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noodles-and-tea · 4 months ago
Very late to the party to say your Gravity Falls/Inside Job fanart is doing numbers in my brain but!! It is doing numbers in my brain!! Reagan interacting with the Pines family is just such a move I’m obsessed.
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She has good taste
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choccy-milky · 8 months ago
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seb wants to be pet, too 😤💕 ((TYSM to @angel-fr0m-venus for asking how seb would react to clora petting all the cats around the school/hogsmeade BAHAHA. like a neglected puppy, thats how🐶))
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dragonsareverycool · 11 months ago
A Brothers Reunion
The small summoning circle lit up, casting a soft green glow, as two eyes watched it with weary hope.
Two demons argued violently about a soul, and Danny sighed from his spot on the throne that fully claimed him a month ago. While he still found it hilarious how thoroughly this guy managed to swindle so many of the high ranking demons, it had started to cross into annoying territory. Danny was seriously considering making a whole office dedicated specifically to hold all the paperwork one ‘John Constantine’ was seemingly generating with his very presence. Suddenly, Danny felt a soft tug on his core, much gentler then the summoning rituals of all those crazy cultists that keep popping out of nowhere used. More like the circles he gave to Sam Tucker or Jazz. But he could feel the summoner’s emotions, and the poor guy on the other end felt like he was about to cry.
Danny mentally went through everyone he’s given his personal line to. Then, he shot up and called for Fright Knight to send the demons away while Danny quickly allowed himself to be pulled through the summoning circle to where his brother waited anxiously.
The circle flared, and a large eldrich like figure quickly crawled through. Then, a very familiar voice muttered
“Man I wish these things weren’t so dramatic. I already scared the shit out of the justice league because of it” as the being’s form shifted to the more familiar form he took when seeing Damian for the first time in a decade. His white hair looked a little longer now, and his eyes a less toxic green.
“Danyal” Damian said stiffly. Danny looked up, making eye contact with Damian before responding
“Damian” in response Damian lunged, pressing a blade to Danny’s neck before asking a question only Danny could answer.
“What’s the last story you told me?” Danny simply smiled nostalgically,
“There’s the Damian I know. I told you about Canis Minor 16 days before I died the first time.” Damian heasitated before putting away his weapon and paused before he quickly started to hug Danny, who returned the hug.
“… first time?” Damian asked, still in Danny’s arms.
“Mother didn’t tell you what happened to me after, did she?” Danny asked into his twins hair. Damian didn’t even bother to say anything and just turned his head to look at Danny balefully, before Danny sighed and said
“Of course she didn’t. I was dunked into the Lazarus pits, before mother dropped me off in the middle of nowhere America, where she forbade me from ever talking about my old life or ever attempting to contact you.” Damian paused to process this, before saying
“And the second time?” Danny sighed at that, his face set into a grimace. Damian started to move, bringing Danyal over to his bed, where Danny realized Damian had summoned Danny in his room. Damian sat them both onto his bed, and curled further into Danny’s arms, while gesturing to continue.
“I was adopted by a couple who claimed to be ‘ectobiologists’ who already had an older daughter named Jazz. She’s my sister.” Damian nodded solemnly at that, mentally adding ‘Jazz’ to his list of siblings. Danny pulled out his brick of a phone and started showing Damian pictures of his adoptive parents, his sister and everything else as he spoke about it. “They’d been working on a project in their lab since before they adopted me, longer then they’re had Jazz even. When I was fourteen, they finally tried to turn it on. It failed. It was a portal to what they called ‘The Ghost Zone’, but that realm is much more. The Infinite Realms are the glue that holds all universes together, and its a kind of afterlife. They didn’t know half of that, only that some souls of humans who died stay there, and even then, they thought that these ghosts were only a husk of their former selves, and couldn’t feel pain.” Damian started to connect the dots at that and asked
“You’re one of these ghosts?” It was almost a statement, but Damian wasn’t going to make many assumptions. Danny nodded before continuing
“I had two friends who convinced me to show them the failed portal. I walked inside of the portal we assumed was completely defunct, and I tripped over one of the many wires on the floor. When I tried to stabilize myself, I hit the on button.” Damian’s eyes widened, and he froze while Danny paused. After a moment, Danny continued, saying “My adoptive parents had connected the portal to the towns power grid, and the portal opened up on top of me. Electricity and ectoplasm, what ghosts and the Infinite Realms are made of, clashed inside my body, killing me and reviving me repeatedly until the portal finally spit me back out. I only half died that day.” Danny put his phone away and focused on playing with Damian’s hair. Damian reveled in his brothers affectionate touch like when they were small.
“Half?” Damian asks after a minute or two.
“Half. I technically have several ghost forms, and I have a human form” Damian looked up from Danyal’s arms, his eyes asking the obvious question he was a little afraid to ask, though he’d never admit it. Danny smiled at the unasked question, and rings of light formed around him, before dissipating and revealing a very much alive eighteen year old Danyal Nightingale. He grabbed one of Damian’s hands and pressed it against his neck, allowing Damian to revel in feeling his former dead brother’s pulse. Damian tested Danny’s wrist, and put his ear against Danny’s now warm chest.
Damian will deny the appearance of tears to his death, but Danny didn’t say anything, he just held Damian closer. After a while Danyal started to talk about the stars. Filling the silence with quiet but passionate rambling about stars and space. It was familiar. It was safe and warm and then Richard ruined the moment by slamming open Damian’s door yelling about a ‘Family Game Night’ and got a knife for his troubles. Of course he dodged with practiced ease, but then he realized Damian wasn’t alone in his room. Time seemed to freeze at the stand off. Dick had frozen, as the joy on his face seemed to leach away at the realization that there was an intruder.
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quick-otp-prompts · 9 months ago
Imagine your OTP
Person A: “Tell me what’s going on, love.”
Person B: “But I don’t wanna burden you.”
Person A, tucking B’s hair behind their ear: “Love isn’t easy. You can’t think that keeping secrets will make it so. Share with me.”
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junosmindpalace · 9 months ago
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Kento needs something good in his life.
For most of it he was fairly indifferent to a lot of things, his face often, if not always, chilled or some kind of annoyed. This seemed to be on the surface, perhaps, but Kento found pleasure within and among many things. Sakura trees, baked goods, the feeling of warm sand beneath his feet and cool ocean water washing it away.
They're the little things, even just thoughts of them, that keep Kento moving through this god awful world. As he gets older, goodness is found in even more trivial things, because with age also comes additional burden and various disappointment. Restock of a favorite product. Flowers in bloom. Small things that bring colour into a life that very frequently threatens to drain it all until he only knows to identify shades of grey and black.
The withering of leaves and flowers hanging onto dying branches amidst chilling winds, threatening to leave them completely bare, is when Kento is reminded more than ever that he needs you. He needs something good, something to work toward. Something to come home to. Something pleasant to fall asleep to. Something beyond material means to motivate him.
His work, in theory, serves him well enough. Pays him well enough if he sacrifices enough of his physical and mental strength to commit to working with difficult people and staring at a blue light that drains his energy almost as much as the routine of it all itself. In the end, he gets a paycheck, and that's what matters.
But truly, it makes Kento a little sick when he thinks that just can't be all life is. Meant to constantly choose which is the more daunting path. Meant to rot at some miserable desk around miserable people in a world that thrives off misery. When the leaves wither and gain spots, when the baked goods don't taste right, when even the thought of a satisfying future isn't enough to push out the nauseating images of curses, he needs something constant. He needs a good thing. He needs you.
You need something good in your life.
Beyond academics, beyond a 9/5, beyond completely busy and hectic days where, by the end, you struggle to remember half of it. Something besides validation from others, besides the constant need to catch up.
A rest would be good, perhaps. A rest from your responsibilities, a rest from the nonsense and vileness that spouts out of people's mouths on the daily, from the streets to your work to the bubbles on your phone. A rest to remind you that in this world, there was still something worth going on for. Something that made all the work worth it. That there was still time to do you, to be with someone who appreciated you. You need something good in your life.
And you've had something good, both of you: you've had each other. For quite some time.
Neither of you would've been able to predict that your futures would intertwine in such a personal and intimate way. Neither of you would've been able to predict from your high school years that you'd steadily fall in love with each other over trauma bonds and shop run-ins and whatever else there was. Neither of you would've fathomed sharing a home together, a small one, but yours, nonetheless.
Never would you both think that the good thing would consist of each other.
But it's been good. It's been grounding, it's helped you retain some semblance of identity and hope in a world that seems adamant on stripping it from you. Besides late-night conversations about bad memories and the heaviness of the world, there were joint cooking sessions. There were silly debates about nonsensical topics. There was reading together. There was indulging in each other's hobbies, when time made room for them. There were attempts at movie marathons: such as the one you were attempting tonight.
It usually never worked out because often you and Kento both came home exhausted from work, but sometimes a shower, a light dinner and a change of comfortable clothes was enough to wake you both just enough to want to spend the remainder of your energy together. So, you agree on trying a movie you've wanted to see for a while, making yourselves comfortable with blankets and pillows.
Your legs are sprawled over his lap, hugging a cushion pillow close to you as the arm of the couch supports your back. Nanami's slouched and still with his arms crossed over his chest. They'll occasionally come down to settle on your knees. It's a little after midnight, the only light resonating throughout your living room being the blue light from the television. The more time that passes, the more Kento becomes aware of the power it has over his senses, lulling him in and out of sleep. When he tilts his head against the cushion toward you, he can see from the crescents in your eyes that the effect was the same.
"Hey," he mutters quietly, gently nudging your side. "Don't doze off on me, now."
You object with a groan as you sit up against the cushion, lulling your head to look up at him. "M'not."
"Didn't look like it."
"Oh, don't start. I saw your eyes close."
"And you thought that'd save you?"
Kento has never, but especially not since high school, believed that anything has any real permanence to it, besides maybe death. Everything is fleeting. Life is fleeting, he sees it in the shrivelled lines and drained colored from plants through the changing seasons as well as in the creases of skin and unusual paleness of corpses from the morgue. Routine is not always consistent, it's reminded when he's forced to work overtime, to take a detour to a location, when he falls behind some sort of schedule.
But when he looks over at you, takes in the small smile on your lips, the glow on your skin from the TV lights, he thinks of how badly he wants this good thing to last. Even though it's selfish, even though there was no guarantee that it would no matter the thought of a ring on your finger, there was something in him that wanted it anyway.
The only thing that holds him back from letting the question fall from his lips is the guilt he’d feel for not being more thoughtful in the gesture. No ring, no nice day spent together. Truly, he’d resent himself if he were to propose to you in such an undeserving, unaffectionate and unromantic way. But when he watches you with his head lolled to the side, your own eyes cheerfully boring into his as you sit in the dead of the night trying to enjoy some semblance of peace in your togetherness, he wants so badly to just say it:
Marry me. Let’s have something good.
You know, for good.
He holds his tongue though, and instead gives you a smile of his own, a small but meaningful curve of his lips. The TV light illuminates the sides of your faces, and soon enough the blue light and dialogue will lull you to sleep, and you’ll both abandon your movie session in favor of some much-needed rest. So he stands up from the couch before it could get to that point, letting your legs gently swing to the side to accommodates the sit up. He turns toward you, and offers both of his hands out. "Come on. Let's go to bed."
You whine in protest. "But the movie..."
"We'll finish it another time, promise. I have a day off, soon."
"Really?" A quiet gasp escapes you, and your smile gradually widens as you take hold of his hands as he aids in pulling you up and leading you down the hall.
"Next week, I'm pretty sure. We can do something."
"Not spending the whole day in bed."
"Awfully tempting."
He has a good thing, Kento thinks as you swat his chest, but he doesn't move his hand from your lower back to block at all. He has a goddamn good thing, he thinks when your chuckles break the silence within your home, and through the good, bad, and ugliness of it all, it'll be something that keeps some order and hope in his life.
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aelswiths · 8 months ago
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Gisela in 2x07
Inspired by @mojogifs beautiful gisela gifset
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gierosajie-art · 1 year ago
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Whumptober 2023 Prompt List | No. 26: “Sometimes I get so tired; I don’t even know myself.” | Working To Exhaustion | “You look awful.”
"We're banning you from paperwork for the rest of the week."
Oh how the turntables have turntabled
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ygamiraito · 8 months ago
his outfits for NYCON '67 ate up SO HARD. now THATS a man that can dress himself
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thelastdayalive · 10 months ago
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and his beautiful face in his leather and lace 💗🖤
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twiggybtch · 4 months ago
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Fetico A/W24 - Designer Emi Funayama
My favorite looks of the collection. 
Look 1- Tulle baby doll blouse looking ghostly in white, the pattern of the lace knit stockings, the Lace-up leather boots worn by all the models. It's all to die for, completed with a velvet and mesh bodysuit. All of the collection's prominent fabrics styled in such a gorgeous fit. Xoxoxx
Look 2 - Lace knit off-the-shoulder mini dress. Giving me the same vibe -Pinterest pinned- Dolce&Gabbana (ugh)'s fall 2020 heavy knit sweater with stockings.  The off the shoulder cut is the only similarity. This is honestly more heavenly and sinful.  Priced at $638, I'd be in debt for it.
Look 3- Ah-mazing tulle pleating with such a gorgeous velvet vest top. The most romantic gothic suit. 
Look 4 - The opener! A velvet jersey slit dress. Bringing a chic Wednesday Addams meets Abigail Williams. At first, I wasn't very convinced, but the collar is just so posh and the cut-outs forming a tasteful star with the plunging v is so cute. It convinced me, I want to join the puritans in their mission to hellish conversion. 
Maybe we've seen it all. Maybe velvet and the Victorian sickfit are outplayed by the goths. But I'm eating and I love the love for tradition and romance. 
Ugh take me away Dracul.xoxoxo
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candiedwords · 2 months ago
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I LOVE YOU, Begin Again, my original story about a secret world's governments group time-traveling to kill infamous horrible villains of history before they commit their horrid acts, then stealing some of their brain fluids and blood to clone them to raise the clone kids and hopefully make them into perfect soldiers!
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bigfemboyenergy · 11 months ago
The Worst Crossover To Ever ‘Cross Over’ Pt.3
kill me i have no idea how to write the batfamily or the joker//
Sonic breathes in deeply, trying to regain his cool. He’s seen so much bullshit in only a few seconds, so it makes sense. It almost feels like someone’s writing him into this crap, because of how bad it is.. but anyway.
About twenty or so feet away, there’s the entrance to a warehouse. In front of it, two people stand; a clownish creep, with eerily green hair, slicked back, and his lips smothered with tarnished red lipstick..and Danny, in something resembling a hero suit of sorts, with his hair and eyes now white and green, respectively. It’s quite the spectacle. So much so that there’s a few bat- and bird- themed people just a few rooftops away..watching.
After a few seconds of watching Danny interact with the freakish clown man, Sonic decides to rush in, standing between Danny and the clown, concern leaving his eyes looking wide and more unusual than normal. The clown pays little mind to him, trying to talk with Danny, intrigue lighting up his thin, sharp features. “Oho, another!” the clown starts. “I’ve never seen anything quite like you two before.” Sonic stands defensively in front of Danny, arms stretched out to protect him. “Yeah, and I’ve never seen a clown become the butt of their own joke, but here you are,” Sonic retorts, with a scowl. He’s going full defensive. Behind him, however, Danny doesn’t seem nearly as bothered as one might expect.
A while earlier, Danny had just arrived, drawn in by the noise. Only to see a clown near the source of the sound and some bat furry guy and his supposed accomplices some buildings away, just watching? He was not pleased. Flying down to the clown, he discovered that the horrible shrieking was just the laugh of this nasty clown..or a ringmaster..? Less clown-like..reminds him of that weirdo from Circus Gothica. Danny shivers, immediately uncomfortable. “So, who are you, and what are you doing?” Danny starts, ready to interrogate. The ringmaster-clown-guy shrugs, with a cruel giggle; “Oh, you know, a bit of this, a bit of that.” Danny rolls his eyes, noticing his dodging of the question. The clown dude looks Danny up and down, in a way that makes him so much creepier. “Are you, mayhaps, one of them?” Danny looks at where the clown is pointing- the bat furry and some other furries. “Uh, no way, don’t know who that furry is, never seen him before today-” Danny starts, before being rudely interrupted by the ringmaster-clown’s horrible laughter. “He isn’t quite a furry, but it’s funny you see him as such! He’s Batman, kid. And you are?” Danny looks at the clown guy, deciding that his non-hostility leaves him somewhat okay to respond to..especially if he’s gonna start building his rep back up. “Phantom. You know, usually one should say their own name first during an introduction,” Danny says, with a curious expression. “But you didn’t. Who are you, then?” The ringmaster grins wildly as he proclaims, “The Clown Prince of Crime, the Joker, one and only!” Danny’s face pales slightly; this guy is definitely not a good guy, with a name and title like that. Maybe I shouldn’t have indulged him, he thinks.
Danny takes a step back, feeling a lot less safe around this “Joker” guy. He hasn’t done anything wrong yet, but he certainly will try, won’t he?
As Sonic arrives at the scene, Batman almost takes action. These people..where have they come from? He nor any of his colleagues habe met them, that’s for sure- he’d know if they had. A boy called “Phantom”, clearly a meta, and some blue spiky meta. Unusual and sudden appearances could mean..something big. But it seems that the situation is dying down for now.. so he swoops away, bringing the rest of his team with him.
Sonic glares at the clown, not knowing what he may have done or not done to Danny. Danny steps up behind Sonic, whispering in his ear, “He’s some sort of prankster, I think? Calls himself “Joker”. He hasn’t done anything yet.” Sonic lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. Whispering back, he murmurs, “Let’s just go, for now. He gives me the heebie-jeebies.” Danny nods, and Sonic promptly grabs Danny and runs away, with incredibly speed, the Joker looking at the two of them and waving as they escape the scene.
Now back at their makeshift home, Sonic asks, “Why did you leave?” He puts Danny down and looks up at him, a bit saddened. “I thought something bad could’ve happened, or you were afraid of me…” He sighs. Danny looks at Sonic, eyes sympathetic and kind; “I woke up and was too worried to sleep. Sorry. I just..wanted to scope out the town. And, uh..I think we have some more things to talk about..” He gestures to himself, and then to Sonic. “Some abilities and backstories we need to share.”
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frnkiebby · 9 months ago
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you could tell her that this is circa 2005 and frank let gerard play with his makeup?
current frank however is a little too dilfy for this to be believable now.
but twinky frank. this could be done with twinky 2005 frank maybe~🎃
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joverflowers · 5 months ago
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Seokjin as le petit prince and Jimin as his friendly neighborhood flower resident boy
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light-wrath-paradise · 5 months ago
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Well these colours sure didn't translate well
@prismatic-starstuff @beardedladyqueen
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moriitis · 23 days ago
Hihihi will there be a second part of knight Toby ? Idk if you said this already
someone crucify me. i need to stop writing things that require part 2s because i drop it almost instantly LMAO. i promise i am still very much on knight toby, i just lowk wanna like completely start anew and write something else that is knight toby do you know what i mean? plus ive been so busy with work and lowk ive been playing a ton of video games cough cough kingdom come deliverance cough cough. ILL COOK SOMETHING UP FOR SURE. but it might not be a part 2, just something else entirely. sorry.
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