#ayla kin
sebille · 4 months
(Don’t send me spoilers, please)
I love that we're talking about how monstrous the wol would be from the POV of anyone who is their enemy.
Like how Elidibus tells the wol that they've slaughtered his kin - because we have! To us it was the right thing to do, but to them we're some monster who is killing them for trying to get their home back.
I love that the wol gets to ponder on this, and at least with how Ayla is, she'd definitely take this to heart and feel the weight of his words and some regret for how things happened.
Talking to Hythlodaeus just makes it worse. Idk how she'll manage to go on at this point lol.
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Hello again.....Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
I’m gonna leave the Merlin characters out because I don’t want to fill up all 10 with them just because it’s a current special interest, so these are my top ten without bbc Merlin characters
Hunter from The Owl House
Patroclus from Song of Achilles
Crier and Ayla in Crier’s war, I still need to read Iron heart
Jiro from My Hero Academia
Sasaki from Sasaki to Miyano
Kili from the hobbit (the books, I still need to watch the films)
Raine from The Owl House
Aizawa from My Hero Academia
Anabeth Chase from Percy Jackson (books and series, the movie was crap)
Ogasawara from Sasaki to Miyano
I don’t really have a reason for most of them that isn’t really hyper specific, most of the time I latch onto a character early on because of a specific super moment and they become my favourite then I get more reasons as I go on. It’s usually something that I relate to, not quite kin but it’s a close thing.
like for Raine it was that they were a bard and I really like music, same with Jiro
I’ve had many debates about Achilles choice in Song of Achilles and free will and all of that. I’m also a huge Iliad nerd and Greek myths have always been really interesting to me,
And then there’s kins, Hunter, Jiro,
Comfort characters, Aizawa
Characters who remind me of someone I know, Ogasawara, Sasaki, Kili
You get the idea.
Honestly, the most difficult part about these is narrowing it down to 10, I’m just realising I missed Shinsou off this list, a few characters from Yuri on ice and I won’t even begin getting into the books.
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Infoduuummmmpp part 3!! ( I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry ik u didn't sign up for all this but three is the perfect number )
Now I'm literally just gonna talk about my blorbos
Izuku Midoryia
Protagonist of Boku no hero academia
Bisexual lil shit ( non canon )
LITERALLY super autistic ( also nc)
Has adhd ( guess what ? NC)
Anyways he's the ultimate cinnamon roll, the cutest little thingie and I love him. He's got the worst case of hero syndrome I have EVER seem, my man doesn't take a break from saving and helping people ever. He's very sad was bullied, very friendly and I literally have a 10 point slide on him because I just love him That Much ( I actually made it for a tumblr showdown he ended up losing. I don't regret it thou )
Nico di angelo
Goth lol
Sarcasm 10/10
G a y
In love with the sun
My kinnie
Hero syndrome lmao
Bad self steam + ptsd
Alex fierro
Gender fluid
A bitch
I love Alex they're such an asshole
Protagonist of Conectadas ( connected )
My baby girl
Literally my kin and I wish to adopt her
In love with a girl she met on the internet (ayla!!!)
Huge nerd
Literally my daughter
Protagonist of Cemetery boys
Trans lil shit
100% slytherin energy
Gay as fuck
I would make friends with him but I would also slap him in the face so he stops being A Lil Shit
I love him
Tbh 90% of the characters in boku no hero
I love them
All my blorbos
Especially Mina ashido, todoroki shoto, shinsou, Toga, Hawks , dabi and tsuyu
Anyways I could literally go on forever, but I have bothered u enough ( sorry again, baby cakes)
The way I bent in laughter was not okay—
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fennharel · 10 months
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title: the dread wolf watches when: post the tinkerer where: around trigger warnings: none
Known as the liar, the betrayer, the traitor; loyalty is not what Fen’harel is the most well known trait. 
Their name is associated with betrayal of the highest order, with disorder and dissatisfaction, with a knife in the back and poison on a goblet freely offered. They know, through Laer, that their name has begun to be used as a curse. No longer adored for their long standing collaborations to their kind, the Dread Wolf had become a shadow over the former fey. 
A name that is to be whispered by the people that she once led with distaste and rancor dripping from their lips. 
Funny, how everything they had ever done had been for them.
Funny, how despite the grief, despite the overwhelming loss, they do not know whether if they had the opportunity she would do it all over again or not. 
Fen’harel is angry. 
They have not been anything else but angry for millennia. Her leadership has been born from ashes and blood, and she had expected to endure it all without support or advice. 
They had done as expected, gone above expectations over and over again, but the anger had remained. 
And Titania had never done anything to erase it from them. 
Not, at least, until the Archfey used the truth to break them. 
It worked.
Under Laer, she had begun to heal. At Ayla’s touch she had begun to feel again. 
That didn’t stop the anger, but few saw it for what it was. 
A desire to conquer, to make the world their own after it had taken so much from them. 
Not, at least, until Octavian. 
The Archdruid had seen her anger and fanned the flames, seen her at her most spiteful and vengeful and seen another piece of the puzzle. 
He had gained their loyalty entirely, when he had reached out his hand after the people she had given everything for — the people she had lost her magic to protect — had abandoned her once more. 
Lifted out of the ashes of the Eladrin that she had been, Fen’harel had been given purpose and kin. 
The Lupine had been born, the Dread Wolf reborn with a new pack to follow and protect. 
Then their leader had killed them all. No mercy, no misericordia. A total annihilation of the people she had decided to protect. Octavian had taken them all, leaving no survivors amidst his new acolytes. 
Not even them.
Death, and Octavian’s consumption of their soul, had been quick.
But the memory lingered, once the world had been reset to nothing. 
Fen’harel cannot get themselves to betray Octavian, not when he had become her leader, their hope, their everything. They cannot turn away, even as they witness their own mistakes manifesting upon his skin. They had chosen the Archdruid as much as he had chosen them, and they refused to betray them. 
They will not be known as nothing but a traitor. 
Not again.
Never again.
And yet, they cannot help the wariness they feel around the man, now. Cannot help the way her eyes watch him interact with their fellow acolytes, ready to pull them out of the way if their Archdruid loses their mind once more. 
Fen’harel will not betray their Archdruid. But they don’t know if they should trust him as they once did.
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senatushq · 11 months
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“Sometimes you must hurt in order to know, fall in order to grow, lose in order to gain because life’s greatest lessons are learned through pain.” - Caelus
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Day 9
For several days the Allied Senate Forces fought, their forces dwindled as a third of their strength was either beaten, or disappeared in the dead of night. Deserters or those who fell victim to the Asphodel’s ceaseless assault were not seen again. While the Allied Senate Forces slept, the Asphodel did not, fueled by the necronomicon they had no need for anything: they did not eat, or drink, or sleep. Resurgence kept them fueled, kept them powerful, and it kept them working. One by one, day by day the seals of the Inferno fell as Efigenia and Avery worked over them in secret, this, the ninth day, would be the final seal and the Allies’ final chance to stop the Asphodel before Hell was unleashed. 
Spells meant to contain, trap, and exorcise had been prepared in mass ahead of time: manufactured crystals and armaments designed by The Eye. Bullets rang out alongside eruptions of the elements, the battle in full anarchy across the feywilds as reinforcements arrived from above and behind while berserkers swelled on either side of the battle to narrow in against the army. Sabina’s messaging had been clear, the strike teams failed, their only hope now was to fight their way into New Dis, fight through the city, and reach Necromanteion's summit: it was there that they would need to destroy the book. Conditioned and prepared to go all out, the Allies' strongest fighters took point: Eren, Diana, Ayla, Lycaon, Dionaeia, Hyacinth, Harlow, and Safiye. Alongside Octavian's acolytes, they would charge the tower once the city was breached. While they charged Necromanteion, the witches of the many covens would enact their plan: Abel within the Pyramid had drawn the circle, Vivianne, Virgil, Ciro, Grayson, Marco, Rowan, and many more would prepare their great conjuration by positioning themselves strategically around the City.
Lucretia’s flames bore down upon the battlefield, destroying Aren’s warmachine in the process, smashed to pieces by the assault of one of the trollithic beasts and the dragon above, he and his fellows were quickly overcome as demogorgons were unleashed from the Inferno and quickly swarmed their troop. Snapping maws that contested with the ferocity of Tripp’s claws; the swollen bog beneath them quivered as druidic magic broke through the creatures in quick succession. Sharpened to the finest edge, the earth bent around the archdruid as he sent each of his cursed kin into a tomb beneath them. Death wouldn’t take them, but bedrock would still have them. More of the monsters encroached, memories of Aren’s past swam forward, every life at once screamed for his attention. Caught unaware and face to face with an eidolon, it reached into his mind as Mazikeen and Kon worked in tandem to repel the advancing monsters with their telekinesis. An easy inflection of magic, and Aren was saved as the eidolon was bound by Virgil to one of the decrepit nearby trees. 
Dionaeia, momentarily joined by Aren and his forces, pressed onward. Raffaele was meant to be her support person but he was missing, and Emma was meant to replace him but she’d dropped dead seconds after all this started. Annoying, but not impossible. They'd been offered another solider to supplement but the squad voted 3-1 in refusal, happy for the challenge. Kirigan’s hellfire encircled their machine as it rolled through the swamp and incinerated those that came too close, Hyacinth’s seraph spears were aimed at the creatures that came from above, impaled with lethal accuracy as they fell around them, stripped of their magic. Dionaeia and Diana crushed those that made it through either line of defence. For a goddess of warriors, her brightest pupil, and a prince of Sparta, etc (Kirigan), it was an easy task. At least the three of them were having fun, going so far as to count their score between them as they felled one enemy after another. Dionaeia argued that she did not need Aren’s help when he arrived, he insisted, but one look from Diana and he, alongside his squad, went to reinforce Eren instead. 
Ayla’s squad rolled further across the field, the terrain was unforgiving as the surrounding forces were ripped away one at a time. Talons dug into the bodies of supernaturals and humans alike before they were carried off into some unknown area, the ground beneath them that threatened their every step opened and swelled to try and devour them. Soren in beautiful form, the blessed son of the divine that was invulnerable to any attack that was levelled against him drew aggression with ease, his weapon of choice was a bow with arrows tipped in his paralytic blood, or a rifle with bullets of a similar design. Death rejected everyone, so Soren did not have to worry about killing anything. Each felled creature was locked in place by their warforged Vincenzo.
The Abyssal monstrosities screeched forth, their numbers overwhelmed but the Morrigan and her companion danced around them with ease. A tandem they hadn’t found in centuries, one stuck in quick succession with the other, ease and bloodied joy splashed across the earth as they battled. Rhiannon looked towards Magnus, a smile clear and evident on her features as he returned it back to her. Lovers brought together after all this time, united in their seemingly chaotic but methodical movements: Magnus knew in that moment that he'd be getting some that night. His smile soon faded though, immediately after Magnus’ entire body twisted with violent force as a symbiote suddenly erupted from his body, Death would not take him but anyone who watched the horror would have wished that it had. Distracted, their warmachine crumpled into the mud, decimated by a swarm of demogorgons as raging vermin from all corners descended upon them while their team broke apart. Rhiannon erupted into a fury of violence, each creature rose again but she only killed it over and over. The vampire was separated from the others and beyond consolation, she and Magnus perished in the field and were not seen again. Ayla prioritised what machines of war remained and joined Dionaeia as Vincenzo offered the new troop auxiliary support. Rhiannon was not seen again.
Wounded but still standing, Eren marched forward as his machine continued on despite being down a warrior from nearly the beginning. His own sister, Esme, was swept away right under his nose. Ink brought to life bound monsters from pages, living statues marched a defensive perimeter as flying creatures immobilised everything that came too close with paralytic poison. Weapons created in reserve were one of Cloe’s greatest assets, closest to the warmachine was a flurry of Atlas’ blue, flaming fists connecting with anything that drew too near to the senator. Sentinels constructed by Cloe marched alongside them, golems of infused power that she’d animated and instilled with a quasi-sentience that mirrored her own will. Defenders that would fight until every piece of them was broken.
All about them buzzards hummed with life, sensory automatons attuned to Cloe’s clairvoyance that were able to detect and perceive the changes in the air a few moments before an attack came. Marked by the Asphodel for capture, Vivianne and Eren collectively drew in most of the enemies but they had been training to work together in tandem for well over a month. The sovereign’s magic was increased by the first, and then second pill that the Dahlia had prepared for her. She bound the enemies as they were felled, purged the necromanced creatures, and Eren’s keen blade carved its way through those that approached. Hungry for their capture, a wave rose up from the muck, a force of alteration that gathered bones and blood together. A recognizable face roared within as it crashed towards them, Vivianne's magic enhanced, she and Eren worked in tandem as the menace who tortured them with deceased family members and necromancy waited for them high above.
Lycaon had been waiting for this fight, he howled with the wolves and the man that was a wolf by injection, Nicolas. Joined by Pluto, the original vampire fought alongside the original lycan, but as he was unable to harm any followers of Persephone, he was unable to harm the Asphodel’s forces, but he was able to restrain them with the vermin that he commanded. Their assignment was clear, to cause havoc and clear a path through enemy lines by flanking the forces that piled from the City of New Dis. Sabina’s projection rattled around Lycaon’s head and he smacked his temple a few times until she shut up - so the first two squads had fucked up, big deal? That just made this that much more fun. Even from here he could hear the lycans fighting within the city, desecrating it and razing it. Once he was done here, he had every intention of joining the party back in Rome. Burn it all down to the ground and piss on the ashes, that sounded like a good time. 
Shifted into the chimeric form of the manticore, Nicolas' fear manipulation had no effect on the necromanced creatures but those that crawled from the Inferno had the worst nightmares of all, and Nicolas’ claws worked fine on them. His venom was unique and eroded at the beasts while Anders’ feral cry broke over the roar of the fight: a bestial howl that befitted his heritage. A battle cry of a ravenous berserker. His great yearning to fight for glory, to earn a victory that would cement his place at the All-Father’s side. Anders changed fluidly between man and beast, the heart of the changeling brought claws to one hand, and an axe to the other before he switched off and parried once more. Nearest the burning city’s high walls, hellfire rained down upon them but Lycaon and his incomplete squad only laughed amidst it.  
Harlow, trained by Venus herself, was a flurry of fog and blades. Tinted red by the scarlet ichor that rained about the field, Harlow cleaved her way through it. Buried into the elements, dispelled in splatters of rain and fog, an Otherworldly stake pierced her chest momentarily but it was wrenched free and hurled back by a member of her squad. Joined by a basilisk and a gorgon, specifically adept at this method of warfare, Dario’s touch turned his enemies to stone while Cain’s bite paralysed them in place. Writhing messes on the ground, Death didn’t need to take them. Swarms of rodents formed Hakan as he surveyed the field and returned to let the rest of the squad know which element of the terrain needed the support of their chaos the best. 
At last, the machines that survived made contact with the boundary, they fired up with significant enough antimagic and brought the boundary down. The real battle between the Allied Senate Forces and the City of New Dis had begun. Above, Uriel and Azrael entered the city but cold washed over them and froze the limbs of their mortal vessels faster than their manipulation of thermal energy could counter it. The abyssal elf Enfenim restricted the skies to only those of Dis’ forces, and on the ground the draegloth Nashoba and Arakhor stood at the front of the Asphodel’s legions.
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Day 9
Into the City of Dis, the full weight of the Allied Senate Forces poured through the gates. They scaled the battlements and rolled into the burning city that was more hellfire than hospitable. Kaan’s capture meant that the witches needed to get in and establish a foothold. While a great force carved its path towards the city, smaller units huddled together to establish embankments within the City. Fortifiable, the Base Camp expanded over the gate as the Allied Senate Forces took hold of a portion of the City of Dis. Trivia's magic at the Ivy's command, the swamp that stood between Rome and the City of New Dis had been terraformed as it had been claimed, an open plain that made travelling between the Pyramid and the main camp at Dis' gate was made.  
At Necromanteion’s summit, the captured were embedded with control rods invented by August at Pythia’s request. Driven under the skin: Michael and Tisiphone were brought under Pythia’s control. As the Allied Senate Forces entered the City of Dis, Michael and Tisiphone descended onto the field of battle and fought for the side of the necromancers. Uriel and Azrael were easily overpowered as Michael and Tisiphone pinned them with seraph blades and brought them towards the tower to be taken over as they had both been.
Atop Necromanteion’s burning tower, Bastien, soaked in the blood of those he’d sacrificed to the book, fixed his third eye firmly upon the senate and relayed everything they would do next to Pythia. Every decision that their leaders would make, and every movement that his targets would take next. How they would scurry through the streets like rats, and who would accompany them. Looking on with his sight Bastien saw it all laid bare and clear, the rise of New Dis, and the hollowed cry of the Gods.
This was more than Yurena had ever asked for, she wanted to be close to her brother, she wanted to follow him, but anyone could see the man she’d known was long dead. She had grown strong over the last year, maybe strong enough to do what Erik would have wanted but before Yurena had become a necromancer she was first a daughter of the Alstroemeria Coven, a witch who hadn’t been accepted until she’d gone out into the world and returned with three new pieces of knowledge. A tinkerer and a creator, a watcher and a marshal. Maybe she had not been everything that Erik had wanted her to be, and maybe she did not know whatever spell he had wanted to use to destroy the book for good, but that did not negate what Yurena would do next. All these months she had shielded her actions from Bastien’s sight as she quietly constructed a horn of Elysian gold. Now, from her private realm of creation, she conjured it and blew, a spell of necromancy melded with her own will and craftmanship. The five schools fused and blended seamlessly as the full weight of her magic was woven into it. Daimona appeared around her, a handful at first, then a dozen, and then hundreds of warriors of valour, justice, hope, compassion, love, and more were pulled from across the Otherworld and began to spill through Necromanteion. 
This was her opportunity and the only chance that she would get, if she could not destroy the book then she could sever it into pieces as the Senate had once done in the past. Conjured blades appeared above it but as she moved to strike Yurena’s body crumpled in on itself, the last thing she saw was August’s cold gaze and raised palm before the necronomicon devoured her completely. Tepiltzin, Bastien, and August were made to contend with the daimona, their attention no longer on the city below as they continued to protect the book. In the chaos that ensued, Levent seized his opportunity, a necromantic song rang out but it fell short as Pythia pierced him with a seraph blade and suppressed his magic. He was a fey and a powerful one, but he could still bleed for their cause. Yurena’s betrayal had come to be expected, weak was what some called her, but she had banked on being underestimated and it had paid off.
Their hold momentarily disrupted, Michael and Tisiphone released Uriel and Azrael into the city where they fell into the battle below. Called back to the tower to assist with the daimona, Michael and Tisiphone returned, thankful to be empty-handed. 
Those who were looking for Yurena’s signal did not know what form it would take, but as the brothers’ seraphim fell from the sky and gold light flooded through the windows of Necromanteion, the Allies and the prisoners knew they would not be getting a second chance. The second pill nearing its end, Vivianne overpowered the atmospheric cold invoked by Enfenim’s spell long enough for their forces to take to the skies. All throughout Necromanteion the hub of the Asphodel’s power was thrown into chaos, for every daimona that was cut down, two more seemed to take its place. 
At the lowest level of Necromanteion, Avery and Efigenia led other blood witches in a ritual chamber, prodigies of the dark, they gathered the life force of those that had been dragged into their prisons in the chamber above. The three would join the others soon, once their spell was complete and the Inferno was unlocked. Alvaro lingered protectively in the shadows, he watched as the familiar’s history repeated itself: another one that swore themself to the dark had fallen and here he remained her sentinel guardian. Their aim had been to capture Keket and use her as the final catalyst for the Inferno’s final seal, but where she was absent, the blood of three other hollowborn would be fit to take her place. Now that they were finally in the city, Efigenia conjured a demon to do her bidding.  
“Blast Away,” came the Voice Cast from Assan; it echoed towards the enemies in front of the reinforcements that had arrived alongside the assault within the City of New Dis, he ran along walls and appeared in his enemy’s midsts. The monstrosities were sent flying, they blasted through buildings as Komos followed up with a subsequent assault of raw, reserved energy. Scattered, Prometheus zipped through the fallen enemies, a tap across each to alter them enough biologically that they would no longer be able to stand. Nathaniel, seraph blade in hand, destroyed the magic in each. As Assan’s throat weakened and Komos’ body began to breakdown, Prometheus’ touch restored them. Assan couldn’t order anyone to die while Death was cancelled, but he could command them to do a backflip, stand on their head, explode, and all sorts of other entertaining things. Komos, more interested in making his way towards the book and supporting Cloe, took a more serious approach. A trained assassin, it was Assan that noticed the approach of the omoluzu, the ceiling demon. Prometheus was out of earshot as he brought one of the creature’s to their knees while Nathaniel stood beside him with their sword raised, Assan opened his mouth to speak but Komos was bound and snatched away before the tiefling could alert the others. Pulled through the shadows into a waiting cell, the bloodletter now rose between them. “Go.” Assan command to Prometheus, the avariel disappeared to prioritise the book, the greater demon left to the nephilim and the demigod.
Befriended creatures of conjuration, Luna’s summonings led the rest of the squad that she was more or less made to work with. Rawlins’ marched through the city off the streets as his rebuilt tentacles did all the walking for him, his contraptions he created on the fly provided auxiliary support as the devices whizzed about; they restrained enemies and bound them in place while the creatures that Luna summoned sank into the shadows to be later domesticated. Not sure how he was dragged into this, Caradoc knew that Raffaele was somewhere in the tower, his body… Something was wrong, but the witch wasn’t dead. The ferret was tucked around the tall, blonde twink’s shoulders as Caradoc used his telekinesis to keep any enemies from getting too close to his ride, Rawlins. Micah wasn’t a warrior, but his transmutation worked alongside his clairvoyance; he altered his physiology to adapt to whatever was thrown at him and under Rainer’s training was able to at least hold his own. Another of the omoluzu appeared, it moved through the shadows and manifested beneath Luna before it wrenched her down into a waiting cell. 
Harellan had already donated an ample amount of his blood to the cause, now Komos and Luna hung in cages above the ritual chamber, bled out for the ritual below. Efigenia and Avery’s dark magic worked in tandem with the blood witches under their charge as their incantation rose louder and louder. Daimona flocked towards them, joined quickly by the fastest of the senate’s forces: Prometheus. Alvaro kept them at bay, the walls and the doors reinforced against their advances, even as the spirits and the demigod hammered against it. The spell reverberated through the walls of the city as the flames of New Dis hummed with power. Their sorcery carried to the mortal realm as the necromancers’ dark ritual could be felt like a vibration that reverberated through the air and foundations of the earth itself. Elsewhere, as the Allies breached Dis but more of them disappeared, Renfield slipped away from the medical encampment and headed back to Rome. 
Within their cells, the blood prisoners were made to sit and wait, but Eoin was biding his time. Distracted by the sudden appearance of the daimona, a shot rang out as his ring fired a round of concentrated magical energy like a bullet into his lock. Several others went off as the cages were blasted open. Esme and Evy grounded the demogorgons, Nathan sealed their limbs and their abilities, and the prisoners worked to free the others as the battle between life and death raged above them. Levent, freed from his capture, lent his magic to their cause as he helped Kaan to his feet once more. Dante, shifted into a lycan as he stomped through his cage, a twink no more. Emory sent the demogorgons back into the Inferno, conjured the aid of the daimona as the spirits flocked to help them, and sealed the abyssal monsters that had been necromanced. An exorcist joined by Hazal's Amaranthian power and Eoin's combat experience, the witches were the best suited to take point. They'd climb the tower and lend whatever support they could to those above.
Necromanteion was constantly shifting, and constantly moving. Labyrinths like what the city had experienced when the Asphodel travelled back in time were waiting at every turn. One wrong room and any of the prisoners or those travelling within could have ended up across the Otherworld, in a Funhouse, or a palace Under the Sea. Emory navigated each, acutely aware via his own magic how the building might shift and turn, this was another product of August's conjuration and he knew the necromancer well enough to know where the man had spent his magic. Once it was safe, Eoin, Emory, and Hazal found a place to cast and prepared to join the rest of the witches as Emory sent the daimona that Yurena had conjured to aid the others up the tower.
Enhanced by the demonic blood capsules supplied by The Eye, Kay scried the location of the prisoners within the City of New Dis. The prisoners were still cut off, but through Sabina he communicated that they were out and that they were fighting for their lives to keep it that way. While the streets were a madhouse, Grayson dominated an abomination and forced it under his command; he learned through it that there were complex systems of navigation below the city that were more scarcely patrolled. Alces and Gigas in hand, Ariston sunk most of the team of reinforcements into the system below as they moved to try and rescue those that were being used to fuel the necromancers’ magic. Grayson remained, instead he left to join the other witches across the city in their spell. Nabi’s fear manipulation left the team undaunted, though it had little impact on the subjugated demons and enthralled species, those that fought willingly were left running scared. Their plan, the location of the prisoners, and the system below the city was communicated to everyone via Sabina at the central base of operations, The Pyramid of Cestius.
Fen’Harel and Raja sensed the loss of their archdruid and fought harder as a result. Octavian’s fury was their own, the wolf and the tiger battled their way through the streets of New Dis, accompanied by Ciro and Amico. Amico was another demon who did not know how he’d gotten here, he kept the hordes of monsters off the witch’s back as the Amaranthian watcher bound and expelled the creatures with practised ease. It was nearly time for the witches to enact their plan, so while Fen’Harel and Raja joined forces with Eren’s squad to aid in the assault at the tower, Ciro and Amico found a safe place where the witch could connect with the others. A temporary brand had been added to each of the covens’ marks, it prevented anyone from revealing their plans, and entwined them all together. Elsewhere in New Dis the rest of the witches all did the same.  
Warded against planeswalking, Necromanteion could not be breached by Hermes. Instead he carried enemies to different planes and just dropped them there before returning to his own squad. Emir, Ezekiel, Remi, Salvador, and Jamie had no magic that would aid in those that Death would not accept, but since this was his husband’s squad, Thanatos made one exception and let those that died around Hermes stay that way. Who said romance was dead? Unfortunately, the squad were mostly vampires though and were already dead, so when Emir got his spine torn out by a demogorgon and Salvador got his head bitten off by a serpent, the two of them didn’t blip back into existence and just stayed dead. Hermes took Ezekiel, Remi, and Jamie deeper into New Dis and the three joined Ariston’s squad below the city as they penetrated Necromanteion's lower levels. 
A shark with blood in the water, Safiye was incensed by the combat, she joined the others as they stormed the foot of the tower. It was there that they breached Necromanteion and joined the ranks of the daimona. Drawn towards Octavian, Santino fought like a wild dog to breach the defences and get past to get to the trapped archdruid within. Accompanied by Atlas, Fen’Harel, Raja, Cain, and The Fox, the acolytes forced their way in and charged ahead. Aren, as a centaur, trampled over enemies as the wind assailed those around him. Aurea could smell her brother imprisoned below and fought tooth and nail to break through to get inside. Slashed, Jonah’s wounds healed immediately, his services were bought and paid for with more than double the first instalment waiting for him when they won. Armed to the teeth by The Eye, rounds of antimagic bullets brought the necromanced hordes to their knees as they were left alive, but stripped of their power. 
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Mneme, on a woven bed of flowers, slept. Sealed within a casket of pure aetherial forged matter, the spellplague that had ravaged her was well contained within. The fate of the mortal realm would be too similar to Hyperborea if Mneme was left here and with the encroaching battle, Melpomene was given no other choice. Still unable to let go, she sealed her away where nobody would ever be able to lay a hand on her. Every aspect in this city had chosen their place in this war, most were in the Otherworld now, but the rest had marked themselves as either her enemy or they were too impassive or pessimistic to be bothered. Melpomene touched her golden hair, tied down the length of her shoulder, laid across the gilded armour that had seen more bloodshed than smiles. She still wove it in the way that her stepmother had shown her and her sisters, Titania and the twelve Muses. Melpomene heard Yidhra’s voice now: “To be a Goddess is to be alone and never alone, feel your braid and know that we all stood before you, that we all stand with you.” Queen Angharradh and her many aspects, Mneme and Melpomene would both join Her soon. Melpomene dried her eyes for the final time, and she stood: her gaze was cast towards the darkened sky and what would be her final battle. 
With Tamlen’s temporary death, the drow could at last comfortably go onto the offensive. The great city of dark wonder hung above Rome and lowered its protective fields so that the true assault of the drow could begin. A black sun hung over the clouds, the city had been blanketed in shadow for eight long days, and now from beneath the city the catacombs erupted with the forces of the drow as they filed out in mass. Virulent, walking bombs wandered through the fey forest: commoners that had been hunted and imbued with darkness by Felandaris suddenly erupted as shadows were spewed everywhere, drow poured out and infiltrated the forest and slipped through the fey’s defences with ease. Faerinaal appeared in force within, there to burn it and everyone in the forest to the ground.
Faerinaal marched through the forest and was met by Aegnor and Cloud, the fey’s infantry, and the lorendrow who had defected from Lloth’s embrace. Traitors, each and every one of them, as Lloth had a vested interest in seeing the lorendrow wiped out, Nyloth and her Sisters lent their prayer to the destruction of Aegnor’s forces. There was a time when they might have called the eldest son of Titania and the youngest son of Ayi’ig something akin to a brother, but he had marked himself an enemy and they were happy to partake in his destruction. 
Where Aur’il’s cold blew, Felandaris redirected it, where the great storms of the summer court landed, the Architect only turned it back against them. Fall rot turned to an Underdark decay, Spring’s fruit wilted on the vine and as an acid rain as black as tar fell across the grove of blood, those who’d tasted it were infected by shadows. For every spell they knew, the Architect knew ten, a counter to every curse, a foil to every enchantment. The legions of drow sorcerers' contended to the fey’s mystical defences from their place within the flying city. Aurora's request brought Aur'il's fury upon the drow's city, a brutal wave of cold that took the bulk of the Architect's focus, sorcery and those he commanded shifted their attention from the city to protecting their home as the archfey laid siege through the air itself. Annoying. Lycans that thought by eating the heart of the changelings, and by eating this bloodfruit were made stronger, but the more they took, the more they let in. Zahrya's forces became the drow's forces, and as Felandaris playfully kicked the warder Nirvaan in his cell, he glowered over the drow's coming victory. This twink was a real fucking menace.
Amadeus’ menagerie of monstrosities appeared beneath the city alongside the hordes of drow forces, they scurried through the dark as they targeted the DaemonKing himself, Meryasek. Hellfire changelings and the aasimar Dareth clashed with The Dark’s forces, the beastmaster himself happy to enter the fray as he fought like more of a wild animal than a drow. Cut down only to rise again, Amadeus’ monsters did the same as they battled endlessly. Dareth was a traitor, and under Lloth all traitors were to meet the same fate. A flash, silver like moonlight, severed several creatures into three as Andruil landed beside the DaemonKing. 
Severon rolled forward in a tank and giggled excitedly as his perfected mechs descended over the city and marched beside him. A missile took out a score of Meryasek’s changelings while an array of energised weaponry cut through the senate’s forces. His target was the Pyramid and the technology and potential test subjects within, but in the artificer’s mind this was a field exam for the mechs that he had been developing for ages. Thinking and autonomous machines that could make decisions on the fly, with a soul of their own that could adapt to any situation. Some drow had seen the mechs talking among themselves within the flying city, strange. Embedded with a hierarchy and the free will that came with a soul, what could have possibly gone wrong?
Feral, Xerxes stood at an unknown height and gladly tore apart fey and drow alike as they encroached upon the Pyramid. Giovanni moved with the grace of any Venus vampire, the only warrior on the battlefield that had remained untouched thanks to Caio’s good fortune. Able to sense any enemy's approach, Valentina stripped their will to fight as she warned her squad of the attack. Wade and Cruz, had been overtaken by the forces of rot as the spore zombies lurched forth, inoculated by The Eye, they managed to recover and gladly used the tech supplied to even the playing field. 
About ready to begin, Theo, Elessar, and Asher offered their blood to Abel as he led the ritual previously discussed among the witches. Situated in the heart of the Pyramid, the many powers within echoed their dark enchantment. If Rome would fall at least the necronomicon would be destroyed. In a race against the clock, he linked with the others: Vivianne, Ciro, Grayson, Hazal, Emory, Eoin, Virgil, Rowan, and more. Sentries to the Pyramid, the vampires protected the witches within as fey, drow, lycans, spore changelings and all manner of monsters began to attack it. Worried about his family, Niko had been saved and then joined Asher at his side… Though he didn’t really know what was going on because he’d been a tree for a very long time. 
Drawn into the battle because the city had become a warzone, Astaroth, Sariel, and Atarniel had found one another through the chaos. Three warriors fallen from grace, seraph blades tore away the magic of those that came across their path. Astaroth was taken first, but Sariel and Atarniel managed to escape; Astaroth's lack of Grace made them suitable for ceremorphosis. Compelled to fight by the Asphodel's side, Wolf & Lamb were pulled into the fray and attacked anyone they saw on sight.  Hayliel was nowhere to be found but somehow everyone trusted that he was alright before they got got. Aelia, foolishly attacked, gladly devoured the magic and flesh of the monsters that she came into contact with. Marius revelled in the chaos and took to unleashing his wrath alongside Remus as the powerful aspect rampaged across the city while Lilith looked on. 
Lorenzo’s football game was interrupted by the apocalypse, but he’d missed it anyway because he was chained to a tree. A leech slipped into Max’s ear and he was quickly transformed into a mindflayer as it consumed his brain expeditiously. Locked away without a care in the world, Akara was in a lovely cabin by a beach that Laer had made for him. Gael was out of his cage but he was possessed by a conjured shadow monster and was dragged into the battle, to serve as cannon fodder or to make himself useful to the drow. Bebe was stressed, so she went to get her nails done and unleashed a jar of infinite killer bees along the way, the boutiques went crazy but her five-finger discount went crazier. Dulce thought she was slick and tried to snack on a fey but was turned into a frog instead. Caius was in the middle of feeding on one of the many drow that had suddenly ended up in the city when he was thrown into the shadow realm and never seen again.
The power went out and Sybella had no choice but to involve herself, she went into the Fairy King’s Forest in search of Alastor and killed anything that got in her way: drow and fey alike. Below the city Kadir was swarmed by drow and was taken prisoner at Severon’s behest. Marcella had known this was coming, this great fight that had become unavoidable, she was a vampire now and she did what she could to help those that she came across. Dominic was in the middle of trying to attack Labyrinth with the lycans when he was torn apart by a stray wolf after it exploded. Poor Sumeyye and Wolfgang both got merked immediately, but everytime they were killed they just kept coming back because not even Death wanted them. Which was strange, because they were vampires so they should have just died.
War raged across the city as those that were killed only got up again, endless and violent, blood spilled into the streets of Rome as buildings and monuments were brought down. Bones fell upon bones. Across the Otherworld soldiers continued to fall, injured, cursed, or incapacitated as the Pyramid’s infirmary bustled with activity. The fey-conjured elements that bore down against its surface were taken and absorbed by Nettelia, the archdruid that stood in defence of it.
Projectiles of magic came forth as Severon’s Mechs laid siege to the golems that protected the Pyramid’s perimeter, a gap was made, and hordes of enemies began to pour through. As they marched, Severon’s maniacal laughter echoed around him, the mechs had to wonder why they even listened to him. Intelligent and self aware, they quickly turned against him. The people of the Pyramid looked on in disbelief as Severon was smacked around by his own creations like toddlers waving a ragdoll around. Severon’s creations soon retreated from the battlefield and left him behind, not interested in participating in a war that had nothing to do with them. 
From within the Otherworld, darkness hummed. A foul ritual from Necromanteion echoed across Rome, Avery and Efigenia’s long standing work was at last brought to its culmination. A ripple of raw magic went out, the book required blood and meat, entrenched by the blood of hollowborns, a blast was emitted from Necromanteion’s summit, it broke through the daimona and tore the spirits into the book, it fell upon the Base Camp of the Allied Senate Forces and washed through the gate into Rome where it blew into the foundations of the Pyramid. Not enough to bring it down, but enough to cause serious damage: nearly anyone caught in the blast was killed instantly.
Immune to necromantic spells, Nettelia was struck, but she was one of the survivors. Below the Pyramid, Ephraim prioritised the research team and swiftly ordered the androids present to dismantle and rearrange their parts to shield Sabina, Isla, and Sanem from the blast. His final words transmitted through Sabina were the last instructions that would come from the control room: seven percent.  Zoey, Marco, Isabella, and Epimetheus were caught up in the attack and could not be saved. Gabriel was unharmed because he was with Rowan at the time of the explosion. Technology and resources destroyed, Sabina’s psychic connection with the forces was ended, the last transmission received was the knowledge that the shot fired had struck the Main Base Camp of the Allied Senate Forces. Sadly, Androids 16-18 were destroyed along with all the resources within, but unbeknownst to the Allied Senate Forces they managed to save Sabina, Isla, and Sanem. Zagreus was caught in the blast, but by mimicking Nettelia he was also immune, the attack took a toll though. Nearly destroyed, the mimicry was completely wiped away and the nephilim’s life hung by a thread. Aren had been heading back to Rome to check on Alek when he was caught by the tail end of the blast and was knocked unconscious. Alek and the Lupo were also struck by the outlying blast when they breached the walls of the pyramid.
Amadeus' beasts ran rampant, from his menagerie so many had never been unleashed at once. Feral and incensed by blood and chaos, the beastmaster began to lose control of them as the drow soldiers under his command that rode them were devoured by the creatures. His wyrm turned against him, flinging him against a building before he was forced to fight to bring it back under his command. Joined by Meryasek and Andruil, Alastor and Zahrya imprisoned the beastmaster, and Zahrya brought the changelings that had been stolen from him back under his command before going to reunite with the other chancellors.
Drow descended on the ruins of the Pyramid that remained, the gate to the Otherworld now left undefended. Severon had recuperated after he was decimated by his mechs when he was drawn towards a flickering source of power. Rejected by Death, Severon just stood up and started tinkering with his gundam to get it firing again.  Zagreus’ dark hair turned white, energy crackled around him as he stood amidst the worst of the rubble, the soulless bodies of his friends that had been taken out were strewn around him. The flesh of their bodies was inching mindlessly on its own towards the Otherworld, heading towards the City of Dis at a slug’s pace. Because this was something Severon had never encountered before, he had to get closer to try and learn what was going on with the nephilim. This was a strange power unlike anything that the Artificer had ever seen or heard of before. In an instant, a seraph blade of unique origin was through Severon’s chest, and the magic within him was destroyed. Mortal. 
Within the ruins of the Base Camp Atticus appeared, he sifted through the stones to try and find Ephraim but uncovered the three women that the Overseer had chosen to protect instead. Zagreus continued on a rampage, he destroyed the magic inside everything he previously considered an enemy and wielded magic previously unknown to him, one nephilim against an army of drow as he violently defended the Pyramid. Buildings collapsed in his presence, the roads themselves buckled, and from his cell above Rome Nirvaan looked towards the light that was being given off. Somehow the warder knew it to be familiar. After ten or so minutes, Zagreus’ appearance returned to normal and he passed out. When the nephilim awoke, he had no memory of what transpired. 
Chaos had overtaken the city entirely and Elijah used it to find his way into Eichen House. The psychiatric ward that the senate established in conjunction with their supernatural prison system. The moment he entered he could hear the whispers: Let me in, let me in, let me in. The incubus had heard that they were wails, but when he came across Chrysaor’s room the banshee was just sitting there, muttering to himself. Elijah pulled the muzzle off of him and a wail erupted immediately, Elijah’s soul was blown away, the prison shook and those within were set free: Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Paloma followed suit, her wail was ceaseless, but she screamed into the streets, this time with blades in her hands. 
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Night 9
Necromantic light washed away the daimona, and when it was released from the summit of Necromanteion, it cleansed the book’s chamber of Yurena’s intruders. The Allied Senate Forces looked on in horror as their retreat was decimated, their medical units, their reinforcements, the entire nervous system of their military was wiped away in an instant. Seven percent, those were their odds of success, they didn’t have time to mourn or grieve or look back. The streets of the City of Dis buckled, the burning rivers of lava fell into chasms as the buildings began to erode into a pit as the area around Necromanteion started to sink into the bedrock of the Otherworld. This would be the tomb of the Allied Senate Forces, one last trap laid by the Asphodel.
Littered about the city, the witches of the various covens continued their spell. Runes inscribed upon the walls of Necromanteion by Kaan began to glow as the Allied Senate Forces scrambled to make it into the burning tower. The Asphodel, only now recovering from the chaos that Yurena had wrought were too late to counter the Allies’ spell: in a great flourish of magic and light, Necromanteion was conjured from the City of Dis and crashed directly into the heart of Rome, in the midst of the great chaos of the ruined city, Necromanteion’s spire erupted through the heart of the drow’s flying city, pierced straight through as the blazing tower appeared through thin air. There it stood, and as it groaned, it tipped and balanced in the midst of the great drow city. 
With the tower, the Allied Senate Forces were brought with it, those that had joined them followed as well: seraphim like Uriel and Azrael. Conjured from Necromanteion in the final moments before it was swept away entirely. Piggybacking on the spell, Enfenim and Arakhor aimed to bring the Asphodel along with them as they were reverse summoned into Rome. The Inferno, however, was open, and from this seemingly bottomless pit the great hordes of hell were unleashed. The gate between Rome and the Otherworld closed behind Nettelia, any who tried to make their way to her from Rome would be unable, but neither could the demons from the Otherworld use the Senate's gate to crossover. Countless monsters rose from the pit, Minos, Aeacus, Charon, and Alecto were pierced by seraph blades through the chest and held in chains. Megaera, the traitor, proudly marched alongside her fallen siblings. Lucifer the vainglorious and beautiful, Beelzebub the dealmaker and fraud, Astaroth the heretic, Sathanas the wrathful, Mammon the greedy, Abaddon the gluttonous, and Asmodeus the lustful with their generals in full force they rose with their great army and marched towards where they perceived the gate to Rome to be, unaware that the archdruid had already sealed it and now stood in their path.
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Night 9
Within the city, Laer, Zahrya, Robin, and Aurora reunited once more. Unable to reach Nirvaan above, Aurora was resolved to bring the drow down to save her warder. The Titan rose above the city as it blasted raw, aetherial energy at the drow’s infernal ship that had now been penetrated. A line was drawn through it as the giant city erupted in a blaze, cleaved in two it fell upon the city, whatever remained of Rome was devastated and reduced to rubble and ruin. Necromanteion, which had been held upright by the flying city, toppled and crashed amidst the devastation. All those within were thrown about, broken against walls and everything else.
As Necromanteion appeared in the middle of Rome, the Allied Senate Forces around its base before the Titan devastated it completely. The witches of the Asphodel had been conjured to and bound within the Pyramid. Held and contained by Abel alongside several other witches, the binding that The Ivy coven had created restricted the necromancers within from using any of their magic. August, Efigenia, Bastien, Avery, and the Asphodel initiates were all trapped.
Elsewhere, Lucretia, Tepiltzin, Pythia, Enfenim, Arakhor, and Nashoba remained within Necromanteion as it fell. Protected via magic, the tower toppled and they stayed standing in defence of the book - even as Octavian was smacked around while the burning tower hit the ground. In the bowels of Necromanteion the labyrinths had been broken, and as they spilled onto the streets of Rome they headed towards the infernal book that was closer now than it had ever been before. Eren, Diana, Ayla, Lycaon, Dionaeia, Hyacinth, Harlow, and Safiye at the head, the witches of Rome had all been completely exhausted and depleted. Reuniting to reinforce their strength, Virgil had conjured Aurea, Tripp, and Eoin together to deliberate on what they would do next.
The fall devastated the Pyramid, and the necromancers that were bound stepped out from the broken circle, fully powered, and free once again. Butchered, Avery cut down Abel with ease and fed his meat to the book as the necromancers rose from the destruction and turned their gaze towards the crooked tower of Necromanteion at the heart of ruined Rome. It was there that they would meet with the others.
Lucretia waited beside the book, protecting it as she did. She took out her phone and texted the group chat a series of question marks, obviously the rest had been detained because they’d fallen into some lame trap. Stupid idiots. To take out some of her frustrations she kicked Octavian’s limp, mortal body. It didn’t stop her from being frustrated but it did make her feel better. Necromeras appeared at her summon and patrolled around his body, they cackled darkly like a set of hyenas as Octavian looked at the necronomicon with feral, hungry eyes. 
From within and from outside the tower, Octavian’s acolytes emerged at last, they flocked towards their archdruid and as Lucretia transformed to tear them to pieces, Eren stood in her way. Shredded by the dragon’s claws, he stalled her enough for the acolytes to reach the archdruid. Rejected by Death, Eren stood once more before he was brought out of the tower by August where the two would fight at last. Drawn towards Octavian by instinct, the archdruid subconsciously drained each of them of their power and their souls. Their limp bodies at his feet, he rose amidst them as Uriel and Azrael landed at the tower’s summit. Seraph blades drawn, they charged towards the book but their swords were washed away by the phoenix's flames. If Octavian could not have the book, then nobody could.
The Necronomicon burnt, and though it had not been truly destroyed, the Asphodel had been temporarily cut off from its well of magic. Lucretia stood and tried to transform once more but found she was unable, with one brutal blow Octavian yeeted his daughter from what remained of the tower and watched as she fell the few stories onto the street below. A pair of seraph blades in either hand, Pythia tore the grace from Azrael before she departed from the tower with Tepiltzin’s and Nashoba's. Aided by Enfenim and Arakhor's song, the brothers departed the broken Asphodel elsewhere and then left. They could see which way the wind was blowing, Enfenim had no interest in anyone's flop era.
Octavian’s power was nowhere near where it had once been, but he assumed that if he consumed more druidic souls then it was only a matter of time until he was fully restored. The archdruid transformed into a phoenix once more, and descended into the burning city resolved to save it by first reducing it to ashes. 
The Necronomicon destroyed, Michael and Tisiphone were freed from the will of the Asphodel. Joined quickly by Uriel and Azrael, they moved now to find the necromancers that remained, to hunt them and put them down once and for all. They could feel the release of the Inferno, the encroachment of the dark forces, and they had to wonder where was Ulthar? Where were the rest of the Blessed? Why had none but the dead Ganymede come?
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Night 9
Most of the drow distracted, the Court itself was left vulnerable. Shielded by Udaeus’ antimagic, Hyperenor, Pelorus, and Echion managed their way inside. Inconspicuous, the four avoided detection with Pelorus’ radar ability guiding them through the city. Any alarm would make the defences more difficult to get through, Udaeus wanted to go on a killing spree and so did Hyperenor but Echion said it was a better idea to use stealth. At which point, Udaeus pointed out that stealth and tact was their best approach, Echion and Hyperenor both agreed while Pelorus rolled his eyes. 
As they snuck into the heart of the court, bolts of lightning hammered the drows’ defences as the Blessed seraphim loudly pronounced their location. Having learned of Adatiel’s capture, Dumah had come to her rescue.
Somniar had anticipated an intrusion and the legions of ilithids kept back at court emerged to take down the intruders. The spartoi were a race that were so rare, there were only four of them left in existence, the Inquisitor was eager to flay them and bring them under his control. His hands were deep within the Elder Brain, he instructed the swarms from an unknown location as the spartoi walked into his waiting trap. Rome had been blanketed in cranium rats for months, any plans discussed outside of The Eye’s Outpost or Labyrinth was intel that Queen Ayi’ig’s Spymaster easily gathered. 
From the moment that the spartoi entered the heart of the court, they were immediately surrounded by mindflayers. Udaeus’ antimagic was formidable but he could not use it in conjunction with his accumulation power, additionally, the risk of effecting one of his siblings was too high. Forced in an all out confrontation, the spartoi were made to contend in a losing battle that pitted them against hundreds of flayed creatures from dragons to goblins. 
Elsewhere, Dumah found his sister in Severon’s lab, he broke open Adatiel's cage and set her free, he paid no mind to the robots that were coming back to the lab from the battlefield. There were a lot of them and it really didn’t feel like any of his business. 
Beneath the ancient court of drow, Somniar’s grin had widened to a maddening size, the fey were falling, Rome was falling, and the leeches that marinated in the Elder Brain’s brine were ready for use. A giggle came from the dark and the inquisitor let out the largest groan anyone had ever heard, though the mark had faded from his chest, he should have known better than to believe that Yavie had died. Out in the Astral Sea he’d fought a number of illithids, most of them were independent, some of them connected to an Elder Brain: dispatching the latter was even easier than the former, nobody ever really wanted to serve a hivemind. 
The flayed defences were dispatched in a flourish of stars, Somniar raised a brow at a wind up monkey with clapping symbols… Unsure what to expect here, then it exploded and ripped a massive chunk of the Elder Brain into the Astral Sea, with a large part of the brain Somniar went flying as a very special heart shaped bomb came flying towards him. Somniar shielded his head and lost his arm and a portion of his face as a result. Gray matter spilled into The Elder Brain’s own brine, but the effects elsewhere were catastrophic. Within the royal palace the flayed regained their independence and fled for the Underdark below, this gave the spartoi the freedom to continue towards Queen Ayi’ig’s safely guarded reliquary. Rhovanor’s subjugation was broken, as was the subjugation of the cranium rats within Rome, and every ilithid that had been brought under Somniar’s control was now free. They would now remember Somniar's care, raised from nothing more than larvae, the inquisitor coddled the leeches embarrassingly and as not to let word slip of his softness for them, he suppressed the memories of their youth with the Elder Brain. The eladrin Rhovanor dead, he was officially an ilithid.
Within the reliquary of the Queen of the Drow, the four spartoi looked on at the sacred instrument that had been used by Queen Yidhra to channel so much power. Corrupted by the spellplague, anyone who touched it was immediately affected. Udaeus used his antimagic to contain the curse, Pelorus to find where the instrument was weakest, then Echion and Hyperenor shattered it. 
They waited, but nothing happened, and then it blew.
In the rubble that followed, the spartoi all survived but Udaeus, Echion, and Hyperenor were knocked on conscious. Radar had made Pelorus shield himself appropriately, he'd known that the thing was going to blow even sooner than Udaeus had. Pelorus the lazy, Pelorus the stinky, Pelorus the this and the that. The spartoi muttered under his breath as he stacked his useless brothers on his shoulder, once again saving these assholes before he marched the three of them from the Queen's reliquary. Pelorus' ability made sure he didn't encounter anyone or anything dangerous as he did.
ooc info:
Oh nooo, our plan, it's broken :(
They got into the city, people made their way into the tower, the prisoners broke out, the witches summoned the tower into Rome. Sadly they weren't fast enough because the Asphodel opened hell. Drow city fell, tower fell, the whole city is a warzone now. Everyone's scrambling, the Titan is going crazy, and it's very cold.
The spartoi are able to interact with one another up until the point that the stick went boom. They can encounter others in the Otherworld now.
Severon's mechs are self aware, turned against him, and have left the battlefield. Severon is mortal now. Amadeus' beasts are going crazy and are running around off leash. Somniar's flayed are all independent women and remember that Somniar is actually a really great dad.
The Inferno has been opened and is a thing of the past, all of hell is coming for Rome. The Otherworld gates are all sealed, nobody will be able to reach the old base camp before the next plot drop. No matter how fast they are :)
Azrael is one of the fallen now.
Everyone is pretty much in Rome, with some exceptions. The whole city is in ruins, the drow's sky fortress crashed into the city, Necromanteion was summoned into Rome, and then also fell.
The Necronomicon was burnt up, but not destroyed properly. He lives in you. You being the Asphodel, they're still just as strong and are looking for meat to remake the book with.
Ilithids and drow can move in and out of the Otherworld still at will, have fun folks.
The only people who know the book was burnt up are the Asphodel, and those who were in the room at the time.
Octavian's new acolytes are all dead. He killed them accidentally with the group hug.
Everything is in chaos, city is unrecognizable basically, smoke and ruins everywhere kiss kiss fall in love.
The dead are dead and cannot be interacted with, you can wrap up their threads or give them a farewell, but absolutely nothing from the last point they were seen.
You can see the list of where everyone is now here.
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aykutiltertr · 2 months
Malatya Bulunmaz Eşin (Üç Ayak) - Aylin Demir ✩ Ritim Karaoke (Karciğar ...  ⭐ Video'yu beğenmeyi ve Abone olmayı unutmayın  👍 Zile basarak bildirimleri açabilirsiniz 🔔 ✩ KATIL'dan Ritim Karaoke Ekibine Destek Olun (Join this channel to enjoy privileges.) ✩ ╰┈➤ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqm-5vmc2L6oFZ1vo2Fz3JQ/join ✩ ORİJİNAL VERSİYONU 🢃 Linkten Dinleyip Canlı Enstrüman Çalıp Söyleyerek Çalışabilirsiniz. ⭐ 🎧 ╰┈➤ https://youtu.be/Miei0a7D4i0 ✩ (MAKE A LIVE INSTRUMENT ACCOMPANIMENT ON RHYTHM IN EVERY TONE) ✩ Aykut ilter Ritim Karaoke Ekibini Sosyal Medya Kanallarından Takip Edebilirsiniz. ✩ İNSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/rhythmkaraoke/ ✩ TİK TOK https://www.tiktok.com/@rhythmkaraoke ✩ DAILYMOTION https://www.dailymotion.com/RhythmKaraoke ⭐ Malatya Bulunmaz Eşin (Üç Ayak) - Aylin Demir ✩ Ritim Karaoke - Rhythm Karaoke (Karciğar Minör 4/4 Anonim) @RitimKaraoke Müzisyenlerin Buluşma Noktası.... ESER ADI           :  MALATYA MALATYA BULUNMAZ EŞİN - ÜÇ AYAK SÖZ GÜFTE       :  ANONİM BESTE - MÜZİK :  ANONİM USÜL                  :  4/4 MİSKET C SEBARE HALAY MAKAM - DİZİ  :  KARCİĞAR - MİNÖR YÖRESİ İL İLÇE:  MALATYA KAYNAK KİŞİ   :  HAKKI COŞKUN MALATYA BULUNMAZ EŞİN (Şarkı Sözleri İle) Malatya Malatya bulunmaz eşin Gönülleri coşturur ayla güneşin Aney aney aney aney kernekli misin? Kerneğe de gelmeye yeminli misin? Malatya’yı baştanbaşa çiçek bürümüş Malatya’nın gençleri almış yürümüş Aney aney aney aney kernekli misin? Kerneğ’e de gelmeye yeminli misin? Malatya Malatya bulunmaz eşin Gönülleri coşturur ayla güneşin "Malatya türküleri" kategorisindeki sayfalar Bu kategoride yer alan toplam 75 sayfanın 75 adedi aşağıdadır. A Adatepe Akçadağ'ın Düzüne Al Almanın Dördünü Al Yeşil Giyinmiş Geline Bakın Aldı Bu Yüreğimi Derd ile Sızı Arayı Arayı Benim Bulduğum Armudu Taşlayalım Arzusun Gıldığım Dilber Ayağında Yemeni Aşağıdan Gelir Omuz Omuza B Bahçede Bir Bülbül Ağlar Bahçelere Ay Doğdu Bahçenizden Bir Taş Attım Vişneye Bahçeye İndim ki Gülleri Derem (Malatya) Ben Yolcuyum Helallaşak Sabahtan Beni Ağlatırsan Yoluna Ağlat Beni Dertten Derde Saldın Beri Gel Beri de Boyu Güzelim Bir Ay Doğar İlk Akşamdan Geceden Bir Gün Şu Dünyadan Bir Taş Attım Çaya Düştü (Malatya) Bizim Elin Menevşesi Kokulu Bu Gelin Yaylayı Yaslı Yaylamış Bu Maral Bakışın Ey Peri Suret Bugün Erenlere Kurban Bugün Yardan Haber Geldi Büyük Cevizin Dibi (Malatya) D Dam Üstünde Uzun Uzun Bacalar Dağlar Seni Delik Delik Delerim (Malatya) Dağlarınan Taşlarınan Deli Gönül Hangi Dala Konarsın Dereden Duman Kalktı Dereler Çoşarsa Da Güller Neydecek Deveyi Deveye Çattım Dost Cemalin Benzer Dost Eline Giden Turnam Dün mü Buradaydın Bugün mü Geldin Dünya Umuruna Meylini Verme E El Ediyi El Ediyi Erzurum Dağları Kar ile Boran Etek Sarı Sen Etekten Sarısın Evlerinin Önü Bir Ufak Yokuş F Fırat Kenarında Esvap Yumuşlar Fırat Kenarında Yüzen Kayıklar G Gelin Oldum Karabel'in Eline Gökteki Yıldızı Sayan Olur mu Gül Dalına Gonmuş Bülbül Yavrusu H Hindum Ucu Yılandır I Irgalıyı Irgalıyı K Kapının Önünde Önlük Dikiyi Karamık Dalını Eğmiş Kenara Kayanın Dibinde Mal mı Yayılır Kekliğidim Sekemedim Kime Kin Ettin de Giydin Alları Kırmızı Güllerin Sarı Tohumu M Malatya Malatya Bulunmaz Eşin Mevlam Bir Çok Dert Vermiş Mezire'den Çıktım Şafak Işılar N Nazlı Yârdan Bana Bir Haber Gelmiş Ne Hacıyız Ne Hocayız O Odaları Çamdan Direk P Pencereden Kar Geliyor Pınar Seni Neydip Neydip Netmeli Pınara Gel ki Görem S Sarı Çiçek Sarardıyı Dağları Sazımdaki Tel Ağlar Sohu Dibinde Kuzu Y Yine Havalandı Göğnümün Guşu Yüce Dağdan Bir Yol İner Yüksek Ayvanlarda Bülbüller Öter Ç Çiçekten Harman Olmaz Ü Üç Beş Âşık Cem Olmuşlar Bir Yere İ İki Keklik Seke Seke Ş Şu Dağları Delmeli Şu Dünyada Adem Oğluyum Dersin Aylin Demir 1990 senesinde İstanbul Bakırköy'de dünyaya geldi. 2024 yılına göre 34 yaşındadır. Aslen Tunceli'li olduğu biliniliyor. Müziğe küçük yaşlarda ilgi duyan sanatçı, İzmit Büyükşehir Belediyesi Konservatuarı'nda müzik üzerine eğitim aldı. Daha sonra da Sakarya Üniversitesi Devlet Konservatuvarı Türk Müziği Bölümü'nde lisans öğrenimini tamamladıktan sonra Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi'nde Pedagojik Formasyon eğitimini bitirdi. Sanatçı yaklaşık 15 yıldır ve günümüzde de düğün, konser vb. organizasyonlarda sahne almakta. Aylin Demir, 2020 yılında ilk single klip çalışması 'Kimbilir' adlı şarkısı ile milyonlarca kişiye ulaştı ve büyük bir ilgi gördü. Müzik yaşamına emin adımlarla ilerleyen sanatçı, çok yakında yeni projelerle dinleyicilerinin karşısına çıkacak. Aylin Demir Müzisyen Genel Bakış Şarkılar Dinle Albümler Videolar Delalım Delalım · 2023 Eşarbını Yan Bağlama Eşarbını Yan Bağlama · 2023 Kınayı Getir Aney Kınayı Getir Aney · 2022 Karadut / Bahçenizde Gül Var mı / Al Yarim Karadut / Bahçenizde Gül Var mı / Al Yarim · 2022 Urfalıyam Ezelden Urfalıyam Ezelden · 2023 Silfanlım Silfanlım · 2022 Tellocan Tellocan · 2023 Narini · 2023 Müjgan · 2024 Malatya Bulunmaz Eşin Malatya Bulunmaz Eşin · 2023 Bir Çift Güvercin Olsam Bir Çift Güvercin Olsam · 2023 Bahçenizde Gül Var Mı Bahçenizde Gül Var Mı · 2022
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squenixkinhelp · 6 years
Tumblr media
Hi there! Could I request an Ayla aesthetic showing her strength and confidence? My self-esteem isn’t great so I could use the boost. Thank you :)
Hi Ayla, I hope you’re doing better! Let us know if you need anything more!
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visualsine · 3 years
28. five songs to describe you?
hmm... god ok lemme check my kin playlist thing i made for some reason
- two trucks (lemon demon)
- zurich is stained (pavement)
- new flesh (current joys)
- you were right (built to spill)
umm idk other ones and those were edgy so im just gonna give you a couple that ive had looped for a while (and just ones i like. no fucking clue its just a list)
- juban district (ginger root)
- alarm (atlas)
- ayla (atlas)
- christmas kids (roar)
- oh klahoma (jack stauber)
- clay (the garden)
- flyday chinatown (yasuha)
ok this is long uhh sorry heres my spotify instead of going on and on
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cassmageofheart · 3 years
Just did a kin list and then realized, cosplay! new list (this time in text form):
In the works: Dirk Strider (Homestuck)
Rantaro Amami (Danganronpa) Ty Lee (ATLA) Marle (Chrono Trigger) Ayla (Chrono Trigger) Kurapika (HxH) Chrollo (HxH) Katsuki Bakugou (MHA) Chie Satonaka (P4) Naoto Shirogane (P4)
Not a crazy amount at the moment, but also these were just off the top of my head so
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kasienda · 4 years
Restorative Justice - Chapter 2 - Preparation
Summary: Chloé has never been a fan of Ms. Bustier’s community building activities. In fact, she detests them. She doesn’t want to learn about the drab boring lives of her peers. And she absolutely can’t stand it when their confessions make her feel things. Feelings that she doesn’t even have names for. But when Adrien unknowingly shares his struggles with his double life, Chloé vows she will do anything to get Ladybug set things right. Even if it means pissing off the heroine. Chloé was already mad at her anyway.
Chapter 1 - Community Circle
Chapter 2 - Preparation
Two weeks had gone by and Chloé had made absolutely zero progress in her self-assigned secret mission, though it wasn’t for lack of trying. She had spent hours on the roof of the hotel with the bee signal trained towards the sky both during, and not during, akuma attacks hoping Ladybug would give her the time of day. Chloé wasn’t sure what she was going to say exactly, but she figured Ladybug needed to know that she was going to lose her partner if she kept echoing the way his father treated him. It hadn’t mattered, because Ladybug never came. When the spotted heroine hadn’t shown up over the course of several days, Chloé staged a loud conversation with Sabrina during class about how she wasn’t even going to ask for the Bee Miraculous (though of course Ladybug would be better off with Chloé on her team). She just needed to give Ladybug some valuable intel. But Ladybug still hadn’t shown. And neither had Chat Noir. Which stung more than a little bit. Adrien had heard the conversation as well. And supposedly, he still considered her a friend. At least, that’s what he said when she asked if he was mad at her for something. He had seemed genuinely confused at the question. But it wasn’t like she could follow up with a “Then why didn’t Chat Noir show up on my hotel roof when I asked him to?” She supposed that neither of the heroes truly believed she had anything valuable to share with them. God! She wanted to tear her hair from her scalp in frustration. They were both so dumb! 
Keep Reading on Ao3
When contacting them as superheros failed, she figured that she would try their civilian personas. Chloé had taken two steps toward Marinette one morning in the courtyard when the girl was there early for once before promptly changing her mind. Marinette was never ever going to hear her out. As Ladybug, the girl had to at least pretend to be neutral toward Chloé. But as Marinette? Absolutely no way! Really, Chloé didn’t need them to talk to her anyway. She just needed them to talk to each other with complete honesty. But as long as they didn’t know who the other was they couldn’t be that honest. What if she just sent them anonymous notes in their lockers or something? It wouldn’t even have to be long! Adrien Agreste is Chat Noir. Ladybug is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Boom! Done! End of story. Chloé had seriously contemplated it. She had the notes written out and everything. She was just waiting for the opportune moment to slip them into said lockers. But then the whole ‘Lila planting evidence in Marinette’s locker’ thing happened. Clearly, lockers were not secure enough. Chloé had shredded the notes. And unfortunately, the blonde was back to trying to talk to Marinette. Chloé had found her alone at a table in the library during a study period. Marinette had five books sprawled out around her as she frantically scribbled on a piece of paper. Chloé stood in front of the table expectantly. Marinette didn’t even look up. Chloé cleared her throat dramatically, which only earned her a sparing glance before Marinette’s attention was back on her reference book. The blonde thought about just asking if they could talk for a minute, like a normal person, but this was Marinette. And well, Chloé had never been reasonable with Marinette. Especially not when Marinette was ignoring her. So instead, Chloé went and collected two volumes of an encyclopedia before returning to Marinette’s table. She then dropped the books unceremoniously from as high as she could comfortably reach. The heavy blue volumes hit the table with an explosion of sound. Marinette jumped twenty centimeters from her seat, her gaze shooting up in indignant frustration. “Chloé!” she shrieked. “What the hell?” “You were ignoring me,” Chloé observed. Marinette sighed, rapidly moving to collect her belongings. “I seriously don’t have time for this today. Can’t you just disappear until tomorrow or something?” “You need to listen to me!” Chloé insisted. Marinette stacked up her reference books into a neat pile. “I don’t need to do anything of the sort,” Marinette told her before stuffing the last of her work back into her backpack, and leaving the blonde alone at the table. In the library. With dusty books. Ugh.   Really, Chloé needed to just lock them in a closet together or something! Surely, Sabrina could come up with some scheme to get them in a room with no windows and a locked door. Surely, the hotel had some storage closet somewhere that they could use. Or maybe something at school would work better.  Sabrina was amazing at getting people to do as she wanted. And God, that had come in handy on occasion. Adrien wouldn’t be hard. He might even listen to Chloé, but she’d need Sabrina for Marinette. Only Sabrina could still trick Marinette. It wouldn’t really work though. Marinette would probably love the forced alone time with Adrien. And they were both so stubborn. They’d never reveal their identities just to get out of a locked room. Her fingernails clicked on the desk in rapid succession like a series of grace notes. They wouldn’t reveal their identities for their own convenience, sure. But if someone else needed Ladybug and Chat Noir? So, Chloé would just have to lock them in a room together and then inspire an akuma. It wouldn’t be that hard, would it? And creating an atmosphere for an akuma shouldn’t be that challenging either, should it? Like, she had done it by accident how many times now? How very heroic. She quickly realized it couldn’t work anyway. For them to know about an akuma, they’d have to have their phones, but if they had their phones, what would stop them from contacting Adrien’s bodyguard or Alya and Nino to get out of the room? She had tried to approach Adrien directly, too. She only had the five or so minutes before he had to be in his limo after their last class, being shipped off to whatever lesson he had going on that day.   “It’s been a long time since we talked, Adri-kins,” she told him. “We should set up a lunch date to catch up.” He smiled at her. “My schedule is really packed this week, Chloé. Maybe have your people call my people to set something up later in the month?” he said lightly, as he brought his fencing bag to his shoulder.   The brush off hurt more than a little bit. But of course he would want to spend every scrap of free time with his close friends. Which was a very short list, and she was clearly no longer on it. Maybe this whole idea wasn’t worth it in the first place. Like, why was she trying so hard to help Adrien when he barely gave her any of his time or attention anymore? “But maybe I have something important and urgent to talk to you about,” she admitted. He tensed, his green eyes giving a cursory glance over her whole form. “Is something wrong?” He reached out a hand to her shoulder. “Has your mother…?” She waved away his physical comfort. “My mother is in New York!” she snapped impatiently. “She hasn’t spoken to me in weeks.” Which meant she couldn’t have said anything hurtful to tear Chloé to pieces. She had no reason to be upset. None at all. But his frown only deepened, and he stepped forward again. And that’s when she realized he probably would make time for her if she asked. The idiot. “It’s nothing about any of that. I’m fine. I’m worried about you,” she insisted emphatically. And with those words he pulled away, and closed himself off immediately. “I’m fine, Chloé,” he told her with that stupid pasted on fake smile. “What could I possibly have to complain about?” he asked her before walking to the door and waving farewell. She had wanted to run after him so she could scream at him. That had been three days ago. She furiously wiped away the tears that were sliding down her cheeks. Why couldn’t she help him? Why wouldn’t he let her? He was growing more withdrawn by the day! Not that anyone other than her seemed to notice. Which she couldn’t understand! It was so obvious! When he had first come to school, he had been an excited puppy anytime anyone included him in a conversation or invited him to some social outing. Chloé had assumed that the novelty of school and peers would eventually wear off, but a solid year later, it hadn’t. He was still an excited puppy with any scrap of affection. Or he had been until recently. Adrien had been far less animated for the past week. He still smiled and said all the right things when people engaged with him, but it wasn’t real. He was going through the motions. Pulling out the politeness and the charm that had been drilled into him as a child that grew up in the spotlight. And normally, Chloé could have dismissed the change in behavior as a sign of fatigue. The akumas recently had been constant and brutal, and Gabriel showed no signs of easing up on Adrien’s commitments or expectations. But it was more than that because he hadn’t transformed gradually over time as his responsibilities built up. No, he had changed from puppy Adrien to polite Adrien in the span of a few minutes. From sunshine-child to creature-of-the-night literally instantaneously. Chloé had been in class sitting next to Sabrina as always, working on their project. Or well, letting Sabrina take notes on their project, but whatever. Ayla and Marinette sat in their usual seats with their heads together with Nino sitting a few feet away occasionally laughing or shaking his head at whatever nonsense they were saying. Then Adrien had arrived late to class from a photoshoot of something. “What are you guys talking about,” he had asked as he took his seat next to Nino. “N-nothing!” Marinette had stammered, her face turning tomato-red. Nino rolled his eyes again. “Don’t worry about it, dude. Girls are crazy.” And Chloé had watched Adrien’s shoulders stiffen. And his eyes go flat. And of course there was that stupid polite smile in place. He was upset. He was upset that they his friends were keeping things from him. And of course the other three keeping secrets from him would drive a wedge into his soul. How could they not know that? Chloé didn’t care that they were doing it to protect whatever was left of Marinette’s dignity. Chloé didn’t care about Marinette’s dignity at all. They were hurting him. Making him think they didn’t trust him either. Just like his father. Just like Ladybug. And since that day, he had stopped initiating conversations. He didn’t talk about his favorite video games, or whatever anime he had binged that past weekend. He didn’t light up like a supernova when Nino asked him to come to a party or the girls invited him out to ice cream. And worse, he wasn’t accepting their invitations. He was making excuses for why he couldn’t even try. Not even real excuses like whatever stupid lessons his father had him taking, but fake ones about being tired or needing to study. As if! Adrien didn’t really need to study. He was one of those obnoxiously intelligent kids who just absorbed academic knowledge through osmosis or whatever. And even if he needed to study, (which Chloé still doubted), he wouldn’t miss out on time with his friends to do it. He would just stay up all night instead. But he was declining invitations and she guessed everyone was just so accustomed to him not being able to come, that they didn’t notice he had stopped trying. And the second his friends’ eyes were off him, he would wilt like a plant without water. And his so-called friends didn’t notice that either! Not even Nino. But Chloé noticed.
And she didn’t like it. And as loathe as Chloé was to admit it, Marinette wasn’t faring any better. She was probably worse actually. The part-time superheroine had bags under eyes, and she was constantly falling asleep in class only to wake up screaming in pure terror. Chloé did not want to know what those nightmares were about. Then, the civilian side of Paris’s savior and super heroine had randomly burst into tears at least twice in the last three days, and refused to explain to anyone - even Alya - what was upsetting her. But that didn’t mean Chloé had to help her. Marinette had made it clear that she didn’t want Chloé’s help, which was just fine because the feeling was completely and thoroughly mutual. Marinette had always acted like she was some great authority on moral goodness. But Chloé knew Marinette was selfish, too. Marinette neglected responsibilities for her own gain, she lied more frequently than anyone realized, and she pushed her way into situations that were none of her business thinking she knew better than everyone, often making everything worse! Marinette always assumed the worst of Chloé even when she legitimately was trying to help. Which is likely why Ladybug had always assumed the worst of Chloé even in the very beginning when Chloé had tried to help her locate Vanisher’s akuma. Why Ladybug had been so insistent on seeing the worst in Queen Bee even right after she had helped Ladybug and Chat Noir rescue that runaway speed train. The heroine hadn’t been wrong in that instance, but that was hardly the point! But then, something had changed when her father had been akumatized the first time. And the spotted heroine Chloé had so admired offered her compassion, a shoulder to cry on, and a second chance. Told her she wasn’t useless and could become a hero if she wanted to be. Had invited her, Chloé, to race across rooftops and serve as her partner against a vicious akuma, when Chat Noir had been mentally transformed into an actual cat. And for the first time in a long time, Chloé had had hope that she could become something… better. Something… worthwhile. No matter what her mother said, or her classmates thought of her - she could be a hero. Someone others trusted without question, someone people respected, looked up to, and emulated. Chloé didn’t know how to be that person, but she knew that she wanted it. And that she was willing to try. But then a few weeks later, Paris’s heroine had taken it all back. Even after Chloé fought against Hawkmoth with her. Even though Chloé hadn’t done anything differently. Even though she had tried to find others ways to build herself up instead of tear others down by making collages of selfies and videos dressed up as Ladybug rather than targeting others. None of it had mattered. Ladybug had just stopped coming to her with the miraculous. And then, right after Chloé had managed to fight off an akuma all on her own, Ladybug had shown up and said she’d never get the miraculous again because people knew who she was? It was a load of bullshit! Because that hadn’t mattered when her father was akumatized, it hadn’t mattered on Heroes Day! Which led Chloé to one inescapable conclusion - Ladybug was just like everyone else. Someone who changed the rules when it suited them, went back on their word without thought, and wasn’t nearly as kind or compassionate as she pretended to be. Really, Chloé should have known better than to ever hope. She shoved her notebook off the table in front of her, sending it flying into the back of Ms. Bustier’s desk with a satisfying bang when the metal furniture snapped back into form. “Chloé?” Chloé started at the voice of concern. Ms. Bustier slipped into the classroom from the door in the back and quickly approached her. “What’s wrong?” “Nothing!” Chloé spit out venomously, whirling away from her teacher towards the front of the room. Ms. Bustier put down her bag at her desk, rolled the chair from her desk in front of Chloé’s table, and took a seat. Chloé shifted uncomfortably. She didn’t want to talk out her feelings. “What were you working on?” her teacher asked, her voice calm and smooth as a still lake. Chloé shook her head rapidly. “Nothing! It was a stupid idea. I’m clearly not cut out for it.” “Maybe you just need some help,” was the gentle suggestion. Chloé sighed glancing up into the warm face of her teacher. “I… was trying to fix something. But I should’ve known better. I’m really good at making a mess of things. The idea of me fixing something is ridiculous.” Utterly ridiculous. Silence permeated the otherwise empty classroom. It was stifling. Chloé stared into her hands, folded under the desk. Her teacher remained silent, sending her emotions spiraling down to new depressing depths. Even Ms. Bustier didn’t know what to say. Clearly, Chloé was a lost cause. And so was her self assigned mission. “Do you want help?” Chloé looked up, searching the compelling green eyes of her teacher. She seemed earnest in her concern, but Chloé has been burned before. Her childhood nanny, Adele, had promised to help her, too. And then the petite woman had gotten herself fired and Chloé had never seen her again. It’s not like Bustier could actually help, anyway. But then, another thought struck through her psyche like lightning. Ms. Bustier totally could make a couple of kids sit alone in a room together. In a fucking circle. But Chloé hated circles. She took a deep breath. This was for Adrien. For Adrien. For Adrien. “Could… could we maybe do one of those circles? Not the community one, but the other one when people are fighting?” Ms. Bustier raised an eyebrow. “You want to do a restorative circle? Did I hear that right?” Want was not the correct word. But Chloé had tried everything she could think of. And at least the circle didn’t require getting someone akumatized. She forced herself to nod. Her teacher leaned forward and put a hand on Chloé’s knee. “Did something happen? Are you and Sabrina not speaking?” Chloé physically recoiled at the very idea. “What?! No! Sabrina is great. No… this would be with...” her indignation evaporated instantly, and she found her gaze glancing over the shoulder of her teacher’s white blazer. “With Marinette and Adrien.” Ms Bustier sat up straighter. “You’re just full of surprises today, Chloé.” Chloé risked another glance up, but her homeroom teacher was smiling. “Okay, and was anyone else affected by this conflict? Anyone else that you think is involved or might have hurt feelings? Or anyone else that hurt you in this same conflict?” Chloé cocked her head to the side, letting herself consider the question. Really, it just needed to be Marinette, Adrien, and Chloé. But… Alya’s presence could prove to be incredibly useful. And if Alya was there, Nino would likely reinforce everything the brunette would say… The only problem was involving more people would piss off Ladybug even more. Chloé grinned at the thought. She had never been above getting a bit of revenge when it was deserved. (And maybe undeserved). All five of them it would be. “Césaire, Lahiffe, and Adri-kins,” Chloé supplied. Bustier went to her desk and retrieved a notebook and quickly wrote down the names. “What happened?” Chloé hesitated. Technically, nothing had happened, though of course she and Marinette had a ton of history, dozens of fights and altercations that she could pull from, and yet… “I tried to tell Marinette something really important. But she won’t listen to me. And I can’t totally fault her for that, but this is really really important. Like fate-of-the-world-important!” she exclaimed, her hand stretching out to indicate the scope of the situation at hand. “What is it that you want to tell her?” “That she’s a blind self righteous know-it-all,” Chloé ranted. “And she needs to knock it off because she’s hurting someone that we both care about.” “Adrien?” Ms Bustier guessed even as she was taking notes. Chloé nodded. “Yes, Adrien, but she doesn’t even know that she’s hurting him because he will just sit there and take it! He’ll never say anything,” she lamented, her lips twisted into an indignant sneer. “But eventually he’s going to break, Ms. Bustier. And I don’t want to see that! I’ve been trying to get her to talk to me so I could give her some context and explain what she was doing, but she ignores me completely, or won’t even let me say hello before she declares she doesn’t have time for me and runs off!” “I can see how that would be frustrating for you, Chloé,” Ms. Bustier empathized. “But I also need you to understand that the purpose of the circle is to heal things between you and Marinette. It is not so you can yell and berate her when she is not allowed to leave. Do you understand?” Chloé sighed, but nodded anyway. “Now, do you have any idea why Marinette might be acting this way? Any reason at all that Marinette might distrust you or be unwilling to hear you out?” Chloé glanced away toward the classroom window, her righteous anger fading. When she turned to the front again, her gaze remained locked on her nails. “Perhaps,” she admitted, her voice carefully flat. “I may have antagonized her unfairly once or twice in the past.” Ms. Bustier’s lips trembled as if she was trying not to laugh. Chloé huffed out a sigh. “Okay fine, I’ve done a lot to her over the years. But that’s not true this time! Listening to me would make her life far less stressful and get her closer to Adrien.” “That’s quite the claim,” Ms. Bustier commented neutrally. “It’s the truth!” she declared hotly. “Okay. I believe you. Now, is there anything specific that happened recently that would cause Marinette to be more irate with you than she usually is?” Chloé glanced down at her nails, but she really didn’t know what to say. Did throwing a fit when Ladybug said she could never have the Bee Miraculous back count? Because the truth was, since Chloé had figured out the heroine’s identity, she had no idea why Ladybug had given her a chance in the first place. And she was just as confused as to how she had managed to lose that chance a few weeks later. Chloé certainly hadn’t treated Marinette any worse than she normally did in the intervening time. She had even teamed up with the girl once so they could keep Kagami away from Adrien! Ms. Bustier sighed, placed her pen down on her notebook, and leaned forward. “Chloé, in order to facilitate a restorative conversation between you and Marinette and the others, I need to prepare. I can only do that if you tell me what happened.” The blonde nodded. What could she tell her that would be useful in Ms. Bustier being prepared? “I…. figured out one of her secrets, something that is really important to her. And then I told her friends.” “They didn’t already know?” Chloé shook her head. “How did the others react?” Chloé pursed her lips in thought. How would the others react? Adrien was going to turn into a puddle of goo. Alya probably wouldn’t be much better, but she would feel guilty as hell for the whole Lila debacle. Nino was a rock, so Chloé had no idea how he would respond. But Marinette? She was going to be out of this world pissed. And for a second, Chloé hesitated. “Chloé?” “You think I took the time to talk to the plebians?” she countered hotly, too late to actually be convincing. Bustier raised an eyebrow. Chloé wilted. “Okay, fine!” she relented. “But I really don’t know. I could guess, but I didn’t stick around to see their reactions directly,” she improvised on the spot. “Why did you tell them?” She glanced down into the palms of her hands. “Because… they needed to know,” she admitted softly. “They can’t help her if they don’t know. And she…” she was drowning and Chloé worried how long it would be before Marinette was the akuma. And then where would Paris be? “Despite what she thinks, she can’t do what she does alone. She needs them. Especially Adrien.” Chloé clutched at her head with both hands. God! What was wrong with her?! Why was she even trying to help Marinette? Marinette would only be livid. She wouldn’t be grateful. She certainly wouldn’t give Chloé another chance with the Bee Miraculous. This was supposed to be for Adrien! Adrien was the one who deserved to be seen and appreciated. Maybe it was for both of them. Maybe Chloé didn’t need anything in return. She looked up to see Ms. Bustier smiling at her. “And what was this secret?” her teacher asked. Chloe balked. She knew it was silly. Ms. Bustier was going to know everything tomorrow anyway. But she was afraid Bustier would back out if she knew the full extent of what this was about. “I’d rather not say.” Her teacher’s green eyes considered her for a moment, and Chloé had to look away again. She sighed again before the educator spoke. “Thank you for telling me this bit. I need to interview the others and understand their side of the story and then we’ll get something scheduled.” Chloé jumped to her feet, shaking her head violently. “No! You absolutely can not talk to them beforehand!” Ms. Bustier was not disturbed by Chloé’s outburst. “And why not?” “Because Marinette will never ever agree to this if she knows what it’s about. Trust me. But she’s wrong. She needs this. Actually, we all do. I promise, everything is my fault. It’s not theirs.” The words fell out of her mouth unfiltered like a runaway train. “Chloé, I have rarely encountered a conflict where one side was wholly at fault. I’m sure the others have contributed.” This track wasn’t working. “I won’t participate if you talk to them beforehand,” Chloé threatened. “That’s not how this works, Chloé.” “Please!” Chloé begged. “You don’t understand. I can’t explain completely, but Marinette will not come if she knows what it’s about. I’ve already tried like four times this week! We have to blindside her.” “What is it about?” “But Ms. Bustier! This secret… it’s really…” Chloé stammered, searching for words that would not come. “It puts Marinette in a really vulnerable position. I’m not willing to tell you on the off chance that you are not able to pull off this circle. But if we do meet and I am able to actually talk to her, I think the benefit will outweigh the drawbacks of you knowing.” Ms. Bustier’s green eyed gaze pierced through her, and Chloé found it difficult not to fidget on the spot. “You’re asking me to put a lot of faith in you, Chloé,” she finally said. “I know!” Chloé conceded, bowing her head down. “And I realize I probably don’t deserve it.” “I didn’t say that,” her teacher interjected. “But I’m trying to be worthy of it. I swear! I’m trying to be better,” her gaze fell to her shoes. Two fingers on her chin gently urged her gaze up. “All you have to be, Chloé, is yourself.” Chloé’s squeezed her eyes shut, trying to suppress the sudden burn behind her eyelids. She shook her head in denial. A warm hand fell onto her shoulder and squeezed reassurance. Chloé shrugged it off. She didn’t want to admit the contact felt good. She shouldn’t need reassurances like that. She couldn’t afford the weakness. “Just to warn you, Marinette is going to be absolutely pissed. You may think you’ve seen her in self righteous must-fix-all-the-injustices-in-the-world Marinette mode, but this will take things to an entirely new level. And you probably should just let her fly off the handle. I don’t need her to be respectful. I probably don’t deserve it anyway.” Ms Bustier offered a gentle smile. “We all deserve respect, Chloé. But we can also create the space for Marinette to air her grievances and for you to be treated with respect.” Chloé appreciated Bustier’s confidence, but she also knew the teacher only knew the tip of the iceberg. “Ms. Bustier?” she asked softly. Ms Bustier looked up from her notes and gave Chloé her attentive gaze. “Yes, Chloé?” Chloé swayed from one foot to the other, her hands fidgeting at her waist. “Can I ask about the “honor privacy” norm?” Ms. Bustier nodded. “What about it?” “Are you included in that? Will you respect Marinette’s and everyone else’s privacy?” “I’m required by law to report certain things like child abuse or suicidal thoughts, but I will honor privacy in all other respects.” Chloé bit her lower lip. Where did having a secret identity that required you to constantly put yourself in harm’s way fall into that? “So like... any time a student is in danger?” she suggested. Her teacher nodded even though she was taking down notes into her notebook. Chloé cringed. Yeah, this was probably definitely something that fell into the category of something a teacher was required to report. “But…” Chloé glanced away again. “What if reporting it increased the danger they were in?” Bustier looked up at her then and frowned. “Are you in danger, Chloé? Is Marinette?” Oh, what the hell?! In for a penny, in for a pound. “I’m in danger all the time,” Chloé explained with a straight face and was pleased to see Ms. Bustier’s face frowning in growing concern. “I’m Queen Bee,” she declared. Ms Bustier’s frown transformed into an amused smile. “If you wanted that to stay private Chloé, you probably shouldn’t have announced it on live television.” “But that’s my point. I’m always in danger because people know my identity. Papillon knows, and he’s already used me to get to Ladybug before.” Her teacher softened. “Are you worried that he’s going to try again?” “No! I…” she threw her hands down in frustration. “I can’t put this into words!” “What does this have to do with Marinette?” “N-nothing.” Chloé wondered one again, why she was stalling. If her plan worked, Bustier was going to know everything by the end of day tomorrow anyway. “I was just trying to give you an example where sharing the knowledge of a student being in danger would put them more in danger.” Ms. Bustier put her hand on Chloé’s shoulder again, and this time Chloé allowed the warmth to remain. “I can appreciate the nuance of such a situation,” her teacher reassured. “I would never put a student in danger if I can help it. You must understand though, sometimes my hands are tied by legal requirements.”
Chloé nodded, figuring that was close enough. Surely, there wasn’t a specific law about teachers being mandated to reveal a superhero’s identity. There had never been enough instances of teenaged superheroes to codify that kind of requirement. Right? Ms. Bustier smiled kindly at her. “Is there anything else you want to tell me, Chloé?” Chloé pursed her lips. “Not really, no,” she concluded. “May I ask you a question?” The blonde nodded her assent. “Why are you doing this now? Trying to make amends with Marinette, I mean?” Chloé fidgeted nervously. She still didn’t really know how she felt about Marinette. Or about Marinette being Ladybug. But that’s not why she was doing this anyway. “I’m doing it for Adrien,” she finally admitted. “He needs Marinette to actually see him. I don’t know what will happen to him if she doesn’t. I’m really scared for him.” “It’s not Marinette’s responsibility to save him, you know?” “Maybe not, but she’ll want to. When she has the full picture she will love him better than anyone in the whole world. And if she doesn’t, I will be there to grind her face into the ground.” “Chloé…” Ms Bustier chastised disapprovingly. Chloé held her hands up in mock surrender, but she wasn’t actually sorry. She meant it. If Marinette didn’t learn to better appreciate her partner, Chloé would definitely make certain she regretted it. … Chloé walked out of Bustier’s classroom after class feeling more optimistic than she had in the last sixteen days. Ms. Bustier had passed out slips to the five of them requesting their presence at the next day’s lunch period for a restorative circle, which meant this was actually going to happen. Maybe by end of day tomorrow she would see Adrien’s megawatt smile again for the first time in weeks. But Chloé still had one loose end to take care of before she was confident that she could push Marinette into being honest. And that loose end involved Alya. And Chloé couldn’t even delegate the task to Sabrina because that would reveal identities to a civilian, and while Chloé was all for pissing Ladybug off, she did understand the danger of too many people knowing. Not to mention, she didn’t want Sabrina in danger more than she had to be. Sabrina was able to tell her Alya’s whole schedule though. So that was helpful. Chloé left her things with Sabrina with directions to deliver her bags to her car, and left “to go to the bathroom” ten minutes before the last class was over to wait outside Césaire’s 6th period. She was lucky that apparently Marinette didn’t share the class. Alya was one of the last to leave. But when she walked out the door, Chloé immediately fell into step beside the Ladyblogger. “I need to talk to you,” Chloé began without preamble. Alya cast her a dark look. “Why would I want to talk to you?” Chloé tried not to growl. She was only half successful. “It’s about Marinette. She needs your help.” “Why should I believe you about anything regarding Marinette?” Alya snapped, readjusting her bag on her shoulder and picking up her speed, not bothering to make eye contact. Chloé matched her pace easily. “You eat up everything Rossi says about her like a child eats up candy! I thought you’d believe anything,” Chloé shot back. “This conversation is over,” Alya declared cooly, whirling away. Chloé scurried after her. “No wait! I’m... I’m sorry.” That got Alya to pause. “You’re what?” “You heard me,” the blonde growled back. Chloé wouldn’t say it again. No friggin’ way. “So, are you going to listen now?” “This has gotta be big if it got the high and mighty Chloé Bourgeois to apologize for something,” Alya reasoned even as she let her bag fall unceremoniously from her shoulder to the ground as she turned to Chloé. “Marinette needs your help. Adrien does too. But they’ll never come clean on their own and certainly not at my suggestion. I need you to come clean first.” Alya’s dark eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. “Come clean about what?” “About being the Fox.” Alya stared at her, her auburn eyes as wide as the Seine. “What?!” she hissed, suddenly up in Chloé’s face. Chloé held her ground, but didn’t resist Alya getting in her space. “I can’t explain. Ladybug will kill me. But tomorrow, Ms. Bustier is going to pull the five of us together.” “Five of us?” “You, me, Nino, Adrien, and Marinette. I’m going to introduce myself as the Bee. I need you to introduce yourself as the Fox. Please! It’s for Adrien... and Marinette too.” She tacked on as an afterthought. “Please trust me as one partime hero to another. I swear, I’m trying to help.” Alya shook her head, her eyebrows furrowed together like an angry cat. “I won’t betray Ladybug’s trust.” “You’ll be helping her!” Chloé countered. “And Marinette too.” “No way, Chloé. You can’t trick me.” And with that, the would-be-journalist stomped off. Chloé watched her go. “Well, that could have gone worse.” ...
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jorvegian-goddess · 4 years
The Mare of the Moon & the Sun Stallion
In the early days of Jorvik, when the island was new and gods still walked amongst mortals, two celestial beings chased each other around the moon. The humans called them Ayla and Umbra, though the creatures themselves were rarely seen. Instead, they spent their time dancing around the moon, watching over the stars and people below. Ayla and Umbra loved their home and each other deeply and were content to remain on the Moon for the rest of time immortal.
Alas, even celestial spirits can become bored and overcome with curiosity.
In the days leading up to her final battle with Garnok, Aideen called the spirits and ancient beings of Jorvik to aid her however they could, as well as protect her beloved people. All that is, except for Ayla and Umbra.
Now Ayla, being a rather shy and peaceful spirit, had no problem with being left out of the fight and promised the young goddess to do her part in guiding Jorvik’s mortal inhabitants at night. Umbra promised the same, yet a secret fire burned within him that yearned to fly down to the island and join in the great battle. For although he loved the Moon and his beloved Ayla, the dark stallion desired to see more of the world he was to watch over. Particularly during the day, a time he had never experienced living on the moon.
For many years following the great battle, Umbra held onto his wish to leave the moon and continued life with Ayla. Until one night he could ignore it no longer. Far down below him, in the heart of the island, a volcano known to the humans as Garnok’s Fury glowed as brightly as the sun. And Umbra was enchanted by it. The molten hot fires called to him; sang to him. With a bellowing war cry, Umbra flew down from the Moon and to the island below.
It was only too late, that the spirit realized his mistake. The fires were far too dangerous for a being of the Moon and burned his wings to ash. Umbra tried to use what magic he had left to send himself away from the volcano, but tendrils of flame and magma sprang up to entrap him, dragging him down to feed. With a scream, the Moon spirit begged for his life, for anyone or anything to hear him.
Luckily, something did hear him. The Sun, kin of the Moon, heard the dying prayers of the spirit and intervened. The rays of the Sun shown hot upon Umbra, replacing his Moon source with that of the Sun. Below the surface of the lava, Umbra underwent a transformation. No longer was Umbra a spirit of the cool, dark Moon, but rather of the bright and blazing Sun. His coat and markings changed to reflect this, his mane and tail were set ablaze and fire followed in his hoofprints.
But such change came with a price. So powerful and uncontrolled was Umbra’s new form, that he could not leave the volcano or else risk destroying the very island Aideen had bade him and Ayla to protect. And so Umbra has been forced to remain within his fiery prison, trapped until the fire both within and without him can be tamed.
The Sun was not the only one who had heard Umbra’s cry. High above the world, Ayla had been waiting for her mate to join in their nightly dance. Confused she wandered all over the Moon, searching for her beloved. It was only when she heard his plea far below that Ayla realized what had happened. As swift as the wind, she flew down on gossamer wings, hoping to arrive in time to save him. Tragically, she was too late and could only watch as her beloved mate was transformed.
Heartbroken, Ayla refused to leave the mortal world and remained in the frozen lands that surround the volcano, desperate to be near her love. At night, she illuminates the sky with the Aurora Borealis, praying Umbra can see them and remind him that she is there, waiting for him.
Perhaps someday, these eternal lovers will be reunited and can once again chase and dance across the Jorvegian night sky.
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drxgcnbcrn-blog · 7 years
Mandatory New Blog Tag Dump
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shepherds-of-haven · 6 years
what would the ROs think of a shy and insecure but kindhearted MC?
Blade would find that kind of personality very cute, depending on the level of shyness (too shy and neither of them would ever say more than ten words to each other, lol). A shy but kind-hearted MC would appeal to his instinct to protect!
Trouble would fall in love with someone who’s kind-hearted and compassionate, but his personality might clash with someone who’s shy and unconfident–he’d be very good at building them up, but sometimes their insecurities wouldn’t make sense to him or he wouldn’t be able to empathize as fully, since he sort of just charges forward in life without ever thinking about what others think of him!
Tallys would like someone who had a more quiet personality (like hers) but she would probably more admire someone who’s also… confident and inspirational? But it wouldn’t matter to her too much, so long as the MC didn’t let her steamroll over them. She likes someone who can challenge her ideas and emotions if needed. 
Shery would be like, “KIN?? KINDRED SPIRIT??” She’d be super into that type of person, but in the back of her head she’d also be kind of puzzled–someone like MC could be shy and insecure? They have no reason to be, not like her!
Chase would find that kind of personality fun to tease and torment, but jury’s out on whether he would fall in love with that person in the long-run. Confident and bold is more attractive/intriguing to him, but he also admires nobility, so a hard-working MC who had a strong sense of justice and who tried to overcome their insecurities could be attractive to him, too!
Riel would be a little bit apprehensive about that kind of personality, mostly because a relationship with him would require a measure of strength and security–but it wouldn’t stop him from falling in love with the MC, so long as they could keep up with him intellectually!
Red would find that kind of personality charming, and his personality is well-suited to be with that kind of person: he’s honest and empathetic and emotionally-intelligent, so he would be able to support that MC and understand them.
Ayla might not do so well with that kind of personality: she’s the opposite of shy and insecure, so her initial speech with them might be kind of rough and impatient. Like, “SPEAK UP?? YES, WHAT DO YOU NEED??” Over time, though, she could grow to see their charms!
Lavinet would kind that kind of personality endearing, but she might not be attracted to it. She’d most likely friendzone an MC with that personality and go out of her way to shelter and stand up for them, but not necessarily want to be with them romantically. 
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Monsterblog Recommends: Jean M. Auel’s Earth’s Children Series
Previously - Monsterblog Recommends: Aviators (Musician)
Now, I read some things when I was a teen that I probably should have waited a few years to read. This isn’t entirely because of the content - though in this case, it certainly is a factor - but in part because a lot of what this series covers and does isn’t stuff that a teen perspective is necessarily the right one for.
Luckily, I reread this series later.
Jean M. Auel’s Earth’s Children Series [SPOILERS AHEAD]
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[gods i love these covers]
1. What the hell is Jean M. Auel’s Earth’s Children Series?
Jean M. Auel’s Earth’s Children series is the tale of a Cro-Magnon girl in Central Europe from when she was orphaned as a child to her eventual adulthood and settling in what is now France. Shortly after being orphaned she’s found by a migrating group of Neanderthals, looking for a new home, and adopted by their Medicine Woman. Thus, the girl, Ayla, is raised by Neanderthals and spends most of her childhood and teenaged years with them, before eventually being forced to leave when the previous leader died.
That’s the first book. The next follows Ayla as she struggles to survive on her own in a valley, while also matching to the tale of Jondalar, a Cro-Magnon from what is now France as he travels across Europe to meet other groups and learn new skills. Their stories converge when he gets mauled by a Cave Lion not far from her valley, and then we follow as Ayla treats Jondalar - she was the daughter of the Clan Medicine Woman - learns his language and eventually agrees to leave her valley with him.
The next book follows Ayla and Jondalar with the Mamutoi - the Mammoth Hunters - as they overwinter with them and learn from them as well. This one is where you get a lot more interpersonal stuff, and an idea of how Cro-Magnon - the first anatomically modern humans - may have seen their contemporaneous but decidedly different kin. 
The stories are... richly written. I’m not usually a fan of this style - I have issues reading George R.R. Martin’s ASOIAF series for this precise reason - but because this series is about prehistory which is one of my extremely specific special interests, I adored it. There’s a huge amount of information - what the environment is like, what foods they harvested and how they cooked it, what animals were around and how they hunted them, tracked them, co-existed with them, tanned their hides and butchered their bodies. How they made tools and.... look lets go to the next section ok?
2. Why I’m recommending it.
Oh Jesus fuck, the worldbuilding. Look, you know how this blog does worldbuilding? You know how this blogs like... entire fucking premise is worldbuilding? You know how I liked to mix and match and theorise for my worldbuilding?
Blame this goddamn series.
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[yes, this one]
Not only did Jean M. Auel do her research (as best she could given when she was writing) she also did some fuckawesome theorising as to how stuff could work. We know, for example, that we Homo sapiens sapiens have some fragmentary neanderthalensis DNA. Now: how did that get there? Was it willing partnership? Was it conquest and rape? Was it just the way of evolution and its not Neanderthal DNA so much as just shared DNA? Was it more complicated than just those or some combination of them? We know that Neanderthals did a lot of flint knapping with primarily stone tools - but we also know that later members of genus Homo used bone and antler as well. We know Neanderthals went extinct - but why did that happen? We know humans in history migrated, but how much? Is it possible that a black African Cro-Magnon might make his way north or a white Cro-Magnon travel to Africa and marry there, returning with his son when she dies? Fuck it! Why not! One of the Mamutoi is black, and its just... a thing thats there.
One of my favourite examples is... well its like the old fandom theory that Charlus and Dorea were James’ parents. We had little information on them, but Charlus and Dorea were on the Black Family Tree. They had one son. Their dates fit. Later on, we learned this wasn’t the case, but, then and there and at that time, it was the most likely solution we had.
When Jean M. Auel was writing, we didn’t know if Neanderthals could speak. Like, hyoids are delicate and can indicate to what degree tongues can move and so vocalise, but also we had very little idea of their social complexity and genetics and physical structure beyond what little we could glean with the archaeological techniques of the time. So, Jean M. Auel, working from that went “well... if they couldn’t speak, how might they communicate?”
Well... how do those who don’t speak communicate? Sign language. How do those who can’t speak but can vocalise somewhat speak? Well, look at primates. They sign, they use specific vocalisations and indications, they use body language constantly...
And so Jean M. Auel created a language for the Neanderthals of her books, using body language and hand signs and certain vocalisations. For their rituals, they dropped vocalisations all together. Their sentence structure changes so they don’t even use names. It becomes this one would ask and this one knows and may this one speak and some strange flowing poetic thing because they no longer even vocalise but appeal to the spirits of their animistic religion. 
We know they could speak now. We know that now. But when she was writing Auel worked within what was known and theorised a way things could work.
And it fucking works.
3. Less Good Things / Trigger Warnings
Oh gods um, ok.
Orphaned child, severe injury, treating various injuries, serious inbuilt social issues, rape even though its not immediately known of/treated as rape, though the sense of violation and trauma does come through, childbirth, sex... uh quite a bit of quite explicit sex, death of various characters in various and sometimes gory ways. .. I mean hell, guys, its prehistory during the ice age when amongst the various megafauna around as well as Smilodon there were Cave Lions and Cave Bears and Direwolves and Woolly Rhinos ffs. 
For what it is worth: Ayla is not orphaned for very long before being found and adopted and cared for. Severe injuries are (mostly) presented in the context of them being treated - Ayla is, after all, being raised by the Clan Medicine Woman, Iza, and so she learns how to treat everything from toothache to broken bones to helping with childbirth and laying out the dead.
The social issues are... complex. Its not that they’re never criticised, or never confronted, its that they’re all a part of showing how different groups would have seen things differently and how, to some, this is a burden, but to others it simplifies. The Clan - the Neanderthals - have very strict gender roles, but in doing so it encourages social cohesion; no man can survive on meat alone and needs the female foragers to provide that aspect of the diet, no woman can clothe herself easily without a hide to tan and so relies on the men to provide that. They work in concert ... but there are still issues. Even amongst the Others - the Cro-Magnon - there are issues in different areas based on rulership and culture, such as how sex is viewed and interacted with. Amongst the Clan its a fact of life, barely noted. Amongst the Others its practically sacred, and bringing another pleasure with willing consenting sex is considered to be a way of worshipping their primary goddess - the Earth Mother, modelled on such figurines as the Willendorf Venus.
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[i love these prehistoric carvings like GODS these things are hundreds of thousands of years old and were made by human hands and look! look at it! its right there!]
As for the rape... the rape is there. Amongst the Clan its.... its complicated. I don’t... particularly want to dig into it. There’s a complex interplay of social expectation, and how the Clan treats sex, vs ability to consent within that framework and character’s individual responses to it. Under certain frameworks you could argue that all of the Neanderthal women are rape survivors, but the story goes out of its way to show that there’s more nuance to it than that. The women don’t really tend to initiate sex but they can and do indicate and hint at it to those they’re interested in... but that doesn’t mean that then men always listen and that they won’t sometimes demand it of a woman who doesn’t want it. Some of the Neanderthal women are never raped so far as we know. Others very much are. 
This is then made more complicated and confusing when Jondalar is introduced. He’s from a culture where rape is utterly totally and completely abhorrent, where the very idea is effectively blasphemy. And, on the one hand, to Ayla this is something which she can appreciate and think of as good - she knows and has seen the violation that comes from having no choice. But, simultaneously, she’s also seen those who have worked within structures which give them little choice and yet still chosen and been happy. Who have got what they sought and had long and happy and fulfilling lives and relationships.
Its nuanced in a way that I don’t think is very easy to discuss online or on a place like tumblr, where people want things to be clear cut.... but it isn’t, in this case, and so its very hard to talk about. It can be argued that, due to the gender roles of our society, all sexual interactions are inherently fraught. Societal pressure makes it hard for anyone of any gender to say no... or sometimes to say yes, when they want to. Is any sex in our culture free of the risk of it being rape when toxic masculinity makes men feel unable to say no or talk about their no being ignored and, simultaneously, women feel they either have to refuse sex to remain “pure” or that they can’t because then they’re not being a “good girlfriend”?
Its nuanced in a way that fucks people up. Nuanced in a way that requires every situation be thought over and discussed individually. Nuanced in a way that may well give you a headache to think on.
But, I think its a nuance worth talking about, and I think that is why it is worth reading this series.
4. Spoilers and Further Points
I’m going to take the time here to say again what I said above. This series had a huge part to play in how I handle worldbuilding and combining known facts to create new things. I think, for many, it may help you do the same. This series, alongside Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver, and Mary Renault’s... everything? (rec post to come on her) had a huge part in how I handle Archaeology, Archaeological Theory, and creating headcanons to mesh with what we know of our world and what we know of the fantasy world we’re working in. 
They’re also an excellent jumping off point for personal research - you read them knowing that they’re not completely accurate or even maybe thinking that they are largely accurate and they provide you with huge swaths of information which you can research more on or use as a starting point.
I mean... most of us by now know that the idea of a genetic memory is largely bollocks - some traumas can have significant impact on genetics, but memories aren’t preserved in genetics. However, Jean M. Auel uses it to explain aspects of the Neanderthals because at the time, while extremely out there, it wasn’t yet utterly considered impossible and also.. literary license! have fun.
There is a single semi-spoiler that I haven’t hinted at yet which I do wanna talk about here, because I don’t think it necessarily fits into the above section as well.
There’s a well-known trope in media, which is Pretty = Good, Ugly = Bad.
This series plays with it. Ayla and Jondalar are presented as very very very stereotypical uh... arguably “Aryan” people - blonde hair and blue eyes and all that. And they’re the protagonists and seen as being good.
But there’s also the Neanderthals who aren’t pretty by modern human standards and of whom some - such as Ayla’s foster father, Kreb - would even be ugly... but by and large they’re not presented that way. 
There are some which are - Broud, for example. But there’s also some amongst the Others who are and so its.... complicated. Many of the kind ones are, if not pretty, not ugly, and many of the ugly characters are bad, but there is also a subversion of this - many Others see the Clan as ugly and vice versa, but they both paint with too thick a brush. Amongst them individuals may be good or bad and part of the story does work to show that, though I think it does fall short here.
5. Further Reading
Haaa, I mean the whole fucking series?
But, other than that, you can find more information at the Wiki page for the series, which is Here, and you can find more about the books and the author at her page over Here.
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aylakmadamfilm · 3 years
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1-Beni Çok Sev
     Bir mahkûm, kızıyla yeniden görüşüp kendini affettirmek için bir gardiyan eşliğinde memleketine gider. Sonra elem keder hepsi oturur içimize. Musa’nın sakinliğinde yaşarız acısını.
   Çok beğendik biz, çok güzel film olmuş.
   Uyarlama bir film. Beklentimizin altında kaldı. Film izlenir mi, boş vaktiniz varsa evet izlenir ama beklentinizi düşük tutun çünkü karşınızda çok katmanlı bir polisiye hikaye yok, düz bir film var.
3-Cep Herkülü Naim Süleymanoğlu
   Ayla ve Müslüm filmlerinin yapımcısı mustafa uslu'nun bir diğer projesi. Ben diğer iki filmi de beğenmiştim. Bunu da hayli  beğendim. Hem izlemeye değer bir dram hem de bir başarı hikayesi.  Bu kadar karanlık dönemlerden geçmiş ve bu dönemler hayatına direkt olarak etki etmiş sportif bir figür tarihsel bağlamından ayrı anlatılamazdı. anlatılsa eksik kalırdı. Filmin Naim’in hayatını yeterince yansıtmadığına dair eleştirileri saçma buluyorum. Çünkü bu bir belgesel değil. Biyografik bir film.
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a-heart-in-spades · 3 years
just to add on the angst factor, i like to imagine that it takes some time for the news that the baron are being killed, one by one, by a vengeful hunter.
Wraith doesnt need to hear a name to know its ayla.
between trying to decide if he should stay with cayde still unresponsive body or go help her, and he desperately want to help her, the trail goes cold. even if its europa and there are not that many people he can ask for it, its been weeks since anyone heard about the bloodtrail in the reef. All people know its that the Rifleman is down, that it was a messy fight, and the the Fanatic swore on his life he would destroy the one that killed his kin. Then nothing. And what was a rumour at first, that the hunter died without being able to complete her revenge, started to become the only possible reality.
So for weeks and weeks Wraith sat in his own misery. Frustrated because Cayde's repairs are taking too long and hes starting to fear the Vanguard actually met his final death while faking it, and drowning in guilt because Ayla is very likely gone, and he doesnt even know where to began to look to give her a proper grave- to bring her home one last time.
He refuses to let what drove Ayla to her doom be in vain, so he gets back to work on the repairs like a man possessed. Suddenly he imagines Uldren's smug smile when he hears the Guardian has fallen, the Fanatic mounting Ayla's head on a spike, and in a fury he throws the wrench across the room and screams.
Oh the pain there. It's too accurate x.x
Wraith would feel like he is the one to blame for her death, he'd make sure to take out Fikrul, but after that, he'd make sure to bring Caye back just to rip into him because of it.
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