#awesome adventure machine
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Awesome Adventure Machine my beloved
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animatronicoftheday · 2 years ago
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today's animatronic of the day is awesome adventure machine chuck e from chuck e cheese's!
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marsithefox · 1 year ago
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My attempt at drawing this mans outfit
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balladance · 6 months ago
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Redraw of some old art!
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missevahpony · 8 months ago
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cookiehusky799 · 2 years ago
Eugene and Varian are reminiscing how the first meeting went:
Eugene: “You know, looking back on how you were practically bouncing all over the place when you thought I was the actual Flynn Rider was funny.”
Varian: “Hey!”
Eugene: “ It is! As much as I thought you were trying to hurt my wife, it’s cute you thought I was the character from the books!”
Varian blushing: “Stop it.”
Eugene imitating Varian’s voice: “ Hey! Your Flynn Rider! I’m your biggest faaannn!”
He laughs: “ You even have a collection!”
Varian covering his face: “ Stop it! I was fourteen and native at that time! And my inner fanboy was coming out of me! Leave me alone!”
Eugene: “ Don’t be embarrassed, Varian. I’m a fan of the books too which is why I took the name.”
Varian: “ I wish I’d listened to you when you told me your name is Eugene.”
Eugene: “ You were so excited. Which is understandable. I’d be too if I met my hero.”
Varian: “Sorry you thought I was trying to hurt Rapunzel. Probably a bad first impression.”
Eugene: “You did gave me quite a scare, kid. Not wanting to see her strapped to a table with a deadly saw wheel. But now knowing you were just helping her with her hair, no hard feelings.”
Varian : “ At first, I couldn’t bring my village hot water because I was reckless and now I’d improved and brought hot water to not just my village, but to everyone in the kingdom!”
Eugene: “ That’s right, Varian. You came a long way. We’re all very proud of you.”
Varian smiles at him: “Thank you.”
Eugene smirking: “ Team Awesome is the most ridiculous name I ever heard.”
Varian: “ I knoooowww. I don’t know why that came to me.”
Eugene: “At the time it was, but….I’ve grown to like it.”
Varian: “ …..Me too.”
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simwithshan · 1 year ago
"Workout" Planner Traditions Mod (PUBLIC - 11/9TH)
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Hey Simmers! 🌟 Get ready to spice up your Sims' lives with the "Workout Planner Traditions" mod – because who says getting fit can't be fun? Let's break down the weekly grind with seven days of wellness awesomeness!
🥦 Meal Prep Day: Make a 8 serving size meal for the days ahead!
🏃‍♀️ Leg Day - Jogging or Treadmill: Time to break a sweat with some cardio fun! Make your Sims lace up those sneakers and hit the pavement or hop on a treadmill for a leg day that's as fast-paced as their ambition.
💪 Arm Day - Workout Machine: If you don't have a workout machine at home, head to the gym! Pump those iron and sculpt those biceps. Your Sims will be flexing their muscles in no time!
🍔 Cheat Meal Day - Have a Snack: Throw the diet out the window (just for today)! Indulge in Sims' favorite snacks or quick meal, because life is too short for constant kale. 🍕🍟🍰
🧘‍♀️ Full Body Day - Do Yoga: Time to find your Sims' inner zen! Whether they're beginners or yoga gurus, this full-body workout will have them saying "om" in no time. Downward dog, anyone?
🧘‍♂️ Body Recovery Day - Meditate, Bubble Baths or Massages: Give those muscles a break and let your Sims find their chill. A little meditation, Bubble Bath or Massage goes a long way to keep them centered and ready for the next workout adventure. (Spa Day Required)
📸 Progress Photo - Take Body Photo: Say cheese! Capture the Sims' fitness journey with mirror pics! Watch the progress unfold! Stand near a mirror & use your phone to take a photo (not a selfie).
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denaliwrites · 1 year ago
Don't Look Away
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Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader
Part 1: Don't Blink Part 2: Don't Turn Your Back Part 4: Dreams See Us Through
Summary: You're finally rid of those godforsaken angels.
Requests: Open!
Tag List: @nyxiethesimp, @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce
Warnings: Weeping Angels.
You were so tired.
Between the nightmares and the constant vigilance, there was just... never a moment of rest for you.
Sure, the Doctor whisked you away again, back out into the far reaches of time and the universe, but no matter where you went, you always wondered if the angel was lurking nearby. And when you went back home, you knew that it was.
Out of sight, in this case, did not mean out of mind.
And the Doctor -- oh, the Doctor. He missed the old you. You could see it in his eyes. Every time he looked at you, even if he was smiling, you could see the broken hearts behind those beautiful brown eyes.
You had half a mind to leave him, to spare him the pain of watching you slowly wither away to nothing. And it was happening -- you could feel it, the way your body was getting slower, like it was in the process of shutting down.
Your mind, too, was starting to go. Things that normally would've taken moments to understand took you minutes. The Doctor often found you wandering the TARDIS with little recollection of where you were or how you got there. Your adventures became less frequent, and on the occasions he did take you on one, he was forced to keep a close eye on you so that you didn't trail off and get lost.
And then the adventures stopped.
The Doctor still picked up distress calls and the like -- but he couldn't help people and keep an eye on you at the same time, so you were left in the TARDIS while he went and did his thing.
You didn't mind, though. The rare times you were completely and totally alone gave you the opportunity to cry your heart out.
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
The Doctor... wasn't a fan of problems he couldn't solve.
Did he accept that there were problems he couldn't solve? Of course -- the universe was vast and mysterious, even to him. Planets that by all accounts shouldn't exist existed. He'd met species that by all accounts shouldn't have been able to evolve, but somehow had.
(He still shuddered at the memory of the creature on Midnight.)
But acceptance was not the same as liking. And he did not like problems he couldn't solve.
In fact, he rather hated them.
You were a problem he couldn't solve. Or, at least, adjacently. More accurately, the Weeping Angel that had psychically latched itself onto you was a problem he couldn't solve -- but it was a problem for you, and he couldn't solve that either.
It killed him.
It killed him, it killed him, it killed him.
He just wanted to see you smile again. Hear your laugh. Feel you radiate joy and wonder and curiosity.
One thing the Doctor also hated?
Running out of time.
How did a Time Lord in possession of a time machine ever run out of time? How could he have let himself run out of time?
You were on the verge of needing actual medical attention -- intervention, really. He could see you deteriorating, noted how the process was getting faster and faster every day.
He was going to take you to New Earth, to those cat nun nurses. If anyone could help you, it was them -- loathe as he was to admit it.
But he thought, one more adventure. One more little trip, before he took you to be healed, and one trip to a doctor that could heal you better than he could before he took you home for the last time.
One more trip, one more doctor's office, before he gave himself to the Weeping Angel.
It was the only solution.
Well, the only solution he could see, at least.
So, he landed the TARDIS someplace low stakes. Calm, peaceful. Normal, far as the universe went. A little market planet by the name of --
"Vipitera!" the Doctor exclaimed as he swept out of the TARDIS with a big grin on his face. You shuffled close behind, a hand clutching at his coat to keep from losing him.
"Vipitera," he repeated as he swung around to face you suddenly, his bright and excited eyes meeting yours -- dull and exhausted. His grin didn't waver.
"Vipitera," he said again, slower, really drawing out the syllables. "Vipitera, Vipitera, Vipiteraaaaa." Each time he repeated the name, it sounded goofier and goofier.
Finally, miraculously, he managed to coax out a smile from you. His grin broadened. "There you are," he said with such amazement and adoration. He pulled you towards him and planted a loving kiss to your forehead. "There you are."
He tucked you tightly against his side and led you away from the TARDIS. He'd landed in some kind of supply closet, so it took some walking and weaving through halls, but eventually the two of you stepped out into the market proper.
He watched as your eyes sparked to life and bounced from stall to stall. He could almost feel the excitement flooding your brain, igniting parts of you that had been dulled and left to flicker out for far too long.
He supposed that was his fault.
"Welcome to the market planet Vipitera," he said with a grin and a broad motion to their surroundings. It effectively chased the thoughts away, as he got to see you smile again.
"Let me just -- hold on --" He pulled away from you to dig in his pockets, pulling something out a minute later. It looked like some kind of computer chip. "There's loads of credits on that thing," he said as he passed it to you with one hand and scratched the back of his head with the other. "Off you pop. Go wild."
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
You didn't like the idea of going off on your own, but you figured -- a planet as public as this, with constant activity and very few places a Weeping Angel could hide -- either someone would've noticed a moving statue disappearing people, or there'd be too many eyes and not a lot of moving, generally.
And the Doctor thought it was safe, and he usually wasn't wrong.
The only problem now was that you had no idea where to start. Holding your credit... chip? close, you carefully started making your way through the nearest stalls, browsing what they had to offer.
Some had food that smelled incredible but looked maybe unfit for human consumption. Some had little knick-knacks and trinkets. A handful had jewelry. One had books.
You stopped to browse the book stall and ended up buying the biography of the first human president of Vipitera.
Why? Well, why not?
You also bought an Agatha Christie novel with a special edition, Vipitera exclusive cover, because you thought the Doctor would get a kick out of it.
And then you were off, looking around and buying things until your arms were full -- and, in your defense, the Doctor had told you to go crazy.
It eventually got to the point where you had to make a trip to the TARDIS to drop your haul off in your room.
As you headed back to the market, you thought you felt someone watching you -- you thought the angel had somehow found you, but the feeling passed just as quickly as it had come. Knowing the angel wouldn't have let you off so easy, you figured it was something else and went back out among the stalls.
The Doctor found you eventually, after you'd bought another armful of things, and led you to a human food stall after dropping all your new things off at the TARDIS (again).
Your eyes lit up and your mouth watered at all the options.
"Pick for me?" you asked the Doctor, looking at him with big, round eyes. "I don't even know where to start."
"Well," he started, motioning at something that looked somewhat like spaghetti, except the noodles (were they noodles, even?) were teal, and the sauce was a deep, foresty green. "Can never go wrong with Yuphorian nishles and pine sauce."
"... Nishles?"
"Fish noodles. Yuphorian fish meat is that color because of the algae they eat."
You blinked down at the curiously colored meal. "It's... good, though...?" you asked, finding it hard to get over the fact it looked like candy.
"Oh, yes. It's delicious."
"I'll try it then."
While he ordered you the nishles and a couple other things, you went to find a place to sit and decided on a nice shaded table in one of the far corners of the dining area.
A cool breeze blew past as you settled into one of the chairs. Barely a moment later, something was draped over your shoulders and you looked back to see the Doctor laying his coat over you.
"What about the food?" you asked, drawing the coat tighter around yourself.
"They're gonna bring it," he replied as he sat next to you.
"Thank you."
"I couldn't leave you shivering--"
"No, not for that -- I mean, yes, thank you for lending me your coat. But... no. Thank you for today."
The look he gave you was so sad. It broke your heart and confused you in equal measure.
"What's wrong, Doctor?"
The smile he shot your way was forced, and the glimmer in his eyes wasn't from joy but from unshed tears. "Oh, nothing," he replied. "Nothing at all."
He obviously wasn't convincing, but you knew pressing the matter wouldn't get you anywhere. Instead, you decided to rest your head while the two of you waited for your food.
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
The Doctor had forgotten what you looked like when you were sleeping -- he'd forgotten what peace looked like on your face.
You were only taking a light nap while you waited for alien pasta made out of fish oil, but to him, you were the pinnacle of beauty in that moment. Of everything he'd seen in all his nine hundred odd years traveling through time and space, this moment with you was the most remarkable. The most stunning. The most breathtaking.
How he hated that he had to wake you up.
He waited, at least, putting it off until the waitress was gone and then for a little bit longer before he shook you awake.
You grunted, every cell in your body desperate to stay under to the point of protest, but he kept at it until you stirred.
"Time to eat," he told you as your eyes fluttered open. "Come and get it while it's hot."
He saw the heaviness of sleep in your eyes as you looked up at him and oh, how he adored it. How he'd missed it.
"Mmm," you replied, making him chuckle.
"I promise I'll let you rest when you're done eating," he said, pushing the plate of nishles towards you. "C'mon, before it gets cold!"
He could see how begrudging you were to get up, but you did so anyway, and grumpily stabbed at your pasta for effect.
"Oh, come now, what did the poor nishles do to deserve this?" he asked teasingly.
He saw a flicker of a smile on your lips.
Emboldened, he continued. "All that work being processed and cooked to be eaten, just for you to stab it."
That little secret smile grew, just a bit.
"Those poor nishles."
He watched as you broke at the word nishles, dissolving into a fit of uncontrollable giggles. They were probably spurred on by delirium, but it had been so long since he'd heard you laugh that he didn't care.
"Oi, why are you laughing?" he whined playfully. "Those fish didn't give their lives just for you to laugh at them!"
Your giggles grew into a full belly laugh, and the Doctor thought that if he were to die in that moment, he'd die happy, because he would've gotten to hear you laugh -- really laugh -- one last time.
Your fit of laughter eventually died down, helped along by you taking a few deep breaths and putting in a concentrated effort to stop.
"So..." you said, biting back another bout of giggles. "Ni--nishles..."
"Nishles," the Doctor agreed, watching you.
He continued to watch as you took the first bite, watched as your face shifted across a vast array of expressions, and watched as it eventually settled on bewilderment.
"What... is that...?" you asked, blinking rapidly at the dish in front of you.
"That'd be the pine sauce, made from the needles of the Yuphorian fir."
"It... but it doesn't taste like pine," you whimpered in confusion, eyeing it.
"Well of course," the Doctor said with a grin. "It's not Earth pine sauce, it's Yuphorian pine sauce. Earth pine sauce would be disgusting -- well, I suppose juniper sauce might not be. Or gin sauce... oh, there's an idea..."
He didn't realize you were staring past him until he paused and took in your suddenly stricken expression.
"What is it?" he asked softly, watching you carefully.
"I-I thought I... I thought I saw..."
Oh, no.
He turned to look behind him, but whatever you'd seen was gone.
If you'd even seen anything.
Not that he didn't believe your experience, but he was in a difficult position; you were deliriously tired and paranoid (rightfully, of course). Both things could lead to hallucinations.
He knew this, and yet he knew without a doubt that he had to take you seriously, for your sake.
"C'mon," he said quietly, moving to a stand. "We can finish lunch in the TARDIS." You nodded your assent and grabbed the food, then stood and tucked yourself into his side.
He led you through the market, through the building you'd materialized in, and to the TARDIS.
He slotted the key into the door, turned to unlock it, then turned back to look at you --
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
You didn't need to see the Doctor's stricken expression to know the Weeping Angel was behind you. You could feel its presence like a breath against your neck.
It felt like every hair on your body was standing to attention. It felt like your whole body stopped. You couldn't hear your heartbeat, but you could swear you heard the Doctor's hearts hammering away.
With a shuddering breath, you whimpered his name. You saw his eyes twitch -- he wanted so badly to look at you, but couldn't take his eyes off the angel.
"Get into the TARDIS," he commanded, "don't worry about me, I've got an eye --"
"Doctor," you interrupted, voice small but surprisingly steady.
You could see tears gathering in his eyes. He was desperate to look at you.
"I can't move."
Understanding dawned on his face, and you watched as his hearts broke right in front of you.
"I'm sorry, Doctor."
"You?" he asked in a tearful growl. "What have you done to be sorry for?"
"I'm sorry we won't have more time together."
He let out a hollow laugh. "No. I'm sorry. I couldn't save Rose, couldn't save Astrid, couldn't save Donna. And I can't save you."
"It's okay."
"No, it's not. It's not okay! Why you? Why you?"
You could see him struggling to keep his eyes open, now. He struggled, and soon he'd fail.
"Doctor, let me go."
"I can't lose you, too."
"We don't have a choice."
He struggled. His eyes were twitching more now, desperate for relief, and he still so desperately wanted to be looking at you rather than the angel.
And then finally, the inevitable.
He blinked.
And your world went black.
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dookielarue · 11 months ago
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we should appreciate the awesome adventure machine more it's so cool
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tessa-liam · 4 months ago
Royal Adventures
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All Hallow's Eve
Chapter 1
Book: Choices, The Royal Romance Series Finale
A Smoke & Mirrors Series Alternate Universe
King Liam Rys x F!MC Queen Riley Brooks-Rys
Series Inspiration: Royal Misadventures Smoke & Mirrors series 1-shot 
Series Premise: 12-year-old Crown Princess Eleanor Rys of Cordonia has officially started her Royal education. Tutors that had been personally selected by His Majesty King Liam Rys and Queen Riley Rys were set to begin her royal lessons, and her days were packed full. The young princess was a natural leader, and the King and Queen could not be prouder.   
Rating:  M, not Beta'd-please excuse all errors    
Category: On-going series, fluff 
Warnings: swearing, drinking 
Most Characters belong to Pixelberry Studios 
Chapter Summary: Ellie enlists help from her uncles, Leo and Maxwell to pull off a Halloween prank on her uncle Drake...with two unexpected situations that may spoil her fun...maybe. 
Words: 2.0 k
Royal Adventures 
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All Hallow’s Eve, chapter 1 
Cordonian Royal Palace
"Ellie, you're so funny," William howled in laughter. 
"It'll be great," Eleanor insisted, her eyes lighting up with excitement. After describing her plans to her brothers, she was determined to make her idea happen. 
"Drake will never see it coming," Stefan agreed, giggling. 
"Okay, now I need Uncle Leo and Uncle Maxwell." Puling out her phone, Ellie tapped -
Ramsford Country Club - Golf course, 11th hole
"Nice swing, Your Majesty," Drake smirked slyly. 
Liam chuckled, "I can't believe it took us so long to do this." 
"Yeah, well, ruling a country takes a lot of time," Drake laughed. 
Handing his club to his caddy, Liam sighed, "So, what do you think of the club? 
"I have to admit, it's pretty awesome." 
"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself."  Liam took a swig of water.
"I could get used to this," Drake replied, sipping on a cold beer. 
"We should do this more often." 
"That would be great, Li" 
Liam's phone vibrated, and he pulled it out to answer a call from his daughter...
'Hi, Daddy, can you give Uncle Drake a message?' 
'What is it, Princess?' 
'Tell him - Gotcha.' 
Chuckling, Liam replied ...
'Okay, sweetheart. I will.'
He put his phone away, with a puzzled look, and decided not to question her. 
"Ellie ... wanted me to tell you ... 'Gotcha'." 
Noticing Liam's expression --"What is it?" Drake asked with hesitation. 
"I'm not entirely sure, Drake. Give her a call later. Riley is planning a surprise party tonight for the kids."
Drake looked puzzled. "What the hell does that mean?" 
Grabbing another club from the caddy, Liam shook his head. "Yeah, well ... she has a costume waiting for me to wear."
"Really? ...they are going to enjoy an American tradition...New York style."  Drake chortled, "Knowing Riley, she will pull out all the stops."
Snickering, Drake added, "I want to hear all about it."
Liam raised an eyebrow, "That's a hard NO! Now, let's finish up our round." 
"Sure, Your Majesty."  Drake continued to snicker.
Meanwhile, in the clearing behind Drake's cabin. 
"Okay, Ellie, you're the mastermind, what do you need us to do?" asked Leo. 
"We're gonna need a ton of fake spiders, some black cloth, and lots of fake cobwebs." 
"On it!" Maxwell cheered. I had all the supplies dropped off after he left for the golf course.
"And the fog machine!" Ellie looked pleased, as Maxwell uncovered a cage beside it.
"That's diabolical!" Leo sneered as he opened a box of plastic bats and spiders.
"...and ... la meillure partie."  (the best part)...
"Perfect," she giggled. 
"What else, Ellie?" 
"Hmmm. I know, we can add sound effects for the bats, and the fan will swirl and make the spiders come alive." 
"How'd you get these ideas anyway, Ell?"
"From the best horror movie ever made," she replied proudly. 
"Which one is that?" asked Leo. 
"That's an old movie, isn't it?" 
"Yes, it is," she replied, "but it's the best." 
"I'm surprised the nanny let you watch that," said Maxwell. 
"She didn't. Mom did, though." 
"Oh, man, your mother's gonna kill me," Leo groaned. 
"Don't worry, Uncle Leo, this will be so worth it," Ellie giggled. 
"I'm still not sure about this, kid. You really want to pull this prank on Uncle Drake?" 
"Trust me, Uncle Max, I promise I won't tell anyone," She insisted. 
"If you say so, kid." 
"All right, Ellie, we're ready," Leo called out. 
"Awesome, let's get started."
They placed the fake spiders all around the cabin and draped the black cloth over the furniture. 
"What's next?" 
"We need to put the real bats in the rafters." 
"The real bats? How did you find those?" Maxwell gasped. "That is so cool!" 
"I ...may have asked one of the menagerie guards in Valtoria." she replied proudly. 
"Damn, Ellie," Leo cackled. "I am so proud of you!" 
"Thanks, Uncle Leo. Now, let's get started." 
After their plan was set in motion, they hid behind the bushes and waited outside of Drake's log cabin. 
As the fog machine began to create a thick haze around the cabin, the lights inside flickered on and off, and the sounds of bats echoed throughout all the rooms inside. 
"Holy crap," exclaimed Leo. 
"It looks like the set of a horror movie." 
"It's perfect," Ellie beamed. 
"Wait until he comes back." 
"What do we do then?" asked Leo. 
"Hide, of course. I'll tell you when to jump out." 
"Sounds good to me." 
Drake was exhausted after his round of golf with Liam. He couldn't wait to relax by the fire with a cold beer and some good music. Not paying particular attention to the fog outside.
However, when he walked into the cabin, his entire body went rigid. 
He was met by a sea of cobwebs and fake, moving spiders. 
The lights flickered, and the sound of bats echoed through the air. 
"What the fuck?!" 
Trying the light switch, Drake felt something flutter on his head. 
"This is not fucking funny!" 
He searched the cabin but found no one. 
"Come out, now!" 
Suddenly, the front door slammed shut, and Drake was trapped inside in the dark. 
"This isn't funny anymore!" 
"Whoever did this is going to be grounded until their kids have kids!" 
"I'm serious, now!" 
Drake's blood was boiling, and he was fuming. 
"I don't have time for this bullshit!" 
Suddenly, the music began to blare, and the fog machine created a thick haze. 
The sound of bats echoed throughout the area, and the lights flickered on and off. 
Drake was furious, and he stomped over to the stereo, slamming his fist on the button. 
The music stopped, and the cabin fell silent. 
But the real bats kept flying, and the sounds of bat chirps were all around him. He grabbed a broom and began to knock them down. 
"Fucking bats!" he screamed. 
"Who the hell thought this was a good idea?" 
"It's not fucking funny, Ellie! If you're watching this, it's not fucking funny! Your dad is going to hear about this!" 
Drake was so angry that he didn't notice the front door open, and he was oblivious to the footsteps approaching. 
"Drake?" Liam called out. 
"Fuck!"  Drake jumped at the sound of Liam's voice, and his heart nearly stopped. 
"What the hell are you doing here?" 
"I came to check on you. I heard your yells when I dropped off your clubs on the porch. You forgot them in the SUV." 
"I'm fine," he grumbled. 
"Why is it so dark in here?" 
"It was like this when I came in." 
"I see. So, you're hiding from the spiders." 
"Fuck no! I'm not afraid of fucking spiders!" 
"Okay, then let's turn on the lights and get rid of these." 
"Fine."  Drake exhaled loudly.
Liam flipped the switch, and the cabin was bathed in light. 
"Yes, much better." 
"Good. Now, why don't we have a seat and relax." 
They sat on the couch, and Drake poured himself a drink. 
"So, do you have any idea who could've done this?" 
"Not entirely sure," Drake sighed, taking a sip of his whiskey. 
"Well, it was a clever prank." 
"A clever prank? It's not funny, Li." 
"Of course not. But, come on, Drake. You have to admit, it was creative." 
"It was not fucking funny. Someone needs to ground her." 
"My Ellie? She did this?" 
"That's it?" 
"I think she had some help from Leo and Maxwell. She sent that message 'gotcha' to me, and I'm sure they helped her pull this off." 
"Yeah, that's it. And I know for a fact that this was her." 
"Because she's the only one who can get away with shit like this."
"Drake, come on, she's just a little girl." 
"She's twelve, Liam, and she's too smart for her own good. She is just like her mother." 
"Hey, I resent that." 
"It's the truth. Your wife is always coming up with some scheme or another, and now, Eleanor is doing the same thing." 
"Look, Drake, I understand you're upset, but I'm sure she didn't mean any harm." 
"You're not the one that was almost scared to death by bats."
"It could've been worse." 
"Yeah, well, it wasn't. It was just a stupid prank." 
"Look, Drake, I'll talk to her. But, come on, it's Halloween, and she's only twelve. Cut her some slack." 
Drake breathed out loudly, hanging his head.
"I'll make sure she apologizes to you, too."
"Well, I can't argue with that." 
"That's all I ask... now, I need a fucking drink." 
As the two friends relaxed by the fire, Drake decided to let his guard down and enjoy the moment. 
He couldn't believe Eleanor was able to pull off a prank like that. She had to have had help. He knew she had a mischievous side, but he never expected her to be so bold. 
"Well, I'm glad you find this amusing," Drake grumbled looking at Liam.
Liam, on the other hand, was amused by the whole situation. He couldn't help but chuckle to himself at the thought of his daughter scaring Drake. 
"Drake, come on, the princess just wanted to have a little fun. And, let's face it, you can be a bit of a grouch sometimes." 
"Gee, thanks." 
"It's the truth. And you know it." 
"Fine, I may have been a bit grumpy. But that doesn't excuse the fact that she scared the shit out of me." 
"Again, she's only twelve, and you were in no danger. I'll talk to her." 
"Good, thank you." 
As the two friends relaxed by the fire, Drake couldn't help but wonder what else the princess would get up to in the future.
"Here's to Eleanor Rys and her sense of humor," Liam said proudly, raising his glass. 
"May she always find joy in life, even if it's at the expense of others." 
"And here's to you, Liam, for putting up with me," Drake chuckled. 
They clinked their glasses together and drank deeply, enjoying each other's company. 
They had no idea that their princess had already hatched a new scheme in her head, and she was determined to get the upper hand on her uncle Leo. 
It was going to be a long Halloween season. 
As Drake and Liam enjoyed their drinks, the princess and her uncles were having a celebration of their own outside the cabin. 
"Did you see his face?" Leo chuckled. 
"That was epic," Maxwell added. 
"You were brilliant, Ellie," said Leo. 
"Thanks, Uncle Leo," Ellie giggled and hugged her uncles.
"Happy Halloween." 
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dandysworldhcs · 13 hours ago
gigi, connie, and flutter go on little dates sometimes (flutter is aro and romance-apathetic, so she just tags along for food and to hang with the other two (connie and gigi are dating fight me))
gigi likes going to restaurants or cafes and stuff and hoarding deserts, or going to arcades and spending wayyy too much money on claw machines (connie usually posseses them and gets gigi whatever she's trying to grab).
connie takes the three on walks and stuff. she doesn't like being in places with lots of people when she can help it, but she doesn't hate being around people. (she also likes movies, but gets bored easily.)
flutter is arbitrary. sometimes she wants to do something super big and adventurous, other times she'll just do something chill.
as a little treat, you can see the three of them on picnics and stuff in the backgrounds of many episodes! blame arthur for that. he loves his little yuri gremlins
THIS IS SO AWESOME the sapphics and their token aro best friend
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studentinpursuitofclouds · 6 months ago
Hi there! I hope you're having a great day! I want to ask you a question... or more like a suggestion. I had asked the same thing several weeks ago, so I assume you missed it. But if you don't want to answer is, that's okay! 😄
My question is simple. What do you think SDV / SVE (including the mages and adventurers) bachelor and bachelorette would reach upon knowing that the farmer, whom had a quiet, soft and gentle personality, is actually a seasoned fighter in an underground boxing match (and a really good one, at that!)?
Thank you very much for your attention! 💕
Don't worry, dear anon, I saw your previous ask! I was just busy and couldn't answer earlier (will write it here so I don't have to answer twice). Thanks for your ask! And enjoy! 💕
SDV/SVE bachelors:
Gus had recently purchased a strength meter for his arcade corner, and Farmer had fallen in love with the machine, constantly spending their coins. And putting Elliott, who caught those moments, in complete shock. When the newcomer first came to town, they appeared to the writer as a kind and quiet-seeking person. Having learnt for their background, he would like to write about their biography.
So, all those rumours about an underground bare-knuckle champion who knocked out big guys with one punch - is Shane's tender spouse crying about a dried rose? Holy shit... He's totally shocked (and pleasantly surprised, for wow, his spouse is awesome. Why didn't they say this before?).
Alex spent the whole time defending Farmer from the overly annoying newcomers, thinking they were too shy and kind to be rude to anyone. And it turns out that not only can they stand up for themself, but they can send huge muscular fighters staring into the realm of dreams with one punch. The athlete will be surprised for sure. How? When?
Is that true? Is it really true? Farmer really is a boxing fighter, and a champion too?! That's so cool! Um... Sam wonders if his friend/spouse should mention this to his mom at a dinner (much less his dad). These fights aren't too legal after all... However, it's up to Farmer to decide if they'll talk about it or not. Either way, Farmer is an incredible and cool person. He certainly didn't expect this from them.
Poor Harvey didn't even have time to react to Farmer being bullied by some assholes from the big city before Farmer sent them all straight to his clinic. While the doctor was bringing them to their senses (and writing a complaint against them for bullying the locals), he wondered how Farmer, the kindest and calmest person, knew such hand-to-hand combat techniques. Underground fighting was the very last option doctor could think of.
One, two, three - and Farmer dealt with three drunken bullies who started harassing the locals and imposing their company. Everyone was in complete shock. Sebastian, meanwhile, freaking delighted with them. The stories of their nightly fights underground for the title of best boxer, in Sebby's opinion, added another coin to the Farmer's piggy bank of awesomeness.
Lance's guesses were correct - Farmer's behaviour in the fight with the monsters made it clear at once that they had to engage and defend themself often. The adventurer had never seen anyone previously beat a magma sprite with their fists alone. Lance is pleasantly surprised and delighted by his mysterious friend. But just in case, it's best to carry a sword.
Victor starts showering his friend/spouse with a whole bunch of questions right after Farmer decides to share their past. How did it happen? Did Farmer become a fighter because they wanted the title, or were there other reasons? Do they still fight to this day? Pardon him, but he's very interesting. Farmer certainly doesn't seem like the type of person who would pursue a top fighter title with blood on their fists.
The truth is, Magnus knew about Farmer's underground fighting. Well, not really, for his crystal ball only showed vague information about their past. Hm? Of course a Wizard can see the past, that fancy hat's not for show, you know. Though he wonders how a fighter like them changed their occupation 180 degrees and became first an office clerk and then a farmer.
SDV/SVE bachelorettes:
Penny learnt all about Farmer's past after they defended her from some cheeky Joja driver by fist-bumping him in the face. The teacher never expected Farmer to do such a thing, though she is grateful for their help. When asked casually where they learnt to fight, she got an even answer, which left her even more astonished.
Funny enough, when Farmer opened up to Emily about their constant nightly fights at the fight club, Emily felt proud of him. Pride because while they are strong, they treat those around them with kindness and patience. A bright aura radiates from them, and the new information about Emily's friend wouldn't make her change her attitude towards them for the worse somehow.
Maru hasn't heard much about these illegal fights in Zuzu City, but the title "Destroyer" speaks for itself. And Farmer has quite an interesting past, and she wouldn't mind hearing about it. The young inventor just hopes that all those titles and honours don't interfere in any way with her friend/spouse's job as a farmer, which they enjoy.
To Abigail, Farmer has become the most brutal and badass person on the planet. She knows about these fights! (Mostly just a gossip, not the actual fights). And the fact that it was Farmer who was the rumoured champion of underground fights made the purple-haired girl ecstatic. Man, it's a shame she can't brag to others about her friend/lover, as she doesn't want to get Farmer in trouble with the law.
"I never would have guessed, honestly. You don't look too athletic." Don't take Haley's words harshly, she didn't mean to offend Farmer. It's just that they really do look very unthreatening, so this information was a bit of a shock to her. Well, the girl now knows for sure that if she gets harassed, she can always ask her friend for help. Though she also doesn't want Farmer to be hurt either (she knows they're strong, but still).
This explains the fact that Farmer so easily knocked out Leah's ex when she and Farmer were on a date (even though Kel has always been weak). After Farmer shared about their past, she's naturally shocked, but the shock quickly changed to a look of adoration. A strong and resilient fighter who is the kindest and most ineterest person.... It is impossible not to fall in love with Farmer.
Claire was a bit taken aback by this information, because when she came to Zuzu City for some business, there were always some big guys standing near the underground, throwing dirty compliments and saying that they were "masters of boxing", so Claire "should definitely go with them". So the impression she had formed of such people was not a very good one. Farmer, on the other hand, is the gentlest and most sympathetic person, so it's a bit of a pattern breaker for her.
"I hope you don't have a list of detractors behind you." Sounds a little harsh from Olivia's lips, undeniably, but on the other hand, these things should be talked about beforehand. The former Joja accountant quizzes them about their fights and whether they "crossed anyone's path with their victories." Olivia isn't stupid, she knows what the consequences could be and doesn't want Farmer, her and her son to get hurt.
Sophia felt like she was behind a stone wall with Farmer earlier, and now that they've shared their stories about the club and their involvement, she's not afraid of anything at all. And most importantly, despite all those rumours of a tough and undefeated ring champion, Farmer remains the same kindhearted and cinnamon bun they've always been, hee hee!
Castle Village's mages and adventurers:
Hmm, Farmer has had some physical training before.... Alright, Isaac will be less suspicious of them. But still, fist fights aren't enough for the battle with monsters. Even pathetic green slimes can be a problem in this situation without any sword or dagger. They need practice with cold weapons as well.
Wow, Alesia didn't expect that the newest Guild member in Stardew Valley had entire titles in fist fighting behind them. Especially from someone she considered a pacifist and non-confrontational person. Strange why it wasn't listed anywhere on their report for them. While it's not "official" training on an adventurer, everyone's file should list all of their merits.
Secret underground fights for the Ultimate Fighting Championship title? *Chuckle* Why on earth would Farmer think it was a secret to Camilla? Oh, that's right, she's already learnt a lot about them, and their past... intrigues her. That explained their good physical fitness, despite their rather harmless appearance. Please tell her more about this battles~
Not to say that Jadu was much interested in Farmer's past, as they didn't know each other too well. But the rumour that Farmer had managed to learn how to fight in their rather young life inspires respect. The Castle Village mage thinks they had a reason to get into illegal fights, so he'll leave his questions at that. But wouldn't mind listening if Farmer is willing to tell their story.
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ghostytoad · 1 year ago
Omg I loved the raph req you just did!! Could I req basically the same thing but with a reader that’s similar to Leo instead? Thanks a ton<3
jfksdjhgklsh i've had to break this into multiple parts bc they turned out a little long, but hopefully they're just as good TwT
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* Fun n' Games *
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ROTTMNT Boys x GN! Leo-esque reader who enjoys drama, making jokes, and being overall awesome
Summary: The Hamato brothers unexpectedly fall for the smug, but genuine, fun-loving reader despite their egocentric habits
Headcanons for: Raphael
GN! Reader; Romantic; Fluff || Words: 1.3k
Donnie | Leo | Mikey | Bonus!!
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oh god, he's gotten his fill of worry-fueled headaches dealing with his little brother's shenanigans; why, WHY great pizza supreme in the sky did there have to be another one??
y/n's reckless antics has him worrying himself into an early grave, especially when they're so keen on proving themselves to everyone with dangerous stunts and high-action battles
it's not that he doesn't enjoy the odd adventure or two with them, but y/n's a HUMAN and he's a WAR MACHINE. he has to be extra cautious around them!
he's taken it upon himself to keep an eye on y/n at (almost) all times bc of their more impulsive actions; he is the oldest and biggest hamato after all, so who better to protect y/n?
if they're out and about with leo or mikey, he will DEFINITELY be there to intervene bc he knows those two are just askin' for trouble; he's their only braincell and they're NOT leaving him behind
it's through his constant surveillance (with some help from donnie), that he slowly starts to realize his feelings for them runs deeper than just wanting to keep them safe
god forbid y/n tries to hide their latest blunder or misadventure, raph will have an absolute FIT (nothing physical obviously, he'll probably get all pouty and insecure)
"look, i know i might not look it but inside, raph is just as scared as anyone else that the people i love could get hurt. i'm not mad, i'm just… tryna look out for you, y'know?"
mikey likes to tease raph for "babying y/n", which says a lot when it comes from the literal baby of the family; kinda forces raph to rethink his overbearing behavior
once he realizes just how overbearing and borderline scary he's being, he will do his best to back off and cut back on all the 'stalking' and 'babying'
will genuinely laugh at y/n's jokes, no matter how bad they are; even if leo literally made the same exact joke 10 minutes ago, raph can't help but double over wheezing with laughter when they say it
he finds y/n's delivery a lot better than leo's; genuinely thinks they are the funniest person alive
he will sometimes join in on y/n's teasing whenever it's directed at his brothers or at an enemy while they're fighting; if he manages to make y/n laugh at one of his jokes, he'll be over the moon with joy
has the habit of accidentally referring to y/n as 'leo' when he's scolding them or going into a long rant about staying safe or something; it's not that he sees y/n as a "human leo", he's just used to getting onto the red slider turtle for the same exact shenanigans so it's like an auto-response
immediately catches himself the moment he does misname them and profusely apologizes through his flustering tears; forgets what he was even mad about every time it happens
for a while, raph considered getting y/n a guard dog or something to watch over them but would they even want a dog? what if they're allergic or they have a terrible fear of dogs or something!
on top of that, despite claiming to be "good with animals", he basically scares off any small animal that comes within 10 ft of his towering stature
but aha, an idea! what if instead of a pet, he gave y/n something special of his? something he can trust to take care of them
as long as y/n PROMISES to keep it safe and clean, raph will gift them one of his special teddy bears to watch over them when he's not around
won't admit it, but he finds y/n's big ego and constant bragging to be incredibly endearing and will add to it whenever he can
like yeah, what isn't to like? they're cool, funny, they know where all the action's at, they have the prettiest eyes; it's no wonder y/n is as confident as they are - to be honest, raph's not sure why EVERYONE doesn't feel the same way about y/n
likes to use his special raph-exclusive catchphrase 'like a boss' to describe everything y/n does (a high honor in his culture)
"did you guys catch how y/n totally shut those clowns down like a boss?? i betcha they could take you three down no sweat!"
gaming buddies!! it's one of his favorite pasttimes and what better way to channel y/n's competitive energy than with some good ol' beat 'em ups
1v1 video game marathons are GUARANTEED to last days for the two of them; they've both managed to lose major sleep bc of how invested they get into the competition
but sleep deprivation has a habit of making fools of us all, even headstrong turtle mutants. and y/n just happens to be the subject of raph's sleepy rambles
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"I swear, I can't feel my eyes…" Y/N's croaky, tired voice muttered as they fought sleep against the now-deflated beanbag, the dim glow of the television screen highlighting the dark circles of exhaustion, "How long have we been playing?"
Slumped over next to Y/N was the large turtle, struggling to muster a coherent sentence as total nonsense tumbled from his lips. As he lay facedown across his own plush beanbag, controller lazily dangling from his large hand, he continued to mutter unintelligably.
"Alright, big guy, let's get you to bed." Y/N groaned as they sat up to stretch. They couldn't help but smile as they watched Raph's sleepy form slump further forward in protest, his knuckles brushing against the floor from how far he'd shifted. He was stubborn to be sure, and all of this just to win a single round. It's not like Y/N didn't warn him ahead of time just how epic their combat gaming skills were! He really should've heeded their warning, it would've saved him hours of humiliating losses and subsequent insomnia.
"L'go one more roun'…" Raph finally managed to grumble, his voice tapering off as the drowsiness overcame him once again. He refused to let the night end until he'd bested his opponent at least once.
"Nuh uh, we're getting you to bed and that's final." the amusement in Y/N's tone stirred the mutant back awake.
"Fine, but I'll getcha next time." Raph finally relented with a sluggish grin and heavy-lidded eyes. With a grunt, he pushed himself up off the sack and was sent stumbling into Y/N's awaiting arms. They struggled to keep a grip on his large form, nearly losing their balance once his full weight shifted onto them. In an impressive show of determination, Y/N had managed to carry Raph into his room, opting to (not so gracefully) toss the massive turtle back onto his bed. Raphael didn't anticipate such a toss and with a hand still tightly gripped onto Y/N's waist, he managed to yank the human down with a light thud against his chest. If it had been anyone else, Raph would've been embarrassed enough, but this particular situation was one he'd keep himself awake at night thinking about. And yet here Y/N was, eyes wide with surprise and body held snug against his, completely unaware of Raph's affection for them. Would they leave? Would they scold him for being too clumsy? Did they think he was a creep?
"Uh… s-sorry. Did I hurt ya?" he managed to stutter, his expression flustered and suddenly alert. Despite the internal conflict, his hand held firm on their waist as if it was urging them to stay.
"No, no, I'm fine. We can chalk this up to you being a sore loser though~" Y/N teased with a light smirk, the dark blush that dusted across their face very evident, only rivaled by the even darker shade that burned at Raph's.
A soft silence fell over the both of them as they timidly avoided each other's gazes, neither willing to yield.
"Um… Good night, Raph-a-doodle. Love ya…" Y/N hummed, nuzzling deeper into his chest while they tried to settle into their new sleeping position. Raph couldn't stop the sigh of relief that escaped him, but the way Y/N looked so peaceful and snug on top of him brought him back into the quiet lull of slumber. They were actually going to stay. Did that mean that they…?
He'd leave that question for another night.
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together-we-got-it · 8 months ago
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A cassette tape that was made in 1996 during the awesome adventure machine era
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victusinveritas · 8 months ago
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The Adventures of Tintin and the Horrific World of H.P. Lovecraft
A Scottish graphic designer Murray "Muzski" Groat has created an incredibly fun series of art that takes Hergé’s classic comic character Tintin and throws him into the terrifyingly awesome universe of H.P. Lovecraft. I'd love to see how these stories play out! Maybe Peter Jackson and Steven Spielberg's next Tintin film should be The Adventures of Tintin: At the Mountains of Maddness.
Watch our brave adventurers flee from shoggoths, Deep Ones, fish folk, ghouls, Formless Spawn, Mi-Go, Elder Things, nightgaunts, Old Ones, Outer Gods and foreigners (i.e. non-Anglo-Saxons) as they face many an existential crisis regarding their insignificance on a cosmic scale!
What eldritch horrors await our companions as they unearth the secrets from untold aeons in the dark corners of the earth? Will they heroically flee from these abominations from the stars, or will they choose the merciful oblivion that is death by throwing themselves on squalid pavements or shooting themselves in the head? And what trick does Nyarlathotep have up ‘His’ sleeve this time?
Find out in The Weird Adventures of Tintin, by H. P. Lovecraft!
* Tintin in Innsmouth (originally posted 27 September 2010)
* Muzski's note: "Zadok Allen (the town drunk and ex-sailor) could be played by the villainous Captain Allen."
* Tintin in R'Lyeh (originally posted 5 October 2010)
* Muzski's note: "PLOT ENDING: Tintin uses a crowbar on Cthulhu (BONK!), while Captain Haddock kicks his groping tentacles and curses alot. Cthulhu see's stars and hears little birds chirping, and slumps back into his tomb. Our heroes slam the cyclopean door shut, then have a wee chuckle to themselves, while walking back to the boat. Once they sail off, only Snowy notices the great city of R'Lyeh sinking back into the sea, before he puts his head down for a long nap while the sun sets in the distance. The End. 🙂 "
* Tintin and the Reanimator (originally posted 29 October 2010)
* Muzski's note: "PLOT: Ok, here we have Tintin and Snowy investigating the dubious activities of (the misunderstood) Herbert West, who loves bringing dead things back to life with his lizard-gene-soup. Eeeek!"
* Tintin at the Mountains (originally posted 18 November 2010)
* Muzski's note: "PLOT: Tintin and Snowy travel to the newly discovered and very mysterious Mountains of Madness, in Antarctica. They are looking for a missing expedition party from the Miskatonic University. Their bold leader and their friend, Professor Calculus was with the doomed party when everything went wrong."
* From Beyond (originally posted 2 December 2010)
* Muzski's note: "THE PLOT: Prof. Calculus is too busy working on a top-secret project at the Miskatonic Uni involving an expedition to Antarctica, so he asks Tintin and Captain Haddock to check in on his old friend Prof. Crawford Tilling-Ghast. To make sure he is well. Crawford has recently been slandered by the scientific community, for his outrageous cosmic theories, and becomes a recluse. Our heroes visit Crawford, but they are surprised by his bizarre machine, humming away suspiciously with a feint violet glow around it. Something is wrong! Crawford acts strange. His house staff have disappeared. Snowy keeps barking. There is a sudden sense like that of a rushing incoming train. Slowly, and slippery, something ghastly appears above Captain Haddock's head....!"
* The Shadow Out of Time (originally posted 9 December 2010)
* Muzski's note: "I based the layout on the June 1936 issue of 'Astounding Stories' magazine cover, where Lovecraft had this story first printed -> [link] "
* The Dunwich Horror (originally posted 3 January 2011)
* Muzski's note: "PLOT: Prof. Calculus is currently teaching at the Miskatonic Uni. on the subject of Antarctica. He contacts his pals Tintin and the Captain about several strange goings-on in the area, which seem to relate to the scarey Book Of The Dead - The Necronomicon (the uni library holds a copy). At night, the mutated Wilbur Whateley has broken into the library, looking for THE BOOK, but he gets savaged by the watchmen's dogs. Our heroes here this, but are too late. Wilbur dies, muttering "YOG SOTHOTH!" Snowy sniffs around, and spots a very old book lying on the floor."
* The Whisperer in Darkness (originally posted 18 May 2011)
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sugareey-makes-stuff · 9 months ago
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Oh heyyy! It's been a while, but I think this sorta sums up what April into early May was like. Stiles and Derek really got to exercise their foodieness as the weather got warmer to go on more adventures!
>>> I ended up going to a candy shop last month, and that was quite an extravaganza. They were both intrigued by the gumball machine that was bigger them (and apparently for kids 3+). I sadly had to decline when they asked me to get this. >>> Derek kept eyeing these caramel macaroons and got super grumpy when Stiles made him pose with the Baby Shark lollipops. I don't blame him...I guess he didn't like how cheery they were. >>> Meanwhile, Stiles was in absolute bliss when he found gummy tacos and a crap load of Monster drinks! (Which I didn't get, but I got other candy to take back with me...sour belts and peach rings, anyone?!) >>> I also ended up picking up a Mini Brands ball (the foodie version) for funsies. The boys got some nice surprises from this one! The Pizza Hut pizza is tiny AF and kinda sad. There are apparently 96+ things you can get, but I'm still not sure if I want to get another tbh. You know...dupes and such. But there are curly fries in this collection....so we'll have to see. >>> I think Stiles really liked the Jack in the Box breakfast sandwich, and Derek calmed down with a green smoothie and a nice bowl of ramen. All of these items looked pretty awesome. Same with the tuna nigiri!
That's a May part 1 update. Part 2 should be out before the end of the month, so stay tuned! It's def TW On Brand, and super fun!
Want to see more Sterek mini adventures? Stay updated by following the #stereksmolshots tag!
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