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v-ividus · 2 months ago
33. Shadows and Light: The Evolving Landscape of Ethical Perception
“Diseases of the mind are more common and more pernicious than diseases of the body.” — Cicero
The pervasive networks that silently envelop us serve to deepen the grooves of consumerism within our psychic architecture. Neuro-marketing strategies, driven by algorithms that anticipate every click and pause, beguile us into a world where our real selves become obscured by layers of superficiality. We must confront this digital dazzle that numbs our faculties and, unmooring us from our spiritual anchors, renders the mind fragile.
As we become digital avatars, tailored to fit the molds of marketing agendas, we unwittingly submit to this reality, fueled by a relentless drive for validation. Our desires and fears are harvested, feeding a cycle of dependency that chain us to ideologies both entrenched and malignant. In our search for meaning within a pixelated self, these desires emerge as the fulcrum upon which our perceived self-worth pivots.
Yet, amid this sea of virtual dislocation, we see the seeds of ethical atrophy taking root. The danger lies not merely in technological determinism, but in our passive acquiescence. The challenge is not in retreating from this digital realm but in recalibrating our relationship with it. Burdened by the ghost of Cicero’s wisdom, we must strive to recognize the profound vulnerabilities of a mind imprisoned by expectation.
Embracing a transformative awakening, we must first recognize our complicity within this systemic entrapment. Recognizing hardened patterns of thought and cyclic addiction to fleeting rewards is essential. In doing so, we confront the mirror's reflection and accept the invitation to rehumanize ourselves outside digital dictation.
The liberation of mind and soul can only manifest when we become clearer on who we wish to become — not as digital entities, but as robust, ethical beings steeped in the reality of shared human experience. This recognition shines the light of understanding onto our vulnerability, permitting our truest selves to emerge from the abyss.
War of the Algorithms: When Ethics Surrender to Calculated Engagement
In this technological landscape, algorithms serve as master puppeteers, weaving narratives that elicit primal responses. Their omnipresence blurs the line between genuine interaction and programmed engagement, with consequences that ripple across our ethical consciousness. Most insidious, perhaps, is how quickly and quietly these forces embed within our social fabric, leaving us blind to the erosion of authenticity.
For each interaction monitored, categorized, and repurposed, we unknowingly entrench ourselves deeper into the complexities of the digital realm. These algorithms, although products of sophisticated mathematics, operate with a cold, unyielding precision. They thrive on predictability, where each choice, each momentary pause, becomes fodder for their ever-evolving function. Their touch is unseen, yet felt; a contradiction we must grapple with if we are to preserve our ethical integrity.
They capitalize on our predilection for easy gratification and shallow engagement, nudging us toward behaviors that satiate immediate desires rather than forge genuine connections. Here, the walls of the echo chamber close in, reinforcing biases, inflating self-righteousness, and widening division. The result is a digital ecosystem that mirrors the mind’s worst tendencies, breeding dissolution rather than unity.
Recognizing this ownership of our mental space by cold, calculating systems is an imperative step toward reclaiming our ethical autonomy. Human thoughts, feelings, and interactions become quantifiable data, ripe for manipulation. Like rats in a maze, we are led down digital hallways designed to hold our attention, not enlighten our minds.
For many, social validation has become a currency far more addictive than money itself. The ethically charged act of acknowledging another’s existence has been cheapened by the immediacy and performativity of digital acknowledgment. To reclaim our humanist integrity, it is incumbent upon us to step back, unmask the algorithm, and recognize our addiction for what it is — a detour, a distraction, from the path of true human connection.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), with its core of inflated self-importance and craving for admiration, thrives in the ecosystem curated by algorithms. The digital mirrors of social media offer endless reflections of a curated self—exalting vanity and superficial connections. Here, an individual can craft an idealized version of themselves, unfettered by the checks of reality. This narcissistic mirage becomes increasingly enticing, reinforcing behaviors and thinking patterns that align with the disorder's core traits. When ethics yield to the pursuit of engagement, the borders between genuine self-awareness and delusional grandeur blur, coaxing even the stable into shallow waters.
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) finds its destructive dance accentuated on this stage, where emotional volatility meets relentless connectivity. The constant ebb and flow of digital feedback amplifies fears of abandonment and hyper-sensitivity to rejection. What was once a passing comment or minor snub in reality becomes, in the hands of algorithmic engagement, a tidal wave of emotional upheaval. In this virtual coliseum of judgment, individuals oscillate between connection and conflicted isolation, a reflection of BPD's turbulent essence. The algorithm, in its relentless drive for user engagement, exploits these emotional vicissitudes, perpetuating a cycle of dependency and emotional drain.
Antisocial Personality Disorder (NSPD), encompassing the traits of manipulation and disregard for societal norms, finds a new playground within the digital wilderness. Anonymity ensures a cloak under which deceit and manipulation can flourish, as the architect of chaos navigates the uncharted waters of cyberspace. Here they construct webs of influence and deception, where ethical lines are not just blurred but altogether disregarded. The digital landscape, fueled by algorithms that prioritize engagement over ethics, becomes a training ground where the antisocial mind hones its craft, reconstructing reality to its will.
The specter of Psychopathy—characterized by remorselessness and calculated charm—aligns with the algorithm's own amoral calculus. Unbound by traditional human empathy, psychopaths manipulate digital interactions with a surgeon's precision, yielding a persona tailor-made for personal gain. This interaction, patterned and predictable, enables the ruthless pursuit of goals within a system designed to prioritize engagement above all. Ethics, once the silent sentinels guiding human behavior, now surrender to the algorithm's ceaseless churn, leaving a digital coliseum where the victor is crowned not for virtue but for cold efficiency and charm.
Within the context of societal pressures and expectations, anxiety disorders emerge as complex responses to environmental stressors. These conditions, including generalized anxiety and panic disorders, are manifestations of both individual and collective anxiety. They can be understood as responses to the fast-paced, competitive nature of modern society, where constant vigilance and stress become chronic states. Addressing anxiety requires a multi-dimensional approach—employing cognitive-behavioral strategies and mindfulness practices to mitigate symptoms. Understanding and addressing the societal factors contributing to anxiety can aid in creating supportive environments that reduce these pressures.
Depression can be viewed as a social phenomenon intertwined with personal experiences and broader cultural narratives. It reflects not only individual struggles but also the societal conditions that contribute to feelings of hopelessness and disconnection. Depression may arise from social isolation, economic hardship, and the stigma surrounding mental health, all of which exacerbate the sense of despair. To address depression, it's crucial to promote inclusivity, reduce stigma, and provide access to mental health resources. A holistic approach that considers both individual treatments and societal changes is necessary to combat the pervasive nature of depression.
Dissociative disorders represent complex psychological responses to trauma that reflect broader societal influences on personal identity and memory. These disorders can manifest as a loss of connection to reality, serving as a means of coping with distressing experiences. They underscore the relationship between individual experiences and societal norms regarding trauma and identity. Addressing dissociative disorders requires a nuanced understanding of the socio-cultural context in which they develop, alongside clinically and scientifically developed therapeutic interventions aimed at reintegrating identity and memory. Acknowledging the impact of societal trauma and supporting cultural competence in therapy can aid in recovery and reintegration.
The remedy emerges in the conscious cultivation of online interactions — fostering an environment where ethical discourse and the sharing of authentic content prevail over clickbait allure. Reinstating the humanity within our virtual interactions becomes not only an option but an obligation to counter the genocidal annihilation of empathy at the hands of algorithms.
Amidst this algorithm-driven chaos, a war against integrity and authenticity rages. The human psyche, with its vulnerabilities and complexities, must navigate a world where ethical guidance is no longer the prime directive. As algorithms capture more of our attention, they emerge as both allies and adversaries. It becomes clear that the challenge lies not only in recognizing these disordered proliferations but also in recalibrating technology to serve and protect the sanctity of the human mind, ethics, and identity. This struggle, akin to a modern odyssey, demands awareness, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to balancing engagement with ethical responsibility.
The Fabric of Identity: Navigating the Endless Moral Maze
The formation of identity is the theater where Cicero’s ancient wisdom plays out most dramatically. In both the digital and physical realms, we’re thrust onto a stage rife with expectations and archetypes that define the parameters of existence. As social creatures, we stitch our identities from the fabrics of community, cultural narratives, and personal ambition, presenting challenges both enriching and constraining.
The present crisis stems from the impulse to dichotomize our digital and physical selves. Aided by the anonymity and flexibility of the digital realm, we craft diverse personas, each a fragmented assertion of self. Yet, within this multiplicity, there emerges a struggle — the integration of these personas into a coherent identity, untainted by artifice or contradiction.
In an era where self-image is curated for public consumption, we risk sacrificing depth and authenticity for relatability and virality. Holding a mirror to ourselves forces a recognition of the self-imposed barriers we construct to shield our vulnerabilities. The path toward ethical rectitude begins with dismantling these facades and embracing a truly integrated moral identity.
Though the algorithmic influence is paramount in shaping contemporary discourse, the human tendency toward self-deception and denial proves equally potent. Herein lies a nexus of ethical tension — the wrestling of integrity with convenience. To navigate these waters, we apply the balm of honest self-reflection, questioning the foundational values that shape our interactions.
The longing for congruence between belief and action prompts us to examine how often we become strangers to our own conviction. Such introspection reveals the stark incongruities spawned by an environment that prioritizes external validation over internal truth.
Amid this existential tug-of-war, a more connected self emerges by defying the seductive call of digital idealization. In reclaiming a moral compass untethered by external forces, we realign more authentically with the wellspring of shared humanity. In this journey, we rediscover resilience — an existential fortitude cultivated in the soils of ethical introspection.
Rediscovering the Heart: Building Bonds Beyond Algorithms
Central to our evolution toward ethical consciousness is the rediscovery of the inherent humanity that defines our social interactions. Today, the digitally-driven life often obscures the genuine connections that form the bedrock of a stable society. Recognizing the innate human capacity for empathy and genuine connection underlines the urgent task of rebuilding our relational foundations.
Beyond the formulaic responses dictated by digital interaction lies a deeply seated yearning for authentic connections. Our challenge, therefore, lies in fostering environments that nurture this fundamental aspect of human life. We must engage not only with our thoughts but with our hearts, reigniting that which has been dulled by mechanical exchanges.
The cultivation of humanism in digital spaces is a deliberate act of defiance against the rising tide of dehumanization. As Cicero so astutely observed, the tribulations of the mind are as pervasive as they are pernicious. Our response should be equally vigorous — a conscious move towards fostering genuine human connections in both virtual and physical worlds.
To navigate these complexities, we begin by listening deeply. Understanding and compassion spring from a willingness to be vulnerable, rejecting the facade of invincibility fabricated in coded environments. In recognizing this, the act of listening becomes transformative, a pathway to reconnecting with our shared human experience.
These virtues — empathy, resilience, truth — are the cornerstones of an ethical life. They transcend algorithms, resisting the reductive pull of digital mediation, and beckon us toward more honest, lasting engagements with one another. It is here that we find the fertile grounds where common humanity points toward closure of ideological divides and the renewal of genuine connection.
Solitary reflection is a prelude to social rejuvenation. It is within these crucibles of contemplation that we reforge the broken chains of community, reinvigorating the empathetic dialogue vital to authentic societal progress. Thus, the restoration of collective conscience becomes not just a possibility but a destined culmination of this ethical evolution.
Conclusion: Completing the Cycles
In our journey through the ethical quagmires of the digital age, we are bound to return to the timeless principles so eloquently captured by Cicero. The reconciliation of mind and moral integrity starts from within, a deliberate acknowledgment of the ethical maladies that permeate our lives and the digital dictatorships that sustain them.
Through the quiet resistance of mindful introspection, we rekindle the dimming flame of humanistic values. Our emancipation lies within this embrace of discomfort — the painful, reflective realization of our role in perpetuating the cycles that bind us. It is this awareness that enlivens the mission to restore fidelity to principles long overshadowed by an insatiable drive for digital conformity.
Ultimately, our ethical evolution is the reclamation of the personal and the communal. By confronting the moral divides and embodying Cicero’s wisdom, we enact a potent opposition to contemporary apathy. The call to awaken is not solely a philosophical stance but a mission — retethering our hearts to the marrow, our values to their roots, our humanity to its origin.
Far from being the endpoint, this ethical awakening paves a path of accountability, acceptance, and transformation. It inspires us to embody our innate kindness and recognition of others as equals rather than exert dominance through digital masks. Only then can we proclaim, with conviction and clarity, our allegiance to a future led by empathetic understanding rather than algorithmic division.
In conclusion, the resolution of this crisis demands that we strip away our veneer of digital perfection, embracing instead the raw, human beauty of imperfection. Through courageous self-examination and ethical recalibration, a future redefined by compassion and integrity emerges — an existence where we transcend our digital entrapments and co-create a thriving world. Without engaging in this relentless, transformative pursuit, we risk the annihilation of Cicero’s foresight, numbed by the persistent seduction of a divided mind and disengaged soul.
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siroliverphillips · 2 years ago
The Rabbit Hole
Synchronicity is a subject that has been most tantalizing for me in recent years. My journey into the mechanics of what I consider to be an intentional reality started about four years ago. I was going through a major shift in my energy. It took some time, but I realized that at twenty-seven years old I was experiencing the emergence of my first Saturn Return. Anyone who is familiar with the astrological event knows how jarring it can. MY SHIT WAS ROCKED right off its access. I was insecure; I gained weight; I developed irrational fears; I abandoned dreams; I lost touch with my authentic emotions. It was the most violent experience I've ever had in my life.
But I lived through it and made it to the other side.
It was a difficult task, and I still am learning how to fully assess the many experiences I had during that time which at thirty years old today, I can say have finally concluded their cycle. One of the many things that became important in my journey was inspiration. I was grappling between an anxious urge to do what I thought should be done and a soft desire to do what felt like fun. And I don't mean fun in the general sense. I speak of fun in the spiritual aspect. My spirit is delighted by experiences that leave me feeling charged and energized. No amount of productivity at work could bring me that sense of satisfaction that came from sitting down to write a novel or completing a painting tutorial on YouTube. Even something as simple as taking a bath became a restorative hobby that would clear my cluttered being in a way, I didn't think possible.
This all was the result of synchronicity. In the face of adversity, I realized that bliss and fulfillment lie in the flow of the water, not against it's current. This was a very difficult concept for me to grasp. Make no mistake, this knowing is the result of a dark night of my soul that spanned the course of four years. Synchronicty lead me out of a dead-end job and into an activating one. Synchronicity lead me from one project to a random book in Barnes and Noble I had heard of in passing but never considered. Synchronicity lead me to the money I always needed when I needed it precisely. And it would be three years before the weight of its influence on my life would become clear to me.
I will explore this complex subject at length along with many others as I flow down this river of insight. My knowledge is an amalgam of years of tedious, private study into esoteric subjects. I would describe myself as a spiritual scientist with a passion for field study. There's nothing I have studied or learned that did not come from firsthand experimentation. It is my hope that as I journey into the depths of my own human experience that those of you who find my words relatable will find some relief in your own lives.
My favorite quote comes from a teacher I found towards the end of my Saturn Return, Abraham Hicks. This collective consciousness is one my favorite guides to arrive in my life in recent years and her words have become the cornerstone for the next phase of my life I am entering.
"You can never get it wrong, and you can never get it done."
And so, we begin.
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tabashsouvenirs · 13 days ago
Discover Unique and Meaningful Souvenirs at the Last Supper Hand and Bethlehem Store for a Truly Spe
The Significance of Souvenirs in Connecting with History
At the heart of every great souvenir is a story, and some of the most remarkable stories come from religious and historical sites. Souvenirs from places like the Last Supper Hand shop often have deeper meanings that transcend mere materialism. These items are symbolic, representing more than just a physical object but a memory or an experience that stays with the traveler forever. The craftsmanship, the symbolism, and the unique materials used to create these keepsakes reflect the essence of the places where they’re made.
By purchasing souvenirs that have such profound historical and spiritual significance, visitors are reminded of the cultures, people, and events that shaped the places they visited. For example, the Last Supper Hand is a place where visitors can find exquisite replicas of some of the most revered religious scenes in history, from Christ's Last Supper to intricate religious figures that invoke deep spiritual reflection.
The Last Supper Hand: Where Art and Faith Meet
The Last Supper Hand offers travelers a unique glimpse into religious art, with its exquisite collection of hand-crafted souvenirs, many of which are centered around Christian themes. The pieces available at this store are more than just items—they are a reflection of faith, devotion, and artistry. One of the standout collections features depictions of the famous Last Supper scene, which has been revered and admired for centuries.
Each piece is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, and the quality of the work reflects the centuries of religious art that have influenced this genre. Whether you are looking for a small figurine to remember your pilgrimage or a more intricate work of art to take home, the Last Supper Hand store is the ideal place to find something that resonates on a spiritual level.
Additionally, these pieces are made using traditional techniques, often passed down through generations of artisans. This commitment to quality and authenticity ensures that every souvenir from the Last Supper Hand is both a beautiful work of art and a meaningful representation of your visit.
The Bethlehem Store: Bringing the Spirit of Bethlehem to Your Home
When it comes to religious souvenirs, few places hold as much significance as Bethlehem. Known as the birthplace of Jesus Christ, Bethlehem draws millions of visitors each year, all looking to take home a piece of this spiritually charged city. The Bethlehem Store captures the essence of this sacred city in its collection of handcrafted mementos that range from simple trinkets to more elaborate religious art pieces.
What makes the Bethlehem Store particularly special is that it offers a diverse range of items that are unique to the region. Many of the products are made by local artisans using traditional methods that have been practiced for generations. This means that when you purchase a souvenir from the Bethlehem Store, you are not just buying an object—you are supporting the livelihoods of local craftspeople and preserving a centuries-old tradition.
Some of the most popular items available at the Bethlehem Store include olive wood carvings, a nod to the region's ancient olive groves, as well as nativity sets, crosses, and other religious symbols. These pieces are often intricately carved, with deep attention to detail, making them not just souvenirs but heirlooms that can be passed down through generations.
Bringing Home a Memory from Bethlehem
For many visitors, the chance to purchase a meaningful souvenir from Bethlehem is a deeply personal experience. Whether you are visiting the city for the first time or returning to reflect on your spiritual journey, the Bethlehem Store provides an opportunity to bring a tangible piece of the Holy Land home. These items serve as reminders of the place where Christianity was born, and they hold a deep significance for believers and non-believers alike.
The range of items at the Bethlehem Store is varied enough to suit every traveler’s needs. From small tokens that can fit into your pocket to larger religious artworks that can be displayed in your home, the store ensures that there is something for everyone. The beauty of these items lies in their simplicity, yet they manage to capture the essence of a place that has shaped world history for centuries.
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newmusicradionetwork · 1 month ago
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Electrifying synth-pop duo Clay and Kelsy have released their highly anticipated debut EP, I am, a collection of intoxicating anthems of empowerment, self-acceptance, and the transformative power of introspection. Comprising five emotionally charged tracks, I am invites listeners to journey through the struggles of identity and vulnerability, laying the groundwork for a three-part EP series that captures the complexities of the human spirit. Clay and Kelsy’s EP is now available to stream and download on all platforms worldwide. Each track on I am is a reflection of a distinct phase in the journey of self-awareness, with Clay and Kelsy confronting doubts, loss, and the search for inner harmony. The title track, “I am,” stands as an affirmation amidst collapse, the threshold of transformation— a declaration of survival and self-acceptance. Other standout singles, such as “I Miss You” and “Memories of Me,” delve deeply into themes of hurt and anger, the raw emotions that arise from vulnerability, while songs like “Insecure” and “You Hurt Me” bring listeners face-to-face with the pain of self-doubt and betrayal. The EP unfolds as a descent through layers of emotional and spiritual darkness, setting the stage for an ultimate transformation. In “Insecure,” the duo examines the unsettling unraveling of self-confidence, that the foundations of identity are not as stable as they seem. In “You Hurt Me,” Clay and Kelsy give us a voice to the suffering born from loss of attachment, and experiencing betrayal. With “I Miss You,” they plunge further into the sorrow and regret—the soul’s tendency to hold on so tightly even when release is the true path out. “Memories of Me” confronts listeners with the fragmentation of self in the face of despair. Touching on suicidal thoughts. The closing track, “I am,” offers a glimmer of resilience and self-affirmation amidst collapse. The powerful moment of self-acceptance and surrender, poised between the pain of the past and the readiness to face future trials. “These songs follow a journey of self-destruction, reinvention, and processing the raw emotions of hurt and anger left in its wake,” the duo explains. The heartfelt storytelling sonically narrated and explored by Clay and Kelsy asks others to find their voices and live authentically, reinforcing the idea that every individual’s story matters. With I am, the duo has crafted a deeply resonant EP which marks the beginning of an exciting chapter for the pair as they continue to be a light for audiences through their unique and distinctive artistry. Based in Los Angeles, Clay and Kelsy are known for their innovative blend of electronic production and heartfelt songwriting. As artists, producers, and founders of CKI, a queer woman-owned company that designs electronic instruments, they are trailblazers in both music and technology, committed to empowering women and underrepresented voices in the industry. Although they’ve recently celebrated 13 years as life partners, their musical journey as a duo officially began in 2021. Since then, they’ve rapidly captured attention with their bold, creative, and authentic storytelling, earning them recognition as one of ‘Shazam’s Top Movers.’ Their sultry, symphonic rendition of Bob Marley and the Wailers’ “Three Little Birds” for Apple TV’s The Morning Show soared to the #1 spot on Apple Music’s soundtrack charts, all while gaining over 478K organic streams on Spotify. Clay and Kelsy’s EP singles have received praise from press outlets like Mundane Magazine, buzzbands LA, Grimy Goods, and LGBTQ Music Chart. With a rapidly growing fanbase and continuous dedication to pushing boundaries, they are reshaping the role of artists and innovators in today’s music industry. Clay and Kelsy’s EP I am is a powerful debut, offering listeners a raw and intimate exploration of vulnerability, identity, and emotional resilience. With its blend of authentic lyricism and a striking, innovative sonic landscape, the five-track EP captures the complexities of personal enlightenment and self-transformation. Stay up to date with their exciting upcoming adventures by following them on Instagram and TikTok @ClayandKelsy and check out their website ClayandKelsy.com. Read the full article
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yesinnerwisdom · 1 month ago
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copperproduct · 8 months ago
Tips for Choosing the Perfect Amethyst Crystal Pyramid: Quality and Authenticity
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Amethyst crystal pyramids are not just beautiful decorative pieces; they are also revered for their metaphysical properties and healing energies. However, with the market flooded with imitations, it can be challenging to find a genuine, high-quality amethyst pyramid. To help you navigate through this maze and choose the perfect amethyst crystal pyramid, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide focusing on quality and authenticity.
Understanding Amethyst
Amethyst is a variety of quartz known for its stunning purple color, ranging from light lavender to deep violet. The color is due to the presence of iron and other trace elements. This crystal has been prized for centuries for its beauty and purported healing properties. It is believed to promote spiritual growth, enhance intuition, and offer protection against negative energies.
Quality Indicators
Color: The color of an amethyst crystal is a key indicator of its quality. Look for a deep, rich purple hue, which is often more valuable than lighter shades. Avoid crystals with uneven color distribution or brownish tones.
Clarity: A high-quality amethyst crystal should be clear and free from visible inclusions or cloudiness. Clarity affects the crystal’s ability to transmit and amplify energy, so opt for pyramids with good transparency.
Cut: The pyramid should be well-cut with four equal sides and a flat base. The edges should be sharp and well-defined, reflecting the craftsmanship and attention to detail.
Size: Choose a size that fits your needs and preferences. Smaller pyramids are ideal for personal use and can be placed on your desk or bedside table. Larger pyramids are great for meditation or as focal points in your living space.
When purchasing an amethyst crystal pyramid, it’s crucial to ensure its authenticity. Here are some tips to help you identify genuine amethyst:
Buy from Reputable Sellers: Purchase from trusted sellers who specialize in crystals and gemstones. They are more likely to provide authentic products with proper certifications.
Check for Inclusions: Natural amethyst crystals may contain small inclusions, but they should not be too prominent or affect the overall clarity of the crystal.
Price: While price can vary depending on the size and quality of the crystal, be wary of prices that seem too good to be true. Genuine amethyst is a valuable gemstone, so excessively low prices may indicate a fake.
Certifications: Look for certifications or guarantees of authenticity from reputable gemological laboratories or sellers. These documents can provide peace of mind regarding the crystal’s origin and quality.
Choosing the perfect amethyst crystal pyramid requires careful consideration of its quality and authenticity. By focusing on key indicators such as color, clarity, cut, and authenticity, you can ensure that you are getting a genuine, high-quality crystal that resonates with your energy and intentions. Whether you use it for meditation, healing, or simply as a beautiful ornament, an authentic amethyst crystal pyramid can bring a touch of mystique and positive energy into your life.
Q: What is the best way to cleanse and charge my amethyst crystal pyramid?
A: To cleanse your amethyst crystal pyramid, you can use methods such as smudging with sage or palo santo, placing it under running water, or burying it in the earth for a few hours. To charge it, you can place it in sunlight or moonlight for several hours or use a crystal charging plate.
Q: How can I use an amethyst crystal pyramid for meditation?
A: To use an amethyst crystal pyramid for meditation, find a quiet and comfortable space. Hold the pyramid in your hand or place it in front of you. Focus on your breath and intention, allowing the crystal’s energy to guide your meditation. You can also place the pyramid on your third eye chakra for enhanced spiritual connection.
Q: Can amethyst crystal pyramids help with sleep and relaxation?
A: Yes, amethyst is often associated with promoting relaxation and improving sleep quality. Placing an amethyst crystal pyramid by your bedside or under your pillow can help create a calming environment conducive to restful sleep.
Q: How do I know if my amethyst crystal pyramid is working?
A: You may feel subtle shifts in your energy, emotions, or environment when your amethyst crystal pyramid is working. Some people experience a sense of calmness, clarity, or spiritual connection. Trust your intuition and observe any changes in your mood or surroundings.
Q: Can I use an amethyst crystal pyramid for healing purposes?
A: Amethyst is believed to have healing properties that can help with physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. You can place the pyramid on specific areas of the body or use it in conjunction with other healing practices to promote overall well-being.
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independentartistbuzz · 1 year ago
Matriotism Melodies: Deirdre Murphy's Musical Journey of Love and Courage
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Singer-songwriter Deirdre Murphy is a dynamic, interdisciplinary artist and musician hailing from Dublin, Ireland. Her new album called “Matriotism” was released earlier this month, and is already making waves in the realm of music and performance. 
With a knack for blending together genres, Murphy is pioneering her unique form of gig theatre which brings together songs, contemporary movement improvisation, and sci-fi spoken word into a vibrant mix of creative expression. 
Her influence reaches wide, with her music earning spots on RTE Radio One’s playlists and notable shows like Ronan Collins and John Creedon. Broadcasting to over 65 radio stations worldwide, her eclectic style of physical movement, spirituality, and music is making a mark on the global stage. 
“Matriotism” explores Murphy’s commitment to championing human rights and challenging norms, all the while infusing her music with a certain humor and energy that both inspires and is captivating audiences worldwide. 
The album is a results of more than two years of dedicated work in its production, as well as 10+ years of songwriting. From the beautiful opening track “Hands Down,” about connection to each other and the natural world, to the delicate “Sweet and Strong,” with its lulling melodies, flirting guitar, cello and percussion, and the gentle “Haunting You,” this album is versatile in both vocals and instrumentation. 
The album seems to advocate for embracing authenticity and fostering meaningful connections within our communities, acknowledging the inherent vulnerability of such a journey. 
Deirdre shares: 
“Each song on the album is an opinion I guess: a statement of how my world seems; a leg of the framework of how I see the world, or what the world has taught me. A lot of it is about love in various contexts - love for self, romantic love, platonic love, love in the bigger picture - for community, for humanity, for nature. Mostly we seem to think about love in a romantic or familial context, but there are so many other ways that love is present in our lives. The story behind Million Sins stands out to me as an example of what bigger picture love looks like - the song is inspired by sea captain Carola Rackete who rescued 53 people from the Mediterranean in 2019. They were denied safe port for more than two weeks, and eventually made port illegally in Italy. She was arrested and detained but eventually got off on all charges. That was someone who looked at a situation and said I'm going to right this wrong, no matter the cost. That is what passionate creative care looks like in community. That is love. That's a strong example, but there are other examples of this all around us, every volunteer position, anything anyone you know does just to be helpful or kind. There is a lot about the album that suggests moving into community and creating the life that feels most true to you. That can be a vulnerable path because it requires a learning curve; a practice of uncovering new ground, and the songs reflect this. Like each of us need to decide, as a spiritual practice, how to celebrate our own lives. I think there is something of that celebration in this album.”
Raised in rural Alaska, Murphy’s artistic vision is deeply rooted in her connection to nature, further enriched with her experiences living and travelling extensively throughout the United States before settling now in Ireland. 
She has an extensive portfolio spanning original works in music, theatre, dance, circus and performance art. Past works include the much celebrated “Capitalism: The Musical,” lauded for its wit, catchiness, and profound commentary, which was welcomed by audiences across Ireland and Italy. 
Grounded in her passion for performance and the human form, Murphy has explored a diverse array of movement disciplines, from social and contemporary dance to yoga, acroyoga, and beyond. A skilled composer on the guitar, ukulele, and loop station, she writes songs renowned for their poetic lyricism and intricate wordplay. And with a repertoire boasting more than 60 original compositions, Murphy’s artistic vision extends far beyond music - she also excels as an international acrobatics instructor and costume and sound designer for theatre productions.
Her album “Matriotism” was produced and recorded by Oli Ryan, featuring Deirdre Murphy on vocals and guitar, Oli Ryan on double bass, guitar, and percussion, Denis McCauliffe on mandolin and violin, Thunderclap Murphy on ukulele, and Claire Fitch on cello. Mastered by Eoghan Tyrell.
Stay connect with Deirdre Murphy on her Website.
Stream music on Spotify and Soundcloud.
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thecrystalcave17 · 1 year ago
What You Need to Know Before Buying Moldavite Crystal: Tips for Beginners
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Moldavite, a rare and powerful crystal, has gained immense popularity for its unique properties and profound impact on spiritual practices. If you're a beginner looking to explore the world of Moldavite crystals, here are essential tips to consider before making a purchase.
1. Understanding Moldavite
Moldavite is a green gemstone that originated from a meteorite impact in southern Germany around 15 million years ago. Its unique formation gives it a distinctive appearance, often described as otherworldly. Before buying Moldavite, familiarize yourself with its history, origin, and the spiritual significance attached to it.
2. Researching Reliable Sources
When purchasing Moldavite, it's crucial to buy from reputable sources. Be wary of counterfeit crystals or sellers misrepresenting the authenticity of their products. Research customer reviews, certifications, and the reputation of the seller to ensure you are getting genuine Moldavite.
3. Authenticity Verification
Due to its popularity, Moldavite has become a target for counterfeiters. Learn how to distinguish authentic Moldavite from imitations. Genuine Moldavite often has unique patterns, surface textures, and may contain tiny bubbles or swirls resulting from its meteoric origin.
4. Checking for Inclusions
Inclusions, or natural imperfections, are common in Moldavite and can add to its beauty. However, excessive inclusions or irregularities that seem too perfect may indicate a fake. Carefully examine the crystal for natural variations, confirming its authenticity.
5. Setting Intentions
Moldavite is known for its intense energy, and setting clear intentions before using or wearing it is crucial. Whether for spiritual growth, healing, or manifestation, clearly define your goals to align with the crystal's powerful vibrations.
6. Handling Moldavite's Energy
Moldavite is renowned for its transformative energies, but it can be overwhelming for some individuals. Start with short sessions and gradually increase the time spent with the crystal. Pay attention to your body's responses and adjust your interaction accordingly.
7. Cleansing and Charging
Before using Moldavite, cleanse and charge it to remove any residual energies and enhance its effectiveness. Methods such as smudging with sage, placing it under running water, or leaving it in moonlight can be effective.
8. Combining Moldavite with Other Crystals
Moldavite's energy can be amplified when combined with other crystals. Experiment with pairings that resonate with your intentions. For example, combining Moldavite with clear quartz can enhance clarity and amplify intentions.
9. Setting Boundaries
Moldavite's intense energy may not be suitable for everyone. If you find its vibrations too strong, set boundaries and use the crystal in moderation. Trust your instincts and prioritize your well-being.
10. Programming Moldavite
Programming Moldavite involves imprinting your intentions onto the crystal. This can be done through meditation and visualization. Programming enhances the crystal's ability to work towards your specific goals.
CrystalCave - Your Trusted Source for Moldavite Crystal
Explore a curated collection of genuine Moldavite crystals at CrystalCave - your trusted source for high-quality crystals. Contact us to discover an array of Moldavite crystals and embark on a journey of spiritual exploration.
Before delving into the world of Moldavite crystals, arm yourself with knowledge and mindfulness. Understanding its origin, verifying authenticity, and setting intentions are key steps for a meaningful and positive experience. With these tips, beginners can confidently navigate the fascinating realm of Moldavite and harness its transformative energies.
Read more:
Unveiling The Mysteries: The Enigmatic Allure Of Moldavite And Its Price Tag
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arabianconjure · 1 year ago
Arabian Conjure
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Website: https://www.arabianconjure.com
Address: Winsted, Connecticut, USA
Arabian Conjure, based in Winsted, CT, is a renowned provider of spiritual services including tarot reading, spellwork, and life coaching. Specializing in rituals and spells for love, money, and health, Arabian Conjure is also known for its unique range of spiritually charged products like fixed candles. With a focus on guiding individuals through life's complexities, Arabian Conjure offers personalized consultations and products to help clients achieve their desired outcomes.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Arabicwitchspiritualworkshop
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arabianconjureofficial/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/shereen2134
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narmadeshwarshivling · 1 year ago
narmadeshwar shivling for home / Shivansh Narmada Shivling
Significance of Narmadeshwar Shivling for Homes Spiritual Aspects The Narmadeshwar Shivling is considered a representation of Lord Shiva, the destroyer and transformer in the Hindu trinity. Having it at home is believed to invite the divine presence, fostering a spiritually charged environment.
Cultural Significance Beyond its spiritual essence, the Shivling holds cultural significance. It's often associated with purity and is used in various religious ceremonies and rituals, adding a sacred touch to cultural practices.
Shivansh Narmada Shivling Distributor: An Overview Background of Shivansh Narmada Shivling Distributor Shivansh Narmada Shivling Distributor has been a trusted name in providing authentic Narmadeshwar Shivlings. With a commitment to quality and purity, the distributor has gained recognition for its genuine products sourced from the Narmada River.
Range of Products Offered The distributor offers a diverse range of Shivlings, catering to different preferences and requirements. From traditional designs to customizations, they ensure a wide selection for spiritual seekers.
Choosing the Right Narmadeshwar Shivling for Your Home Size Considerations Selecting the right size is crucial. Whether for a personal shrine or a central household altar, understanding the space and purpose helps in choosing the perfect Shivling size.
Purity and Authenticity Shivansh Narmada Shivling Distributor emphasizes the purity and authenticity of their products, ensuring that each Shivling is sourced and crafted with utmost reverence.
Customization Options For those seeking a personalized touch, the distributor offers customization options, allowing buyers to add unique features or engravings to their Narmadeshwar Shivling.
How to Clean and Maintain Narmadeshwar Shivling Cleaning Rituals To maintain the sanctity of the Shivling, regular cleaning rituals are essential. Using mild cleansers and following prescribed rituals ensures both physical and energetic cleanliness.
Energetic Purification Beyond physical cleaning, there are rituals for energetic purification. These practices are believed to enhance the spiritual energy radiating from the Shivling.
Placing and Installing Narmadeshwar Shivling at Home Vastu Considerations For those following Vastu Shastra, the placement of the Shivling is crucial. Understanding the energy flow in the house helps in selecting the right location for installation.
Rituals for Installation Installing a Narmadeshwar Shivling involves specific rituals. These rituals, guided by tradition, are meant to invoke divine blessings and establish a spiritual connection.
Benefits of Having Narmadeshwar Shivling at Home Spiritual Energy Enhancement The presence of a Narmadeshwar Shivling is believed to enhance spiritual energy at home, creating a harmonious and positive atmosphere.
Positive Vibrations The sacred vibrations emitted by the Shivling are thought to dispel negativity and promote overall well-being.
Connection with Lord Shiva Having a Narmadeshwar Shivling at home is considered a direct link to Lord Shiva, fostering a deeper spiritual connection with the divine.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Narmadeshwar Shivling Are Narmadeshwar Shivlings Only for Hindus? No, the spiritual energy and positive vibrations from a Narmadeshwar Shivling are not limited by religious boundaries. People from various spiritual paths can benefit from its presence.
Can the Size of the Shivling Affect Its Energy? While size can influence the visual impact, the spiritual energy of a Narmadeshwar Shivling is believed to be consistent, regardless of its dimensions.
How Often Should One Clean the Narmadeshwar Shivling? Regular cleaning, both physically and energetically, is recommended. However, the frequency may vary based on personal practices and preferences.
Are There Specific Rituals for Placing the Shivling at Home? Yes, traditional rituals are advised for the installation of a Narmadeshwar Shivling. These rituals are designed to invoke divine blessings and establish a sacred connection.
Can a Narmadeshwar Shivling Be Used for Meditation? Absolutely. Many individuals use the presence of a Narmadeshwar Shivling as a focal point for meditation, connecting with the spiritual energy it emanates.
🌿 Our Collection: ✅ Classic Narmadeshwar Shivlings ✅ Rudraksha-Adorned Shivlings ✅ Crystal-Infused Shivlings ✅ Custom-Made Shivlings
🎁 Special Offers: 🌺 Limited-time discounts and promotions. 🌺 Free shipping. 🌺 Bulk purchase options for spiritual organizations.
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🌐 Visit our website: [ https://shivanshnarmadashivling.com/ ]
🙏 Connect with Us on Social Media 🙏 Stay updated with the latest offerings, insights, and spiritual guidance from Shivaansh Narmada Shivling:
🔷 Facebook: [ https://www.facebook.com/shivanshnarmadeshwarshivling ]
🔶 Instagram: [ https://www.instagram.com/shivanshnarmadeshwarshivling/ ]
🔷 Twitter: [ https://twitter.com/shivling001 ]
🔶 YouTube: [ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfVovGLlooJ3SSFLdu3V0AQ ]
Unlock the mystical energy of Narmadeshwar Shivling with Shivansh Narmada Shivling Distributor. Embrace divinity, harmony, and transformation. 🙏
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originalrudraksha2 · 1 year ago
potential benefits of wearing Yellow Sapphire, such as improved luck, prosperity, and mental clarity
Yellow Sapphire, with its vibrant and radiant hue, has long been associated with good fortune, prosperity, and mental clarity. This precious gemstone, often hailed as the "Stone of Wisdom," holds a special place in both astrology and jewelry. In this blog, we will explore the potential benefits of wearing Yellow Sapphire gemstone and how it can positively impact various aspects of your life.
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The Yellow Sapphire Advantage:
Enhanced Luck and Fortune:Yellow Sapphire is believed to attract luck and fortune into the wearer's life. It is thought to align with the planet Jupiter, which governs wisdom, knowledge, and good luck. Wearing this gemstone may usher in opportunities and favorable circumstances.Related Keywords: Luck-enhancing gemstone, Jupiter's blessings, attracting good fortune.
Wealth and Prosperity:The golden glow of Yellow Sapphire is often associated with wealth and abundance. It is believed to stimulate financial growth and stability. Wearing this gemstone may help in achieving financial goals and prosperity.Related Keywords: Prosperity gemstone, wealth attraction, financial growth.
Mental Clarity and Focus:Yellow Sapphire Gemstone is known for its ability to enhance mental clarity and focus. It can help individuals make informed decisions, improve problem-solving skills, and achieve mental balance.Related Keywords: Mental clarity gemstone, improved concentration, enhanced focus.
Spiritual Growth:This gemstone is deeply connected to spirituality and inner wisdom. It is believed to facilitate spiritual growth, self-discovery, and a deeper connection with one's inner self.Related Keywords: Spiritual growth, inner wisdom, self-discovery.
Emotional Well-being:Yellow Sapphire is thought to have a calming and uplifting effect on emotions. It can help reduce stress, anxiety, and negative thought patterns, promoting emotional well-being.Related Keywords: Emotional balance, stress reduction, positive energy.
How to Maximize the Benefits:
Consultation: Before wearing Yellow Sapphire, consult with an experienced astrologer to determine if it is suitable for you based on your birth chart.
Authenticity: Ensure that you purchase an authentic and certified Yellow Sapphire gemstone from a reputable source.
Cleansing and Charging: Regularly cleanse and charge your gemstone to maintain its positive energy.
Wearing Options: Yellow Sapphire can be worn as a ring, pendant, or bracelet for continuous benefits.
Positive Intentions: Set clear intentions and goals while wearing the gemstone to amplify its effects.
Regular Wear: To experience its full benefits, wear Yellow Sapphire regularly and keep it in close contact with your skin.
Yellow Sapphire Gemstone is more than just a beautiful gemstone; it is a source of positive energy, wisdom, and prosperity. By wearing it with intention and care, you can tap into its potential benefits and invite positive transformations into your life.
Resource URL: https://originalrudraksha.com/products/certified-yellow-sapphire-gemstone
Read More Blog: Consumers' Concerns About Purchasing Original 4 Mukhi Rudraksha Beads
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alan-joseph · 2 years ago
How to buy best idols from Online
In today's digital age, online shopping provides convenience and accessibility, even for spiritual items like idols and statues. However, ensuring the authenticity and reliability of the website is essential to have a satisfactory and meaningful shopping experience. Here are some valuable tips and guidelines to consider when selecting a trustworthy online platform for idols and statues:
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Research and Reputation: Prioritise websites that have a solid reputation and positive reviews from customers. Look for testimonials, ratings, and feedback on independent review platforms to gauge the credibility of the website.
Clear Product Descriptions: A trustworthy website should provide detailed and accurate product descriptions for each idol or statue. This includes information about the material, size, craftsmanship, and any unique features. Ensure that the product images are clear and show different angles of the item.
Transparent Pricing: Transparent pricing is a hallmark of a reputable online store. Prices should be clearly displayed, and any additional charges such as taxes, shipping, or handling fees should be disclosed upfront.
Secure Payment Options: Ensure that the website offers secure payment options, such as credit card payments, PayPal, or other reputable payment gateways. Look for "https" in the URL and a padlock symbol, indicating a secure connection.
Customer Service: A trustworthy website will have accessible customer service channels, such as a customer support email, phone number, or live chat. Test their responsiveness and willingness to assist with any queries.
Return and Refund Policies: Review the website's return and refund policies to understand the process in case you are not satisfied with your purchase. A reliable website will have a clear and fair policy for returns or exchanges.
Authenticity and Source: If the website claims to offer handmade or authentic idols, inquire about the source of their products. Reputable platforms will provide information about the artisans or workshops involved in crafting the idols.
Privacy and Data Security: Prioritize websites that prioritize your privacy and data security. Check their privacy policy to understand how your personal information will be handled.
Contact Information and Address: A trustworthy website will provide complete contact information, including a physical address. Be cautious if this information is missing or incomplete.
Social Media Presence: Check if the website has an active presence on social media platforms. Social media accounts can provide insights into their engagement with customers and the authenticity of their offerings.
Community and Trust Badges: Look for any certifications, trust badges, or affiliations with recognized organizations that demonstrate the website's commitment to quality and authenticity.
For a transformative online shopping experience, visit us at ArteHouse and witness the embodiment of these trusted qualities firsthand.
🌠 ArteHouse: Your Trusted Destination for Spiritual Elevation 🌠
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inapat16 · 2 years ago
The paintings in Kurosawa’s Dreams : paintings in the cinema part 4/4
It was inevitable to write about this movie when we consider the relationship between paintings and cinema. In Dreams, Akira Kurosawa plays and experiments with several cinematographic methods and special effects that make this movie a true masterpiece. In fact, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg were collaborators for the movie since it’s a co-production from the United States and Japan. In this film the director stages eight different dreams that are all tied together by themes of environment, nature, childhood and spirituality[1].
In the third dream called “Crows”, Kurosawa tell us a story about a man who seems to be an art student or an aspiring artist who gets transported to the paintings of Vincent Van Gogh as if it was in a dream. Here, thanks to George Lucas assistance, the paintings become the stage of the character where he tries to find Van Gogh. In this sequence, this man goes through numerous paintings of Van Gogh that, thanks to the work and effort of Kurosawa and his team, are replicated with an unbelievable authenticity.
As Kurosawa once dreamt about being a painter, this sequence is a direct reference to his past and his old dreams. Kurosawa abandoned his dream about becoming a painter to become a filmmaker. Nevertheless, Kurosawa maintained his artistic skills and for this movie, as for many others, he hand-painted the storyboard.
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Hand-painted storyboard by Akira Kurosawa
In this sequence, the character that embodies Kurosawa meets Vincent Van Gogh in one of his paintings. Van Gogh was a very important figure for Kurosawa and this vignette is a clear homage to Van Gogh’s paintings. In “Crows” Kurosawa took very seriously the colours of Van Gogh’s artwork and he recaptured them as vivid as they are on canvas. This attempt of making living paintings by replicating some of the most famous paintings of Van Gogh is very successful as the scenes caught immediately your attention by their undeniable beauty.  
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Hand-painted storyboard by Akira Kurosawa
Nogami was in charge of the production of the film and ensured that the replicas were as close to the real paintings as possible. He says that to replicate the painting of “Langlois Bridge at Arles” they dyed the river with blue painting to obtain the same shade as the one in Van Gogh’s painting[2]. This is how much Kurosawa was determined in reproducing with an undeniable accuracy the work one of his favourite painter. He even asked Martin Scorsese to play Van Gogh, Scorsese being one of the most iconic filmmakers in the United States at the time. If as it wasn’t enough, with the stunning living paintings and Scorsese, Kurosawa adds to this sequence the “Raindrop” prelude of Chopin, one of Chopin’s most famous work. “Crows” is in this way a commemoration of Van Gogh’s, Chopin’s, Scorsese’s and Glance’s work. This last one is referenced through a metaphor of Van Gogh’s work as a locomotive, as a reference to Glance’s movie “La Roue”.
Laura Cárdenas.
[1] Lee Thomas-Mason, “Akira Kurosawa's spectacular hand-painted storyboards” in Far Out Magaizne, 14th Oct 2021 : https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/akira-kurosawa-hand-painted-storyboards/
[2] Simon Jenner, “A Sabukaru Introduction To Akira Kurosawa’s 'Dreams'”, Sabukaru,  : https://sabukaru.online/articles/the-prescience-of-memory-in-akira-kurosawas-dreams
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yesinnerwisdom · 5 months ago
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upkarma3 · 2 years ago
Himalayan Lamps are decorative and you can surely buy them for an amazing look in your home space. They are actually carved of pink Himalayan Salt and thus have a lot of benefits. Upkarma team has done a little research to support this proposed benefits and therefore have deep dived to bring this into a category of its own product ‘ Himalayan Salt Lamp’ and ‘Night Light’.
The Upkarma team of experts have utilized these phenomenal qualities of Himalayan Salt Lamp in the products that have designed for the buyers. In fact, advocates of salt lamps claim they can clean the air in your home, soothe allergies, and help you sleep.
However, others question whether these claims have any merit.
This article explores the evidence on Himalayan salt lamps and sorts fact from fiction.
What are Himalayan Salt Lamps and How do they help You ?
These lamps have a distinctive look and emit warming with an amber glow. Many people choose Himalayan salt lamps simply because they like the way they look and enjoy the ambiance the amber light creates in their homes. Meanwhile, others find their supposed health benefits alluring.
The Salt Lamps are natural ionizers which means they change the electrical charge. They can also be created artificially by commercially produced air ionizers. It is also suggested that Himalayan salt lamp may produce ions by attracting water particles that evaporate off the salt solution. However, this theory has not been tested. So clearly its not clear that whether Himalayan salt lamp can produce enough ions that will affect your health.
  What’s Special About Upkarma Himalayan Rock Salt Lamp?
  Himalayan Salt Lamps add a soothing calmness, reduces stress, calms the mood and helps you to relax. This is the best gifting item for your loved ones. A great piece for your office décor, room décor, night lamp for kids, meditating lights and Friday calm light. This is a 100% original, natural and authentic salt lamp that are not just stylish but clean air with the power of boosting your immunity. The range of actual Himalayan Salt Lamp varies from 1000 INR to 4000 INR, anything too low to this is not the original product and should not be your choice too. It’s important to know your seller and product before you buy anything and with Upkarma you should choose the best for your home.
Upkarma has a bouquet of Himalayan Salt Lamp products which are best sellers in market. Here is the list for you to take a try for your Home Décor.
Scallop Himalayan Rock Salt Lamp- Handcrafted with love, this 100% natural Himalayan rock salt is carved in the shape of a conch which adds a hint of class to your corner.
Glowing Cloud Himalayan Salt Lamp- A perfect fit for your kids room this cloud or flower with wooden base is a dreamy lamp for your room.
Pyramid Himalayan Rock Salt Lamp- Carved in the shape of a pyramid this lamp stand fit for your princess room.
Magma Himalayan Rock Salt Blow with Chunks Lamp- The beautifully carved lamp is brought out in the shape of magma bowl, with wooden base and salt chunks of Natural Himalayan Salt.
Kedar Himalayan Rock Salt Shiv Ling Lamp- Adding to your spiritual touch this shiv ling with a wooden base adds a positive aura to your home temple or workspace.
Do Upkarma Himalayan Salt Lamps have any other benefits?
Beyond these health claims , there are certain points that are just felt with Upkarma Lamps and not proved. Our Himalayan Salt Lamp has other benefits-:
        1.  They are attractive and value to your home.
        2.  Give a relaxing atmosphere that help you rewind.
        3.  If you have want a good sleep use these superb dim light and sleep tight.
        4. Useful for Pranic healing, Light therapies and Vastu correction.
Now that you have got the whole idea of how the Himalayan Salt Lamp adds value to your health and home décor , just reach out to the best wellness brand in India, Upkarma online store. Give your space or your loved ones a gift that’s never same like others.
To know more: https://upkarma.co.in/collections/himalayan-salt-lamp
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turningwheeltarot · 3 years ago
Astrological Keywords: The 12 Signs
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The signs represent the “how” (while planets represent the “what” and houses represent the “where”)
Forward-moving/charges ahead
Strong and brave
Pioneering and futuristic
Masculine and penetrating
Instinctive and impulsive
Solid, stable, and reliable
Self-sufficient and resourceful
Persistent/determined and follows through 
Physical and sensual
Beauty- and pleasure-loving
Builds/brings into form and maintains
Resistant/fearful of change 
Fast and active mind
Communicative/chatty/a writer 
Changes and adapts
Integrates duality
Hyperactive mind
Sensitive and emotional
Caring, loving, and understanding
Nurturing, protective, and supportive
Attuned to inner feelings/needs
Intuitive and empathic 
Seeks emotional safety/security
Creates home/safe space
Sentimental and nostalgic
Moody and highly subjective
Takes things too personally
Childish and/or irresponsible 
Overly attached to past
Exuberant and enthusiastic 
Warm and extroverted/engaging
Creative and self-expressive
Playful and fun-loving
Strong will and presence
Authentic and unique
Seeks recognition and admiration
Dramatic and attention/validation-seeking 
Fears rejection
Wants to improve/fix/make better
Efficient, productive, and organized
Diligent, thorough, and dedicated
Detail-oriented and analytical
Giving and wants to be of service/use
Tends to the earthly/physical/natural 
Integrates mind, body, and spirit
Purifies and heals 
Perfectionist and control-freak
Overly critical
Feels guilty and unworthy
Peace-seeking and harmonizing
Balanced and moderate
Starts relationships and conversations
Shares and connects
Artistic and creative
Out of touch with self/gut
People-pleasing and codependent
Deep and intense
Brings to the surface
Investigates and uncovers
Seeks soul connection/intimacy
Absorbs from/infiltrated by outside forces
Strong emotions/passionate
Secretive and mysterious
Overly attached/dependent/obsessive 
Seeker, journeyer, and aspirer 
Searches for higher meaning and truth 
Expands consciousness
Learns and teaches 
Scattered and unfocused 
Responsible, dutiful, and reliable
Seeks material safety/security
Hard-working and determined 
Structures, gives form, and creates boundaries
Traditional/conservative and morality-focused 
Guilty and repressed
Progressive, visionary, and futuristic
Original, unique, and unconventional
Objective and detached
Systemizer, analyzer, and orchestrator 
Freedom-seeking and rebellious/revolutionary 
Collectivist and collaborative 
Recognizes unity underlying diversity 
Cold, overly detached, and impersonal
Know-it-all and elitist
Alienated and misunderstood 
Loving, compassionate, and deeply sensitive/empathic
Creative and imaginative/dreamer
Spiritual/mystical and intuitive/psychic
Idealist and wants to save/help
Seeks oneness
Surrenders, trusts, and flows
Lacks boundaries/naive/pushover
Overly passive
Victim or savior complex
Depressive/despairing and feels unworthy
✨Follow me on Instagram: instagram.com/turningwheel360✨ 
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