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pikkunen · 8 years ago
@avaruusfaija tägäsi mut tähän, ja mä tägään @sateenkaarinorppa, @peittorosvo, @persverso ja @kevatsade
rules: copy/paste and replace my answers with yours and tag people :^)
a - age: 23
b - biggest fear: Korkeat paikat
c - current time: 15.48
d - drink you last had: Vettä join, koskan keitin (taas) teevettä mut se ehti jo jäähtyä..
e - every day starts with: Aamukahvi, oon ihan zombi ilman sitä
f - favorite song: Bastillen Flaws
g - ghosts, are they real: Eeen usko, mut en oo ihan varma
h - hometown: Tällä hetkellä maijailen Helsingissä
i - in love with: Rakastan suklaata :D mutta pidän myös tuosta yhdestä henkilöstä kovin 
j - jealous of: Yritän olla olematta kateellinen kellekään
k - killed someone: Ainakaan en tietääkseni :D
l - last time you cried: Varmaan viime viikolla
m - middle name: Ilona
n - number of siblings: Hah, niitä on monta
o - one wish: Että saisin tuon unelmaduunipaikan, jota hain
p - person you last called/texted: Kaverille tekstasin ja pyysin vinkkejä parhaasta sushipaikasta 
q - questions you’re always asked: Puhutko sä aina noin paljon :D (ja mä en ees oikeesti puhu paljoa..)
r - reasons to smile: Kevät tulee ja aurinko paistaa! :)
s - song last sang: Tinakenkätyttö, se tais tulla radiosta tai jotain. Kauhee korvamato.
t - time you woke up: puol 9
u - underwear color: Musta
v - vacation destination: Lähtisin johonki lämpimään, ois siistiä päästä esim. Vietnamiin.
w - worst habit: Esitän usein, että kaikki ois hyvin, vaikka ei ole
x - x-rays you’ve had: En edes muista :D niin monesti
y - your favorite food: Rakastan kaikkia kasvisosekeittoja ja wokkeja.
z - zodiac sign: Kalat 
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helheimawaitsyou · 6 years ago
Thank you so much for the great response to my latest Red Dead Redemption 2 Gif. I wanted to say thank you but also sorry that I made you tear up a little according to the tags you used when you reblogged the post :D
I want to share a few of those tags - I’ve read every single one and I’m glad you like the post! To kick this off, here one of the unused gifs I made for the gifset
Tumblr media
@ninja-nurse “I thought I was done crying over this game... apparently not... 😭“ Ahhh, I’m sorry, but I’m glad you like the gifs. The scene with “I’m afraid” is really heartbreaking”
@dixierose1998 “Fucking OUCH“ I have to admit, even for me it was hard to edit this thing because of the context. It’s just so saaad. He doesn’t deserve this 😭
@unusual-raccoon “Just restarted and I’m so scared because I know what’s going to happen.” I know right? idk if my heart can handle a second playthrough 🙄
@sketchyeh #my fucking heart
@seraidan  #gosh i cried so much
@itspiperchapman  #i just finished chapter 6 yesterday #i haven't cried so much over a video game character since mass effect 3
@secondlastk  #ah :(
@nellyhoran  #bitch im fucken.... CRINE !!!! Sorry 😬 😬
@hawkke  #i love suffering The feels *sigh*
@mimicmorgan  #this is beautiful Thank you so much!!!
@ingeniousahole  #THIS FUCKING GAME DUDEEE#!!!!!
@vonspe #Ah yes #The heartbreak #Thank u op #No but this is a rly nice edit super sleek I’m sorry :D but also glad you like the gifs!!
@bogatyris  #hey i make myself cry twice 🙃
@somniar  #im crying irl Nooooo😢
@xovalkyrie #😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@canisluneslunes #Big fucking mood
@avaruusfaija #woooow ;__;
@arthurmoorgan #every time i see a gif of the deer i tear tf up #my poor baby
@antonymmouse  #lie down#try not to cry#cry a lot It’s so true :(
@arctolatries  #noooooooooo im not ready for this We’ll never be ready for this I guess
@imissmypants  #i am screaming
@saracenrunaway  #beautiful Thank you! <3
@attentiondefictwitch #ouch..
@sagersdangers  #cowboy cry circle rn
@c0wbyz  #<3 Thank you!
@arthurmorganismyhero  #😭😭😭 #my baby
@annie-knowby #im cryin in the saloon
@tinybaphomet #my heart hurts Mine too :(
@fjordlavorre  #i feel. so much abt this game
@prettyboyarthur  #sobbing#just break my heart again Sorry 😬
@kawaiibooker  #holy shit i'm 😭😭😭😭
@fixusi  #don’t you fucking dare remind me of these words #my soul and my heart hurt Ahhhh nooooo sorry 😬
@furyswipe  #dont do this Too late :(
@hoovesmadeofsteel  #ok who cryin rn
@aroacedrienne  #BRO i deadass cried my eyes during the ''i'm afraid scene'' like wow.....#r* came for my life with this game 😭😭
@amovingtarget  #me: finds out a game is heartbreaking #also me: wow i can't wait to play this game i gotta get it asap #i love to suffer
@beechershoe  #what the fuck pleas i dont need this right before work
@phoeniyx  #wow way to fuckin break my heart.
@deadfatheremporium  #k i can cry at work it’s fine
@tragedy-on-broadway  #rude Haha :DD
@friend-proxy  #wow
@thedaybreakers  #don't ruin me like this I’m so sorry
@braithwaites  #oof... ow... ouch The feels
@chuckhansen  #will i ever know peace again????
@hellhound-s  #lovely Thank you!!
@flawinthemachine  #fml This is so true!
@aatticsaltt  #ARTHUURRRR #my baby #honey #sugar #sweetie pie #love of my life #its ok It’s not me who is crying. 😢 Beautiful words!
@xdefinitelymaybex  #my heart 😢
@radiojamming  #OWOWOWOWOW
@gayass-arthur  #STOP I have more gifs, sorry :D
@spldercop  #hey op thanks for making me cry #appreciate it Sorry aaaaaa
@mmechromancer  #welp there goes my heart
@yovalo #yes hello i'm still miserable
@crashofworlds  #sobbing
@athurmorgan  #Do Not “In the end. i did.” - Arthur Morgan
@red-dead-and-cry  #tears #are literally pouring out of my face #he didn't deserve that Your url is so true!!
Thank you so much for your response. I did this gifset for you!
Thank you!
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lqsunshine--remade · 7 years ago
27 Questions Tag
answer 27 questions and tag people you wanna get to know better!
I was tagged by @avaruusfaija thanks!!
1. Nicknames: my irl friends call me Sophie or Soph
2. Gender: prob female
3. Star sign: capricorn 
4. Height: 5′2 or 157 cm (im tiny :( )
5. Time: 3:10 pm
6. Birthday: Jan 10th
7. Favorite bands: BTS, Day6, Red Velvet, Beach House, Seventeen
8. Favorite solo artists: Kehlani, Rihanna, Troye Sivan
9. Song stuck in my head: Spring Day by BTS 
10. Last movie I watched: Arrival
11. When did I create my blog:  I think March 2015 but i’ve been deleting my old embarrassing shit so??
12. What do I post: Mainly kpop, dghda, cute animals, music, and aesthetic stuff
13. Last thing I googled: french to english 
14. Do I have any other blogs: not proper side blogs but i am holding some usernames
15. Do I get asks: Occasionally and I love when people send asks
16. Why did I choose this url: I’m gay and i love jung hoseok
17. Following: 246
18. Followers: 368
19. Favorite colors: I love neutrals sm
20. Average hrs of sleep: Usually about 6-7 hours
21. Lucky number: 4
22. What are you wearing right now: Jeans and a Jurassic Park hoodie
23. How many blankets do you sleep with: .......three
24. Dream job: I’d love to do something with art or music
25. Favorite food: Pancakes
26. Nationality: American
27. Favorite song right now: Callin’ by A.C.E 
I’m tagging:
@amberlotus @chapticker @floral-hobi @y00ng1s @kthsuga
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kukkapaske · 8 years ago
Tagged by @avaruusfaija
I`m tagging everyone who wants to do this
rules: copy/paste and replace my answers with yours and tag people :^)
a - age: 15
b - biggest fear: live alone
c - current time: about 4 pm
d - drink you last had: water
e - every day starts with: crying because I don`t want to go school
f - favorite song: Monsta X- Fighter
g - ghosts, are they real: idk
h - hometown: -
i - in love with: netflix and myself
j - jealous of: peoples who are okay with themselves
k - killed someone: in my mind
l - last time you cried: last weekend when I watched Harry Potter
m - middle name: Annele
n - number of siblings: three
o - one wish: I want to travel
p - person you last called/texted: friend
q - questions you’re always asked: why are u so wierd/annoying/useless
r - reasons to smile: food and malec
s - song last sang: what makes you beautiful with my brother
t - time you woke up: 10 am
u - underwear color: -
v - vacation destination: London or somewhere far and warm
w - worst habit: being angry all the time with no reason
x - x-rays you’ve had: 3 times. my arm, teeth and finger
y - your favorite food: pasta
z - zodiac sign: Cancer
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