#avietta attempts meta
royaltyjunk · 7 years
Analysis of Julia’s Heroes Quotes
I really like doing these, so the lovely @demoiselledefortune​ requested I do Julia’s.
Oh, uh, FE4 spoilers are very prevalent in this analysis so… *points to the back button*
Hit it if you haven’t played it before.
“Mother… You always watch over me.”
A reference to Deirdre, Julia’s mother. And… well, we all know what happened to her.
She got killed by her own son and saved Julia’s life in doing so. Great parenting, ladies and gentlemen.
“To be bathed in such warm light.”
A little hard to pinpoint where this came from, but I’ve got a little idea where it comes from. Most likely, it is based on the scene where Julia gets the Book of Naga.
Julia: Oh my… What a strange feeling… I feel like I’ve known this book all my life…
Most likely, the feeling has to do with warm light as the Book of Naga is light magic.
“May you never be hurt.”
Wishing for the avatar to be well and happy things like that.
“W-what have I done… What…?”
This is pretty hard to figure out, but luckily I somehow got Julia and more importantly, somehow remember my Japanese Genealogy playthrough, In Heroes, Julia says “私…いったい何を…” (watashi… ittai nani wo…), which is where, in Genealogy, she says the same line, or this line in the fanslation:
Julia: … Huh… Seliph!? What… what’s going on?
“I-I wanna help you too…”
I couldn’t find any direct quotes, but it’s pretty obvious. If you’ve ever played Genealogy of the Holy War, you know Julia thinks she’s a burden, shown in many other quotes that I found in the process.
Julia: I do! Thank you so much, Rana. Now I can help out a little, too.
Julia: I… I do trust you, sir. I’m sorry… I’m always such a burden on you.
Just a chuckle.
“Oh! Oh, I see. It’s you, isn’t it?”
So this is a thing that most characters do? Where does this come from, I don’t know.
“May the gods ever protect you.”
An allusion to the conversation between Seliph and Julia in Chapter 9, where Julia blesses Seliph with basically the same phrase.
Seliph: Hold on! Doesn’t using that spell put you at some risk?
Julia: I’ll be fine… I have so little I can offer you, sir. Please allow me just this once.
Seliph: Julia…
Julia: …May the grace of the gods be with this person.
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royaltyjunk · 7 years
Analysis of Ephraim’s Heroes Quotes
2/2 of the requests from @mahnati​. Fun fun fun-
Part 1 is here.
"You know, I like you, and I feel I can trust you completely.”
More avatar praising.
"Here's some advice: Let the fools spread gossip. The rest of us have work to do."
Based a bit off of his dialogue in the “Family Bonds” paralogue.
Ephraim: Here you are at last. We've been waiting for you. It seems that your sibling bond is strong indeed. But it cannot be as strong as the one that binds Eirika and me. Ours is so strong that some fools dare spread lies about us. Disgusting.
Other than that, I’m not sure what else he could be referring to.
"Trust me, I don't pick fights I can't win."
Ah, the iconic quote most people associate with Ephraim, aside from “Disgusting”. It originates from Chapter 5x in FE8.
Valter: Fool… Have you gone mad? Do you truly believe you can fight your way past my wyvern knights?
Ephraim: Watch and see. I don’t pick fights I can’t win. Kyle, Forde. Are you ready?
"I will protect you. Just believe in me and follow my lead." / "You can rely on me for anything you require."
They’re both here because they basically have the same justification. They’re both most likely original lines, but probably based on his desire to protect Eirika, imminent through Sacred Stones.
Eirika: I’ve always relied on you to protect me, Brother. I would rather not be such a burden to you in the future. So, I thought maybe I should learn to protect myself…
Ephraim: I’m your brother. Brothers are supposed to protect their sisters. It’s nothing for you to worry about. It’s no cause for concern.
Evil Lyon: …Tell me, Prince Ephraim of Renais. Why do you fight on? Do you think you accomplish your sad desire? Can you restore your homeland from the grave? Overthrow “evil”? Or protect your sister?
"Oh? Don't startle me! You almost met with the tip of my lance."
Surprised line again.
"I must protect Eirika, as a brother ought to do for his sister."
A quote that comes from Chapter 2, in the same flashback where Eirika starts her sword training.
Eirika: I’ve always relied on you to protect me, Brother. I would rather not be such a burden to you in the future. So, I thought maybe I should learn to protect myself…
Ephraim: I’m your brother. Brothers are supposed to protect their sisters. It’s nothing for you to worry about. It’s no cause for concern.
Ephraim laugh. Hooray.
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royaltyjunk · 7 years
Analysis of Eirika’s Heroes Quotes
Request 1/2 for the wonderful @mahnati. Guess who’s next if I’m doing Eirika ;>
"Would you be willing to assist with my sword training?"
A big thing about Eirika in Sacred Stones is that she is just a princess who’s had minimal sword training. There’s an entire flashback based on her starting to learn the sword:
Ephraim: It’s time to start. Are you ready, Eirika?
Eirika: Yes, Ephraim. Let’s begin.
Ephraim: Tell me, though. Why do you want me to teach you to fight? I thought you didn’t care for violence…
And is the basis for some of her supports as well.
Eirika: Yaa… Yaa! Ephraim: Eirika, try taking a deeper step forward when you lunge. Otherwise, you might find it hard to dodge the counterthrust of a foe. That’s why you always want to end a duel with a single blow. Don’t give your opponent the chance to return the attack. Eirika: Ah, Brother! Thank you for the instruction! I suppose I still have a lot to learn.
Eirika: Hrrngh… Hahh! What do you think? Seth: Your sword arm is magnificent, my lady. You have improved yet again.
"How curious. I feel such warmth and hope when near you."
Again, she is praising the avatar.
"My brother and I, and our friend Lyon, we once had grand ideas about the future."
There are a lot of moments where Ephraim, Eirika, and Lyon speak of their dreams, but the most notable ones are in the flashbacks and supports with Ephraim.
Ephraim: A great king? I honestly have no idea what that means. Eirika should succeed the throne. I would be happy simply taking my lance and traveling the land as a mercenary.
Eirika: Ephraim, that is nothing but foolish, irresponsible romanticism! Do you realize how much your words would fill Father’s heart with grief?
Ephraim: Are we speaking of the same man? Our father will likely outlive us all. For now, I’m content just learning the lance from General Duessel. What about you, Lyon? Is there anything you want to do?
Lyon: Me? Well, I… I suppose I want to become like my father.
Eirika: You were born to be the Emperor of Grado, Lyon. It suits you.
Lyon: No, I don’t think so. I’m not– One thing I do know from watching my father is that being emperor is hard. Every day, he answers the complaints of the people, and he almost never sleeps… My father is always so very tired. I hope one day that… I hope that I can help him.
Eirika: Lyon… You are so honorable. You should learn from him, Brother.
Lyon: And as my research moves forward, I’ll be able to do much more, too. We have only the barest understanding of how dark magic operates. Maybe we can use it not only to heal wounds, but also to stop diseases… What if we can read the future, predict disasters, move mountains!?
Eirika: Hold on, Lyon. You can’t take too much on yourself all at once. What good is helping people if you sacrifice yourself to do it?
Lyon: Oh… Yes, of course. Sorry. I got carried away.
Ephraim: You have a soft heart, Lyon. I bet you haven’t taken any real time off at all. So this is what we’re going to do. Today, we’re going into the city. And you’re going with us, Lyon.
Ephraim: We…three. Lyon was here with us, wasn’t he? We three had so many grand ideas for the futures of our lands.
Eirika: Yes… We talked about a lot. But Lyon...
"Oh! Oh, no more of that! You'll vex me."
More surprised character lines that I don’t know why they exist. Yay.
"Promise me, please. That you won't leave me alone."
Most likely a reference to the conversation Eirika shares with Ephraim in the decision chapter after Chapter Eight: “It’s a Trap”, the chapter titled “A New Journey”.
Ephraim: Ha ha! Hearing you say that fills me with confidence. I think I know my own limitations. I won’t overextend my reach. I can’t die and leave you on your own, can I?
Eirika: Ephraim…
Ephraim: Let us both survive to be reunited. Give me your word, Eirika.
Eirika: You have it, Brother.
Again, just a giggle.
"It's best to resolve conflict without fighting. When possible."
Again, something constantly brought up in FE8 is that Eirika does not like to fight. She’d much rather talk things out than fight blade to blade.
Eirika: I’m fine… Fine. …This is war, isn’t it? It’s not at all like the games I used to play with my brother or Lyon. I never thought– I didn’t know it would be this…savage. Are words useless? Is strength all that matters? It’s so sad… Why would the Grado Empire do this? To what end would they start a war?
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royaltyjunk · 7 years
Analysis of Nino’s Heroes Quotes
Requested by @fehtrash! Do my best!
I’m sorry.
"I never learned to read very well, you'll help me with that right?"
A quote based off of Nino’s support with Erk, where they discuss the importance of reading and studying magic.
Erk: This is the book I was reading. I’m done with it, so you can have it if you want. Nino: Really? That’s great! Oh…but…what should I do? Erk: I’m sorry? Nino: I’m still not very good at reading… Erk: …Then… How do you use anima magic? Nino: My mother… Not my real mother, but the one who raised me… She knew all kinds of magic, and I just imitated her from the time I was small. Erk: You imitated her? Nino: My mother would hold the tome and chant, right? Well, I just listened to her chants and practiced them over and over until I had memorized them!
"You can't imagine how happy I am to be here."
If you’ve played FE7, you know how Nino does not have the best self-image of herself. She’s probably really happy to be contributing to the battle. Have a quote that proves she has zero self-confidence I relate.
Erk: I’m just surprised. You must be a natural genius… …I have the deepest respect for you now… Nino: … … Erk: !? W-Why are you crying? Did… Did I say something terrible? Nino: Unh-unh… You didn’t… It’s just… I’m so happy…that someone…finally…appreciates me…… Thank…you……
"Ahh! Oh, got scared for a second."
Surprised line.
"What do you need? To talk? I'm always up for that!"
Nino is, obviously, a bubbly girl. I couldn’t find this exact quote, but I found many other happy Nino talking quotes.
Nino: Oh, hello, Canas! Canas: Hello. Why, you’re little Nino, aren’t you? Nino: Yep. Sure am. What are you reading?
Erk: …… …… Nino: Hey, it’s a mage! Hi! I’m Nino!
Nino: Ah, hello! I’m Nino! Nice to meet you! Florina: Oh… Hello… I…
Nino: Ah, I’m sorry… Hey, mister, you’re Merlinus, right? Merlinus: And who would you be? What do you want? Nino: I’m Nino! I’m supposed to defend our merchant.
Nino: Oh! Legault: Nino! It’s you! Ahh… At least you’re still well. Nino: Yeah! You, too, Uncle Legault!
Rebecca: Hello! You’re Nino, right? Nino: Yeah… I’m Nino! Who are you? Rebecca: I’m Rebecca. I’m 15. How old are you? Nino: I’m 14! We’re almost the same age!
Nino: Jaffar! Jaffar: … What is it? Nino: I want you to have this. Jaffar: …What is it? Nino: It is my greatest treasure! Isn’t it pretty?
"I'll work really hard for you! Cross my heart and hope to die."
I’m not sure where exactly this quote comes from, but the second part probably comes from Nino and Jaffar’s A-support.
Nino: Yes… Let’s always be together… Jaffar… Don’t ever leave me… …Ever. You have to promise. Jaffar: On my honor… On my heart.
"I love baked dumplings more than anything! We should find some!"
Taken from Nino and Rebecca’s C-Support.
Nino: Is this…a baked dumpling? Rebecca: Yeah, if you like it, go ahead. Nino: I love baked dumplings! Thank you! It’s…delicious! Wow! It’s…great! You made this, Rebecca?
"The Black Fang was my family...I wonder how the rest of them are doing."
Hnng those FE7 feels. Pretty obvious if you’ve ever played FE7, but Nino sees the Black Fang as her family, because she was raised with them, and has known nothing else.
Nino: ……I loved the Black Fang. Nergal and Sonia have ruined it, but… The Black Fang that my father and brothers made… Everyone was so kind, I thought of them as my family…
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royaltyjunk · 7 years
Analysis of Clarine’s Heroes Quotes
Final one on the list! For @fehtrash!
"Now, just who do you think you are getting my attention that way?" / "Do you need me for something? Whatever can it be?"
Giving the avatar praise and stuff in her special Clarine way.
"You must be grateful!"
I’m pretty sure this is based off of Clarine and Rutger’s supports,
Clarine: There you are! I won’t let you go this time! Rutger: …Knock it off. Clarine: What!? That is no way to respond to someone’s kindness!
"I shall save you."
Comes from Klein and Clarine’s supports,
Clarine: But I wanted to heal your injuries so that you would be proud of me and would say that I was being a great help, and…
Clarine laughs, she is a good girl.
"I shall teach you the ways of superlative style!"
Obviously, Clarine is a fine lady and is very picky about other peoples’ style and fashion sense. This quote is based on Clarine and Dorothy’s supports, where she teaches Dorothy how to dress and act like a proper lady.
Clarine: Of course! A lady must be wearing elegant dresses. A true lady must be dressed properly when they fight. Dorothy: Really…? No, I suppose you’re right. I don’t know anything about such matters… Clarine: Hm…I see. Well then, I suppose I can teach you everything I know. Dorothy: What? N-No! I wouldn’t do well in such things… Clarine: Don’t be ridiculous! A lady must always be beautiful. No gentleman will ever look at you if you look like that!
"Tea, with me… You know, I think I shall."
Tea isn’t explicitly stated in any of her supports,
Dorothy: Oh, right. Okay then, thanks, Clarine! Clarine: …A-Ahem! Today we shall go over how to drink tea!
"A lady must always aspire to the highest standards of beauty."
Clearly, Clarine cares a lot about beauty, but she actually reveals to Dorothy in their A-support what she thinks “beauty” really is.
Clarine: Listen to me. A fine lady must have confidence in herself. No matter how much you dress up, if you do not have faith in yourself, it will all be in vain. You must not degrade yourself like that. Understood?
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royaltyjunk · 7 years
Analysis of Priscilla’s Heroes Quotes
Just a little something fun, ya know?
By “Heroes Quotes”, I mean the quotes that she voices on that weird... face-touching screen.
"If you find yourself injured, please find me. I'll heal you immediately."
Priscilla doing healer things.
"What an exceptional individual you are.”
Just... stroking the player’s ego, I guess? As everyone in this game likes to do?
"Someone once made me a very important promise."
Actually, this one is interesting. It’s a reference to a support in FE7 - Heath’s. It starts in their B-Support...
Priscilla: Heath… This may be presuming too much, but…please do visit me, even if your wounds are slight. Don’t just assume they’ll be fine… Do come, won’t you? Heath: You’re a gentle soul… Sure, we’re in the same army, but to worry about a vagabond like me… Right, well. I’ll be sure to drop in for a check up. Priscilla: Is that a promise? Heath: Yes, a promise!
...And continues in their A-Support.
Heath: You probably don’t know this… But I’m a fugitive from Bern. Normally, we wouldn’t even be allowed to speak to one another. I must leave. Please, ignore me should our paths cross in the future. Priscilla: I cannot do that! How…How could I? Not after we have become friends! Heath: Lady Priscilla? Priscilla: You promised! You said you’d come visit me whenever you were hurt! Are you someone who so easily breaks a promise? Claiming you did not know my rank is no excuse! What…What about my feelings…?
...Okay, that may just be me with my Priscilla/Heath bias since this most likely references her Raven support >.>
Priscilla: You have forgotten… That is too bad. When I was young… When I was with you in Cornwell… You made a promise to me, brother. You said: When I grew larger, you’d take me as your bride.
"I'd like to say that I'm above jealousy, but there have been occasions."
Again, a reference to her supports. This time, it’s a reference to her Lucius one, where she expresses jealous about Lucius and Raven’s friendship in their A-Support.
Priscilla: I left House Cornwell when I was only six years old… And how long were you in service to Cornwell? Lucius: That would be some ten years now. When Cornwell was torn asunder two years ago, Lord Raymond and I joined the Caelin army as soldiers for hire. Priscilla: Yes… You see? You went to Cornwell after I left. And you have been with my brother ever since… I had only six with him, but you have had more than ten. I am a little… jealous.
"I will stay by your side for as long as you need me."
Could be read as Priscilla doing healer-y things, but could also be referring to her Raven support, and only her Raven support. You might be wondering why only her Raven support, and that’s because in all her other A-supports with potential suitors, the suitor promises to stay with her.
Erk: I see… Then, there is nothing to be done about it. My contract with you ends now, Lady Priscilla. Priscilla: … Erk: Well, then. Shall we be on our way? Priscilla: What…? But, Erk, you… Erk: I have decided to join this troop to further my own training. I shall guard you, Lady Priscilla, as part of that training. …If it is not an imposition?
Sain: Have no fear! She has given me her leave! I am now in your service, beautiful creature! That is, of course, if you would have me! Priscilla: Well, I guess I don’t mind, but… Sain: Y-You don’t!? Priscilla: …I mean. If all that stuff you said earlier was true… Then you can stay by me as long as you like… Sain: What splendid pleasure! Of course! I will never leave you, Princess!
Heath: …Don’t cry. I-I didn’t mean it like that. I just thought, that if you knew who I was, you wouldn’t want me around… Priscilla: … … … Heath: Priscilla… I…can call you that, can’t I? If it’s so much that you are moved to tears, I will stay by your side. Even…for just this battle. ……I’ll be here.
Guy: When I see a woman in need, I just want to help. That’s the way we are, back in Sacae! Priscilla: …Thank you, Guy. Guy: Oh, yeah… …Uhh. Leave it to me!
Raven and Priscilla’s support is the only one where Priscilla promises to stay by his side, and this is present from the beginning C-Support.
Priscilla: I am still a child  — So allow me one more childish wish of you. Please, let me stand here, by your side. Don’t make me suffer in loneliness again.
"I'll ease your pain." / "Care is my calling."
Priscilla commenting on her position as a healer.
Just a giggle.
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