#autistic people ๐Ÿค not-human chracters
not-5-rats ยท 1 month
Roommate is autistic, why? because I (autistic) said so
Also I have this image in my head, and really want to share it! So here have a silly little fic about besties with sensory issues (sorry if this isn't very good, it's like 11pm rn and I'm wacked-)
[approx 1,174 words]
Roomie hates fireworks, it's something Mitch and them had always agreed on. They're so loud and there no knowing when ones going to go off, literally the worst things in the world. Unfortunately there's not much you can do to avoid them, no matter where you go the noise will always follow you...
Roomie had gotten word from a friend that there was gonna be a firework display that night for some sort of celebration, they were annoyed because they had plans for that evening but they knew they couldn't go through with them if those fucking things were going off. So they were rather upset when they got home
They threw themself onto the couch as Mitch appeared in the living room. He cautiously made his way over to the couch
"Eh hey? You alright down there-?"
He tried to peek at their face to see I'd they were actually upset or just chilling in their own odd way...but there was no hope. He gave them a little prod, no reaction
"Heyy? What's up with you?"
"Hmmmm, fireworks :("
Mitch sat down on the floor, legs crossed, beside the couch. A hand perched on the edge just beside Roomies head
"There's gonna be fireworks tonight...I can't go out anymore-"
Their words were muffled because of their face being pressed against the couch cushions, but it was clear they were upset by this. Roomie had been talking about their plans for weeks! They had been so excited, this was the biggest thing going for them right now! And now it wasn't happening
Mitch knew how excited they had been for it, he felt sorry for them, not only because they couldn't go through with their plans but because....fireworks! He sat there for a moment, silence taking over the room until he had a sudden idea
"Wait there, I will be right back!!!"
He ran off, Roomie looked up as he sped of the door...jeez he was fast. They sat up, pulling their knees up to their chest and resting their chin ontop of their knees. Mitch was audibly running around, collecting things from many rooms, they had no idea what he was doing but they stayed sat down, rocking slightly as they gazed around the room trying to think of what he had planned
Eventually Mitch came running back in, a huge bundle of stuff in his arms. Roomie tried to get a look at what he had but as soon as he came back he began to shuffle Roomie out of the living room and into their own room
"Come on, I have to set things up! Nope, no! Im not telling you! Its a surprise dummy, i cant tell you! Although you should probably get into pj's, like supeeeer comfy ones! No I'm not telling you why!!! Just do it!!!"
And...he's gone again. At this point Roomie was itching to know what that idiot had planned. They decided they would get changed, it would pass some time and comfy pj's would probably make them feel a bit better right now. So they got into their pajamas and sat on their bed before remembering they hadn't told their friends they wouldn't be attending their meet up. Luckily their friends were understanding and promised to meet up another time.
The sound of the door opening made them jump almost falling to the floor, then they realised it was just Mitch who had finally finished his suprise. By this point it was dark out and Roomie knew the fireworks would be starting soon so they hoped that wouldn't distrust whatever he had planned.
They went into the living room...that's when they saw it. The most amazing couch fort you could ever imagine stood infront of them. Roomie was honestly pretty suprised by it, no wonder it had taken Mitch so long this thing was fucking awesome!! Adding to the greatness of the suprise, the big light was off and the curtains closed, the entire room lit only by fairy lights that were strung around the fort. So there were no overwhelming lights to stress abt
"Well? What you waiting for go, get in!"
Mitch hurried then into the fort, inside there was a mass of pillows, teddies and blankets. It was one of the cosiest spaces ever known to mankind. It didn't take long for Roomie to get cosy, just as they thought this suprise couldn't get better they were handed a box. They asked what was in it
"Just open it!"
So they did, inside there was a pair of noise-cancelling headphones along with a small scented candle
"I meant to give you these later but I thought now was probably a better time"
They smiled...their friends were always supportive of them and their disability but this? Nobody had done something like this for them before. They felt tears prickling in their eyes but just as they went to thank him they smelt...burning?
"Mitch...is something burning?"
"What?...OH CRAP!"
He ran off into the kitchen, Roomie just sat staring at the blankets around them. It was really nice in here, not just because forts are super cool but because this was one of the sweetest things anybody had done for them...their autism made dealing with change really hard for them and sure people tried to be supportive but this? This was a whole other level of support
"Okay so y'know the pizzas we had in the freezer? Yeah ehm I may have tried to cook them...and I may have burned them"
Mitch came through the doorway, standing with his hands awards behind his back
"You wanna order in?"
Roomie just nodded, words abandoning them in the moment. They ordered the pizza and were waiting for it to arrive, Mitch had joined Roomie in the fort and the two sat happily. Neither of them really said anything, they were just enjoying the cosiness of the fort...but Roomie felt a need to express their gratitude
"...thanks Mitch, for all this...it really means alot and ehm.."
They tried to find the words but alas...they couldn't put their thoughts into words
"I'm sorry...I don't-"
They were cut off by a suprise hug being wrapped around them. They were a bit taken aback but they quickly relaxed into it. They wrapped their arms around their friend. He knew how they felt, he knew what they wanted to say...even if they couldn't quite say it.
It was in this moment that Roomie realised just how comfortable they were around Mitch, he was the first...well not person but ehm person-like-thing that really understood them, that knew how they felt. Their connection felt almost unreal, like something described only in fairytales.
Slowly Roomie felt themself drift off to sleep, the arms around them acting as a safety blanket so that even after the fireworks began they didn't feel upset. They could still hear the explosions going off, but with the headphones muffling them and the arms around them offering a constant comforting warmth...it didn't really bother them.
"...thank y-"
"shhhhhh, shoosh, after everything you've done for me, there's no need for that"
They couldn't help but chuckle, as they rolled their eyes
"fine...no thanks to you then"
With that they fell asleep
I'm not great at writing like comfort first so ehhhhh hope this is ok? Also alot of Roomies autistic traits in this are based off of my own experiences with autism so sorry if it sounds silly to you guys
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