-- Help Them. --
{No, seriously. @ayayalahale This is essentially my retelling of the beginning of the series, incorporating Season 0′s aspects and… Yeah just, uhmm. Enjoy, I guess. I’m just gonna.. lie down now-}
It was all over the city. Every paper, every radio station, every news outlet; everywhere was buzzing with word that Seto Kaiba had ascended to his late step-father’s throne. In only a matter of months the thirteen-year-old magnate had torn down every weapons factory and testing facility the company previously owned, and upon their ashes new factories were built in order to mass-produce games, toys, and electronics for children and adults alike; leaving his peers, employees, and associates as a loss for words. Though they knew the boy was ambitious, no one was aware of just how seriously he would take his position. Just like his step-father before him, he ruled that company with an iron fist - like a King, with little tolerance for slowness and lazy work.
     Rumor quickly spread that Seto had become exactly what his father was. Media articles were shared on a number of social media sites, though the subject itself was never up for debate – Seto wouldn’t allow it. Every public event, every interview, designed to make him look exactly the way he wanted the public to see him. The cool tone of his voice and practiced smile were enough to fool most, but to Kaiba Corp.’s employees - and especially Mokuba - this serene facade was far from the truth. Some employees had taken to calling him “The little dictator” behind his back, though strangely enough, after a few familiar faces ended up on MISSING posters, the name-calling ceased, and production within the main KC branch had never been better. It became clear to anyone who knew or dealt with Seto on a regular basis that he had become, for lack of a better term, a tyrant, resorting even to using his little brother of only eight years to do his bidding.
     Mokuba noticed soon after Gozaburo’s death that something within Seto was very wrong. He soon came to fear his brother so much, however, that he was at first forced to pretend nothing had changed.
     He’s still my brother. He’s just a little different now, that’s all. Maybe he’s just stressed out, tired…
     And he “needed” as much of Mokuba’s help as he could get!
     Little did Mokuba realize, though, that he, too, was changing for the worse.
     As time went on, a year had finally passed. The brothers came to be known as the King and Prince of Domino City – they had already owned a fourth of the city, and staying true to the Kaiba Way, Seto sought to conquer it all. However, he could not do it alone. This meant conscripting Mokuba to the task of locating something for him; something very important. Mokuba, seeking only to please the King, his nii-sama, and gain even an ounce of his approval, was more than happy to oblige.
     “ — I’ll come back with it this afternoon, nii-sama. Just you watch!”
     “Don’t disappoint me, Mokuba. You would do well to remember what happens when I’m disappointed.”
     The boy’s head dropped respectfully. Seto had never been “disappointed” with Mokuba - not to the full extent. But Mokuba had seen the full extent.
    “Yes, nii-sama. I promise I won’t let you down.”
     A sentence he struggled not to stutter.
     He always left his brother looking over his shoulder, wishing he might say goodbye – but it never did happen. Not anymore.
    Though mokuba hadn’t lived up to his “this afternoon!” pledge - which Seto expected anyway - it was a week later the boy finally came back with results, although completely empty-handed, meaning his hands were completely devoid of the object he was looking for.
    “ — Nii-sama!” Mokuba cried excitedly, bounding toward him with his backpack strung around his right arm.
    “Nii-sama, be proud of me! I found it. I found the Blue-Eyes, just like you said!”
    Without a moment’s hesitation Seto stood from his desk, taking a good hard look at his brother below him.
    “And? Where is it?”
    Anger was apparent in the way his tone shifted. Mokuka gulped, continuing with a stammer he knew Seto couldn’t stand.
    “D-don’t be mad, n-nii-sama,” the boy pleaded.
    “I don’t have it with me, but I know who does..!”
    His confidence picked back up as he began rummaging through his backpack, pulling out a sheet of paper he had tucked away. It was a small file, briefing the identity of a high school student named Yugi Motou. After taking the page from Mokuba, Seto quickly studied the details, a small smirk creeping onto his face.
    “Well done, little brother. This may be the best thing you’ve ever done.”
    With his statement came a smile from the younger brother; a genuine smile with tears to match. If he hadn’t been so mindful respectful of Seto’s personal space, he would have hugged him and not let go. Now was not the time, however – Seto had a plan brewing in that head of his, and if Mokuba were to interrupt the flow of ideas, he would have hell to pay.  
    The very next day – on a Monday, no less – at the Domino City high school, none other than Seto Kaiba himself had arrived, limousine and all, clad in the school’s very blue uniform. Truthfully, Seto had tested out of a prestigious university two years before, but as he informed the school (and, naturally, the media), he “Wanted a real high school experience” to “help him connect with Domino’s youth”, as if he himself weren’t fourteen years old at the time. Regardless, this fact excited both the school’s faculty and its students – mostly the female students. But this wasn’t what he was there for. At 8 o’clock sharp, class began. The teacher introduced Seto to his small portion of the student body, Seto himself stating additionally that he was ecstatic to be there, claiming he hoped to make friends during the time he stayed. With a curt bow he left the front of the class, taking an available seat – one he reserved for himself – in a middle row to the back of the classroom, coincidentally near his target. 
           Class came to a close an hour and a half later, leaving students yawning and stretching before making their way to the next period. Seto fully intended on confronting Yugi before he left the room, but he had missed his chance by only a few seconds. It seemed the boy had friends.
    “This may prove troublesome – No matter. I will find a way around it.”
    Rest assured, he would. Seto was adamant about having Yugi’s exact schedule, so there was physically no way he could miss another opportunity. One way or another he would speak with him; even if it took following him all day long. Luckily enough for Seto, this did not come to pass. It was at noon, lunchtime, that he finally got his next chance. Yugi and one other blond were playing a mock-game of Duel Monsters in the back of the lunchroom. Taking no time at all to seize this opportunity, Seto calmly walked over, and interrupted the flow of gameplay.
    “—Duel Monsters, eh? I play, you know. World Champion.” He stated, his tone coolly upbeat. The taller blond was the one to respond first, much to Seto’s annoyance.
    “Hey, wait a minute – is that seriously you? The Seto Kaiba? I mean, I thought you looked like him, but yaknow, I just-“
    “Fantastic,” Seto replied all-too quickly, if only to get him to shut up for a few seconds. The blond was suddenly offended, and easily ignored.
    He inquired to Yugi once more.
    “I see you’re about to win.”
    Seto had looked down at Yugi’s hand after scanning the duel field. The blond’s emotions quickly switched again, now looking to Kaiba with complete disdain. So, what? Was his conversation not good enough or somethin’? And just how was he so sure Yugi was about to win? It was in that instant that he began to wonder what made Seto feel so off, but the game caught more of his interest than that did. Insistent on proving Kaiba wrong, he played a card he was sure would grant him victory – but luck was not on his side that day.
    “Ah, Jonouchi,” Yugi responded, feeling guilty about leading his friend on, “He wasn’t wrong.”
    He proceeded to play the one card in his hand that sealed his victory, and while Jonouchi steamed over another agonizing defeat, Yugi continued on with Seto.
    “So, you’re him then? I’ve seen you in all of my classes today. Pretty cool we got the same schedule, huh?”
    “In the flesh,” he shrugged, ignoring the other half of his inquiry, “but I’m more interested in you. I’ve heard you’re the best player in this school, Yugi Motou. Your reputation precedes you.”
    A lie.
    “I’m not here to play, however.”
    With one swift movement, Seto swung his briefcase up and over, setting it down on top of a nearby table, proceeding to open the case, showcasing its contents to a growing crowd.
    “I’m looking for something very specific, Yugi. It’s an extremely valuable, rare card, and as trade, I will give you the contents of this case for it, no questions asked.”
    The boy’s eyes had never widened so much. In fact, the whole crowd’s eyes never had. Seto’s vast collection had everyone pushing and shoving to see it, though they dared not get too close. Some students did speak up instead, insisting Yugi take them already. As great an offer that sounded, though…
    “—This is more than generous of you, Kaiba, but it really depends on the card. I can’t just give my possessions away like that. They mean something to me.”
    The crowd groaned, Jonouchi had asked if Kaiba wouldn’t mind giving it to him instead, and Seto’s eye twitched, his plastic smile and nice-guy façade ready to crumble. If this had been anyone else – anyone at all – Seto would have had them beaten. There was too much at stake here, however. The beating would have to come later.
    He kept his cool.
    “I understand,” he eventually said in a sigh, closing the briefcase gingerly.
    “In that case, would you mind simply showing it to me after school? I’m looking for the Blue-Eyes White Dragon; I hear it’s one of the most powerful cards in the game. I’m… Simply curious to see what it looks like up close.”
    Yugi blinked, pondered, and then nodded.
    “I’ll… See what I can do.”
    Seto left that day feeling quite confident, though he hadn’t expected what might happen next. As soon as he was out of earshot, Jonouchi finally let Yugi in on his suspicions. He would have done so earlier, but with that guy’s reputation, he didn’t want to take any chances.
    “Yug. You know I trust ya – and I hope you trust me, too, because there’s somethin’ off about that Kaiba, and I don’t think showin’ him that card is a good idea. He’s a World Champion, remember? What would he even need a card like that for?”
    Yugi thought for a moment, his brows furrowed.
    “Well, he seemed to have quite the collection. Maybe he was looking to complete it.”
    “Tch – Yugi. I might not be the best at this game, but I’m not an idiot. I keep up with the circuits. He already has three of the four that exist. Yug, if you have it, buddy, I would keep that thing locked up tight.”
    Exactly a week passed before Seto heard word from Yugi. During that time Seto’s patience had worn thin. He had backed off quite a bit in school, only staying for half a day due to “urgent business”, and hadn’t shared a word with him since Monday. Needless to say, he was not happy, as evidenced by his treatment of Mokuba. During aggravating periods such as these, he tended to succumb to a deeply-rooted anger he’d never been able to let go of, and always took it out on the nearest thing – that thing, nine times out of ten, being his brother.
    “Don’t tell me you were wrong about this.” He stated, his arms crossed as he glanced at Mokuba from across the room. The boy’s posture tensed, his arms and legs close together submissively.
    “N-no, n-n-n-nii-sama!” He stuttered.
    “Spit. It. Out.”
    “I swear, that’s what I heard! My friends—“
    “Your friends are nothing but a group of little thugs who have no idea what they’re doing! Who did they hear this from, anyway, huh? Some squirrel on the street? Please.”
    Mokuba bit his lip, clasping his hands together in an attempt not to cry.
    “Here come the tears,” Seto mocked, his expression becoming more and more disgusted.
    “If you’re going to cry, then do it somewhere else. It’s annoying, and I don’t want to hear it.”
    Dutifully Mokuba nodded, silently, wiping his eyes before turning to leave the room. He debated for what felt like forever whether or not he should try to apologize, but he never got the chance. The phone rang, and as always, Seto was quick to answer.
    “There’s a… Miss Hale on line two. She’s been calling all day on and off. We’ve blocked one of her numbers already, but she keeps calling back. I’ve told her I can’t put it through without your say-so, but she insists she knows you. She threatened to come here herself if I didn’t put her through.”
     Damn, damn, damn. She must have heard the news.
    Mokuba, from a few feet away, only barely overheard the voice on the other end.
    Hale. Miss Hale. Where did he remember that name..?
    Seto knew. He knew full well.  He was tempted to tell his receptionist to keep blocking her calls, but with one extremely brave movement, Mokuba ran over and swiped the phone from his brother.
    “Skyler! Put her through!”
{Proceeds to sing “fuck this shit i’m out” while squiggling away into the dark recesses of my mind}
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trashladypeggy-blog · 7 years
Lunch Buddies
//I want to do Peggy, so here ya go @ayayalahale //
Peggy nodded to the man who opened the front door at the Hale's.  Sometimes, she found herself a little jealous of the Hales.  They had such a nice life.  She could have this sort of life, Percy's family certainly had enough money.  Of course, she wasn't with Percy for the money, certainly not with the hesitation he had for spending money. But her life with Percy wasn't bad.  They were going to get their own house soon, so she wouldn't have to be in an apartment anymore.
But none of that was why she was here....though once they had a house, Arthur would definitely be used to help them move.  They'd need all the help they could get since Em is far to small to move things and Peg herself would be very pregnant by that point.  No, she was here for the mandated lunch dates Percy had given her after she'd passed out.  So, the 23 year old knocked on the door to Arthur's office.  "Hello?"  She asked, peeking her head around the door.  "Is this a good time for a lunch break?"
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trashlordpercy-blog · 7 years
A gift
//So I was originally going to do this with Peggy, but it seemed sweeter with Percy so here we are.//
Percy patted his shirt pocket to make sure the folded photograph was still there as he crossed the threshold into the Hales’.  He had to make sure his present was still there, or this whole trip was pointless.  It was the third time since he’d left the apartment that he’d checked it was there, though part of it was his own desire to look at what was on it.  He crossed the hall to the door to Arthur’s office and knocked.
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//also, I think it be cute if arthur thought it was peggy at the door XD// @ayayalahale, @bewdifuldragon
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I owe @twin-mercenaries and @ayayalahale and I think that’s it...I get the feeling I may be missing a few...
Anywho! If you’re following me and I’m following you there is a 100% chance that I want to do a thread. If I haven’t approached you yet and idea just hasn’t come to me but if you have an idea you want to pitch or an AU or anything feel free to leave it in my inbox while I’m off!
I also just want to say that so far I’m really having a blast with this indie rp stuff and I appreciate everyone who’s followed me or has a thread with me. You’re all wonderful, talented writers! 
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HEARTBROKEN. (Either way, or both. GIMME THE H/C)
[7:15 a.m. - Kaiba Corp. - Lobby]
 They were running late. Caught behind awreck and locked in on all sides for an hour before it cleared up. Seto andMokuba’s arrival that Saturday was met with three missed calls, an appointmentwith Seto’s clothing designer fifteen minutes earlier, and a quickly microwavedcup of coffee beside a glass of lukewarm milk. The two scowled at the sight ofthis mild chaos – and especially atthe drinks -, deciding to move on with their day and proceed as planned.Anything missed could be taken care of later – would’ve been too much to makeup for considering the fact that there was still much to do. So off thebrothers went, quickly pacing over granite floors and past pictured hallways,up a smooth elevator and to Seto’s newly decorated office.
   A familiar layout was enough to make it feel slightly more homey, butalmost everything else had been changed. Wooden floors were replaced withpolished black stone that shone against the lights above, the walls with acontemporary white-grey design, accompanied by a slightly smaller, more sleekblack desk to replace the bulky wooden one previous. Seto and Mokuba haddecided to keep the large bookshelf and plants, but in some aspects they toohad changed. The bookshelf was sanded down and stained a rich, deep cherry tocontrast just enough with the modern feel of the room, and the plants weredownsized to a few elegant ivy vines dangling from unused tables. Mokuba’scouch was the only truly permanent resident of the office space, along with thelarge wall-mounted television. This change in scenery was enough to release themorning’s tension in the brothers, but like all good things, this unfortunatelycame to an end. In no less than twenty minutes their peace was interrupted bythose pesky missed calls, two of which were easily ignored; the third, however,not so much. It had been a call from Arthur, supposedly urgent by the messagehe left, though the receptionist, Skyler, couldn’t tell by the sound of hisvoice. “Sounded very calm for an emergency,” she said. Clearly, Seto and Mokubaboth had half a mind each to tell Skyler a thing or two, but now wasn’t thetime. There were too many questions on their minds. “Has the unthinkablehappened?”, “Was someone kidnapped?”, and “Whydidn’t you tell us earlier?” being the chief among them. Arthur rarely calledeither of them, and when he did, it was generally only when Mokuba was sick, orif one of the brothers happened to call first. For Arthur to call out of theblue, and so early in the morning, it must have been important. Skipping overreprimanding the receptionist, for now,Seto took out his cell. Arthur had apparently tried calling his personal numbermultiple times before calling the company, but the phone was left on silent,leaving Seto blissfully unaware.
   Before calling him back, however, Seto listened to the messages he left,hoping to glean some information from them. They all sounded irritated, andfrom a distance Seto could hear what sounded like faint whining, but in effectArthur had told him nothing, so there was simply not enough evidence to raiseany alarms. Naturally, then, Seto’s first thought was to text Arthur backinstead of calling, to which he was replied,
   [TXT: Arthur: Call. Me.]
   Seto rolled his eyes. Was this reallyso important? If Arthur didn’t give him any information, what was he supposedto worry about? By this point Mokuba threatened to call Arthur himself, butSeto, knowing that would only cause him more trouble than was acceptable, madehaste to shut the office door and call Arthur in private.
   The number was dialed within seconds, and in no less than three ringsthe call was answered.  
   Mokuba sat on his couch, eavesdropping.
   “Finally,” he heard from theother end, “It took you long enough.Where were you?”
     “Mokuba and I justarrived at the company building. How about instead of lecturing me, you tell mewhat’s going on so I can do somethingabout it?” Seto replied somewhat nonchalantly, making it clear that he wasn’tas worried as Arthur thought he should be, and hoping he had prevented the man’snormally long-winded approach to explanation.
   “Fine. Ayala got her heart brokenlast night, and she only told me about it this morning. She’s very upset andshe wants-“
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   Mokuba sat up in his seat, giving Seto a concerned nod. Seto nodded back inconfirmation.
   “I’m on my way.”
   The conversation ended as quickly as it began, and without hesitationthe Kaiba brothers were back on their feet, traipsing the halls of the KaibaCorporation building once again. A few employees who were aware of theiroriginal schedule seemed confused by this sudden leave of absence, as Setogenerally stayed within the building for most of the day, but sensing that nowwas not a good time to question, most let them on their way, albeitbegrudgingly. It was now theirresponsibility to cancel his appointments for the foreseeable future and dealwith whomever whined at the other end of the phone, but only one personactually had the nerve to speak out. “A blatant misuse of time” is what she sawit as, but it was no matter. She was quickly put to silence by an equallyblatant “You’re fired.”
   Traffic having cleared up, Seto and Mokuba had no trouble at allreaching the Hale estate. They’d arrived only thirty minutes after the call,wasting no further time entering the mansion. Without stopping to speak withArthur in person, Seto marched straight up to Ayala’s room, leaving Mokuba todo the questioning. Concern is what drove Mokuba; he wanted to know how Ayafelt, what had happened, what he could do for her – Seto, on the other hand,was driven by something akin to blind rage. He knew exactly who did this, andexactly what he wanted to do with him if he ever saw him. Some guy who promised her “everything”, and he knew everythingabout him. Age, weight, height, proper name spelling, home address, phonenumber – money could buy anything, it seemed. A scary thought, but notconcerning at the moment. Seto was more inclined to destroy the life this manhad than consoling Ayala, but he knew she wouldn’t want him to jump toconclusions.
   She was just so nice. Sosugary-sweet – bitterly so. Sometimes he couldn’t stand it. Just where was herbackbone? He knew she had one – she’dstood up to him enough times to solidify that notion; but where was it now,when she needed it?
   Seto came upon her bedroom door alone, deliberating whether to not hewanted to barge in. Anger said yes, logic said no.
    He knocked.
   “Aya? Ayala, open the door.” He demanded, his voice heavy with the hintof murder as he listened to her muffled cries.
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   “I’m going to count to five.One, two, three…” His hand sat at the ready on the door handle, prepared toturn it and enter at will in the next two seconds – that is, until he felt thehandle twist from the other side. He felt tempted to say something along thelines of, “Smart choice,” but the look on Ayala’s face did nothing if notsadden him, adding fuel to an already-blazing fire. His expression softened,and all of the sudden his thoughts shifted from revenge to “What can I do forher? What can I say?”. This forced him into silence as Aya let him into her room, as he wasunsure of how to express these feelings. The only logical thing that came tomind was an awkward, unfortunately forced, “Are you… Okay?”
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DIBS! (Time differences do my head in, but I think it's v-day where you are now? Anyways, I wanna see this really good starter! :D)
Valentine’s Day. If ever there were a day Seto despised more than his own birthday, this would be it. Each and every year since he turned sixteen, Seto Kaiba was sent tons - hoards - of love letters and gifts from girls who lived not only in Domino City, but in completely different countries. Female Kaiba Corp employees didn’t ever bother, because they had a pretty good idea of who Seto Kaiba really was, but the way the man was portrayed in the public was painfully romanticized. For three consecutive years, E-Mail servers crashed, the gates around his home were guarded, and Kaiba Corp itself would go on lock-down until crowds subsided. It was absolutely hectic, and Seto could not understand it whatsoever. He had stated publicly numerous times that he would not accept anything having to do with Valentine’s Day, or anything for that matter, but despite his various attempts at  trying to get these girls to stop sending him their “love”, the flooding never ceased. At this point, it was just another yearly event that got in the way of everything, which Seto didn’t find at all amusing. He was so utterly sick of Valentine’s Day that he had half a mind to walk up to one of the girls in the crowd and rip her letter to shreds, right in front of her face, but he knew that would only serve to heighten the drama. So, instead, he chose to stay cooped up in his office until it was time to leave.
    At around noon, there was a knock on his office door. An irritated, short sigh escaped his lips before he answered.
    “What?” he spat, pinching the bridge of his nose. He really, really didn’t care to hear whatever it was he was about to be told, but his sudden reply made it impossible for him to ignore it.
    “You, uh, have a letter, sir.” a meek employee’s voice sounded, fully aware her presence wasn’t wanted.
    “I thought I made it clear I wasn’t accepting love letters.”
    Those last two words felt like a hornet stung his tongue. Any time he said them out loud, it brought him one step closer to a full-on migraine.
    “Well, I know that, but this one didn’t come from the outside. We’ve been on lock-down all day. I-it’s completely unsigned, all except for a footnote at the end. It says, “Hint: I like berries more than fruit.”. What does that even mean?”
    Just as the employee was about to give up on the subject and leave her boss be, the man himself had opened the door, looking directly at her and then glancing toward the paper in her hand.
    “I hope you plan on giving that to me sometime soon.” he stated, raising a brow at his employee. The young lady had clammed up, and was still clammed up, really, but she handed over the letter with no problem. She apologized profusely, but Seto wasn’t paying attention. He simply stared at the card as he returned to his office, shutting the door in the lady’s face.
    “I swear I’ve heard something like this before,” he thought, his eyes still concentrated on the object in his hand as he sat back at his desk.
    It would have been one thing if the letter had come from outside the building - he would never have accepted it. However, this one came from the inside. From an employee. This hadn’t ever happened before, and it felt much different than he’d anticipated. It was almost kind of embarrassing. Seto never tried outright to show off any more than he usually did in front of women, nor did he even consider being flirtatious - it wasn’t in his programming.
    An uneasy feeling washed over the man as he made the decision to open the letter. It was a simple envelope, with a simple card, with words dictating a small crush having been felt his way. Seto’s mind immediately went to work to decode the identity of the sender, and in all honesty, it didn’t take too long to figure out who had the gall to give him something so slyly.
    “Ayala. Of course.” he stated aloud, nearly chuckling at himself. Why hadn’t he thought of that before? Berries and not fruit.. It was typical.
    There was something very not typical about this, though. Something that didn’t make a whole lot of sense. Just why did she want to give him the letter? The only two possibilities were that she actually felt that way, or that she was joking. Seto chose the latter as the more likely explanation. It would make absolutely no sense if she actually had feelings for him. It was impossible. Illogical. He’d never shown any hint of interest.
    Now relaxed, but irritated knowing Aya had played yet another prank on him, Seto contacted her, instructing her to come to his office for a “chat”, where he planned on giving her a what-for about a joke like that at this particular time of year.
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“You’re only in trouble if you get caught.” {I was gonna do the 'people think I'm odd' one but that was too easy :P}
Mokuba seemed intrigued by this proposition, but kept from getting too inquisitive because Seto was near. He decided to look about himself, and seeing that no one was close enough overhear their conversation, he leaned closer to Aya.
“… Tell me more.”
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♤ (Welcome back! :D)
{I have a few asks of yours to answer! And thanks. Also- this answer. XD How appropriate.}
“You can’t fix me.”
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Regarding Replies
{I have a small bunch, but a bunch nonetheless. I owe:
@ayayalahale @wisdomsword
@my-ohh-mai @kat-the-yellow-dragon @kisarabewd @asktheshslmarshmallow @dragontamer05 I’ll be slow as per usual getting to them, but yaknow. I’ll do my best to give everyone at least one reply by the end of the week! /Also what even is formatting on this app like honestly… I’ll have to save literally any tagging I do for desktop, I guess. Ugh.}
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OOC info meme
{I forgot to put this in before hahaha -- Tagged by: @beautifullightofdimensions !!
Relationship Status: Single & unlikely to mingle (because I’m very shy -v-)
Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick. I’ve always disliked lipsticks... They’re either the consistency of chapstick anyway or crumbly and dry, and I’m not spending money on the better brands. xD
Last Movie You Watched: Amelie. It’s a French movie on Netflix.  I highly recommend it to those who like off-beat films and odd, but lovable characters. 
Last Song You Listened To: “I Won’t Say I’m In Love”, from the Hercules soundtrack  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Top 3 Anime: Death Note, AoT, and probably The Seven Deadly Sins. I was going to put YGO here, but honestly the English dub wasn’t fantastic, and I probably won’t be watching the original dub anytime soon. 
Top 3 Shows: Vikings, Once Upon a Time, Reign (I also really like Gotham!)
Top Three Favourite Characters: Fenris (Dragon Age 2), Seto Kaiba (obvs), and Amelie herself. :p
Top Three Ships: Eeeeehhhh I don’t ship much. Sorry.
Tagging: @ayayalahale, @my-ohh-mai, @kisarabewd, @asktheattorney aaaaaand others if you want to participate. I was kind of at a loss for who to tag anyhow, haha. You guys don’t have to do this if you don’t want to -- won’t hurt my feelings any! xD}
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;;Replies So Far;;
{I’ll be updating this as I go along to make sure I have everything in order, so please ignore this -- (format is x / x, or “x out of x” -- ex: 1/4 = 1 out of 4 replies finished).
---> I’ve answered these today:
1/1 - my-ohh-mai
1/2 - wisdomsword
---> I still need to answer:
0/2-3? - ayayalahale
1/2 - wisdomsword
0/1 - kisarabewd
0/2 kat-the-yellow-dragon
0/1 asktheshslmarshmallow
0/1 dragontamer05
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trashlordpercy-blog · 8 years
An Invitation
Percy strolled into the Hale’s house,  nodding to the butler as he went past.  He was a part of the family at this point, a position he was used to.  It seemed like everywhere he went, Percy just seemed to assimilate.  “Aya?”  he called, leaning on the railing of the stairs to see if she was upstairs.  But then he heard noise in the kitchen and headed that way.  “Hey, Aya!” He said brightly, coming up to her and kissing her on the cheek as soon as he entered the room.
@ayayalahale @bewdifuldragon
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trashlordpercy-blog · 7 years
♤ - From whoever you like :D
//I decided Hadley
-“Um, I don’t actually recall my first time meeting her because I was drunk, but the second time I met her, she seemed really familiar to me.”
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-”She seemed pretty intense when I first met her.  She scared me slightly.”
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-”I felt like I had found my long lost sister.  We have such similar opinions about things.”
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-”She could really hold her liquor.  Like, it was damn impressive.”
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-”That she was really pretty.  And confused as to why she was friends with my brother.  He doesn’t seem like the kind of person she’d hang out with.”
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-”She was EXACTLY how Andrew and Arryn had described her, even though they were very conflicting descriptions, they were somehow both right.”
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@ayayalahale @bewdifuldragon
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trashlordpercy-blog · 7 years
Percy to Aya:
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Percy to Arthur:
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but secretly he also loves him
BONUS ROUND, Percy to Peggy
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trashlordpercy-blog · 8 years
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Made some crackship gifs of Aya and Percy
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trashlordpercy-blog · 7 years
“You are not going to die on me. I did not kill forty people and a dog for you to die right now.” Percy cradled Aya’s head on his lap as he frantically tried to run his hands over top of his body, willing his magic to work.  “I already lost Peggy and Will and my mom.  I can’t lose you too.  Please, Aya.  Please.”  His voice was choked with emotion.
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