#average dream pop song somewhere bottom left
eggmeralda · 1 year
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obxparadise · 4 years
Rebel Love Song
JJ Maybank x Female Reader 
Word count: 3,836
~JJ’s had enough of his abusive father and life on the Cut, so he tries to convince you to run away with him~
Song: Rebel Love Song by Black Veil Brides 
A/N: Leave a comment please :) 
*GIF is not mine, but found on Google. Creds to the owner!*
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I cannot hide what’s on my mind
I feel it burning deep inside
A passion crime to take what’s mine
Let us start living for today
“You are a worthless piece of shit.”
“Shut up!”
“Your mama knew!”
“Shut up!”
JJ’s fist strikes his bedroom door, although he wishes it were his father’s face. It probably wouldn’t be as painful, and he’d feel good about it. But his dad would retaliate like he always did, and JJ’s face couldn’t handle another black eye or split lip. Luke had already done a number on his face twenty minutes prior.
Luke turns up the volume of whatever rock song is playing throughout the house, and JJ clutches the sides of his head, digging his palms into his temples, the thoughts in his head drowning out the song. What the hell was he listening to anyway? Judas Priest? Black Sabbath? He had no fucking clue.
He should be used to it all by now. The loud music. The constant drinking. The verbal violence. The physical abuse. The mental manipulation. It’s been going on for years. And there’s no way to stop it.
The cut on JJ’s lip burns as a salty tear mixes with the dried blood. He drags his fingers across the bottom of his lip, wincing. Thirty grand in restitution for a boat he didn’t even sink. He should’ve seen the punch coming, anticipated it as soon as he slid in the passenger’s seat of the beat up pick up truck. But it happened so fast, over and over, until Luke’s knuckles were painted red with blood.
He doesn’t regret taking the blame, though. Even if he now has to scramble to come up with thirty thousand dollars, JJ’s glad that he did the right thing for once in his life. Pope was a good kid, had too much to lose. But JJ? He had nothing.
The music dies down in the living room and JJ peers toward the door, heart hammering against his chest as he waits for Luke to bust into his room. His fists are balled by his sides, ready to attack if necessary, but the door never opens.
JJ takes it upon himself to crack open the door, just enough for him to peer out into the living room and see Luke passed out on the sofa. Empty beer bottles are scattered along the coffee table and a pill bottle is just barely sitting in Luke’s hand that dangles off the couch. Just another typical Tuesday in the Maybank household.
It’s times like these JJ wishes he wasn’t an only child. Although he’s glad no one else is subjected to Luke’s abuse, the house gets lonely. Talking to his father is impossible. His mother is nowhere to be found, and he resents her for leaving him to live with a monster, to fend for his life.
He could always talk to his friends, though.
Ah, scratch that. They’re all busy tending to their own lives.
Pope’s in and out of scholarship interviews.
Kiara’s working overtime at the Wreck.
John B is glued to Sarah Cameron’s hip.
But there’s one more person left. One person that would always make time for him. One person he could confide in no matter the circumstances.
JJ retrieves his phone from the back pocket of his shorts, typing out a quick message.
Can you meet me at the dock?
He smiles as your name pops up on the screen, promising to meet him in ten minutes.
You watch from afar as JJ stands at the edge of the dock throwing rocks into the bay. The sun has begun to set, the sky now painted a light orange and pink, and there’s a slight chill in the air thanks to the open water. Tugging the sleeves of your hoodie down to cover your hands, you shuffle quietly along the wooden boards.
JJ’s body instantly relaxes when your arms circle his middle, forehead resting against his back. The cologne on his body mixed with his natural scent is what keeps you still against him until he turns around to hold you. He needs this hug. You can just tell.
“I owe thirty grand for sinking Topper’s boat.” His voice is defeated, arms limp around your body.
Wherever trouble was, JJ found it. He was always getting into scuffles with the teenagers on the other side of the island, parents turned their noses down at him, and the cops had no problem blaming JJ for crimes he didn’t commit. The boy was an easy target.
You shake your head, refusing to believe his story, but asking the question anyway. “Why’d you do it?”
JJ pulls away, stuffing his hands in his pockets, eyes downcast on the dock. He doesn’t want to tell you the truth, but you have a guess as to who he’s protecting. “Just sick of everyone treating us differently because we live on the poor side of the island. Money isn’t everything, but it’s all these people on Figure Eight know.”
He’s not wrong. The rich kids on Figure Eight can’t separate fantasy from reality. They’ve never known struggle. They’ve always had designer clothes, food on the table, a roof over their heads, plus the perks. Motorcycles. Boats. Cars. Status. Friends. Opportunities. So much more than the average person could afford, or wish for.
And you were one of them.
It’s a wonder how you and JJ became friends. You knew of his hatred for rich kids before you’d even met him. But JJ saw something in you. You weren’t like the rest of them. You had a pure heart, kind soul. Being rich wasn’t a personality trait for you.
“I just,” Dragging a hand through his hair, JJ gazes at you sadly. His frown tugs at your heart. “I just want to get away, you know? I can’t hide it, but I’ve had thoughts about leaving the Cut, the OBX in general.”
Now that’s something you never would of thought would come out of JJ’s mouth. He lived and breathed the Outerbanks. He didn’t know anything else.
“Where would you go?”
He takes a seat on the end of the dock, feet dangling just above the water. You join him, sitting close, head on his shoulder, toes skimming the cool water.  “Paris. England. The Yucatan,” JJ chuckles, nudging you. “That’s long term.”
“What about now?”
JJ exhales, thinking hard. “Maybe Florida. Or Texas. California, possibly. I want to go somewhere warm, like OBX, with a beach and some palm trees,” JJ looks down at the top of your head, resting his cheek on your hair. Your presence calms him. “And I’d take you with me.”
He knocks the breath out of you. You were never one to plan for the future, but the future is all JJ can think about it. And he sees you in his future, wherever he decides to be. How could you possibly tell him that the life that was destined for you would always be in the Outerbanks, breaking his heart in the process?
“Don’t you want to start living? The way we want to?” JJ asks softly, fingertips grazing your leg. Goosebumps rise on your skin at his intimate touch.
“I already am,” you say, considering his words. “My life is here, JJ. I can’t leave it behind.”
“No, it’s not,” JJ retorts instantaneously, voice unwavering. “This life you’re living? It’s not yours. It’s your parents’.”
Bringing your knees to your chin, you reposition yourself to look at JJ, whose staring out at the bay, blue eyes scanning the water, tuffs of blonde hair dancing in the breeze. It’s the first time that night you really took notice of his face. Dried blood dots the corner of his mouth, and a purple bruise rings around his eye. There’s a tick in his jaw and his fingers drum quickly on his leg. He’s tense. “How so?”
He’s never been anything other than blunt. He hides nothing, letting you know how he thinks, what he feels. “Because you don’t stand up to them. They drag you to yacht parties on the weekend because you’ve never told them who your real friends are. They think Susie Milligan and Delia Pratton are your best friends, except they have no idea that you can’t stand them and would rather be surfing with Kie and John B. They make you stay in and study your dad’s old college textbooks, convinced you’re going to be the world’s greatest attorney, but you complain to Pope that the material is dry and you’ll never be happy working as a prosecutor.” Pulling a cigarette from his pocket and then lighting it, JJ takes a drag, puffing out the smoke before turning to face you. “You let them dictate what should be your life. What is it that youwant to do? You never talk about the future, but one day it’ll be here, and it’s sooner than you think.”
His eyes are focused as he waits for you to consider his question. The truth is, you know what you want, but you’ve never said it aloud. No one ever cared to ask, except for now. Except for JJ.
“I want to be a marine biologist,” you’re confident in your answer, and it leads you to spill more. A weight lifts off your shoulders. “I want to go to school in Hawaii or Australia and learn about animals, nature, sea life. I want to surf, fish, and wear flowers in my hair, embrace my free spirit.”
JJ’s smile encourages you. Opening up to him is so easy because he understands. He listens. And he wants the same freedom as you do. The only difference is, JJ will chase after his dreams.
“I want to learn how to play guitar, climb a mountain, run a marathon, learn Chinese, ride in a hot air balloon,” you take a second to catch your breath, feel the chill of the breeze on your legs. “I want to find love. Maybe get married, have a kid or two. Adopt five kittens. Build my own home with a pool that has a waterfall. I want to try escargot, visit a rainforest, and see the Northern Lights. I want so many things, JJ.”
“Then let’s do it,” JJ says, standing and pulling you to your feet. A smile lights up his face as he grabs your hands in his. It’s the happiest you’ve seen him in the last hour, but it contrasts with what you feel inside. “Let’s start living.”
Never gonna change my mind
We can leave it all behind
Nothin’s gonna stop us
No not this time
“Hawaii, huh?”
You look up from your soup. Kiara leans against the bar top, watching you curiously. JJ has gone off to the bathroom, the perfect opportunity for Kiara to grill you with questions.
“He seems pretty adamant,” she remarks, flipping hair over her shoulder. “What’d you say?”
The spoon clinks against the metal bowl as you set it down, dabbing your lips with a napkin. “I didn’t answer.”
“Don’t you think you should?” Kiara asks, playing with the beads on her bracelet. “From what JJ said, he seems pretty sure that wherever he goes, you’re following.”
“Oh, he’s set on us moving to the west coast, but I can’t just leave the OBX,” you counter, shoulders slumping. “My life is here.”
“Then why did you tell him all the things you wanted to do if you don’t ever plan on doing them with him?”
The million-dollar question.
“Because I knew he’d listen,” you say quietly. “I didn’t think he was serious about us leaving together, though. We’re sixteen, Kie. What sixteen year olds do you know drop everything and leave their home behind? And besides,” your laugh comes out strangled, “My parents would never let me leave. You know how they are. They don’t even like that I’m friends with JJ. They think he’s trouble, a bad influence. How do you think they’d react if I just up and left with him?”
Kiara leans in close, whispering, “That’s why you don’t tell them.”
You roll your eyes as Kie laughs. “I’m not going to change my mind on this, Kiara.”
Her face turns serious as she chews on the corner of her lip. The gears turn in her head as she contemplates. “Would it matter if I said JJ’s in love with you?”
Your eyes roam her face, waiting for a laugh, a smile, a teasing wink, but her composure is kept intact as she stares at you. Your face falters. “He—what?”
She nods. “What boy asks a girl to travel the world with him if he’s not in love with her?”
Color creeps up your neck, mouth dry, heart beating irregularly. Your body is jelly, almost sliding off the bar stool, but you slink back further into the chair, hands gripping the arm rests. “Are you sure?”
“If I was a gambler, I’d bet it all. That’s how sure I am.”
“I—no,” you dig in your purse for some cash, slapping the bills down in haste. “I’m either going to disappoint JJ or my parents, and I can’t disappoint my family. So, no, JJ being in love with me doesn’t change anything,” you say, exhaling a breath. “I’m not going with him.”
“Well, that’s good to know.”
Kiara’s eyes expand, and you freeze. JJ’s boots pad against the floor as he pushes through the front door, angrily stomping into the night. You thank Kiara for the dinner before rushing outside to chase a visibly irritated JJ.
“JJ, wait!” Your hand clamps down on his shoulder, spinning him around. The look on his face is disheartening. You try to cradle his cheeks, something you normally did to comfort him, but he pushes your hands away. “Please, stop.”
“You were never planning to come with me, were you?” JJ questions, twirling a few of the rings on his fingers. “You were just…what? Entertaining me?”
“JJ, my life is here, in the OBX!” The words that use to flow perfectly off your tongue don’t even sound right anymore. Part of you doesn’t believe them. “I can’t just leave it all behind. And my parents…God, JJ, they’d never let me go with you. I mean, we’re so young.”
JJ nods, although he doesn’t understand. He knows you. He knows your heart. He knows where you really stand. But he can’t persuade you anymore than he’s tried. “I’m taking my dad’s boat and I am leaving tomorrow. I’m getting out of here because I know what I want and nothing is going to stop me.”
JJ turns, and your heart squeezes as you watch him leave. Your fingers twitch, begging to reach out to him. This can’t be it. He can’t be leaving you. “Is it true?”
He stops in his tracks, glancing over his shoulder.  “Is what true?”
You choke back a soft cry, voice croaking. “Are you in love with me?”
JJ faces you, staring absentmindedly. He wants nothing more than to hold you in his arms, kiss your breath away. But he keeps his distance, shoving his hands back into his pockets, whispering, “It doesn’t matter, because it wouldn’t be enough, anyway.”
Back home, you’re surprised to see your parents still awake, chatting softly at the island in the kitchen. You hastily wipe away any leftover tears before they can hound you with questions.
“You’re home late,” says your father, giving you a look. He’s the stricter parent of the two. “I assume you have a good reason?”
You keep the conversation short. “I got caught up talking to JJ. I lost track of time.”
Your mother wrinkles her nose, wine sloshing in her glass as she takes a sip. “How many times have we told you to stay away from that boy, Y/N? He’s trouble.”
“He’s not trouble,” you fire back, wishing you had come up with a lie instead of telling them the truth. “You’re just judgmental.”
“That’s enough,” your father snaps. He runs a hand over his tired face. Being an attorney has aged him ten years. And to think he wanted to send you down the same dreadful path. “I’m having lunch tomorrow with DA Lance Nicholas. I figured you could come along, ask him some questions--.”
Your mother stares at you quizzically. “No?”
“Is tomorrow a bad time?” asks your father, loosening his tie. “I’m supposed to meet with him next week as well, if that’s better for you.”
You feel the rage building up inside of you as you remember JJ’s words. You let them dictate what should be your life. What is it that you want to do? “No, dad, there will never be a time that’s good for me to meet the DA, because I don’t want to meet him. I don’t want to be a lawyer.”
You’re sure they’ll yell, give you a hard time, but the laughs that come out of their mouths are surprising. You don’t understand why they’re laughing, but you’re determine to stand your ground, speak up.
“You’ve never once asked me what I wanted to do with my life.”
“Well, yes, because—.”
“Because you planned it for me.”
Your mom glances at your dad, unsure of how to continue the conversation. “Sweetie--.”
“I’m not going to law school,” The light dims in your father’s eyes, face growing red as your tone grows serious. He’s silent, but it doesn’t scare you. “Because I want to be a marine biologist.”
“Honey, listen,--.”
“I want to travel, see what the world has to offer me. I’m tired of being your puppet. I’m tired of pretending to like Susie and Delia. I’m tired of going to stupid yacht parties with out of touch rich people. I’m tired of reading college textbooks about a career I don’t even want while I’m still in high school. This is my life, and you don’t get to choose how I live it.”
Your mom speaks up after what feels like an hour of silence. Her eyes are full of sorrow, voice low, disapproving. “What happened to you? You’re so…outspoken.”
“It’s that damn Maybank kid,” your dad’s forceful voice cuts right through you. He slams his fist on the counter, startling your mom. You stand your ground, unflinching. “I always knew he’d corrupt you sooner or later.”
“Corrupt me?” A laugh escapes you. He can’t be serious. “He helped me, dad. He taught me to stand up for myself, which is what I’m doing right now. He taught me that there’s a life outside of our world in Figure Eight. JJ helped me realize that I don’t belong here,” your mother’s face drops. Guilt briefly flickers across your face. “I belong with him, wherever he goes. Whether it be California or Texas or Hawaii. I belong with him.”
“You are sixteen years old,” your father reminds, looking at you in disgust. “You have no clue what you’re talking about or what you are doing. Go on, get out of my sight.”
You shake your head, turning your back on your parents. It didn’t matter what they said. They wouldn’t be able to stop you from chasing your dreams, from living your life the way you wanted to. They could say you were too young, too naïve, until they were blue in the face. But you know what you want, and no one, especially not your parents, would stop you.
So take your hand in mine
It’s ours tonight
This is our rebel love song
Staring down at the note in your hand, you exhale a sigh before dropping it on the kitchen counter. You sign it with a kiss, letting your family know you love them, before venturing outside, quietly closing the door behind you.
The last night in your house was spent packing, constantly checking that your bedroom door was locked to keep the helicopter parents away. There wasn’t much you could fit into the duffel bag, but you squeezed as much as you could, the contents varying from clothing to toiletries to small mementos you didn’t want to leave behind.
The plan was to surprise JJ at the dock. Tugging your duffel higher onto your shoulder, you walk with a content smile.
When you reach the dock, your heart rises to your throat. JJ stands with his back to you, one foot on the dock, the other in the boat. He’s ready to take off, and your legs break out into a sprint, daring him to leave you behind. “JJ!”
The voice makes his ears perk up. He turns, wide-eyed, smile brighter than the gleaming Carolina sun. JJ’s heart swells as he watches the girl he loves run after him, one hand waving frantically in the air, the other tugging the bag higher on her arm.
“JJ, wait!”
But he’s not going anywhere. He’d never go anywhere without you.
You drop the bag onto the dock, launching yourself into JJ’s body. He wobbles slightly, arms coming around your middle, pulling you as far into his chest as you’ll go. You fit perfectly.
“You came,” JJ breathes into your hair, kissing your forehead. The soft pecks are quick, friendly.
It’s not enough for you, though.
You grab his cheeks, pressing your mouth to his, hard. Your heart reacts, beating wildly. The feeling in your body, the sensation you get from kissing JJ, it feels like sunshine. Warm. Blissful. Happy.
There’s no hesitation as JJ kisses you back. His hand creeps up your spine, pressing you impossibly closer to him, almost as if he’s testing to see if you’re real.
It’s all real. You, the kiss, the moment.
He pulls away, slightly breathless. His eyes flicker to the dandelion lying on his drawstring bag, and a smile tugs at his parted lips. He’d picked it for you on his way to the dock, just in case.
“It’s true,” JJ says, reaching down to tenderly pick the flower. Doe-eyed, you watch as he tucks the dandelion behind your ear, shielding the stem with a few strands of your hair. “I am so deeply in love with you.”
“And you were going to leave without ever letting me know.”
“A part of me hoped you wouldn’t let me leave without you,” JJ answers, helping you settle into the boat.
“You’re right,” you smile. “I couldn’t let you leave without knowing I’m in love with you, too.”
The kiss that follows is better than the first. It’s softer, more intimate, and it feels like a rainbow.  
It completes him.
It completes you.
After grabbing your bag from the dock, you help JJ untie the boat before joining him at the wheel. The boat rumbles to life, sailing slowly across the open bay. A new life is just in the distance.
“You ready?” JJ asks. There’s nothing in his eyes other than hope, nothing in his grin other than happiness.
Taking his hand, you smile. “I am now.”
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stcllagarcia · 3 years
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meet stella garcia // welcome to phoenix.
                                         the basics //
full name : stella aline garcia birthdate & zodiac : june 24, 1988 & cancer gender & pronouns : female & she/her sexuality : heterosexual / open to possibilities occupation : guidance counselor at phoenix country day school hometown : worcester, massachusetts family : lucas garcia ( father, deceased ), aline garcia ( mother ), alberto [ al ] garcia ( younger brother )
                                       deeper dive //
hobbies :                cooking - stella grew up around a plethora of professional chefs; her mother worked as the head chef in the hotel her father owned, her aunt mari owned a cuban restaurant in downtown boston, and traveling from boston to cuba every summer allowed her to learn from her grandmother as well. she likes a little spice in her food but likes to make food that others want - she usually caters a menu to whom she’s eating with.                gardening - though she’s spent the majority of her 20s in various apartments, upon moving to phoenix, stella wanted a house with a backyard she could create into her own oasis. though the types of flowers she was used to growing in her childhood home don’t work in the arizona heat, she has created a small slice of paradise in her own backyard, and spends her days off trying new plants and fauna as well as growing her own herbs and veggies when she can.                 gossiping - a natural gossip, stella loves hearing and sharing stories. while she primarily helps high school students find their path to success with college advice, the gossip chain around the administrators and teachers at her school keep her more than satiated with sharing news. she’s good about keeping confidences when it’s needed, and would never share what’s spoken behind closed doors with her students, but relishes in sharing the stories she hears in the hallways.                 photography & modeling - though stella’s family is fairly well off, she still wanted to contribute to her own college education and masters degree. modeling was easy for her, and though she stuck primarily to working for private photographers, she did have offers from legitimate modeling agencies that almost tempted her out of her dream career. 
favorites :                   food - lobster / rice & beans                   drink - rosé, coffee and pineapple-mango smoothies                   movie - the notebook & titanic - she’s a classic romantic who loves cheesy romance dramas                   song - stella’s music taste tends to be eclectic; she’ll have a favorite song ‘of the moment’ but couldn’t really pin one down specific song to list as an all time favorite. she veers towards pop / indie music, but has a soft spot for classic rock & classic hits and grew up in the 90s / 2000s so has a lot of that music on her phone to listen to too.                    color - light purple & mint green.  habits :                 casual smoker - very rarely indulges but will socially or with drinks  / casual drinker - socially and a glass of wine at home with dinner most days  / former drug user, marijuana and mdma primarily                    nervous ticks include chewing on her bottom lip, wringing her fingers together, and averting eye contact. her speech also speeds up when she’s nervous, trying to push everything out at once, which can make her already difficult accent ( a mixture of cuban & bostonian, since those were the two places she bounced between ) even harder to understand.  loves :                    baseball, the beach, seafood, the ocean, fast food, cozy blankets, bubble baths, candles in floral scents, new perfumes, wine and game nights with friends, debating, helping others, satin, cheesy hallmark movies, her home & garden, pool days, fresh linens and coffee.  fears :                     heights, motorcycles, and being ignored talents :                   languages, dance, photography, gardening and intuition 
                                        appearance //
height : 5′6″ tattoos : small black bird on left shoulder, the cancer constellation on her right side  scars : birthmark on left calf in shape of a crescent moon piercings : ears ( wears gem studs of various assortments day to day, but prefers fun dangling ones if she’s out ), former nose and navel piercings left to close over hair : varies from time to time - at home up north, she tended to stay her natural brunette, but since arriving in phoenix, she’s kept her hair in varying shades of blonde - currently, it’s close to a platinum color with a medium length. she throws it up in a ponytail or curls it for work, but leaves it in a messy bun when she’s puttering around the house.  fashion :                work - dresses and blazers, dark jeans with loafers sometimes, jewel toned sweaters and cardigans.                        personal - casual clothes - usually jeans and a teeshirt or top of some kind, not too different from her work attire but a little bit more comfortable. occasionally she’ll wear yoga pants or workout gear if she’s gone for a run and stops somewhere on her way home.                shoes - despite being vaguely clumsy, she wears a lot of heels. she also wears ballet flats, loafers and if she’s working out, she’ll throw on sneakers. at home she likes knee high socks instead of slippers.
                                       bio //
Stella Aline Garcia is the eldest daughter to a Cuban hotel owner and a Brazilian chef. Born in the suburbs of Boston, Stella was surrounded by family of all kinds - her fathers family, running a successful luxury hotel in the main city, her mothers, half in Worcester and the other half still in Brazil, and the community they were a part of, with a mixture of all different cultures surrounding them.
For the most part, Stella was an average child - bright and eager to help, towing her younger brother Alberto ( Al, thank you very much ) around with her as they played with other kids in the neighborhood and spending all their summers in their fathers hometown of Varadero back in Cuba. Tragedy struck just after her eighth birthday, however - an accident killed both her father and her uncle, leaving the Garcia family without two of their patriarch’s. They healed together as a family - Stella still visited Cuba in the summers, though without as much gusto as she had as a young child. The hotel was transferred to her mothers ownership, to be held for when it was time for Stella to step up to bat. But while they lived a charmed life, Stella wanted more than just to give Bostonian’s another source of privilege - she wanted to help people, if she could. It was while attending University of Massachusetts for a degree in psychology that she found her true calling ; already a purveyor of life stories, she could use them to help people who needed it most. She decided to pass on the right to her throne in a hotel empire - instead, choosing to settle down and guide teenagers going through some of the most difficult changes of their lives. She connected to them as more than just students, but as people - helping them find their own passions and not just the lives their parents laid out before them. Love has always come easily for Stella; she’s dated more than her fair share of men, but nothing has ever felt just right. Though she’s been proposed to twice, she’s yet to tie the knot - and, once again, Stella’s found herself single, waiting for the right person to come around. Now at thirty three, the clock is ticking and she wants, more than anything else - to start a family of her own, to feel the love and passion she knows her parents felt for each other once upon a time. Instead, she finds herself facing a stream of one night stands, casual flings or almosts because nothing has quite made her feel as deeply as she knows she can. After a particularly bad break up - an engagement that went almost to the alter before she panicked - Stella needed something different. Though she’d been debating making moves towards getting her PhD, she instead opted to fleeing to the southwest, a place where no one knew who she was or what she was capable of. Phoenix could have been anywhere, really - she’d simply booked it to Logan and headed out on the next available flight. It’s been over two years now, and while she doesn’t regret her migration, she does wonder if she made the right choice by running away again. 
Currently, her brother Al is running the hotel in Boston for them, and while Stella may be a few thousand miles west of them, she stays in constant contact with both her brother and her mother. Working in education, she often still escapes to Cuba in her summers, attempting to hold onto a piece of her that she feels is important. But when she’s not traveling, or working, she’s often helping out whoever she can - whether it’s volunteering at the homeless shelters, teaching Spanish or Portuguese to those who are interested, or even donating money to local non-profits to help them towards their goals, all Stella really wants is to do some good in the world. And if the world is kind to Stella in turn, well, that’s karma - you get what you put into it.
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