sheina05 · 6 months
I was five years old I was a kindergarten at Armenia Elementary School. I Continue to study very hard in primary school because I wanted to become a nurse one day, so I will persist in my study in the First grade I obtained the third most reading award and in the second grade. I received the most reading award one again I was give a humitarian award Frome the third through sixth grades. After Finishing elementary school I continued my studies at Tondo High School, i became the Secretary of our section and was also active I always parti- cipate in all the contest in our school to boost my confi dence in front of many people, in every occasion in our school I participate and I received many awards.
When I Finished grade 7 I was also honored I graduated with honors. when I was in secondary School, we moved to Manila because our house in the province burned down, so my mother decided that we would move to Manila and I would to continue my studies. Istudied at Tonda Manila high School, but it was difficult I socialize with my classmo tes, I also experienced being bullied by my classmates because I'm from the province. little by little, I lost my confidence in my self because Friend's who where always with me to all happy and sad memories. until I finished my secondary school, my mom decided again that we would move house to Cavite and that's whe I would to continue studying.
Third year high school at Hipolito squlayan National High School I studied it made me think because I might experience What lexperienced before that I might be bullied again, but I made a mistake whe I wellt to school my classmates immediately greeted me because I was a transfery and they were kind to me until had another now friend.
Until Finished my Grade 10 school where I studied third year high school .Currently I am now studying at Gen Pantaleon Garcia Senior High School, Humss student academic track grade 12 student I'm happy because little by little mst confidence will boost again especially when speaking in front many people and that's it.
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March 9, 2022 my sibling and went goto Masbate to take a vacation and attend our cousin's wedding, a lot has change in Masbate because we haven't visited it in a while, I visited the Famous Mangrovetom park for the First time. It's my first time to visit it because it is said to be more bea utiful than before. This park is actually 27 km away From us, we ride a tricycle, it's really the main form of transpor tatian here in Masbate, our fee is 20 peass each, it's a bit expensive for us but it's okay, so before we entered the mangrove park is we paid an entrance fee worth 50 pesos then when I enter I will see. their Hanging Bridge it's beautiful but it really scare me, to be honest it's not that scary but I still have to hold my brother tightly because, you can still Feel the suspenoion while it was bouncing up and down. when I passed it I was still nervous and the view is beatiful. because, you can see their Wooden Walkways, it's nice to walk because lam really comfortable her thinking that I night fall I did not think about it because the view is so beautiful.
They also have an Octagon View Deek. The view is so beautiful that you can see the sunset and you can really see the beauty of the sea and the air is really Fresh. Then their Spiral view Deck here I was really scared of their spiral view because if I look up it's scary I don't want to go up but I have no choice because my siblings have already gone up so I went up too. I was wowed by the view because I can really see the beauty of the sea here and I can see the sunsent more, it's really enjoyable. They also have can see the sunset more, it's really enjoyable they also have what they call 360 paroramic views here. From acres of mangroves to the gorgeous and wide sea and a beautiful sky.
I was very happy with my visit here. I related my mind, although there is still a lot improve such as fixing their wooden floors in the Octagon View deck and putting more lights because, there are still places in the park that are too dark at night however, this place is a gem within a city, an escape, From the hustles and stress at work, school and in life, I am happy because I've also been there to what they say is mangrovetum park it's worth it, it's really worth the price, there are also lot of Of tourists I see different kinds of people, I've only come here.
Boo embedded for more than three years in a makeshift settlement near the Mumbai airport to pro- vide an unprecedented look at some of the hidden lives of the Indian underclass. Boo depicts great poverty and suffering with unsentimental empathy, and finds dramatic narratives in the relationships, corruption, and hope of his unique society of people attempting to eke out a living by Collecting trach and selling it for recycling.
Behind the Beautiful Forevers is one of the finest examples of slipping into the consciousnesses of strangers and fouthfully transmitting what it's like to be someone else, somewhere elsensi George Packer, the author most recently of Last Best Hope, marveled at the daunting. thurnalistle challenged Boo undertook to tell the story. assigned herself a very hard subject to tell the story of desperately poor people in a foreign slum whose Language she didn't speak. With passion, intelling- ence, resourcefulness, and courage, she achieved perfe otion 60 correspondent chris Heath added. the true Strength and triumph of Boo's book is less it's depiction. of the drama that gradually evolves, compelling as that Is, that its unfolding incremental, quotidian portrait of lives lived in Mumbai slum. And how, while Boo allows you to the most part unshowy and feel her full immersion and presence, for she manages to do so in Such an soun-self-congratulatory way that her restraint and poise feel like a tracit reproach to genera- tions of other world's nonfiction before here."
Reflecting on My Past Life they say is like a mirror, reflecting back at us the contours of our existence. But what happens when that mirror shatters, scattering fragments of our past in every direction? This is the story of my shattered mirror the mirror of my life shattered on a cold winter's evening. I was 16, and my father, the pillar of my world, passed away. His death was sudden, unexpected, and it fractured my reality, leaving me to pick up the pieces of a life that no longer made sense each shard of my shattered mirror represented a different aspect of my past. One piece reflected my childhood filled with laughter and innocence, unaware of the trials that lay ahead. Another shard reflected my teenage years, a time of confusion and self-discovery, of first loves and heartbreaks.
And a third piece mirrored the painful void left by my father's death, a wound that time seemed unable to heal as I picked up each fragment, I was forced to confront parts of myself I had long ignored or forgotten. I had to face my fears, my insecurities, my mistakes, and my regrets. But in doing so, I also rediscovered my strengths, my passions, my dreams, and my potential the process was painful, yet cathartic. Each piece of the mirror, no matter how jagged or small, held a piece of me. And as I pieced them together, I began to see a more complete picture of myself. I saw a young girl who had faced adversity and emerged stronger. I saw a woman who had loved, lost, and learned to love again. I saw a person who had made mistakes but used them as stepping stones towards growth.
In the end, my shattered mirror did not reflect a broken life, but a mosaic of experiences that made me who I am today. It taught me that life is not about avoiding hardships but about embracing them as part of our journey. It showed me that our past, no matter how fragmented, shapes our present and our future my mirror may have shattered, but it did not leave me broken. Instead, it offered me a chance to rebuild myself, to reflect on my past, and to create a future that truly reflects who I am in the shattered mirror of my life, I found not just my past, but also my resilience, my courage, and my hope for the future. And in its reflection, I found myself.
This person means a lot to me and I can say that he has everything, especially his face. The part of his face that I like the most is his nose because, It is ery po every panted and its suits him so much that is my ideal man on wattpad because, I said when I had a boyfriend I wanted someone with a panted nose and kind and respectful, and that came true. He is Angelo my boyfriend whom I only met on the Internet, I have no idea how handsome he is because it makes me think that maybe his face is different on face. book and in person. because, maybe his nose is edited, but when I saw him whe he came to our house. beca use we decided to meet because its been almost le months also, ws when I first raw him I was wowed in my mind because what he look like on his profile in facebook is the same in person, his nose is pointed and This face really matches his brown color, I can't say any- thing because his force e is is perfect, perf it suits him. cially when he is in side view, his nose led I joke with him that if we cauld change espe is very point noses beca use his nose is really pointed. He is with hu mother and father, their noses are almost pointed. Every time we are together, it is always his nose that I notice because his nose is really attention, anyone can be beautiful with his nose.
In loving memory, Each life that has touched ours has left an indelible Mark, a legacy of love, kindness, and memories that will never fade we remember the laughter, the smiles, the moments of joy shared together we remember the love that bound us together, the special bond that transcends time and space. Even though we may be apart now, our souls are forever intertwined, connected by the love that will never die in loving memory, we cherish the moments we shared, the lessons we learned, and the love we gave and received. Each memory is a treasure, a reminder of the beautiful souls who have touched our lives and made us better people though they may be gone from this world, their presence lingers on in the memories we hold dear. They live on in the stories we tell, the songs we sing, and the traditions we carry on in their honor.
Their love lives on in our hearts, a flame that will never be extinguished. They are with us always, whispering words of love and encouragement, reminding us that we are never alone in loving memory, we celebrate the lives of those who have passed on, knowing that they have left an indelible mark on this world. Their legacy lives on in the lives they touched, the hearts they warmed, and the love they shared we remember their kindness, their compassion, their strength, and their resilience.
We remember the way they faced challenges with grace, the way they loved fiercely, and the way they made the world a better place in loving memory, we honor their legacy by living our lives with the same love, kindness, and compassion that they showed us. We strive to carry on their spirit, to spread love and light in a world that can often feel dark and lonely their memory is a beacon of hope, a reminder that love is the most powerful force in the universe. It transcends time and space, bringing us closer to those we have lost and reminding us that they are never truly gone In loving memory, we find comfort in knowing that our loved ones are at peace, surrounded by love and light in a place beyond our understanding. They are free from pain, worry, and sorrow, basking in the eternal love of the universe though we may miss them dearly, we take comfort in the knowledge that we will be reunited with them one day in a place where love knows no bounds, where pain and sorrow are but a distant memory.
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