#ayato series
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Wishing On Golden Stars [FINAL]
Kamisato Ayato
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genre: isekai, slow burn, fluff, hurt/comfort, humor(?), series
chapter warning(s)!!!: ayato scolds you but thats really it!
chapter w.count: 3.7k
a/n: its finally here! the finale! let's give these fools a happy end, shall we?
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When you wake up, it’s properly dark out. There's a cooling sensation on your forehead and you’re snug in a futon. A sense of deja vu washes over you as you hiss at the pounding in your head. At least whatever was on your head tried its best to stave off the headache. Not that its really working all that well.
There’s rustling to your side before the presence of something settles next to your laying form. You crack your eyes open and even though there’s only a few candles lit for visibility in the dark room, the light still makes you suck in a short breath. Electro currents really aren’t to be underestimated it would seem. The deja vu remains stuck to your mind as the cloudy visage of Ayato knelt in front of you clears up in your haze. 
“Do you always make it a habit to stick around when I’m sleeping,” you slur, your voice coming back to you in groggy waves as you try and lighten the frown on his face. He sighs, his shoulders dropping as he places his head on top of the cool cloth on your forehead. Some of the water drips out of the edges of the fabric as he applies pressure. 
He's changed into his night robes and he looks comfortable without all his layers and armored pieces on.
“Only when you make it a habit to worry me,” he counters with a bitter, unamused scoff. You let out a huff as you avert your eyes to the ceiling. 
“It’s not like I try to.” 
“Your track record of staying out of trouble fails to support your claim.” The rag of now lukewarm water that had been heated by both your skin and Ayato’s palm is lifted from your head. The remaining dampness feels sticky on your forehead as the air quickly begins to dry it. “Do you realize how reckless you can be?” His voice has a bite to it that you knew was coming. “Thoma sends you out on a brief errand and you do not return back home all day. Naturally, I would worry.” You don't watch him, but you can hear him dunk the rag back into water and wring the cloth out. “I go to retrieve you from whatever it was that was keeping you, and through various people’s testimonies, I found you outside Konda Village. That itself is not the issue, however.” The rag is placed gently back on your head, the action kind and delicate despite Ayato’s bitter tone. He was clearly upset. “Can you begin to understand the depths of my stomach when I saw you in the middle of a battle on the verge of unconsciousness because you were subjected to injuries?” 
You finally turn your head and look at him. The look on his face is soaked deep in so many emotions. His eyes were scared, his lips snared in a frown, cheeks flushed in anger at the memory. Even his posture was rigid. 
“That was you who showed up?” You knew it wasn’t Aether at the end of it all. Part of you was glad it was Ayato. 
“It was,” he sighs. “Luckily for us both, Aether is more familiar with the Priestess of Sangonomiya Shrine than I. He was able to transport you to her for healing swiftly.” You open your mouth in awe. That would explain that even after being shocked with so much energy, all that ails you was a headache and minor pains. “I shall be in her debt for some time for her service.” 
“I apologize. I didn’t mean to place you into any difficult situations that could strain the Tri-commission and the previous rebellion leader.” Ayato says nothing and you’re not sure if that’s a good thing or not. “I’ll be sure to pay my respects and gratitude to Sangonomiya as soon as I can.” Still, he says nothing in return to your words. He must be angrier than you thought. 
Silence swallows the dim room in a gloomy air. Ayato remains beside you, just staring out of the room’s window while you continue to stare at the ceiling between prolonged blinking. This was the last thing you needed to happen. Talking to Aether gave you the advice, courage and push you needed to come up with an answer to the one thing that had been plaguing you- that being Ayato’s feelings. Out of the corner of your eye, you glance at him. 
Sitting there, he still looks so stupidly beautiful it was envy inducing. How this man saw anything desirable in you when he looks like he could sweep even a God off their feet with a single smile, you’re not sure. In the same breath though, it does inflate your ego to know one of the most powerful men in Inazuma has the hots for you. Then, you frown. 
“Ayato,” you whisper, foregoing his title that has him humming towards your call without looking down at you. “I’m sorry.” His shoulders almost slump. “For worrying you.” 
“Indeed. As you should be.” You almost pout. He could at least try and accept your apology. Still, you’re understanding and know where his emotions are coming from. 
“You must’ve been scared,” you whisper. Afraid that you might be crossing a line in assuming his feelings. The man who had his childhood ripped away from him when his parents passed. The boy who had to grow up in the span of hours to even begin to know how to protect and raise his little sister. The boy who grew up into a man who was probably more lonely than he lets others know. Losing someone he’s confessed love to right in front of him? It must’ve been awful. 
Ayato’s fists clench in his lap. You can see the tensing of his muscles going up his forearm in the corner of your eye. He takes a deep breath in, before holding it and letting it out harshly. 
“Petrified.” His admittance was so quiet you could’ve confused it with the passing wind outside. It’s like your hazy vision clears perfectly when you see the way his face twitches. The Commissioner disappears, even if just for a moment, and all that you see before you is the man, Kamisato Ayato. Fitful, fearful, and so stupidly scared in love. 
You spring up with strength you didn’t know you had in your limbs. The rag on your head flying off towards the foot of your futon. Ayato’s body jolts, shifting back away from your sudden movement. You ignore the dizziness in your head that threatens to push you back into the mattress as you swivel your body towards the pale haired man. Still, your brow twitched at the pang of pain that shoots through you like a current. 
“Do not move like that!” Ayato scolds. 
The Commissioner’s hands move from his lap to grasp onto your shoulders. Whether to steady you or push you back down to rest, you weren’t sure. Maybe both, maybe none; maybe it was just instinctual. Still, it was a chance.
Your hands shoot up, palms latching around his wrists to keep him anchored to you and once again Ayato is faced with your brute strength when he feels shackled onto your body. It wasn’t an entirely unpleasant sensation. 
“Ayato!” You raise your voice firmly, once again dismissing his pedigree and refusing to collect it from the floor on which you throw the title. “I love you,” you boldly declare. You swear he blue screens. “I’ve been thinking about what you told me on the night of the meteor shower; like thinking about it a lot. I wanted to properly answer you, but you’re such an important person in Inazuma- I just needed a lot of time. Time and advice. Thoma and Ayaka were encouraging, but I needed someone like me to talk to. Someone not from Teyvat. Someone like Aether.” 
Ayato watches as you talk and talk and pour your words out like some sort of unclogged drain. Words washing over him like a silken blanket that fell from Celestia, coating him in warmth. 
You feel his arms twitch in your grasp, lifting from your shoulders and you panic. What if he’s changed his mind? What if you had caused him trouble enough times that he was over it?
“Wait-” you scramble when he manages to peel his wrists from your grip. Instead of standing up and leaving you alone on the floor, Ayato’s wrists twist so that he was the one now holding your hands.
His palms were warm. You could fully feel the difference of skin between the heel of his hand that was calloused from swordplay and the deep softness of the dip in his palm. His thumbs run across your knuckles as his hands encase yours. 
“Relax,” he instructs and to your credit, you do try. Ayato can feel the slight tremor in your hands as he holds them. Feel the cool sensation of your nervous skin under his. See the stiff stature of your shoulders and the way your eyes panic at being left. The Yashiro Commissioner is the pro at reading facial and body ques, but even if your squirming is adorable, he won’t let you steep in disconcerting emotions right in front of him. Not right now. “I understand” -he brings your hands up to his chin, clutched fingers resting just under his bottom lip- “you don’t need to worry.” 
“Do you really?” You press, swallowing the lump in your throat. 
“I do.” 
“Ayato-” you’re sure you’re about to start rambling again, words so desperate crawling their way up your throat to explain yourself. Your actions. Your avoidance. And your feelings. All so he could understand crystal clear that how you feel isn’t just because he confessed to you. Or because he was a powerful figure.
These feelings aren’t being coerced out of you or being fabricated because he’s a man of power. You need to tell him that you’ve had these stupid feelings for him for so long- even before he was flesh in blood in front of you and just data inside a computer screen. 
Ayato is a smart man. He knows. He knows what actions, feelings and emotions being pulled out of someone by force looks like. It looks nothing like your flustered expression and shaky hands and glassy eyes. You're being so genuinely cute he wants to combust. 
Chuckling to himself, he sees your jaw drop again. Before anything comes out, he leans forward to place a kiss to your cheek, just below your eye on the apple of your face. He’s sure if you were to smile, he’d feel the skin push up against his lips.
Oh, he hopes he can experience that soon. 
Backing away from your skin, Ayato stays within your breath. Hands still clasped gently- so delicately in his own- between you both. 
“Calm down,” he almost teases you. He watches you take deep, unsteady breathes, and finds your obedience endearing. “Good,” he praises. His suave nature of the situation cracks after you collect yourself from word vomit central as he lets out a deep breath of his own. Letting his head slump down, he rests it on your shoulder. Face turned so his nose was ghosting against your neck. His fingers start tinkering and toying with yours like some sort of fidget toy. 
Nothing else is said for the remainder of the night. Ayato ends up falling asleep on your shoulder and you take it upon yourself to lay your employer and potential lover down to avoid any neck strain. Taking your place back in your futon next to him, you make sure to keep a space between you both. When the sun rises and the air is new, you’d be able to talk things through properly. 
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When Ayato opens his eyes the next morning, the sun isn’t the golden color of dawn he’s used to seeing. It’s warm and yellow and from the ruckus outside the door sounds like late morning activities and chores being done. He’s on his back and he knows the ceiling he’s staring at, knowing the futon he’s half on and knows the warmth of the body next to him. Turning his head, he’s convinced that waking up to you is the only thing that he wants for the rest of his time on Teyvat. He’s seen you sleep and rest plenty of times, between being ill and being caught in the middle of battle (albeit the latter is a new experience he strongly dislikes), but this is different. It’s intimate. 
Sitting up, he places one of his hands on your head, careful not to stir you and wake you from the rest he’s sure you need. Even if you didn’t need rest and were completely healthy, he’d be more than accepting if you wanted to spend all day in bed and forget your job completely. Of course, you’d probably just freak out realizing you slept in and hadn’t been earning your keep as part of the Kamisato staff.  
Ayato wonders if you’d still want to be under his payroll if he’s to properly court you? Would that be too risqué? Pursuing a member of his own staff… or perhaps thrilling? 
There's a soft knock on the door you both occupy and he knows that it could only be Thoma or his sister since this was his room after all.  Ayato doesn’t let just anyone interrupt his business in his own personal quarters. 
With his hand still gently playing with your head and twisting your hair around his fingers, he speaks quietly and allows the person entry. Thoma’s head popping in was no shock to the Commissioner. Walking fully past the threshold and into the room, Thoma shuts the door behind him. Giddy and pleased as punch, he sits himself down near his boss and friend. 
“Thoma,” Ayato starts, forgoing any good morning pleasantries. “Would it be considered distasteful to announce y/n as my lover while also keeping them on staff?” 
Instead of acting shocked or repulsed or even confused, the housekeeper cups his chin and closes his eyes as if in deep thought. He hums even, adding to Ayato’s glee. 
“While I personally see no issues with it, others- especially outside of the Yashiro Commission and Kamisato Clan- could potentially see it as something… tacky.” Ayato joins in on Thoma’s air of serious thought. 
“Yes, I could see how that could be taken by others. They could even try and slander y/n’s good name and hard work should I let my guard down.” Then, he scoffs; promptly dismissing the outside opinion entirely. “Pity I care not for public opinion on such important personal matters.” Ayato twists his torso so that he’s looking back down to your sleeping form. His hand moves from your head to your forehead. Finger tracing down the slope of your nose to push against your lips and trail from the corner of your mouth to your cheek and up and around your ear. If he was a blind man, he could still easily see your beauty this way. 
Thoma clears his throat with a flushed face, feeling like he was suddenly intruding. “I’ll go and prepare something easy on the stomach for y/n to eat when she wakes up. Surely she’ll be hungry.” 
“Yes,” Ayato nods, “see to it. After her situation yesterday, we’re not sure how well her stomach will be, so please be mindful with the selection. I shall also eat with her.” Thoma nods, already to standing back up and excusing himself. 
Once alone again, Ayato lays himself back down on his side to just look at you. He’s not sure how much time passes or when your eyes open. Perhaps he zoned out, and just didn’t realize you were now awake looking back at him. 
“You have a staring problem?” You ask him, groggy and cranky just as you always are when you first wake up. He chuckles, bringing a hand up to pinch at your cheek. 
“Don’t be cheeky now,” he hums and you groan, swatting away his hand. He catches your assault and brings your knuckles to his lips, kissing each one delicately and individually. “Good morning.” 
“Who’s being cheeky now,” you mutter but don’t move to pull away from him. Ayato’s exceptionally pleased as he sits up, pulling your arm so you join him. You slip your hand from his and stretch, looking outside and realize that you should probably get up. It hasn’t been that long since you recovered from being sick and now you’re back in bed? That can’t look good to the other staff members.
If you had said that out loud, Ayato would have snickered a cheeky ‘I knew it’ in your face at his initial assumption to the current time and your work.
“Thoma will be back shortly with something for us to eat,” Ayato tells you, seeing you start kicking the covers off your legs. “Stay until then.” 
“I’m kind of sick of eating in bed like a patient. If I have to eat, I’d rather do so at a proper table.” You sigh. While what you say isn’t untrue, the real reason for you wanting to get up was to maybe get out of the futon and get some air. Ayato nods. 
“I see.” He stands to his feet, his clothes that had been well slept in from the night well beyond wrinkled. “Just a moment,” he walks away from you and heads to a pair of sliding doors that reveal more clothes. During the moments he spends rummaging around, you finally realize where you were. Fanning your face, you look away as soon as he starts undressing into something not wrinkled and meant for sleeping. Maybe you could sneak out as he changed- so blatantly- in your presence with his back turned. Being in Ayato’s room made you feel woozy on top of everything else. 
“I’m just going to-” You mutter to yourself, pushing the futon cover off your legs fully. Before you could even get into a position to get up, Ayato’s voice stops you. 
“Stay put.” Looking over your shoulder, he’s not even looking towards you. A new shirt on his torso and fussing with the tassels that hang over his shoulders. You conceded almost immediately, deflating back onto the futon. He struts over once presentable, bends to grab your arm and trail his hand down it to grab your hand before lifting you to your feet. “Now, we can leave.” Ayato leaves his room with you tethered and pulled along by him. 
You pass Thoma with a tray of food set for two and you can tell he’s trying not to laugh at your expense. Everyone who’s within the path is obviously staring at the Kamisato Clan head guiding you through the halls by your hand and the attention makes you squirm and heat up. Clearly, it must be entertaining.
“Thoma, we’ve decided to eat in a proper setting.” 
“Of course!” He’s well ahead of the game and shifts gears to lead you both to the dining room. Ayaka hears rumor of Ayato’s hand holding scene and rushes- as dignified as possible- to join the fun. 
The day goes by in a blur. You’re returned to work, under the strict supervision of Thoma, while the two siblings huddled together in hushed giggles and schemes you were sure is just more trouble. Every time Ayato spied you in the halls or out in the yard, he would come trotting over unrestrained. Saying something quick to you before taking your hand, squeezing it and letting it go. Ayaka shot you giddy looks at any chance she got and Thoma... kept his mouth shut. Mostly because he was the only one who you would probably get away with smacking if it came down to it. 
When night falls, before turning in for bed, you had changed into your night clothes before deciding one more task needed to be done. It wasn’t for you, or maybe it wasn’t even that important, but for Ayato’s sake you wanted to try and ease his worries. You knocked on his door, cradling something in your hand when he slides his doors open to come face to face with you. 
“Y/n,” he smiles. “What brings you here?” 
“Hold out your hands,” your face was hot. Why was this so embarrassing? He does as you say, holding out a single, empty palm. You place what you had into his. 
“A handkerchief?” He questions. Was this a custom from your world maybe? He takes the folded cloth and starts unfolding it before his eyes widen at what was being held inside of it. 
“You can keep that. It’s” -you wring your hands- “It’s hard to explain, but I think this is part of the reason I found myself in Inazuma. Maybe if you keep it with you, you’ll feel better about things.” Ayato’s free hand comes to grab the small, circular piece of purple and blue twined bead-sized ball. It felt light like candy and reminded him of the stars the night before he met you.
It was the very same item he somehow knew you had in your pocket when he saw you in the Tenryou prison cell for the first time. “I don’t have all the answers on how I got here, or why. And I can’t make any promises that I won’t end up… leaving..?” You scrounge around for more reassuring words but fall short. “For what it’s worth though, I want to stay. Here. With you.” 
Ayato’s hand curls around the piece of fate and brings his fist up to his lips. Smiling with his eyes, crows feet crinkle his skin. He grabs your wrist and drags you into his room for the second night in a row, sliding the door shut at your back. The candle he has lit is soon extinguished afterwards and you don’t come back out. 
It took all of one, simple day for rumors to run around the estate, and even beyond its walls, that Kamisato Ayato had finally shown romantic interest in someone. Rumored still that the person he’s supposedly now courting is not only someone he picked up from a prison cell years ago and not from Inazuma, but is one kept on his payroll. 
None of that mattered though. Not when he’s able to look up and watch the next meteor shower with you, holding your hand instead of worrying you’d fly away with them at the end of it all. That’s all he wants; you, safe and happy with him in his home with his family.
And Kamisato Ayato usually gets what he wants. 
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a/n pt.2: if you've decided to take the time to read through 9 parts of an insanely messy ayato fanfiction, words can't describe my appreciation! i worked pretty hard on this series and seeing it come to an end makes me feel satisfied. It's not the most popular by far, but its finished and for those who read it- i thank you from the bottom of my heart <3
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88 notes · View notes
danijaci · 2 months ago
I just had an idea from this Ayato voice line:
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And uhhhh,,, I kinda wanna put (Y/N) in the narrative like,,
Ayato: *enjoys seeing people writhe in agony*
(Y/N): ouch
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LMAOOOO the duality is insane like bro ur fake ass nonchalanter I saw you gaf
1K notes · View notes
i-mxrixna · 7 months ago
Like I love Smau stories sm. I've stumbled upon Ayato, Aether, Xiao, Kazuha and that's about it. 1 for each. Like there's so many scara ones but not mother characters??? If anyone finds please tag me or send me the creator's user please I'm desperate, it doesn't have to be exclusively genshin. Literally could be anything as long as it's good 🙏
130 notes · View notes
versadies · 1 year ago
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SYNOPSIS (of chapter). in which it's been three months since your trip to mondstadt.
SYNOPSIS (of series). breaking up with your first love was heartbreaking, but not as heartbreaking as getting invited to his wedding after years of not seeing him. that is, until things seem to be easier when you encounter a certain guest, who could end up becoming more than just a blooming friend to you (or not).
CHARACTERS. diluc ragnvindr, kamisato ayato, and thoma (w/ gn!reader)
CONTENT. fluff/slight-angst, grammar errors (?), cheesy scenes, second-hand embarrassment (?), possible errors in general.
WORD COUNT. 3.5k words
POST-SCRIPT. the end is finally here!! hopefully the ending is satisfying and fulfilling, i've done all i can to make sure it brings the entire series together and give reader the happiness they deserve. if you wish to know fun facts about the series, stay until the end!!
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DECEMBER 11, 2022
It’s been a while since you’ve last visited Mondstadt. 
You find yourself sitting on a bar stool with your drink in hand, wearing a formal outfit suited for an occasion that can happen to someone for once-in-a-lifetime: a wedding. 
True to both you and Diluc’s words, you kept in touch with one another as you two remained friends after your departure from Mondstadt. Though you’re both busy from your work schedules, the two of you make the most of your conversations through sending pictures of food, places, and even your friends – your particular favorite being a picture of his pet bird, Vanessa – in your messages. 
It’s safe to say things are well, and you’re more than happy with the couple’s wedding despite your heartbreak before. 
You mindlessly look around the reception venue with a smile on your face, paying no mind to the conversations between loud guests who are either talking about 1) the newly wedded couple, or 2) the recent buzz of the continent regarding a certain corrupted CEO.
Two months after the wedding of Ayato and Chisato, Shinsuke was suddenly arrested thanks to the newly-wedded couple, who exposed him with numerous charges that shocked the entire public and media.
“Did you hear? Hiiragi Shinsuke has been arrested for his crimes!”
“I know! It’s shocking to hear that it took him this long to be behind bars, and to think that it’s all thanks to his daughter and her husband...” 
“Didn’t they work with that young detective that’s been the buzz of Inazuma’s police force? What’s that detective’s name again?”
“I believe it’s Shikanoin. Apparently he’s been investigating Hiiragi for a long time now!” 
You muted out people’s chattering about Shinsuke, taking a sip of your drink. You’re honestly just glad that he’s finally behind bars now, and you won’t have to worry about him for a long, long tim–
“( Name )! How are you?” You flinch when you hear a particular voice that you haven’t heard for a few months now. When you turn around, you spot Venti coming towards you happily with a skip of his steps.
“Venti!” You greeted him happily, putting your glass down before standing up to come towards him, spreading your arms for a friendly hug. “I’ve been well, thank you. How about you? It’s been a while!” 
Venti giggles, wrapping his arms around you for a warm friendly hug. “I’m doing well, especially with free drinks and free food around!” He cheers. His flushed cheeks and drowsy look is enough for you to know that he’s as drunk as can be. Classic Venti…
“I can tell.” You respond with a laugh, before helping him sit on one of the bar stools that’s next to yours on the left. “You should take a break from all that drinking, your hangover will be the death of you tomorrow.” 
“You’re right.. I should be ready for later..!” Venti hiccups. “How’s Zhongli, by the way? Did he go with you as your plus one again?” 
You shake your head in response. “He’s okay, but no, he’s not with me for this trip.” You replied. “I didn’t bring anyone with me since it wasn’t mentioned in the wedding card.”
“Well then, I guess you’re stuck with me!” He giggles, before ordering the bartender another glass once again, much to both your dismay and the bartender’s. 
As Venti indulges himself with the free drinks while sharing interesting things about Mondstadt, you couldn’t help but glance at the direction of where Diluc and Jean are, who are both chatting quietly to one another as they eat their meals at their table.
It didn’t take long before Diluc felt your stare, and noticed your presence. 
You couldn’t help but smile at him with a wave, to which he responds with an acknowledged nod, slightly smiling towards you before his attention is taken by another guest who came to congratulate the newly-wedded couple.
Your attention is eventually taken as well by another person, who suddenly seated himself right next to you on your right. 
“Thoma!” You gasp in surprise, not expecting to see the blonde-haired man.
Thoma flashes you a smile as he chuckles. “Hello to you too as well, ( Name ). Guess you didn’t expect me to be here, huh?” 
“Of course not, you gave me a heart attack! I didn’t know you were invited!” You exclaim with a smile. You couldn’t help but take note of how neat he looks, wearing a tuxedo with his hair fixed instead of his usual messy hairdo that you’ve grown used to. 
“I didn’t think I’d be invited either until Ayato persuaded me to come to the wedding on his behalf. I’m sure you know how busy Inazuma has been since the… arrest.” He explains, scratching the back of his head with a cheeky grin. 
You nod in understanding, your smile becoming a little strained at the mention of the arrest of Shinsuke. “I’m very aware. Almost everyone’s talking about it here, surprisingly.” 
The blonde man takes note of your strained smile, and he decides to quickly change topics in a jiffy. “How’s your trip here? Did you bring anyone with you?” He asks curiously. 
You lean on the bar counter, though your drink (as well as Venti, who’s still busy with his drinks) is left forgotten. “My trip’s been amazing. I didn’t bring anyone with me though. How about you?” 
Thoma shrugs. “I didn’t bring anyone either. Though if I could, I would’ve brought Taroumaru.” 
“Aw, I miss Taroumaru!” You cooed. You immediately thought about Inazuma once again, becoming more homesick than you thought you’d be. “How’s the little guy? I heard he’s been the talk of the town. He’s getting really famous on the Internet, isn’t he?” 
Thoma chuckles in response, his cheeks turning slightly red. “Yeah.. I honestly didn’t think he’d get famous. There was an idol who came to visit the café and took a picture of him, which was how he got everyone’s love.” 
You nodded slowly, still smiling. “So I suppose business is booming then? I’m sure a lot of people must be wanting to meet Taroumaru.” 
“Oh if only you see how busy it’s been. If it weren’t for the staff my mom and I hired, I wouldn’t be able to come to the wedding in the first place!” He comments.
As you continue to listen to Thoma talking about people in Inazuma, you couldn’t help but miss Inazuma even more. You honestly couldn’t wait to come back. 
“How about you? How’s Liyue been lately after your trip?” Your friend suddenly asks, causing you to wake up from your thoughts. 
You cleared your throat. “Oh, same as always. Though,” You straighten your posture, clearing your throat, “I’ve thought about coming back to Inazuma after what happened.” 
Thoma was taken back by surprise from your words, his eyes brightened. “R-Really?” 
You hummed, your smile growing from his excitement. “Really.” 
The man before you didn’t know what to say, stunned from such good news. “This..." He couldn’t help but let out a laugh, obviously ecstatic from the news as his eyes brightens instantly. "This is amazing news! You have to let me know when your flight is then. I can pick you up from the airport and we can go wherever you want and–”
“Woah, woah, slow down!” You couldn’t help but laugh as well, finding his excitement infectious and amusing. “I haven’t even booked anything yet, let alone ask for a transfer in my job.”  
“O-Oh!” His cheeks turn red instantly in embarrassment. “R-Right.. My bad, I-I was getting too excited.” He stammers, clearing his throat as he fixes his suit tie. “When do you think you’ll come back?” 
You shrug in response. “I’m thinking of.. Maybe after New Year’s Day. It’ll take a while since well.. It’s hard to move to another country, you know?”
He nodded quickly. “Ah yes, of course. I totally understand! You should take your time.” He says in agreement. “Just… Let me know when you’re coming back. I missed you, you know?” 
You couldn’t help but feel your cheeks warming up from his words. Thoma was never the type to confess something so affectionate, but perhaps the drinks are getting the best of both of you…
The blonde man was quick to realize what he said though, as he instantly stiffens and starts stumbling on his words. “I-I mean, I-I’m not the only one who misses you– since everyone misses you, i-including me..!” 
“Y-Yeah, I get it. E-Especially since it’s been a long time since I’ve left Inazuma.” You stumbled as well, your cheeks warming even more from the awkward situation that the both of you brought yourself into. “I-If anything, I missed you guys too..!” 
Yeah, the drinks are definitely getting the best of both of you. 
The two of you couldn’t help but laugh once again from the embarrassment, causing the tense and awkward atmosphere to dissipate. 
“Well that was awkward.” He commented, smiling from ear-to-ear.
“No doubt.” You responded, still laughing as you held your stomach. 
As the both of you try to catch your breaths after laughing, Thoma decides to get himself a drink as well as another one for you. “Let’s drink to celebrate your upcoming return then. On me, of course.” 
You snorted. “Thoma, the drinks are free. We’re in a wedding, remember?” 
He blushes once again. “A-Ah.. Right.” 
As you walk out of the elevator, you head towards your hotel room with Thoma in tow. 
Long after the wedding finally ended, you decided to take your leave and hit the bed to sleep for the night, wanting nothing more than to lie down on the comfortable sheets of the bed as you snore away. 
To your surprise, Thoma decides to make sure you come back to your room in one piece and escort you back to your room given that the both of you are a little intoxicated.
“You know, you don’t have to come with me. I can go back to the room on my own.” You said reassuringly, noticing how close your hotel room is getting.
“We’re here anyway, so you’re stuck with me now.” He comments, insisting even more as he walks by your side. “Besides, I’m actually staying in the same hotel as you. Though, I’m three floors above.” 
You relax instantly from his words, no longer finding the energy to say otherwise. “Oh, that’s good then.” You stumble around and try to find your keycard, pulling it out from your pocket as the two of you arrive to your room.
“Thanks again, Thoma. I’m glad you had kept me company at the wedding– and for helping me taking care of Venti.” You chuckled, letting your door scan your keycard. 
He smiles, nodding in acknowledgement. “Of course. It’s the least I can do since you’ve given me a good time at the wedding.” 
You smiled in response, and turned around to enter your room that's now opened, but before you could enter, he stopped you for a moment. 
“Hm?” You turn to look at him in confusion and in curiosity. “Is something wrong?” 
He shakes his head. “N-No, of course not. It’s just…”
The two of you fell awkwardly silent. 
“...I won’t be here tomorrow, so you won’t see me until you return to Inazuma.” He confesses. “So… If you ever decide on whether you’d visit, move in, or whatever, I’m one call away. Just let me know when you come and visit.” So I can be the first to greet you.
You smiled cheekily. “So you really did miss me, huh?”
He blushes once again. “Can you blame me..?” There’s no one I love but you. 
You then pat his shoulder. “...I’ll call you as soon as I get the date. Just promise me you’ll be by the airport with some cardboard that has my name.” You teased. 
He nodded eagerly. “I’ll make sure it’ll have ‘Welcome back from the Asylum’ on it.” He says, teasing you back. 
“Oh I’d like to see you try!” You laugh, lightly slapping his shoulder as he grins.
“...See you next time, ( Name ).” 
“See you next time, Thoma.” 
You took a few steps to your room and finally closed the door, the last face you saw was Thoma’s flushed face. 
As soon as he’s alone in the quiet hallways of the hotel floor, he lets out a sigh. 
This time.. This time I’ll shoot my shot.
“What are you thinking about, Thoma?” 
The blonde-haired man blinks a few times as he finds himself back in the familiar surroundings of Komore Cafe. 
“Ah, sorry.. I-I was just thinking about something.” Thoma says with a cheeky grin, looking at your direction as you sit by the stools that’s by the counter. “How long have you been watching me?” He asks. 
You smiled cheekily. “Long enough for me to be reminded of how handsome you look.” You responded teasingly with a chuckle.
“Oh really? Am I really that dashing?” He asks, jokingly posing like a model as it causes you to laugh. 
“Very much, but not as much as my guy Taroumaru here.” You pet the Shiba Inu, who makes a “woof!” noise as he happily encourages your affection. 
Thoma dramatically puts a hand on his chest. “You wound me. I’d never thought my own spouse would choose Taroumaru over me! Where is the loyalty?” 
The two of you broke into laughter, amused by each other’s antics.
It’s been almost two years since the time when you two visited Diluc and Jean’s wedding. True to your word, you return to Inazuma a few months after your trip to Mondstadt, officially residing in your homeland instead of Liyue. Thoma has been with you since you returned, and he has been nothing but helpful to you as the two of you make up for the lost time.
It took a while before you eventually started gaining feelings for him, which then eventually led to the two of you in a committed and happy relationship for the past three months. It’s safe to say that you’ve never been happier than ever, and you’re grateful for someone like Thoma to be by your side for so long. 
And he’s grateful that his dream finally came true, happy that he has the honor of being yours, and you being his. He couldn’t imagine anything better than what he has now. 
Unfortunately, the sweet moment between you both ended abruptly when your watch started ringing, reminding you of the time. 
“Ah shoot, I gotta go. Miko’s going to kill me if I end up late.” You said, grabbing your bag and drink before kissing Thoma’s cheek and pet Taroumaru one last time. “Thanks for the drink, by the way.” 
“Anything for you. Stay safe!” Your boyfriend tells you, watching as you run out of the cafe like the wind, leaving him alone with Taroumaru.
As soon as you’re gone, he lets out a dreamy sigh. 
“Come, Taroumaru, it’s time to work.” He spoke to the Shiba Inu, petting his head before heading towards the sign of his café to flip it. 
There’s nothing more to life than spending the rest of his days with you, and he’s more than content with the life he has with you.
It’s safe to say that the same goes with you. 
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Thank you guys so much for reading Evermore! I honestly have never thought I’d finished this from the very start, and yet here I am, and it’s all thanks to all of you who have spread your love and opinions on this series.
It was truly an honor to write this piece. It really makes me happy to see a lot of you guys commenting on each chapter, sending asks about how much you love Evermore and spit on Ayato as well as Shinsuke, and overall just you guys being interested in something I put my heart and soul to! 
As someone who never once experienced having a lover nor went through a breakup, it’s quite tough for me to write about it in this series since I want the experiences to feel somewhat real, or better yet, not too cliche than it already is. 
Of course, I also want this series to be somewhat a lesson to my dear readers, to those who need to let it all out, to those whose hearts are broken, to those who just need an escape from reality once in a while, and overall to everyone. I hope that whatever you guys are going through, you will get through it! If you can go through a breakup and deal with Shinsuke’s existence in this fic, then you can surely go through anything!
Since I’ve already expressed what I need to express in the previous chapter, I decided to drop some fun facts and trivia here!
This series was made out of spite because of how I lost the 50/50 to Keqing in Ayato’s first released banner on my first 10 pulls and wanted to make him suffer. Fortunately enough, writing this series seems enough to make him come home 80 pulls later b4 his banner ended! 
I also wanted to write a story that’s based on my number one favorite Taylor Swift song from one of my favorite albums of hers: right where you left me! This song is one of the most relatable songs I’ve ever listened to ever since I first heard it in 2021, and it’s been stuck with me to this day as of 2024 (can you believe it? It’s been almost 4 years!) 
And fun fact, I found out that the evermore album was released on my birthday (December 11), so it feels right that I made the series inspired by the album <3 !
The following are some fun facts from my drafts:
Diluc's arranged spouse was supposed to be Donna, but I unfortunately didn’t make that happen since the way Donna would treat the situation wouldn’t be the same way as what Jean would do. 
Thoma wasn’t actually supposed to be a male lead until I started planning for the no body no crime part. I don’t know what made me assign Thoma as the second male lead, but when I did, I didn’t like how my series will be another “second male lead who has no chance with the main lead” so I made him the person the reader actually ends up with in the epilogue soon after!
– below are things that i’ve scraped from this series ! –
Before I started planning each chapter, Diluc was originally supposed to be the reader's plus one. The plot involves how the reader asks Diluc, reader’s friend since college, to be their plus one since he lives in Mondstadt and he reluctantly agrees, and throughout the wedding trip, they slowly fall in love with each other. 
It was such a good plot too if you saw the details I wrote for it ! But I scrapped it off because the plot would’ve been really long, and I want the series to focus on the story of reader finally and properly moving on from their breakup with their first love, Ayato. I’m aware that I could’ve followed this plot while reader moves on with Ayato, but again, I feel like it just wasn't it for me. though who knows, i might make a one-shot fic of it ;)
Another fun fact is there was supposed to be a second part series after Evermore that’s called Folklore and it ends with you dating Kaeya. 
in this series, you first meet Kaeya during Diluc’s wedding and spend time with him. Sure enough, you hate that guy, but you had no choice but to spend time with him throughout your stay in Mondstadt since he’s such a great tour guide. 
You were glad that you’re finally back to Liyue and not be able to see that playboy anymore, so consider yourself shocked when you waltzed into your office and saw him. 
Turns out, the reason why he’s always spending time with you in Mondstadt is not because of how he wants to guide you around mondstadt, but because he wants to get to know the person he’ll be working with in Liyue! 
So yes, this is somewhat an enemies to lovers + office romance story, and unlike Diluc and Ayato, this guy has no chance in getting into arranged marriages and immediately shoots his shot with you ;> !
Extra note: Dainsleif was supposed to be in folklore series as the second male lead hehe 
I was really looking forward to writing this series until chapter thirteen happened. If I have to be real honest, I was disappointed with myself for what happened, and I was afraid that you guys will be even more disappointed with me if i make another series, so i immediately scrapped it off :(( 
But to clarify more, even if chapter thirteen went well, I would’ve still scrapped it off since – as you know, I have a health issue that caused my big hiatus – and I’m afraid that I wouldn’t be able to finish the second series at all, let alone start it.
Instead of that, I decided to just make it into one of the epilogues of what could’ve been! Feel free to check the folklore epilogue once it’s out! 
I think I can reveal more information with the Q&A from my evermore survey, so while I’m compiling your questions, feel free to ask more right away! 
That's all for this series. Once again, thank you so so so much for giving me the pleasure of writing this fic. I might not make a series soon, but if I ever have the luxury of time, I hope you guys will be there to read it.
Thank you!
Sincerely, your penpal, Dan xoxo
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PENPALS. @scaraslover @saving-for-xiao @dawgimsohot @kazu-topia @chiruru @aqualesha @renamichii @mrkamisato @shenhesl0ver @serami00 @serenareiss @hiqhkey @emperatris-rinaka @bystander36 @irisxiel @ladycoleigh @034ven @dear-dairiess @owozi8 @hadesaedes @chiro-chiro-kun @hersscherofyatta @mariusvonhangme @yuzuricebun @hoshikistarlette @solaaresque @crowbird @lordbugs @flowersforayato @headintheclouddd @estelwrld @giyusimpsassemble @irethepotatosblog @moonlightaangel @alice0blog @shotosbrainrot @sniffoat @chihawari @mxsomn @kuni-kuzushii @jiminscarmex @mitsukii114 @nejibot @ylimeprive @sachispet @loreleis-world @sn-owo @stareforecasts @someonetookmynamelmao @ceylestia @lychme @ymikkos @reallysporadicarcade @melodyyamino @dudufodd @somberrock @yevenly @lemontum @nghing @elychee @astrxlis @denkineptune @franini @sophisticatedleslie @thedivinepriestress @smashsubs @httpmitsuya @bl6o6dy @cottonkendi (please visit this post if you'd like to be tagged!)
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kayaani · 2 months ago
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HOW DID THEY CONFESS THEIR FEELINGS (ft. Scaramouche, Ayato, Itto.)
cw: possible OOC, fluff, spelling mistakes (not sure tho), GN! Reader.
𖤐 Scaramouche probably didn't even acknowledge those feelings at first. He doesn't have a heart, he couldn't have those feelings, right? Well, he does not have a heart, but he does feel.
After so many days, weeks, even months denying his own feelings for you he would end up realizing something was wrong with him. Something was off. How could he be attached to you, a mere mortal who could never be near his place. Yet, there was no denying when he felt his heart ache like that whenever he got to see you.
Pacing restlessly around his room, discussing with himself about the unknown fondness for you. He ended up admitting to himself that he was, indeed, in love. He made a letter, words carefully chosen and written neatly in the expensive paper. What was inside the letter? His confession, in the most indirect way possible, I don't think he would show his vulnerability or love after what happened when he did. He made it clear for you that you should be grateful he chose you, and that he acknowledged you aside from being his companion.
𖤐 Ayato, on the contrary, noticed and accepted those feelings since the first time he felt them.
He is a busy man. He doesn't have much time to spend time outside or with friends —even though he sometimes does for Thoma and his dear sister— but he also knew how important it would be to spare some time for his beloved, you.
He invited you on a date in the most expensive restaurant in Inazuma City. He wanted it to be perfect, to make you happy.
He spent the entire dinner looking at you, admiring every inch of your face. He listened to you talking about your day, about how surprised you felt when you found three beautiful flowers in your garden early in the morning, and how excited you felt about the dinner he invited you over. At the end of the date, before you couldn't get up from your seat, he gently held your hands in his and expressed everything he felt.
𖤐 Itto is the most kind and funny person you've ever met. He was liked by everyone in the Inazuma City, known for his playful, easygoing personality, and well...his lack of intelligence sometimes.
You were good friends with Itto, often hanging out together and chatting about everything you could think of. That was something you loved about him, the fact that he was like a vitamin for you to cure your sadness or numbness just by being with him.
He wasn't the best with feelings, but he did notice something was different with you. You were not just like other friends he has, you were special, unique. He felt something in his chest that he didn't feel with anyone else. And others noticed that too when he would accidentally bring you to whatever topic he could be talking with his friends, or when he thought about you everyday, about that pretty smile of yours.
His confession was...let's just say, surprising. You and him were playing with two beetles you found when he suddenly said "I think I love you" Those words were enough for you to accidentally drop the poor insect and look at him surprised. He looked surprised too that he said it.
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afra-blueraz · 1 year ago
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Honestly this new illustration gave me more inspiration for my diabolik lovers series. Because in my series Yui met diaboys in childhood and they became good friends until the day that Karlheinz will separate them and clear their memories from each other.
Now this is my new headcanons to write my diabolik lovers series with young diaboys and Yui.
Shu is the first person who meets Yui and asks her to play with him.
Shu takes Yui to his room and they have fun.
Reiji sneaks a look at them from behind the door and Yui sees him and smiles and asks him to join them.
Reiji shyly joins them and they have a good time together.
Shu gives Yui a heart necklace and asks her to keep it forever. (Yui will keep it even as an adult, although she doesn't remember who gave it to her)
Ayato plays with Yui in the mansion and Yui falls and injures her knee and Ayato caresses Yui's knee and kisses her cheek.
Kanato is very shy and Yui joins his tea party and Kanato sings for her.
Laito helps Yui find a suitable outfit for the party and combs her hair.
Subaru gives Yui a white rose.
Yui meets the Mukami brothers and the Tsukinami brothers at a party.
Ruki and Carla kneel before Yui and ask her for a dance.
Kou likes Yui's hair and keeps smelling her hair and kissing her.
Shu is Yuma's old friend and introduces Yui to him and they become friends.
Azusa is very shy and stays away from the guests the whole time until Yui joins him. She takes his hand and they go out of the ballroom and go to the balcony and watch the moon.
Shin joins them and the three of them continue watching the moon together.
Yui falls asleep with her head on Azusa's shoulder, and Ruki, as Azusa's older brother, follows him and sees Yui sleeping.
Ruki throws his coat over Yui to protect her from the cold.
Yuma comes to the balcony and hugs Yui and takes her to her room.
Carla visits Yui for the last time and kisses her forehead.
Shin does his older brother's move and kisses Yui's forehead and says goodbye to her while she is sleeping.
All Sakamaki and Mukami brothers do this in order and kiss Yui's forehead and leave her room.
These children were the best friends until...
(Please note that this headcanon is in their childhood and they had different and kinder personalities in their childhood.)
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tokowwdefox · 2 months ago
Faceless Sunday Au 2
"day ??? .. I must say his anatomy isn't that different from an adult human's, slightly more perfect than a human's I must say"
"he destroyed multiple cctv footages"
"he hates pictures"
"do NOT feed him chicken."
-Dr Veritas Ratio
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"side note, he revived the dead Chicken."
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"can he revive humans too?"
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pigeonpeach · 1 year ago
Kamisato Ayato vs Yae Miko
Fem reader this time! Suggestive themes!
Oh a delectable little thing you are. A delicate noble girl who is deciding to circumvent your fate as a marriage tool by becoming a shrine maiden. Your family was a bit annoyed but you have siblings so its not that big of a deal. Only now a certain lord has taken a interest? Kamisato Ayato. Brother of your friend Ayaka. You two are pretty close, you visit her frequently to keep her company since her parents died. According to her you’ve always felt like a older sister. You were certainly more older than her but still were you two close friends. Apparently all this time he had his eyes set on you. The idea of you becoming his wife being most appealing. He happened to time his proposal before you were going to finalize your decision to become a shrine maiden.
On one hand, you wanted to become a shrine maiden. But such involves intense and sometimes dangerous work with exorcisms and political conflicts. Alot happens there. But Ayato provides a blanket if security. You get to enjoy luxuries and comfortable living style all while living with a nice husband. According to Ayaka he won’t force you to do anything extreme or even be affectionate. He just “couldnt stand to see you throw your life away into the shrine.” Which isn’t too believable. Ayato is clearly a manipulator, he probably has something planned,
Oh but your other isn’t less manipulative. Yae Miko could be more dangerous. She has been visiting herself, making flirty remarks about how you dress and your beauty, even joking that she’ll make you be her personal assistant. Because she “loves to collect beautiful things.” Oh how trickey she is. She quite literally sneaks up on you when least expected. She catches you when Ayato and you were going to have a meeting to discuss matters further. You wonder if she’s doing this partly to spite him. But also her offer is quite nice. You’ll never have to become a mother, you can enjoy independence and she herself will see to it that you aren’t too overworked. If there’s one think Yae Miko isn’t its someone who breaks a promise.
Besides Miko is quite the stunning woman. Although you wouldn’t be allowed to date, apparently that doesn’t mean you wouldn’t be allowed to do other things, according to her the Shogun is completely fine with it. Consider she is quite close to said shogun that is believable. She has even implied that the Electro Archon herself may even like to see you. The implication being shared In between the two. And isn’t that just a temptation? Two beautiful women having their way with you..
Oh but your family now is pressuring you to pick Ayato! Your friend Ayaka too, she’s delighted at the idea of you joining the family. But… maybe you would prefer the life of a shrine maiden if it means getting in your knees for Ei and Yae miko more often….
Choices choices…
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greyhavensking · 2 years ago
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Kaneki’s definition of beating Ayato half to death is as insane and hilarious as always
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Wishing on Golden Stars [3]
Allow Me to Introduce...
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genre: isekai, slow burn, fluff, hurt/comfort, humor(?)
chapter warning(s)!!!: feelings of internal frustration, dashes of impostor syndrome, self-internal isolation
chapter w.count: 4.2k
a/n: putting y/n through it uh-oh
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“Thoma!” The relaxed body of the ginger haired housekeeper becomes strung with tension at the call of your voice at his back. He turns to see you stomping towards him, stopping nearly at his toes. “Where is he?!” You scold, pushing your finger into his chest as he rubs the back of his head with a guilty, forced laughter. 
“I wonder…” he trails off.  You feel your veins pulse before you let out a heavy, defeated sigh. Snatching a small parchment from your pock, it was revealed to be a note. Delivered to you via a different staff member and addressed from the Yashiro Commissioner himself. Scribbled in Ayato’s unbelievably neat handwriting was an inscribed message:
[I’ve left a sealed package for the Tenryou Commission Police Station at the entrance of the estate. Be sure to deliver it for me.]
You crumpled the note in your palm and had the intense urge to rip it into tiny little pieces. 
“He does this on purpose! That arrogant lord knows going to the Tenryou Commission makes me nervous, but he still does things like this!” You snarl. It was widely gossiped that the reason you dislike meandering around the Tenryou Commission’s property is because of your time spent incarcerated (of course, it was only the span of a day). Though, the real reason was because among the territory of the Kujou Clan was Tenshukaku… where the Raiden Shogun resided.  
You have now been in Teyvat under the employ of the Kamisatos’ for two years and it was about a year and a half ago when you finally came to remember that the Raiden Shogun existed. 
For the first six months of your employment, you were kept under pretty strict lock and key- always supervised and monitored. The people of the commission were always looking to see if they could ever catch even the most minor of infractions- of course they never did. The last thing you needed to do was fuck up bad enough you get kicked out. 
Then, when the day came where you had the smallest first dose of freedom, you were taken on an errand in Inazuma City. The Tenryou Commission territory was more intimidating than you remember now that you were pretty used to Inazuma and not so shell shocked by your situation, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that it looked like it was… missing something.
That something was the Statue of the Omnipresent God that was featured in gameplay. That realization sent you into a silent, invisible spiral. 
If the Raiden Shogun (and Ei respectfully), found out that you had basically just spawned in Teyvat, and further still in Inazuma, you were liable to get the Anti-Traveler Treatment.
Which boiled down to: if the Raiden Shogun finds out an Outworlder (in a sense) was in Inazuma and a threat to eternity just like the Traveler was, you were boned. Of course, the difference between you and the Traveler was that you had no elemental powers to combat her views, so you were significantly less threatening. Or so you hope.
So, of course, the moment Ayato heard that you were anxious any time you were around the Tenryou Commission? You errands outside the estate were always centered around there! It was the same treatment Thoma got when sent on errands to the Grand Narukami Shrine since Yae Miko makes him nervous- not that he’ll admit it openly, but he’s easy to read. 
“Thoma,” you say his name a second time for the morning. He gulps at the deep breath you took before making your tone innocent- too innocent. “You have errands today too, don’t you?” You direct a very distinct smile at him. 
“I- uh, something like that...” 
“Wonderful! In that case, since we’re both going off premises today, we can plan to travel together.” 
“W-wait, but her Ladyship-” 
“Lady Ayaka will easily allow it if I go seek permission.” It was true. Along your course of employment, you have become the person linked to Ayaka like Thoma is to Ayato. A retainer of the Kamisato Lady of sorts- although sometimes you end up swapping places with Thoma and work alongside Ayato for an undisclosed amount of time. Part of you think that arrangement was on purpose to keep an eye on you, but you have no proof to that claim. 
Thoma looks at your unwavering disposition before deflating and relenting. 
“I’ll inform you before I’m about to leave,” he almost whines. You clap once in victory before swiftly turning on your heel, and waltzing back to your room. You have no idea where on Narukami Island his day would take him, but you’ll be damned if you go out alone. He could drag you all the way up the shrine and you’d accept it as long as you didn’t have to walk to the Police Station by yourself. 
As (forcefully) promised, Thoma stops by your room before you both make your way to the gates of the estate. Thoma was speaking a few words to one of the guards while you wait with the Tenryou-cursed envelope filled with documents tucked under your arm. Behind you, you feel two quick taps to your shoulder; you turn to see Ayaka at whom you greet warmly. 
“Heading out?” She asks and you nod. 
“That’s right. Before your sadistic brother left for his long term business, he naturally had a last minute errand for me to run to the Tenryou Commission.” Akaya snickers at your huffing. You both had gotten quite comfortable with each other over the course of the last couple years.
When you were first assigned to her aide, you were anxious since you had no idea what being a personal aide for someone with the label ‘ladyship’ took.  Her easy-going attitude and gentle nature helped break you in; heck the first time you bad mouthed Ayato’s consistently increasing ‘errands’ she had to hide behind her fan or else her red face from holding back her laughter would give her away. 
Of course, it wasn’t always professional. You often would visit hot springs together and share all sorts of secrets or indulge in typical girl talk. She had even taught you how to dance a little, even if you were so bad at it. 
“I’m sure he does it because he knows you can handle it,” she tries to defend. 
“I seriously doubt it,” you sigh. “His lordship is a great man, but sometimes I’d like to give him a piece of my mind.” You fist comes to clench dramatically in front of you and Ayaka flicks open her fan to hide her smile behind it’s elegant artistry. She could practically see the frustrated fumes rolling off your head, not unlike a freshly steamed bun. 
“His behavior doesn’t seem to stop you from admiring him though.” Your previously steaming face has all too quickly gone frozen before looking at Ayaka. She had the same playful gleam in her eye that her brother has all too frequently. Her words process in your mind like a lagging phone connection before you were clearing your throat and using the envelope filled with papers as a fan to cool yourself with. 
“It sure is warm out this morning, huh?” Your attempts to slip away from the conversation’s direction of your illegal-feeling crush was stiff and awkward.
Thankfully, your reprieve came in the form of Thoma who was finally ready to go. He questioned if something happened seeing his Lady giggling to herself while you looked off in all sorts of directions in odd patterns. You quickly deny that anything happened at all and that you should really get going- okay, yeah- see you later, my lady!
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“Yes, thank you. No..! No. There's no need for that, it’s my job. Yes, mmhmm, goodbye!” 
You've just handed over the documents that the Police Station had required from the estate when you make your escape. You always wondered if that the reason the Tenryou police force is so kind to you was because they had falsely imprisoned you years ago. You never confirm anything yourself regarding their behavior though. Every time you were there, they were kind to a fault! It was always so awkward how they would offer a snack or tea for the road, or even extra mora for compensation on a ‘job well done’. 
It wasn’t like you were going to stick around to explain your constant denials to them either. If they were willing to sit down and talk to you anywhere else away from Tenshukaku, you’d be happy to put their worries to rest! But, inside the commission grounds where the Shogun could just pop up out of nowhere? Thanks, but no thanks.
Even if the police station itself was more or less isolated from the rest of the commission thanks to the bridge leading towards the main buildings, you were not about to test your luck. 
When you finally leave the last inching grounds of the Tenryou Commission, you find Thoma obediently waiting for you. Feeling free of the burden of delivery, you meet up with him and put your hands on your hips while he hops back to his feet. 
“Alright,” you breathe, “where to now?” 
“Ritou!” He cheers and his sudden bubbly attitude- although technically normal- was a hop, skip and jump away from his push over attitude when you strongarmed him into coming to the city with you. Your eyebrow raises and you shift your weight onto one side. 
“Ritou? What, something else needs ‘Fixing’? Or are your ears just burning?” Thoma waves his hand dismissively and laughs as you both start walking off. 
“Oh, no. Nothing like that. Captain Beidou is coming back into port I hear,” he hums with a skip in his step that seems way too exciteful. “She’s got some interesting ‘cargo’ this time around- or so rumor says.” 
“When you talk like that- you sound nefarious, Thoma.” 
“What? Do I really?”
Leaving the city, you wonder just what cargo she’s brought with her. If it was a rumor, surely you should’ve heard it too- since you both run in the same circles more or less. Naturally, you know that Thoma's reach far extends yours, but still. In the back of your mind, you feel like you should know, but it never comes to you. 
You join Thoma at the docks, sitting himself comfortably atop some crates as he offers you a snack- which you accept. You look around the docks and feel a little bit nostalgic. This was where you somehow floated in from your world- from a different reality. Seeing it always made you feel a bit melancholic when you come by for one reason or another.
Soon, the ship Thoma had been anticipating appeared off in the distance on the water's horizon. The wooden dragon's head attached to the bow of the massive ship breaks through the clouds of the sea's horizon.
You still couldn’t get the nagging out of the back of your head that you should know what’s coming. It wasn’t until seeing the head of blond hair shining like stars and the floating white fairy that is their companion at the front of the Crux... the realization hits you like a truck. 
The Traveler has arrived in Inazuma..! 
While you were giddy at seeing their silhouette and excited on figuring out which twin it would be, on top of getting a pretty good idea on the timeline of events now, you also feel a pit forming in your stomach. Things were about to get pretty shaky in Inazuma and there was no way in hell you’d be able to steer anyone out of the way of the path. 
From the moment Thoma jumped up from the boxes he was sitting on while aimlessly flipping a coin in his hand, to jumping up and hoping down to greet Beidou- you feel like you have no place in the moment. It was the first time since getting used to Inazuma that you could recall parts of the game so vividly; seeing it play out in front of you like this made you feel isolated in a way that completely overshadowed your original giddiness. 
You weren't supposed to be here.
You were excited to possibly get to greet Beidou before she set sail back off the island since having Kazuha, a wanted figure in Inazuma, currently on the Crux didn’t make for a full-scale stay. The shackles of invisible misplacement bound to your ankles keep you in place as you soon see her turn her back on the three others. Returning back to her ship.
Thoma speaks momentarily to the new ‘honored guests’ afterward. “Now then, first things first, we need to get you registered at the border checkpoint.” 
“Um, Paimon thought we were supposed to be keeping this on the downlow… Are we just going to walk into the government's hands?” 
Thoma lightly laughs. "Don’t underestimate the reaches of the Sakoku Decree. You wouldn’t be able to avoid inspection even if you tried. So, we have to play by the rules… even if we’re kind of bending them.” 
Thoma wraps up his spiel before gesturing towards you, nearly completely hidden behind the crates that smell like sea salt-stained wood. The other two hadn’t even realized you were there. Paimon almost yelps at the sight of you peering around the crates Thoma has been lounging on all morning. Cupping one of his hands around his mouth, he shouts your name. 
“Come over here and say hello to our new guests!” His hand that is cupped to help his voice travel, moves over his head in an eager come here motioned arch. You swallow and it feels like there's a handful of sand in your throat. Clearing it helps none. 
You try and find your footing- both literally and figuratively- as you make a very conscious attempt not to slip down the few wooden steps to the trio. You place your hands behind your back so you could fiddle with your fingers anxiously on the downlow. Thoma gently gestures to you once you stand at his side with one arm, the other towards the Traveler and Paimon. 
“This lovely lady is y/n. She’s a dear friend and coworker of mine, so she’ll be sticking around for the remainder of this errand.”  
“Hi!” Greeted the so-called ‘voice’ of the Traveler. “It’s nice to meet you. Paimon’s, Paimon and he’s, Aether!” She points one of her small hands towards the male twin who offers you a friendly smile and head nod. You release one of your hands from behind your back and offer a small, friendly wave to the both of them. 
“I’m glad you managed to sail in safely,” you speak. Your voice is quieter than normal and judging by Thoma’s raised brow in your direction, he notices. “Of course, you were in good hands, I hear.” 
“Oh yeah!” Paimon agrees, proudly crossing her arms. “That storm was no match for Beidou!” 
You don't realize you're staring at Aether until his eyes met yours and you suck in a breath so abruptly, you begin coughing. Thoma, panicking at your sudden fit, rubs your back as you hunch over to brace yourself. Hands on your knees and face down towards the dock. You could see the water waving between the wooden planks, and you squeeze your eyes shut. ‘Get it together!’ you scream at yourself. 
Briefly apologizing and catching your breath, you reassure Thoma that you’re alright- 'just swallowed some sea air'- and that the whole process of bending the rules to get Aether into Inazuma and past the Decree wouldn’t wait forever. No better time than the present to get work done after all. 
Following beside Thoma, who was leading the way for Aether and Paimon, he gently nudges your arm before leaning down to whisper to you. Once more, he asks if you were really doing okay. And once again, you reassure him that you were perfectly fine… like a liar.
You again distance yourself from the Fixer and his newest mess that is the Traveler’s slip into the nation once he gets to Kageyama, the woman who would begin the long inspection process. Standing a way back behind the trio, you watched them converse far out of earshot as you lean against the side of the nearest small building on the dock. Switching between kicking at nothing with the toe of your shoes and grinding your heel in the wood, the Archon Quest from your memory was making you anxious. 
You had this bad habit back in reality that when the main quest took a turn from main, eventual playable characters, into NPC territory your memory would simply cease to work. Sure, you could remember some small details, but nothing major aside from the key parts of the quest. Closing your eyes, you do your best to recall what you can. 
Thoma getting the Traveler started which was happening in real time. Somehow getting roped into helping someone in Ritou with something since that was the only area we could be in thanks to game mechanics keeping us in Ritou. Playing letter delivery between some commission clans. 
Then there was a gap which makes you click your tongue. 
You know Thoma gets kidnapped, taken to the Statue of the Omnipresent God with his Vision being confiscated. You know the Traveler- in this case Aether- comes to his rescue. But before all that, you know he’s introduced to Ayaka and the Yashiro Commission. Then there's Komore Teahouse. And eventually Watatsumi Island. 
It was all jumbled in your head and you couldn’t recall what happens when or first. It was like a mental floating diagram with no linear connections. Your eyes open slightly as you glare down at the wooden pier. 
Although you had no plans on playing some sort of clairvoyant hero or anything, you think that maybe with enough information you could be at least some help.
Even if it seemed pointless.
You were just a normal person by Teyvat’s standards. You have no Vision and you were pretty certain that you would stay Visionless, since giving something like elemental power to a second Outworlder would be playing with fire. It wasn’t like you had been training as a warrior or had any some innate combat skills like Thoma or Ayaka did with their battle experience. 
It was frustrating. So frustrating. All you have to work with is an unreliable memory of events. 
You jump when Thoma places his hand on your shoulder. His look of concern made you even more frustrated. Still, you take a breath to calm down. There was no use getting irritated at anyone when it was no one’s fault but yours. 
“Thoma," you begin, "you’re taking them to the Outlanders Affair Agency, right?” The ginger nods, confirming what you had been through once before. It was a simple affair getting your identity sorted out two years ago- or rather forged- when Kamisato Ayato was involved. You were more or less familiar with the process.
Still, the added knowledge of the game, you know the whole ordeal could take a while.
“I’m… going back to the estate. I promised Lady Akaya I wouldn’t be long,” you lie. You just want to go off and clear your head. The walk back would be good for clearing your mind you hope. 
The pyro user seems hesitant on letting you go back alone. The nurturer in him wanted you to sit tight and he’d escort you back himself with Aether following later; however, the haunted glimmer in your eye and insistent gnawing on your lip told him that you want to leave. To Thoma who's been working with you the entire time you’ve been in Inazuma, he knows you’re trying to get away from something. He just wishes he knew what it is.
“I understand,” he nods. Trying to suggest anything to try and postpone or stop you would only worsen your condition. 
Placing his hand on your head, he ruffles your hair up to which you glare not so threatening up at him. “Please be careful. You know what to do if you run into any trouble along the way.” Thoma had once taught you some basic self-defense under the pretense of you being stronger than the average working woman- whatever that meant. Sure, you could toss around the samurai who patrol around the Yashiro Headquarters with little effort, but you never thought that to be all that impressive. Anyone could do that. It's Teyvat where extraordinary people can pop up anywhere.
“I do. I’ll see you back at the residence when you finish up your ‘test’. Don’t tease the Trav- Aether,” you correct, “too much.” With no promises to make the process easy on the blond, you were soon leaving Thoma behind in Ritou; feeling about as alone and frustrated as you did the first time you ever did two years ago. 
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When you return to the residence, Ayaka quickly picks up on your foul mood. She asks about it briefly, wondering if you were still upset about Ayato’s decision to send you towards the police station before leaving. Reassuring her it was nothing of the sort did nothing but make her worry more. Still you were insistent that you were fine.
There wasn’t anything to say or do about feeling isolated in Teyvat. Thoma might understand since he’d experienced what longing for home feels like, being from Mondstadt and being relatively stuck in Inazuma. Still, you wouldn’t be able to be truthful with him in the long term, since your home wasn’t in Teyvat. 
When Thoma sends words of his actions in bringing Aether to the estate from Komore Teahouse, you help Ayaka ready herself and the screen she is to stand behind out of Aether's field of view. It was the proper thing to do when greeting someone not of the Kamisato circle as the Young Lady, much less a stranger. 
Thoma had already given his two-cents on the subject of Aether’s opinion on the current state of affairs in his message. With both your personal and in-game knowledge, you agree with Aether. It isn't his problem- and shouldn't have to be. “Don’t expect anything,” you tell your lady. 
When the three of them arrive, you take your place, sitting on the floor with your knees tucked neatly under you as Ayaka stood, facing the screen with her fan open and over the lower part of her face- an unconsciously useless action. You sit on pins and needles as she speaks to Aether. When he interrupts her, your eyes shut in expectancy. 'Here we go.'
“I’m just here to meet the Raiden Shogun. I did not come to start a rebellion,” he says. You hear Ayaka’s voice hitch in her throat before Thoma is sighing on the other side of the screen with Aether. 
“See, milady,” Thoma deflates, “it’s just as I said… this will take us nowhere…” 
“I’m going to leave now,” Aether declares. Turning his back to the screen, Paimon floating loyally at his side. Ayaka’s last ditch effort reaches out in the form of desperate pleas for him to wait. She explains that if he fulfills three wishes for her, she’ll concede and make an opportunity for him to meet with the Raiden Shogun. With no other options, Paimon and Aether agree. 
Aether and Paimon soon leave to find and check after the people who had fallen victim to the Vision Hunt Decree and had their Visions' confiscated. Ayaka brings your state of mind back to the present through her musings. You were stuck in an uncomfortable sort of in between. That consisting of the Kamisato Estate and the long-abandoned apartment in your previous reality. 
“What should I do if, even after all this, he still refuses to lend his aid?” Ayaka wasn’t asking you, but merely sorting her worries out loud. You lift yourself up to your feet and quietly dismiss yourself. When she speaks again, she is talking to you, or rather your back since you don't turn to face her. If she weren't your friend, she could consider the action-or lack thereof- to be highly rude. “Are you sure you’re alright? You seem so… absent since you got back from Ritou.” 
“With all due respect, milady,” you take a deep breath. Trying to shake this headache and heartache and frustration. You were becoming irritated with yourself and don't need to be taking it out on others. “Sending someone like him, who has nothing to do with our state of affairs, out on errands like this to try and gain his sympathy like this? As a fellow outsider who was dragged into Inazuma’s drama, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.”  The space Ayaka occupies behind you is heavily silent. “Please, excuse me.” 
You head out the front door, passing by Thoma who is still present in the room once Aether cleared out. He looks at you for a brief moment before looking away, rubbing the back of his neck. You vaguely hear Ayaka shuffle around the screen divider before heading outside, not seeing the guilty look on her face or the worrying words she spills onto Thoma as you depart. 
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a/n pt.2: our traveler is aether! believe it or not, i had pros/cons of using either aether or lumine as the traveler. and even tho lumine's had more i could have worked with, i still chose aether in the end lol. maybe its bc personally i prefer traveler!lumine, so in my mind i wanted to give aether a chance (⌒_⌒;)
hopefully, the more 'intense' feelings i tried inserting made yet another ayato-less chapter still entertaining to read (┻ ﹏ ┻)
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wriokitty · 8 months ago
ayato calls you my wife or wife as a pet name.
“good morning, my wife.”
“have you had dinner, wife?”
“does that feel good, my wife? tell your dear husband he’s making his wife feel good.”
I think I’m actually obsessed with him…
YEAH YEAH YOU GET IT!!!! I love making him call you “wife” when I write him he just sounds so…..so endeared and proud when you calls you that. His wife. He adds little terms of endearment in front of it too
“Ah, you spoil me, dear wife” when you kiss him as you visit him in his office with tea
“Why, hello my darling wife. You are looking exceedingly beautiful as always” when you’re all dressed up for a rare night out with him
“How lucky I am, to have my perfect wife take me so well. I have waited the whole day for you, my love” when his cock buries perfectly into you after a long, tiresome day
My god. MY GODDD I need him
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laugtherhyena · 3 months ago
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Character inspo things, i thought about making these a lil while ago when the trend was going around but i could never think of enough characters to fill it all the way (i still can't, but eh fuck it)
#I don't usually drag inspo from a lot of specific places when it comes to character creation so it's hard for me to think of such#i would make these for the other ocs too if i even had much like. there's quite literally nothing i can connection Jiro and Hitaru to#Akemi's personality is inspired by Karin from street fighter alpha and that's pretty much it#nothing much for Bashira and Ippei other than making them feel like Ayame results from the two#Emina doesn't have anything other than that either. But Ayato takes slight inspiration from Butterscotch Horseman#Hamato is just meant to resemble Ando. and strangely enough the one character inspo for Yukari is Honeyspring from Lutumclan#(don't ask how that connects honestly. idk either) + La chorona song from Coco#none of these are enough to fill even half of this template so I'm not making one for the other Another series ocs#onto the ones that are actually here tho! let me elaborate on them#starting with Beni there's Kanata who's a big inspo when it comes to character design beats. as explained in the breakdown post i made#Retsuko and the unused idea for her expression and general anger prone aspect if Beni's personality#Mirei and Nayuta are more tied to her age specifically. the former for her adult self and latter the child one#they give “what is wrong with her” kinda vibes to me#Kizuna and Ayame on Akira's is self explanatory. she's a fankid of course inspo will be drawn from the parents#but other than desigh beats I'd say her personality leans more heavily on Kizuna inspo and Ayame a little less#Callie was not an inspo for her originally but ever since i notices that they look similar i feel like Akira has gotten dumber/sillier#it affects how i imagine the way she talks too. Callie but moreso Mr.Peanutbutter on that speech pattern department#and Juri is there for clothing style as in big baggy pants and crop top looking shirts. color scheme a bit too#hyena ramblings#dra#oc#fankid#Benitsuru Ando#Akira Tomori Hatano
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yutamayo · 2 years ago
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i-write-hurt-not-comfort · 2 years ago
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diabolik lovers as quotes || part 2 [source: tiktok]
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afra-blueraz · 1 year ago
// nothing very important but I just finished writing the first book of my diabolik lovers series and I'm just in love with my idea for this series. I wish the real diabolik lovers was like my idea 😭. I mean diabolik lovers already has a great potential but in some certain routes I feel that they missed this potential and didn't write a good story (lost eden). That's why I wanna rewrite all games in my own way with my own ideas and headcanons. I will keep all canon facts and personalities. But I wanna do it in a better way. Giving all characters more development with more stories. Because as you know its gonna have 15 seasons 😁. In other ways I wanna make my own diabolik lovers that is more ideal to me. My dear Yui is a queen and deserves better endings.
By no means I'm gonna change the real story. I just wanna rewrite it in a better way and I will keep most important canon things. Just wanna make a better series for myself.
Not sure about the release date yet. Because I want to publish Bloody Roses and 2 other Angel and Devil novels before that. My blog is very close to 1k followers. In any case, I prefer to start publishing this novel after I become 1000, so that more people can read this novel.
I just wanna inform you guys about my series. I'm so proud of this one.
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silkjade · 7 months ago
building an entire modern cinematic universe off of museum au i’m so unwell 😞
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