averypleasantpineapple replied to your post: harryflynns replied to your post: ...
It seems you can only redeem it if you haven’t yet redeemed special deliveries in your cabin on the Tempest.
What!!! Like at the beginning of the game!! What is this malarkey... it’s like that for everyone?? :<
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narbeleth · 8 years
Tumblr media
Thank you, @averypleasantpineapple, for that very thoughtful summary of my tumblr. 
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storybookhawke · 8 years
the-stray-liger asked:👅💢 ovo?
Ship that you find most sexy: Handers, probably. Or Cullrian.Ship that is most misunderstood: Fenders, lbr.
averypleasantpineapple asked: 💚💦
Ship that you secretly like: krembullShip that is taboo: I don’t really know? I have plenty of taboo ships in other fandoms but not really in Dragon Age. I did read a Anders/Malcolm Hawke (then later Handers) fic and it was fucking glorious.
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ladylierre · 9 years
I don’t like my old nickname either, maybe we should start calling each other something different? ;) 
Like... names???
That’s a terrifying thought.
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sheploosboyfriend · 9 years
becominglolalu replied to your post“I take my first final exam tomorrow. Wish me luck! ”
Good luck! :)
tovaras replied to your post“I take my first final exam tomorrow. Wish me luck! ”
Good luck!
averypleasantpineapple replied to your post“I take my first final exam tomorrow. Wish me luck! ”
Good luck!
Thanks guys!! :)
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rumkokos · 10 years
6, 11, 34, 44, 98
6. Preferred Shepard backstory (colonist, earthborn, spacer)?
In my first playthruogh I choosed earthborn, and I liked it. In second one, I made him to be spacer, and I liked it too. I think spacer is more interesting because Shepard can speak with his mother ;)
11. Do you prefer ME1, 2, or 3?
I prefer ME2 ;)
34. Favorite weapon overall?
Humpf. I liked assult rifles in ME1, and ME2, but in ME3 I was more into sniper rifle... and after that I'm playing Multiplayer and I love them all ;) 
44. A character you’d love to drop in a volcano and forget about?
Kai Leng
98. If you could be any non-Human ME species, which and why?
This is super difficult to choose after entering a possibilty to play other species in multi, so I would like to be probably be Asari.... but no, I would like more to be synthetic, maybe Geth or EDI?
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narbeleth · 8 years
averypleasantpineapple replied to your post “venellen replied to your post:My problem with finishing Mass Effect is...”
u r weak
stoically: I am. 
(I have enough canon traumas without actively making more, though). 
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queenhawke · 10 years
23 & 24 for the video games thingy
23: Biggest disappointment you've had in gaming?
star wars: the old republici remember getting really excited about early glimpses of it bc HELL YEAH MORE KOTOR but then i found out it was an MMO and :|whyand then i watched videos of the revan bits andWHYHOW COULD YOU
24: Casual, Hardcore, or in the middle?
uh, in the middle probably???
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elvenbeard · 9 years
A question for Delas: describe your vintage of conscription ale
(excuse me for a moment while I’m just celebrating what a damn cool question that is! so cool, and so, so difficult. hmmm...)
“Vintage: Warden Delas. Burns like dragon fire. Best served cold.“
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rumkokos · 10 years
mevaa replied to your post “Podobno Dragon Age: Origins jest dziś za darmo na Origin. Idź sobie ściągnij :>”
Dajesz Oliszson, u mnie już ściągnięte i zainstalowane :D
Noooo, byłam w pracy i teraz dopiero wróciłam i instaluje, a w jak najbliższej przyszłości pogram.  Jeszcze raz wielkie dzięki averypleasantpineapple za szybkie powiadomienie mnie o tym fakcie. Postaram się szybciutko nadrobić, cobyśmy mieli więcej do obgadywania ;)
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narbeleth · 9 years
12, 17, 35, 44
Thank you! ;D
12. What turns you away the most from a fic?
Bad editing. I’m shallow, I’m afraid, but if a fanfic doesn’t have proper paragraphs, I’m going to find myself another one.
17. Any characters who you can’t stand to see in pain?
Nah, I can’t think of anyone. I mean, I’m usually try to avoid pure angst, but as long as there is happy/ or at least not-completely-tragic-without-any-hope-at-all ending somewhere in the horizon, I’m okay. More or less.
35. Do you like high school and college AUs?
Not my favourite trope, but under the right circumstances (promising summary, trusted author,etc) I can give them a try. And if they’re funny, I’m totally in (Star Trek college AU with Narada, The Evil Dishwasher, being the stellar example of “okay, I’ll read like one chapter and then I’m going to study… ups, shit, when did it got so late and why all the people in this train look at me so suspiciously, have I really laughed so hard?”)
44. How fluffy is too fluffy?
There is no such thing as too fluffy in fanfiction. When done right - in character,well-written, all that shit - any amount of fluff is welcome, fountains of chocolate, teeth-rooting, birds-singing fluff included. I am not kidding. ;D
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queenhawke · 10 years
averypleasantpineapple said:Wow, how’d you do that? Viv hates me and has had furniture moved around just to piss me off. I totes agree about Josie she’s adorable.
HONESTLY I DONT KNOW i think i said i agree with her viewpoints a few times (which..... i dont but I WANTED HER TO LIKE ME OK) + doing her personal quest helped i guess?? but she also disapproved of me a couple of times so... idk man
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batcows · 11 years
Jean Havoc
How I feel about this character: One of my favorites ngl
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Rebecca Catalina
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Jean/Roy/Riza brot3
My unpopular opinion about this character: Probs the 3rd hottest character in the entire series???? severely underrated???
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish we knew more about his time back east after he got discharged.
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elvenbeard · 9 years
averypleasantpineapple replied to your post “You know what I really kind of miss in DA2 and DA:I? The statistics!…”
wait there’s stats in dao? huh.
Yes :D (on PS3 at least - but I don’t think that they left it out on other platforms). There was a tab somewhere hidden in the depths of the journal, I think somewhere near where codex entries, conversations etc. could be found? (btw, I also miss the conversations thing!! You could read the last lines of texts again that had been spoken during the last conversations, that was really helpful sometimes when you talked a lot to the people :’D). There were stats for each team member and those were also shown during the loading screens. For example:
Most powerful enemy slain: Ogre Alpha
Number of injuries: 6
Highest damage ever dealt: 1234
… and so on :D Quite interesting - and sometimes a little devastating when your warden never managed to strike a killing blow :’D (most powerful enemy slain: abomination… and all others had killed some badass demons or darkspawn or whatever :’D I really loved that!).
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ladylierre · 10 years
Nowa płyta Gaby Kulki
Nie stać mnie. Buu.
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