#avergers fanfiction
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this is so stupid oh my g
HIIII,,, SO UHH!!! me and my brother are writing a FIDDLESTAN fanfiction and in another fic after the one we r writing there is gonna be MASSIVE tate conent and i wanna INFODUMP ABOUT IT!!!
OK SO the sequal fanfiction persay is revolved around tate and his life because i'm hyperfixated on him and i LOVE HIM OK SO in this universe, stanley never breaks Fords project, Ford ends up going to his dream college, and Stan goes to backupsmore and meets FIDDLEFORD!!!!!! They make a computer company and a bunch of other shit will happen (NO SPOILERS, WINK WINK!!) and after all of that they adopt Tate:333!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so yeah basic rundown and whatnot ANYWAYS MOVING ON
the sequal will bascially be Tate in his sophmore year in highschool (1997) and he meets a kid named BRODY BACKLE!!!! (a lot of people have a oc named/based on "backle" but i found that out AFTER me and my brother made him.) Brody is kind of a reckless guy, he gets close with Tate and they become best "freinds" (there is A LOT of homoerotic tension with them) they do normal teenage stuff persay Brody makes Tate do reblalous things aganist his dad's rules, and genuinely becoming KIND OF AN ASS.
So for context Tate is 15 and Backle is 16
Tate used to wear; sweaters, (Knitted by Fiddleford) cargo shorts, big bulky sneakers, HATS. and very soft kind of look (me and my brother joke all his outfits are picked out by Fiddleford) BUT AFTER he meets Broody he dresses in oversized band shirts, baggy pants, beanies, backwards hats, and of course his hair covering his eyes because by god in my au his eyes are BLINDING like the bluest eyes you have ever SEEN.
Brody/Backle wears; bascially the same thing Tate would wear minus the hats, His head is shaved with blonde hair, his ears STRECHED TO THE MAX, pircings EVERYWHERE and genually like ur averge alt guy, he chills out when he gets older tho
They never OFFICALLY GET TOGETHER (as if rn) but they do kiss, hold hands, get matching stuff, cuddle, hug, all that mushy couple stuff they do (When they get older i might get them together who knows,,) when they get older they created the bait shop together, they spend a shit ton of time together they are INSPERABLE, they own a house together near the bait shop, (no homo, Brody says whenever someone asks about it)
Tate (when he gets older) would wear ; what he wears in the cannon gravity falls universe but looser because dear god holy shit. when he isn't working he would wear button ups, with hand knitten sweaters made by Fiddleford, cargo pants, and very beat up shoes with of course, a hat. So bascially what he wore before he met Brody kind of thing
Brody would lowkey dress the same as he did when he was youger, when he's older, he usally wears band tee's with a flaneel drapped over it (all of his flanels were owned by Tate at one point, he would have blonde wavy longish hair and is a genually chill guy.
in they older years, Tate and Brody spend most of their time (when they aren't working) fishing, talking about endless stuff never ending coversations, Brody never really opens up to anyone that isn't Tate (Broody lore coming soon). ALSO, Brody is VERY affectionate to Tate like thats his number one thing in the entire UNIVERSE right there, Tate has a hard time giving love out to Brody, he doesn't understand how to do it or how it works, Brody understands and he knows Tate loves him back.
When they were teenagers, Brody always stayed at Tate's house, never really going to his own. Stan and Fiddleford see him as another member of them family at that point, Brody would spend weeks at the pine's house, Brodys parents lowkey stopped gaf about Brody after 5th grade so his parents did not care he was spending most of his time at this random kids house
Tate's first kiss was Brody, they usally got affectionate when they were high or something along those lines, they kissed mulitple times, whenever Tate would ask what they were, Brody would ignore the subject leaving Tate confused and upset. When they got older they eventually sorted everything out leaving all the tension behind them.
ok i'm getting sleepy sorry if this is shitty my autistic brain needs to rant to someone and the someone is tumblr so, yay
#gravity falls#tate mcgucket#brody backle#backle#gravity falls oc#oc#headcanon#gravity falls au#tackle#tatexbackle#silly#uhhhh#THE FANFICTION IS CALLED CARNAGE AND COMPUTERS ON AO3#ITS STILL IN PROCESS#THE SEQUAL WONT BE UP FOR A LITTLE BIT SORRY#BUT AFTER THIS FIC IS DONE TATE CONTENT WILL BE REALSED#UGHHH#ok bye
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Who I Am (pt 1)
A WinterWitch Fanfiction
A/N: This is my first fanfiction I’m posting on tumblr. Feedback is very much appreciated. This will be a severall-part-story. This is just something I’ m writing for the fun of it. Hope you enjoy! Love, Amanda
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Bucky Barnes (eventually)
Warnings: self-hatred, self-blame, a fue curse words?
Words: 2517
Who I Am (part 1)
Confined to the compound
Wanda’s PoV
The television seemed to only hum silently, so distracted was she. Granted, it was nice, being alone. It was a relaxing change too be able to enjoy the silence, even if the tv was on, and not have everybody’s minds hammering at her own. It wasn’t like she read everybody’s mind whether she wanted to or not, she did not always hear a steady flow of thought as if the people in the room were speaking them out loud, but she could always sense them. The kind of way you can sense a hand placed inches from your back even though you can’t see it. She could always read their energy, whether they were sad or angry or happy or annoyed, but she couldn’t tell if they were annoyed at her until she dug into their minds, and she couldn’t decide if that was good or bad. On the one hand she could now ignore their annoyance and try to convince herself that it wasn’t directed at her, but all the same, it was terrible to have to always feel everybody’s feelings hand debate internally whether or not they were for her or something else and wonder if she dared peak into their minds, afraid of finding that it was indeed her they were annoyed at.
But today she was all alone in the Avengers compound. Apart from Vision. But Vision’s thought and feeling, with him not exactly being human and all, were always steady. For some reason he didn’t have the same tendency to spike in anger or suddenly become severely depressed as the others did. Their feeling was like jabs from out of nowhere at her consciousness, but Visions flowed. Although he could become angry, it wasn’t at all the same. His feelings were more like shadows or echoes, and that made it so much more pleasant for her to be around him.
As of today, however, Wanda wasn’t sure she wanted to ever be around Vision again. His words as he attempted to cook her dinner still rang inside her head like a horrible bell.
“Not yours”
No, not for her safety. Not for her safety was she stuck here at the compound. She had suspected that Tony had ordered Vision to keep her here. And she had been right. But it had not been, as she had come to think, and oddly come to terms with, to protect her.
When Vision had volunteered to go to the store to get more toilet paper (it had run out) she had realized that she had been right, Tony didn’t want her to leave. Vision never went anywhere. Sam would go on toilet-paper-runs sooner that Vision! Vision (and all the other avengers) had understood pretty soon that Visions appearance might disturb toilet-paper-shoppers and therefor he hardly ever left the compound. He couldn’t exactly pass as a normal pedestrian. But this morning he had left, and Wanda had realized that she was indeed on look-down.
So, naturally, first she had been angry. Did they think she couldn’t take care of herself? She realized however that in the event that she needed to “take care of herself” she might cause even more of a problem for herself. As the news reporter had stated this afternoon:
”...many seem to be angry at Wanda Maximoff herself for her interference in Lagos”...”
It hurt of course. And she was still bout angry and disgusted at herself for what had happened. It was her fault. All of it. That Steve and Tony were fighting and the Socovia Accords. Even if Natasha had sat down before she left for Vienna and told her that the UN would have come up with the Accords sooner or later and that they either way had probably been talking about them and planning them for ages, Wanda couldn’t help but blame herself.
So, it would have come as no surprise to her if she had been attacked for her actions in Lagos while out toilet-paper-shopping by someone who blamed her just as much as she blamed herself. And because she had already realized this she had told herself that Tony had looked her in the compound for this reason, to protect her from said fictional attacker and to prevent the government or the media from blaming her further if she was forced to use her magic in self-defense.
Now however... She had a hard time explaining even to herself how hurt she was. Vision had said that he “wanted people to see her the way he did but what he had said before that made his statement confusing. How did he see her? As a monster that didn’t have control of her own powers? As an even worse monster because he believed she didn’t care?
She had heard of course what Secretary Ross had said too:
”If I miss placed a couple of dirty megaton nukes you can bet there would be consequences.”
And she had agreed with him, but it had still hurt. Because he hadn’t been talking about weapons, he had been talking about human beings. But apparently that was the same thing in his eyes. And that was what she was, a weapon. So did Vision simply mean that she had adjusted to being a weapon so well and that he saw her as strong for dealing with her terrible powers?
In that case, she didn.t know if she wanted to be strong. She wanted to be a human being. She clung to the words Sam had shouted during his hour-long argument with Rodey:
”...we’re human being not weapons!”
She ran the words through her mind again, trying to find some comfort in them. Even if she wasn’t particularly close with Sam she had always liked him. He had a fun sense of humor and even if he was afraid of her powers he didn’t pip toe around her and treat her differently for it.
Turning the volume of the tv up higher, trying to block her own thought from her head, she jerked around as a fireball erupted outside of her window. Running to the window she stopped right in front of it as Vision came gliding up out of the floor.
“What is is?” she asked.
“Stay here please.” Vision responded.
Her thought ran wild inside her head. Vision glided out through the wall and of to check on the source of the explosion. Had they come for her?
A motion, a therein of thought sneaking up behind her.
She summoned her energy and spun around, launching the knife that lay on the table at the man in the doorway. It stopped and hovered right in front of his face before he lifted a hand and nocked it sideways. She let go of the energy and the knife fell to the floor as she realized who it was.
“I guess I should have knocked.” Said Clint with a tiny crocked smile on his face.
“Oh my god,” Wanda vispered, then raising her voice said “What are you doing here?”
”Disappointing my kids.” Clint walked forward, and for reasons best known to him shoot two seemingly useless arrows that fasted themselves on opposite sides of the room. “We were supposed to go waterskiing. Cap needs our help, come on.” He grabbed her hand and lead her towards the door.
They made it half way to the door before Visions voice rang out behind them, shilling Wanda’s bones to their core. She didn’t want this to become a fight.
“Clint. You should not be here.”
Turning around slowly Clint raised an eyebrow.
“Really? I retire for like what, five minutes, and it all goes to shit.”
”Please consider the consequences of your actions.”
“Okay, they’re considered.”
Suddenly, as Vision pasted between them, electricity shoot from the base of the arrows and Vision couldn’t move.
“Okay, we got to go.” Clint said, seeming both terrified and surprised that his plan had worked. He turned around, jogging towards the door. But Wanda didn’t move. She was fingering her shirtsleeves and looking down.
It was her fault. All of this. And now Vision was hurt to. And Clint, Clint who should have been waterskiing with his kids was being dragged into this mess to, all because she couldn’t control her powers. And whatever Cap needed her help with it would most likely involve using her power and then she’d mess that up to and they’d get in even more trouble and by the looks of it he had pissed of a lot of important people and if she helped him she would to and honestly she was scared of important people and yeah, of course she didn’t like them they hadn’t helped her or her brother when they had needed them and they had used her and turned her into what she was and most likely she would soon be too much of a problem to be kept alive and all of this ran through her head as Clint realized she wasn’t following him.
“It’s this way.” He said, pointing at the door.
She couldn’t sort out her thoughts. She wanted to scream out all the things she had been thinking, that Ross thought of her as merely a weapon and that in the eyes of no one was she a human being anymore and she didn’t want to fight, she had lost her brother to a fight that had been her fault and come to think of it Sacovia in general had been her fault cause she had let Stark take the septer and if she had just done what see was supposed to have done Ultron and Socovia would never have happened and if she had just conformed to being Hydras little weapon Pietro wouldn’t have died and maybe she should just sign the Accords and let people use her because she just messed thing up anyway.
But the only way she could word this at the moment was by saying:
“I’ve caused enough problems.”
Clint sighed, and she felt, like she always felt, the change in his emotions as his mind reacted to his words. As he ran over to her she tried to understand what they meant. Pity? Anger? Annoyance? Did he think she was supposed to surrender? Come quietly? Do as he said but not as anyone else said? Did he want her to think for herself or blindly follow? Did he want her, think she could, forget about what she’d done? What he just going to tell her like Steve did that it wasn’t her fault? That she shouldn’t blame herself?
But he didn’t say that, instead he said something that made her feel, for the first time in a long time, stronger.
“You gotta help me, Wanda. Look, you wanna mope, you can go to high school. You wanna make amends, you get of your ass.”
She could read the rest in his emotions. I’m not going to tell you it isn’t your fault because it partly is. But I’m not going to let you sit her and wallow in it. I’m going to make you get up and fight.
“Shit.” Clint’s emotions changed from a rallying confidence to panic in a heartbeat. It was like having a knife stabbed through her mind, especially as she had been reading him.
Behind her Vision broke free of the electric restraint and ran at Clint. He fired an arrow that went straight through Vision who a spit second became solid and slammed him in the chest, making him roll across the floor. The fight that followed was over fast. Wanda barely had time to get it through her head and make a decision of what she wanted to do and who she wanted to listen to before Vision had Clint with his back to him, his arms around his throat.
“Clint, you can’t overpower me.”
“I know I can”t. But she can.”
He shoot her a look, and wondered if he knew what battles had been raging in her head just a moment ago. But she had made up her mind as they fought, and however much she just wanted things to go back to the way they had been five days ago and wanted her friends to get along she wasn’t going to be anyone’s weapon. She was going to be a human being, and made amends for what she had messed up. And Vision wasn’t going to stop her.
The energy came easily to her hands when she called for it. Realizing what Clint had said Vision turned his head to look at her but she shut his feelings out of her mind and put every owns of energy she had into the conviction that she would make amends for her mistakes.
”Vision, that’s enough. Let him go. I’m leaving.”
“I can’t let you.”
But she was overpowering him, and Clint slipped through his arms as Visions knees buckled.
“I’m sorry.” She vispered, but she had made up her mind.
“If you do this they will never stop being afraid of you.”
There it was again. “They are afraid of you”. But this time, she had her answer ready.
”I can’t control their fear, only my own.”
Summoning all the anger she had felt today she pushed the energy, taking Vision with it, through the floor. She didn’t stop until the energy almost drained her. She couldn’t even see Vision anymore.
”Uh...” Clint seemed to almost not believe his eyes and she worried for a second that he wouldn’t want her to come along anymore, until he nudged her arm and continued, “Come on. We got one more stop.”
He turned and walked towards the door again. After being frozen on the spot for a moment she hurried after him. Panting she asked:
”One more stop?”
“Yeah, Sam wants us to pick up this guy in San Francisco.”
San Francisco?
”That’s like 40 hours!”
“We aren’t driving.” Clint laughed.
With Wanda trailing after him, jogging slightly to keep up, Clint lead the way down to the garage and order her aboard a jet. A little ashamed of herself for not realizing that this would of course be their means of travel she fastened her seatbelt and stared out of the window.
Vision had been her friend, and she had most definitely hurt him.
“Wanda.” Clint was looking at her. And she could sense by his mental state what he wanted to say to her.
No, she though. Please.
“I’m going to get some sleep.” She said, closing her eyes.
Clint didn’t say anything, but she could feel his thoughts as if they were vispers coming from behind a glass wall. They felt the way they always felt when someone was about to tell her all the things a nineteen-year-old should be doing, instead of battling the world. But she didn’t want to hear it. Because honestly, even if she had the chance to be normal, she wasn’t sure she even knew who she wished she could be anymore.
#winterwitch#wanda#wanda maximoff#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x Wanda maximoff#Wanda x bucky#scarletwinter#ship#canon#otp#fanfiction#imagine#vision x wanda#vision#captain america civil war#avengers#avergers fanfiction#Clint barton x wanda#Clint barton#bucky x wanda#marvel#marvel fanfiction
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Could you write some sibling fluff for Tony Stark where the reader is his younger sister (by like 15 years) so Tony basically raised her and it’s basically Tony and Pepper telling her she’s gonna be an aunt? I’m still in denial about Endgame clearly….
First of all thank you so much for your request, anon <3. I enjoyed writing this one SO MUCH. I always love recieving them. Please, feel free to submit more whenever you want! About the denial, aren't we all? Honestly, I love the Marvel phase four but my brain hasn't even fully processed Infinity War 'till this day. In my head the Avengers Compound it's still a thing and they´re all laughing and sharing drinks. Can't convince me otherwise.
(not my gif)
Tony has always been there for you, literally, always. When your parents died, you were two years old, meanwhile Tony, still a minor, on the edge of seventeen, chose to lose a great part of his life to take care of you. Make sure you had family around, not a crew of nanny's like some suggested he should do. It was the pair of you against the world, always has been.
Being Tony's sister wasn't easy, you were constantly a target, honestly, you lost count of how many morons tried to get to him taking you as hostage and that kind of shit. It was never an easy life. But it was worth it.
Being a Stark, of course, had it's rewards, parties on the mounts and having on your hands anything money could buy was also a very good part of it, nothing to complain.
Being a part of the Avengers... Oh, that was an experience. Between building armours with your brother and fighting evil A.I. together, there was the highest threat you ever fought side by side. Thanos.
The Blip.
It cost too much for all of you, set the Avengers apart for good. The most painful part for you was seeing the look on your brother's face as he saw Peter Parker fade away between his fingers, turn to dust and disappear like he was never there.
The whole world was filled with grief. Pain. Loss.
You knew Tony was devastated by loosing the kid. You knew damn well he cared about that boy like he cared for you, like he cared for his own blood.
You saw your brother get back his life. He moved to a camp house with Pepper and later invited you to come live with them. After an inner battle if you weren't going to be a burden to them, you were convinced when the older Stark gave you a whole speech about wanting to be as close to his family as he could.
you knew he meant it.
You knew how much it would mean to him if you came together, so you did. It was the bare minimum after everything he did for you, all you could do was stick to his side, no matter what.
It was a sunny afternoon at the camp house, you were at the dinner table doing small talk with Happy, who turned to be one of your best friend's over the years. Tony called you in the corner, said he had an important announcement, and that it involved Pepper. You, used to bad news – who could blame you – thought they were splitting.
— It's about me and Pepper, y/n.
— Holy shit, don't tell me you're getting a divorce, what did you do, Anthony?
— Why do you always assume the worst of me?
— I don't know, maybe because I've known you for over thirty years and whenever you used this tone with me was because you did some shit. - he chuckles at your answer. You were not wrong.
— I promise you it's not a bad thing.
— Right. Show me, then.
— Pepper, get in here. - he calls softly at his wife with a wide grin towards you. She was holding a tiny box on her hands, your name carefully written in a beautiful hand writing you knew could never be Tony's.
— Open it up. - he says shortly
— Anthony is this one of your pranks? Because I swear to God if any venomous animal crawls out of this box you're a dead man, Stark. I swear. Sorry, Pepper - you turn to your sister in law who giggles and waits anxiously for you to open the box.
— It isn't, pinky promise. - he has a serious tone. So you open it. It was a pair of shoes. Really tiny ones. Girl shoes. Baby shoes. You felt tears build up in your eyes instantly and you look at Pepper with teary eyes and back at the box as asking for a confirmation you were not imagining things, she nods at you slightly and puts her hands in her mouth before pulling you into a hug.
— Oh my God. - you murmur in her ears. — Oh, God. Congratulations. - you part from her hug almost jumping in Tony's arms and squeezing tight and lovingly. You were the happiest person alive at that moment. — I'm so happy for you, brother. Really, I am.
— Thank you. - he lets out a tear and holds you back into another warm hug.
#marvel#tony stark#mcu fanfiction#mcu#mcu imagine#imagine#tony stark fluff#tony stank#the avergers#avengers endgame#tony stark fanfiction#tony stark imagine#tony stark one shot#tony stark angst#iron man#pepper potts#avengers#happy hogan#morgan stark#robert downey jr#robert downey junior#robertdowneyjr#homem de ferro
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Betrayed: Chapter Three
Summary: Everybody thought Steve’s sister had passed away decades ago. But when you show up at the facility and try to attack Bucky, there are questions to be answered.
Word count: 5.2k
Warning: A bit of violence, talk of kidnapping and torture, talk of surgery, a hint of PTSD
Series Masterlist
All Writings Masterlist
NOTE: I would like to thank everybody for your support. As I previously said, this is the first time posting any sort of creative writing on any platform. As a thank you, I'll be releasing two chapters today (3/19/21). Again, any feedback is appreciated. Enjoy (:
It had been about 6 months since Y/N arrived at at the facility. She liked it here. She was able to get to know who her brother was now, hearing about his stories. He was careful to try and leave Bucky out of it as much as possible, but sometimes he would come up. The more Steve talked about Bucky, the less Y/N would flinch at his name. It’s like Steve was replacing that bad memory of him taking her with new ones about how Bucky had redeemed himself, sacrificing everything to help protect the universe from Thanos.
“I always imagined you like this, Steve.” Y/N had said to him one day, gesturing at him as she listened to his stories, “Even though you were five foot, four inches and weighed nothing, I always knew this was the real you.” She smiled, at him, to which Steve laughed and replied, “I’m glad someone saw passed my height.”
Y/N trained with Clint and Wanda. Although Y/N and Clint had a bit of a rough start with the arrow thing as well as calling her a vampire, they became friends quickly. Joking at one another often, especially during training. He had nicknamed her ‘Little Vampire’. Her abilities began to hone in, and she hadn’t had an outburst of violence since the night she arrived. Besides her brother, Wanda was the person Y/N was closest with. They even shared a bedroom now, and others in the neighboring bedrooms often heard laughing throughout the night coming from the bedroom. They did almost everything together. Train, eat, watch movies, occasionally go shopping. Wanda even taught Y/N how to drive, testing out the fast cars on the long stretch of road leading to the facility.
There was still one problem though. Bucky. Y/N couldn’t be in the same room as Bucky, which everybody noticed. For the first few months, when Bucky entered a room that Y/N was in or vice versa, the room would get quiet. It was like there was a stare down between the two. Y/N would tense up, her red eyes locking on Bucky. Out of respect and guilt, Bucky always left the room, even if he was there first. He caused her enough pain for a lifetime, he didn’t want to be a constant reminder of the worst time of her life. He owed her that much. At least he could hear her laugh with Wanda. Sometimes he would stay awake at night, either laying in his bed or standing outside her door and listening to her laugh. He missed Y/N’s laugh so much. He used to hear it almost everyday growing up, watching her smile. Her joy was always infections to others, especially him. He often wondered when the last time she laughed was. He was sure she didn’t laugh until she came here and met Wanda. The first time he heard her laugh while Y/N has been here, he smiled, standing around a corner as he listened to Wanda and Y/N watch the cheesy Captain America movie. Bucky wished more than anything he could join in the laughter. He wanted to feel the warmth that Y/N always brought him, but knew he wasn’t what she needed or wanted right now.
After about 4 months, they were able to be in the same room. Bucky had been sitting at the kitchen bar, talking to Steve about how he could fix things and help Y/N. When speak of the devil, she walked in alone. Usually her and Wanda were always together, but this time she was alone. She paused when she entered, staring at Bucky who was looking back to her. She then moved to the fridge, grabbing out some grape juice. Her favorite. Wanda made sure it was on the list every week just for her, and if she forgot to put it on the list, Bucky would scribble it down. She grabbed a glass out of a cupboard. She was facing Bucky, but not looking at him. She was focused on her task of getting juice. As she poured, her eyes flicker to meet his gaze. She quickly looked back down until her glass was full. She put the grape juice back in its spot in the fridge, picking up her glass. Her eyes flickered between Steve and Bucky. She gave a soft smile but it faded quickly as she left back the way she came, returning to her room.
Once Steve was sure she was out of earshot, he turned to Bucky, raising his eyebrows, “Progress.” He said with a smile. It was nothing compared to how much Bucky was grinning. This was the first time he had been able to get her to actually look at him, not stare him down or glare like he was her enemy. She even smiled a little bit, probably at Steve, but Bucky was taking it as a win. For the first time in the last four months, he felt hope in being able to be Y/N’s friend again. But he wouldn’t push it, he would wait for her.
Two months later, present time, it was time to answer the hard questions. Steve sat down on his sister’s bed beside her. Wanda had some idea of what happened, as Y/N talked about the trauma to her most. That and the fact Wanda could see inside her head, but only ever did it with Y/N’s permission.
“Y/N, tell us everything you remember.” Steve said, looking at his sister. He needed to know what was done to her, where, and if there were any remaining Hydra agents. He needed to know if there were anymore enhanced humans Hydra could have made.
Y/N looked at her brother, then to Wanda, then to the floor letting out a sigh. She had been dreading. She put her face in her hands, then slowly ran them up through her blonde hair. She hated talking about it, but knew Steve had given her enough time to process her new home.
“Bucky sent me a letter, saying he was coming home from deployment. He set up a date and where to meet. I was so excited to keep our promise.” Y/N swallowed hard, “When we met, he greeted me. He smiled, but there was no emotion in his eyes. I figured it was from the war, you know, needing to adjust. I was just happy he was safe. We talked for a moment, before walking down the street. It was dark, the street lamps were out which I thought was odd. Then suddenly, he grabbed me, pulling me into the trunk of a car. I was in that trunk for what felt like days,” She paused, pushing past the pain it was causing her, “Then, we were outside this bunker. It was snowing, cold. I didn’t know where we were. He took my hood off, holding my arm as he lead me through the doors. I was watched by all these men, wearing a red octopus with a skull on their uniforms. He handed me to them, practically throwing me into their grasp. I looked back at him, pleading for help. He ignored me and followed as the men took me to this medical chamber and strapped me down on a cold table. I could see the medical instruments on a tray. They had these syringes filled with red liquid. I screamed for Bucky to help me, for anybody to help me. Nobody did.. They gagged me and began. I couldn’t tell you what they did, I closed my eyes until I passed out from pain, after seeing Bucky leave the room. I do remember though before I passed out, up in the gallery that overlooked the room, red eyes staring at me.” Y/N said softly, looking at Steve.
“The rest of it is a little blurry. I think I’ve blocked it out of my mind after I was made into this, knowing I wouldn’t want to remember. Then, after a few years, something happened. I remember I was called back to that bunker. There were two others with red eyes. They put us in these steel coffin type things.” Y/N paused, before chuckling a little bit which shocked Steve, “Don’t tell Clint that, it’ll just make the vampire thing a little too real for him.” She joked for a moment, but not hearing any laughter she sighed and continued, “They put us to sleep. When I woke up, seven months ago, it took days of punching that steel coffin until I was able to get it open.” She traced the silver scars on her knuckles, remembering blood, although there wasn’t much pain, “But that wasn’t the end of the it. Wherever they put me, I was buried. I had to claw my way through dirt, grass, and two feet of snow until I saw grey skies. It was snowing. I fled to the nearest city, hiding in an abandoned building. I could feel something in my brain, trying to tell me to go back and sleep. I itched at the spot until I could feel my skull and stole a drill from a nearby family. I drilled out the spot of my skull, then pried the chip out with my fingers. I left it in that building.” Y/N was now staring at the wall as she spoke, her face emotionless. She knew Wanda was watching her memories vividly, wincing as she watched the process of taking the chip out, “It didn’t take long after that for me to see your face everywhere, and the face of the Avengers. I had to find you and I did. You know the rest from there.”
It was silent in the room for a minute. Steve was holding back some tears hearing about his sister’s torture with Hydra, not wanting her to see. Wanda had the saddest look on her face, feeling like she was there herself through Y/N’s memories. Steve broke the silence, “Thank you for telling me,” He said, putting a hand on his sister’s back. He didn’t want to make her relive this, but he got the information him and the team needed. There were more of these red-eyes buried somewhere, just waiting to escape.
What they didn’t know, is Bucky was outside the door, listening to every word Y/N said. He felt nauseous hearing her stories. The sweet woman he knew.. She had been taken and forced into this traumatic life. Taken by his own hand. A tear ran down his cheek which he quickly wiped away. When she was done talking, he stood up and went back to his own room before they could catch him eavesdropping. He felt full of rage at Hydra but more importantly at himself. No wonder she tried to kill him. Half of him wishes she did, he deserved it and maybe it would’ve brought her more peace. But the other half of him was glad she did save him, wanting to prove himself to her that he wasn’t that person and that he was the same Bucky Y/N remembered from watching their sunrise.
After Steve had shared the information for the team, they decided to mobilize and search out this base. It would be at most a week they were gone. Everybody was going, besides Y/N, Bucky, and Clint who had promised his family not to go into any more dangerous missions unless absolutely necessary. Y/N pleaded with Steve not to go, or at least leave Wanda behind with her. But Steve had told his sister they needed to go, make sure everything was safe, and Wanda needed to go as well as she had seen the bunker and its layout in her head. Reluctantly, Y/N agreed.
Two days into the longest week of her life since she had been back, Y/N sat on her bed, missing her friends and her brother. She had skipped training with Clint, mostly staying in her room and listening to music Wanda had showed her. It made her happy listening to music. Sometimes Wanda and Y/N would blast the music in their room, dancing together and laughing. They were some of her happiest moments since she’s been at the facility.
On the third night, Y/N went out into the kitchen to have herself some leftover soup. She waited as it heated in the microwave, freezing when she heard another person enter the room. She slowly turned, only to lock eyes with blue eyes she had hated for so long. Bucky stopped and looked at her, before speaking softly to break the silence, “Sorry.. I’ll come back later.” He said, turning to leave, breaking their eye contact. Then a miracle happened.
“It’s fine, I’m almost done..” Y/N said softly, turning back to watch the timer on the microwave. Bucky stood there staring at her. This is the first thing she had said to him since she healed the bite on his neck. His heart leaped in his chest, hearing her acknowledge him. It was just adding to the hope that one day they could be back to friends again. Her voice was like soft music to his ears, so sweet. He didn’t approach her, just took a seat. He didn’t want to get too close to her and make her uncomfortable and take back this progress of her speaking to him. He thought of her like a scared animal. If he moved the progress too fast then she would run. He watched as she grabbed the bowl from the microwave, a spoon, and a napkin. Then Y/N retreated back to her room, not saying another word. She shut the door behind her.
Bucky smiled to himself, “Progress.” He said softly, making himself a sandwich and heading back to his room. He felt accomplished. She had actually spoken to him, directly to him. Alone. She didn’t run, or attack him. Bucky viewed this as a big step towards reaching his goal of having Y/N trust him again.
In the early morning hours, Y/N had a nightmare. A bad one. She was seeing the faces of those she hurt, those she killed. Then it changed to her punching herself out of that metal coffin, screaming to be free, digging through the rough earth trying to find air. She tossed and turned, sweating, before letting out a scream. The scream woke Clint and Bucky up, who now stood outside her door in the hallway looking at each other as they heard her whimpering and screaming from the other side.
“Okay, you go in.” Clint said, looking at Bucky.
Bucky looked at Clint in disbelief, “Are you kidding? She hates me. Well, I think we are one level down from hate because she talked to me, but still. At least she likes you, you go in.” He countered
Clint shook his head, “Nope. Nu-uh. After hearing about the coffin thing, I’m still not convinced she isn’t a vampire.” He whispered softly, “Vampire beats human every time. You got the superhuman stuff, if she bites you at least we know what happens. If she bites me, I may die quicker than she’s willing to give me her blood.” He said, “Plus you're stronger and she scares me a little.”
Bucky opened his mouth to argue, but was silenced by another muffled scream. He glared at Clint before opening the door. If this took back the new progress he had just made with Y/N, he wouldn’t know what to do. He peeked in her room, seeing Y/N laying on the bed, clutching her pillow so hard that it starting spitting feathers out of the seams. It pained him to see her like this. He could see tears down her visible cheek, the pain on her face.
“Y/N?” He asked softly, not wanting to touch her yet, just wanting to wake her gently. It didn’t work though, she didn’t wake. Bucky slowly moved to the side of her bed, sitting at the edge next to her. He slowly reached his hand out to touch her and paused, wondering if he should. But then he heard Y/N whimper again, letting out a half sob half scream. His instincts took over and he grabbed her quickly, pulling her into his chest and holding her tight. She gripped onto his shirt, her nails ripping through and digging into his chest. Bucky winced, but it was worth it to hold her, trying to calm her, “I got you, Y/N. You’re safe… It’s all over, I got you.” He whispered towards her ear, noting the scar behind her left ear. He knew exactly what it was from. The sobbing stopped, as did the screaming. He looked down at her face to see the red eyes staring at him. He paused, wondering what was going to happen. Would she attack him? Push him away? He wouldn’t blame her for either of those options. He just wanted to be there for Y/N, let her know she was safe.
Y/N stayed silent for quite a while, just staring at Bucky’s eyes. The way he looked at her was familiar. His eyes weren’t emotionless. She saw his sadness, worry, guilt.
“Bucky..” She whispered finally, breaking the silence.
Bucky’s heart melted, listening to her say his name without rage in her voice. She said his name like she did before he left for deployment, but with a little more sadness in her voice. Then she curled into him more, which made his heart melt again. He willingly pulled her closer, “I got you, Doll,” He said as he ran his hand through her hair, “You’re safe. You never have to do those things again.” He knew exactly what she was dreaming about when it came to the faces. He had the same nightmares for a long time, unable to sleep for months because of it. He held her until she was asleep, gently placing her back into bed and pulling the covers over her body. He sat on Wanda’s bed, watching her all night. Every couple hours, Y/N would wake up and look over at him as if to make sure Bucky was still there, before going back to sleep, pressing her face into her pillow.
In the morning, Clint called Bucky into the briefing room to get an update from the rest of the team. They had to break down the steel doors to the bunker to get in, but didn’t find any evidence of any survivors or the remaining red-eyes. They were going to search the area a little more before heading back home. They also wanted to try and find the chip that Y/N had clawed out of her brain seven months ago to try and see if they could get any information off that.
As the sun hit her face, Y/N’s eyes opened slowly, looking around the room. She was alone. She started to wonder if it was all just a dream that Bucky was there, holding her, keeping an eye on her. It had felt too real to be a dream. She sat up slowly, noticing the feathers on her sheets. Definitely not a dream, she concluded. She dragged herself out of bed and made her way to the bathroom to shower.
Y/N stood still as the warm water hit her back. Her mind racing a million miles per hour as she thought about last night with Bucky. He came in to help her, and she accepted it. She shook her head, bringing her hands to her face. She couldn’t believe she did that. She let him in, giving him a chance. Her traumatic time with Hydra had made her hate him. But Y/N knew that somewhere, inside herself, she knew the truth that he was still the Bucky she remembered. She didn’t want to trust him, to let him in. It was easier if she didn’t because then he couldn’t betray her trust again. She sunk to the floor of the shower, pushing her back against the tile wall, and cried.
After about a half hour of crying in the shower, she finished washing her hair and herself and finally stepped out, wrapping the towel around herself. She stared at herself in the mirror as she ran the brush through her hair. Looking around the bathroom, she cursed under her breath as she realized she forgot a change of clothes. She would have to scurry back to her room with the towel wrapped around her.
She opened the door and started to walk back to her room, but stopped as she saw Bucky at the end of the hallway, looking at her with those damn blue eyes. Y/N looked down, turning and disappearing into her bedroom, shutting the door behind her.
Bucky stood there, he had looked her over as she stood frozen for a moment. Noting all the small silver scars across her pale body that he could see. She had many on her shoulders and legs. Some of them looked like scars of bites, like someone had bit her over and over again. They were along her shoulders also ran up her legs until they disappeared under the towel secured around her body. It made him sad to see her like that. He remembered she only had a few scars when they were younger, from dumb instances like falling off a bike or falling when she ran to keep up with him. But now, she was covered in scars. He sighed as she left without a sound to him, wondering if the progress they had made disappeared.
The next few days, Y/N stayed in her room, only coming out to train with Clint and get food. The rest of the time she sat on her bed, reading or listening to music. The team were supposed to be back tomorrow and Y/N couldn’t wait to see Wanda and her brother. It felt like she hadn’t seen them in months. She had gotten so used to them being around all the time that she didn’t know she would miss them this much when they were gone on a mission. There weren’t many phone calls, just quick check-ins with Clint.
She finally pulled herself out of bed, throwing on some black leggings and a dark blue shirt. She brushed her hair and teeth in the bathroom, before making her way to the kitchen. She grabbed herself a bowl of cereal and moved to the living room, turning on the tv to watch some dumb reality show that filled the silence around her. She noticed Bucky and Clint walk into the kitchen, they must’ve been training. They were both discussing who won their sparring as they grabbed water bottles out of the fridge.
“I see you...”
The sound made Y/N jump. It sounded like it was right in her ear. She looked around, looked behind her to see Bucky and Clint still talking. She put her bowl on the coffee table, turning off the tv. She stood, looking around slowly, her forehead wrinkles in frustration and focus as she tried to figure out where the voice came from. She wondered around, looking down hallways.
The voice came again, singing her name in a soft whisper. Y/N jumped and turned, but nobody was there. She didn’t even notice Bucky and Clint were now watching her, confused by her movements.
The voice softly started humming, the sound felt like someone was right in her ears.
“Little Vampy, you okay?” Clint called from the kitchen, his brow furrowed as he watched what was unfolding. Both Clint and Bucky had started moving towards her.
“Little Vampy, huh?” The voice came again, whispering right in her ear. It was deep, a male’s voice. It almost sounded like it was teasing her, “Idiot.” It chuckled and resumed humming.
Y/N turned quickly again at the whisper only to find nobody standing there, her eyes confused but also panicked. She listened to the humming, slowly walking passed Bucky and Clint. She pushed passed Bucky, her arm brushing against his but she didn’t seem to notice. She stopped at a window, staring out it as the humming continued.
“Y/N.” Bucky said, breaking the silence, curious and concerned of what was going on with her. It was like she was almost in a trance.
Y/N silently looked out the window for a moment, the voice that was humming slowly disappearing. She turned and looked at Bucky, her red eyes panicked, “Somethings here..” She said softly, almost a whisper.
Bucky and Clint immediately went on the defense, pulling up motion trackers of the facility but finding nothing except themselves. They searched the whole facility, every nook and cranny, but found nothing. Y/N hid in her room, the curtains shut. The humming had gone away, and she was left with her own thoughts. She sat silently in the room, curled up in one of the corners behind a chair. It was like she was hiding from whatever she was hearing even though it was now gone.
Bucky and Clint entered her room, confused seeing nothing at first which made them panic a little. Bucky scanned the room, tense. Where had she gone? Was she taken? He shouldn’t have left her alone.. But then he saw the red eyes peer out from behind the chair at him and gave a sigh of relief.
“We couldn’t find anything, Y/N.” Clint said, folding his arms, “Why would you think something is here?” He questioned, confused on why him and Bucky just went on an empty scavenger hunt.
Y/N’s eyes flickered from Bucky to Clint as he spoke, not leaving the safety of the corner on the floor, “I heard him. He’s here.. somewhere.”
“Heard him? Heard who?” Bucky asks, moving to sit on the edge of Y/N’s bed, trying to make her more comfortable by letting her know he was here for her.
“I don’t know who.” She said, staring Bucky in the eyes, “It was familiar, his voice. He said my name, was listening to your conversation in the kitchen. He knew where we were and what we were doing. He was right in my ears…” Y/N moved her hands back to grip the sides of her head, “Whispering…” She mutters, then looked up at Clint, “He called you an idiot.”
“Well, I already don’t like him.” He said, folding his arms, “We will keep an eye on the motion sensors, do checks of the facility throughout the day just to be sure. I’ll send an update to the rest of the team. They should be back soon with the chip.” Clint informed, leaving the room promptly.
Bucky stayed in the room, sitting there silently. He wanted to ask Y/N if there was anything she needed, but he was cautious. He didn’t want to get too close. He didn’t want to push Y/N. They sat there in silence for what felt like hours, but was really only one. Y/N picked herself up off the floor, looking at Bucky, then looking around the room as if to make sure it was safe. She could feel Bucky’s eyes on her, watching her closely to try and get a read on how she was doing.
“I’m fine, Bucky..” Y/N finally said, her eyes eyes locking with his, before exiting her own bedroom. She went back to grab her bowl of now soggy cereal from the coffee table. She took it to the sink, pouring it down the drain and turning the disposal on for a moment to shred the cereal. She washed her bowl and spoon, then set them on a towel to dry. Y/N placed her hands on the edge of the counter, staring at the granite. What was she hearing inside her head? Who was it and why did it sound so familiar? She had clawed that chip out of her brain over half a year ago, she shouldn’t be hearing the voices. She wondered if she was slowly going insane, if it was the voices of those she killed catching up to her.
“Y/N,” It was Bucky’s voice behind her, but she didn’t move from where she stood, still staring at the granite, “I know you would prefer to talk to Wanda or Steve…. but you can talk to me while they’re not here…” He said softly, wanting to understand what was going on in her head. He wanted to help her.
“I feel like I’m going insane…” Y/N said, eyes still studying the granite as she kept her back to him, “Or being haunted. I feel like my mind isn’t safe.”
Bucky nodded slowly, “It’s the guilt, Y/N. You were forced to do terrible things to people. It wasn’t you. You’d never do that.” He said, moving closer to her.
Y/N shook her head, scoffing at his words, “I would do that. I bit you. I threw Steve. I am capable of violence, I was trained for it.” Her hands gripped the edge of the counter harder, it was starting to crack under her strength. Pieces of fractured granite pierced into her palms, causing droplets of her blood to run down the cupboards to the floor.
Bucky quickly moved when he heard the splintering granite and seeing the blood, pulling Y/N away from the counter, forcing her to look him in the face as his arms held hers, “Y/N. You were trained, yes. You did awful things, yes. But it wasn’t you. You are Y/N Rogers. The girl who loves dancing, adores sunflowers, and hates coffee.” He reminded, “You are letting yourself feel the guilt for something you had no control over. You wouldn’t have done those things if you had a choice. You need to take all that sadness, frustration, and guilt and let it go.” He urged. He knew what she was going through. He dealt with the emotions for a long time, his ghosts haunting him ruthlessly. But he had come to accept the things he couldn’t change, and work to make up for his mistakes everyday.
Y/N stared at him, allowing him to hold her arms, listening to his words. He was the only one who knew what it was like to do the things she had done without having control of yourself. She finally spoke, sadness in her eyes, “I may still love the same things, but I don’t feel like the same person.” She told him, moving away from his grasp and retreating back to her bedroom.
Bucky cleaned up the blood and the splinters of granite on the floor for her after she was gone. He was hoping she would think about his words, accepting them eventually. She couldn’t keep torturing herself and needed to come to terms with what happened to her. She needed to accept and move on into a better life like he had. He had faith she could do it.
TAGLIST: @vicmc624 @the-ayo-lit @daddysfavoritesexkitten @springsoulofengland @tcc-gizmachine @taina-eny @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable
If I left out anybody on the taglist, I’m sorry. Just send me a quick reminder and I’ll add you right away (:
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