#sso fanfics
stable-gremlin · 20 days
So uh since Halloween is coming up and I’m gonna do prompt month…
Jorvik zombie apocalypse anyone?
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sagapinehill · 9 months
First Visit At The Secret Stone Circle
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Hey guys,
I created this painting of my oc Saga the other day, I hope you'd like it ☺️
Also I wrote a short story about her arriving at the Circle with Sabine, you can read it here if you might be interested. :)
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paigeswiftsea · 28 days
guys what kind of flowers would sabine give someone? like to show a kind of hidden message of love
I wanna say roses but i feel like that's too cliche you know? like it doesn't scream sabine but I don't know what does
I yalls thoughts on this
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candlemouse · 6 months
Meeting the Parents
Alex Cloudmill/Maya Dew
Ao3 Link <- Consider leaving comments/kudos here!
Butterflies brawled in Alex’s stomach, and she wiped her hands on her pants again. For like the fifth time in the past ten minutes.
No, it wasn’t Garnok rising or Sabine or Katja or—
“They’re going to love you, Alex.” Maya smiled and interlocked her fingers with Alex. “You have nothing to worry about.”
Alex shifted in the dining booth and nodded with false bravado. “I’m not nervous.”
“You don’t have to lie,” Maya said. “It’s okay to be nervous.”
Their booth in the Coffe Pot Café overlooked the Dundull bay and in the early morning, Alex could watch the fishermen set up their sails for the day.
“Okay,” Alex said. She smiled at Maya. Her warmth was so infectious, and Alex never wanted to be without it. “I’m nervous. But not as nervous as I was a few minutes ago.”
“Good,” Maya said. “Now, imagine how I felt when I had to meet the Mayor of one of the biggest and busiest cities in Jorvik because he was my girlfriend’s brother!”
It still made Alex giddy when she heard Maya call her her girlfriend. It was a novelty, okay? And even if it became habitual, Alex didn’t think her happiness at that name would fade, anyway.
“Technically, Mayor Peanut is Fort Pinta’s mayor. You just met his assistant.” Alex brought their entwined hands up and kissed Maya’s. “Besides, James is all bark and no bite.”
“To you! He immediately started quizzing me on every detail of my stay in Fort Pinta until he found another opportunity to make money.”
“He is nothing if not dedicated.”
“I think that runs in the family.”
Alex laughed.
Alex straightened. Maya’s parents had arrived. They shared Maya’s green eyes, but not her red hair. As they exchanged hugs and hellos, Alex stood to the side glancing anywhere but at the family. She wasn’t used to such overt familial affection, and the brawling butterflies in her stomach had graduated to a full on fight ring.
“Ma, Pa.” Maya took Alex’s hand and smiled at her. “This is Alex.”
Alex inclined her head with an awkward smile. “Nice to meet you both.”
“Us too!” Mrs. Dew beamed.
They all sat down in the booth and continued their conversation.
“Your mother was so excited, I don’t think she spoke a single word about anything else the whole bus ride,” Mr. Dew complained.
“Well, Maya had told me so much about you, Alex, that it was hard to wait!” Her mother began to scan the menu. “Though, you must forgive me, but it’s slipped my mind what you do for a living.”
“Oh, well, I’m in druidic training at the moment,” Alex replied. She was sure it was not what her girlfriend’s parents wanted to hear—that she was joining a secretive religious sect, but there wasn’t much truth Alex was able to tell Maya’s parents. So, she was trying not to lie when she could. If everyone knew about the true danger and magic of the world…maybe it would be better. But, alas, Fripp would have her head. Not that he doesn’t already have a million reasons to be mad at her, anyway. “But, I help my brother out at Fort Pinta sometimes, too.”
“Druidic training?” Mr. Dew asked. “That’s…”
“Remember our blacksmith back in the day, honey? He was a druid.” Mrs. Dew pointed out.
“Alex is great at it, too, guys,” Maya said. “She’s even on this task force that helps out across Jorvik.”
“Oh! Didn’t you say you had picnics with…oh, what was their name? One of Alex’s colleagues.” Mrs. Dew said.
“Yeah, we have picnics with one of my, um, co-workers in the Forgotten Fields,” Alex said.
“That’s so darling,” Mrs. Dew said. “Do you like it in Jarlaheim?”
“Oh, Jarlaheim’s a beautiful city, but I don’t actually live there,” Alex said.
“Oh, I must have heard Maya wrong, then,” Mrs. Dew said. “Where do you live?”
“I have a house in Valedale, but I do often stay with Maya in the Harvest Counties. It’s easier that way.” Alex fiddled with the napkin in her lap. “Plus, I have a good friend in Jarlaheim that will let me crash if need be.”
“Oh good, good,” Mrs. Dew said.
The waitress came to take their drink orders and then was off.
“This Dundull weather is beautiful, isn’t it, Ma?”
“Oh, yes. I love the sea breeze,” Mrs. Dew said. She folded her napkin in her lap. “Alex, do you like Fort Pinta, Jarlaheim, or Valedale best?”
“There’s great things about all of Jorvik, of course. But, I do really like living in Jarlaheim. It reminds me of home. The music scene is really great.”
“What kind of music are you into?”
“Hip-hop. Some rock. What about you?”
“Ooh, I like Jazz,” Mrs. Dew said. “The blues.”
“She plays it non-stop,” Mr. Dew added. “Where did you say your hometown was?”
“Jorvik City.”
“We live there now! Which part?” Mrs. Dew asked.
“Governor’s Fall. I really did love it, but at some point, my family just couldn’t afford to live there anymore,” Alex said. It was bittersweet but Alex was glad for the memories she made there.
“You both will have to visit us next time in Jorvik City,” Mrs. Dew said.
“Ma, I don’t like the city. I can’t bring Elli with me.” Maya pouted. It was funny. Maya was completely at ease, as she should be with her parents, but Alex felt like she was currently acting the most professional and polite she ever has.
“I’m sure your horse will be okay for a few days alone.”
“No, she won’t.”
The conversation devolved into a light-hearted argument about Elli being able to handle some alone time that was interrupted by their waiter taking their drink orders. The dinner continued in a similar banter, and the tension that Alex had held slowly dissipated.
By the time they were exchanging goodbyes, Alex really felt close to them.
Once they were gone, Alex and Maya started walking to the Dundull stable.
“They really like you a lot, you know,” Maya said. She squeezed Alex’s hand.
Alex knew she had issues with parental figures. It was an obvious consequence of her childhood that manifested in both avoidance and over-attachment to her older mentors. Especially with Elizabeth gone, Alex felt like she had to re-confront all her mental struggles all over again.
She was glad to have Maya by her side, and a small part of her hoped that one day, just maybe, she could call Maya’s parents her own.
Ao3 Link <- Consider leaving comments/kudos here!
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moonlight-tmd · 10 months
Hello And Welcome To This Disaster! My name is Moonlight and I'll be your host for this blog.
Here is some things you should know about me: (this post will be updated as time goes on)
My AO3 account where you'll find good quality ship fanfics.
If you're interested, I have cheap commissions open. Most of the comms are posted on my Instagram but if it's ship art that I like I might post it on this blog too.
For other personal content, visit my Youtube Channel or Twitch. It ain't much but it's honest work. <3
Here's what you can find on this blog:
Private Corner. The stuff that's not really related to anything specific. > Arts I posted on the blog over time. (#moon derg art) > Random posts I found cool or me ranting. (#moon derg rambles) > Stuff other folks did for me. (#special repost)
Transformers Animated content. (haven't watched the show but I'm writing anyway) The tags #tfa shenanigans and #tfa headcanons on this blog are all about things that have happened in my version of TFA. (!) All of headcanons for my works are here. Please read the linked posts in that post, it's very important. My comfort character is Bumblebee so there's a lot of content about this fella here. (#tfa bumblebee) All NSFW posts are under the tag #naughty tag! All fanfics that I wrote are under the tag #tfa fanfic!
Shipping, the romantic kind. My current ships are: > BlitzBee (TFA) (OTP) > ProwlBee (TFA) > ShockBee (TFA)
TFA AUs. Posts related to any of the AUs are tagged #tfa au. The appropriate tags are written next to the AU name: > Dadimus Prime AU - Optimus as Bee's dad (#dadimus prime au) > Cyberbeast AU - mythical creatures hidden in plain sight. (#cyberbeast au) > Warframe!Bumblebee AU (#warframe!bumblebee au) > Part-Insecticon!Bumblebee AU (#part-insecticon!bumblebee au) > Cons Are Good AU (#cons are good au) > Crack AU - which is every crack headcanon thrown in one jar (#crack au) > Civil!Blitzwing AU (#civil!blitzwing au) > AU where Bee dies and Prowl get depressed until Bee is resurrected by Blackarachnia (no actual name)(#revival!prowlbee) > God-Sparkling AU - aka Unicron and Primus as Bee's parents (#god-sparkling au) > Electro Bee AU - basically Bee being able to manipulate electricity like Blitzwing does with Ice/Fire. (#electro bee au) > Sparkeater!Bumblebee AU - disease that turns anybot into a Sparkeater over time. Bee is one of few that has it and survived. (#sparkeater!bumblebee au) > Celestial!Bee AU - basically Bee is one of many lesser gods that have been forgotten by mortals. (#celestial!bee au) Ships: Mainly or Only BlitzBee / ProwlBee / ShockBee / Open to any ship/not assigned
Game section. Posts about games I play: > Star Stable Online (#sso , #ssoblr) > The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (#skyrim)
Thank you for reading. All of the tags mentioned are below. (this post will be updated as more things come into the blog)
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lxstfathier · 10 months
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Hiii everyone!! i’ve finally decided to open up my fic commissions! 💗 so if you are interested in this, please come with me so i can give you more info…
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For a bit of context: ok, this year has been particularly hard for me. My mom was diagnosed with renal insufficiency, she requires a lot of meds, hemodialysis, and a kidney transplant as soon as possible. So as you may know, that’s not cheap, so i want to contribute with something. And also i need some personal things for myself. That’s why i need the money, if i didn’t i swear that i would be doing this for free 😔 so guys, if you can give me a hand with this, i’m gonna be eternally grateful 💗
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Fic requirements: i’m down to write almost anything!! smut, fluff, angst, whatever you want, i’m not picky. And here is the list of the characters that i write for, along with the few topics that i avoid, please check it out before commissioning.
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Prices (usd): thots 5$ ✨ drabble 6$ ✨ headcanons 10$ ✨ full fic 15$ ✨
Thots: 200 to 400 words. Usually with a time wait of 3 days.
Drabble: 400 to 600 words. Usually with a time wait of 1 week.
Headcanons: 1k to 1.5k words. Usually with a time wait of 1 or 2 weeks.
Full fic: 2k to 4k words. Usually with a time wait of 3 weeks or 1 month.
Please be patient with me, i like to work slowly so it can be the best quality, but you can message me at anytime to ask for a progress update or a little sneak peek.
Also, i always write for x reader, but if you want me to write it with an oc, please let me know <3
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Payment method: for the moment i just use PayPal :)))
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How to commission: just send me a message!! that way you can share your idea with me and discuss the details, then i’ll give you my paypal link, and once the payment is done, i will start working on your piece of writing, so easy!!
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Side notes:
✧˖° I have the right to deny a commission if it has any of the topics that bother me.
✧˖° You can’t claim the fic as yours.
✧˖° The time waits may increase if i get a lot of commissions to work on.
✧˖° If you are under 18, i will not write smut for you.
✧˖° Sometimes it may take me a couple of hours to answer your message, but that’s bc i’m busy, im not ignoring you and i’ll answer as soon as i have free time :)
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That’s all for now. Thank you so much to all those who decide to commission, it means a lot to me 🥺💗 and to those who can’t buy something, it’s fine, you can help me just by sharing this. And don’t worry!! i’m still gonna work on some free content for y’all!! love you guys!!! 💖✨
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dark-rider-pr · 21 hours
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Riders of Fallen Dawn: Day 176
(introduction to the world)
AO3 link here
Rating: T Words: 1,325 Warnings: minor amount of sweaaring
Sabine reflects on how she got into the position she was in now, in a community, helping to keep so many people alive. I'm posting the introduction chapter here but if you;d like all chapters from the Halloween prompt month also on here let me know!
The coughing was probably the worst part of being in the apocalypse. 
Sabine’s lungs were failing, not because of the virus she had yet to contract nor is it because of the nuclear winter that was to roll in from Europe, but because of asthma. Fucking asthma. 
The End of Days was supposed to be done by them, the Dark Riders. They were meant to destroy the world, their true forms free to dance in the ruins of cities, breathing in air that was tainted with Garnok’s magic. Now? Now, Sabine could barely breathe normal magic-less air as her lungs spasmed. 
She shook the inhaler for ten seconds, or close enough because who really counts that when you’re having a fit, and on an inhale, pressed the can down. Inhaling the steroids helped open the organs back up and, whilst she could do without the shakes afterwards, the coughing stopped.
Her body, her mortal shell, was dying and there probably weren't enough people left in the world for her or her siblings to do another reincarnation cycle. 
The virus, called Aideen’s Curse (or Jorvik Rabies by the rest of the world), targeted magic users. As such, the druids at the start of the ordeal targeted the Dark Riders, blaming them for the virus when in fact…it might have been their precious Soul Riders. 
It’s merely hearsay at this point but the correlation between the Soul Riders and the Reincarnate disappearing whilst patient zero, Evergray, returned back to Valedale Village. Garnok would just pollute the world, turning it into a chaos realm that might also be viewed as a zombie apocalypse but this? No, this wasn’t Garnok. Or Sands. Or Darko before he was lost to Pandoria. Or even the Dark Riders themselves. 
The backbone of Dark Core wouldn’t shoot themselves in the foot by making a virus that forced you to suppress your magic. 
Sabine tried to stand up but her legs quickly wobbled and she fell back down on the bed. She was weak and weakness meant death in their world.
To starve a fire, you must deprive it of oxygen. That was what her body was doing to her in vengeance for denying her magical existence. But if the Dark Riders wanted to find the Soul Riders, the Light Ceremony Book and then free both Erissa and Garnok…it’s just what they’ll have to live with. 
Wind rattled the repurposed shipping container she was living in at the Valley Community, the cut out windows shaking from the force of the blizzard. Insulation foam had been sprayed on the inside and wood had been applied to give some sort of protection from the cold. There was a cheap electronic heater near her bed to provide some warmth but all Sabine really wanted was to let her magic out. She missed the way the fire raged inside, how alive she felt. 
Though Khaan was her silent steed, the Dark Rider knew he missed the fire as well. He was a little slower than their usual breakneck pace but thankfully, he wasn’t lame. Nor was Acerbus and Mortifa for that matter. The self imposed curse that the Dark Riders had put on themselves had avoided their horses and for all the magic left in the world, they thanked it.
Sabine curled up on her side, pulling the blankets and duvet back over her body as she watched the storm, thinking and mulling over what she knew. 
Could she risk just a little bit of flame?
No, unless she wanted to become a beacon for the Hollow Wood horde to try and break into the Hidden Valley. Not even Katja, someone that came from the Valley, part of its magical ecosystem in a way, wanted to risk it.
Magic users, especially strong ones, if bitten, would turn into “horde leaders”. They would guide the mindless infected, letting them feed off their magic until there was nothing left, allowing for a new leader to step up and take the role of zombie martyr. The only horde leader to not be eaten by its own compatriots was Evergray but he was a special case: the only stage 6. Well, technically, he was in a league of his own.
There was a knock at the door before it was pulled open against the wind, two figures stepping in and stomping their shoes to get rid of snow before pulling down their scarves around their faces. Sabine didn’t need to see their faces to know it’s her siblings. 
“Hey,” she croaked out, coughing a couple of times as she sat up. 
“Dr. Eiren said she could hear you coughing from a mile away,” Jay teased, putting their GED jacked up on a coat rack on the wall. “Wanted to check on you herself but a riding party came back looking rough.”
Sabine sat up, tossing her hair out of her face in concern. 
“Was anyone bitten?” 
“That’s what she’s checking for right now,” Katja said as undid her braid, running her hair through her fingers. “Shift over, it’s cold.” 
“No wonder you keep coughing so bad,” tacked on Jay, shuddering.
Sabine shifted so her back was pressed up against the wall, her knees tucked to her chest as she held back another coughing fit. Both Jay and Katja had stripped their snow covered outer layers and squeezed to sit beside their sister, tugging blankets over their laps and shoulders. 
The funny thing about the end of the world was how close people had gotten. It had always been the Dark Riders against the world but there were always jabs, sharp eyes and claws waiting to find and manipulate weaknesses. If Sabine had become as sick as she was now a year ago, Katja and Jay would be jostling to become top General. But now, with all three battling chronic illnesses, they had become…well…siblings again. Sure, there was still the rough housing but they had one another’s backs. It was just like when they were children, before Garnok, their Ascension and subsequent exile. 
It did mean that the sting of Erissa’s disappearance had worsened. 
The trio sat in silence, watching the blizzard continue until there was a beep and a voice coming through Sabine’s walkie-talkie. 
“Great,” the Dark Rider huffed. 
“I’ll get it. I’m closer,” Katja cut in, sliding off the bed to grab the device and toss it. 
Sabine caught it with one hand, pressing the necessary button. 
“What? Over.” 
The crackled voice of Justin echoed through the container and Jay rolled their eyes. Out of all the people in the community, Justin was one of the most irritating, mind numbing mortals they had to interact with…
Saying that though, his brief stint on the team meant he actually knew how to work with them.
“Loretta said she saw Ydris out by the manor. Lucid and alive. Sands wants you to head out once the blizzard is done. Over.”
“Yeah, and I’d like a fresh set of acrylics but that’s not gonna happen. We just finished a ride two days ago. Over.”
“Hey, don’t shoot the messenger. I don’t like it either. Over and out.” 
Katja tactfully took the walkie talkie out of Sabine’s hand before she threw it, putting it gently on the floor. 
“Didn’t you say you wanted to try and find him,” Jay asked, playing with the dead ends of their hair. 
“Preferably on his own, miles away from a horde. He’s…he…” Sabine groaned, her hands clawing at the air in frustration. “We’re out here killing ourselves to not become a target and yet, he struts about like there isn’t some magical zombie virus.” 
The silver haired rider tutted. 
“Shame we don’t have magic…I still want to make that traitor whimper.”
“Mm, ditto. Every time he calls me ‘little dove’ I have the intense urge to stab him. Repeatedly.” Jay gave a harsh chuckle. “On the brighter side, he’s not a horde leader.” 
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jorvikpov · 1 year
Time is standing still.
You aren’t sure whether your eyes are open or closed. You do not know why the grass seems to have moved to beneath the palms of your hands. You cannot tell what time of day it is. All you know is the presence of your horse anchoring you to the earth, the bone-chilling horror of having almost lost control of yourself, and the hope that you succeeded.
In the hours leading up to the ritual at the Sunset Islands, you were repeatedly warned that it could bring you to your very limit. You were under no circumstances to keep going if you began to feel like the magic was too much for you to bear, consequences be damned. You do not say it—you never do—but had you ever heeded this advice, you would have stopped using magic long ago. You are a dam of flesh and blood between your powers and the world, and whenever you tap into them for more than a moment, you feel like that dam is about to burst. You know that this is not what the Druids warn you about. The strain they speak of is not from holding together the dam, but from trying desperately to push every last bit of one’s magic through its few small cracks. You doubt that you could ever drain yourself in that way—the powers that course through your blood feel endless, as though it’s not a lake behind the dam, but an ancient, neverending river—and truth be told, the dam feels closer to fragile than to unbreakable. You do not want to know what would happen if you were to let it burst. You aren’t sure you would live to know the answer.
All things considered, perhaps the Druids’ warnings are not unreasonable. Still, you cannot live by them. You would be next to nothing if you did.
They have changed the way they talk about you, as of late. Between every word of every sentence spoken on the long ride from Valedale to southern Epona they hid secrets and cryptic messages clearly not meant for you. You understood them anyway, of course, and between the brief conversations you and the Moon Rider shared the occasional, silent look, almost as if to confirm that you had both heard and understood the same things.
You cannot live by the Druids’ constant warnings, because you would be next to nothing if you did, and you are not meant to be nothing. You are meant to be what she who you should not know of never became. You are meant to be the fifth to lead the way, as she could not. You are meant to stay true to your task, as she failed to. You cannot live by the Druids’ warnings, because you must succeed at any cost, and yet so much of what they lay on you rings false these days. It is no easy task to believe in their emphasis on you as one of a kind when the feeling that you are little more than a replacement of the girl who should’ve completed your mission two decades ago lies heavy on your shoulders through every second of every day.
In the end, you hardly experienced the ritual, as tends to be the case in situations where magic is involved. Every second of the process was spent desperately trying to control yourself, and when it is over, you spend minutes that feel like hours leaned against your horse, head still spinning from the forces that made your body their home only minutes ago.
You are beginning to think that something deep within you substantially sets you apart from the other four.
You are beginning to think that Catherine was wrong.
You are beginning to think that your fate is not an offer you can decline.
I am sorry, your horse whispers to you, and softly nudges your shoulder. It helps, if only a little bit.
You come back to the world when you realise that somebody is talking to you. The realisation that the sentences are filled with anger hits you before the words making them up do, and it almost makes you retreat into your head again. You force yourself to stay and take in the moment.
It boils down to this: you succeeded in bringing Fripp back, and now he is angry.
He is angry that you have involved a witch in the Druids’ business. He is angry that the Sun Rider is missing. He is angry that the Lightning Rider has gone after her. (You could have sworn that she was here mere minutes ago. Did she slip away during the ritual? Right after?) He is angry that you did not go after her together, and much, much earlier. You should have done so while there was still time and hope to stop her foolish decision. You should have realised what she was considering the second she asked where the foal had come from. For the short time before Linda intervenes, it is as if none of you have done so much as one thing right while you were left to your own devices.
By then, you are just aware enough of the world around you to share a cautious look with Linda, and it confirms what you already knew: you must keep finding your own answers. None will be given to you.
You lock away what little hope you had of perhaps, once Fripp came back, finally having somebody to ask about why the dam feels like it is about to burst, and then you throw away the key.
It will be fine. It has to be. You have made it this far on your own, after all. Going just a little further will not be the end of you.
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dustymisgestaltsso · 6 months
Dusty was winded. He was laid sprawled on his left side. There was gravel in his mouth; he could tell by the taste something was wrong with it. The grains, despite being warm to the touch, sucked heat and sensation from his jaw. He hurried to spit out as much as he could. His eyes were caked shut with wetness and he brought the side of his right hand to wipe his eyes and mouth. Upon opening an eye, he was met with a Pandorian horizon. The sun had been replaced with a moon that shone an ethereal, off-white pink through the haze of pink and violet that coated everything in this place. He shoved himself onto his back and looked upwards around him; from what he could tell, he had fallen from the island where Anne had been imprisoned. He could see the glow of the crystal she was held in creeping over the edge of the cliff above him.
Finally churning out some fanfic! This is a work that starts out with Dusty trapped in pandoria after the Darko race you encounter after the first visit to Prison Island. He's stranded and injured and has to find his way out, and from there it'll be his journey of healing and readjustment.
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dorianwolfforest · 1 year
Being in a fandom bigger than sso is nuts and I’d genuinely forgotten that a lot of fandoms aren’t. Like us??? We’re such a close knit, everyone knows everyone little community it’s actually insane
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stable-gremlin · 24 days
A03 is down…let us share stories like our ancestors
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sagapinehill · 7 months
Shout out to that person who writes the fanfic Illicit Affairs. That story is a masterpiece👌🧡
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paigeswiftsea · 16 days
i used the starrider code sse gave us...
i played for half an hour and go so inspired i grinded out a chapter of my fic in 20 minutes.
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shiroselia · 6 months
The SSO fandom Has to get better at giving fic writers their flowers it's ridiculous how just ignored one particular medium of art is around here
(And because I Am a writer, no this isn't about me, I don't give a shit. I can however say that writing for other fandoms makes you notice Very quickly what SSO's least fave artform is.)
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solace-saphylos · 1 year
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We did it gang! We've hit 1,5k Star Stable fics on Ao3! Let's build to two thousand together!!
(For the record I am pleasantly surprised to be the one to post the 1500th fic. Not planned, just luck, I swear)
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margaretskywatcher · 1 month
Sneak Peek:
Chapter [REDACTED]
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Margaret rolled her eyes lazily, her tiredness overtaking her instincts to get out of the situation.
Dark brown eyes peered up from heavy lids, taking in the motorcycle clad person hovering over her. Their right arm was resting above Margaret's head while their left was pressed on the wall by her right hip. The person had their head turned to Margaret's right, their body stiff as they watched the group of girls crows around Justin. Their helmet was like new, polished to near perfection. She had to squint as the sun began to blind her from how shiny it was.
Her eyes drifted down, taking note of their leather jacket and studded collar. She was tempted to reach out and see if it was real leather but, after noticing the designer name brand on the person's pants stitching, she could only assume so.
Margaret let her eyes close. The person was so close and the warmth from their body was lulling her to sleep.
She didn't know how long they were standing there, her being an accomplice to their fake lovers game, but the person muttering underneath their helmet woke her up. She glanced back up to the person and noticed that she could see their eyes - just slightly - behind the visor.
It was at that moment that the person might've felt it too because the slightest glimmer of amber eyes turned towards her instead. Their head snapped around to stare down at her, their face fully invisible.
Oh shit, Margaret thought as she shrinked back into the wall. She finally took notice of the massive height difference between them and she was not having it.
She could handle riding and working with tall horses. She highly preferred them to smaller equines but, when it came to people much taller than her, an unexplainable fear just took over.
And the longer they had this silent stare off with one another, the more the fear bubbled up.
"Not going to lie, I'm totally jealous of that couple right there."
Giggles erupted from the group of girls near Justin.
"Literally living the booktok fantasy!" A secondary voice chimed.
Margaret rolled her eyes. She couldn't help it. Her lip began to curl in disgust. Booktok became so damn insufferably horny and-
She inhaled sharply, feeling gloved hands interlace with hers. The person raised their intwined hands up while leaning their head into the crook of her neck. She froze, barely registering the leather covered thumb caress the back of her hand.
Well shit. She really was living up to the fantasy now, wasn't she?
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