#average thought process in this 🧠
waterloo-to-anywhere · 3 months
“well since i listened to Death on the Stairs naturally i gotta listen to New Love Grows on Trees and if i listen to NLGOT i HAVE to listen to Gin&Milk which means i should probably listen to Shiver (demo) which will bring me BACK to NLGOT which'll take me to Deadwood and if I listen to Deadwood I also need to listen to Heartt of the Matter and and”
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How much sleep do Time Lords need? And, follow-up question, are the symptoms of sleep deprivation similar in Time Lords as in humans?
How much sleep do Time Lords need?
Time Lords, being far more advanced than humans, need significantly less sleep. On average, they need about 1-2 hours of sleep per night, however, their ability to access deep meditation states can significantly cut that down. If they went into a self-induced trance for example, 20 minutes in that state is the same as 8 hours of sleep in human terms. They also don't need to take all their rest in one go - short naps can cumulatively meet their needs.
That said, there are examples of some Time Lords who can function perfectly well on far less—it varies from individual to individual.
Also worth noting, it's a little different for Gallifreyan children and teenagers, who need more sleep than human children, averaging around 10-12 hours per night.
What are the symptoms of sleep deprivation in Time Lords?
While Time Lords are incredibly resilient, they're not immune to the effects of sleep deprivation. Their symptoms are somewhat similar to those seen in humans, but with a few key differences due to their unique physiology. Their psionics come from the same area of the brain that controls sleep (the epiphysis cerebri/pineal gland), meaning sleep and telepathic abilities are inherently linked.
😴 Fatigue and Lethargy: Like humans, Time Lords will feel tired and sluggish when they don’t get enough sleep.
🧠 Cognitive Impairment: Their advanced cognitive functions can be impaired, leading to difficulty in concentrating, making decisions, and processing information.
🤬 Emotional Instability: Sleep-deprived Time Lords might experience mood swings and heightened irritability.
💭 Reduced Psionic Abilities: Given the link between their sleep patterns and psionic abilities, a lack of sleep can diminish their psionic powers.
🪫 Physical Symptoms: They might experience headaches, dizziness, and a general sense of physical weakness.
🗣️ Telepathic Overload: Sleep deprivation might lead to a kind of telepathic overload, where uncontrolled thoughts and feelings from others might intrude into their consciousness.
💥 Regeneration Malfunctions: Prolonged sleep deprivation could potentially affect their regenerative processes, leading to irregularities if they were to regenerate while severely sleep-deprived, due to sheer lack of concentration and control.
🏫 So...
While Time Lords need significantly less sleep than humans, they're still susceptible to the effects of sleep deprivation, particularly affecting their psionic abilities. Make sure your Time Lord is getting enough rest before trying to take down the Dalek Empire.
Hope that helped! 😃
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired😴
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branded-perceptions · 4 months
Centuries ago we were largely dominated by (bigoted, bickering, conceited, conspiratory, revenge-seeking, ...) local identity cults:
we can be happy to largely have evolved out of that where we, instead of thinking for ourselves, had all those sect-like "kin"gs, "Führer", queens & priests as cultish authority figures that focused people's judgment of meaning-making's calibration🧭 of subjective moral relativity of via symbols🔤🎅🔢 and linguistics' relation to peer-evaluation constructed subjective relativistic sense of "kind" towards' each other competing grouped🏟👏👏👏 ("kin") identities' group-narcissism ("Nazi"cissm)
(just hundreds of years ago most groups thought to be inherently "better" than anyone else which made us masses focus on channeling our in-group motivation$ causal creation towards wasting focus on wars or current from evolution of causal care detached useless bra(i)nde(a)d status impressions)
similar like via current bra(i)nde(a)d group identity $port teams' non-meritocratic fake "competition"
by value-exchange emanated subjective motivational and self-justication- / perception-distorting (and thus via latin mores "habits" morality distorting) in-group "love" (🎵THE WAY OF A SIMPLE HUMAN EMOTION)
and out of by that guideded group actions' resulting causal creation (🎵WEIGHTS ME DOWN MORE THAN A TANK EVER DID)
due group socio-psychology is partly devalued in any shared sense-makings' social incentives' vain err 📚"propaganda edward bernays" attention shadows that can be only handled responsible via proactive focus on that (🎵THE PAIN, IT'S DETERMINED AND DEMANDING, TO ACHE)
which was connected (debt-issue) via global fantasy values like monetary exchange
(back then in middle ages due Abrahamic religions' occult grand schemes reserved for the more from geopolitical local mind identities unbiased and travelled open-minded "Jewish stars")
and in our shared reputational mind status "heaven" across local identities shared attention light focus "stars" (celebrities) of global identity-making
being focal lense of how most of us as shown via reputation management of Corona nation
via our own responsibility⁣
[most of worldwide population are not forced to "positively" chase, hype and participate in any socially reinforced in-group (like in current Israel national identity) peer-pressure reward "shots"💸💉💸🍻💣🔫 🤳 while thus less caring for problem-solving its shared sense-makings' attention shadows💉☠️💉 (often genocidal) causal creations' consequences towards our globally quite similar shared life needs: 🎵YOU LOST, A PART OF YOUR EXISTENCE, IN THE WAR AGAINST YOURSELF]⁣
as usual are blind to their own reputation management🎭 and all our own responsibility of directing🧠👅🧠 the by us all defined social incentives⁣
that thus due same old reductionistic scapegoat blame-shift identity-splitting seek⁣
in the tension between (both local or fictional identity narrative) in-group and out-group care⁣
and local care responsibility ("national socialism" / meritocracy / 📚Prosperity without Greed Sahra Wagenknecht) versus global cooperation [inter-group corporations' dialect poles of both by itself disfunctional capitalism vs communism, motivational competition vs problem-solving corporation, which has to be in constant dialectics not psychologically splitted ideological reductionism bubbles / psychotic labelled aspects of behaviourism]
that we dialectically can handle more nuanced and responsibly via structures like UN's & International courts (Nuremeberg code💉) legal handlings' awareness about ironic processes that naturally start to emerge in any for average causal wellbeing disfunctional psychotic sense-makings' identity group-narcissism ("Nazi"cissm)⁣
bending our in-group sense-making bubble's de"COHERENCE" motivational "grand(s)" and justificational focus in our interpretational ambiguous socio-psychological "Quantum world" of meaning-makings like via Benjamin Netanyahu⁣
songs' minute 2:20 caring about our motivational shadows whenever we⁣
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fahrni · 7 months
Saturday Morning Coffee
Good morning from Charlottesville, Virginia! ☕️
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It’s been a fun week at work. I’ve been fixing bugs here and there. For some reason I enjoy this type of work. I spent a decent amount of time looking at memory graphs for object retentions problems and fixed a couple of good ones this week. That always feels great!
As for Stream for Mac, I started off the week in a bit of a funk but thanks to some amazing Mac devs I was put back on the right path. Stream for Mac development is moving forward once again. Fingers crossed I can keep up the momentum. 🤞🏼
Nikita Prokopov A.K.A. Tonsky
So all this time I was living under impression that, for example, if the average web page size is 3 MB, then JavaScript bundle should be around 1 MB. Surely content should still take the majority, no?
Some of the examples Nikita gives seem ridiculous. It makes me wonder if backend processing that spits out pure HTML will ever become a thing again?
Harry Cheadle • Eater, Seattle
But Tony Delivers doesn’t need to be anything bigger than it already is, which is one guy on a bike showing up to deliver food, probably smiling, probably asking how you’re doing, a bolt of disarming kindness in a city that even before we all got addicted to screens was known for being standoffish. That seems worth $5.
Tony has become a Seattle hero! I can’t believe he’s able to survive on $5 deliveries but bravo for making your own little niche!
Nish Tahir
I’ve been learning more about common attacks that appear in my Nginx logs to learn more about what happens beyond the log entries.
Nish is geekin’ out again. I wish I had his brain. The things I could accomplish! 🧠
Gunnar Anzinger
Also, do not worry at this time about acquiring the resources to build the house itself. Your first priority is to develop detailed plans and specifications. Once I approve these plans, however, I would expect the house to be under roof within 48 hours.
This piece is ridiculous in all the best ways. The paragraph I chose to feature really hit home. Yes, yes, take your time. We need it in two days. 🤣
Claire Elise Thompson • grist
If you like the idea of a perpetual three-day weekend, you might be one of a growing cadre that supports the concept of degrowth: a school of thought aimed at shrinking economies and moving away from GDP growth as a metric of success, while instead emphasizing universal basic services and social well-being.
With the rise of AI companies believe they can replace us with software for many types of work.
I think that’s cool! Let’s replace workers and figure out a way to allow folks to do whatever they want and still receive a paycheck. Like, perhaps, Universal Basic Income, Single Payer health care, and free university for everyone! Of course the rich people won’t like that idea.
Trust me when I say I could find plenty of things to work on.
Michael Szczepanik
It’s time for the NATIVE mobile development to end.
I don’t agree. I’ve been working on a project that involves React Native and I see the value in it, but that doesn’t mean native development should go away. Your mileage may vary. For me it’s native or bust for my personal projects.
Mike Elgan • Computerworld
More to the point: Most companies cannot show actual monetary benefits from RTO mandates. But most employees can show actual and significant monetary costs from RTO mandates.
This is an interesting take on the cost to employees to return to work. I’ve never thought about it in those terms. For me it’s always been about the flexibility working remotely gives me. I save between 40-60 minutes a day by not commuting, I can have afternoon coffee with my wife, and if I need to work late it’s so much easier to stomach because I’m already home.
If WillowTree asked us all to return to the office full time, I would. I just prefer working from home.
Jacob Phillips • Evening Standard
The Kremlin has said it will use its “entire strategic arsenal” and fire nuclear missiles at London, Washington, Berlin and Kyiv if it is made to give up the areas of Ukraine it has invaded.
We need to get our act together and get more aid to Ukraine. The GOP loves their orange American Dictator who, in turn, loves Putin so they’re keeping aid from Ukraine. What happened to all those Patriotic Republicans with their flags and love of all things military? They’re too cowardly to stand up to Trump. It’s really shameful.
Chris Evangelista • /Film
Stephen King Hates The Only Movie He Ever Directed
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I liked Maximum Overdrive for what it was. It’s a popcorn movie. Get your popcorn, soda, find your seat, and sit back to watch the mayhem unfold. It delivered and I had no idea Stephen King directed it.
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If Einstein was an internet marketer, he'd do this...🧠💼
I stumbled upon an incredibly fascinating story that merges the genius of Albert Einstein with the world of internet marketing. Trust me, you won't believe the connection until you read this!
🔬 If Einstein was an internet marketer, he'd do this...
It turns out that the great Einstein, renowned for unraveling the mysteries of the universe, had a surprising encounter with golf. Yes, you heard that right! He gave up golf because it was too complicated for him. The story behind it is quite amusing.
Late in his life, Einstein reluctantly decided to give golf a try. During his first lesson, the instructor bombarded him with tip after tip as Einstein struggled to hit the ball. With each swing, he topped, missed, or sliced the ball. Frustrated by the instructor's overwhelming instructions, Einstein finally reached his limit.
In a sudden burst of frustration, Einstein grabbed several golf balls and launched them at the bewildered instructor. Startled, the instructor asked, "What did you do that for?" To which Einstein replied, "Young man, when you throw me one ball, I catch it. But when you throw me four balls, I catch nothing!"
🎯 Teach and learn, one point at a time!
The lesson from Einstein's golfing experience is profound, especially when it comes to online business opportunities. Many of these opportunities overwhelm you with an avalanche of information all at once. From SEO and PPC to landing page design, copywriting, email marketing, and e-commerce, it feels like you're being bombarded with too much complexity.
But as Einstein famously said, "Any intelligent fool can make things more complex. It takes a touch of genius and a lot of courage to go the other direction." If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
💡 Discover the super simple path to online success!
Fortunately, there's a business model out there that has made it its mission to simplify the process of running a successful online business. They believe in breaking things down step-by-step, making them accessible to the average person. It's not about finding something easy, as that's just a dream. However, it's about removing the unnecessary complexity and confusion that often plague the online business world.
This model has caught my attention, and it might just be the simplest path to financial freedom I've ever come across. If you're ready to embark on a journey towards success, click the link below to explore this game-changing opportunity.
🔗 Discover the simplest path to financial freedom I've found yet.
--------------------- https://cutt.ly/AllinOneDigitalBusiness -----------------
Einstein would be proud of this approach to online business. Let's follow in his footsteps and embrace simplicity on our path to success!
P.S. Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments. Let's inspire and support each other on this genius-driven journey!
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melitaafterfeather · 2 years
Leadership is for trained and gifted leaders lefty righty central anyhow.
People and groups can lead their own families private organisations.
Public leadership must improve the quality of leaders and voters and members to the parties to mind their own business.
Unsuccessful parent leads unsuccessful children.
I ditched the parent who was terrible parent and human. I suppose it is part of lack of education.
The latest IQ results per country show that average IQ leaders at Western countries and oriental countries as I predicted.
The poor economic countries with retarded citizens either from.brain damage or defective genetics should be banned from leading world contests even if it is UN or G group, IQ must be tested as fraudulent qualifications and passing the process by corruption has to be tackled.
Thinking processes means invention technical practical social anyhow.
Reading thoughts of others by induced talk is something else rather than thinking.
🧠👩‍⚖️🇬🇧 Why should I be you and you me when I can be me and enjoy myself as I am the cleverest have cleverest children ?
Why should I be you criminal why?
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melitaafterfeather · 3 years
Collecting informating data protection confidentiality privicy
I stated in my professional resume I can collect information faster than normal average person worker
Which means brain as a processor 🧠 works faster in some heads and slower in other regardless qualification
Qualifications can be achieved by all help facilities in place fast or slow depending on facilities not on character or brain processing time
Fast running brains
Slow running brains
Im qualified in brain development applying psychology selecting healthy gifted brains from non gifted average and less developed damaged brains
These formations or malformations could be seen via MRI CT scan
I did my own brain scan which shows normal images nit damaged not affected by anyabnormal issues
The giffted brain, part of my research, also shows multiple cortex curves than in average brain
And so on the research science thesis is one thing the method of collecting evidence separate thing
When I read info I do that fast and remember important info fast select what's not important throw it at a forget department
What stays in a brain as memory it's inherited and learnt process
Soyou must read a lot to train the brain and not all people find this as natural process
Brain processor is the same as computer processor works slow or fast
Collectives team work does not mean faster achievement
Sometimes team can slow the progress of progressive thinkers
How we can assess thespeed of mind
Could be few methods
By measuring comparing fine mothor skills and thought speed
When I get paid a lot 😊
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