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nickleback-fan · 2 years ago
Fucking increadible film all I DO is talk about it its prolly in my top 10 films
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WHAT sort of fucking MK-Ultra subliminal messaging activation codes is that man putting in his movies to get everyone on Earth to watch them and no one to talk about them
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embermoonowo · 7 months ago
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been wanting to finish this for a bit. NOW I CAN MAKE PRIDE ART WITH MY AVETAR!
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ravenpunkofficial · 11 months ago
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a little teaser of my avetar👀
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skz1-4-3 · 1 year ago
Just something real quick:
Tumblr- @/skz1-4-3
Wattpad- @/1yourstruly8
Instagram-(new) @/yourl0calwriter
and an editor acc on tiktok @/avetar
Other than these i DO NOT have any accounts .
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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from fells and various locations in Cumbria, Russian cities and forenames, and the entire drow dictionary from the Chosen of Eilistraee website
'caven 'charroce Abbiales Abelhered Achaunsk Achever Acken Acrunbeus Actict Afeatcold Aithed Alithh Ambelbysk Amileen Anaresk Appente Apper Ar'oless Arineinge Aroaszigh Arosek Asick Asill Atalk'zed Atend Atheld Augle Autser Auzlag Avetar...
Banil Banoy Basolocer Bassix Batinxxir Baunuly Bea'ins Becaur Beckcle Bel'es Belins Beress Biarby Birray Bluen Bodwrin Bokudona Bolcal Bried Bucason Burtau Bussreekt Calin Carsellay Catgave Cavenell Chads Chagath Chellee Chised Chkamead Cholya Chros Clact Clains Clann Clookkere Clortalon Clovsk Coaner Comezen Comir Coophy'el Cosins Couley Covok Cowperes Cradnass Cresydeni Cureet D'kyornsk Dantoh Defthon Deg'luty Dersk Dessem Disht Dkaly Do'adge Do'xus Doancown Doess Domsk Donly Donmika Dramusth Drecting Drensele Dreve Drevena Dring Dulayould E'amart E'utarr Eakkuvred Earto Eatted Eevsk Efull Elggleson Endym Ethipen Ewhirry Exiur Faeld Faintsk Falej Fardamir Feleatour Feltonneo Fetsopask Fiele Fiers Fievol Fingenin Firsk Fords Foree Forlool Forrikes Forsion Frayint Freath Frissid Fronly Fuent Gareer Gationint Gdang Gerees Glithalm Gorfel Gorgynn Gorper Gorunse Govounden Graga Grakty Grerse Gress Gressing Gridde Griel Gring Gristles Gross Guelshin Gut'r Guter Haddluirt Halegnil Handecry Har'hrets Hards Hefely Helgg Helino Helith Hinsk Hireair Hirnnoall Hoence Hol'parl Hollaysk Honsl Hoortovo Horimess Hovsk Huessty Huthwae I'dino Iahurthin Ighegre Illakess Illiir Illsilu Imond In'orsatu Ingeop Inovo Inoya Ishal Ivathele Izzinbach Jable Johnts Joity Jurght Kackleny Kanne Ke'ald Kearlay Kencturde Khgre Khint Khower Khremit Kingume Kinsk Kiringly Kiritiets Knings Kumil Kyovo L'plen L'suznale Lamble Larra Lasky Ledge Lienikir Linsk Lir'n Lisaluko Listia Listiev Llurale Lorearbay Lorect Lowcra Lu'elgg Marovitz Maryizz Masted Maxunenui Mezlere Mianers Mikhala Milepir Millch Mirnal Misee' Mitsin Moffacked Molity Molund Monskike Mrogow Nabeteres Narseat Naugh Naurs Nauso Nauts Neens Nesse Nesslyno Nezha Niggs Nightsk Nomargar Norldret Novur Nuarmts Nunus Obown Offarn Okhty Oldernus Oltovnya Ondsk Onethry Opholes Orsekeno Ought Ovosfald P'ell Parifhina Pasersk Peretle Pikes Piner Pitettles Plasay Pokssu Polara Porce Prari Prente Press Proome Proxy Qu'ailom Qu'en Qu'er Quaret Quarg Quath Quelest Quinil R'goerd Rac'zed Ragrow Raul'a Redoe Relgahl Renvin Ressere Rettlek Retyc'l Rhith Rigil Rolyingra Ron'ue Runadge Ruteg Ruula S'ari S'char' Sagil Sakatjaws Sannoth Sareed Schil Scrysha Se'waers Sen'j Sescrod Sethr'ile Shelsoug Shigg Shinde Shnent Slagis'ni Slaning Slissim Smensk Smovoavks Sohegi Soltiver Somar Somit Sor'ra Sosed Souguln Sreavgul Ssiles Ssinadoin Ssnow Sstarc Ssuppeath Staleauts Strop Strow Sukth Sutick Suulkya Sziks Taldpir Tan'h Tarsk Taunburng Taust Tehercany Ternya Thalkerg Thaniath Theakasen Theasnory Theat're Thien Thres Thudy Tionth Tlezhaing Tordsk Torduder Trigtonoy Trokhi Tru'tan Udesel Umarvith Unbarulis Unceper V'drag Varvan Vdard Veert Velented Vetsk Vhards Vidge Vighne Vodnempts Vomplaad Voyan Vrovgorde Wagorfed Waill Wandbre Wannotly Warasty Warrodun Weite Wel'ck Wenth Wheets Whinth Winig Winl'tud Winsing Witeep Worifente Worlsk Worrus Wragg Wril'ma Writly Wyind Xaurbokur Y'yddasse Yelgeng Yikhan Yings Yinkill Yinor Yival Yivanton Yoesswiln Yovod Yurro Z'ithaly Zakelenin Zhalar Zhelby Zhellta Zhing Zhnan Ziter Zjudlyarr Zoaty Zoxualov Zsarven Zverkmark
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carofb3 · 5 years ago
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Made some stickers of my avetar for my sketchbooks ! :D
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baarzication-blog · 2 years ago
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Deff a Fan of the app, @lensa.ai killed it 🔥🤘🏽 ————————————- Pick your favorite ⭐️1-10 #lensa #lensaapp #anime #avetar #fashion #details #dope 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (at Near Future World) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl1uk4pPEEK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gendernivata · 3 years ago
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FLAG 1: Zedromasculine 🎃🎃-🌕🌕-🎃🎃-🌕🌕-🎃🎃
a masculine gender that has some, but not many, stereotypical masculine traits. It continues to combine things like cabin and adventurecore aesthetics with stereotypical masculine traits, however it is not dominated nor a plurality of masculine traits, and can also incorporate feminine and other various rustic aesthetics/traits into it, further decentralizing the masculinity the user experiences. It can also be defined as being masculine with rustic/adventurous traits combined, weakening those masculine traits and cancelling some major ones out, particularly in presentation outwardly.
Etymology: Basque, “zedro” meaning “cedar”
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FLAG 2: Avetarfeminine 🎃🎃-🌕🌕-🎃🎃-🌕🌕-🎃🎃
a feminine gender that has some, but not many, stereotypical feminine traits. It continues to combine things like cabin and adventurecore aesthetics with stereotypical feminine traits, however it is not dominated nor a plurality of feminine traits, and can also incorporate masculine and other various rustic aesthetics/traits into it, further decentralizing the femininity the user experiences. It can also be defined as being feminine with rustic/adventurous traits combined, weakening those feminine traits and cancelling some major ones out, particularly in presentation outwardly.
Etymology: Catalan, “avetar” meaning “fir forest”
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autumn-0-fall · 3 years ago
I hope this isn't a stupid question but what's the name of the Skeleton on your profile picture?
Oh no it's not stupid, Hm my avetar I guess vertex (changes my apply)
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zillyart32 · 5 years ago
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Try this picrew out here!
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depressedhatakekakashi · 3 years ago
yikes- just saw some bad Kakashi takes on twitter and came here to refresh my mind lol
I love itachi but please god why do some people always have to make it a competition- Kakashi and Itachi are both great by their own, stop tearing other characters down just to uplift your personal favorite T.T and the amount of "lazy bad sensei" and "useless" jokes makes me want to scream no matter how many times i've seen them- honestly the only reason i still keep that app at this point is Mark Hamill? idk if you know him- i've personally never watched star wars myself but i saw his interviews on accident and really he's the only reason i'm still on twitter lol he's just that hilarious old guy™ i guess
Mark hamill is amazing and can be attributed to more than just star wars :) he has voiced the joker in animated batman shows, and was Ozai in Avetar the last airbender. And he’s generally just a really sweet supportive old dude. I adore him
But ya, twitter is full of all the worst takes.
I obv love Kakashi more than I do Itachi, but Itachi is better than Kakashi in a lot of things and Kakashi is better than Itachi in some. Like in their battle when Itschi out Kakashi under genjutsu, he did that to avoid a fight because even if he had won that fight, it would not have been as easy as some Itachi fan’s seem to think it would. Kakashi is a powerful shinobi and Itachi would have taken damage no doubt.
As for lazy, that can be attributed to people just not caring to pay attention. A lazy person doesn’t take a job they don’t want and do it to the best of their abilities. (Anbu captain, Jonin sensei, lead of the tactical division in the war, HOKAGE)
And i know a lot of people like to act like Kakashi only became Hokage because obito told him to, but Kakashi was fully ready to be Hokage before Tsunade woke up again. He didn’t need obito to tell him to take the job for him to be ready to take it. Kakashi is dedicated and he doesn’t avoid responsibilities because he’s lazy. He avoids them because he feels he’s not worthy if them.
Why people feel the need to tear other characters down to prop their fav up i will never understand and its a huge problem in all fandoms. Kakashi and Itachi are both good characters with their positives and negatives and they’re both incredably powerful shinobi
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tinatamale · 6 years ago
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There is an amusement park under a dome in the center of the #greatmallofamerica. #Ferriswheel, #rollercoaster & all! Makes sense to make it year round, they only get 7 weeks of summer. #bloomington #mnisforprincelovers2018 #travelingtina #doratheexplorer #avetar #ExploreMinnasota #adventuresoftinatamale (at Nickelodeon Universe®) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnRWC2hFN1y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1v3t4902rpm1z
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happykidhideout · 7 years ago
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Love that app! #Me #avetar #bitmojiapp #bitmoji 🔥😏🙅🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️😊 #fun #friends #summerfever #flavor
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sinai-vs-world · 6 years ago
am heh says i cann not watche mean girlls movie anymkre because he saed i am goeng to ate the dvd box and i did not eat dthe dvd box for mean girls yet i only ate dvd box for avetar becuz i donte like the funny blue peaople on the box
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teamteenorigins · 6 years ago
Wait what about avetar the last air bender and the legend of korra
Nope, there’s definitely not a good excuse to include them other than [INSERT TEMPORAL DIMENSIONAL PORTAL HERE], which I would to not use. (Generator Rex only counts cause those shows have actually crossed over before using, you guessed it, a temporal dimensional portal.)
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444names · 3 years ago
the hu - wolf totem lyrics in english and latinized mongolian + brythonic deities
Abana Abatutsëld Abelike Abnos Abnota Adenus Adronna Adsuceris Aertatepon Agragerlën Agragomon Agrus Alaldanot Alaldënd Alannus Alaton Aldam Aldonthe Aldood Allathey Alloodayan Allugus Amapon Ambris Amgall Ancam Andona Andraus Anemon Annaaraus Antan Antianus Antio Antsand Antucis Aradsucade Araingër Arant Araîgan Araîldan Arios Arita Arnem Artrit Aruns Arvëës Asguna Asgus Atucius Aufagron Aunna Aunneryn Avchil Avchildën Aventucag Averidia Averinus Avetar Avshönyn Avshörita Ayanding Barisagon Barson Barta Barudius Barunnos Barus Barvëër Bathendran Batild Baîld Baîldën Beentantis Beenus Belat Belaternus Belepona Beletis Bellalle Bellinus Bellos Bellow Bloodyn Blotarus Blown Borgër Borgëye Borian Boris Borrus Borvos Breatige Brebis Brend Brenus Bridara Brigat Brinna Brinus Brisannus Brissios Britathell Brius Burade Burads Burasguna Buryn Bölönyn Cadem Cadra Cadrana Cagons Cagrudin Calan Calatioma Caldën Camapon Camard Cambius Cambre Cambris Camgaand Camna Cannis Casgus Cellike Ceris Certisus Ceteriding Chilan Childond Chinus Chönkou Chöris Cicur Cidatios Cidind Cimbius Cimbre Cimbrebius Cloode Cloodenus Clown Cocicode Cocicoldën Coden Codenus Codon Codyn Coldan Coldën Collike Comeris Comors Comrot Conaannus Conema Conextiose Conna Connia Conus Courd Couryn Couta Coutia Coven Covild Daand Daara Daarvo Dambrius Damorrus Danagerson Dancagon Dandaya Danem Dangissis Dannus Darsonnus Darus Darvete Denunna Denus Donnis Doode Drabar Draufan Dürgonus Dürgër Dürgëyeah Dürkh Dürkhënkou Dürkhëët Eleucius Elios Endandius Essonus Estat Everius Evetiands Evinos Evita Fageryn Fagomor Fagraus Fagron Fanchöryn Figernus Firgëye Firis Firos Firvan Firven Firvo Goldar Gomara Gomeris Gonnius Gonnobow Gonnus Gotancast Grastatod Grotut Grunnius Haarage Haarunus Henus Huetato Hueters Huetery Huetillo Husuld Hutirgëye Hutis Ingannus Ingathre Iomeris Iontsan Iovanus Itionis Itiron Khilaus Khuet Khuete Khueterita Khëld Khëndatia Khëër Khëës Khëët Kilatepon Lands Lantian Lathe Latirgër Latisakhör Latucell Launs Launus Lenthrebis Lentiae Lentigöör Lentildan Lephan Lepon Lingis Liomapon Lionnus Liovanna Liovens Lisamullis Locidius Locius Loodamor Loode Loodon Losedard Luxen Luxends Mapomard Mapon Marnus Marus Marveterio Marvëës Maufagona Maufanise Mogmio Mogus Monus Morrus Morvanire Muldaarit Muldatis Mulle Mullosegus Mulus Myanem Nemarslaus Netis Nextil Nextill Niaerners Ninoday Ninos Ninoton Niris Nissiîn Nobis Nomarade Nomerind Nostan Noton Nüdën Nürgëyeat Nürkhus Nürkhün Nürëërëët Orrus Parudius Parvëët Peoplen Pessios Pesus Rancaran Rauns Riseize Riusissio Ronus Rudius Segomogus Segond Segonirit Segons Shöris Smeris Smerita Smertisiîn Suceta Sucis Suluinnem Tamgan Tasavsh Tasgus Themaus Themethe Thendan Theterlën Threnunna Thuetery Thuetis Tobor Toden Tonus Trebius Treta Tretild Trige Tslat Tslate Tsëldattle Tsëldënkh Tsëye Tuuta Tëmsta Tëmstankou Tëmstrinus Tëmts Tëmtsan Tëndina Tümts Ukhantre Ukhar Ukhëërëld Ukhöryon Unnus Upomarade Uponnem Uponnus Urasta Uryonnia Uyeah Uyeate Ventrisag Vhellfight Vhello Vhete Vhetilatis Vildanis Villan Vindona Vingattle Vinna Vinnisus Vints Viros Virvalathe Vitilleta Wantamgan Wantia Wantisson Wanus Warang Waright Yekhan Yekhil Yekhëng Yerne Yertrigaan Yonag Youll Zaanos Zaartren Zhaana Zhaarduis Zhanem Zhara Zharslaton Zuura Zuurd Zuuryn Zuutia Zöris Zörisagon Zörius Zöryn Zürgëyeah Zürkh Zürkhingis Zürkhuet Zürëës Ëyeah Ëyeat Ëyekhin Ëyerit Ükhuetars Ükhëët Ükhün Üzëld Üzëldan Üzëldatis Üzëldood Üzëldëlts Üzëldëng
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