mychemfanfics · 8 years
Wonder Woman is supposedly naked in this old comic book Gerard is reading. Frank wants to see.
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mcrfanficsforall · 8 years
The apocalypse isn't like in the movies. The real thing doesn’t need any blood thirsty zombies or big explosions. It doesn’t need any special effects. It’s just the end of the world. Period.
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frerardpedia · 12 years
Dog Grooming By Donna
Author: maryangel Pairings: Frank/Gerard, Mikey/Alicia, Bob/Jamia Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Language, Underage Activity Word Count: 32,088
Summary: While Mikey is at summer, Gerard is stuck working in their mom's dog grooming parlor.  It's not exactly Gerard's dream, and smelling like wet dog, dealing with annoying customers and equally annoyed mother is a drag, but it gets better once Gerard meets Mikey's friend Frank, dog-walker and occasionally annoying little shit.  Gerard's summer may not suck after all.
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
It’s all so fucking disgusting. There’s the horrible smell in the van, clinging to the fabric of the seats, rancid, like an old sandwich that grew fur and became sentient (and Frank knows exactly how it smells, thank you very much, Mikey Way) or like Gerard’s underwear that he hasn’t changed out of for a week. The stink is the combined effort of seven people – seven dudes - with questionable hygiene, especially the Way brothers, packed into a van that seems on the verge of death every hundred miles and that costs them more in gas that they can afford.
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
Roller derby AU. When Frank joins his best friend’s roller derby team, he has no idea what he’s in for. A story of crossdressing, lies, roller derby and love.
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
Frank is a bartender. Gerard is an alcoholic. They were clearly made for each other. Also, Frank is a werewolf.
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
Gerard lives a mediocre life and has a mediocre part time job he hates. The highlight of his days is when he stops by Starbucks to get his favorite caffeinated drink from his favorite barista, Frank.
Then one day, Gerard’s wishes start coming true and his entire world is shaken up
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
For Frank, being a character in a comic book is much easier than dealing with reality.
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
Gerard is transfered to Queen Of Peace, a Catholic school, in the middle of term on his senior year. On his first day, after being forced to wear an ugly uniform and an itchy tie, he has to share a locker with a weird kid named Frank he eventually befriends, gets detention and makes enemies among the faculty.When Frank disappears, Gerard decides to investigate and stumbles upon a dark family secret.
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mcrfanficsforall · 8 years
They had been running for days, only stopping to catch a couple hours of sleep when the sun was high in the sky, when they managed to find a safe place to rest, away from the main roads.
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mcrfanficsforall · 11 years
"You have my permission to eat me," Frank says, solemn as he opens his eyes. The sun is blinding, high in the cloudless sky. Frank puts an arm over his face and groans. "Eat me and build a raft with my bleached bones."
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mcrfanficsforall · 11 years
While Mikey is at summer school, Gerard is stuck working in their mom's dog grooming parlor. It's not exactly Gerard's dream, and smelling like wet dog, dealing with annoying customers and equally annoyed mother is a drag, but it gets better once Gerard meets Mikey's friend Frank, dog-walker and occasionally annoying little shit. Gerard's summer may not suck after all.
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mcrfanficsforall · 11 years
Gerard needs mac and cheese. Frank is the very hot cashier who helps him in his quest.
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mcrfanficsforall · 11 years
College AU. Frank hates the internet. Gerard forces him to Twitter while they're apart on Christmas break.
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mcrfanficsforall · 11 years
Wonder Woman is supposedly naked in this old comic book Gerard is reading. Frank wants to see.
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mcrfanficsforall · 11 years
Frank is the littlest animal activist and Gerard is the bullies' favorite punching bag.
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