#autistic nny
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 days ago
Lore dump of my Jthm s/i
His name is Knup,punk spelled backwards,and he's a primordial pastel goth with punk elements.He's also afro-dominican and a biracial lightskin with brown eyes and ombre black and pink hair that's in a different black style each issue and his personality is pretty much if you mixed cake batter with energy drinks,the blood of the fucked over,muddy leaves and melted cds
Knup is mentally posessed by multiple ghosts in a (researched and system friends approved) DID allegory:His abuela Eekja,his little sister Imk,a stranger with an unknown name just called 'The Stranger' and a character from his favorite video game he accidentally murdered despite gameplay not allowing it with the cartiredge being cursed by someone long after he bought it.He's a step inbetween Nny and Devi,doing morally questionable things but with good intentions and has a warped sense of morality brought on by autism-audhd he never leaned how to mask and never medicated mental illnesses from trauma and his DID isn't the reason for his crimes but the source of his powers in the form of telekinesis,teleportation,technokinesis and ridicilously versatile telepathy
Knup and Nny were best friends growing up until Knup was taken away to attend a military school for bad behavior and unlike Nny,we get his full backstory to why he's the way he is in his own series 'Guts Cuts'.The title is a reference to the severe abuse he faced all around him leaving him not a boy or a girl but a semi-humanoid punching bag and giving up on being liked to exist(and be a force of destructive anarchist terror)
Also Nny/Knup is shipnamed Loadedbites because Knup is addicted to loaded food and Nny bites him as affection ever since they were kids
Knup's intial last name is A.....Devi's is D and Nny's is C so they're chest size jokes(tmasc Nny is so real and Knup lucked out as a boygirl transfag since it means he dosen't need top surgery.Devi's tgirl swag is super obvious and so's her aroace swag).Knup also has a tarantula motif
Knup and Nny reunite as the opener to Jthm,literal first page,and Devi's given way more pagetime as she befriends Knup too and her and Nny aren't crushing so the date never happens but due to her heavy involvement in the plot,I Feel Sick still happens and involves her accepting her aromanticism and deciding to just hire herself for her art and funds her own projects so she gains a large fanbase amongst other alternative people.Knup and Squee instantly latched onto eachother,Knup on older sister/eldest daughter instict and Squee on wanting someone who will show him fun stuff and not just the horrors(Knup fails at the latter but not on purpose.And only three times in his defense).And Tenna and Knup bond over how similar they act and their similar tastes since Tenna is a primordial scene queen and another afrolatina
And Nny isn't undoomed by the narrative,not not undoomed but a secret third thing(ressurected by Knup but has to live as his personal tangible ghost he has full control over,because of heaven and hell's rules they tried to break to save him,even if he gives him a lot of freedom.Nny is obviously into it and Knup's flustered by it to no one's surprise)
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gemini-twinz · 9 months ago
I wish I was allowed to like things as a teenager..
I'm jealous of all you guys that have been able to enjoy fandoms thru your teen years until now. I see this trend of ppl looking back on their teen years at the characters they like and realizing that they always had a type. And like sure, I can barely participate, because I liked about 3 blorbos as a kid, but then there is just a massive gap from high school to NOW. Because of the people I was hanging out with, who treated me so unfairly. I grew up undiagnosed autistic and so I looked to my friends to tell me the "rules" of society. In middle school me and my friends met in the JTHM fandom on deviantart (yeah I'm ancient lol) and just had a blast.. and then we got older, and they moved on, and I didn't because I was hyperfixated. They got real tired of it real fast, and I guess decided society had a new rule, because they told me it was "the point in my life where I have to start being original" and "original" meant creating your own works of fiction instead of being in fandoms. At first I was like "ha nah" and kept doing me, until one of my friends finally got fed up with my 2000th piece fanart of Nny and said (and I will literally never forget these words) "Haven't you had a single fucking original thought in your life??" And that was it. To this day I have literally never drawn another picture of Jhonny after that moment. I made my first OCs (based on my head mates) the next week, and started developing a story. The fucked up thing is after bending to them and doing what they told me, they didn't even give a fuck about my OCs or want to talk to me about them. In fact, they were ANNOYED with me now for being obsessed with my own work! I had nothing to love, no art or fics to enjoy, and no one to talk to about my OCs that I was apparently fuckin required by law to have. Also thru ALL OF THIS, they were openly enjoying fandoms while telling me I had to grow out of them and "be original." I really just don't understand why it was okay for them but not me. I followed what I thought were the rules for being a human the correct way. I'm glad I'm okay now that they are gone and I found a fandom I love and I've settled in, but I wish I could have back the time I feel like I was forced to waste on bullshit and feeling like I had no place to land and rest my wings..
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sigmarette · 1 year ago
Y'all I'm so socially clueless that when someone calls me a tr*nny I'm like
"I'm???? Part of a car???? Gods I hope it's not a Dodge transmission."
💀 bless my little autistic heart
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thiefscant · 1 year ago
me slapping anais on the back: this motherfucker can fit so much of my own under-scrutinized autistic tr*nny rage.
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red-dye40 · 2 years ago
Literally also dying of smoke inhalation <3 da east coast sucks shit rn 👊😔
But uhhhhh for them jthm headcanons, I think Johnny wears gloves bc he's autistic and has sensory issues bc I'm also autistic and have sensory issues, and Jimmy wears gloves to copy Johnny obviously, but discovers the joys of not being constantly dying of tactile sensory overload bc he's ALSO also autistic <3
this is correct and good. i went through nny’s entire tweet history the other week and he talks so much about sensory overload in touch and sound and im like wow he’s just like me for real
i also really love an alternate reality where jimmy discovers his own sense of self through first mirroring nny and eventually he’s allowed to help himself and like come into his own :) that is sweet :)
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eggman-is-fat-mkay · 2 years ago
see this is something that's bugged me for a while. English does not distinguish between rules written by people who came before you who fucked around and found out and wrote them to keep you safe, rules whose reasons for existence are easily verifiable empirical data, rules which, importantly, one is free to break if one is okay with the consequences, and rules written by some arbitrary authority, the breaking or even questioning of which is simply taboo and so people look at autistics saying they love rules and then rebelling against authority and see a contradiction where there is none
"You claim to love creating and following routines and optional guidelines designed to help you get through life with a minimum of unpleasant surprises. Yet when someone begins inventing rules arbitrarily and demands that you follow them, you rebel. Curious!"
(I'm a comp sci nerd not a linguistics nerd so I'm actually not positive that there are cultures/languages out there that use two different words for that, especially considering how easy it is for one to turn into the other in the name of tradition, or worse, "I think you would find a military showing up at your front door a very unpleasant surprise indeed, so let's follow the rules I laid out, mkay? They're optional guidelines, all right, it's just that the other option is death." From a linguistic point of view it makes sense that there's no distinction. I also totally understand why the average Joe usually would not make that distinction. I'm NOT here to tell you that westerners are the reason for everything in the world that is bad, because that's stupid and also wrong. I do however think that that is a distinction that everyone, autistic or not, should think about starting to make.
I think it's important to note, though, that "question why rules exist and choose which ones you follow" does NOT mean "all rules are stupid and you should break all of them just to stick it to the man and prove they can be broken". It means you should ask yourself if a rule makes sense for you to follow, and if the answer is yes then by all means, follow it. If you think long and hard about gender and ultimately say to yourself "you know what, I'm actually pretty happy with the one I was born with", then stick with it. Enjoy the body you were born in -- I'm glad you like it. Likewise, if you decide that gender cramps your style and you're better off without it, hell yeah sibling. Whatever makes you happy, whether that's tradwife or formless void holding a Starbucks, or somewhere in between, more power to ya. But it should be YOU who makes that decision, not someone else deciding they get to make it for you. You should decide you don't want to be genderqueer because you did all that research and had that long talk with yourself and thought "you know what, this isn't for me", not because you took one look at a tr*nny one time and decided you didn't need to. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.)
Autistic people are like, “yeah I love following rules” and then proceed to rip apart the gender binary
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pamithebunterfly2007 · 1 year ago
Comfort from a nightmare
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It was nighttime, everyone is asleep in their own dorms, Pami gets her own dorm but not decorated yet since she is now joining I.M.P, while everyone is asleep, Pami got awake and went to the homicidal maniac’s dorm.
Pami: (crying) Nny. . . . . . . ?
Nny: mmmmmh. . . . . . What?
Pami: I just had a really bad awful nightmare!!
Nny: (sigh) alright, let’s talk about it . . .
(Pami says on Johnny’s bed)
Nny: so? What’s your nightmare about?
Pami: It’s that in my dream, when I told the truth that I was autistic and get overwhelmed by saying stuff I shouldn’t do like commit die, everyone straight up beats the living shit out of me, they all bit me, scratch me, beat me up, throw rocks and other hard objects at me, and worst of all, they all say stuff that I used crying as an excuse and called me an attention seeker and a whore! Like I just want to kill them all!!! WHY DO THEY STOLE EVERYTHING FROM ME!!!! LET ME LIVE MY LIFE!!!! IM BORN AUTISTIC AND I COULDN’T CONTROL MY EMOTIONS!!!!!!!! I WANT TO KILL THEM!!!!!!!
Nny: Shhhhhh! Calm down, you’re going to wake everyone up! Look, i know death is not fun to talk about and I get that the fact that have autism and you find it very hard to control your own emotions. I’m not autistic my but. . . . . . . . Your going to get scared of me when I say this that I’m just a serial killer who gets mad when somebody pushes my shit, I will delete their lives immediately, so that’s why you and I joined. . . . . .not that the fact that we feel like it. . . . . . It’s because . . . . . Many people like us especially I.M.P suffered pain and hell through and through . . . . . . And by going as revenge, killing and violence is the answer. . . . . . . . . Killing people is like a coping skill the get through the hell we live in. . . And as for you. . . . . . When I heard your story. . . .(starts tearing up) I know how much pain and trauma they gave you from this hellish city that you once lived. . . . . . . . . . Similar to me when everyone was afraid of me and I have to go through multiple killings which is a great reminder of what happened to my parents during childhood. . .
Pami: did they hurt you?
Nny: No . . . . . . An evil man killed them. . . . . . . I have no choice but to live all alone in a house without parents so to cope with that. . . . . I became Johnny, the Homicidal Maniac myself. . . . .
Pami cried and hugged Nny. Nny with a single teardrop streaming from his eye felt extremely sorry for the little pink Bunterfly, He knows and she knows the type of hell the suffered through years but he also gave a soft warm hug to Pami, Pami was staring to calm down, she still has tears flowing down her face, but these tears weren't of sadness nor pain. These tears were tears of joy and Comfort from a serial killer with a hard past. She had never felt this kind of comfort before which is something he can feel from this homicidal maniac named Johnny C.
Nny: hey, wanna lay down with me for the night? Would that make you feel better?
Pami: y-yeah
Nny let Pami sleep with him for the night, there is a feeling coming up to Pami, she feels like she finally found someone who is understandable and a good comforter, She finally has something she needed and wanted the most, a big brother to Pami.
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month ago
Jaypercy Jthm au with Jason as Nny and Percy as Devi is fittingly enough infecting my brain
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kennykotas-blog · 7 years ago
am i aromantic if i love fictionalised/internalised feelings of romantic love and commitment but real life displays of dating between peers just confuses me. or am i a prude. or am i.. very damaged
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succubratty · 3 years ago
So, you want to know the succubus behind the stories? ✨🙈
You can check all my socials and paid links HERE
✨Please read this entire pinned if you want to interact with me.✨
My name is Ellie; welcome to this kinky blog 💖
I'm a regular office girl by day and a succubus at night; I have a big fart fetish and kinks related to bodily functions, so you might see that kind of content a lot.
I tend to feel ashamed most of the time for having these kinks; I'm extremely shy about it in real life, so I created this space to express myself and relax freely.
A little about me:
I'm a trans woman.
My pronouns are SHE/HER, in case it wasn't clear.
I'm a big sapphic girl.
I feel sexual and romantic attraction towards girls and femme-aligned people.
I’m polyamorous.
I have a gf.
I'm tiny I'm 5'2/161 CM tall.
I'm a switch.
I love dark and occult things, monster girls, metal music, horror stuff, and things alike.
I have had IBS diagnosed since very little, so I have learned to live with these pains and gas since forever.
I'm neurodivergent (ADHD, Autistic, PTSD).
I have clinical MAAD.
I'm a survivor of bulimia and sexual abuse.
I'm healing and working really hard to know myself better.
I’m from Chile, spanish is my mother tongue, asi que si hablas en español fluidamente y eres una chica con estos fetiches, no dudes en enviarme un DM, me encantaría poder hablar con mas kinksters en mi idioma. ✨
Turn-ons/content I like to make:
Things that are a big turn-off for me, and won't make content about:
✔️ Being loved by cute girls/femme-aligned people.
✔️ Gassy girls.
✔️ Yucky "unfeminine" gross girls.
✔️ Smelly girls that don't shower, but want to get bathed.
✔️ Soft and cute dom girls.
✔️ Subby girls that need to be taken care of.
✔️ Girls taller than me that can lift me and rail me hard.
✔️ Monster girls, I'm a succubus; I love girls of my own kind.
✔️ Soft scat, mostly EFRO, panty pooping.
✔️ Ass worship/ass sniffing.
✔️ Musk/scent/olfactophilia.
✔️ Dirty anal sex.
✔️ Pissing/golden-shower/omo.
✔️ Mommy dom occasionally.
About interacting with other kinksters (you):
❌ Cis males with macho, sexist, and bigoted attitudes.
❌ Cis male farts.
❌ Transphobes/TERFS.
❌ Using slurs on me; I'm not a tr*p, a s*ssy, a shem*le, a tr*nny, or a f*ta; using those or similar slurs is an instant block.
❌ People that think that can dom me without my permission.
❌ Burping/eructophilia.
❌ Vomit/emetophilia, as a survivor of bulimia, totally NO.
❌ Gaining/feedism, absolutely f*cking NOT.
❌ Vore and derivates of it: total NO.
❌ Roleplaying, it's really boring for me.
I will not interact with you if you’re under 25 years old or don't have your age in your bio.
I'm old enough to be your mom, so I completely understand that the age gap can be problematic/uncomfortable for some, and I include myself in this.
If you’re under 25 (and above 18, of course) and want to interact with me and you’re okay with the age gap, please DM me, and I would be happy to talk with you.
If I interact with you, being under 25 years old, I probably commented on your post before, and/or we have been mutuals for a while.
I will always ask if you’re okay with it anyway.
The same thing applies to being mutuals.
In summary: "If you're between 18 and 25, I won't make the first move on you because I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable, but I'll be glad to do so if you give me your consent."
Please be respectful; you can be horny and polite simultaneously.
If you’re a cis het male, consider this:
Not being boring; consider all the stuff I have written here.
No dick pics; that's an instant block.
Don't be creepy; I'll warn you if I see any sign of obsession.
I'm not going to be your friend, but you can be my client.
Please don't call me homie, mate, dude, or any of those; it triggers my dysphoria badly.
Just call me girl, gurl, fam, gal, brat, bratty, or a similar form, or use my name, which is on this post.
This blog is a safe space for women, trans and non-binary people, and entirely pro-queerness.
You'll get exposed, blocked, and reported if you come here spreading hate; I won’t tolerate:
Bigots, nazis, fascists, or any right-wing ideology.
Zoophile/promotes bestialism.
LGBTIQA+ phobic dimwits.
Bullies/trolls/Incel idiots.
Racists/xenophobes/pro ICE.
Ableist, truscum, antivaccine, flat earther.
Kink shamers.
You're not welcome here.
Needless to say:
The legal age in my country is 18.
Get the fuck out if you’re a minor/adolescent.
I don't care if your country has another legal age.
Don't interact with me and my content if you’re a minor, don’t be dumb.
I'll block you if you don't have your age in your bio. 🔞
So that’s It mostly; If you have any questions, my ask box is opened. 👀
Thanks for reading me. 🙈
With love. 💖
✨ Post updated on 6th of April of 2023 ✨
Ellie Eiffing
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drcaligosto-moving · 5 years ago
JTHM for the ask game?
Favourite character: Squee!!
 Second favorite character: Nny
 Least favorite character: err probably Jimmy or the doughboys? Jimmy is obvious but the doughboys are bc im autistic and I found it difficult to understand what they meant a lot of the time while talking (I mean both mr eff and psycho doughboy? idk I haven’t been in this fandom very long im baby)
 The character I’m most like: cant rlly answer this myself but I kin squee really hard so I guess squee??
 Favorite pairing: haven’t been in this fandom very long so I haven’t seen many ships I like! 
Least favourite pairing: squeenny or jimnny. I hate squeenny a lot more tho and if you ship squeenny I hope u eat catshit. 
Favorite moment: GOD THAT FUCKING… WHERE NNY GOES TO TELL SQUEE HE’S LEAVING FOR A LITTLE BIT AND WE GET THE LINE ‘you seem like such a nice little squee’ OUT OF NNY.. JUST… OUGHGHGHGHGAAAA IM SOFT!! it genuinely brought me to tears because I jus.. . oughh I love them both a lot and this scene actually made nny become a top tier comfort character for me..squee kinnies unite
Rating out of 10: very good n gorey but my single braincell found it hard to understand what was being said a lot of the time but if it were explained to me i’d probably be ok ghfdjk id put it somewhere between 8 or 9 outta 10!!
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stimblogboi · 6 years ago
Before You Follow For Mobile
Do not follow if:
you’re into or support ddlg, cgl(re), ageplay, “sfw” littles or anything similar, think those kinks are okay and not literal pedophilia, or think pedophilia in general is okay.
you’re a map or nop or other bullshit labels for ‘pedophile’
you think pedophilia is a mental illness or disability
you think pedophiles belong in the lgbtq+ community
you think shipping pedophilia, incest, and abusive relationships is okay to do
you’re an nsfw blog
if you follow with an nsfw main blog but plan on reblogging to a sfw stim blog you need to tell me what the sfw blog is, otherwise I’ll assume you’re gonna reblog to the nsfw blog and block you on sight. (and, again, if the main nsfw has any ddlg or anything similar then you’re getting blocked)
you’re a dick to lgbtq+ people/exclude people, examples being:
you’re a terf, radfem, or “gender critical”
you think you need dysphoria to be trans, that being trans is a mental illness, only trans people that pass are valid and that “transtrenders” are a thing
you don’t believe in nonbinary genders, call feminine/gnc trans boys “cis girls” or masculine/gnc trans girls “cis boys”
you’re against he/him lesbians and she/her gay guys
you think pansexuality and bisexuality are the same thing, think bisexuality is transphobic, call bi/pan/ace people straight or claiming they have “straight passing privilege”,
you think people aren’t allowed to reclaim queer, call us freaks/weirdos, or use the literal terf slogan “__ not queer!” (such as lesbian not queer, gay not queer, trans not queer, etc.) bonus points if you shit on people who reclaim queer while you literally have d*ke, f*g or tr*nny in your url
you’ve ever said you hate any orientation or gender in general, or have made fun of any orientation or gender
you’re anti-mogai
you don’t believe in the split attraction model and think only people on the ace/aro spectrum can use it, and call people who do use it “homophobic” for the way the express their identity.
you use autism as a insult, support autism speaks, think autism is a disease or think it needs to be cured.
you’re neurotypical or allistic and like slime, paint mixing videos and glitter jars but mock autistic and mentally ill people for things like rocking or hand flapping, etc.
you don’t support self diagnosis
You have a thinspo blog (even if you’re not reblogging to it, if you have one at all go away)
you think “narcissistic abuse” is a thing/ think all narcissistic people are abusive/ try to just diagnose people who are remotely abusive/mean/shitty with npd.
ALSO if you think all people with borderline personality disorder are automatically abusive and manipulative. plot twist that’s pretty ableist :/
you use “psychotic” in place of “bad/evil”, call people psycho, or use the r slur
you’ve ever sent anon hate or death threats/suicide baits in your life (it’s a different story if you did it a very long time ago and now regret it and have apologized, though. or if it was towards, like, a nazi or something asdghsg)
You’re an anti sjw or anti feminist
you like/support trump or are anti-immigration
you’re a republican or conservative in general
you’re the kind of person to use “anyone can interact” banners or allow everyone to interact in general.
you’re reblogging for the sole purpose of aesthetic
You can follow if:
you’re allistic or neurotypical as long as you don’t see stimming as an aesthetic and accept stims that aren’t “pretty” like rocking, flapping, etc.
if you’re neutral on ace discourse then I don’t mind if you follow because that’s still better than actively being an exclusionist. But when I say neutral i mean you genuinely don’t give a shit at all and you don’t participate in the discourse even a little tiny bit.
besides killing stalking and pewdiepie, if you enjoy things listed in my “things i won’t take request for” section of my byr, you’re fine to follow. i won’t block you for watching voltron or riverdale or anything lol.
thank you for reading! :)
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toriasimmons · 5 years ago
1, 9, 24
RiOh, My Coll(for the autistic asks, thanks for playing even if you sort of know the answers to this
1. What are some of your autistic headcanons? Optional: Explain why.
All of the main SHIELD cast, with the exception of W*rd, are autistic, though I don’t think a lot of them know it. Jemma and Fitz are a really telling example of how autistic girls vs. autistic boys are socialized and dealt with. Daisy is autistic and probably didn’t know it for a long time (another Autistic Girl Trait). Bobbi is autistic and really good at masking (another Autistic Girl Trait, js). Coulson is totally autistic. Melinda? I’d believe it, though I haven’t taken the time to really pull receipts. Mack and Elena? Likewise. And some of the supporting cast too, notably Raina (who was so autistic), lil Robin, and honestly it would not actually surprise me if Ruby was.
As for the Defenders, I will go to bat for most of them (except D*nny) but feel the strongest about Matt (there’s a great post about this somewhere that I am into), Karen (her stimmy hands alone would have pinged me but also a lot of her thought/behavior patterns), Hope Shlottman (lil awkward bb with her special interest and social naivete), Misty (that thing she does when she examines crime scenes set me off immediately), and Colleen (again with the stims, plus also her entire way of thinking and being especially in a social context).
I could see arguments made for most Avengers, honestly. I’ve given the most thought to some of the girls, notably Wanda (this is not at all an idea unique to me), Jane and Sif (for completely different but also very similar reasons), and sweet lil Mantis. Oh, and Laura Kinney.
And oh, the case could be made for any of the Runaways, but Molly pings me the hardest.
Our beloved Bennett Halverson and Topher Brink too.
Sansa, Brienne, Missandei, Shireen, honestly Bran, Arya, Dany, probably Ned, maybe even Jon, who knows anymore.
Oh, Diana Prince, Arthur Curry, Mera, and Barry Allen are all very autistic in unique ways. I’d also entertain discussions of most characters on Flash and Legends.
Rey and Rose from Star Wars, obvs.
Mako Mori, Holtzmann, Luna Lovegood, honestly any of the Wives from Fury Road but especially Dag, both Honey Lemon and Gogo, Elle Woods, Claudia and Myka from Warehouse 13, Elphaba (and her granddaughter in the books too), Christine Daae, most of the Sailor Senshi but especially Ami, Twilight Sparkle the pony (I said it), River and honestly also Kaylee from Firefly, Ruth from GLOW and also possibly Rhonda and Sheila (and I’d be willing to dig more into any of the other girls tbh).
A bunch of others.
I’ll probably find five more in the next week and tell you about them immediately.
9. As a child, were there any movies that you watched over and over again? What were they, and what did you like about them?
I mean, I tended to watch a lot of things over and over, but I watched Anastasia so many times as a kid. So. Many. It’s just such a pretty film and I loved it a lot. I also had a VHS (two-tape!) copy of The Sound of Music that I watched a Bunch of times. In my tween/early teen years, I also flocked to Josie and the Pussycats, Bring it On, and eventually Rocky Horror.
24. What’s the most obscure or strange special interest that you’ve had?
Glasses. It’s glasses. A lot of people find a lot of my favorite things obscure or strange but they all still have fandoms or whatever. Glasses are just something I sold part-time for a few years and internalized everything about and now if anyone in a ten-foot radius is like “I need new glasses” or something I appear at their side like Janet on The Good Place and start informing them about frame shapes, lens styles, and different options for different prescriptions. With pleasure.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months ago
Stop making my boyfreaks into secretly just horny and slutty,that's just a guy now.Weirdest guy internetpoisoned people can handle before they start getting scared is a daddy dom
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dads-against-onision · 5 years ago
with the recent “support autism post” (idk how else to describe) someone said about not using the r slur, but if you’re someone who that slur would be used against is it ok (like reclaiming?)
I mean im trans and i reclaim tr*nny so I'd say it's fine as long as you're autistic!
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lesbianladyblackhawk · 7 years ago
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wow ya’ll. thats a fun number right there. i’ve never done a follow forever before... brace yourself cause this shit is LONG!!
in the order that i remember people in:
@kittymewtual (i love you... you’re absolutely rad in so many ways and i can always could on you to make me groan from a bad pun) @danteramon (#1 rarepair supporter, not afraid to stand up to bullshit, and you write the BEST stories for the aforementioned rarepairs lmao. cant wait to meet ur bunnie boys....) @guygardnerthewarrior (not only do you put up with my bullshit, you also encourage my bullshit. green light, as well as so many stupid and wonderful aus & headcanons, would not exist without you. oh yeah and your art is pretty awesome too 😉) @averyho (green light would definitely not exist without you either. you’re an amazing editor and i’m so happy to know you!! still jealous that you own all of bop and have met gail simone though) @gothcomic (lola you made me fall in love with sue and ralph thank you!! i love your ideas and your art even if i dont know a thing about d@nny phant0m) @carolphires (jenna, you are so goddamn funny?? i dont know anyone else as acomplished in ant fucking as you are) @sexyufo (i still say your username in my head as sexy fuoh and i dont know why. anyways you’re awesome!!) @ultraboys (theo: wants killer crock to [redacted] but we love him anyway. without you the flashnet wouldnt exist, and i dont know what i would do without you or the flashnet) @johnconstantinesdick (man im so glad you’re back ive missed you SO much) @panjaxjefferson (kiraa you’re so nice and wonderful and also really pretty im glad youre my friend!!) @mlmcisco (hi youre gr8 and i love you dude!!!!) @lesbianboostergold (we might not have been talking for long but i love all your headcanons and you give me that good good trans booster content thank you) @zainabzehra (my SPOSE youre so great!!! youre my wonder woman fancast) @starryeydsailor (we’ve talked maybe once bc i’m terrible at conversation starters but your art makes my day every single time and i appreciate you!) @littlebluewing (i love your art and your blog content and you’re a fellow kyle stan which is 👌. you’re awesome!!) @kevinsnowday (we’ve mostly only talked about tfhc (which i still need to finish rip) but you're hella cool!! im glad to know you) @shibascarf (you’re such a nice person and an amazing writer and i really admire you!!) @autisticshatterstar (you’re rad and you’ve got awesome ocs!!! heck yeah!!!!!) @kscinewt (i still havent read all of mtmte cause im a FOOL but i can still credit you as someone who convinced me to read it. but! i understand your url now so im gonna count that as a win. your blog is 10/10) @timelessmulder (you got me into taz and all that other great mcelroy content and i am SO glad, thank you!!) @starklinqs (i can never remember how to spell your url, damn. but youre awesome and your blog is awesome!) @scarletspeedshits (poxi my clone!! i adore you!! i know we havent talked much recently and i havent been rping but i still care about you a lot and you should know <3)
and an extra special thanks to all my mutuals!! even if we don’t talk or havent talked in a while, you’re still amazing and wonderful and i’m so grateful for you.
@0gruesomementalist0 @4-r-y @a-fandom-mess @a-literal-loser @actuallytimdrake @actualtempleguardianimpa @actualtrashdemon @adorkablebarry @answertheqquestion @artects @arthuercurry @audiopsychic @autistic-raikou @autisticbillybatson @bikevinday @bisexualnathandrake @brightclam @buster-gold @clarylgbtchild @classytidalwaveexpert @crberus @crosspolination @cyclone-rachel @deadlychildartemis @deadsrobinscircle @downriversandroads @ellendegenerate @ericblunt @eugenides-attolis @firekaylee @frnkiequinn @futureparkranger @gallowsgenesis @galmance @gaycupid @glassjoee @guppiesarepeopletoo @gvygardner @halsbarrys @herestoyoumsholly @heroaintonmyresume @homestuckweeb @ingeniumz @ironic-strawberry @jadethirlwals @jasontheredhoodreindeer @jewishwinnschott @jonnjonzzdetective @jubilly @kaylaj1848 @kirbivoretheherbivore @knowlesbitch @kuratu @kwanhart @kxriandrs @leiasbiann @lesbian-ahsokatano @letguygardnersayfuck @lornadanepolaris @lup-with-a-gun @magibanana @marange @marvels-runaways-fan @mayalilian @my-lesbian-senses-are-tingling @my-nipple-screams-at-me @nochous @paradoxxaa @pyonkotchi @qoththeravenswritingdesk @quisidereum @r0yal-r0se @rainbowvigilante @redwhiteandblueeyes @rellagotthefandoms @remarkably-boring @righteousvenqeance @robiiin @roguishnerd @roryregan @sassmasterpidge @scorbusscorbusscorbus @seikamoomoo @sinflowwer @sleepystuart @sociallyimpairedfangirl @starkidlabs @starlightkatsuki @stephaniebrowwn @sunsetvlly @supersonicsidekick @supvrcorp @tenthousandscreamingllamas @the-lil-fuckboy @the-queen-of-atlantis @thecrunchyjudge @thedeadrobinsquad @thegenderfluidlifechoseme @themadnerdwithahat @theoriginalbreej @theramonbrothers @thescourge-sisters @thewaterintheforest @thoughtscascade @ultrabuckys @umusings @universalmamotchka @veganscottsummers @verozelo @vicsage @vixsyncynco @wrenvibes @xscarletspeedstress @xsonofhadesx @youngboiicarus @yuginoh @zoaster
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