colf-fics · 12 years
This year, Blaine stays home on Halloween.
“Have you thought about what we should dress up as this year?” Kurt mumbles against Blaine’s chest, where he’s been busying himself with pressing kisses to Blaine’s sweaty skin for the last ten minutes, since they both came.
Blaine blinks his sleepy eyes open, lazily carding his fingers through Kurt’s hair. “What?” he mumbles.
“For Halloween,” Kurt says, lips pressing right above Blaine’s heart. Blaine laughs, the vibrations from it stirring them both, and Kurt finally rolls over on his side, propping himself up on an elbow and smiling at Blaine. “What?”
“Kurt, that’s — it’s July.”
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colf-fics · 12 years
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colf-fics · 12 years
Affogato: The Epilogue (Crema verse)
Title: Affogato: The Epilogue <—S&C link Pairing: Klaine AU Rating: PG 13 for language and implied sexual situations. The overall rating is now upped to NC-17 for smut (in Dirty Chai)
Summary: Kurt’s just landed a job at Vogue as Carrie Bradshaw’s assistant.  One morning he meets Blaine at the Starbucks in Times Square, and the shy, adorable barista catches his eye right away.  This is the story of how they change each other’s lives.
Previous installments: Con Panna, Doppio, Americano, Shot In the Dark, Ristretto, Macchiato, Corretto, Breve, Undertow, Peppermint Mocha, Dirty Chai, Irish Coffee Part 1, Irish Coffee Part 2, Cappuccino
So this is it, in a way.  Thanks to everyone who’s read and left me comments about it.  I’ve read them all and appreciate every one of them.
And special thanks to Lydia and Ash who’ve let me whinge endlessly at them about this, and to Tessa who’s corrected every typo, error, and misplaced everything.
ETA: There is now a Crema Masterpost.  You can find all the drabble prompt fills there.
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colf-fics · 12 years
fic: full of sound and fury
He lives in his world of silence; he lives in his world of sound. When Kurt meets Blaine and finds out he’s different, he doesn’t run: he does everything he can to keep him in his life as they grow up. (aka the one where Blaine is deaf and he and Kurt meet as kids)
this fic has, obviously, already been posted over on FF.net, but for awhile I’ve been wanting to clean it up and bring it here where I feel like my fics have a better belonging. and I hate FF.net, soooo. enjoy!
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colf-fics · 12 years
Prompt: Apple
A/N: I’ve been having trouble writing, so I used a random word generator for a bunch of one word prompts to give myself a kick up the ass.
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
There’s one day – three months or so into Kurt’s stint at Dalton – when Blaine takes his daily lunchtime apple (I’m told it keeps the doctor away, he says, smiling every single time like it’s the funniest thing he’s ever heard, and every single time Kurt raises an eyebrow at him and deadpans, you’re a dork and you’re lucky our friendship started with Teenage Dream and you tricked me into thinking otherwise, or I wouldn’t be seen dead with you) and cuts it into quarters, wordlessly placing two of them onto Kurt’s plate while Trent sits across from them and talks Blaine’s ear off.
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colf-fics · 12 years
Part two
Fic: Now We're All Alone (Klaine)
A Potentiality for Corruption: The Debauchery of Blaine Anderson | Part One
Rating: M
Word Count: 5,100
Warnings/Summary: Fill for this prompt on the kink meme: a shy, stumbling, blushing virgin Blaine being pinned down on his bed and ridden by an extremely experienced and confident Kurt.
A/N: Atalya will probably demand acknowledgement for the fact she made me fill this for her. There are sequels to come in a ‘the ways in which Blaine Anderson lost his virginity to Kurt Hummel’ ‘verse, including a whole load of Kurt teaching Blaine how to do sexy things (such as blowjob etc.)
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colf-fics · 12 years
*There might be a second fill, so watch out for that and read the title of the fill Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Kurt/Blaine Summary: Blaine's a mob boss, co-running the family with his older brother Cooper. He's never really dealt with people outside of the family, due to his temper and slight obliviousness when it comes to reading other people's emotions. Blaine's got some problems when it comes to having a good relationship, or even having one to begin with. Cooper hires him whores sometimes, but it's not the same. One day, he has to go over to the hospital to check up on one of his idiot nephews or whoever who's managed to shoot themself or something, and he runs into the most beautiful boy he's laid eyes on, Kurt.  Spoilers: None Warnings: slightly dark and manipulative!Blaine, dub/non-con Parts: 2 Completed: WIP
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colf-fics · 12 years
KBl Reversebang: Companion - kaffiaulait and flyblckbirdfly - R/NC-17
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Title: Companion Artist: kaffiaulait (Tumblr) Author: flyblckbirdfly (LJ / Tumblr) Rating (art/fic if different): R/NC-17 Word Count: ~6200 Warnings (if any): Blaine is a servant of Kurt’s, but no sexual acts are forced by the nature of this title. Fic Summary: At the age of five, every boy and girl of noble birth in the kingdom of Lima was assigned a companion. On Kurt’s fifth birthday, his present had been a small, shy boy named Blaine, recently orphaned. Blaine really was the finest companion in the entire kingdom. Kurt had no doubt of that. Link to Art: Art Link to Fic: Fic Art Thumbnail:
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colf-fics · 12 years
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au in which kurt doesn’t get into nyada and goes to pursue fashion instead … OH WAIT I THINK THIS IS CANON?
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colf-fics · 12 years
Chris/Darren fic for certaintendencies
“Ow. Your glasses are poking me. Ow. Ow.”
“Hand me my phone,” Chris says, rubbing his cheek the other way over Darren’s belly, nestling the soft squishy part that appears whenever Darren’s hunched over. Chris wants to cup it between his hands and kiss it, but Darren gets a little too weirded out when Chris tries that.
“No way. Not while you’re stabbing me in the kidneys,” Darren huffs.
“Your kidneys are in the back,” Chris says absently, trying to reach over Darren for his phone and falling short by about two feet. “Please?”
“If your kidneys are in back, what’s in front?” Chris tilts his head up and wiggles his nose to try and straighten his glasses, watching Darren stroke his chin for literally no reason other than he thinks it looks cool.
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colf-fics · 12 years
Title:  Sticks and stones may break my bones, but silk will tie me together Author: coribird Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Kurt/Blaine Word count: 3,500+ Summary: In an established D/S relationship, Kurt wants to try something new on Blaine. Something that involves a silk collar, and a chair.   Spoilers: None Warnings:  Bondage, breathplay, mild D/S, boypussy, squirting. Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
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colf-fics · 12 years
Title: The Other Side of Someday Author: switch842 Rating: PG-13 - NC-17 Pairing: Kurt/Blaine, Kurt/OC Word count: 70,990+ Summary:  Kurt Hummel had given up his childish dreams of love and romance and was just going through life, one day at a time. Then the voice of America's newest pop star serenaded him through the radio, and it changed his life forever. Maybe Kurt's fairytales could come true after all, with Blaine Anderson as his prince.   Spoilers: None Warnings: None Chapters: 7 + Epilogue Completed: Yes
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colf-fics · 12 years
Title: Love and Other Hazards of Reality TV Author: switch842 Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Chris/Darren Summary: Chris Colfer has been stuck in Clovis far too long. When he has the opportunity to audition for The Voice and possibly work with the amazing Darren Criss, can he take the pressure? And what happens when an unexpected attraction threatens to get in the way of his dreams?  Spoilers: None Warnings: It's written in a first person point of view but don't let that stop you. Chapters: 6 Completed: Yes
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colf-fics · 12 years
by: mal
based off: this prompt
word count: 3,000+
“You know what is a real shame,” Chris slurs, slinging an arm around Cory’s waist to keep from falling onto his face. “Straight guys.”
“Straight guys?” Darren laughs, gripping Chris’ drink so it doesn’t slop onto the carpet. Chris lets go of it readily and steadies himself into Cory’s side.
“Yes,” Chris amends, looking up at Cory and squinting his eyes as if he were the one who had said that. “Straight guys.”
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colf-fics · 12 years
Darren makes Chris watch Magic Mike:
Chris watched as Darren moved everything off the couch and coffee table, carefully setting everything aside before crawling over to the tv.
While Darren set up the dvd player Chris picked up the cd sleeve in which Darren had brought whatever movie they were going to watch. There was nothing on it. 
“You do realize you’re acting abnormally suspicious, right?”
Darren turned to him with the biggest shit-eating grin only to blink really slowly and dramatically at him and turn back to the task at hand.
Chris still wouldn’t sit down on the couch because standing up seemed safer, closer to the door. He looked back up when the DVD screen lit up the tv and wondered how long it would take for the title of the movie to appear. 
It didn’t. There wasn’t even a menu, it just started straight away.
“Darren, is this porn?” Chris asked, putting down the bag of reese’s Darren had brought and taking a step back.
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colf-fics · 12 years
30 Days of Writing Challenge: Letters
beginning. accusation. restless. snowflake. haze. flame. formal. companion. move. silver. prepared. knowledge. denial. wind. order. thanks. look. summer. transformation. tremble. sunset. mad. thousand. outside. winter. diamond. letters. promise. simple. future.
When Kurt opens his locker a note falls out. Folded yellow paper with a clumsy heart drawn on the front in black pen. He smiles as he bends to pick it up, glancing around the corridor briefly before opening it, already certain there’s only one person it could be from.
Hey, handsome. Nice sweater. Your boyfriend buy it for you?
P.S. My name isn’t Blaine. That’s a dumb name.
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colf-fics · 12 years
Anonymous asked you: cuddly klaine with kurt giving lovebites? something sweet and snuggly and warm.
this ended up a little steamier than i intended it to be. oops. :x
“Wake up, gorgeous,” Blaine whispers by Kurt’s ear, and he smiles when Kurt’s face wrinkles up, his eyelashes fluttering.
“‘s cold,” Kurt mumbles, trying to burrow up into the sheets more than he already has, drawing them tight around his bare shoulders. Blaine rolls his eyes and slips back under the blankets with Kurt, smiling into Kurt’s hair when he tugs Blaine close and snuggles up against him. “Stay.”
Blaine rolls his eyes at the command, pressing his lips to Kurt’s temple. “You really don’t like waking up, huh?”
It’s not the first time they’ve slept together - the kind of sleeping together that involves actual sleeping, that is - but those moments are few and far between, and Blaine still isn’t used to waking up with someone warm next to him, breathing softly and trying to hog Blaine and the covers at the same time. He can’t really blame Kurt for not wanting to get up, actually.
“Mmm,” is all Kurt says, sliding his arm around Blaine’s waist and nuzzling his nose against Blaine’s collarbone.
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