windupaymeric · 2 years
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A quiet (and very stormy) getaway 
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jessu-uu · 2 years
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Happy Heavensturn from the Borels!
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dreamangel-ren · 5 years
Seeing Into The Future? OwO
So um, I had a FFXIV dream that my character and Ser Aymeric were married and they had a kid together:
She was so beautiful 😍 She was a half breed (Elezen and Hyur), and looked mostly like her father (got her mom’s personality). Even though I originally thought if Ren and Aymeric had a girl, her name would’ve been Nora; but in the dream, she was known as Isabella.
Basically, they were just happy being together; Isabella wanted to take a stroll through the new and improved Ishgard with her parents. While she was quite ahead enjoying the scene, Aymeric and Ren were right behind her. Since I was seeing this through Ren’s eyes, she was holding hands with her husband and she didn’t let go.
(I’m sooo gonna draw a picture of this beautiful vision! XD).
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xfairystar · 5 years
The day she fell
Aymeric moved eastwards towards the breech with his battalion of Ishguardian troops behind him, as he moved closer he could see the flashes of light, hear the clanging of steel.  
When he arrived on the battlefield his first instinct was to look for her, but of course it did not take much to see her, right in the middle with him.  Around her lay countless bodies, including that of Lyse, Hien and Yugiri, now only she stood against the ascian, alone as always and Aymeric cursed himself that he did not get there sooner to stand with her; but he did not get long to ponder this as the Garleans attacked and he became swept up in the battle himself, but despite this, every so often he endeavoured to look over and check on her, sometimes caught by a flash of bright light causing his heart to leap into his throat in fear for her.  But she was always fine.  
They were beginning to take ground, pushing the Garleans back, their resolve was faltering as they saw the Warrior of Light was prevailing against their leader.  It was then as the battle was starting to be won, and Aymeric himself had drawn back, walking amongst his wounded assisting the chirugeons helping where he could although he was no healer.  He took a moment to watch her, the battle was all but over with her victorious as ever, they appeared to be talking.  But then it happened, his worst fears coming true before his very eyes with naught he could do about it; she doubled over in pain, obviously the voice was calling to her again as it had been to all the scions recently, only now she was the only scion who had not succumbed to it… yet.  Only now she fell, breathing heavily on the ground, one hand grasping at the ground she kept one on her sword pointing it at Zenos, but her grip was faltering, the sword was shaking.   Zenos walked towards her, Aymeric could see her try to fight it, see her looking towards Zenos, trying desperately to get up but she fell back to her knees.  Aymeric stepped forwards desperate to help but he knew it was futile, he would never be able to reach her in time.  
Zenos was upon her, boring down over her, katana in hand ready to deliver what would clearly be the killing blow and it was all Aymeric could do to stop himself from crying out.  Then suddenly, from nowhere, a flash of a shadow and she was gone, the katana swung down but she wasn’t there, Zenos stumbled, looking around in confusion he backed away and retreated back towards the Garleans.
Aymeric too was looking around searching, where had she gone!? What was that shadow!? Perplexing didn’t even come close to describing the situation.  He felt a presence nearby and turned towards it, Estinien was carrying her towards him, wordlessly Estinien lowered her onto the ground before him, nodded at Aymeric then turned and walked away.  Well he never had been a man of many words thought Aymeric as he knelt before her, she was out cold, almost as though sleeping, just like the rest… oh how he had dreaded this moment that he had feared would come, ever since Thancred had fallen in Ala Mhigo.  
“Chirugeons! To me!” he called out desperately.
Hearing their leaders cries they hurried to him. Although he knew it was a seemingly pointless endeavour, none had been able to rouse the other scions, why would it be different for her? But he had to try. https://archiveofourown.org/works/18281045
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emily-lotus · 2 years
1. Three ships
WoLxAymericxEstinien: at first it was just AymericxWoL but slowly over time it grew to the three of them. They have their moments but they truly love one another and have been working hard to make sure they take care of one another
GaiusxOc (ToX): what happens when you pair a king and a commoner together. Especially if said commoner has for the last 6 months to a year, insulted you without realizing they were directly doing so. It works though. They love each other so much its unreal.
MalikxOc (ToGf): this...this was outnof left field and crushed my dream of wanting to explore single sided crushes. Kinda. She's stubborn and he's super patient. They also have helped one another heal from their trauma.
2. Last Song
Uh....answers? I think. It fits emily as she goes through the trials of being the warrior of light really. She is always seeking answers.
3. Last Movie
....what did i throw up on Disney+ the other day?.....that i paid attention to....uh....idr
4. Currently Watching
Depression brain has me flipping between Ducktales (2017) and Gravity Falls. Yay!
5. Currently Playing
FfXIV, the main one i'm playing currently. RiP to my backlog. Twisted Wonderland and Obey me! Are my current phone games i'm playing.
6. Currently Reading
Throne of Glass book 2, Acot book 4 and City of Lost Souls. I...bounce between what i hyperfocus on book wise.
Stole from @lumeriagreenbriar
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itwasalwaysjustred · 4 years
prompt #005 - matter of fact
EstinienxWoL, mentions of background AymericxWoL; WoL pays a visit to a recovering dragoon; 1.4k
content warning: UST, brief spoilers for the end of post-Heavensward  
“Absolutely no visitors” is what he overhears the chirurgeon telling another person, but Nhagi’li has always been of the mind that rules like that weren’t meant to include people like him. No doubt, whoever had put that into place didn’t want Estinien to be bothered by anyone who wants a look at the infamous Azure Dragoon. Certainly other people — other people who are also famous and handsome and not there just to gawp — should be allowed to see their friends, right? 
Still, he is the master of shadow and stealth as he creeps around the infirmary in search of Estinien’s room, making sure to avoid being caught in the act. He’s not entirely sure that the chirurgeons won’t throw him out on sight; Warrior of Light and Saviour of Ishgard only go so far with healers, Nhagi’li has found. 
The door to his companion’s room is, blessedly, unguarded, and it only takes him a moment to quietly open it and slip inside, glancing about the room. Estinien is not, in fact, resting, though anyone who knew the man could have guessed that. He is up and dressed and in the middle of what looks to be packing, as though he’s about to leave on a trip. A bold move, for someone who’s meant to be on bed-rest for at least another three days. Nhagi’li folds his arms over his chest and calls out, 
“They told me you were resting.”
Estinien whirls around, only to scowl when he sees who it is. It’s not his worst scowl, though, so Nhagi’li takes it to mean that the Elezen won’t stab him on sight, and starts to make his way further into the room. The furrow between Estinien’s brows only deepens, though, before he finally growls out,
“Have you come to stop me?”
Nhagi’li shrugs a little, despite knowing full well that the answer is no. There’d be little point to such a venture. Somebody would get hurt, Estinien would try to escape again at the nearest opportunity, and Aymeric would be Sorely Displeased with the both of them and subject them to a lengthy, arms-crossed-disappointed-face lecture about their folly. In truth, it was better just to let the dragoon be on his way. He affects a pensive look anyways, rubbing at his stubble-less chin. 
“Dunno, do you think I could?”
The Elezen doesn’t dignify that with a response, focusing instead on stuffing the last of his belongings into the pouches on his hips. Nhagi’li doesn’t make any move to interfere, instead taking the opportunity to get a good look at his friend. He’s seen Estinien without the helm before, but not like this, devoid of any of his spiky armour and with his long, white hair left free flowing. He’s always thought Estinien a handsome man, but there’s something about seeing him like this, practically naked in comparison to his old attire, that stirs something warm inside of Nhagi’li. It’s also likely the only opportunity he’ll get to watch him uninterrupted like this, and Nhagi’li takes to it with gusto, drinking in the play of the light across the sharp contours of his face, the soft sheen of his hair, the concentrated furrow of his brow as he works. 
Estinien’s tolerance of his open staring lasts for barely the span of a few breaths before Nhagi’li sees his eyebrows twitch, and he knows he’s about to be called out on it. Sure enough, the Elezen barks out a terse, “What”, and Nhagi’li bites back the urge to chuckle. He’s going to miss Estinien’s bluntness, the Miqo’te thinks a little sadly, even as he rewards the Elezen with a little bit of his own. 
“I’m not allowed to look at your face? I’m not used to seeing it in broad daylight. I’m enjoying myself.” 
This is clearly not the answer Estinien had been expecting, if the faint flush of pink to his cheeks is anything to go by. His scowl increases tenfold, but Nhagi’li knows him well enough to disregard the expression as anything meaningful. Still, a wiser person would have likely stepped away from a dragoon with such a dark expression. Nhagi’li steps into Estinien’s space instead, testing, and when he is not bodily removed from the dragoon’s presence he reaches up to curl a lock of hair around one of his fingers, drawing it towards his face. 
Estinien smells like he should now, none of Nidhogg’s struck-match-sulfur burning at his senses. Nhagi’li closes his eyes, breathes in and lets the scent of his friend curl behind his nose, learning, memorizing, so he will never forget it no matter how far apart they roam. He wants to remember Estinien like this, free of all his burdens, especially if this is the last time he’ll ever see the dragoon. 
He opens his eyes to find Estinien staring openly at him, and Nhagi’li’s lips twitch upwards in the hint of a smile. Underneath the scent of leather and plain Ishgard soap is a scent that the Miqo’te is especially familiar with, and he cannot help but want to coax out a little more. He moves slowly, but not cautiously, merely allowing Estinien the time to voice his displeasure about Nhagi’li’s intentions. The Elezen says nothing as Nhagi’li tightens his grip on Estinien’s hair and uses it to draw him down — down, down, until his face is close enough that Nhagi’li can capture it between his hands and kiss him properly. He had intended to start slow, to make it more meaningful than their last heated kisses had been, but Estinien doesn’t allow him time for sentiment. His fingers bite into Nhagi’li’s hips as he drags him closer, tongue curling into his mouth as he kisses the Miqo’te with all the ferocity and single-minded intent of the dragon hunter he once was. 
Nhagi’li catches Estinien’s bottom lip between his teeth when he finally pulls away, tugging it to prolong their kiss as he watches Estinien through half-lidded eyes. The Elezen may claim to be a dragoon no longer, but the dragon of Nhagi’li’s soul still calls out to him, rumbling from deep below his skin. He knows Estinien can feel it, can tell by the way his eyes darken, the way he growls low and dangerous as he leans back in to capture Nhagi’li’s mouth for another biting kiss. 
A part of Nhagi’li is tempted to keep this up, knowing that it would make him stay. It wouldn’t be for long, of course, but the temptation of another round between the sheets is a strong one indeed. If he wasn’t sure the already still-recovering Estinien would leave with even less energy to face the wilds of Coerthas he would take the Elezen up on the promises his lips were making, but alas. Sometimes he had to make terrible sacrifices for the good of the people, and all that. 
He lets his fingers slide free of Estinien’s hair as they part again, briefly letting their noses brush before he speaks.      
“Until we meet again... number two Azure Dragoon.” 
Even to the last, Nhagi’li cannot help the tease, knowing he deserves the pointed shove back onto the bed, where he lands in an undignified heap. He makes no move to rise, though, merely making himself comfortable as he watches Estinien mutter darkly under his breath and make his escape through the open window. For all that he has cast aside his place among the draconic warriors, it appears that old habits were not so quick to die after all. 
When Nhagi’li hears the window latch click shut once more, he relaxes for real, pillowing his head on his hands and closing his eyes. Aymeric will be sore with him no doubt, when he arrives later to find the wrong dragoon napping in this infirmary bed. He’s certain that Estinein didn’t even say goodbye to his old friend, but such was his way; Aymeric would know that best of all. The only thing any of them can do is let Estinien go free, and leave the door unlatched for whenever he decides he wishes to return. 
Though the outside is surely cold, the sun beams that streak through the glass window are warm, and Nhagi’li cannot resist the urge to bask in them, turning his head so he can burrow a little into sheets that still smell like Estinien. If the dragoon won’t take his chirurgeon-ordered rest, then Nhagi’li will just have to take it for him. 
He’ll need to keep his strength up if he’s to offer succor to Aymeric, after all. 
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windupaymeric · 2 years
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Before entering Snowcloak
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windupaymeric · 2 years
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Bedroom Eyes(tm)
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windupaymeric · 2 years
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Them courting was just giving the other bedroom eyes
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dreamangel-ren · 6 years
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“I was always yours to have, you were always mine. We loved each other in and out of time..” - Maya Angelou The things you can do in Photoshop :> (I got inspired from an insert your character here meme posted on a FFXIV fan page that I follow to create this and I’m super proud of the results!)
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dreamangel-ren · 6 years
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So this particular sidequest caused my OTP senses to tingle. XD When the NPC asked my character certain questions, I knew what my response was...
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dreamangel-ren · 7 years
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Well, looks like a certain Warrior of Light is about to sync with a certain Lord Commander XD This picture is kinda like a continuation of a WoLxAymeric comic that I saw on this site which you can see it by clicking ze link: http://sforzie.tumblr.com/post/163246588650/high-ishgardian-poetry-it-is-not-this-one-goes Or better yet, this scene could took place before/after my character had to liberate Ala Mhigo in the expanison, Stormblood. Ser Aymeric belongs to Square Enix.
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dreamangel-ren · 5 years
What is going on? XD
So after I had talked about the dream that Ser Aymeric and Ren were happily married and had a daughter, I had a quick glimpse (while dreaming another dream - Moana themed) of their wedding XD
The odd part was that their wedding was at a beach and I believe the Moana based setting caused that to happen lol
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