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anigdha · 1 year
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hoodreader · 25 days
the upcoming months for nicki minaj (predictions).
i’m making this for practice.
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to be honest, i don't feel like middle to end of september is going to be good for nicki minaj. and i think it's gon suck well into october too...
she has her twelfth house containing mars in capricorn. the tweflth house is the house of one's own self undoing. it's highly karmic, so we are often undone by things we refuse to accept and grow from. it's no surprise that nicki is quite terrible at expressing her anger and frustration... like... to be honest, this is all because she's quite insecure in reality.
mars is the planet of the root chakra, and the root chakra shows our survival and our sense of security, and hers is afflicted. as is it's a malefic, in the house of "bad spirit." it forms a mutual reception with her tenth house saturn in scorpio. she could be using it to learn how to properly direct her energy -- how to assert her authority. but she doesn't.
but she want everybody to bow to her and i think it's her tenth house saturn conjunct her ninth house pluto. the ninth house is the house of god. so i wonder if the tenth house lord being in the ninth house conjunct her tenth house saturn creates a god complex.
anyways. i think her insecurity is causing her to be paranoid and lash out on people but that's compromising her ability to create from a space that's not also insecure. to be real, i also think that's why her music ain't hitting like it used to. in this case, she lowkey embodying the myth of saturn. saturn can show how far someone will go to maintain power. that nigga literally ate his kids. and she always talking about how bitches her sons so... do the math.
this pluto in capricorn transit over her mars been showing just how paranoid she is. she been wanting to undermine others because she want to feel powerful but her spiritual "power bank" is again compromised.
and her twelfth house lord is in the tenth house. this shit is really impacting her legacy and her public reception. instead of gracefully solidifying herself as a legend & accepting that times change, she's conspiring against herself due to her paranoia. she also is a natal eighth house virgo moon. an overactive mind in the shadows of her mind is lowkey fucking with her.
there's going to be a transit moon, transit pluto, and natal mars conjunction in her twelth house on october 11th. i'm just throwing shit out... but the way the moon works is that as a luminary, it illuminates whatever house it's in. in the twelfth house, it can illuminate the ways she's undoing herself and thus undoing her career as a result of it?
there's going to be a lunar eclipse in her second house-eighth house axis on september 17th. i do not think it'll be nice to her. but that's because she's not nice to others and thus, she's not nice to herself. "when u hurt me u hurt urself." this lunar eclipse will be passing over the transit saturn rx in pisces in her second house. i haven’t yet thought about how the lunar eclipse will impact the saturn rx, but it does involve the nodes. and specifically the south node. the node of past life karma. of the body without the head. it’s baggage.
lunar eclipses illuminate things that were hidden within us. the transit moon will be in her second house, the sun will be in her eighth house conjunct her natal moon. which means her natal eighth house virgo moon will be opposing the transit pisces moon. true colors really finna show. i think this should be a dormant time for her. she don’t need to be tweeting, arguing, going live, nothing tbh. she already got natal indications for having baggage so it’d do nothing but illuminate it.
all-in-all, there's a lot of moon/mars/saturn/pluto energy concentrated.
transit moon in saturn's sign
transit pluto in saturn's sign
natal mars in saturn's sign
natal saturn in mars' sign
natal mars and saturn mutual reception
natal saturn and pluto mutual reception (i'm unsure if exalts count but her pluto is in libra)
et cetera.
some other things is her twelfth house south node in capricorn and her sixth house north node in cancer. i can’t yet think about how to connect that. but anyways. we'll see in due time.
edit: also she’s a huge fucking pick me & it’s that afflicted moon and moon-venus square. she need to work onnat. and maybe the lilith-venus conjunction. which sucks cuz if u know how to harness lilith energy a lilith-venus conjunction is so cool.
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crying-wolves · 1 year
hi!! why stress when you can be in a fictional world??
so i kept seeing my ex this week 🫣 after not seeing them for a year 🥴 and im over her but it’s like first gay love you know? that shit fucks you up!!!
i kept thinking about abby and how i wish i could text her 😭😭 like babe come pick me up PLEASE
so yeah maybe something around that?? i think we all need some abby comfort
You usually weren’t known for making mistakes.
Seriously, as overconfident and precise as it sounds, you were always the smart one. Level-headed in a way that pissed your friends off when all they wanted to do was go a little feral. Experiment. Let whatever happens, happen.
Yeah, you didn’t buy into that whole “let the universe make your choices for you” moonshine. Didn’t appeal to you in the slightest.
So why, oh, why are you spending your Friday night standing outside of a crumbling sports bar, rubbing at those tears that threaten to fall from your eyes onto the ground below you?
You guess the universe pushes and pushes until it finally has its way with you in the end.
Your fingers had dialed practically everyone of your four roommates in the past 10 minutes that you’ve been standing out in the balmy summer air, but, of fucking course, each call went straight to voice mail every single time.
Figures! The one time you decide to do something out of your comfort zone and everything starts spinning off its axis immediately.
The idea of calling an Uber flits across the back of your mind, but you really don’t want to spend anymore money tonight, having already handed your card over to the bartender enough times that you were thoroughly buzzed and feeling that if you checked your bank account right now, all of those vodka sodas would come racing back up your throat. Hard pass.
It isn’t until you scroll through your contacts for the fifth consecutive time and land right back at the top, however, that you stop to consider what may be the most obvious answer of the night: Abby Anderson. Fuckin’ duh.
Abby “Permanent Designated Driver” Anderson. The girl who has decidedly quit drinking altogether after deciding that she really wants to take her whole softball career seriously. Abby Anderson who is always, always wide awake into the deep recesses of the night, cramming for her 8am or putting in a few last minute hours at the gym.
Abby Anderson, sweet, sweet, Abby, somehow bestowed with the patience of a saint and the subtlety of a freight train, who will definitely pick you up, but won’t hesitate to ask what you’re doing at this ratty old place at 2:30 in the morning.
It’s probably a lot better than practically dragging your way home, so, why not?
You dial the number and she picks up within 3 rings, a little out of breath. You guess she took on the weight room, tonight.
Your body stiffens. Fuck! How well do you actually know Abby? You’ve barhopped with her and some other friends in the past, but most of those nights were spent casually sipping at a bottle of soda while you listen to everyone else converse and socialize. When was the last time you actually spoke to her?
“Is this one of those county cop calls that keeps going around campus, cause I’m not signing your fuckin’ petition—“
“No, no!” You blurt out, a little surprised at yourself. “It’s just— I mean, it’s just…me?”
Abby says your name inquisitively through the phone, sounding as startled as you are. “Hey…is everything alright?”
You scan your surroundings as if they’ll give you the answer that you’re looking for, and shrug like she can see you. Could be worse, you guess?
“Are you busyyy tonight?” You slur a little, and she seems concerned at the sound.
“No, I’m, uh, free? Are you in—“
“Could you, maybeee, give me a ride home?”
You think you can hear a ‘pause sound’ moving through her head, or maybe you’re just a bit more drunk than you thought.
“Yeah! Yeah, totally, just…are you off-campus, or—?”
“Mmhmm! I’llsendyouthelocation, byeee!”
You click the end call button and stare st the black screen. Since when did you get so frazzled over talking to her? She sounds the same as she usually does, right? Choosing not to think about it too much, the location is sent her way and, judging by the distance, she should be there in 20 minutes.
She’s there in 15. You hear her before you can actually make out the vehicle in the distance. It’s late. The roads are empty. You didn’t give her much context, so, you don’t exactly blame her for hurrying.
But her car pulls up in front of you like a heavy metal chariot, and you get a little anxious about stepping into the passenger’s seat in your sheer black dress and platform heels.
Neither of you say anything for the first minute and you’re rather grateful. Your insides feel like poorly melted snow, and you’re not sure if it’s the way that Abby’s gripping the steering wheel or the fact that she keeps glancing over at you through the side window. You see your legs shift against the leather seats, but your mind is elsewhere.
“Did you, uh, get to the bar alone?” She begins, tapping her thick fingers against the wheel, sounding like she’s trying to broach something, but you don’t know what it is yet.
You squint down at your phone screen to check the time again. Right. The evening started way earlier than you remembered.
“Nope. Came here on a blind date.”
Abby tries not to react like that shocks her, but she doesn’t quite make the mark.
“You went—! Oh! Right! ‘course! Makes sense…”
Silence, again. The kind that’s unbearable in situations like these. You roll down the window for some fresh air, but it makes the both of you sweat even more.
“Did it…go well?”
You purse your lips together and shake your head. “Nope. She was kind of a dick.”
Abby lets out a breathy chuckle at your answer and you decide to keep going.
“She wasn’t really that into me. Kept chatting up the waitress and interrupting me whenever I spoke. Said she had to leave early to pick up her little brother from his friend’s house, but she said she was an only child when I asked earlier, so…”
“Damn…that’s—that’s rough…”
What is with the both of you and pained silences? Seems to be something in the air tonight.
Abby clears her throat while you’re silently moping at the memories, and when you get to a red light, she turns to take you in.
“If it makes you feel any better, the last date I went on snuck out of the back door before dessert.”
You gasp, dramatically, and she rolls her eyes in the same manner.
“No fuckin’ way! You’re tellin’ meee that someone would actually pass up a chance to go on a date with you?” The utter disbelief that you stare up at her with makes her cheeks go pink, and she can’t help but feel a little satisfied with herself. She smiles, a little bitterly.
“Not as much of a catch as you think I am, babe.”
You can’t help but giggle. “Oh, I hardly believe that, Ms. Anderson.”
If there’s one thing you can thank the alcohol for, besides getting you in Abby’s car in the first place, it’s the extra push it gives you to go for the things you actually want.
“You know, Abigail, if you’re into it, we could, maybe, do a repeat performance of our shitty dates with each other, and make them…not shitty? How’s that sound?”
You feel the smile before you see it on her face. It’s like she can bring the warmth of the sun into any space she occupies.
“Well…” she starts “As long as you promise to at least tell me before you sneak out the back, then, we got ourselves a deal.”
You’re giddy with all that light she brings. And, you think, briefly, that sure, maybe you don’t usually make these kinds of mistakes, but at least this one scored you a date with THE Abby Anderson.
So, maybe, possibly, the universe could very well be onto something.
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astrojulia · 1 year
Mermaid’s Guide to the Stars: Astrological Predictions for May 2023
May Calendar
May 1st - Pluto Rx in Aquarius
May 5th - Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio
May 7th to June 5th - Venus in Cancer
May 12th - Waning moon in Aquarius
May 15th - Mercury in Taurus
May 16th - Jupiter in Taurus
May 19th - New Moon in Taurus
May 20th to July 10th - Mars in Leo
May 21st - Sun in Gemini
May 27th - Waxing moon in Virgo
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Reminder: The dates are dd/mm/yyyy!
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Aries Rising and Sun
Hey there! In May, it looks like you might still be adjusting to the new events brought by the powerful solar eclipse in Aries. This was the first of a series of eclipses that will occur on the Aries-Libra axis between 2023 and 2024. Pluto will begin to retrograde on May 1st and will remain that way until October 11th. Although Pluto's fame can be scary, it affects the world more than the individual. On May 5th, the second eclipse of the year is coming. This lunar eclipse in Scorpio comes in a tense aspect with Uranus, so be attentive to your financial matters and regularly check your bank account and credit card to avoid strange charges. It's possible that you may need to insure your beloved belongings before the eclipse arrives. Alternatively, you may have a large pending payment related to a loan, taxes, or repair bills. Additionally, it's possible that you may discover an employee or partner is embezzling funds if they work for themselves. Another possibility is that this eclipse activates the subject of surgery in your life.On May 7th, Venus will begin its transit through Cancer, where it will remain until June 5th, allowing you to feel comfortable and pleasurable in your home. If the expense brought by the eclipse referred to the purchase of a property, now you may be thinking about how to decorate that new space.On May 15th, Mercury will resume direct motion in Taurus, helping you have more clarity on financial matters and ways to make money. The following day, on May 16th, Jupiter will ingress into Taurus to stay until May 24th, 2024, bringing great blessings to your financial and material life.On May 19th, there will be a New Moon in Taurus that comes together with Uranus, well-supported by Pluto, but tense with Saturn. This moon also activates material matters, indicating that to grow financially, sometimes you will encounter instability. However, this moon opens a door for money to flow, indicating the birth of an idea or project of a new source of income in your life.Mars begins to transit through Leo on May 20th and will remain in this sign until July 10th, helping you accelerate a project or idea that involves increasing your earnings. However, be aware of excessive authoritarianism and individualism, which can turn into selfishness and generate fights in relationships.On May 21st, the Sun will ingress into Gemini, and you will turn to matters involving lectures, courses, and studies. In summary, May 2023 will be intense and full of events, from financial events to opportunities for growth and learning.
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Taurus Rising and Sun
Hey, in May, you might be adjusting your life to the new patterns painted by a powerful solar eclipse in Aries. It was the first of a series of eclipses that will occur between 2023 and 2024.Pluto starts retrograding on the first day of May and will continue until 11/10. Before settling in Aquarius, Pluto will briefly go back to Capricorn from 11/06 to 20/01/2024. In 2023, we will still experience a kind of transition, with Pluto allowing us a free sample from 23/03 to 11/06 of what it will do in Aquarius and then returning to Capricorn to give us time to think about it.This Lunar Eclipse occurs in Scorpio on 05/05 in a tense aspect with Uranus. This eclipse could reveal someone close to you who is not honest. Make sure everything is going well in your relationship, as someone close to you may not be honest, and you would find out at the time of the eclipse.Two days later, on 07/05, Venus will begin its transit through Cancer, where it will remain until 05/06, and this movement will help you with any unresolved conversations or issues in your life.On 15/05, Mercury will resume its direct motion in the sign of Taurus, helping you express yourself and communicate better. The next day, on 16/05, Jupiter will enter Taurus to stay until 24/05/2024. Jupiter makes everything it touches grow, and it will be pouring blessings directly on your head, inaugurating a 12-month period ahead where luck will be on your side in countless ways, making you live one of the periods of greatest personal and material growth of your life.May holds a New Moon in Taurus on 19/05 that comes together with Uranus, well-supported by Pluto, but tense with Saturn. This Moon marks a new chapter in your life, a new version of you being born, a new way of presenting yourself to the world. Pluto will be supporting this Moon and from where it is, adds a touch of power and glamour to your image.In a month where everything fits, there is also room for a change in Mars, which begins to transit through Leo on 20/05 and remains in this sign until 10/07. Mars will help you get involved with a property or make repairs and improve your home. Alternatively, if you are not involved with your physical home, you may be focusing on a family matter.On 21/05, the Sun will enter Gemini to stay until 21/06, and you will focus on matters that involve your earnings and material resources, trying to understand how to achieve more success in this area. In a month where everything happens, there is room to move money too, and thus ends the intense and eventful May of 2023.
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Gemini Rising and Sun
Hey, in May you might be adjusting your life after a powerful solar eclipse in Aries. This was the first of a series of eclipses that will occur in the Aries-Libra axis between 2023 and 2024.On May 1st, Pluto will begin to retrograde and stay that way until 10th November. Pluto is already in Aquarius until 2043, but before settling definitively in this sign, it will briefly return to Capricorn from 11th June to 20th January 2024. In 2023, we are still in a kind of transition, as if Pluto allows us a free sample of what it will do in Aquarius from 23rd March to 11th June, and then returns to Capricorn to give us time to think about it.On May 5th, the second eclipse of the year is waiting for us. This lunar eclipse occurs in Scorpio and is tense in aspect with Uranus. Full moons are more emotional than new moons, and eclipses carry the strength of three full moons combined in one. Something will end and something will begin related to your work and health.Changes are happening in your work. If you own your own business, make sure no one is diverting money that belongs to you. Be careful with co-workers, perhaps they will reveal a secret of yours or you will discover something about them that shakes the relationship and it won't be possible to see them the same way as before.Your home life will also suddenly become volatile. It is possible that suddenly your house needs some repair due to a leak, breakage, or structural repair needs. If you have pets, keep a close eye on them around this eclipse.Uranus works to find a weak link in your health. Watch out for anxiety and try to relax in the days surrounding the eclipse, keep your schedule free and flexible.On May 7th, Venus will begin its transit through Cancer, where it will remain until June 5th, bringing material prosperity into your life. It can bring salary increases, increases in the value of your products and services in the market, and even a rewarding and quite profitable promotion.On May 15th, Mercury will resume direct motion in the sign of Taurus, helping you organize your life and routine to preserve your well-being. The next day, on May 16th, Jupiter will enter Taurus to stay until May 24th, 2024, and this is a great gift for your physical, mental, and spiritual health.On May 19th, a New Moon in Taurus, conjunct Uranus, well supported by Pluto, but tense with Saturn. This moon also activates spiritual matters and the focus on self-care and well-being. It marks a beginning, a first step.On May 20th, Mars begins to transit through Leo until July 10th, bringing a series of trips and moving writing and speaking tasks. If you work writing or speaking in public, you will be highly sought after now.On May 21st, the Sun enters Gemini, bringing a recharge of strength and vitality to you.
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Cancer Rising and Sun
Hey there! In May, you might be adjusting your life to the new designs painted by a powerful solar eclipse in Aries. It was the first of a series of eclipses happening on the Aries-Libra axis between 2023 and 2024. On May 1st, Pluto will begin to retrograde until October 11th. Pluto is already in Aquarius for a long stay until 2043, but before settling in this sign for good, it will briefly return to Capricorn from June 11th, 2023 to January 20th, 2024. In 2023, we will still experience a kind of transition, as if Pluto allows us a free sample of what it will do in Aquarius from March 23rd to June 11th, and then goes back to Capricorn to give us time to think about it.On May 5th, the second eclipse of the year awaits us. You might be thinking, "Another one?" And the answer is yes, we usually have four eclipses per year, and in some rarer years, even six eclipses are possible. This eclipse will affect two important areas of your life: romance and children. There is a possibility that you may hear something worrying about the person you are romantically involved with, or that a casual incident may reveal something that prevents the relationship from continuing as it was before. If you are in the midst of a separation or divorce, you may be in conflict with your ex about children if you have them. Of course, this eclipse is not inherently negative. If your dating or marriage is strong and happy, the surprise that the eclipse brings may even be highly positive, making you cry with happiness and emotion.On May 7th, Venus will begin its transit through Cancer, bringing peace and well-being. Venus will help you feel good in your own skin, making you calmer and more diplomatic, more graceful and courteous. Venus will also make you a more vain person, and this is a good time for aesthetic treatments or changes in appearance.On May 16th, Jupiter will enter Taurus to stay until May 24th, 2024, and this is a great gift for the realization of your dreams. Jupiter makes everything it touches grow, and it will be pouring blessings on long-held dreams, such as having children, visiting a place, living a great love, or simply acquiring a property or a certain lifestyle, inaugurating a 12-month period ahead in which you will realize a great dream, be it material or personal, making you live one of the most fulfilling periods of the decade.On May 19th, a New Moon in Taurus that comes together with Uranus brings a novelty, which can be an invitation or a proposal. It is also supported by Pluto, indicating that you will be relating to important people in your circle.Mars begins to transit through Leo on May 20th and remains in this sign until July 10th. Mars will help you earn more money from now on, adding strength, courage, and speed to your earnings.The Sun will enter Gemini on May 21st, and you will turn inward, to your intimacy and privacy, wishing to be more behind the scenes.
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Leo Rising and Sun
Hey there! In May, you'll still be adjusting to the changes that a powerful solar eclipse in Aries brought to your life. It was the first of a series of eclipses that will occur on the Aries-Libra axis between 2023 and 2024.On May 5th, the second eclipse of the year will occur, a lunar eclipse in Scorpio. This eclipse will activate matters involving your family and home, and you might be surprised by unexpected repairs and maintenance needs. Also, if you live in a rented space, keep an eye on your rental contract. You might also receive unexpected news from someone you live with.However, Mars and Saturn will be oriented towards the eclipse, creating a comforting and stabilizing vibe amidst the unpredictability.Two days later, on May 7th, Venus will begin its transit through the sign of Cancer, adding emotional well-being and comfort. On May 15th, Mercury will resume its direct motion in the sign of Taurus, helping you resolve any work or career-related issues that were at a standstill or some kind of misunderstanding.On May 16th, Jupiter enters Taurus and stays until May 24th, 2024, ushering in a 12-month period ahead where you'll see your career shine brightly. You'll be making a name for yourself! May also holds a New Moon in Taurus on May 19th that is conjunct Uranus, well-supported by Pluto, but tense with Saturn. This moon also activates career and professional life matters.In a month full of movement, there will also be a change in Mars, which begins to transit through Leo on May 20th and remains in this sign until July 10th.On May 21st, the Sun enters Gemini, and your focus will turn to events, social gatherings, and friendships.
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Virgo Rising and Sun
Hey, in May you might be adjusting to some new changes in your life due to a powerful solar eclipse in Aries. This is the first of a series of eclipses that will occur on the Aries-Libra axis between 2023 and 2024. On May 5th, Pluto will start its retrograde phase and will remain retrograde until October 11th. Pluto is already in Aquarius for a long stay until 2043, but before settling definitively in this sign, it will briefly return to Capricorn from June 11th to January 20th, 2024. In 2023, we'll still be in a kind of transition, as if Pluto allowed us a free sample of what he'll do in Aquarius from March 23rd to June 11th and then return to Capricorn to give us time to think about it.On May 5th, the second eclipse of the year is waiting for us. This lunar eclipse will occur in Scorpio. The family of eclipses on the Taurus-Scorpio axis began in 2021 on November 19th with a lunar eclipse in Taurus. Two new eclipses have recently arrived in this axis on October 25th, 2022, and November 8th, 2022, as a solar eclipse in Scorpio and a lunar eclipse in Taurus. This lunar eclipse that occurs in Scorpio on May 5th comes in a tense aspect with Uranus, which means its own nature is to be completely unpredictable and the ruler of chaos. This eclipse will shed light on matters involving contracts and written documents such as subpoenas, correspondence, or notifications.On May 7th, Venus will begin its transit through Cancer, where it will remain until June 5th, adding a touch of fun to your life. On May 15th, Mercury will resume direct motion in the sign of Taurus, helping you resolve any pending issues or delays involving travel, foreign affairs, and academic pursuits. The next day, on May 16th, Jupiter will enter Taurus to stay until May 24th, 2024, and this is a big move for you and the place you live in. Jupiter brings expansion, advancement, and going beyond boundaries and will be pouring blessings on foreign affairs and travel, inaugurating a 12-month period ahead in which you will be traveling a lot.May holds a New Moon in Taurus on May 19th, which comes together with Uranus, well supported by Pluto, but tense with Saturn. This Moon also activates matters involving travel and foreignization, and it touches on issues involving academia and university education. It may mark the moment when you receive news of a visa or foreign residence approval or at least, a trip to a state or country different from your own.On May 20th, Mars begins to transit through Leo and remains in this sign until July 10th, which may be an uncomfortable period for you. Mars will be activating matters involving silence and retreat, which can be stressful and unsettling. On May 21st, the Sun enters Gemini to stay until June 21st, and you'll focus on your career and professional life because this will be a phase of success and recognition in this field.
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Libra Rising and Sun
Hey, in May, you might be adjusting to life after a powerful solar eclipse in Aries. This was the first in a series that will happen between 2023 and 2024. Pluto starts going retrograde on May 1st and will be retrograde until October 11th. Pluto is already in Aquarius, but before it got to this sign, it briefly went back to Capricorn from June 11th to January 20th, 2024. In 2023, we'll be going through a transition, as if Pluto is giving us a free sample of what it's going to do in Aquarius before going back to Capricorn. On May 5th, the second eclipse of the year awaits us. We usually have 4 eclipses per year, and in some years, up to 6 are possible. Eclipses always come in pairs. This eclipse will bring news about salary, economy, or an unexpected expense. Mars and Saturn will be beautifully aligned for the eclipse, highlighting career and financial help. Venus starts its transit through Cancer on May 7th, indicating that prestige increases in career. Mercury resumes direct motion in Taurus on May 15th, helping you to have more clarity on how to deal with money. Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16th and will strongly move material issues such as profit, investments, and acquisition of material goods. May holds a New Moon in Taurus on May 19th, conjunct Uranus, well supported by Pluto, but tense with Saturn. This Moon speaks about a new investment, an acquisition, money that you decide to invest in something so it can grow. Mars starts transiting Leo on May 20th and remains in this sign until July 10th, helping to increase outings and move social relationships. The Sun enters Gemini on May 21st, and you will turn to matters involving travel, vacations, and new experiences.
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Scorpio Rising and Sun
Hey, in May you might be adjusting to the effects of a powerful solar eclipse in Aries, the first of a series of eclipses that will occur on the Aries-Libra axis between 2023 and 2024.On May 1st, Pluto will begin its retrograde and stay retrograde until October 11th. Before settling in Aquarius until 2043, Pluto will briefly return to Capricorn from June 11th to January 20th, 2024. In 2023, this means a kind of transition, allowing Pluto to show us what it will do in Aquarius from March 23rd to June 11th, before returning to Capricorn to give us time to think about it.Pluto has a scary reputation, but its forces are felt more collectively than individually. On May 5th, we'll have the second eclipse of the year, a lunar eclipse in Scorpio. We usually have four eclipses per year, and in some rare years, up to six eclipses are possible. Eclipses come in pairs, and the Taurus lunar eclipse of November 19th, 2021 marked the beginning of the eclipse family on the Taurus-Scorpio axis. The subsequent solar and lunar eclipses in Scorpio and Taurus that occurred on October 25th, 2022, November 8th, 2022, and October 28th, 2023 take the themes to a more advanced level of discussion.The lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th brings a tense aspect with Uranus, making it hard to predict what might happen. However, you can expect this eclipse to bring your attention to a romantic or commercial relationship that could become closer and more exclusive.On May 7th, Venus will begin its transit through Cancer, and you'll feel a strong desire to try new things and break the routine. Additionally, if you're open to love, look beyond borders as you may find a passion in your life.On May 15th, Mercury will resume direct motion in Taurus, helping you to talk and establish the terms of a relationship. The next day, Jupiter will enter Taurus, bringing blessings to your partnerships and inaugurating a 12-month period where you'll take further steps in committed relationships.On May 19th, a New Moon in Taurus marks a new chapter in your life, whether in a commercial or romantic relationship. Pluto will support this Moon, indicating a major transformation for the better.On May 20th, Mars will begin transiting through Leo until July 10th, promoting your career and helping you achieve professional awards and accomplishments.On May 21st, the Sun will enter Gemini, leading you to focus on material investments and profits, which will be reflected in your career thanks to Mars' hard work.
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Sagittarius Rising and Sun
Hey there! May is bringing some pretty big astrological changes that could have an impact on your life. The second eclipse of the year is set to occur on May 5th, a lunar eclipse in Scorpio that might reveal hidden enemies and secrets. It's important to stay calm and flexible when dealing with the situations brought on by the eclipse. However, the good news is that Mars and Saturn will be nicely oriented for the eclipse, which could bring a comforting and stabilizing vibration amidst the unpredictability.In addition, Venus will begin its transit through Cancer on May 7th, which could increase your material power and bring in some extra cash. On May 15th, Mercury will resume direct motion in the sign of Taurus, helping you clarify situations at work and improving your health.On May 16th, Jupiter will enter Taurus and kick off a 12-month period where it supports good professional opportunities and healing and improvement for your health.May also brings a New Moon in Taurus on May 19th, which could mark an important new beginning in your professional life or bring in a new client for your business. Mars will also begin transiting through Leo on May 20th, which could help you seek professional development.Finally, the Sun will enter Gemini on May 21st, which might lead you to look at your partnerships and value those who are loyal and stand by your side.
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Capricorn Rising and Sun
Hey, in May, you might still be getting used to the changes brought on by that powerful solar eclipse in Aries that happened earlier this year. Pluto, which has been in Aquarius since 2023, will briefly move back to Capricorn in June 2024. It's a kind of transition year where we get a free sample of what Pluto will do in Aquarius, and then it moves back to Capricorn to give us time to think about it.The eclipses always come in pairs, and on May 5th, we'll have the second eclipse of the year, a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio that comes in tense aspect with Uranus. This eclipse will affect your friendships and the groups you're a part of. You might accidentally stumble upon a secret involving one of your friends. Or you could experience a difficult situation or even a separation from a friend or group you belong to. But don't worry, there's also a chance that something good could come out of this eclipse, like a pleasant surprise related to your friendships.On May 7th, Venus begins its transit through Cancer and will stay there until June 5th, bringing happiness and lightness to your close relationships. On May 15th, Mercury will go direct in Taurus, helping you to see romance and fun grow even more in your life. On May 16th, Jupiter will ingress into Taurus and stay until May 24th, 2024, bringing considerable happiness and personal fulfillment to your life. This will be one of the most enjoyable periods of the decade for you!In May, we'll also have a New Moon in Taurus, conjunct Uranus and well-supported by Pluto, but tense with Saturn. This Moon will also activate the areas that Jupiter will help grow, and bring some exciting news. On May 20th, Mars begins to transit through Leo and stays there until July 10th, activating money, inheritance, wills, and investments. On May 21st, the Sun enters Gemini until June 21st, and you'll be taking a closer look at your daily routine and professional life.
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Aquarius Rising and Sun
Hey, in May, you might still be adjusting to the new changes brought about by a powerful solar eclipse in Aries. This was the first in a series of eclipses that will occur on the Aries-Libra axis between 2023 and 2024.Pluto has already moved into Aquarius for a long stay until 2043, but before settling into this sign permanently, it will briefly return to Capricorn from 11/06 to 20/01/2024. So in 2023, we'll still be going through a kind of transition, as if Pluto is giving us a free sample from 23/03 to 11/06 of what it will do in Aquarius, and then returning to Capricorn to give us time to think about it.The second eclipse of the year will happen on 05/05. This lunar eclipse in Scorpio will be in a tense aspect with Uranus, activating issues involving your career, reputation, and professional progress. Unexpected changes at home and in your family life may be affecting your work and professional development. Try not to overload your schedule because when this eclipse arrives, you may find yourself in a situation where your career needs you as much as your family does.Uranus can be unpredictable, but Mars and Saturn will be beautifully aligned with the eclipse, touching on your ability to reinvent yourself, survive crises, and even profit from them. With Uranus involved, it's impossible to say exactly what an eclipse will bring, but I can tell you that Mars and Saturn will create a comforting and stabilizing vibration amidst the unpredictability of the eclipse.On 07/05, Venus will begin its transit through Cancer, where it will remain until 05/06. This movement will come to resolve setbacks and even conflicts that the professional environment may be experiencing.On 15/05, Mercury will resume direct motion in the sign of Taurus, helping you resolve any family issues that have come to light and have been worrying you or even harming your career and work. The next day, on 16/05, Jupiter enters Taurus to stay until 24/05/2024, and this is a great gift for your family life as well.May holds a New Moon in Taurus on 19/05, which comes together with Uranus, well-supported by Pluto but tense with Saturn. This Moon also activates issues of home, family, and household, and you may be inaugurating your new home on this date or very close to it.Mars begins to transit through Leo on 20/05 and remains in this sign until 10/07. Mars places a lot of emphasis on close relationships, whether they be work or romantic, so you may be very focused on forming a bond or committed relationship with another person, whether it be in love (marriage) or in a business partnership or collaboration.The Sun enters Gemini on 21/05, and this is a period when you may start thinking about the subject of children, and a growing desire to make your mark in the world may also emerge.
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Pisces Rising and Sun
Hey there! In May, you might still be adjusting to the changes brought about by a powerful solar eclipse in Aries. This was just the first in a series of eclipses that will take place along the Aries-Libra axis between 2023 and 2024. On May 1st, Pluto will begin its retrograde motion, which will last until October 11th. Pluto is already in Aquarius for a long stay that will last until 2043, but before settling definitively into this sign, it will briefly return to Capricorn from June 11th to January 20th, 2024. So, in 2023, we will still be in a kind of transition, as if Pluto is giving us a free sample of what it will do in Aquarius from March 23rd to June 11th, and then returning to Capricorn to give us time to think about it.On May 5th, the second eclipse of the year awaits us. This lunar eclipse in Scorpio comes in a tense aspect with Uranus and will affect one of these areas for you: long-distance travel, immigration, citizenship and foreign residence, publishing and broadcasting projects, college and graduate school opportunities, and legal issues or lawsuits. You may need to make an unexpected trip or rush to solve a problem involving travel or immigration documents.On May 16th, Jupiter will enter Taurus and stay there until May 24th, 2024. This is a great move for you to further increase your ability to express yourself and reach an incredible number of people willing to listen.On May 19th, there will be a New Moon in Taurus, which comes together with Uranus, well supported by Pluto, but tense with Saturn. This Moon also activates matters involving communication and business. Any attention you receive in May can attract some rivalry and competition at work, which can ignite sparks of conflict and friction in the professional environment. It's best to ignore it.On May 21st, the Sun will enter Gemini and stay there until June 21st, and your focus will be on your family and home.
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(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
[24] Astronalia | Mariane Chagas. Disponível em:https://www.youtube.com/@astronalia . Acesso em: 29 mar. 2023.
Dividers Arts//Dividers Wings
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kccinstitutes · 1 year
Seminar on “Risk Management in Banking Industry”
School of Commerce, KCC Institute of Legal & Higher Education organized a seminar on “Risk Management in Banking Industry” on 21 April 2023 to make students aware about the Risk Management vertical of Banking Industry. Resource person for the day was Ms Mehak Sharma, Assistant Vice President, Axis Bank. Speaker started her talk with a basic introduction of Risk Management and later on covered Gamut of Risks like credit risk, operational risk, market risk, liquidity risk, reputation risk, concentration risk and country risk etc. Further she elaborated Country risk and its components in detail. She explained technical terms with real life examples through which students could relate fast. Speaker also talked about career options and skill set requirements for the domain. Talk session was followed by a Q & A round where students very inquisitively had all their queries answered.
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#KCC #Institutes #Greater #Noida https://www.kccitm.edu.in
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Front Desk Officer – Axis Bank Jobs in Pollachi, Coimbatore
In the rapidly evolving world of banking, the role of a Front Desk Officer is pivotal. It serves as the face of the bank, providing customers with their first impression of the institution. Axis Bank, one of India's leading private sector banks, offers a prime opportunity for aspiring professionals through the Front Desk Officer position at its Pollachi branch in Coimbatore. This role is essential not just for the day-to-day operations of the bank but also for building long-lasting relationships with customers. For those looking to build a career in banking, particularly in customer service, this position is a great entry point into the industry.
Understanding the Role of a Front Desk Officer
A Front Desk Officer at Axis Bank is responsible for managing customer interactions, ensuring that every customer who walks into the bank leaves with a positive experience. The role requires a blend of customer service, administrative skills, and an understanding of banking products and services. As the first point of contact, the Front Desk Officer must exude professionalism, warmth, and efficiency.
Key Responsibilities
The responsibilities of a Front Desk Officer at Axis Bank are varied and crucial to the smooth functioning of the bank’s operations:
Customer Service: As the face of the bank, the Front Desk Officer greets customers as they enter the branch. This involves welcoming them warmly, addressing their needs promptly, and ensuring that their banking experience is smooth and satisfying.
Handling Inquiries: The Front Desk Officer is tasked with answering customer inquiries related to various banking products and services. This requires a deep understanding of the bank’s offerings to provide accurate and helpful information.
Transaction Management: Assisting customers with day-to-day banking transactions, such as deposits, withdrawals, and account inquiries, is a core part of the role. The officer must ensure that these transactions are processed efficiently and accurately.
Account Management: Helping customers open new accounts, close existing ones, or update account information is another critical responsibility. This requires meticulous attention to detail to ensure that all documentation is correctly completed and filed.
Complaint Resolution: When customers have complaints or face issues, the Front Desk Officer is the first line of support. Handling these situations with patience, empathy, and professionalism is key to maintaining customer satisfaction.
Coordination: The Front Desk Officer often works closely with other bank staff to ensure that customer needs are met and that the branch operates smoothly. This coordination is essential for maintaining high levels of service.
Compliance: Adherence to bank policies, procedures, and regulatory requirements is a must. The Front Desk Officer must ensure that all activities are conducted within legal and organizational guidelines to maintain the integrity and reputation of the bank.
Skills and Qualifications
To excel as a Front Desk Officer at Axis Bank, certain skills and qualifications are necessary:
Educational Background: A Bachelor’s degree in any discipline is required, with a preference for those in Commerce, Finance, or Business Administration. This educational foundation helps in understanding the basic financial products and services offered by the bank.
Communication Skills: Strong communication and interpersonal skills are essential. The Front Desk Officer must be able to interact with customers effectively, addressing their needs and concerns with clarity and empathy.
Technical Proficiency: Proficiency in computer applications is important for handling transactions, managing customer accounts, and performing administrative duties efficiently.
Customer Service Experience: Ideally, candidates should have 1-2 years of experience in customer service, banking, or a related field. This experience helps in understanding customer needs and delivering high-quality service.
Why Choose a Career as a Front Desk Officer at Axis Bank?
Working as a Front Desk Officer at Axis Bank offers several benefits:
Career Advancement: Starting as a Front Desk Officer provides a solid foundation in the banking industry. It is an excellent entry point for those looking to advance into higher positions within the bank, such as in customer relationship management or branch operations.
Skill Development: The role helps you develop crucial skills such as customer service, communication, and problem-solving, all of which are highly valued in the banking sector.
Job Security: The banking industry is known for its stability. Working with a reputed institution like Axis Bank offers job security and the potential for long-term career growth.
Competitive Compensation: The salary for a Front Desk Officer at Axis Bank ranges from ₹1.8 lakhs to ₹5.8 lakhs per year, depending on experience and location. Additionally, there may be performance-based incentives and benefits that add to the overall compensation package.
How to Apply for the Front Desk Officer Position at Axis Bank in Pollachi, Coimbatore?
If you meet the eligibility criteria and are interested in this role, you can apply through the Bank Zone website. The application process is straightforward: submit your resume, and our team will assist you in finding the best job opportunities that match your skills and preferences. At Bank Zone, we specialize in helping candidates secure jobs in reputed private banks across Tamil Nadu, including at Axis Bank in Pollachi.
Why Choose the Best Bank Exam Course Training Institute in Tamil Nadu?
For those aspiring to secure a position like the Front Desk Officer at Axis Bank, enrolling in the Best Bank Exam Course Training Institute that provides the Best Job Assistance in Tamil Nadu is a crucial step. Our institute is renowned for offering top-quality training and job placement services throughout Tamil Nadu, including in major cities like Coimbatore and Pollachi.
Comprehensive Training: We provide in-depth training that prepares you for bank exams and equips you with the skills needed to excel in banking roles, including customer service positions.
Proven Track Record: We have successfully placed over 2,500 candidates in various private bank jobs across Tamil Nadu. Our job assistance program is among the best, ensuring that you find a suitable position within 35 to 40 days of completing our course.
Expert Faculty: Our experienced instructors provide personalized guidance and mentorship, helping you navigate the complexities of the banking industry and achieve your career goals.
Networking Opportunities: By joining our institute, you gain access to a network of banking professionals and alumni, which can be invaluable in your career progression.
Choosing the right training institute is the first step towards a successful banking career. With the Front Desk Officer position at Axis Bank and the support of our institute, you are well on your way to building a fulfilling and prosperous future in the banking sector. Contact us today to begin your journey.
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bejoomi · 1 month
* ♪ – my husband will not return from war
joomi is a planner. he likes to be prepared.
that's probably part of why he's so upset. even a month ago, the plan was to train every day at delta with jinyoung, eventually debut with him, and have a successful career and life together.
that is far from the plan now. he honestly doesn't know what the plan is now, but he clearly never did know what the plan was otherwise he probably would've anticipated this.
the only future he can picture in his head now is one he doesn't want: debuting under delta while jinyoung debuts under lime, living apart for at least the next ten years, only getting to see each other in passing at axis or on stage at bullshit music bank specials and maybe getting to kiss him a few times in a decade if he's lucky.
it probably won't fully sink in until tonight, when he's laying awake in his own bed, praying that he will eventually cry himself to sleep, or tomorrow morning when he wakes up alone on his favorite day of the week. it's only his favorite day of the week because of jinyoung - the only day of the week they could wake up together to the sunlight shining through the window.
joomi doesn't know what the plan is. joomi doesn't know how miserable it'll feel or if it'll feel fine but he knows he'll find out even for as much as he doesn't want to.
but he did plan for today.
last night he bought two cartons of sooyoung's favorite ice cream and stuffed them in the moon siblings' freezer - one for each of them. sooyoung's favorite isn't joomi's favorite, but he likes it well enough and if he doesn't eat the whole carton himself (he probably shouldn't but probably will) she'll have it to eat another day.
so after he temporarily finishes crying his stupid baby eyes out once the moving van leaves, he trudges over to the fridge and takes them out, still sniffling pathetically. he takes off the lids and sticks a spoon in each carton, then brings one to sooyoung, presenting it to her wordlessly.
once she takes it, he drags himself over to the sofa and plops down, immediately laying his head on the back cushion and staring up at the ceiling. that's not really accurate though. he's not really staring at anything. he doesn't know what he's doing.
"i don't know what the fuck to even - do," he admits. then sits up properly enough to dig into the ice cream and shove a spoonful into his mouth. "other than eat a whole fucking carton of ice cream and cry about it for way too long. so that's what i'm gonna do, i guess."
he eats another scoop of ice cream, then mumbles, "nobody else is going to get it."
he honestly doesn't know how sooyoung feels, either. it's probably worse for her. she and jinyoung only had each other for the longest time. he can't imagine what it'll feel like to be without him. but he's probably the person that can come closest to imagining. "i can still stay over sometimes, if you want. i'll probably just sleep on the couch because i'll just cry all night if i try to sleep in his bed. but i don't want you to be alone."
–– @besooyoung
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sumit272 · 1 month
Which MBA colleges in Lucknow have the best placement records?
As of 2024, the following MBA colleges in Lucknow are known for their strong placement records, reflecting their effectiveness in preparing students for successful careers in management:
1. Indian Institute of Management Lucknow (IIM Lucknow)
Placement Highlights:
Average Package: Approximately ₹28 LPA (Lakh per annum).
Highest Package: Over ₹50 LPA.
Top Recruiters: McKinsey & Company, Boston Consulting Group, Amazon, Deloitte, Accenture.
Almost 100% placement rate for eligible students.
Offers diverse roles in consulting, finance, marketing, and operations.
Strong global network and industry connections.
2. Jaipuria Institute of Management
Placement Highlights:
Average Package: Approximately ₹10 LPA.
Highest Package: Around ₹27 LPA.
Top Recruiters: Deloitte, HCL, ICICI Bank, ITC, HDFC Bank.
Over 90% placement rate for eligible students.
Emphasis on industry-relevant skills and practical learning.
Regular industry interactions and guest lectures.
3. Amity University, Lucknow Campus
Placement Highlights:
Average Package: Approximately ₹5 LPA.
Highest Package: Around ₹14 LPA.
Top Recruiters: TCS, Wipro, Infosys, BYJU'S, KPMG.
Around 85% placement rate for eligible students.
Strong placement cell and pre-placement training.
Opportunities for internships and live projects.
4. School of Management Sciences (SMS), Lucknow
Placement Highlights:
Average Package: Approximately ₹4.5 LPA.
Highest Package: Around ₹10 LPA.
Top Recruiters: Tata Motors, HDFC Bank, Axis Bank, ICICI Securities.
Around 80% placement rate for eligible students.
Focus on practical exposure and skill development.
Regular placement drives and industry connections.
5. Integral University
Placement Highlights:
Average Package: Approximately ₹4 LPA.
Highest Package: Around ₹8 LPA.
Top Recruiters: Infosys, Cognizant, Tech Mahindra, HCL.
Approximately 75% placement rate for eligible students.
Emphasis on research, internships, and industry projects.
Dedicated placement cell providing career support.
6. Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management and Development Studies (LBSIMDS)
Placement Highlights:
Average Package: Approximately ₹3.5 LPA.
Highest Package: Around ₹6 LPA.
Top Recruiters: IndusInd Bank, Berger Paints, HDFC Bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank.
Around 70% placement rate for eligible students.
Focus on leadership and ethical business practices.
Industry interactions and practical learning opportunities.
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shruiti · 2 months
Which Field is Best with a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in India?
Nowadays, the MBA professional course is the most opted-for program by candidates willing to gain academic and career advantages in management studies. Reputable institutes in India offer a variety of MBA programs. There are regular, part-time, distance, and online MBA modes.
MBA is the most versatile program, where students have various options to make their career according to their interest in business administration. Candidates can pursue this 2-year PG program after completing their graduation degree from a recognized university. MBA programs are gaining popularity in India among students and working professionals. Students will gain managerial, technical, organizational, and technical skills by the end of the programs. This knowledge will help them build their careers.
Even those who are currently working in an organization can choose to pursue an MBA in distance or online mode, which will help them grow their careers with better designations. Candidates who pursue this degree will get high-paying jobs in their current organization or in other fields, as well as help them become entrepreneurs. Even for new candidates, it will help them attract great jobs after completing their graduation.
As said earlier, there are various modes of education for MBA programs. There is not only a traditional or regular MBA; students can opt for a distance, online, or executive MBA. This executive MBA is especially curated for working candidates at the mid-senior executive level.
Which is the best college for an MBA?
Top MBA institutes offer a variety of specializations, as well as their own curricula. Students can choose their interested disciplines in the admission process. Below are few of the top 10 MBA institutes in India are:
IIM Kolkata
IIM Lucknow
IIM Bangalore
IIM Ahmedabad
IIM Kozhikode
IIM Indore
IIT Delhi
XLRI Jamshedpur
Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Pune
IIT Kharagpur-VGSOM
Which field has the best scope for MBA?
There are many specializations that are available in the MBA program that will help the students in various fields. Here we have listed the Top MBA Specializations, that have great demand in making a career are given below:
MBA in Finance Management
MBA in Marketing
MBA in Operations Management
MBA in Hospital and Healthcare Management
MBA in Tourism Management
MBA in International Management
MBA in Rural Management
The detailed info about each of the specializations will be mentioned below:
MBA in Finance Management
Finance management is most popular and in-demand specialization opted by MBA students. There is high scope in a career if students choose finance management. The curriculum involves the study of finances, its planning, and controlling of financial decisions.
By the end of the program, students shall excel in mathematical calculations, leadership, communication, strategic thinking, and more. Some of the financial skills would be costing, budgeting, capital management, international finance, etc.
Topics that will be covered in Finance Management are:
Financial Risk Management
Fixed Income Markets
Portfolio Management
International Finance
Managerial Economics
Macro Economics
Business and Corporate Laws
Acquisitions and Merges
Corporate investment management
Bank Management
Treasury and Risk Management
Money and Banking
Trading Strategies
Finance Management Career Scope:
After completing an MBA degree in Finance Management, candidates can start their career in finance areas like:
Finance Ministry
Asset Management
Derivatives Structuring
Stock marketing
Corporate Banking
Credit List Management and more
Under this stream, candidates can expect a starting salary package of INR 7 LPA on average. Accenture, TCS, HDFC Bank, EY, Axis Bank, etc. would be some of the top recruiting companies. 
MBA in Human Resource Management 
Any business organization will need people, i.e., human power. So human resource management will become essential in any industry. Pursuing an MBA in HRM will help the candidates in the study of people, employment management, and the responsibilities of employers towards the organization.
The HRM curriculum involves recruiting, salary, benefits and increments, training, performance updates, employee safety, employee policy, employee health, as well as staff amenities.
Topics that will be covered in Human Resource Management:
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Development and Planning
Organizational Development and change
Managerial Economics
Industrial Relations Management
Personnel Management Concepts
The methodology of Training and Development
Management Laws 
Compensation Management
Corporate Communication
Operations Management
Labour Laws
After completing an MBA degree in Human Resource Management, candidates can start their career in HR areas like:
Human Resource Generalist
Human Resource Manager
Technical Recruiter
Employee Relations Manager
Human Resource Entrepreneur
Labour Relations Manager
Non-Profit Human Resource Experts
Compensation or Benefit Analyst or Manager
Training and Development Coordinator or Manager
Staffing Director
The expected starting salary for HRM candidates shall be around 6 LPA. In the case of senior-level HR managers, salaries can range from 7–10 LPA. Candidates can find job openings in many IT companies, advertising, media houses, and many more. 
MBA in Marketing Management 
Marketing management streams from various career paths from consulting to entrepreneurial management. Some of the skills trained in the curriculum are consumer behavior, cost volume and profit, market research, sales, advertising, promotion, branding, etc.
Topics that will be covered in Marketing Management:
Marketing Concepts
Marketing Ethics
Consumer Behavior
Business Communication
International Marketing
Industrial Marketing
Sales Forecasting
Economic Analysis
Customer Relationship Marketing
Business Management
After completing an MBA degree in Marketing Management, candidates can start their career in IB areas like:
Marketing Manager
Sales Manager
Asset Manager
Branding Manager
Media Planner
Public Relations Director
Product Manager
Head of Digital Marketing
Market Research Analyst
Corporate Sales
Candidates can find job opportunities in IT firms, advertising agencies, marketing companies, etc. with an average salary package of INR 7.5 LPA.
MBA in Operations Management  
Under Operations Management, the curriculum will deal with all the business operations. They will get to learn skills like good communication, customer handling, negotiations, etc. to grow in their career. 
Topics that will be covered in Operations Management:
Supply chain Management
Operations Research
Inventory Control
Project Management
International Logistics
Marketing Management
Enterprise Resource Planning
Plant Design and Layout
Manufacturing Strategy
After completing an MBA degree in Operations Management, candidates can start their career in OM areas like:
Marketing and sales
Logistics Information Systems
Inventory-Material Control
Import and Export
Financial Institutions
Information Technology
Students can get job opportunities in some of the fortune companies like ONGC, Blue Dart, GAIL, First Flight, and DAMCO. The average salary package while starting their career would be INR 8 LPA.
MBA in Health Care and Hospital Management
In this MBA curriculum, candidates will learn to handle critical hospital issues and their administration. Students must need skills like adaptability, leadership, quick thinking, ethical judgment, etc.
Topics that will be covered in health care and hospital management: 
Health Service Management
Operations and Services Management
Medical Ethics Quality Management
Hospital Information
Medical Emergency Systems
Medical Tourism Financial
Financial and Costing Accounting for Hospitals
Healthcare Policies and Regulations
After completing an MBA degree in Health care and Hospital Management, candidates can start their career in Health care areas like:
Private Hospitals
Health Insurance Companies
Medical Colleges
Diagnostic Laboratory Chains
Pharmaceutical Companies
Medical Tourism Companies
Healthcare IT
Preventive and Social Healthcare Sectors
Market Research Organization
Primary Healthcare Chains
Eligible candidates can get job opportunities in health industry like Fortis Healthcare Limited, Infosys, AIIMS, KMPG, Apollo Hospital etc. In the beginning, candidates can expect a salary of INR 6.6 LPA.  
MBA in Rural Management 
Students will involve a lot of experimental learning in rural management. They will need to inculcate skills like empathy, integrity, and commitment to work in this field; problem-solving skills; handling huge masses; and knowledge of the local language. 
Topics that will be covered in Rural Management:
Natural Resources and Sustainability
Rural Livelihood and Research Methods
Development Theories and Practices
Economic Analysis for Rural Management
Social Entrepreneurship
Legal Environment
Rural Infrastructure
Precision’s farming and Horticulture
After completing an MBA degree in Rural Management, candidates can start their career in RM areas like:
Grameen Bank
Government-owned or sponsored Rural Development Projects
National or international NGO’s
Voluntary Groups
Research Institute conducting extensive research on rural areas.
Funding Agencies
 Some of the good job opportunities will be from insurance companies, research and consulting firms, rural and agricultural financing, and banks. The starting salary package would be around 4 LPA.
MBA in International Business
Pursuing an MBA in IT streams has high demand. Students are required to have certain skills like global orientation, IT knowledge, problem-solving skills, analytical skills, strategic thinking, etc.
Topics that will be covered in International Business:
International Business Environment
Financial Management
Marketing Management
International Business Law
Global Financial Markets and Instruments
Management of Multinational corporation
Foreign Trade and Policy
International Logistics Management
Global Marketing Management
Cross-Cultural Business Management
After completing an MBA degree in International Business, candidates can start their career in IB areas like:
International Finance
International Logistics
International Marketing
Foreign Exchange Management
Export and Import Management
Consultant for an International Organization
Management Analyst
International Banks
International Logistics Company
IT candidates can get jobs from top companies like Credit Suisse, Pepsico, Accenture, EY, Deutsche Bank, and GE. The expected salary package will be nearly for INR 5 LPA. 
MBA in Tourism Management 
Candidates with good negotiation and communication skills can opt for tourism management. Candidates will be introduced to different designation points, the hospitality industry, the history of tourism, and other relevant streams of tourism.
Topics that will be covered in tourism management:
World Geography
Travel and Transportation planning
The History of Tourism
Marketing Strategies
International Tourism and Trends
Organizational behavior
Human Resource Management
Travel Agency and Tour Operation Business
Hospitality, Hotel, and Hotelier Ing
Destination Planning and Management
After completing an MBA degree in Tourism Management, candidates can start their career in tourism areas like:
Tourism Departments
Travel Agencies
Tour Companies
Hospitality and Catering Industry
Hotel Industry
Travel and Tourism Colleges
International and National Food Chains
Food Craft Institutes
Deserving candidates can get jobs in top companies like Thomas Cook, Yatra.com, Cox & Kings, TCI, Airlines, etc. The expected average salary at the starting would be INR 5-10 LPA. 
MBA in Information Technology 
Aspirants taking up IT management specialization in the MBA program are expected to have certain skills in IT knowledge, global orientation, analytical skills, problem-solving skills, strategic thinking, etc.
Topics that will be covered in International Management:
Computer Security
Legal and Ethical Business Practices
Systems Analysis and Design
Database Management
Management of Information Systems
Financial Analysis for Technology Managers
Information Technology Infrastructure
Technology Entrepreneurship
IT Consulting and Advisory Practice
After completing an MBA degree in IT management, candidates can start their career in IT areas like:
Project Management
Cross-Platform Communications
Product and corporate marketing
Strategy and Planning
Information System Manager
IT Director
Business Development Manager
Chief Technology Officer
IT Specialist
Computer Information Specialist
The IT field's top recruiters would be Credit Suisse, Accenture, Pepsico, EY, Deutsche Bank, and GE. The average starting salary would be INR 5 LPA.
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ipbbanking · 2 months
From Axis Bank’s Sale Executive to Assistant Manager at Kotak Mahindra Bank! Meet Sanghmitra, whose journey is a testament to the power of continuous learning and determination. Her story inspires us all to pursue our ambitions relentlessly, no matter where we start. Type ‘INTERESTED’ in comments or call now at 7272000034 to kickstart your career in banking.
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vsmmumbai · 3 months
Unlock Your Future with PGDM in Data Analytics at VSM, Mumbai
In the modern business landscape, data is an invaluable asset. Organizations worldwide are harnessing data to make informed decisions and gain a competitive edge. With the increasing importance of data, the demand for skilled data analysts is on the rise. The Valia School of Management (VSM) in Mumbai offers a specialized PGDM in Data Analytics that prepares students to excel in this dynamic field. This article explores the key aspects of this program, including the course structure, fees, career growth opportunities, and more.
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What is PGDM in Data Analytics?
The Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) in Data Analytics at VSM is a comprehensive two-year program designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills required to analyze and interpret complex data. This program integrates the latest data science techniques with practical business analytics applications, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared to tackle real-world business challenges.
Who is Eligible for this Course?
The PGDM in Data Analytics is open to graduates from any stream (Science, Commerce, Arts, Engineering) with at least 50% marks. The program is ideal for fresh graduates aged 21-25, primarily from Mumbai and surrounding areas like Navi Mumbai and Thane. Students from tier-2 cities in Maharashtra and neighboring states are also encouraged to apply. Additionally, candidates should have appeared for national or state-level management entrance exams such as CAT, MAT, CMAT, or ATMA.
Why Choose VSM for PGDM in Data Analytics?
Industry-Relevant Curriculum
The curriculum for the PGDM in Data Analytics at VSM is designed to meet the demands of the modern business environment. The program covers a broad range of topics, including data mining, machine learning, big data analytics, and data visualization. Students learn to apply these skills through hands-on projects and real-world case studies.
Experienced Faculty
VSM boasts a team of experienced faculty members who bring a wealth of industry knowledge and academic expertise. These instructors are dedicated to providing a supportive learning environment that fosters intellectual growth and skill development.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure
The school's state-of-the-art infrastructure includes advanced labs, modern classrooms, and a comprehensive library. This dynamic learning environment ensures that students have access to the resources they need to succeed.
Strong Placement Support
VSM has a robust placement program that connects students with top recruiters across various industries. The school has a placement rate of approximately 90.66%, with graduates securing positions at leading companies such as Axis Bank, Blue Star, and IndusInd Bank. The average salary range for graduates is between 6.67 LPA to 8.33 LPA, with the highest package offered being 18.00 LPA.
Data Analytics Course Structure
Year 1: Foundation and Core Modules
The first year of the PGDM in Data Analytics lays the foundation in functional management areas and general management. Core modules include:
Management Functions & Organizational Behavior
Managerial Economics
Business Statistics
Financial & Management Accounting
Operations Management
Human Resource Management
Marketing Management
Year 2: Specialization and Application
The second year deepens the understanding and application of management concepts, focusing on advanced data analytics techniques. Modules include:
Advanced Data Analytics Techniques
Machine Learning Algorithms
Big Data Analytics Software Techniques
Data Mining
Statistical Modeling
Data Visualization Techniques
Master Data Analytics Languages and Tools
The PGDM in Data Analytics at VSM ensures that students become proficient in key data analytics languages and tools. This includes MS Excel for exploratory data analysis, Python and R for programming, MongoDB and MySQL for database management, and Hadoop for big data processing. Students also learn to create engaging data visualizations using Power BI and Tableau.
Fees for the PGDM in Data Analytics Program
The fee structure for the PGDM in Data Analytics program at VSM is competitive and provides excellent value for money. The total course fee for Indian nationals is INR 550,000, while for foreign students, the fee is $18,000, inclusive of hostel charges. This affordable fee structure ensures a good return on investment for students, with significant job prospects upon graduation.
Data Analytics Career Growth
A career in data analytics offers numerous growth opportunities. Graduates of the PGDM in Data Analytics program from VSM are highly sought after by top companies due to the industry-relevant curriculum and practical training they receive. Career prospects include roles such as:
Data Analyst: Analyzing data to provide actionable insights for business decision-making.
Data Scientist: Employing advanced statistical techniques and machine learning algorithms to solve complex problems.
Business Analyst: Bridging the gap between IT and business by analyzing data to improve processes and strategies.
Big Data Engineer: Designing, building, and managing big data infrastructures.
Machine Learning Engineer: Developing and implementing machine learning models and algorithms.
Facts and Figures of Data Analytics
The data analytics industry is expected to reach $650 billion by 2029, reflecting the growing importance and demand for data-driven decision-making. This surge in demand highlights the critical need for professionals equipped with data analytics skills. VSM's PGDM in Data Analytics places its graduates at the top of the ladder, preparing them to excel in this expanding industry.
Why VSM Stands Out
VSM's commitment to excellence is reflected in its AIMA-AICTE Approved status, ensuring that the program meets high academic standards. The school's dedication to providing a holistic education is evident in its diverse range of specializations, state-of-the-art infrastructure, experienced faculty, and robust placement support.
Choosing the PGDM in Data Analytics at VSM, Mumbai, is a strategic step towards a successful and fulfilling career in the data analytics field. With a comprehensive curriculum, experienced faculty, and strong placement support, VSM ensures that students are well-equipped to meet the demands of the industry. Enroll in VSM's PGDM in Data Analytics program and unlock your future in the world of data analytics.
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srivenkateswara · 4 months
Scholarships and Financial Aid for MCA Students in Tamilnadu
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Securing scholarships and financial aid can greatly reduce the financial stress of pursuing an MCA in Tamil Nadu, especially when considering the best MCA College in Tamil Nadu. Many colleges in the city offer scholarships based on academic performance and entrance exam scores, rewarding students for their hard work and achievements.
The Indian government and the Tamil Nadu state government also provide scholarships to help students. Programs like the Post-Matric Scholarship for economically weaker sections, and scholarships for SC/ST and minority students, can cover a significant portion of tuition and other expenses. Students can apply for these through online portals.
Several private companies and organizations offer scholarships as part of their social responsibility efforts. Corporations in fields like IT, manufacturing, and finance have scholarship programs to support bright students. Foundations like the Aditya Birla Group and Tata Trusts also provide scholarships based on merit and financial need.
For those needing more support, educational loans from banks are an option. Banks like SBI, HDFC, and Axis Bank offer student loans with good interest rates and flexible repayment plans. Some banks even have special schemes for students at well-known institutions.
Moreover, many colleges offer work-study programs. These allow students to work part-time on campus or with partner organizations, earning money while gaining valuable work experience.
By taking advantage of these scholarships and financial aid options, MCA students in tamilnadu can focus more on their studies and career growth, making their educational journey more manageable and less stressful.
Importance of Scholarships and Financial Aid
Scholarships and financial aid are crucial for MCA students in tamilnadu for several reasons. Firstly, they significantly reduce the financial burden of higher education. MCA programs can be expensive, and scholarships can cover a substantial portion of tuition fees, living expenses, and other costs associated with studying. This financial relief allows students to focus more on their studies and less on financial worries.
Scholarships and financial aid promote equal opportunities. They provide access to quality education for students from diverse economic backgrounds, ensuring that talented individuals are not deprived of educational opportunities due to financial constraints. This inclusivity fosters a more diverse and enriched learning environment, benefiting all students.
Receiving scholarships often boosts a student's resume, signaling to future employers that the student is hardworking and accomplished. Scholarships are competitive, and winning them can be a mark of distinction that sets a student apart in the job market.
Financial aid programs, such as work-study opportunities, allow students to gain practical experience while studying. These programs not only help students earn money but also provide valuable work experience that can enhance their career prospects post-graduation.
Scholarships and financial aid play a vital role in making MCA education accessible, promoting diversity, enhancing student resumes, and providing practical work experience. They are essential tools for helping students achieve their academic and career goals without the added stress of financial strain.
Why Choose Tamilnadu for MCA
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Choosing Tamilnadu for pursuing an MCA can be a strategic decision for several reasons:
1. Education Hub: Tamilnadu is known as an education hub in South India, with a number of reputable institutions offering MCA programs. These institutions often have experienced faculty, modern infrastructure, and industry connections that can enhance your learning experience.
2. Industrial Presence: Tamilnadu is a major industrial city, particularly in sectors like textiles, engineering, and manufacturing. This industrial presence can provide ample opportunities for MCA students to gain practical insights, internships, and employment opportunities in diverse sectors.
3. Cost of Living: Compared to metropolitan cities like Chennai or Bangalore, the cost of living in Tamilnadu is relatively lower. This can be advantageous for MCA students, as it reduces the financial burden associated with accommodation, transportation, and other expenses, allowing them to focus more on their studies.
4. Quality of Life: Tamilnadu offers a good quality of life with its pleasant climate, green surroundings, and relatively less congestion compared to larger cities. This can contribute to a conducive environment for studying and personal well-being.
5. Networking Opportunities: While Tamilnadu may not be as bustling as some other major cities, it still offers ample networking opportunities, especially within the local business community. Building connections with professionals and entrepreneurs in tamilnadu can be beneficial for future career prospects and entrepreneurial ventures.
6. Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: Tamilnadu has a growing entrepreneurial ecosystem, with many startups and small businesses flourishing in the city. MCA students with an interest in entrepreneurship can leverage this ecosystem to gain practical experience, mentorship, and even funding opportunities for their business ideas.
7. Cultural Diversity: Tamilnadu is known for its cultural diversity, with people from various backgrounds and regions residing in the city. This diversity can enrich your MCA experience by providing exposure to different perspectives, ideas, and cultural practices.
8. Proximity to Nature and Tourism: Tamilnadu is surrounded by scenic landscapes, hill stations, and tourist destinations like Ooty, Coonoor, and Valparai. Taking breaks from studies to explore these nearby attractions can provide relaxation and rejuvenation, enhancing overall well-being during your MCA journey.
Ultimately, the choice of tamilnadu for pursuing an MCA depends on individual preferences, career goals, and personal circumstances. It's important to thoroughly research the available MCA programs, consider factors such as faculty expertise, placement opportunities, and program curriculum, and evaluate how they align with your aspirations and aspirations.
Scholarships and Financial Aid
Finding scholarships and financial aid for students in Tamilnadu, especially those enrolled in the best MCA College in Tamilnadu, may require some research, as options can vary depending on the institution, program, and individual eligibility criteria. However, here are some general avenues you could explore:
1. University Scholarships: Many universities offering MCA programs in tamilnadu may have their own scholarship programs for deserving students. Check with the admissions or financial aid office of the universities you're interested in attending.
2. Government Scholarships: Government schemes and scholarships are often available for higher education students, including MCA candidates. Check with the government education department of Tamil Nadu or the central government for any scholarship opportunities.
3. Corporate Scholarships: Some companies offer scholarships or sponsorships for MCA programs, especially if they have a tie-up with specific universities. Explore corporate partnerships or check with your employer if they have any support available for further education.
4. Private Scholarships: There are various private organizations, foundations, and trusts that offer scholarships for MCA students based on merit, financial need, or specific criteria. You can search online or visit local libraries to find information on such opportunities.
5. Merit-based Scholarships: Many MCA programs offer scholarships based on academic excellence, leadership qualities, or other achievements. Make sure to inquire about any merit-based scholarships available at the institutions you're considering.
6. Need-based Financial Aid: Some universities offer financial aid packages or loans to students who demonstrate financial need. Contact the financial aid office of the universities you're interested in to learn about the application process and eligibility criteria.
7. Professional Associations: Certain professional associations or industry bodies may provide scholarships or financial support to MCA students pursuing careers in specific fields. Explore associations related to your industry or area of interest.
8. Online Scholarship Databases: Websites like ScholarshipPortal, Scholarship-Positions, and Buddy4Study compile information on scholarships available for students worldwide. You can search these databases using filters like location, field of study, and eligibility criteria to find relevant opportunities.
Remember to carefully review the eligibility criteria, application deadlines, and required documentation for each scholarship or financial aid opportunity you're interested in. Additionally, consider reaching out to alumni or current students of MCA programs in Tamilnadu for advice and insights on scholarship options.
Scholarships and financial aid are essential for MCA students in Tamilnadu, reducing the financial burden and ensuring equal access to education. Opportunities include university scholarships, government schemes, corporate sponsorships, and private foundations. These avenues help students pursue their MCA dreams, fostering a diverse learning environment and enhancing career prospects. By researching and applying for available scholarships, students can focus on their studies and future success without the added stress of financial constraints.
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engineeringpu · 4 months
Plaksha Tech Talent Day
Plaksha University's first in-person Tech Talent Day hosted by the Careers Office in Gurgaon saw saw industry and academia come together. 40+ CEOs, CXOs, business leaders including representatives from Tech, HR and entrepreneurs joined in for an exciting afternoon of discussions. Attendees were from Accenture, Axis Bank, AWS, Airbnb, Barclays, EY, Egon Zehnder, Indigo, PWC, Philips, Network 18, Marsh McLellan, Macquarie, Newgen, WNS among others.
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bkccad-aromamagic · 4 months
Make learning fun at the best makeup academies in Delhi
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Do you often get intrigued by the amazing makeup tutorial reels on Instagram? Does it make you wonder how natural the makeup looks? All these questions are quite natural. If the content of amazing makeup tutorials or some fascinating picture of a model all decked up in good makeup has piqued some curiosity in you, then we will have you all covered in this blog.
If you are a creative enthusiast who is looking for a career switch or want to learn more about the makeup industry and its basic tenets, getting yourself enrolled in a makeup course academy is the answer. We’ll guide you through the top 10 makeup academies in Delhi. 
The top 10 makeup beauty academies are as follows:
Blossom Kochhar College of Creative Arts and Design: Since its inception in 1982, many stalwarts have passed through the gates of BKCCAD. They have provided many makeup and beauty professionals. Their courses range from cosmetology to basic makeup. Their courses cover everything from the basics of makeup to the advanced intricacies of makeup. They are as follows:
Level 1: Makeup Essentials 
This course covers the basics of makeup. The students are taught about the use of basic colours, hygiene, and training.
The course contents are as follows:
Product knowledge.
Health and safety
Tools and accessories in makeup
Level 2: Media Makeup
If one is going through the first level of makeup, then it is always better to level up with the BKCCAD and IMA certifications.
The course contents are as follows:
History of makeup.
Trends revolution.
Stage makeup.
Career opportunities bloom after these courses. One can easily make their way into movies, fashion shows, and even the movies. Easily one of the best academies in Delhi to turn your dreams into reality.
Address: R, 67, Hansraj Gupta Rd, Greater Kailash-1, Block R, Greater Kailash I, Greater Kailash, New Delhi, Delhi 110048
Contact: 011 4902 7768
Beauty Merlin Academy: This academy offers a variety of makeup artist courses, which range from beginner to advanced learners. The academy boasts some of the best faculty who are equipped with the latest knowledge and trends in the makeup industry. The course curriculum includes an amalgamation of theory and practical skills.
Address:  E-77, South Extension, Part-1, New Delhi, Delhi 110049
Contact: 092896 70222
Lakme Academy: Being one of the first makeup academies in Delhi. Being the country’s first cosmetic company. They have been around for more than 50 years. The courses range from cosmetology to makeup artist courses. One gets a certificate after the completion of the course.
Address: 1st Floor ,Choudhary Building K Block, Middle Cir, Connaught Place, New Delhi, Delhi 110001
Contact: 099115 67900
VLCC Institute: The VLCC Training Institute is reputed for its professional makeup artist courses. The institute has well-known trainers who impart students with in-depth knowledge of makeup artistry and bridal makeup.
Address: Plot No 2, Veer Savarkar Marg, near Axis Bank, Block B, Lajpat Nagar II, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi 110024
Contact: 080 3790 7736
Orane International School of Beauty and Wellness: If you are looking for a career pivot or enhancement in your skills as a makeup artist, then Orane International is another fantastic institute. It has always delivered on the highest standards of teaching. Their courses range from two-month diploma programmes to 2 year master’s courses. 
Address: 32-A, I Floor, Corner Market, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi 110017
Contact: 095403 43000
Meenakshi Dutt Makeovers: It is again one of the best options if you are searching for the best makeup artist course in Delhi. Learn the art of makeup from their makeup-accredited makeup course. Their courses cover the latest makeup looks and festive makeup. The learning is supported by good quality infrastructure that ensures learning in the most comfortable environment.
IWP Academy: IWP Academy has been providing skill-based education since 1998. With their programmes one easily chooses their forte, be it makeup, hair, or skin. Their team has more than 40 industry experts. 
Address:  A-1/28, Main, Najafgarh Rd, opposite Metro Pillar No.626, Block A1, Janakpuri, New Delhi, Delhi, 110058
Contact:  099996 43344
Daniel Bauer Academy: This academy has always been a force to reckon with in the makeup industry landscape. They have maintained a healthy education to employment prospect ratio. Students are always guided to choose the best course for them. 
Address: Unit 222, Ocus Quantum Internal Rd, Sector 51, Gurugram, Samaspur, Haryana 
Contact:  085912 46758
Jawed Habib Academy: Jawed Habib is synonymous with hair. This academy offers some professional makeup artist courses as well. Its staff of skilled instructors offers students comprehensive instruction in makeup artistry, encompassing special effects and bridal makeup.
Address: Metro Station, Hemkunt House, C-161, 4th floor metro station, Gautam Nagar Rd, near, Green Park, New Delhi, Delhi 110049
Pearl Academy: This academy is a marquee name in the beauty and makeup industry. The curriculum includes theory, product knowledge, and hands-on-training in makeup application. 
Address: Metro Station, Block A A-21/13 Near Shadipur, Naraina Industrial Area Phase 1, Phase II, New Delhi, Delhi 110028
Contact: 1800 103 3005
Now that you have been bombarded with a ton of information about the best makeup academy in Delhi, where makeup techniques, skin care, and more. Even if you have the slightest curosity about learning makeup and its nuances, one can easily gain practical experience with the latest trends and techniques in the market. These courses offer an opportunity to not just learn but also create your own portfolio to create your own niche in the job market. With the right training and dedication, aspiring makeup artists can achieve their dreams and rise to the top of the industry.
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integraluniversity · 4 months
Which college is best for BBA placement in Lucknow?
When it comes to choosing the best college for BBA placements in Lucknow, several institutions stand out due to their strong placement records, industry connections, and comprehensive academic programs. Here are some of the top colleges in Lucknow renowned for their BBA placements:
1. Institute of Management Research and Technology (IMRT)
Because of its strong industry ties and robust placement cell, IMRT is highly regarded. In addition to pre-placement training, internship opportunities, and campus recruitment drives, the institute provides excellent placement support. Through its many partnerships, IMRT makes sure that students have access to a variety of employment options.
2. Amity University, Lucknow
Amity University is known for its world-class infrastructure, experienced faculty, and a strong focus on placements. The university has a dedicated Corporate Resource Center that facilitates placements by organizing regular interaction with industry leaders, internships, and career counseling sessions. Many reputed companies visit Amity University for campus placements, offering attractive job roles to BBA graduates.
3. Jaipuria Institute of Management
While primarily known for its MBA program, the Jaipuria Institute of Management also excels in its undergraduate offerings, including BBA. The placement cell of the institute engages with the corporate world proactively, offering students ample opportunities for internships and final placements. Jaipuria’s strong alumni network also plays a significant role in enhancing placement prospects.
4. Integral University
Integral University offers a comprehensive BBA program with a strong focus on employability. The university’s placement cell works diligently to connect students with potential employers through job fairs, campus recruitment drives, and industry interaction sessions. The university's reputation and industry linkages help in securing good placement opportunities for its graduates.
5. Babu Banarasi Das University (BBDU)
BBDU is another prominent institution in Lucknow known for its BBA program. The university’s dedicated placement cell provides students with training in soft skills, resume writing, and interview techniques. BBDU has a strong placement record, with students being recruited by top companies across various sectors.
Top BBA Colleges in Lucknow: Placement Wise
As the capital of Uttar Pradesh and a significant center for education, Lucknow draws a large number of multinational corporations and prestigious businesses to its college placement drives in order to fill positions. Check out the highest and average placement packages of some of the best BBA colleges in Lucknow in the table below.
College Name
Average CTC Package
Highest CTC Package
Top Recruiters
SRMS IBS Lucknow
INR 5.50 LPA
ICICI Bank, Wipro, Byju's, Decathlon, Make My Trip, Paisa Bazaar, HDFC
AIMT Lucknow
INR 5.50 LPA
INR 1.20 CPA
JBM, KPL, Bajaj, HCL, TCS, ICICI Bank, Wipro, Exide Batteries
SRMU Lucknow
TCS, Wipro, Cognizant, Accenture, Infosys, Tech Mahindra, Zomato
National Post Graduate College
INR 2.50 LPA
Bajaj finserv, Aditya Birla Group, Wipro, TCS, Infosys, Reliance
Sri Sharda Group of Institutions - [SSGI], Lucknow
AXIS bank, Aditya Birla Group, Wipro, TCS, Infosys, HDFC, Vodafone
Lucknow University
ICICI, Aditya Birla Group, Wipro, TCS, Infosys, HDFC, Cognizant
Integral University
INR 3.31 LPA
INR 13.35 LPA
Genpact, Aditya Birla Group, Wipro, TCS, EY, Infosys, Capgemini, JIO
GITM Lucknow
INR 3.50 LPA
INR 10.0 LPA
Aditya Birla Group, Wipro, TCS, Infosys, KPMG, Reliance Insurance, HDFC
TIMS Lucknow
AXIS Bank, Aditya Birla Group, Wipro, TCS, Infosys, HDFC, Bajaj Finserv, and Reliance JIO
SOM Lucknow
INR 3.20 LPA
Aditya Birla Group, Wipro, TCS, Infosys, HDFC, Bajaj Finserv Airtel, JIO
Among these institutions, Amity University, Lucknow, and Jaipuria Institute of Management are often considered the best for BBA placements due to their extensive industry connections, strong placement cells, and consistent placement records. However, the choice ultimately depends on individual preferences regarding faculty, campus facilities, and specific career goals.
Read More:
MBA College in Lucknow
btech in artificial intelligence colleges
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Hiring Freshers for Axis Bank BDE Role in Pollachi, Coimbatore
In today’s competitive job market, securing a position in a reputable organization can be a daunting task for fresh graduates. Axis Bank, one of India’s leading private banks, is currently offering exciting opportunities for freshers in Pollachi, Coimbatore. The position of Business Development Executive (BDE) is a gateway to a rewarding career in the banking sector, providing a platform to develop skills, gain experience, and contribute to the growth of the bank. This article explores the details of the job role, responsibilities, qualifications, and why aspiring candidates should consider applying through the Best Bank Exam Course Training Institute that provides the Best Job Assistance in Tamil Nadu.
Job Overview
Axis Bank is on the lookout for dynamic and motivated individuals to fill the role of Business Development Executive. This full-time position is ideal for fresh graduates or individuals with minimal work experience who are eager to start their careers in banking. As a BDE, candidates will play a pivotal role in generating leads, acquiring customers, and promoting banking products to help the bank achieve its sales targets.
Job Details
Job Role: Business Development Executive (BDE)
Qualification: Degree or postgraduate in any relevant field
Experience: 0 to 5 years
Salary: ₹2,40,000 to ���2,50,000 per annum
Location: Pollachi, Coimbatore
Skills Required: Excellent communication skills, problem-solving abilities, team collaboration, and a results-oriented mindset.
Roles and Responsibilities
As a Business Development Executive at Axis Bank, the selected candidates will have a range of responsibilities that are crucial to the bank’s success:
Prospecting and Identifying Potential Customers: BDEs are responsible for identifying and reaching out to potential customers, understanding their needs, and presenting appropriate banking solutions.
Assessing Financial Needs: Understanding the financial goals of customers is essential. BDEs will assess these needs and provide tailored product recommendations.
Presenting Product Features: Candidates will be expected to present the features and benefits of various banking products to potential customers, effectively communicating how these products can meet their needs.
Completing Account Openings: BDEs will assist customers in completing the necessary documentation to open new accounts, ensuring a smooth and efficient onboarding process.
Cross-Selling Additional Products: To enhance customer relationships, BDEs will also promote additional products to existing customers, leveraging opportunities for increased sales.
Building Customer Relationships: Establishing and maintaining positive relationships with customers is vital. BDEs must ensure high levels of customer satisfaction and engagement.
Collecting Renewal Fees: Managing account documentation and collecting renewal fees will also be part of the BDE's responsibilities.
Recording Interactions: BDEs must accurately record customer interactions in the CRM system to track progress and facilitate follow-up.
Meeting Sales Targets: Achieving individual and team sales targets is crucial for the success of the BDE role and the bank as a whole.
Eligibility Criteria
Candidates interested in applying for the BDE position at Axis Bank must meet the following eligibility criteria:
Educational Qualification: A graduate or postgraduate degree in any relevant field.
Skills: Strong communication skills, excellent time management, and organizational abilities are essential.
Experience: While freshers are welcome to apply, experience in lead generation is advantageous.
Language Proficiency: Proficiency in English and the local language is necessary for effective communication.
Willingness to Travel: Candidates should be willing to travel locally for customer meetings and engagements.
Team Player: The ability to work independently and collaboratively as part of a team is crucial.
Preference: While both male and female candidates are encouraged to apply, preference may be given to male candidates based on the job requirements.
Why Choose Bank Zone?
The Best Bank Exam Course Training Institute that provides the Best Job Assistance in Tamil Nadu is committed to helping aspiring candidates secure positions in the banking sector. With over ten years of experience in the field, Bank Zone has successfully placed over 2,500 candidates in leading private bank jobs across Tamil Nadu, including Pollachi and Coimbatore.
Our comprehensive approach to training includes:
Extensive Mock Tests: Candidates will undergo rigorous mock tests to prepare them for real bank exams and interviews.
Expert Guidance: Our experienced trainers provide valuable insights and coaching to help candidates excel.
Tailored Job Assistance: We offer personalized job assistance to connect candidates with suitable banking roles based on their skills and preferences.
By choosing Bank Zone, candidates can expect to be placed in top private banks within 30 to 45 days without the need for additional exams. We are dedicated to ensuring that our candidates are well-prepared and confident as they embark on their banking careers.
The opportunity to work as a Business Development Executive at Axis Bank in Pollachi, Coimbatore, is an excellent entry point for fresh graduates looking to build a successful career in banking. With competitive salary packages, growth potential, and the support of a reputed training institute like Bank Zone, aspiring candidates can take their first steps toward a fulfilling career in the financial services industry. If you are ready to launch your banking career, submit your resume on the Bank Zone website today and let us help you achieve your career goals!
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