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modelpluswarsaw · 3 years ago
Anna Zasada for OCHNIK AW21/22 Campaign 
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bagwispas · 3 years ago
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isobeljoneswork · 4 years ago
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AW21/22 AW22
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joaobettencourtbacelar · 3 years ago
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Reposted from @amagazine_pt Arrayollos "O futuro desta arte secular arraiolense tem de pressupor uma evolução do ponto de vista decorativo e de sustentabilidade económica. A aposta na qualidade e diferenciação é fundamental, mantendo a tradição e a história, mas inovando dentro dessa tradição." Rui Lobo, especialista e diretor do CITA, Centro Interpretativo do Tapete de Arraiolos. O Tapete de Arraiolos é um bem nacional, patrimonial, cultural e imaterial. O artigo na A Magazine N1 A A Magazine é uma revista de coleção e de edição limitada. www.amagazinept.org Fotografia & Design @joaobettencourtbacelar Conceito & Styling @susanajacobetty Maquilhagem & Cabelos @leamaguilouro Modelo @difiperdigao @lagence_lisboa Boné tradicional alentejano A Chapelaria Évora Camisola & Saia @maria_gambina Tapete de Arraiolos bordado à mão @arte_em_casa_arraiolos #amagazinept #amagazine #arraiolos #arrayollos #arte #cultura #patrimonio #alentejo #joaobettencourtbacelar #photo #fotografia #styling #stylist #susanajacobetty #mariagambina #aw2122 #inverno #design #artigo #cita #historia #tapetesdearraiolos #artesanato #art #culture #heritage #portugal https://www.instagram.com/p/CZUFbgZspYv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hoganbrand · 3 years ago
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Laid back⁣ @renzhesculptor in HOGAN-3R #AW2122⁣ #Hogan3R Recycle - Reuse - Reduce⁣⁣ Discover more on HOGAN.COM via link in bio https://www.instagram.com/p/CYWrSortgJW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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radplayground · 3 years ago
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michaladamski1987 · 4 years ago
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Premiera nowej kolekcji AW21/22 jest już dostępna na www.jemiol.com. Sezon jesień-zima jest kontynuacją transformacji, mającej na celu tworzenie zrównoważonej i odpowiedzialnej społecznie mody. Marka zmienia się i konsekwentnie idzie w myśl idei bycia bliżej natury. Łukasz Jemioł przedstawia 1st drop, któremu towarzyszy hasło „Something About Classic”. To kapsułowa kolekcja składająca się z klasycznych elementów, które każdy powinien mieć w swojej garderobie. Oprócz oryginalnych trenczy, jedwabnych koszul i bluzki w charakterystyczny print Paisley, nowością jest linia basic, której hasłem wiodącym jest - J. #moda #łukaszjemioł #lukaszjemiol @lukaszjemiol #nowakolekcja #jesieńzima #aw2122 #backtonature #natura #polskamoda #basic #lukaszjemiolbasic #jemiolbasic #natural #naturalcolors #bliżejnatury #odzież #somethingaboutclassic (w: Michał Adamski) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTP51zoIcHD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rensourcing · 4 years ago
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Profildeki Biletix ve Biletino linklerinden bilet temin ederek bu eğitime katılabilirsiniz. 📣 Sonbahar-Kış 2021/2022 kumaş trendleri, ürün kategorileri bazında anlatılacak. Modaya ve tekstile ilgi duyan tüm katılımcılara açıktır. Herhangi bir ön bilgiye sahip olmaya gerek yoktur. Online katılım belgesi verilecektir. Eğitmen Sibel Ege Hakkında: 2003 yılında İTÜ Tekstil Mühendisliği bölümünden mezun olduktan sonra Gap ve VSP gibi yerel ve uluslararası firmalarda; merchandising, satınalma, sourcing operasyonlarını yürütüp yöneticilik yapmıştır. Kumaş, tekstil konfeksiyon, deri konfeksiyon ve aksesuar koleksiyonları üzerinde çalışmalarını sürdürmüştür. 2008 - 2009 yıllarında Koç Üniversitesi'nde aldığı MBA Turquality Yönetici Geliştirme eğitiminden sonra, 2010’da kendi girişimi Ren Sourcing'i kurmuştur. Avrupalı ve Uzakdoğulu kumaş firmalarıyla iş birliği yaparak Türkiye'deki ünlü markalara ve tasarımcılara servis vermektedir. Avrupalı markaların ihtiyaçlarına yönelik olarak Türkiye'den giyim ve aksesuar tedarik desteği sağlamaktadır. 2017’de UAL London College of Fashion'da Fashion Buying & Merchandising eğitimi almıştır. 2015’te Faruk Saraç Meslek Yüksek Okulu'nda kumaş ve tekstil konularında ders vermeye başlamıştır. 2016’da Vakko Esmod’la birlikte organize etmeye başladığı kumaş ve tekstil içerikli diploma, sertifika ve kurumsal eğitim programlarına, Türkçe ve İngilizce dillerinde devam etmektedir. 2017’de Fransız moda ve lüks okulu olan IFA Paris'te, MBA Fashion Business programında "Sourcing and Supply Chain Issues" ve "Materials, Production and Quality" derslerini vermiştir. University of Cincinnati ve Shanto Mariam University gibi kurumlarda misafir eğitmen olarak dersler vermiştir. Ren Sourcing çatısı altında bağımsız workshoplar ve eğitimler düzenlemektedir. Talepler doğrultusunda kurumlara ve kişilere özel moda ve tekstil eğitimi içerikleri sunmaktadır. Markalaşma, pazar ve fuar araştırması, kumaşlar, koleksiyon planlama ve üretim konularında danışmanlık desteği sunmaktadır. #rensourcing #tekstilegitimi #modaeğitimi #modatasarımı #kumaştrendleri #aw2122 #fw2122 #sonbaharkış2021 #kumaş #tekstil (Ren Sourcing - Sibel Ege) https://www.instagram.com/p/CR9NCjxoOuH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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trends-lockdown2020 · 5 years ago
WGSN Is a trend forecasting company.
WGSN (formerly Worth Global Style Network)  is a trend forecasting company of parent organisation ascential. WGSN was founded in 1998 in West London by brothers Julian and Marc Worth Emap (now Ascential), a business-to-business publisher and exhibitions company, bought the company in October 2005 for £140m
I am going to look at 5 trends from WGSN
1. New Mythologies Trend Concepts A/W21/22
They have chosen the tried and test methods in design fashion. This trend could because we are all under lockdown in the last months, and fashion industries are producing at the moment. All we have is what we can do at home. Whatever fabrics we have lying around.
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2. Conscious Clarity Trend Concepts A/W 21/22
This is a trend which needs to stay longer than 21/22. The trend is focusing on the way we buy clothes. We need us to take responsibly about global warming—recycling designs and fabrics to succeed when the industry makes a stand together.
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3. Details and Trims Concepts A/W 21/22
This is a trend where trims can easily be used to upgrade ones own garments which in turn, will make differences to how much you buy. To take some responable in regards to climate emergency we are at the moment. Embellishement, glass beads,wooden beads, ensure embriodery. Instead of using new material and buying new stock. Deadstock and surplus stock can be used and upgraged to design improves design and usages of products.
Intelligent function and surval moad  muti purson wear and adpedbity
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4. North American Colour Trend A/W 21/22
The mains colours in reinforce with all its tones and bright colours in the sun the brown tones. Something I will be looking forward.More than  50% of North Americans spend 5 hours every week, the natural colour is especially importment to the market.The electrical blue or sometimes called aqua blue in some cases its usaully and digital culture for phones and beaty products. Youth active wear it suitable for interiors aswell.
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modelpluswarsaw · 3 years ago
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Anna Zasada for NIFE AW21 Collection captured by Kamil Majdański
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crisismonitor · 3 years ago
Η Νέα Συλλογή της DUR, «ντύνει» με αισιοδοξία, αποφασιστικότητα και τόλμη τον άνδρα
Η Νέα Συλλογή της DUR, «ντύνει» με αισιοδοξία, αποφασιστικότητα και τόλμη τον άνδρα
Αισιοδοξία, η αποφασιστικότητα, η ωριμότητα και η τόλμη αποτελούν έννοιες που ενέπνευσαν τη νέα συλλογή της DUR AW2122’, που ονομάζεται “DARING TIMES” και είναι ήδη διαθέσιμη στα φυσικά καταστήματα και online στο www.dur.gr. (more…)
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1-800-paradiset · 3 years ago
hösten är här. redaktionen blickar inåt.
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bagwispas · 3 years ago
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Something for the festive weekend - the edit of the best designer bags on instagram in December.
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fashion-blog-2011 · 3 years ago
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ID on this jacket in SYTE AW2122 I cant seem to find the exact one. . more on https://www.reddit.com/r/findfashion/comments/q31u5r/id_on_this_jacket_in_syte_aw2122_i_cant_seem_to/
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joaobettencourtbacelar · 3 years ago
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Reposted from @susanajacobetty Reposted from @amagazine_pt 🖤 Todas as imagens na A Magazine N1, uma revista de coleção e de edição limitada. www.amagazinept.org Fotografia & Design @joaobettencourtbacelar Conceito & Styling @susanajacobetty Maquilhagem & Cabelos @leamaguilouro Modelo @difiperdigao @lagence_lisboa Camisola & Saia AW2122 @maria_gambina Boné A Chapelaria Évora #amagazinept #amagazine #cultura #arte #patrimonio #heritage #culture #art #joaobettencourtbacelar #photographer #fotografia #photoshoot #fashionart #inverno #aw22 #styling #susanajacobetty #mariagambina #design #magazine #alentejo #arraiolos #winter #nacional #chapelaria #evora #portugal (at Arraiolos Alentejo) https://www.instagram.com/joaobettencourtbacelar/p/CYthVemMG-9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hoganbrand · 3 years ago
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A creative flex.⁣ @renzhesculptor⁣ HOGAN-3R #AW2122⁣ #Hogan3R Recycle - Reuse - Reduce⁣⁣ Discover more on HOGAN.COM via link in bio https://www.instagram.com/p/CYWP47_NSKs/?utm_medium=tumblr
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