#averill demonai
The Demon King Chapters 26-27
finished this book at one am in the morning while crying into my pint of rocky road. it’s taken me a week to get the motivation to make this post.
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my girl is going through so much rn
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he isn’t wrong…
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i can’t wait to bring this screenshot up a year from this moment when han is contemplating self exile when he thinks raisa agrees to marry micah 😭
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why is kidnapping always his first idea?
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somebody really should’ve kept a closer eye on him.
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i’m confused by the timeline here. is dancer older or younger than han? i always assumed younger but willo was sixteen when she had him she wouldn’t have been a healer before then would she? or maybe she was really pregnant while delivering han?
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wait, what secret? elena what else r u hiding?
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this is why elena salt is its own tag.
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every time we learn more about han's past, i get sad again 😔
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it hurts. this all hurts. i’m sobbing into my rocky road.
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i wonder if lucius suspected that that advice would one day save han's life...
that's it! i'll start reading exiled queen soon, just need to prepare myself for all of the raimon 😫
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librosytinta · 5 years
“Lo que parece más seguro a corto plazo puede no serlo en última instancia.”
El Rey Demonio (Cinda Williams China).
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pearlgrayrose · 4 years
Summary:  SPOILERS FOR THE CRIMSON CROWN - DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T FINISHED THE SERIES.  Nightwalker had made his decision in that fateful moment on the queen's balcony, but the longer he remains around an unknowing Averill Lightfoot Demonai, the harder it is to keep his secret. Torn apart by indecision, the prideful warrior must make an entirely new choice: whether to accept his fate with the dignity that he has earned amongst the clan, or to persist in lies and forsake the honor that drove his hand to lead him here. A one-shot.
Please leave kudos or comments if you enjoyed it!  
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wait WAIT please elaborate on your Mellony being Gavan's daughter theory
lol okay 😭
there are definitely hints throughout canon that Mellony may not be Averill's daughter.
Mellony is often described as being extremely pale, as compared to Raisa. Raisa often says that this is bc Mellony takes after Marianna. However, Mellony also has blue eyes-- as we know that is also a trait of the Alister line, but I've just learned that Marianna has brown eyes, not blue. And who else has blue eyes that was passed down to another one of his secret children? GAVAN!
As we know, girls in the Grey Wolf line don't get powers, even if their fathers are wizards, or they are second born. And since Raisa was already the princess heir, the second born daughter of Marianna wouldn't be as much of a bother if she was illegitimate.
There's also the fact that the only person that has tried to get Mellony to foster at the camps is Raisa-- not Marianna, but not Averill or Elena either. for goodness sake, Averill completely jumped over Mellony in the clan line of succession to NIGHTWALKER! Mellony was 14 in Crimson Crown, there was still plenty of time to bring her into the camps. The fact that everyone acted as if Mellony being queen other than raisa was different bc RAISA was a clan princess. But, shouldn't Mellony also be a 'clan' princess, even if she is more pale, and hasn't been embroiled in the camps?
And Raisa having to remind Averill to spend time with Mellony, bc she was HIS DAUGHTER TOO. this is definitely averill being a shit father, but i think there was a deeper meaning to this. esp bc in this same chapter raisa contemplated her mother and gavan's relationship, and if averill had always been aware of it.
idk if i even believe that mellony is gavan's daughter, but it is certainly a fun theory to contemplate. Also, as i previously stated, it is where Mellony gets her evil from.
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The house is full once more that evening. The same group of people from the previous night are in the house once more, along with the Byrnes and Magret— though she wouldn’t be attending dinner, her presence was always well known. Nightwalker wasn’t yet present, but her father had assured her that he would be there, and bringing a guest. 
Han leans close to her, whispering so that nobody else could hear them. “At least we’re all done with telling people for at least another few hours.” 
Raisa hums, leaning closer to him, catching the dirty looks from several people in the room. “Don’t jinx us.” 
Han laughs, and she feels the vibrations all the way through his chest. He gently squeezes her hand, before getting up. “I’ll be back.” 
Raisa gives him a tight-lipped smile. “Don’t be gone too long.” 
“I’ll try.” 
The sound of the front door opening catches Raisa’s attention as Han walks away. Reid Nightwalker comes into the parlor, a girl on his arm. She was pretty, wearing a long skirt and flowing blouse. Her hair was pulled into two braids, a stray curl falling onto her forehead. She looks strangely familiar, but Raisa can’t place where she’s seen her before. 
The two greet Averill and Elena, both of whom glance over at Raisa, so she decides that it would be the polite thing to do to introduce herself. 
“Hi,” Raisa puts on the biggest smile that she can muster as she extends her hand to the woman. “I’m Raisa.” 
“Ava,” The girl replies, giving her a firm handshake. 
“Raisa is my daughter.” Averill tells Ava. Then, he turns to Raisa, “Ava is our newest intern at the firm.” 
Raisa nods. “It’s nice to meet you.” 
“Likewise.” Ava replies. “Actually, I’ve been wanting to meet you for quite some time.” 
Raisa blinks. “Really?” Raisa wasn’t a well-known person outside of her close family, unlike Mellony who had made it her mission to be considered an Internet personality since she had discovered Instagram at 9. 
Ava nods. “Yeah. You know one of my closest friends, and he won’t shut up about you.” 
“Oh,” Raisa says, surprised. “Um— Who is your friend?” 
Ava opens her mouth to answer, when something over Raisa’s shoulder catches her eye. She frowns slightly. 
Raisa spins around, and finds Han, returned, standing in front of the couch they had been sitting in front of, clearly surprised to have not found Raisa where he left her. Then, he catches sight of her, and his eyes widen in alarm. 
Raisa opens her mouth, but before she can, Ava yells, “Hunts Alone?” 
Han stares for several long moments, before swallowing thickly, and stumbling forward. “Bird.” He mutters. 
Elena wrinkles her nose. “You two… know each other?” 
Ava— or, Bird, as Han had referred to her as— nods. “Yeah, since forever. What—“ She tilts her head at him. “What are you doing here? You said you wouldn’t be home until the 24th.” 
Han shakes his head. “No. I said I wouldn’t be able to visit you until the 24th.” 
Ava narrows her eyes. “What are you doing here?” 
Nightwalker chuckles. “I assume he’s visiting his in-laws.” 
“In-laws?” Bird guffaws, then breaks down into laughter. Then, she stops when she realizes that nobody else has joined in. “Wait, he’s not… serious, is he?” Han doesn’t respond, which is apparently answer enough. “You’re married?” She practically screams. 
Han, steps forward, and grabs Bird’s arm, dragging her away from the rest of the guests. 
“He jinxed us.” Raisa whispers underneath her breath. 
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The Demon King Chapters 21-25
06/01/24 & 06/03/24
Chapter Twenty Four:
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1.) I just have one question. First off, how dare you?
2.) But... not her... blood cousins... right? RIGHT?
3.) yes, it will. just not the union of BAYAR blood...
4.) i never understood why 'kingdom' made her so angry when i first read this book. i think i was, like, half way through exiled queen before i got it 😭
6.) i mean, han doesn't seem to mind, so... 🤷‍♀️
7.) this one sentence made me understand all of raisa's pain throughout this book and more. if i were her, i would've been meaner.
8.) you are all in for a rude awakening if you think for one second that raisa is gonna allow you to make her a dedicate 😭
Chapter Twenty Five: (TW// Graphic depiction of violence against a demon, Mentions of death)
i'll admit, a lot of this chapter is just me sobbing, but here's some highlights.
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1.) At least I can look back and know that Han has always taken on more than his fair share of responsibility, but this revelation still hurt.
2.) This actually did put a smile on my face, this was a shining moment.
3.) she still tried to help them 🤧 THEY ALL DID!!!
4.) oh, the power of foresight...
6.) first off, this hurt, this really did. but, also, willo not leaving han bc she's so terrified of losing him is so precious and heartbreaking.
7.) all of my comfort characters are, at their hearts, depressed. what does this say about me?
8.) Seriously, is it me? Am I the problem?
Part One
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The Demon King Chapters 21-25
06/01/24 & 06/03/24
guys, shit got real.
Chapter Twenty One:
i read chapter 21 on june first, but i drank a bit too much and ended up sleeping for 16 hours so you get it all in one post.
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1.) Raisa thinking about Han never fails to make me giggley. But, also, I just want it to be noted that by exiled queen, Raisa has a hard time thinking about him as Han at first, bc she was so used to referring to him as Cuffs in her mind.
2.) Raisa being mean and petty is so much fun, and i love this for her.
3.) Marianna, when I catch you...
4.) More Han mentions, my heart is fluttery
5.) What is with Byrnes and forgetting about their second sons? First Ira, then Silva. It's a freaking epidemic.
6.) Lila, I wanted more for you </3
8.) ...
Chapter Twenty Two:
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1.) I would like to note that this brings up one of the reasons why I love Raisa and Han so much. Han has spent his entire life chasing relationships that were unequal, girls he like more than they liked him, girls that liked him more than he liked them. But, he loves Raisa. Just for who she is, not by what she can do for him. idk i'm tired leave me alone.
2.) Averill and Elena would NEVER let that happen.
This is just a random note, but Willo just KNOWING that han and bird were a thing is so mother of her.
3.) Willo trying to tell Han that he's a wizard without actually telling Han that he's a wizard.
4.) Most everything IS his fault. Except for the things that are Gavan Bayar's fault.
5.) Willo always makes me sad. Like she just wants to protect her two sons, is that too much to ask for?
6.) The pain that comes from knowing what happens when he comes back... 😖
Chapter Twenty Three:
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1.) Just realized that this is probably the reason she chose to have a green wedding dress. Plus, yknow, the trauma.
2.) Mothers, am I right?
3.) Did you guys know that Marianna had brown eyes?
5.) This is so creepy. Why do old men think that this is a compliment?
6.) Averill gets some points for this.
7.) Jemson had the chance to do the funniest thing ever, and he took it.
9.) Raisa, you are in public???
10.) Micah, you wonder why I'm so mean to you?
A quick montage of Raisa being a funny icon before shit gets real:
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Part Two
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Marianna clears her throat, grabbing the attention of both of her daughters, who are staring at their phones under the table. “It is so nice to have the whole family together again.”  Marianna makes sure to send a glare at Han. 
Han leans closer to Raisa, whispering in her ear, “Is it too soon to be excused?” 
“Oh, yeah.” Raisa sighs, pouring herself another generous glass of wine. “Trust me, alcohol is your best friend right now.” 
“So…” Marianna hesitates. “Han…” She looks at Gavan for guidance, and he gives her a nod. “Han, we don’t know anything about you. Please, tell us more about yourself.” 
Han swallows thickly. “Well, there isn’t much to say, ma’am.” The Wolfe matriarch continues to glare at him, letting him know that he wasn’t going to get out of this. “I’m 22, I grew up in Ragmarket, and I’m majoring in Poli-Sci at OU.” 
Those were the basics of Han Alister that most people knew. The rest of his past was sordid, even to those that he knew well. Raisa has known him for two years, was considered one of his closest friends, and even then, she still hadn’t met his family yet. 
Gavan leans forward. “You grew up in Ragmarket? How did you ever afford to go to Odensford University?” 
Raisa grits her teeth at the way Bayar had said that, and the way that several people around the table titter with amusement, and the way that Han’s cheeks start to pinken. She wonders how hard it would be to throw a fork across a table into someone’s eye… 
“Han is on the gymnastics team,” Raisa quickly says. “They’ve won the NCAAs the last two years in a row since Han joined the team, and they’re a shoe in to win this year too.” 
“So you’re there on a sports scholarship. Not on academic merit?” Micah asks in that snobbish way he usually says anything. 
It’s not polite to stab people, it’s not polite to stab people, it’s not—
“You’ve only been in college the last two years?” Nightwalker asks, haughtily. “I thought you said you were 22 already?” 
“Did you get held back, or something?” Micah asks. 
It was like the worst team up in the history of mankind. Both of Raisa’s ex-boyfriends against her husband. 
Raisa opens her mouth to defend him again, but Han places a hand on her knee to stop her. He holds his chin up and stares back at them. “I took a gap year,”
“Ooh!” Missy leans forward. “Did you go traveling? That’s what I did with my gap year.” 
“No, I waited tables.” Han deadpans. “I saved up for school.” 
Raisa glares at the other occupants of the table, letting them know how displeased she was with this turn of events. 
Mellony clears her throat. “So, how did the two of you meet?” 
“Yes, I’m quite certain Raisa has never mentioned you before.” Marianna tells him. 
Han takes a long sip of his drink. “I wonder why.” 
Raisa takes the conversation over for him. “Actually, we met two years ago, almost to the day.” 
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i forget if this was ever fun
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The Demon King Chapters 18-20
Guys, Idk what happened, but i could've sworn that all of the name day stuff happened AFTER mam and mari died and han/bird... i guess not.
Chapter Eighteen:
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i hate elena 😒 like, i realize that she wouldn't take dancer as an apprentice bc of the naeming or whatever, but why would you break his heart like that?
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Lucius being broken up bc he thought he was the reason that han, the last of alger's wizard descendants, died 😭.
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the way that we all know which prince he's talking about 😒
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he's such a slut 😭
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i hope averill did recognize him, tho, that would have been so much funnier
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I just love this line, it really highlights the beauty of this story <3
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great... he's making his first appearance.
Also, he and Raisa dated at some point-- i'm assuming BEFORE he got his name as Nightwalker. Which means that a 13-14 year old Raisa was dating a Nightwalker that was anywhere from 15-17? This book gets weird real fast when u start remembering the canon ages istg.
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Willo was only 15 😖
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WHY DID THEY HAVE TO TELL THIS STORY IN FRONT OF EVERYONE? revealing willo's trauma in front of the entire camp is just terrible.
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I am a firm hater of Reid Nightwalker Demonai 🫶
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He's so real for that 🫶
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Willo has been trained her whole life that wizards are evil, and their powers come from the breaker, and then she was r@ped by one. But she loves her son, and believes that everyon part of him is good. But, then again, the powers he has are the reason that the clans are forcing him out of his home. ofc she's confused 😭
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It occured to me that if all of the Alister descendants have been fostering at the camps, there's a chance Willo had to know Daniel and face his loss doing the exact same thing.
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Hanson, the two of them love you like family 😭
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Don't be shy, say it out loud.
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fucking demonai 😒
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The Demon King Chapters 16-17
Chapter Sixteen:
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He's so whipped already 🙄
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Flashforward to book 4 when Raisa actually asks this question out loud 🤭
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I'm in public but I can't stop myself from giggling like an idiot 😭
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you have no idea, hanson.
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bc u told micah that ur name was shiv 😭
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gosh, this boy cannot catch a break.
Chapter Seventeen: (TW//Sexual Assault)
This was the hardest chapter to get through, and may be the hardest, period, which is why I stopped at only two chapters today.
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no, baby, you'll have a partnership 👏
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it's like watching a train wreck happen
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i realize that marianna probably didn't know what would happen, but it still pisses me off.
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this was the highest that Marina's life would be for a long time 😔
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Mick and Garrett danced with her and didn't recognize her as Rebecca later???
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Yeah, baby, you do... (don't think about flamecaster, don't think about flamecaster)
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soulmates??? soulmates.
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and this was only after a day or two of knowing each other 😭 (don't think about flamecaster, don't think about flamecaster, don't think about flamecaster--)
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Thank god for Amon
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Fucking Bayars 😒
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Micah, you ARE the problem!
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Don't worry, Raisa will do that herself from now on.
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This whole chapter makes me uncomfortable, but this part was kind of funny, like, Amon, wtf?
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Marianna probably didn't realize what it was, but I think Gavan Bayar may have asked her to make sure Raisa wore that specific necklace and then made sure Micah wore that ring.
I don't think I really understood all that was happening when I read this in the eigth grade, and reading it now, i'm not sure that raisa was even fully aware of all that could've happened had something gone different.
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The Demon King Chapters 12-15
Chapter Twelve:
Admittedly, I've had chapter 12 bookmarked since i started reading. this was the point that changed everything. when i was in eight grade, telling myself, i'll read this last chapter and then go to bed-- but then ended up reading the rest of the book just in case raisa and han ended up meeting again lol i was so pissed when i had to wait two days to read the Exiled Queen.
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Raisa is so funny, especially with the Amon thing! like, 'you want to tell your friends that i'm your sister, i'm going to kiss you in front of your friends!' She's so unhinged in the first book, i love it.
First meeting of the Grey Wolves, but it does make me wonder what's so wrong with the other two or three people in Amon's triple that he didn't ask them along to help 😭
This chapter was also the first time the infamous 'trader face' was named.
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First off, it's actually 8 now. Second off, she's so thirsty, even now, and i love that for her.
Raisa and Han's first meeting is what we in the business refer to as a 'meet ugly' and it's perfect <3
Also, I always wonder what Averill is thinking in this scene? Like, yeah, his daughter getting kidnapped is bad, his daughter getting kidnapped by a former streetlord and accused murderer is WORSE, but he also has to have recognized the cuffs, and the last name Alister, right? Like, how is he not freaking out that his daughter is being taken by Waterlow's heir 😭
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We are still talking about a pat down, right?
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They just GET each other 😭
Chapter Thirteen:
Han getting jealous of Raisa's hypothetical marriage after knowing her for an hour, he is so unserious 😭
They're so cute! They were exactly what the other wanted AND needed (just maybe not at the exact right time)
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I HATE HIM SO MUCH 😭 like, man, you just kidnapped her, have some decorum!
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I love them, your honor
Chapter Fourteen:
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Raisa having to learn that being born into the line doesn't make a ruler, but she wants what is best for her people, and that is what separates her from Marianna <3
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Just in case you thought that Raisa was in any way more serious than Han, btw
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Raisa trying to send Han away, knowing he can't help her, and he's just regretting all of his life choices bc he's so worried for her but can't follow 😭
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Adding this so that we can all cheer on our queen, Raisa ana'Marianna 👏
Chapter Fifteen:
Amon POV!
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I know 😒
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Everyone say "thank you, amon" for being the reason that han and raisa met <3
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Han trying to cover up how worried he is about Raisa by getting under Amon's skin and making jokes 🤧
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Okay, Amon can be funny too
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If you had told me before i read these books that chemistry could be conveyed through the written word, i wouldn't have believed you-- CINDA WHAT KIND OF SORCERY DO YOU WIELD??? (these were the last words they spoke to each other in this book btw)
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Raisa, always defending Hanson Alister 🥺
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Marianna is wringing her hands together, pacing around the parlor. “What can you find out about this…” She stops, her eyes narrowing. “What’s his name again?” 
Mellony is staring down at her phone, which is par from the course for the youngest Wolfe. “He only has one social media account, and it’s a private twitter, which means that he’s a psychopath and/or a murderer.” 
“Sounds like Raisa’s type.” Fiona says under her breath. Her brother elbows her in the side. 
Marianna whirls on Averill. “Did you know anything about this?” 
“Why would I know anything about this?” Averill asks her. 
Marianna shrugs. “I thought she told you everything.” 
“Clearly not!” Elena huffs, pouring herself a rather generous cup of wine. 
“Oh, Maker!” Averill gasps, a distressing thought crossing his mind. “What if she’s pregnant?” 
The room falls silent at that possibility, until— 
“Aha!” Mellony yells in triumph. 
“What? Did you find out that this was all a prank?” Micah huffs. 
Mellony shakes her head. “I don’t think so, but I just got accepted to follow Han Alister!” 
“Who’s Han Alister?” Marianna asks. 
“The boy, Marianna.” Gavan grumbles. “Or, should I say, your new son in law.” 
Averill lets out a long suffering groan. 
“I don’t see what the big deal is,” Missy shrugs. “At least he’s hot.” 
“Melissa!” Lassiter hisses. 
“What? He is!”
Marianna walks over to her younger daughter, peering at her phone upside down. “What did you find out.” 
Mellony rolls her eyes. “He barely posts. So, we haven’t ruled out the possibility that he’s psychotic.” 
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i forget how the west was won
Raisa pushes Han into her room, quickly shutting the door behind them and pressing her back to it. 
“So…” Han mutters, dropping their luggage on the floor, and flopping backwards onto her childhood bed. “I knew that you were planning my murder.”
Raisa shrugs. “What can I say. I’ve always yearned to be a widow.” 
“Seriously, what was that?” Han asks, not even bothering to sit up as he asks the question. “I thought we were at least gonna wait until you introduced me to some of the people there, or I dunno, we weren’t surrounded!” 
Raisa winces in sympathy, walking over to the bed, and taking a seat next to him. “I know, I’m sorry. I should’ve waited. I was going to wait. But then—“ 
“You thought that it would be fun to see me get murdered?” Han guesses. 
Raisa rolls her eyes, flopping onto the bed as well so that they were lying side by side. “My mother was just so annoying!” 
“The way she kept fussing over your hair?” Han guesses. 
Raisa hesitates. “Well, yeah. But, also the way she treated you! She wouldn’t even shake your hand!” Raisa takes a calming breath. She didn’t want to admit it out loud, but her mother’s treatment of Han was what had annoyed her most of all. 
Han was one of her best friends. Her closest confidant ever since they cooked up this plan of theirs. He deserved to be treated with respect.  
Han grabs Raisa’s hand, rubbing his thumb over the gold band of her wedding ring. 
Wedding ring. 
Bloody bones, she still hasn’t quite gotten used to it, and it’s been over a month since she’s started wearing it. 
“Hey, it’s okay. I survived.” He pauses. “For now.” 
Raisa lets out a short laugh, when a small chime from Han’s phone interrupts them. 
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“Your sister just sent me a follow request.” 
Raisa shrugs. “Makes sense. I’m sure they’re all downstairs trying to discover your entire history right now.”
“How fun.” Han deadpans. 
“You should definitely accept that, or she’s going to tell everyone that you have something to hide.”
“I do have something to hide. As do you.”
Raisa rolls her eyes. “They don’t need to know that, though. She’s probably already suspicious about the fact that you only have a private Twitter account.”
Han’s eyebrows furrow. “Why?”
Raisa places her left hand over his, which are cradling his phone. “Because Mellony’s whole life is online. She doesn’t understand people that don’t share everything on the internet.”
“Hmm.” Han hums, hesitantly accepting the follower request. “I’m learning so much about my sister in law.”
“Believe it or not, she’s the easiest one to win over.” 
Han groans, finally sitting up. “Okay, so give me the official run down of everyone planning my murder down stairs.” 
Raisa reluctantly sits up too, cupping Han’s shoulder with her chin. “Okay, so you met my mother. My father was—“ 
“The other one who hugged you.” Han jumps in. “I kind of figured that one out.” 
“Fair enough. Then, there’s my grandmother, Elena.” 
“She’s the one who looked like she swallowed a lemon when she shook my hand?” 
“That’s the one.” Raisa sighs. “The big, bald guy was my Uncle Lassiter, and the girl next to him, with the big rack and the small brain,” Han snorts at her description. “Is his daughter, my cousin Missy. Then there are the… non-related people.” 
Han nods. “Yeah, you didn’t prepare me for them.” 
“Because I was praying that for once a family get together would just be between the family.” Raisa groans, annoyance with her mother beginning to creep up again, before she quickly pushes it down. She wouldn’t have much time to get through this before they were called down to dinner. “Nightwalker is here.” 
Han blinks. “His name is Nightwalker?” 
“Actually, it’s Reid, but everyone calls him Nightwalker because— well—“
“Don’t worry, with a name like Nightwalker, I can figure it out.” Han assures her. 
”Oh, thank the Maker. He’s my father’s protege. My dad is planning on passing down his company to him when he finally retires.” 
“Over both you and your sister?” Han asks. 
Raisa rolls her eyes. “Yeah, it’s a whole thing. Then, there’s the Bayars.” She follows the name with an eye roll just to make sure that her distaste is known. 
“Bayar…” Han rolls the name off of his tongue. “Wait, you’ve mentioned that name before.” His eyebrows rise to his hairline. “Is he the one—“
“Yes,” Raisa grits out. “He is.”
“And he’s at your house? For Christmas?”  
Raisa waves him off. “I told you, my family is a fucking mess. Anyway, Gavan is the one that looks like a movie villain brought to life. His kids, Fiona and Micah, they’re our age, but awful in their own ways. Don’t take anything they say to heart, but they will more than likely try to destroy your very soul.” 
Raisa gives him a tight-lipped smile. “Aren’t they?” 
She hears the sound of the house’s intercom go off. “It’s dinner time!” Someone announces from the kitchen. 
Raisa sighs deeply, standing up, and wiping imaginary dust away from her clothes. “That’s our cue.” As she starts walking to her door, she quickly spins on her heel as a new thought occurs to her. “Oh, wait, I did forget to mention one thing.” 
“What’s that?” Han asks, standing so close to her that she momentarily gets distracted by the sight of his stubbled jaw. “Raisa?” 
“Oh, right… Just so you aren’t completely blindsided, you should know that Nightwalker and Micah are my ex-boyfriends, and they were probably both invited so that my parents could set us up.” She quickly presses a chaste kiss to his lips before he could say anything. “You’ll do great, though!” 
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Why is it that when anything bad happens, Han Alister gets the blame?
Raisa, asking the real questions
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Han, Raisa, Mari, Speaker Jemson, Averil, Amon, Pearlie
So, there were seven here, so I 
Push off a cliff- Amon
Not like lasting damage or anything, like tied to the cliff when I push him. 
Kiss- Pearlie 
She seems nice, and not going to ruin her relationship. Pearlie&Talia 4 evah!
Marry- Speaker Jemson
He’s just so nice and understanding
Set on fire- Averil
I don’t think this needs an explanation, but if you want one, I am thinking of making a rant post about it.
Wrap a Blanket around- Mari
This kid has been through enough!
Be Roomates with- Han
Because, then no one will break into wherever we live.
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