#author: flyblckbirdfly
Was wondering if you guys have any newer authors to recommend that write good smut:)
HERE is a list of new authors (posted their first fic in 2021/2022). You can browse our NC-17 and PWP tags.
These are the nominees for the 2020 KlaineCC Fanfic awards for PWP/Smut:
Favorite SMUTTY/PWP Klaine fanfiction Bathhouse Verse by spinmybowtie Collide by scatterthestars Desperate Times… ‘verse by CoffeeAddict80 Home Videos by rayychel infinity Not Exclusive by nellie12 Steal a Heart by MochaCappuccino This Side by flyblckbirdfly [PDF/EPUB] You Got Me Singing In The Shower by CoffeeAddict80
Here are some new-ish authors who write good smut:
@scatter-the-stars | scatterthestars
@gleefulpoppet | gleefulpoppet
@teddyshoney | teddyshoney
@jayhawk-writes | jayhawkwrites
@quizasvivamos | quizavivamos
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Author Spotlight: lilyvandersteen day 4
This is honestly one of the finest rec lists because it’s thematic. I couldn’t make all of the authors tag so have tried to list them in the tags too
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Day 4: Recs!
Ooooh… I LOVE reccing fics! Only five, though? All right, then… 
I’ll try and stay off the beaten path for this. It would be easy enough to mention one of the classics by @anxioussquirrel, @chazzam​ , @mrscriss2012, @zavocado​, @missbeizy , @nadiacreek​, @heartsmadeofbooks​ or Rainjoy, but you already know and love those stories, so what’s the point?
 1.      One of our fandom’s most original and imaginative writers is @sunshineoptimismandangels​. I love her stories. She can take an age-old trope and completely turn it upside down and inside out. I love her take on Kurt and Blaine, and she writes Cooper so well, too. The fic of hers I’m going to rec is Missing Pieces. I’m not going to spoil the plot for you. All I’ll say is that I’ve read and re-read this story countless times, and it never fails to move me. Absolute must-read!
"Why did those men think we were gross?" he asked. "What did we do wrong?"
"Nothing," Kurt said, turning in his seat to face B. "We didn't do anything wrong. Some people just don't like to see two men together."
"But… They were all men and together."
"Yes, but they thought we were on a date, and they don't like gay people."
"They don't like people just because they are gay?"
Kurt sighed. He hated that this was something B had to learn about the world. "Yes."
"People are scared of things they don't understand," B said, remembering the words Kurt had told him before.
"Yeah, and sometimes people don't want to understand."
B was quiet for a moment and Kurt watched him closely, trying to determine what he was thinking. Slowly, a smile grew on B's lips.
"They thought we were on a date?"
Kurt rolled his eyes and laughed. "That's what you got from what just happened?"
B shrugged and smiled. "I don't mind people thinking we were on a date."
 2.      I’m a fluff writer, and I also love to read fluff. Nothing brings me more joy than waking up to a new story by @hazelandglasz​, @whatstheproblembaby​, @a-simple-rainbow, @chatterboxrose​, @sir-pyllero​, @notthetoothfairy​, @skivvysupreme or @fablewriter . They never fail to make me smile and they improve my mood a thousand-fold. If you’re fever feeling blue, I encourage you to look up these authors on AO3 and read some of their offerings – it will make you feel happier in no time.
The piece of fluff I’m going to rec here, though, is a wonderful cross-over between Glee and Enchanted called That’s How You Know, and written by the lovely @afterthenovels . It’s still a WIP, but there’s more than enough of it to capture your attention, and there’s no cliffhanger that will make you count the days until we get the next chapter. And oh, I love this story SO much. Kurt and Blaine are so sweet and shy and oblivious, and they complement each other so well. *Happy sigh* Read it, you’ll LOVE it, that’s a guarantee.
Blaine steps closer as quietly as he can, but Kurt doesn’t even stir, his eyelashes fanned out over his cheeks as he sleeps. He looks... younger. Less like a prince and more like a regular man.
“I guess you really were tired,” Blaine says quietly.
He unfolds the blanket in his arms and spreads it carefully over Kurt’s body, making sure it covers him from neck to toe. Kurt shifts in his sleep, huddling closer to the warmth and letting out a pleased hum, his lips curling into a small smile, and Blaine can’t help the smile that spreads over his own face.
His hair is a mess, he has no idea where his boyfriend is or why he missed their date tonight, his best friend is worried about his love life, and there’s a strange man sleeping on his couch, looking surprisingly at home for someone who’s clearly very far away from home.
Yeah. Maybe he can deal with all of this tomorrow.
 3.      Much as I hate scary movies, I love to read scary stories once in a while. Ghosts and vampires and djinns and the like stirring up no end of trouble. I’m reading a delightfully eerie nail-biter right now called Callaway Place (also by @sunshineoptimismandangels), but the story I’m going to recommend here is All the Beautiful Pieces by @lady-divine-writes​. Once again, it’s a WIP, but I hope you won’t let that scare you off, because this story has everything to keep you spell-bound: a house with a dark past, voodoo magic, a protagonist with second sight, and a sweet love story between Kurt and Blaine, because of course they find each other and fall in love in spite of all the craziness surrounding them.
Blaine slips a hand beneath the puppet’s shoulder and another behind his head, lifting him ever so gently and relocating him the final distance.
“Just a few more inches,” Blaine says in a soothing voice, “and we’ll wrap you up and put you in the box.” Blaine gazes at the puppet’s face, into his single good eye. He smiles wider as he lays the puppet on the blanket, but his hand beneath the puppet’s head starts to feel warm. It begins at a spot in the center of Blaine’s palm and radiates like a single ray of golden sunshine. It’s liquid heat, pouring into his veins, shooting out to his fingers, filling his body up like a cup of cocoa on a cold winter’s day.
His eyes are open, his mind awake, but the haze returns. It obscures his vision in a veil of white mist. It drifts in front of his eyes. He can only peek through in random spots where it thins, revealing shimmering images that disappear like the dreams you hold on to in those seconds right before you wake.
“Can you feel that?” Blaine hears his own voice whispering inside his head.
“I do,” another voice replies. It’s high and lilting, pure as silk and singing in his ears.
“What does it feel like?” 
“It feels like…like summer all over my body…”
Blaine laughs, pressing his lips to cool skin. “And what else?”
A giggle answers him in that same musical voice. “It feels like…”
The voice gasps, and Blaine feels his body tighten.
“It feels like you,” the voice whimpers breathlessly. “Everything is you…all around me…it’s you…”
Blaine closes his eyes as the world collapses in on him. Behind his eyelids he can see another set of eyes gazing back at him – perfect blue eyes, patient blue eyes, loving blue eyes that shift to grey and glimmer like rare jewels. Quivering pink lips smile at him, part, and then whisper a single, blissfully choked-off word.
 4.      I much admire writers who can make their readers laugh their heads off. So the fourth fic I’m going to recommend is a very funny one. In this category, honourable mentions go to @skivvysupreme’s Drunk Kurt fics, Sexy101 by Sweet Emii, Seduction & Straight For A Week by @Crazy4Klaine and When you read my mind by @alexwishington​. But the story I’m choosing to spotlight is called Teenage dreams and movie scenes, and it’s written by @saraklaine100​. Both Kurt and Blaine are famous in this fic, and Kurt has a huge crush on Blaine, so his best friends corner Blaine until he agrees to meet Kurt. Cue a very embarrassed Kurt, and an instantly smitten Blaine. This story is amazing. Guaranteed to cheer you up however blue you’re feeling.
 Kurt was working on autopilot. He had no conscious decision to outstretch his hand or the time to process it. He just stared at those hazel eyes he found so fascinating one moment and the next he could feel Blaine's warm hand squeezing his own. He felt prickles all over his skin. Well, up until the moment James and Oliver clasped their hands and all but yelled "We now pronounce you Kurt Hummel and his teenage dream" and Kurt facepalmed at this, ripping his hand away from Blaine's hold.
 "Get the fuck out" Kurt hissed at his friends and they knew better than to stay. They patted Blaine's shoulder like he's an old friend, still smiling and he could swear he heard Sean say "Condoms are under the sink" before they left.
 Kurt was still craning his face in his hands. "Please just leave" he said. "Just...Look, I'm gonna keep my face covered and you can just run away and you can pretend this never happened. Send me the bill from therapy. "
 5.      And of course my fic rec list wouldn’t be complete without a smutty fic rec. It’s so difficult to narrow this down to just one fic. Some authors you should definitely check out in this category are @dualwielding, @stellata, icedwhitemochas, flyblckbirdfly and rayychel infinity, but the fic I’m going to recommend is by @caramelcoffeeaddict. It’s called Desperate Times… and it’s absolutely smut-a-licious, but definitely more than just PWP. It’s a wonderful story, and I promise you that you will love it.
Devon takes a few steps back, so he’s now standing in front of Angel, and starts teasing the removal of his pants; all while dancing seductively to the music. His fingers twist in the waistband of his pants and then he yanks hard, pulling the breakaway pants off, and throwing them at the wall behind Angel. He’s left in just a tight red thong that leaves nothing to the imagination.
Once again, Devon straddles Angel, hovering just above his lap. He stretches his arms above his head, crossing them at the wrists, and rolls his hips down, teasing Angel. Devon turns himself around, bending at the waist, showing off his ass. He cranes his head around to see Angel licking and biting his lips as he stares at Devon’s ass. Devon smirks, and then smacks his own ass once, before righting himself and winking at Angel.
Turning around to face Angel, Devon starts to play with the straps of his thong, giving Angel tiny glimpses of his cock. He straddles him once again, gyrating to the music. “Would you like to touch me, Angel?” Devon asks in a low, sultry voice.
Angel visibly gulps, lets out a shaky breath, and slowly nods his head.
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hkvoyage · 5 years
Hi.. could you recommend any extented fanfic of 3x05 (the first time), abt how it progressed btw Klaine? I have read couple of fanfics from 3x05 but none of them talked about them lying comfortable with eachother bit🤷‍♀️. Could you plz help me.
The first three fic recs are exactly what you are looking for. The last one is an AU, but I think that the author did a really great job of exploring their firsts. - HKVoyage
Fade to Black by JudeAraya
Written for this prompt on the Kink Meme.When Kurt and Blaine first start being intimate with each other, the sex is good…but not great. Kurt, despite all of the progress he has made, is still embarrassed to talk about what he wants in bed. Blaine really loves to do well and gain approval, and he feels like he’s not satisfying Kurt because he doesn’t know what Kurt wants. So, the boys devise a plan to develop their communication skills. Follows Kurt and Blaine through cannon as they explore intimacy and love (The First Time through Yes/No)
Note: Part 1 of Fade To Black
Shiftings  by @chazzam   Summary: The shift in their relationship didn’t come out of left field at all. Beneath the surface, things had been changing all along.  This fic describes what changed in Kurt ant Blaine’s relationship to make him realize that his feelings for Kurt were more than just friendship.              
Note: Part 1 of the Shiftings series
Kurt and Blaine’s firsts by hwespn
a series of firsts in Kurt and Blaine’s relationship. **NOT in order
This Side by flyblckbirdfly
Kurt and Blaine have been best friends since the day Kurt stopped Blaine on the stairs at Dalton, but never anything more. This is why Blaine is more than a little shocked when Kurt suggests that they lose their virginity to one another before they head off to New York for college.
Note: Epub and PDF downloads are available here.
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klaine-fic-rec · 11 years
Fic: Precipice
Title: Precipice 
Author: flyblckbirdfly 
Read on: LJ
Rating: PG-13
Words: 30,000 words (10 chapters)
In which Blaine is a new student at McKinley, and Kurt is the star of the Cheerios. When Kurt is failing AP Chemistry, Coach Sylvester hires Blaine to tutor Kurt in order to ensure that he earns a grade that will allow him to stay on the squad. But Kurt is clever and unwilling, and Blaine is confused and tired, and sometimes, beneath an obvious surface, other things lay.
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crisscolferfic · 11 years
One-Time Thing by flyblckbirdfly
Prompt: Cockslut!Darren.
Rating: NC-17
Chapters: 5
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kurtbastianfics · 12 years
Tear Down my Reason-NC-17
Title: Tear Down My Reason Author: flyblckbirdfly Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Depression-like symptoms, underage drinking,
Summary: Following the soul-crushing agony that Blaine’s admission brought into Kurt’s life, he drifts into something even more dangerous than the sadness that has been consuming him. He finds himself numb to everything and everyone around him, existing in a mere shell of the person he had so very recently been. Desperate for a way to feel, Kurt finds himself reaching out to the one person he probably shouldn’t, because he knows Sebastian can give him what he needs. What he finds isn’t what he was expecting, but what in his life lately has been?
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klaineff · 12 years
Title: This Side Author: Flyblckbirdfly Word count: 44k Chapters: 12 Pairings: Kurt/Blaine Rating: NC-17 Summary: Kurt and Blaine have been best friends since the day Kurt stopped Blaine on the stairs at Dalton, but never anything more. This is why Blaine is more than a little shocked when Kurt suggests that they lose their virginity to one another before they head off to New York for college.
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klaineindex · 7 years
Trope of the Week: Jealous Klaine
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Featured Fic: Better Late Than Never by @flyblckbirdflyarchive-blog
Summary: Five years in the future, AU where the boys have always been friends, but never romantic. On a night out, one gets hit on, causing the other to realize their true feelings after all this time.
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 3 to 10K
Additional Trope: Friends to Lovers
Craving more Jealous Klaine fics? Here are all the Jealous Klaine fics we’ve added to the index so far: https://sites.google.com/site/klainefic/home/jealous-klaine
Notice a favourite of yours is missing? Send us an ask and we’ll add it to the index!
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Now that S&C has been revived, what are your favorite fics that were posted only on that site?
Here is a list of my favorite authors who posted Klaine fic on S&C but not on AO3 or FF.net. 
Another great resource is S&C’s Top Ten lists. There are lists for favorite stories, series, authors, etc. You could get lost in the lists for days! 
Browse the library’s  former S&C fic tag. For many of the fics, we provided PDF and EPUB files, but you could always search the site for the fic. 
Happy Reading!  - HKVoyage
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colf-fics · 13 years
One Time Thing Verse, Chris & Darren, NC-17
Author: Flyblckbirdfly
Title: Want Pairings/Characters: CrissColfer Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 2,327 Spoilers: Oh god no. No no no. This is just for fun. ;) Warnings: RPF. Blowjobs. Original Prompt: Cockslut!Darren
Title: You're a Dick, Darren Pairings/Characters: CrissColfer Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 3,077 Warnings: RPF. Frotting. Blowjobs. Summary: Chris hadn't expected anything from Darren. Well, he'd expected one thing and hadn't gotten it. And now he kind of hates Darren's freaking guts. Title: Your Everything Pairings/Characters: CrissColfer Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 2,587 Warnings: RPF. Blowjobs. Summary: They haven't had another incident in two weeks, but now Chris has a text from Darren saying that he'll be over in ten minutes with pizza. Spoiler alert: There's no pizza.
Title: Too Close Pairings/Characters: CrissColfer Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 4,513 Warnings: RPF. Blowjobs. Fingering. Anal sex. Summary: Darren shows up unannounced at Chris' place demanding that they head for the bathroom. But fooling around in the bathroom isn't the only thing Darren has in mind. Title: May or May Not Pairings/Characters: CrissColfer Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 6,448 Warnings: RPF. Blowjobs. Fingering. Rimming. Anal sex. Summary: Chris convinces Darren to come over to talk about what happened on Saturday night.
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kurtblainefanfic · 13 years
This Side
Title: This Side Author: flyblckbirdfly Rating: NC-17 Genre: Romance, Smut Summary: Kurt and Blaine have been best friends since the day Kurt stopped Blaine on the stairs at Dalton, but never anything more. This is why Blaine is more than a little shocked when Kurt suggests that they lose their virginity to one another before they head off to New York for college. 
“I don’t want to go to college a virgin,” Kurt said. Blaine laughed and nodded, tapping on ‘What Do I Need With Love.’ It’d do.   “Tell me about it,” Blaine said.   “I should clarify,” Kurt said, scooting an inch or so closer. “I meant to say that I don’t intend to go to college a virgin.”   “Have some secret boyfriend I don’t know about? Because if you do, I would love the phone numbers of any of his single friends, please,” Blaine joked.   “I was actually hoping that you would help me out. Well, that we could help each other out. Sexually, I mean,” Kurt said, adding the last bit hurriedly before sitting up board straight. Blaine’s eyes opened wide and he was fairly certain that he hadn’t blinked in over a minute, his eyes dry and feeling rather manic as he turned his head slowly to face Kurt. Kurt couldn’t have possibly just said what Blaine thought he had.
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12
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Hi, I've only recently joined the Klaine fandom. I read fanfiction mostly on AO3 because the tags make it easy for me to find stories that interest me or ignore unwanted topics. However, I wanted to know if you have any favorite authors or classic authors who don't crosspost on AO3 but only on other platforms like tumblr, fanfiction net, wattpad or others that I should definitely check out so I don't miss out on great stories.
I think most readers prefer AO3 for a variety of reasons, including the tagging system. Since the Klaine fandom has been around for around 12 years, there are fics posted over various platforms. Even though they can be harder to find, there are some classics and hidden gemsposted outside of AO3. It can be a bit of a minefield to find them! Some authors have different usernames on different platforms (I’m guilty of this). Some authors have only posted a few selected fics on AO3, but you can find more on other sites. Here is a quick guide for you. - HKVoyage
FANFICTION.NET A good place to start is Klaine Fiction: Reviewers' Choice managed by myself and @lilyvandersteenn. If you go to my author page VoyageAsia, you will find it under the Communities tab. While you're there, also check out my favorite authors tab. Note: Some of the authors have crossposted their fics to AO3. Here are a few authors I recommend that you investigate:
BlurtItAllOut  BregoArodShadowfax  CrazedLunatic  CrissColferL0ve  K8Malloy  kellyb321  Nellie12  Pulling-the-puzzles-apart  Sabriel81  YaDiva (a few are posted on AO3) 
SCARVES&COFFEE.NET This website was very popular back in the day, but is now defunct. We have posted PDF and EPUB files for selected fics under our former S&C fic tag. Here are some authors I really enjoyed (hyperlinked to library posts).
Twitchy Squirrel  beautifulwhatsyourhurry  Glitterandpaws   Ulysses31dancer   flyblckbirdfly 
LIVEJOURNAL This website was hugely popular during the first seasons the show aired. Klaine fic authors no longer use the site. You should definitely check out Rainjoys as they didn’t cross-post anywhere else. From their Kurt/Blaine masterpost, you will be able to bulk download the fics in PDF and EPUB format.
KLAINEFICSPDFS KlaineFicsPDFs used to create PDF and EPUB files for popular fics. You will find some older Klaine fic gems on this site.
TUMBLR A few authors used to post drabbles and one-shots only on Tumblr, while longer ones were posted to other platforms. Here are some accounts to checkout.
@sir-pyllero @slightestwind
WATTPAD The library admins don’t read Klaine fic posted on Wattpad. We have recently asked followers to let us know of their favorites posted there, but there have been zero responses.
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Hey! Do you know a great fit with a lot of smut and a great plot?? I only find the two extrems these days!
If you go to the blog’s Klaine Misc Finder, you will find fic recs by rating. You definitely want to browse the NC-17 tag. Also check out our D/S tag for kinkier fic recs. Here are a few of my personal favorites. HKVoyage
Heteroflexible by PickingViolets [PDF] [Epub]
One night with another guy. Just one night. It won’t actually mean anything, right? He’s just… heteroflexible.
Fade To Black Series by JudeAraya
Written for this prompt on the Kink Meme.When Kurt and Blaine first start being intimate with each other, the sex is good...but not great. Kurt, despite all of the progress he has made, is still embarrassed to talk about what he wants in bed. Blaine really loves to do well and gain approval, and he feels like he's not satisfying Kurt because he doesn't know what Kurt wants. So, the boys devise a plan to develop their communication skills. Follows Kurt and Blaine through cannon as they explore intimacy and love (The First Time through Yes/No)
Sex education by Beautifulwhatsyourhurry [PDF and EPUB]
This story was just supposed to be pure smut and then the characters ran away and actually decided they want a plot line. Kurt’s thoughts may seem a bit contradictory at certain points, but I wrote them like that for a reason.
This Side by flyblckbirdfly [PDF/EPUB]
Kurt and Blaine have been best friends since the day Kurt stopped Blaine on the stairs at Dalton, but never anything more. This is why Blaine is more than a little shocked when Kurt suggests that they lose their virginity to one another before they head off to New York for college.
Love Me Sweet by @sunshineoptimismandangels
GKM fill: Kurt is a 26 year old virgin living in New York City and wanting to get rid of the virgin title, but not knowing how. He'd always thought he was waiting for love before he had sex for the first time, now he is tired of waiting. He decides the best thing to do is just hire a male escort for one night. Someone experienced that Kurt doesn't have to explain himself to or ever see again. He just wasn't counting on his escort, Blaine, being quit so perfect or so hard to give up.
Heaps of blessings upon my wonderful beta lilyvandersteen!
Spice by alilactree
Kurt is assigned to write a sex column designed to help readers with their vanilla sex lives and isn’t happy about it. Until he and Blaine discover that maybe a little spice isn’t so bad after all.
Note: Also check out Mad Naked Summer by the same author.
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(Mis) Adventures of Teenage Boys Verse
Author:  flyblckbirdfly
Rating:  NC-17
Status:  Completed in July 2011 (20 parts to the verse)
Word Count:  76,117
Summary:   First story in the verse starts here:  Kurt's pissed off because Blaine likes Jeremiah and it's left him in quite a funk. The last thing he needs is to run into Puck and Finn when all he wants to do is pass out in his bedroom, but well, that's exactly what happens. (Takes place after 'Silly Love Songs' and therefore is Pre-Klaine, but from the same 'verse)
Tropes/Genre:  highschool!Klaine, early!Klaine, humor, fluff, romance
Read at:  LJ or [PDF]  [EPUB]
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This Side
Author:  flyblckbirdfly
Rating:  NC-17
Status:  Completed in January 2012
Word Count:  44,300
Summary:  Kurt and Blaine have been best friends since the day Kurt stopped Blaine on the stairs at Dalton, but never anything more. This is why Blaine is more than a little shocked when Kurt suggests that they lose their virginity to one another before they head off to New York for college.
Tropes/Genre:  bestfriends!Klaine, highschool!Klaine, first time, pining, angst, humor
Lynne’s review:  O.M.G. how I love this fic - it’s literally perfect. SO GOOD.
Read at:  LJ (there are 12 separate chapters - the link takes you to twelve so just scroll down to the first one)
Download the PDF or EPUB
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Author:  flyblckbirdfly
Rating:  NC-17
Status:  Completed in June 2012
Word Count:  6,200
Summary:  At the age of five, every boy and girl of noble birth in the kingdom of Lima was assigned a companion. On Kurt’s fifth birthday, his present had been a small, shy boy named Blaine, recently orphaned. Blaine really was the finest companion in the entire kingdom. Kurt had no doubt of that.
Tropes/Genre:  Royal!Klaine, Lord!Kurt, servant!Blaine, AU, romance
Lynne’s review:  So sweet, lovely and HOT!
Read at:  LJ
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