#autism is a disease and I will not be getting well soon bro
riotdiva · 2 months
How cooked am I. My explanation of the CM Punk and Drew McIntyre lore that I typed out for my friends so their summer slam match makes sense is 20 SCREENSHOTS LONG….
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zackcollins · 3 years
Morning! 🌞
Hope you slept well last night!!! How are you feeling? Also can you believe it’s August already? My mind can’t handle it 🤦🏻‍♀️
Sending you many virtual hugs 🫂 love you loads!!!! ❤️
— 👑
I suppose I slept alright. I went to sleep around my usual time. Which is around midnight. But like. I woke up BEFORE 7:30 this morning. So??? I don't know what the hell is wrong with me. I never wake up that early. For right now, I'm feeling okay. But I'll probably be feeling exhausted later from how early I woke up this morning. We'll see how long it takes for that to happen. I swear that I'm an old person trapped in a young adult's body with how achy and tired and I get all the time. It's brutal but I guess it just be like that when you have borderline personality disorder (that messes with my mood cycles, gives me extreme anxiety/paranoia and makes me extremely clingy/fear abandonment, if you didn't know what it meant.)
And right?? My grandma mentioned this yesterday. Neither of us can believe how quickly this year has gone. I told her something to the affect of "everything just melds together at this point." Because like. It does. The last Almost 2 years doesn't feel real. It feels like it's been 37 years condensed down to fit into the span of 17 months. My grandma also mentioned that some people wish the world would just time travel back to before COVID happened. And like. Same, bro. I just want all of this to go away. It's been brutal for everyone and if I could snap my fingers and make everyone stop suffering, I would. Nobody should have to deal with this anymore. It's been long enough already. But like. Karen and Paula from down the street are way too focused on "vaccines causing autism" and "I can't breath in my mask" for this pandemic to end any time soon. It's people like them that are gonna make this thing drag on for longer than it needs to. Like. As someone that's autistic, what does it matter if vaccines did actually cause autism? Why would they rather run the risk of a dead child than a child that gets overwhelmed by loud noises, crowds, and social situations? Why would they rather run the risk of a dead child than a child than a child that has one or two things they're really passionate about and love to talk about with anybody that'll listen? Why would they rather run the risk of a dead child than a child like me? Like... how do they think it makes autistic people feel when they're basically saying they would rather a dead child than an autistic one? Autism isn't as vicious a thing as people make it out to be. It's just a part of who I am. I'm not sick or diseased or damaged. I'm just somebody who doesn't like the texture of socks or bedsheets all that much, doesn't really understand sarcasm/certain jokes all that well, and really likes hockey. And anti-vaxxers are really saying they'd rather a dead child to a child like me? Fuck outta here with that nonsense.
Anyways! Sorry for that rant. That's probably not what you expected this morning when you sent me this ask. As always, sending you virtual hugs and love right back. Love you tonnes, my dear Crown!
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