts, or eye infections. Treatments aim to stimulate and clear the Kapha to restore balance.
Ayurvedic Treatments for Eye Care:     
Ayurveda offers a range of treatments specifically designed to nourish and heal the eyes. Let’s explore some of these traditional practices that can bring relief and restore eye health.
Netra Tarpana:
Netra Tarpana is a unique Ayurvedic treatment where medicated ghee is poured over the eyes, soaking them in nourishment. This therapy is excellent for strengthening the eye muscles and improving vision, particularly beneficial for those suffering from dry eyes or eye strain.
Netra Dhara:
This involves a continuous stream of herbal decoctions poured over the eyes. It helps in cooling the eyes, reducing fatigue, and improving vision clarity. It's particularly effective for reducing Pitta-related eye conditions like redness and inflammation.
Triphala is a powerhouse in Ayurveda, known for its healing properties. It has these fruits: Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki. Used both internally and externally, Triphala helps cleanse and rejuvenate the eyes, making it a staple in Ayurvedic eye care.
Herbal Remedies:
Various herbs like Bilberry, Ginkgo Biloba, and Saffron are used in Ayurveda for their beneficial effects on eye health. These herbs improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and protect the eyes from oxidative stress.
Diet and Lifestyle Tips for Eye Health: 
Maintaining eye health isn't just about treatments; it’s also about making mindful choices in your daily life. Here’s how you can keep a check on your eyes through diet and lifestyle modifications.
Dietary Recommendations:
Eating a balanced diet rich in antioxidants is an important aspect. Include foods like leafy greens, carrots, nuts, and seeds. These are packed with nutrients like Vitamin A, C, and E, which are essential for maintaining good vision and protecting against age-related eye issues.
Daily Routine Tips:
Follow an eye-friendly daily routine by incorporating habits like getting enough sleep, taking regular breaks from screens, and practicing eye exercises. Ayurveda also recommends washing your eyes with cool, clean water to refresh and soothe them throughout the day.
Eating Right: Ayurvedic Diet for Eye Health:
Foods to Include:
Incorporating foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E, and minerals like zinc and omega-3 fatty acids, can support eye health. Leafy greens, carrots, almonds, and ghee are highly recommended in Ayurveda for nourishing the eyes.
Foods to Avoid:
Steer clear of excessively spicy, salty, and acidic foods, as they can disturb the Pitta dosha and lead to eye irritation and redness.
Exploring Popular Ayurvedic Eye Treatments:
Netra Basti:
Similar to Netra Tarpana, Netra Basti involves bathing the eyes in medicated oils or ghee but focuses on deep rejuvenation and detoxification. It’s particularly effective for dry and tired eyes.
It is the application of herbal eye salves. These preparations help in treating various eye conditions like conjunctivitis and eye strain by cleansing and nourishing the eyes.
Eye Drops and Oils:
Ayurvedic eye drops made from herbs like rose, amla, and honey are used to soothe and heal the eyes. Oils like castor oil and Triphala oil can be gently applied around the eyes to reduce dark circles and puffiness.
GS Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital’s Approach:
GS Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital have integrated traditional Ayurvedic practices with modern medical insights to provide comprehensive eye care. Their approach offers a blend of ancient wisdom and contemporary techniques. To enroll yourself and begin your journey in Ayurveda practices, this institute is the best place for learning Ayurveda. If you go through the list of Private BAMS College in UP with fee structure, GS Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital offers the BAMS course at an affordable price.
Innovative Treatments:
The GS Ayurveda Medical College and hospital are known for their innovative treatments, including personalized Ayurvedic therapies that cater to the specific dosha imbalances in patients. They also utilize modern diagnostic tools to complement Ayurvedic treatments, ensuring a holistic approach to eye care.
Patient Success Stories:       
Many patients have reported significant improvements in their eye conditions after undergoing treatment at GS Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital. From reversing early-stage cataracts to managing chronic dry eyes, their success stories highlight the effectiveness of combining traditional and modern eye care practices.
Preventive Measures and Eye Care Tips:
Prevention is always better than cure. Here are some practical tips to keep your eyes healthy and avoid common problems.
Protecting Your Eyes Daily:
Incorporate simple habits like wearing sunglasses, reducing screen time, and taking regular breaks to shield your eyes from strain and damage.
Ayurvedic Tips for Screen Time:
To combat the effects of prolonged screen exposure, use the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Also, consider applying cooling eye drops or using blue light filters.
Integrating Ayurveda with Modern Eye Care:
Complementary Practices:
Ayurveda can work alongside modern treatments to provide a more rounded approach to eye care. Practices like yoga, herbal remedies, and dietary adjustments can complement conventional methods for enhanced results.
Finding a Balance:
Balancing Ayurvedic and modern eye care involves understanding your body’s needs and the nature of your eye condition. Consult both Ayurvedic practitioners and modern eye specialists to get the best possible treatment.
Ayurveda offers a treasure of wisdom for maintaining the eye health. By understanding your doshas and integrating  Ayurvedic treatments and lifestyle changes, you can keep your eyes sparkling and vision clear. GS Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital exemplifies how this ancient science can be applied effectively in today's world, providing holistic solutions for eye care. So, why not give your eyes the Ayurvedic care they deserve?
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gomataseva · 2 months
Discover the Miraculous Benefits of Triphala Ghrita at Goseva
In the world of Ayurveda, few formulations are as revered and versatile as Triphala Ghrita. This traditional remedy, which combines triphala and ghee in a pleasing way, is renowned for its numerous medicinal applications and health advantages. At Goseva, we pride ourselves on offering the best Triphala Ghrita, meticulously crafted to ensure maximum potency and efficacy.
What is Triphala Ghrita?
Triphala Ghrita is an Ayurvedic ghee infused with Triphala, a potent combination of three fruits: Amla (Indian Gooseberry), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), and Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica). This trifecta of herbs is renowned for its rejuvenating, detoxifying, and balancing properties, making Triphala Ghrita a holistic remedy for various health concerns.
Triphala Ghrita Uses
The Triphala Ghrita uses are extensive and cater to a wide range of health needs.
Digestive Health: Triphala Ghrita is highly effective in promoting digestive health. It aids in the regularization of bowel movements, alleviates constipation, and enhances overall digestive function.
Eye Health: Regular consumption of Triphala Ghrita can improve vision and alleviate eye disorders. It is often recommended for conditions like conjunctivitis, dry eyes, and other ocular issues.
Detoxification: This potent formulation helps in detoxifying the body, removing toxins from the liver and blood, and promoting overall health and vitality.
Immune Booster: The combination of Triphala and ghee works wonders in boosting the immune system, making the body more resilient to infections and diseases.
Anti-inflammatory: Triphala Ghrita has strong anti-inflammatory properties, making it useful in treating inflammatory conditions like arthritis and other joint disorders.
Skin Health: When applied topically, Triphala Ghrita can improve skin texture, reduce inflammation, and treat various skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
Triphala Ghrita Benefits (Triphala Ghrit Ke Fayde)
The Triphala Ghrita benefits are numerous and well-documented in Ayurvedic texts.
Enhances Digestion: By promoting the secretion of digestive enzymes, Triphala Ghrita aids in better digestion and nutrient absorption.
Improves Vision: The antioxidant properties of Triphala improve eye health and vision clarity.
Detoxifies the Body: It helps in flushing out toxins, thus purifying the blood and enhancing liver function.
Boosts Immunity: Regular use strengthens the immune system, making it easier to fend off common ailments.
Reduces Inflammation: Its anti-inflammatory properties help in managing chronic inflammatory conditions.
Promotes Skin Health: It nourishes the skin, reduces dryness, and heals various skin conditions.
Triphala Ghrita Price
Our Triphala Ghrita is competitively priced to ensure that everyone can benefit from this miraculous formulation. The Triphala Ghrita Price at Goseva is set to offer the best value without compromising on quality.
Best Triphala Ghrita at Goseva
Why is Goseva’s Triphala Ghrita considered the best? Here’s why:
Purity and Quality: We use only the highest quality ingredients, ensuring that our best triphala ghrita is pure, potent, and free from any harmful additives.
Traditional Preparation: Our Triphala Ghrita is prepared following traditional Ayurvedic methods, which ensures maximum efficacy and health benefits.
Sustainability: At Goseva, we are committed to sustainable practices. We take care to preserve the environment and nature when creating our products.
Customer Satisfaction: We pride ourselves on the positive feedback we receive from our customers, who have experienced the benefits of our Triphala Ghrita firsthand.
Triphala Ghee Uses at Goseva
Ghee, a vital component of Triphala Ghrita, enhances its therapeutic properties. Here are some specific triphala ghee uses:
As a Health Supplement: Take a spoonful of Triphala Ghrita daily to boost overall health and vitality.
For Cooking: Use Triphala Ghee in your cooking to add a healthy twist to your meals. It can be used as a spread, for sautéing vegetables, or in your favorite recipes.
Topical Application: Apply it on the skin for treating dryness, eczema, and other skin conditions.
Nasal Drops: Triphala Ghee can be used as nasal drops (Nasya) to improve respiratory health and relieve sinus issues.
Triphala Ghrita is a timeless Ayurvedic remedy that offers a wide range of health benefits. Whether you’re looking to improve your digestion, boost your immune system, enhance your skin health, or simply detoxify your body, Triphala Ghrita is the perfect solution. At Goseva, we are committed to providing the best Triphala Ghrita, ensuring that you receive the highest quality product to support your health and well-being.
Experience the benefits of Triphala Ghrita today and embrace a healthier, more vibrant life with Goseva. To place your order and discover more about our products, visit our website or get in touch with us.
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robertbaily · 2 months
 By Best Skin Care Products
Buy the Best Makeup & Beauty Products at the Best Prices in India
In today's fast-paced world, the significance of self-care and personal grooming has grown immensely. As a result, the beauty industry has flourished, offering an expansive range of products to cater to every individual's needs. In India, this trend is particularly prominent, with consumers increasingly seeking high-quality makeup and By Best Skin Care Products at the best prices. Whether you're a makeup enthusiast or someone looking to elevate your daily routine, understanding how to navigate the vast marketplace can help you secure the best deals without compromising on quality.
Understanding the Indian Beauty Market
India's beauty market is as diverse as its culture, with an array of local and international brands vying for consumer attention. The demand for beauty products has seen exponential growth, driven by increasing disposable incomes, a young population, and a surge in online shopping. This has led to a competitive market where consumers can find an extensive range of products catering to various skin types, tones, and preferences.
Key Factors to Consider When Buying Beauty Products
Quality Over Quantity: While it might be tempting to go for cheaper options, prioritising quality is essential. High-quality products often contain better ingredients and are less likely to cause adverse reactions. Look for trusted brands with good reviews to ensure you're getting the best for your skin.
Ingredients: Understanding the ingredients in your beauty products can help you make informed decisions. Natural and organic products are becoming increasingly popular for their gentler impact on the skin and the environment. Avoid products with harmful chemicals such as parabens, sulphates, and phthalates.
Skin Type and Tone: It's crucial to select products suited to your skin type and tone. For instance, those with oily skin might benefit from oil-free or mattifying products, while individuals with dry skin should look for hydrating and moisturising options. Additionally, choosing the right shade of foundation or concealer can make a significant difference in achieving a natural look.
Brand Reputation: Established brands often maintain stringent quality controls and invest in research and development to ensure their products meet high standards. However, newer brands can also offer excellent products at competitive prices. Researching and reading reviews can help you gauge a brand's reputation.
Price and Value: While high-end products can be enticing, there are many affordable options that offer great value for money. Look for sales, discounts, and bundles, especially during festive seasons or special promotions. Comparing prices across different platforms can also help you find the best deals.
Top Makeup and Beauty Products in India
Foundations and Concealers: Brands like MAC, Maybelline, and Lakmé offer a wide range of foundations and concealers that cater to different skin tones and types. Maybelline's Fit Me range and Lakmé's 9 to 5 range are particularly popular for their affordability and quality.
Lipsticks and Lip Balms: Lip products are a staple in any makeup kit. Brands such as Nykaa, L'Oréal Paris, and Colorbar provide an extensive range of lipsticks in various finishes, from matte to glossy. For those looking for nourishment alongside colour, lip balms from brands like Biotique and Himalaya are excellent choices.
Eyeshadows and Eyeliners: For eye makeup, Huda Beauty, Revlon, and Sugar Cosmetics offer a fantastic selection of eyeshadows and eyeliners. These brands provide vibrant colours and long-lasting formulas that can help you create both everyday and dramatic looks.
Skincare Essentials: Proper skincare is the foundation of any beauty routine. Brands like The Body Shop, Kama Ayurveda, and Neutrogena are well-regarded for their skincare ranges, which include cleansers, toners, moisturisers, and serums. These products cater to various skin concerns, from acne to ageing.
Haircare Products: Haircare is another critical aspect of beauty. Dove, Pantene, and L'Oréal Professional offer a wide array of shampoos, conditioners, and treatments to address different hair types and issues, such as dryness, frizz, and hair fall.
Tips for Getting the Best Deals
Online Shopping: E-commerce platforms like Amazon, Flipkart, Nykaa, and Purplle frequently offer discounts and deals on beauty products. Signing up for newsletters and alerts can keep you informed about upcoming sales.
Seasonal Sales and Festive Offers: Keep an eye out for major sales events like Diwali, Christmas, and New Year, when many retailers offer significant discounts. End-of-season sales are also a great opportunity to stock up on your favourite products.
Loyalty Programmes: Many brands and online platforms have loyalty programmes that offer points, discounts, and exclusive offers to regular customers. Joining these programmes can lead to considerable savings over time.
Bundle Offers and Kits: Purchasing products in bundles or kits can often be more cost-effective than buying individual items. These sets are also a great way to try out new products without committing to full-sized versions.
Navigating the beauty market in India can be overwhelming, given the sheer number of options available. However, by focusing on quality, understanding your needs, and being savvy about where and when to shop, you can find the best makeup and Beauty Products  at the best prices. With a little research and patience, you can build a beauty routine that enhances your natural features and boosts your confidence without breaking the bank.
Read More Website: https://flipsale.in/
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sanjeevannetralaya · 4 months
Brighter Horizons: The Latest Breakthroughs in Macular Degeneration Treatment
Macular Degeneration, primarily age-related macular degeneration (AMD), is a major cause of vision loss among older adults. This condition affects the macula, the part of the retina responsible for clear central vision. At Sanjeevan Netralaya, we are committed to integrating the latest breakthroughs in macular degeneration treatment with our holistic care approach, providing patients with new hope and improved vision possibilities.
Macular degeneration is categorized into two types: dry (non-neovascular) and wet (neovascular). Dry macular degeneration is more common and less severe, while wet macular degeneration is characterized by rapid and severe vision loss caused by abnormal blood vessel growth. Both types require timely intervention to slow disease progression and preserve vision.
As leaders in eye care, Sanjeevan Netralaya embraces innovation to offer the most effective macular degeneration treatment options. We use Ayurvedic principles to address the root causes of macular degeneration, emphasizing body balance and holistic wellness. Utilizing cutting-edge diagnostic tools, we ensure that each patient’s treatment plan is finely tuned to their specific condition. This precision allows us to effectively manage both types of macular degeneration with tailored therapies that address the unique aspects of each patient’s disease progression.
At Sanjeevan Netralaya, we are constantly exploring new research and advancements in the field of macular degeneration treatment. Our commitment to innovation means we are often at the forefront of introducing new therapies that can offer better outcomes for our patients.
Our macular degeneration treatment protocols are designed with patient safety in mind, ensuring that all interventions are free of harmful side effects. At Sanjeevan Netralaya, we pride ourselves on the efficacy of our treatments, which are supported by rigorous research and positive patient outcomes.
The journey through macular degeneration treatment is filled with challenges, but with the latest breakthroughs and the comprehensive care at Sanjeevan Netralaya, there are brighter horizons ahead for our patients. Our holistic approach not only treats the eyes but also supports the overall well-being of our patients, offering them a chance to regain quality of life and maintain their vision. For the latest in macular degeneration treatment, trust Sanjeevan Netralaya to light the way.
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mahiyogaschool · 3 months
Jala Neti Yogic Cleansing | Mahi Yoga School
The Yogic Context:
Let’s begin by looking at one of the most important yogic texts; The Hatha Yoga Pradeepika. The text describes six yogic purification practices; the Shatkarmas. These purification practices have been used by yogis throughout time, in order to cleanse the physical body and prepare the mind for yoga’s deeper practices. The techniques lead to a purified body by removing toxins, leaving it strong and disease-free. This then allows for the prana or life force to flow freely through the body’s energy channels regenerating the body’s organs, and energetical field and allowing for access to deeper concentration and ultimately access to the higher consciousness through other yogic practices such as meditation. Neti is the first step of these six purification techniques.
What Are The Six Shatkarmas?
Dhauti, Basti, Neti, Trataka, Nauli and Kapalbhati.
A Closer Look At Jala Neti:
Neti, or Jala neti- a Sanskrit word, jala, means “water” and neti means to “guide”.
The nasal cleansing technique has its origin in ancient India and has been practicing throughout time in both yoga and its sister science- Ayurveda.
Neti is used to cleanse the sinuses, and the air passages in the head. It has been practiced using the Neti-pot, a small teapot-like instrument with a small thin spout that channels the water through the nose.
Nasal hygiene along with other internal cleansing practices consider as important as brushing your teeth in Yoga and Ayurveda. Our sinus cavities can become clogged and blocked with impurities, which can cause a variety of problems further on.
By practicing nasal hygiene using the Neti pot you can avoid many conditions such as infections, congestion, migraine, headaches, allergies, and asthma.
Neti is designed as a very simple, straightforward practice that can be incorporated into your daily routine, along with things such as brushing your hair and teeth. Taking just a few minutes, Neti is designed to be carried out in the morning on a regular basis.
The Neti pot (a small teapot-like apparatus, as mentioned before) channels water through one nostril which flows out through the other nostril carrying with it any trapped allergens or germs and relieving the symptoms of congestion etc. as it exits the body.
While this technique may be unknown to many it has been used in India for hundreds of years.
It is an incredibly easy, quick and harmless practice that can give remarkable benefits. A bonus is that you don’t need to invest in any special expensive equipment or even leave the comfort of your home to practice Neti. All you need is a simple pot.
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The Benefits Of Jala Neti:
Neti helps to maintain nasal hygiene by removing the dirt and bacteria trapped along with the mucus in the nostrils.
removes dirt and bacteria trapped with the mucus in nostrils.
It desensitizes sensitive tissues inside the nose which can cause rhinitis, asthma, or allergy.
Can help alleviate health problems such as sinusitis, migraine, headaches, ear problems, and middle ear infections.
Jala Neti can help with upper respiratory complaints, sore throats, tonsils, and dry coughs.
It can clear the eye ducts and improve vision.
Jala Neti also calms the mind and nervous system which helps in relieving stress and giving clarity to the mind.
It helps can aid with asthmatic conditions and improve breathing quality.
Can help with middle ear infections.
Clearing the nasal passageways helps improve digestion and sense of smell.
It deepens the quality of meditation
How To Practice Jala Neti:
mix 1 tablespoon of salt to one liter of warm water. the water should be slightly warm so that it does not irritate the tissues inside the nostrils.
Pour saltwater into the Neti Pot can be made of copper, steel, ceramic, plastic or other materials.
Place the spout of the pot into one nostril.
Tilt your head gently keeping the spout on the upper side. Open your mouth (Breathing should be done through the mouth during the process). Water will begin to pour out of the empty nostril, you can adjust the tilt of the head until this happens. Continue till the water in the pot is complete.
Fill the pot again with salt water and do the same on the other nostril.
You can repeat this process any number of times. Depending on the need.
Note- Jal Neti should be practising only under the guidance of an expert practitioner.
At Mahi Yoga School we instruct Jala Neti as part of the Shatkarmas. Carefully explaining the significance of Jal Neti Kriya, we guide our students in the special practice of shatkarmas or yoga kriyas.
We also guide our students through the process of ‘sutra neti’ where a thick strong thread is inserted into the nose and pulled out from the mouth, to aid the cleansing process of the passages. We also instruct the other 4 cleansing kriyas for a complete detox effect in the true yogic tradition.
If you are wishing for a blissful detoxification experience that will help you along the way to a healthier happier life.
A deeper and more effective meditation.
Or to explore all dimensions of the true yogic path.
Then you are welcome to join any of our courses or yoga teacher training programs at Mahi Yoga centre
Connect with us for more useful Information
DM us for more information Or 🌐 Visit: mahiyoga.com 📞 Contact: +91 82192 06238 ✉[email protected]
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talonabraxas · 17 days
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Aurveda Talon Abraxas
The Five Elements of Ayurveda - Ether, Air, Fire, Water & Earth
The Five Elements
Aurveda’s core view is the connection between the macrocosm and the microcosm, from the universal to the individual, meaning what cxists outside also exists within us. The five great elements (pancha mahabhuta) that compose the world around us also make up our inner world. These elements-space, air, fire, water, earth-form the building blocks of life and mirror the basic principles in physics of space, energy, transformation, liquid, and matter. Each element is connected to a subtle energy, a tanmatra, that is associated with our senses–sound, touch, vision, taste, and smell.
Let’s explore how the elements form our physical body.
Ether/Space (Akasha)
Ether or space, akasha, is the first and subtlest of all the elements. Ether is the space in which everything exists. It is universal, nonmoving, and formless. Its qualities are clear, light, subtle, soft, and immeasurable. This clement is related to the actions of expansion and vibration. The tanmatra of space is sound (shabda), and the ear is the Sensory organ that perceives sound.
Air (Vayu)
The air element, vayu, is the energy of movement. It initiates and directs motion. Its qualities are mobile, dry, light, cold, rough, and subtle. The tanmatra of air is touch (sparsha), and the sensory organ is skin, which helps detect movement. In the body, air expresses itself in the movement of the muscles, lungs, heart, and impulses of the nervous system. Its responsible for breathing, ingestion and elimination, and the flow of thought. Prana is the basic principle of the air element, the vital life force that is primarily taken in through breath and which life cannot exist without.
Fire (Agni)
The fire element, agni, is the energy of transformation. The qualities of fire are hot, sharp, light, dry, and subtle. The tanmatra of fire is vision (rupa), and the eyes are the sensory organ responsible for sight. The fire element governs all metabolic processes, aiding in the digestion of food, transformation of thoughts, and perception of light. Tejas is the subtle essence of fire, the burning flame of pure intelligence that pro-cesses all perception into knowledge.
Water (Apas)
From subtle to gross, the next element is water, called apas. Its main actions are cohesion and adhesion. Its qualities are cool, liquid, dull, soft, oily, and slimy. The tanmatra of water is taste (rasa). The tongue is the sensory organ that plays a large role in our experience of eating and our sense of satisfaction. Water lives in the body as plasma, saliva, mucous, cerebrospinal fuid, urine, and sweat. Ojas is the subtle essence of water, giving vitality and immunity to the bodily tissues.
Earth (Prithvi)
The earth element, prithvi, is the densest of all. It creates shape and structure. It is heavy, dull, dense, hard, and gross. The tanmatra of earth is smell (gandba), and the sensory organ is the nose. The earth element shapes all the body’s solid structures and tissues, including the bones, cartilage, nails, teeth, hair, and skin.
Incorporating Ayurvedic principles into massage therapy goes beyond mere relaxation; it offers a holistic approach to harmonizing the mind, body, and spirit, promoting overall well-being. By addressing the elemental balance specific to an individual’s constitution, we can tailor massages to effectively target stress and tension, ultimately leading to a more relaxed and grounded nervous system.
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Eye-Am-Special Eyecare Duo
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100% Natural, royal indulgence especially curated for the Delicate, Aging, Over-worked Under-Eyes, Ajara's Age-Perfecting Duo supersedes all "Anti-Aging" Eye Treatments! Let your under-eye skin breathe in youthful vibes with this reassuring AM-to-PM care.
Night-time Rejuvenation + Day-time Revitalization! Just 2 Steps to eyes that look youthful, refreshed, well-rested.
Wish to go concealer-free? Or simply wish for something safe, reliable and effective to entrust the care of the hypersensitive, dry around-the-eye skin to? You're in for a treat!
Just 1 use and your under-eye skin will thank you. Lo and Behold, Ayurveda's choicest in Eye-Am-Special Eye Care Duo. (Rated - 4.6/5 for a reason). It does make a difference!
Try it now with a risk-free 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee!
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chandigarhayurved · 3 months
What is Sjogren's Syndrome? What are the Natural Remedies for its treatment?
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Sjogren's syndrome is a disease associated with the immune system. It is an autoimmune condition, which means that your immune system mistakenly attacks other parts of your body. This happens when white blood cells go to the salivary glands, tear glands and other exocrine tissues and affect them, which leads to a decrease in the production of tears and saliva in our body.
Due to this disease, there is dryness in the mouth, eyes, skin, nose, vagina or upper respiratory tract. Not only this, other parts of the body like joints, lungs, kidneys etc. are also damaged by this.
The problem of Sjogren's syndrome is more commonly seen in women and this disease starts only after the age of 40 years. The disease is sometimes associated with other diseases such as arthritis and lupus.
The causes of Sjogren's syndrome are not known exactly. According to studies, viral or bacterial infection can be the cause of this disease.
However, its main causes are genetic and environmental. The nervous system, endocrine or hormone-producing systems may also be thought to cause Sjogren's syndrome.
An environmental factor can also alter the immune system and cause immune problems later, such as infection with hepatitis C or Epstein-Barr virus.
Women have more of this problem than men. It is believed that this is due to the hormones of women.
Menopause can also be a reason for this. Some studies suggest that estrogen protects against Sjogren's and that falling levels of the hormone may alter immune function and make the condition worse.
There is no cure for Sjogren's syndrome. But, by treating the dryness of the affected organs, the problems caused by this disease can be relieved.
Age - The risk of developing Sjogren's syndrome is higher after the age of 40.
Gender - Women are more likely to have this problem than men.
Rheumatic disease - People who have rheumatic disease like arthritis. They also have a higher risk of getting this disease.
Family History - It is also believed that if someone in your family has this disease, then you are more likely to get this disease.
The symptoms of Sjogren's syndrome are:
Dry eyes - There may be burning, itching in the eyes.
Dry mouth - It may feel like you have cotton in your mouth. Along with this, there is a problem in swallowing and even speaking.
Joint pain, swelling and stiffness
Swollen salivary glands – especially behind the jaw and in front of the ears
Skin rashes and dry skin
Vaginal dryness
Persistent dry cough
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
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Drink more fluids, especially water.
Chew sugarless gum or use hard candies to moisten your mouth.
Use artificial tears and ointment regularly to keep your eyes moist
Use a saline spray for your nose.
Install a humidifier to help reduce dryness of the eyes, nose, mouth, and skin.
Don't smoke and don't drink alcohol.
In Ayurveda symptoms of an eye disease known as 'Shushka Akshipaka' are similar to that of Sjogren’s syndrome. It can be broken into two words, 'Shushka' means 'Dry', and 'Paka' means 'inflammation' of eyes. It comes under the Sarvagata Netra Roga which is a Vata/Vata-Pitta dominant vyadhi. It also leads to derangement of metabolism and tissues of the body.
Deepan pachana - Deepana-Pachana should be performed before any treatment to acquire niramavastha of doshas. It helps to eliminate Ama from the abdomen.
Virechan - Virechan is the process of eliminating vitiated doshas (mostly pitta) from the lower gastrointestinal tract via the anal pathway. This procedure provides clarity to mind, strengthens sense organs, stability to tissues, etc. 
Basti - It is the process of administering medications in suspension form through the rectum using basti yantra. By virtue of the drug's virya, it draws the doshas or mala from all over the body, from the foot to the head.
Seka - In this application, the medication is poured continuously from four inches above the closed eye (on the eyelids) for a specified duration determined by the dosha.
Aschyotan - It is a process in which medicinal drops are delivered into the open eye from a height of two inches. It is the first-line therapy for all eye diseases.
Akshi tarpana - It is a treatment in which the eye is filled with medicinal oil or ghee for a set amount of time. It nourishes the eyes and treats the Vata-Pitta Vikara.
Nasya - It is a medicinal method in which medication is infused in the nostrils in the form of drops. This medication is quite successful in treating a variety of Urdhavjatrugata-related disorders.
Anjana - The anjana shalaka (rod) is used to apply medication to the inside surface of the lid margin from Kaneenaka sandhi (inner canthus of eye) to Apanga sandhi (outer canthus of eye).
Chandigarh Ayurved Centre made the specialized kit that is very beneficial as it contains pure herbs that are free from side effects and cure this condition of its root cause. The kit has a total of 6 products – Ras raj ras, Kapha detox powder, Ekangveer rasa, Trikatu syrup, Pain-o-kill oil, and Vaat nashik vati.
Cough go tablets:
CAC Cough Go Tablet is a herbo-mineral tablet of size 650 MG and is a purely ayurvedic formulation. CAC Cough Go tablets help in balancing the kapha dosha. It shows effective results in Chronic Cough, common cold, and all respiratory diseases along with Seasonal Allergy, Bronchitis, Bronchial Asthma. It helps to treat root cause and also increase immunity of the person. It’s not only symptomatic treatment but heals your body naturally. It contains pure herbal ingredients like Sonth (Zingiber officinale), Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Pippali (Piper longum), Kali mirch (Piper nigrum), Laxmi vilas rasa, Abhrak bhasam, Tankan bhasam etc. These ingredients contain natural Kapha doshahar properties and help in curing all respiratory diseases and symptoms like dry eyes and mouth. DOSAGE: Take one tablet twice a day with normal water.
Nerve Up:
It is pure herbo-mineral formulation which helps to balance the vata dosha. It act as nervine stimulator and also reduces Kapha doshas. It mainly acts on central nervous system. It contains natural ingredients like Shudha kuchala, Shudha shilajeet, Praval pishti, Shankh bhasma etc. These contains natural Vatahar properties and helps in curing vata diseases. It speeds up physical and mental processes. It helps in painful joints, stiffness , inflammation, swelling and general weakness. Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water after meal.
Trikatu syrup:
Trikatu syrup is pure ayurvedic formulation comprises of mainly three herbs such as Pippali (Piper longum), Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), &; Marich (Piper nigrum). the main function of trikatu syrup is that it removes excess of Kapha doshas and supports the respiratory system, help to reduce body weight and hence detoxifies the body. it has anti-inflammatory , analgesic and antioxidant properties. It boosts metabolism and helps to reduce inflammation of the body. Helps to fight against infections, and improve the body’s energy levels It is free from chemicals, additives, colors and fillers. Dosage: 2 tsp twice daily before a meal.
Detox Premium Powder
The sachet includes all the natural ingredients which help to detoxify the body and maintain the natural luster and glow in the skin.  This herbal sachet contain various ingredients mentioned below:
Parwal Pishti – It is an Ayurvedic medication based on Coral Calcium. Parwal pishti acts as an anti-inflammatory. It prevents from sunburn and pricking sensation in the skin after burning, etc.
Shukta Pishti – It is prepared from the pearl oyster shell. Shukta Pishti is used in acne and skin allergy. It mainly helps to remove the patches.
Giloy Satva – Giloy satva is ayurvedic preparation that reduces the signs of aging, dark spots, pimples, etc.
Tal Sindoor –It purifies the blood which in turns treats the skin disorders. Tal Sindoor shows an anti – allergic properties and also used in skin irritation, itching, and improves the health of the skin.
Gandhak Rasayana– This is a classical preparation used in itching, burning sensation, urticaria, eczema, scabies, pimples, etc.
Kamdudha Rasa – Kamdudha Ras is an herbal-mineral ayurvedic classical medicine having SHEETA VIRYA properties. It is used in burning sensation, excessive sweating, hot flashes, heat sensation, etc.
Sudh Yog Powder -It helps to remove patches, acne. Sudh Yog Powder helps in nourishing and moisturizing the skin. This powder promotes detoxification and rejuvenation. It helps in engender vibrant, which makes the skin healthy.
Jahar Mohra Pishti – Jahar mohra pishti is an Ayurvedic mineral based formulation. In Ayurveda, it mainly works on pitta dosha. The main work of Jahar Mohra Pishti is to detoxify the body and maintain the luster on the face.
Recommended Dosage –Take 1 Sachet twice a day with normal water.
Pain-o-kill syrup:
This is a herbal oil that helps in reducing pain, inflammation, stiffness, &amp; swelling, tenderness of the joints. The oil is composed of Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), Erand (Ricinus communis), Kapoor (Camphora officinalis), Til taila (Sesame indicum), etc. The ingredients have anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties that are very effective to ease the signs and symptoms. Method of application – Apply the oil over the affected area once or twice daily.
Rasayan Vati:
It is a pure herbal formulation which is free from chemicals, additives, colors, and fillers. It consist of Ashwagandha, Shilajeet, Amla, Kesar, Musli, Shatavari, Brahmi, Abhrak Bhasam, Swarn Makshik Bhasam, Yashad Bhasam, Mukta pisti, Praval pisti, Jaiphal, Vang Bhasam, Dalchini, Javitri, Gokhru, Kaunch Beej, Shilajeet, Saunth, Mirch, Pippali, Manjistha, Anant Mool, etc. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and immunomodulator properties. It helps to balance all three doshas and Brahmi present in it helps to increase brain functioning. Rasayan vati acts as a health tonic, memory tonic, and it is effective in general debility and nerve weakness. Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water after meal.
Anu Tail:
Anu tail is herbo mineral and purely ayurvedic formulation. It is used for ayurvedic treatment procedure known as Nasya treatment in most of the disease involving Ear, Nose and Throat involving pain. It has Tridosha balancing properties but mainly help to balance your Kapha dosha that cause Headache, running Nose or Sinusitis. It strengthens Ear, Eyes, Nose, Tongue and Throat.
Dosage: Put 2 drops twice daily in nostril.
Kanth Sudharak Vati:
Kantha Sudharak Vati is a pure herbal formulation of CAC which provides a soothing effect and acts as an expectorant herb that gives relief in throat problems. It reduces the stickiness due to Kapha doshas in the oral cavity and removes bad breath. It is herbal combination without any added chemical, preservatives and fillers.Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water after meal.
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eliteayurveda · 4 months
Alternative Treatments for HS
When your existing treatments aren’t working, try these tips to see if they help.
If you have hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), a chronic inflammatory disorder that causes painful boils and abscesses to grow beneath the skin, putting your disease under control can entail a jumbled patchwork of half-effective treatments. “No medication is 100% effective for most patients,” says Dr Adil Moulanchikkal, Lead Ayurveda Specialist at EliteAyurveda. “We may combine one that is 50% effective for some cases with one that is 20% effective for other cases and another that is 15% effective to get as close to 100 as possible.” According to Dr Adil, many people seek treatment through alternative and home remedies. But, do they function, and are they safe? What is the outlook of Ayurveda Medicines for HS treatment? Here’s what you need to know.
Assess Your Zinc Levels
People with HS have a higher rate of zinc insufficiency than people without the condition. “Zinc is an anti-inflammatory nutrient that has been shown to be helpful in reducing HS flares,” he explains, implying that it can lessen the severity of the disease. Zinc can actually boost the immunity of skin cells, assisting in the combat and healing of HS irritation. The RDA for zinc for people aged 14 and up is 11 milligrammes (mg) per day for men and 9 mg per day for women.
Turmeric is an option.
Turmeric is a spice that includes curcumin, an anti-inflammatory ingredient. While it hasn’t been examined formally in HS, it has been found to aid with other inflammatory autoimmune disorders. One meta-study discovered that taking 1,000 mg of curcumin daily for eight to twelve weeks reduced arthritic pain and inflammation just as well as NSAIDs. You can achieve your daily dose of 1,000 mg by taking capsules or adding five teaspoons of ground turmeric to your food. “Turmeric is generally considered safe,” Dr Adil explains, “but it’s always a good idea to consult with your doctor before beginning any supplement.”
Take a Salt Bath
The second most popular home remedy? Baths using Epsom salts. Sixty percent of people with HS try magnesium sulphate salt soaks, and if you spend any time on HS online support forums, you’ll notice that a lot of them swear by them. There’s no firm evidence that the salts help with HS symptoms or even soothe painful muscles, as they’re generally used for, but Dr. Adil believes they’re worth a shot. At the very least, the bath will relax you and clean your irritated areas. Fill your tub with warm water and add the amount of salts specified on the box.
Take a Bleach Bath.
We’re loving all of these baths! Though soaking in bleach may sound unpleasant, the diluted chemical can actually reduce skin irritation and bacteria, preventing infection and relieving itching. (Just avoid making contact with your eyes.) “Bleach baths really do help,” adds Dr. Adil, who recommends having them once or twice a week (but you can take them every day if they help!). How to Go About It: In a full tub of warm water, dilute a half cup of standard or “unconcentrated” household bleach. Soak for 5 to 10 minutes in the bath, then rinse well with warm tap water and moisturise.
Use honey!
Honey has been utilised as a natural antibacterial agent in wound healing for ages. Wound care, or treating your sores to prevent infection, is an important element of HS therapy. Honey is hygroscopic, which means it absorbs moisture and dehydrates microorganisms. Furthermore, contrary to popular belief, honey’s high sugar content inhibits the growth of germs.Dr. Adil advises “directly on open sores as a soothing antimicrobial ointment.” After that, wrap the area in gauze.
Raise the temperature
Honey isn’t the only home wound care remedy available. Begin by placing a moist warm compress to your lesions for around 10 minutes; the heat will suck out pus and reduce irritation. Next, wash the affected area with a mild antibacterial / neem soap and thoroughly dry it before administering any topical treatments or dressings. According to Dr. Adil, never scrub or pick at the lesions, and avoid using rubbing alcohol because it might cause skin damage. Warm compresses or cold packs (neither directly against the skin) will provide pain relief throughout the day.
Take a look at Neem, haridhra.
Ayurveda, the Indian traditional school of medicine, emphasises the benefits of numerous medicinal plants for wound healing. Scientists looking for innovative pharmaceuticals from natural resources are turning to Ayurveda since phyto-medicines are not only inexpensive, but also relatively safe. Ayurveda describes several medications of plant, mineral, and animal origin for their wound healing qualities under the word Vranaropaka (wound healing agent). Some plants’ wound healing activities have been experimentally tested in various pharmacological models and patients, but the potential of the majority of them remains untapped.
Some Ayurvedic plants, namely Vata (Ficus bengalensis Linn.), Durva (Cynodon dactylon Pers.), Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa Roxb.), Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia Linn.), Chandan (Pterocarpus santalinus Linn. f.), Gular (Ficus racemosa Roxb.), Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn.), Daruharidra (Berberis aristata DC.), Haridra (Curcuma longa Linn.), Mandukaparni (Centella asiatica (Linn.) Urban), Snuhi (Euphorbia nerifolia Linn.), and Ghrita Kumarai (Aloe vera Tourn. ex Linn.) were found to be effective
Commonly available neem can be used as well in form of commercially available soap for regularly disinfecting the sores or lesions.
Leave out the dairy and the brewer’s yeast.
Dairy products can elevate insulin levels, which promotes an increase in the synthesis of hormones known as androgens. Because increased androgens play a role in the development of HS disease, dairy may promote HS flares in some persons. Dr. Adil suggests avoiding all dairy for two months before consuming a lot of dairy. “If your HS flares, you’re one of the people who should avoid dairy.” Brewer’s yeast, which can be present in breads, beer, and soy sauce, can also cause HS flare-ups in some people. Request an anti-gliadin antibody blood test from your dermatologist, which can reveal a sensitivity to brewer’s yeast.
Connect with Other HS Warriors
“Connecting with other people affected by HS can be really powerful,” Dr. Adil explains. “It’s comforting to know you’re not alone in your struggle, and patients can share treatments and remedies that have worked for them.” “Sometimes patients suggest things that aren’t safe,” he explains, such as cutting open lesions (people become desperate for relief and undertake this extremely dangerous practise), pouring rubbing alcohol through the tunnels, and putting undiluted bleach to skin. Make certain that any HS community you join is medically regulated. 
Our Outlook –
According to Ayurveda, hidradenitis suppurativa is a cause of Kapha and Pitta dosha. When the digestive fire (Agni), or Pitta, is out of balance, the Kapha Dosha becomes vitiated, which slows down metabolism. Due to the disruption of fat molecules, they start to build up in muscles and impede bodily passageways, causing painful, swollen sores in the groin, buttocks, thighs, and armpits.
In Ayurveda, hidradenitis suppurativa Treatment is to restore the body’s natural equilibrium by detoxifying it with potent herbal therapies. 
The treatment for Hidradenitis Suppurativa at Elite Ayurveda comprises balancing the Kapha and Pitta doshas, as well as providing harmony to the metabolism. The treatment comprises body detoxification, internal drugs to balance doshas, and external applications to heal scars.
The treatment involves combinations of herbs created based on individual Prakruti and Vikruti analysis. Visit our website to know more
Connect with us to get our patient testimonials and also to speak with our patients directly about their experience in getting their disease treated by us and by Ayurveda as a whole.
Medically reviewed by Dr Adil Moulanchikkal, Lead Ayurveda Specialist at EliteAyurveda Clinics. With over 15 years of experience in treating Neurological, Skin & Autoimmune Diseases.
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