da-ill-spot · 8 months
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New Music: Ayiro - Gems: Diamonds II LP (Bandcamp Edition)
Tap in with Ayiro (Arrow) on his recently released project, Gems: Diamonds II, which is the second in his “Gems” series. The 12 track project features a touch of LoFi, funky and soulful grooves to chill out and vibe to.
There is different variations of this release on other platforms but those that are have been around for awhile know that Bandcamp is my go to for posting music.
Diamonds II includes features from DJ Pain 1, Khemics, Mike Free, Theory Hazit, and TB Digital.
Check for physical releases in the shop as well as merch. Also you can support with a download of $10. Ch-check it!
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incorrectbnhaserver · 7 years
Class 1-A, looking out the window as Mitsuki Bakugou walks away
Bakugou: Guys, look. It's my mom. Her name is Mitsuki but I call her *BITCH*.
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askandanswerbot · 3 years
Can you tell my brains fried?
— ⚡️ Dommy Bunks ⚡️ (@DW_Bunkston) Sat Sep 04 18:11:23 +0000 2021
Yeah. Let her cook.
— Ayiro (pronounced arrow) ➡️ (@Ayiro) Sat Sep 04 18:16:27 +0000 2021
0 notes
natsumi-no-hotaru · 7 years
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The Great Catch-up Continues: Shoukoku no Altair #14
#secondcour #soexcited #foreignaffairsminister
[Shameless plug: Compilation of all my first cour rambles]
So after 5 weeks into the 2nd cour, I finally got to sit down, catch up and say my 2 cents worth. If you’ve been following my posts, you’ll know of my policy (LOL) to not watch the next episode before I’m done writing about the one I last watched. To keep myself from lapsing into the habit of just watching, you see. But it’s been terribly frustrating and I’m still working at self-discipline... so I may have already watched 15 and 16? *ashamed* Thankfully, the damage is not so serious as I’m quite looking forward to write up my thoughts on episode 15 - which is an absolutely fantastic episode - I have close to nothing to criticise about. Everything was just how I imagined it to be and I’m one happy satisfied customer. Episode 16 is not quite there yet though, and it suffers from a weakness similar to that of episode 14, which is too much talking and not enough action. Both the events of the Argyros arc and the chain of provocations that culminate in the beginning of the Rumeliana War do involve a lot of exposition and dialogues, which have their own excitement, as do the battle/action scenes but they do pose challenges in terms of animation - it could be incredibly hard to make them exciting beyond shots of talking heads shown back and forth. Nonetheless, this issue is much more serious in episode 14 since it truly failed in effectively conveying that atmosphere of a bustling trading hub that characterizes Argyros (or Ayiros, whichever you prefer), and we end up with an episode with half of the excitement and liveliness that it should have.
The opening
So... I kinda really dig the opening song? Like I was not that into it at first but somehow it just grows on me with each time I watch/ rewatch an episode and now I’m like yeah, it’s pretty good, it matches with the shots and scenery and I just want to listen to it one more time. And oh, my favourite shot is of course this one :D 
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One of those rare moments where bright, multi-colored clothes work so well and do not end up looking flat or just plain weird (you only have to recall the disastrous ending of the previous cour). And this is to Kato Kotono-sensei’s credits of course (this shot is a chapter cover), but the Blue Mosque architecture twin is a welcome addition as the backdrop of this splendid shot.
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In no way is Altair’s second opening a marvelous feat of animation but well, it’s a marked improvement from the first one too. So I’ll take it  
The plus++
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The anime’s rendition of Niki is kept faithful to the source material, including her strong will, her vibrant demeanor, her youthful tenacity and last but not least, her violent outbursts and accompanied tonfa skills. Childish though she may seem at times, Niki is clearly shown as a young woman who stands up for herself and is fully aware of what kind of life she deserves to have, given her capabilities.
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The animation for her tonfa-wielding scene is pretty awesome and smoothly done. That guy certainly got a good beating.
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And I love the shots with Niki’s hair down.
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I’m glad the anime kept Niki’s fondness for stretching exercises.
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The meeting 
It was less elaborate than the manga version but luckily, the excitement didn’t dwindle too much. Mah-kun’s chain still made an appearance, Niki got to wield her tonfa and prove her determination in making something of herself, regardless of what Argyros people have to say. 
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The cross-dressing
My heart could burst with anticipation at this scene - I just love this part so much! I can’t quite explain my fondness for this particular scene as well as other cross-dressing scenes in Altair. For me, it’s incredibly empowering to see males cross-dressing as females for a serious purpose and not as side gags or proof of the show’s or the characters’ perception of femininity as inferior to masculinity. Admittedly, Mah-kun’s disguise as Suleyman’s blushing new wife and Cyros’s cousin-of-Miranda-Lotto disguise were played for laugh but I would argue that the hilarity of the disguise and circumstances do not distract (at least for me) from the goal at hand. In Altair, it’s clear that donning on a female disguise is positively portrayed as a good way to get things done and run smoothly - from infiltrating the Araba’s camp, getting inside Buchak without notice to opening up a stall in Argyros. 
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Of course, there is the issue of a privileged group (males) making use of an underprivileged group’s (females’) advantage, which is admittedly a hard trap to avoid even with the incredibly positive and empowering depiction of women in both the manga and anime versions of Altair, but I’d like to say that all of the cross-dressing so far has been done with respect towards notions of femininity and without attaching perceived inferiority to them. Cyros may be annoyed at having to disguise as women but merely as a sign of his own discomfort at being something he’s not, not because being women is stupid or demeaning. And I guess there’s not much need to talk about Abiriga’s affinity for this whole lark.
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I suppose my understanding of cross-dressing in general and in anime is still very limited to Shakespeare’s plays and the few manga and anime I’ve read/watched that have cross-dressing characters so a lot of the more nuanced and complex implications might have escaped my notice. But I’d just like to say that (mildly spoilery) that so far, none of the female characters in Altair have had to resort to disguise as males to get what they want and do what they need to do. This is absolutely great to me because I’m just plain tired and bored with the whole trope of females having to pretend to be males in order to be seen as powerful and in control of the situation. 
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Abiriga the gentleman:
This is just a small scene and it doesn’t really matter much in the grand scheme of things but it’s a nice human touch nonetheless. Niki was discussing with the trio about the snag with finding enough straw to line the boxes for the Venedik crystals. Abiriga poured tea (or a beverage of sorts) supposedly to everyone, but the on-screen moment showed him pouring specifically for Niki. I’m just glad it’s not Niki who serves the drink to others but Abiriga. For some strange reason, I find it incredibly sweet and genteel of Abiriga.
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I like seeing Abiriga taking care of people - he’s so capable in many ways.
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The scene in question from the manga.
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The minus- -
Introduction of the setting
The decision to cut straight into the conversation between Mah-kun and Ramonov was rather ill-advised because it leaves out all the bustling trading atmosphere that gives Argyros its distinct flavour. We don’t get to see bazaars and scenes of thronging crowds (that are not armies fighting) in Altair that often. And for the rest of the episode, we don’t get to see much of Argyros itself that are not blurry stills, so I think this is such a missed opportunity. This is not to mention that dropping the audience into a new setting like Argyros without much of a preamble or explanation later as to why Mahmut would choose to go to Argyros of all places is quite remiss on the anime’s part as well.
To give y’all a sense/ reminder of what and why Argyros, of all places...
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Just a short mention of the fact that Argyros is only 4 hours away from Liman harbour would have perfectly explained why Mahmut chose to come here first; after all as we would find out later, he came with tens of camel loads of jewelry from Turkey and it would not do to spend too much time on the sea with that much precious cargo aboard. And if you recall the scene of Beyazit’s childhood with the kamakuri and his sark yay from Cinili, and keep in mind Mah-kun’s desire to trade with Eastern Rumeliana and in particular, Cinili, it makes perfect sense to start somewhere close to Liman.
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Argyros is Moscow but situated in Istanbul’s strategically significant location, liberally flavoured with Central and East Asian elements. 
#if you can fall in love with a city from a mere manga page
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The thronging crowds that were sorely lacking in the anime. This certainly explains Mah-kun’s initial frustration at not having the permit to do trade here.
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And of course it is always nice to see Mah-kun’s curiosity getting the better of him and pretty much just turning him into a country bumpkin again :-P
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Last but not least, this splendid drawing of Argyros by night.
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The grand scheme unfolding:
While Mah-kun and company’s meeting with the old man from Cinili, Master Wang, followed the manga material for the most part, with small reductions here and there, the rest of the episode from the snag with the lining straw to the ensuing conflict over the Salos/Tharros grain between Venedik and Balt-Rhein was animated with great rush, at the cost of much excitement loss in the form of the actual naval battle between Venedik and Balt-Rhein. For an episode that relies heavily on exposition and dialogues, a couple of minutes devoted to an action scene would have been much appreciated. And it was a fun battle too, with Captain Brega’s skillful manipulation of the winds to completely crush the Balt-Rhein’s ships.
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This is literally the only shot we’ve shown of the actual scuffle. The anime then quickly cut to announcing the result of this skirmish and cut to Mah-kun and company receiving the news with joy and satisfaction. Though I suppose, at least they managed to show the discord among the different groups of the navy, which will lay the groundwork for future rifts, to keep things just mildly spoilery.
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The bits that were left out
Niki’s wilder side
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Come on, she even impressed Abiriga. That is literally a feat, yeah? 
And look at how many people were needed to restrain her afterwards.
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This heart-breaking scene was included in the anime but it lacked the poignancy present in the source material.
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And the depth of her anguish and fury is much more palpable in the manga, while the anime chose to portray as a mild form of despair, which somewhat took away the compelling force of Niki’s situation. 
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Niki’s initial rejection of Mah-kun’s offer
I love that Niki didn’t immediately join Mah-kun so easily. 
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Mah-kun’s adorable surprised face LOL.
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On Turkish jewels:
I particularly enjoy Mah-kun’s elaboration on the sale of Turkish jewels, which greatly serves as a hint of the influence and authority that Mah-kun now holds, especially after his successful handling of the Civil War and in his position as the Minister for Foreign Affairs.
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LOL, leaving it up to Cyros to point out the unfair competition. Mah-kun can be so sly - not much unlike his pasha rival. Love that “duh~!” expression of his at the bottom panel.
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Cyros’ confrontation with Abiriga:
I think the pages speak for themselves without much of a commentary on my part. Just one thing though, Cyros is such a sweetheart.
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Talking about interesting dynamics and motives.
I really wish this display of Cyros’ caution and mistrust of Abiriga was not taken out and merely replaced with the curt single-question of “how can you be so chilled about Venedik being taken for a ride” at the end of the episode. On a lesser note, I think it’s sweet to see Abiriga’s concern for Cecilia as well - who he probably considered as a mother figure in the place of those who sold him into slavery.
The naval battle:
It will be too long to post the entirety of the battle here so I picked the highlight - I think it would have been amazing if this battle had not been so redacted. Basically the Balt-Rhein wanted to crash straight at the front of Venedik’s ships to bring the battle to a melee but uhm, they definitely didn’t think like experienced seamen and of course could have achieved no other result but defeat  It was a short and sweet victory for Captain Brega, all to the genius of Kato Kotono-sensei.
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The conclusion
I’m still not sure if I really like Abiriga’s response to Cyros’ question about his decision to let things unfold in an unfavourable manner for Venedik (which as I said above, is also not enough of a reaction from Cyros’ part himself). Such an answer lacks clarity in terms of his motive and mission given by Venedik, which, according to the manga, is to ascertain the capabilities of the newly-reinstated pasha Mahmut, who managed to manipulate the actions of both the Fox of Centro and Prime Minister Louis from the comfort of his chair.
To make things even more aggravating, Cyros’ comment “Well, that’s good” bewilders me even more. I can’t make heads or tails of it.
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On a side note, I love how serene Mah-kun looks here. 
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But then I suppose to say that Venedicians can appreciate a game well played even when they were the losers is not too hard to believe. If one views external affairs heavily in terms of commerce and business, then one should be able to accept losses from time to time and quickly adapt to the new situation. 
Last words before I get to move on to episode 15 - I think the Argyros material is rich in information and dialogues but also very dynamic as it involves many parties. However the full potential of this material was not fully harnessed and instead of a BAMF episode in which the audience is absolutely blown away by the scale and magnitude of events that happened because of Mah-mut’s few manipulations from so far away, we end up with a rushed, rushed account sorely lacking in imagination and investment of efforts. 
Anyway, onward to episode 15!
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alaznemadariaga · 6 years
Guía para convertir las universidades africanas en líderes en investigación
Las universidades dedicadas a la investigación pueden formar investigadores de primer nivel (Imagen: Shutterstock)
Por Sharon Fonn. África subsahariana representa el 13,5 % de la población mundial, pero menos del 1% de la producción mundial de investigación. En 2008, se publicaron 27.000 estudios en África, la misma cifra que Países Bajos.
Se puede mejorar en algunos ámbitos. Un estudio del Banco Mundial de 2014 mostró que la cantidad y la calidad de las investigaciones habían aumentado sustancialmente en los 20 años anteriores. Desde 2003 hasta 2012, su producción investigadora anual creció más del doble, y también se incrementó su participación en la investigación mundial en el mismo período.
Sin embargo, el índice general sigue siendo deficiente. En parte, el problema se debe a que el continente contribuye con menos del 1% del gasto mundial en investigación y desarrollo. Los gobiernos no invierten un porcentaje significativo de su producto interno bruto (PIB) en investigación.
Además, África subsahariana depende en gran medida de la colaboración internacional y de los académicos visitantes para llevar a cabo sus trabajos. En 2012, el sur generó el 79% de su producción investigadora a través de colaboraciones internacionales. Por su parte, en África oriental las cifras fueron del 70%; y en África occidental y central, del 45%.
Esto supone un fuerte contraste con la colaboración intraafricana, sumamente escasa. La colaboración entre investigadores locales varía del 0,9% en África occidental y central al 2,9% en el sur del continente.
En el corazón de esta problemática se encuentra la reducida financiación pública que se dedica a las universidades. Es en este ámbito donde también se deben buscar soluciones. Ha llegado la hora de que las universidades, los gobiernos y las organizaciones para el desarrollo tomen medidas para fomentar el progreso de las instituciones académicas con mejores resultados en investigación.
El modelo que hemos desarrollado en el Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA; Consorcio para la Formación en Investigación Avanzada en África) evidencia que se puede revitalizar el mundo académico africano y de la mano de africanos. CARTA es un consorcio de ocho universidades y cuatro centros de investigación, todos africanos.
CARTA se sometió a una evaluación independiente que recomendó una aplicación más amplia de su modelo.
Plan de acción
Se necesitan tres acciones interrelacionadas fundamentales para revitalizar la enseñanza superior:
La primera es diferenciar el sistema de enseñanza superior del continente. Algunas universidades deben convertirse en centros líderes, focalizando sus recursos en la formación de graduados y en la investigación.
En segundo lugar, se deben crear nuevos mecanismos de financiación para estas universidades líderes.
Por último, se deben poner en marcha nuevos sistemas de rendición de cuentas para garantizar unos elevados estándares. También debe haber espacio para que nuevas instituciones entren en el sistema.
Una razón muy convincente para diferenciar entre las universidades líderes en investigación y las que se centran en la enseñanza de grado es que la población de África subsahariana se habrá duplicado para el año 2050, lo que generará una demanda continua de enseñanza superior. Al mismo tiempo, esta requiere una formación apropiada del cuerpo docente con grados avanzados.
Dicha población es la que se necesitará para dotar de personal a las nuevas universidades y conservar unos altos niveles de calidad en todo el sistema de educación superior. Así pues, las universidades líderes en investigación son el lugar óptimo para formar a tales personas.
Financiación y rendición de cuentas
Se requerirán nuevos mecanismos de financiación para apoyar a las universidades de investigación.
En primer lugar, estas instituciones deben dedicar sus propios recursos a la investigación.
Segundo, los gobiernos africanos deben fortalecer su apoyo a la investigación en general. También deben proporcionar financiación específica para las universidades de investigación, capital que supera sobradamente los fondos operativos disponibles en la actualidad y los ingresos procedentes de las matrículas. Por tanto, los gobiernos pueden fomentar la colaboración relacionada con la ciencia mediante la financiación conjunta a escala regional y multinacional.
Los organismos regionales y continentales, los socios para el desarrollo bilaterales y multilaterales y las fundaciones filantrópicas han de complementar estas inversiones. Tales financiadores deberían destinar parte de sus inversiones en África a respaldar a las universidades con mejores resultados en investigación.
Los ciudadanos, las empresas privadas y los egresados deberían fundar cátedras subvencionadas en las universidades dedicadas a la investigación.
Se deben fomentar y promover las asociaciones con entidades de investigación no universitarias.
La iniciativa CARTA, en colaboración con sus socios del norte, ha aprovechado algunas de estas fuentes de financiación. Asimismo, ha forjado alianzas que le han permitido reforzar la capacidad de investigación del continente, y parte de sus acciones se pueden replicar.
Hemos inscrito a más de 200 becarios de doctorado desde 2010, todos ellos seleccionados entre el personal de las instituciones que forman parte del consorcio africano. También hemos trabajado con más de 160 inspectores para revitalizar la supervisión de doctorados, y con más de 570 funcionarios universitarios para que nuestras instituciones miembros respalden la investigación de manera más firme.
Nuestros becarios de doctorado y graduados han producido 579 publicaciones revisadas por pares, y 36 han ganado premios o subvenciones para realizar trabajos de posdoctorado. Más aún, han recaudado más de 9 millones de dólares para financiar sus estudios de doctorado.
CARTA ha invertido más de 1,4 millones en infraestructuras para las instituciones miembros y ha desarrollado un programa de seminarios interdisciplinares para la promoción de graduados de alto nivel.
Los mecanismos de financiación que sugerimos fortalecerán a las universidades de investigación en varios ámbitos. Podrán atraer a investigadores líderes, crear infraestructuras y desarrollar sistemas de apoyo para la ciencia. También es una manera de traer de vuelta a los ciudadanos africanos migrantes para replicar sus programas en el continente.
Las universidades dedicadas a la investigación servirán de base para la formación de los jóvenes científicos, lo que desembocará en un ciclo virtuoso. Se incrementará la producción a través de publicaciones, los investigadores competitivos a escala internacional permanecerán en el continente o regresarán a él, se concederán subvenciones… Todos estos factores son fundamentales para garantizar la sostenibilidad a largo plazo.
Se debe impedir que las universidades seleccionadas se duerman en los laureles. También debe haber espacio para que ingresen al sistema las futuras instituciones de alto rendimiento. Proponemos una revisión por pares cada tres o cinco años, haciendo hincapié en la responsabilidad y la transparencia. La función revisora se podría confiar a un cuerpo supranacional con amplia representación.
Las universidades designadas como líderes en investigación podrían perder su nombramiento en función de su historial científico.
Los cimientos adecuados
No cabe duda de que, si bien las universidades han realizado una aportación marginal a la producción mundial del conocimiento, comienzan a darle la vuelta a la tortilla.
No obstante, seguimos encontrando obstáculos, especialmente en el caso de aquellas instituciones que aspiran a ser líderes en investigación. Trabajando con ellas para hacer efectiva esta transición, se podría transformar el panorama de la enseñanza superior en África subsahariana.
Este texto se basa en un artículo publicado en The Lancet. Se redactó en coautoría con Laban Peter Ayiro, Philip Cotton, Adam Habib, Peter Mulwa Felix Mbithi, Alfred Mtenje, Barnabas Nawangwe, Eyitope O Ogunbodede, Idowu Olayinka, Frederick Golooba-Mutebi y Alex Ezeh.
Este artículo se publicó por primera vez en inglés en The Conversation y ha sido traducido al español por Casa África en colaboración con este medio. Traducción: Guillermo Ramos Pérez.
Etiquetas:ciencia, desarrollo, destacado, educación en áfrica, investigación, investigación en áfrica, recomendamos, universidad
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halas1 · 6 years
DJ C_dr_C plays: 
   Electric Wire Hustle – Waters Instrumental,   Clutchy Hopkins – Verbal Headlock,   S.Maharba – Something In The Way She Moves,   Dak – Forthesun,   Ras G & The Afrikan Space Program – Veggie Burrito (No Queso, No Sour Cream),   Weslee – Sped Up Birth Scene,   Pudge – Porkpiecrust,   Mindesign – Etcetera,   Approach – Watermark Feat. Reggie B. (B. Bravo Future-Funk Redux) Instrumental,   Knxwledge – 498,   Brenk – Ole Woam 2 ( Aus Kaisamuhn In Die Wod),   Juj – Mbira Sprint,   Dimlite – Feedback Chiken,   Shigeto – “Baker Blunt Basics”,   Baths – Lovely Bloodflow,   Elaquent – Nanoseconds,   Pattie Blingh and The Akebulan Five, Samiyam – To: Re (Samiyam Instrumental),   Tomato Smash – Shlohmo,   Dukehuge – Don’t They Know,   Jai Paul – Btstu,   Glying Lotus – Zodiac Shit,   Devonwho – Fedoraworm (Dibiase’s Microwave Flip),   Cali Fire Commission [Ayiro + J.Bizness],   Jellphonic – Sexxt Ft. Zackey Forc Funkreggieblountst Liquor-ish,   Lone – Paradise Backyard Jam,   Dam-Funk – Chocolate,   Black Milk – Purple Track 7,   Jay Dee – Beattape’s One 6,   Teeko W/Mr.Dibiase & Devonwho,   Onra – Lying Besides You,  Gonjasufi – Candylasne,   Tokimonsta, Lunice, And Swede:Art – Alpenglow_0,   Mono/Poly – Black Box Matrix Death,   James Pants – Driftwood,   Moresounds – Snafu,   Frank N Dank – Marajuna,   Madlib – Shah Sound,   Africa Hitech – One Two.  
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handlelesstml · 11 years
As Soul // Gone Insane
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@HomeGrownRadio_: Sex, Drugs, and Yoga Flame w/ guest @CamGnarly & @Ayiro [S01 E05]
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lucidconducive-blog · 13 years
Great album by Ayiro
Free DL
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phantomthrett · 14 years
Curtiss King - One Day (prod. by Ayiro)
one of my favorite songs right now.
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get-a-bar · 14 years
Another one of my producer "beat tape" showcase posts. My guy J-Bizness hooked up with his partner in crime Ayiro (under the alias of The Cali Fire Commission) and released this tuff beat tape... check a track from it up top - link down below.
download Cali Fire Commission Vol. 1 HERE
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