#australian ghost shark
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sturgeonposting · 22 days ago
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Alligator gar, starry sturgeon, lyretail balloon molly, and australian ghost shark for fishuary days 1-4
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makofinz · 29 days ago
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day 2 being late is NOT a good look for me.. ANYWAY! australian ghost shark <3
just a little doodle bc its 1 am :,)
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kitteyteeth · 30 days ago
Australian ghostshark :3c
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happy groundhog day :)
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vikary401 · 30 days ago
day 2 - australian ghost shark
transparent girly! ver w/о background under cut
thought only about transparent wavy fins at first, but decided to go with this option. bones and organs are only decorative lol i cant draw stuff like this.
also i love how this shark looks irl. truly A Creature,,
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boney hehe
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uncharismatic-fauna · 5 months ago
Uncharismatic Fact of the Day
There's nothing to be scared of about the Australian ghostshark-- it's neither a shark, nor a ghost! Known in Maori as makorepe, this species is actually a chimera; a cartilaginous fish related to sharks, rays, and skates. It's other common English name, the elephant fish, accurately describes the long snouts which they use to search for food along the ocean floor.
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(Image: An Australian ghostfish (Callorhinchus milii) by Fir0002/Flagstaffotos via Wikimedia)
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allwillbecomeclear · 5 months ago
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Shark News!!!! New species of ghost shark discovered by New Zealand scientists
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danieyells · 6 months ago
Tokyo Debunker Ask/RP Blogs
(a probably mostly up to date list) (and if yours isn't on here ping me so I can fix that!) (and if you don't wanna be listed then tell me that too lmao--)
Just keeping a list because i love us haha. This isn't anything serious it's just everyone I've seen around since like. I started? Not all active anymore i only occasionally remove any blogs that were deactivated I'm sure some of us would like being sent asks. We're all here to have fun, I think.
If you have an ask or rp blog for Tokyo Debunker, let me know! And if you have one and you're not in the community for it(it's private so if you click that link and see posts), let @shohaizono know! It's mostly for communicating/planning purposes between muns at the moment.
Also turns out you can only have 50 mentions in one post. So after a point everyone on this post is linked not mentioned lol
Player Character
@investigator-luna @ayamekishiwagi @darkwicks-unpaid-intern @ask-tasnim-anything
Jin Kamurai - @ask-jin-kamurai
Tohma Ishibashi - @frostheim-guardian
Kaito Fuji - @ask-kaito-fuji
Lucas Errant - @ask-lucas-errant
Alan Mido - @ask-alan-mido
Leo Kurosagi - @ficoandleo (also Romeo)
Shohei Haizono - @shohaizono
Haru Sagara - @haru-sagara
Towa Otonashi - @asktowa
Ren Shiranami - @shiranami-ren
Taiga Hoshibami - @taiga-shark ("shitpost" characterization)
@blundering-thoughtless-hooligan (doubles as meme sharing blog)
Romeo Scorpius Lucci - @scorpiuslucci
@ficoandleo (also Leo)
Ritsu Shinjo - @ritsu-shinjo
Subaru Kagami - @ask-subaru-kagami
Haku Kusanagi - @askhakukusanagi
Zenji Kotodama - @zenji-kotodama-official
Edward Hart - @battyoldman
Rui Mizuki - @askruimizuki
Lyca Colt - @lyca-colt-alpha
Yuri Isami - @ask-doctor-isami (canon divergent)
@askrpfemaleyuri (genderbent)
Jiro Kirisaki - @ask-jiro-kirisaki
Darkwick Faculty
Chancellor Cornelius - @chancellor-cornelius
@asks-for-daiki (first year) @ask-evie-dror (transfer; second year)
@coastalwatch (Australian transfer; second year)
@dorothyofozhospital (international transfer; first year) @lightning-iwasaki (first year)
@youkotheexidol (first year)
@silly-string-guitar (Hotarubi transfer; second year) @maia-and-ria (Maia only; Ultio transfer; third year) @sugiyamas (Shinichiro only)
@ruslanbelov-darkwick (international transfer; first year)
@ask-liam-alden (second year) @askallianything (international transfer; second year)
@convictedchinadoll (first year; possessed doll/living ghost of historically graduated student?) @unluckybunni (first year) @ghostyouowemoneyto (second year) @ur-buckaroo (international transfer?; second year)
@zero-sum-ghoul (second year) @maia-and-ria (Ria only; third year)
@asksaekoaikawa (first year)
@morgan-squad (first year) @shi0ri-draws (first year)
@witch-of-hotarubi (first year) @ask-kei-machi (second year) @canto-unofficial (second year)
@misaekagami (Frostheim transfer; second year) @tsubakinagure (Vagastrom transfer; second year)
@ask-the-tachibana-siblings (one Mortkranken transfer; second and third years) @ask-akira-shimizu (third year general student; witch) @askrpyuko (Clemetia transfer; third year general student)
@thisis-mairo-whodis (third year)
@watchforcrystal @hotarubi-alums (graduates)
@crowcoriathevampire (first year; vampire)
@ask-faolan-d-hunter (transfer; second year; werewolf)
@talk-to-janorey (Philippine transfer; second year gen student; manananggal)
@askthehospitalghost (first year general student?; corporeal ghost) @kittycored (first year general student; bakeneko) @wenyichen-mortkranken (international transfer; first year)
@ask-vincent-signed (sexond year) @mortkranken-plague (second year) @chizururueda (third year general student)
Darkwick Faculty
Institute Staff
@aii-staff-tani (exorcist; ghoul)
@stars-oc-pile (demons)
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bluejaythecrowbro · 10 months ago
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day 6 and 7! this is Sebastian, my Mutants and Masterminds character as an Australian ghost shark, and Bismuth one of my older dnd characters as an Axolotl! (She's actually an axolotl humanoid normally anyways but we can ignore that lol)
her ass is Lost As Hell (How did she end up at the bottom of the ocean she's supposed to be living in one specific landlocked lake what the fuck)
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sketch of combined days 6 and 7 of mermay :3 I am,,,, trying so hard not to let motivation go bye bye lol i'll give character deets once i post the finished work tomorrow along with day 8
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thiscatisonfire · 29 days ago
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The Australian ghost shark!
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perry-the-platypus-f1cs · 3 months ago
Hello Perry the platupussy. I am in dire need of more writing content ideas. Do help me.
hehehehehehehhehehehehe you asked and you shall receive. 1. demon Soap and Gaz with priests Ghost and Price. body worship, "my body is a temple of god" "is god my dick" kinda stuff iykyk :)
2. Ghostface soap and camper ghost or the other way around.
3. masochist soap and yandere/stalker ghost
4.Retired Soap who is the coach of some kind of sport for a middle school and trains them like they're SAS recruits. they dominate the sport they play get on national news and soap's answer to all the questions about motivation, teamwork and other aspects that the team uses immaculately is "welp. you can take the man out of the military but you cant take the military out of the man.
5. siren soap, fisherman ghost, lifeguard gaz and lemon-shark hybrid price.
6. a 141, los vaqueros and ULF beach episode. that at some point shows makarov running form Nolan with a water gun.
7. alternate universe where Andrei never joined makarov and stayed as a Australian special forces operator. eventually fighting makarov and falling head over heals in love with him.
thank you for the ask hope these fuel your writing fire!
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earhartsease · 5 months ago
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new shark new shark
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xiaomao-ai-wo · 29 days ago
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Fishuary 2 and 3. Australian Ghost Shark and Balloon Molly. They are so shaped!!
List for Fish!
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pappito · 5 months ago
New ghost shark species with unusually long nose discovered in deep seas off New Zealand | New Zealand | The Guardian
ghost shark!
inky depths!
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thereareeyesinsidethetrees · 5 months ago
this is the first post to actually be tagged so uhhhhh
for those who are not aware. we had a very large aldernic label project we were working on for a while where we were going to coin labels for every species of shark, chimaera, and bird. we gave up cause we couldn't figure out flags, but! y'know, you don't need flags to coin. so we're making coining posts for that project now
to start off we're gonna do about half of the chimaera ones here ^^
(part two is ready to go, but it'll take a lil bit to post cause oh boy. that's a lot of typing)
chimaeraldernic - those who have, or wish to have, a body generally of, or in any way like, a chimaeriform. this can mean fully having the body of a chimaera or having select features of a chimaera
alderchimaerallor - a subset of chimaeraldernic, for those who have or wish to have a body of, or in any way like, a ploughnose chimaera (callorhinchus callorynchus). this can mean fully having the body of a ploughnose chimaera or having select features of a ploughnose chimaera
alderelephantfish - a subset of chimaeraldernic, for those who have or wish to have a body of, or in any way like, a cape elephantfish (callorhinchus capensis). this can mean fully having the body of a cape elephantfish or having select features of a cape elephantfish
alderghostmilii - a subset of chimaeraldernic, for those who have or wish to have a body of, or in any way like, an australian ghostshark (callorhinchus milii). this can mean fully having the body of an australian ghostshark or having select features of an australian ghostshark
alderchimargiloba - a subset of chimaeraldernic, for those who have or wish to have a body of, or in any way like, a whitefin chimaera (chimaera argiloba). this can mean fully having the body of a whitefin chimaera or having select features of a whitefin chimaera
alderghostbahamas - a subset of chimaeraldernic, for those who have or wish to have a body of, or in any way like, a bahamas ghost shark (chimaera bahamaensis). this can mean fully having the body of a bahamas ghost shark or having select features of a bahamas ghost shark
alderchimaginella - a subset of chimaeraldernic, for those who have or wish to have a body of, or in any way like, a dark-mouth chimaera (chimaera buccaginella). this can mean fully having the body of a dark-mouth chimaera or having select features of a dark-mouth chimaera
alderchimarophila - a subset of chimaeraldernic, for those who have or wish to have a body of, or in any way like, a brown chimaera (chimaera carophila). this can mean fully having the body of a brown chimaera or having select features of a brown chimaera
alderchimacta - a subset of chimaeraldernic, for those who have or wish to have a body of, or in any way like, a stubby chimaera (chimaera compacta). this can mean fully having the body of a stubby chimaera or having select features of a stubby chimaera
alderchimana - a subset of chimaeraldernic, for those who have or wish to have a body of, or in any way like, a cuban chimaera (chimaera cubana). this can mean fully having the body of a cuban chimaera or having select features of a cuban chimaera
alderchierae - a subset of chimaeraldernic, for those who have or wish to have a body of, or in any way like, a falkor chimaera (chimaera didierae). this can mean fully having the body of a falkor chimaera or having select features of a falkor chimaera
alderchimaefulva - a subset of chimaeraldernic, for those who have or wish to have a body of, or in any way like, a southern chimaera (chimaera fulva). this can mean fully having the body of a southern chimaera or having select features of a southern chimaera
alderchimordani - a subset of chimaeraldernic, for those who have or wish to have a body of, or in any way like, a jordan's chimaera (chimaera jordani). this can mean fully having the body of a jordan's chimaera or having select features of a jordan's chimaera
alderchimaria - a subset of chimaeraldernic, for those who have or wish to have a body of, or in any way like, a carpenter's chimaera (chimaera lignaria). this can mean fully having the body of a carpenter's chimaera or having select features of a carpenter's chimaera
alderchimacrospina - a subset of chimaeraldernic, for those who have or wish to have a body of, or in any way like, a longspine chimaera (chimaera macrospina). this can mean fully having the body of a longspine chimaera or having select features of a longspine chimaera
alderrabbitfish - a subset of chimaeraldernic, for those who have or wish to have a body of, or in any way like, a rabbit fish (chimaera monstrosa). this can mean fully having the body of a rabbit fish or having select features of a rabbit fish
alderchimaericana - a subset of chimaeraldernic, for those who have or wish to have a body of, or in any way like, a cape chimaera (chimaera notafricana). this can mean fully having the body of a cape chimaera or having select features of a cape chimaera
alderchimascura - a subset of chimaeraldernic, for those who have or wish to have a body of, or in any way like, a shortspine chimaera (chimaera obscura). this can mean fully having the body of a shortspine chimaera or having select features of a shortspine chimaera
alderchimagilbyi - a subset of chimaeraldernic, for those who have or wish to have a body of, or in any way like, an ogilby's ghostshark (chimaera ogilbyi). this can mean fully having the body of an ogilby's ghostshark or having select features of an ogilby's ghostshark
alderchimalescens - a subset of chimaeraldernic, for those who have or wish to have a body of, or in any way like, an opal chimaera (chimaera opalescens). this can mean fully having the body of an opal chimaera or having select features of an opal chimaera
alderchimaentalis - a subset of chimaeraldernic, for those who have or wish to have a body of, or in any way like, an eastern pacific black chimaera (chimaera orientalis). this can mean fully having the body of an eastern pacific black chimaera or having select features of an eastern pacific black chimaera
alderchimaowstoni - a subset of chimaeraldernic, for those who have or wish to have a body of, or in any way like, an owston's chimaera (chimaera owstoni). this can mean fully having the body of an owston's chimaera or having select features of an owston's chimaera
alderchimanthera - a subset of chimaeraldernic, for those who have or wish to have a body of, or in any way like, a leopard chimaera (chimaera panthera). this can mean fully having the body of a leopard chimaera or having select features of a leopard chimaera
alderchimantasma - a subset of chimaeraldernic, for those who have or wish to have a body of, or in any way like, a silver chimaera (chimaera phantasma). this can mean fully having the body of a silver chimaera or having select features of a silver chimaera
alderghostwillwatchi - a subset of chimaeraldernic, for those who have or wish to have a body of, or in any way like, a seafarer ghostshark (chimaera willwatchi). this can mean fully having the body of a seafarer ghostshark or having select features of a seafarer ghostshark
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theprofessorbooks · 11 months ago
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Job Occupation: Art Professor
Birth Place: German
Birthday: ???
Sexuality: Lesbian
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 6'2
Age: ???
Species: Vampire
Personality: Little Strict, Kind, Loyal, Mysterious, Compassionate, Honest, Hard-working, Creative, Smart, Dedicated, Mature, Elegant, Protective, Possessive, Dominant & Sadistic
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Favorite Flowers: Black Orchid, Bat Flower, Red Bleeding Heart, Ghost Orchid, Red Roses and Jade Vine
Favorite Animals: Cats(Big & Small), Wolves, Bearded Dragons, Bats(Any), Dwarf Mongoose, Tasmanian Devil, Mediterranean Monk Seal, Philippine Eagle, Pangolin, Cuban Rock Iguana, Tiger Shark, Sea Otter, Bottlenose Dolphin, Orca, Horses, Spider Monkey, Wolverine, Komodo Dragon & Snake(Any)
Favorite Food: Sweet Noodle Kugel and Human Blood
Favorite Fashion Aesthetic: Classic Core, Dark Academia, Cyberpunk, Ancient Egypt, 30s, 50s,70s, 80s, Kingcore, Victorian, Formal, Luxury, Masculine, Rocker & Street
Favorite Movies: Grease, The Sound of Music, Mary Poppins, The Phantom Of The Opera, Charlie's Angels, Maleficent, Midsommar, The Shining, Halloween, All The Scream Movies and Interview With The Vampire
Favorite TV Shows: Game Of Thrones, Horseland, Castlevania, Jujutsu Kaisen, My Hero Academia, Once Upon A Time, Sleepy Hollow, Pretty Little Liars, Charmed(the old one) and The Witcher
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Her Cats' Names: Reaper(Black Maine Coon), Flora(Abyssinian), Buttercup(Oriental Shorthair), Mocha(Ragdoll), Rocoso(Norwegian Forest Cat), Jasper(Siamese), Diamond(Egyptian Mau), Roxy(Javanese) & Sugar(Australian Mist)
Her Dogs Names: Shadow (Alexander Archipelago Wolf), Silver(Blue Nosed Pitbull Puppy), Coco(Doberman Puppy) & Luna(Dachshund)
Other Animals Names: Oreo(Bunny) & Winter(Bearded Dragon)
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What she looks like:
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Her Fashion Aesthetic:
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Hairstyles she wears the most:
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Her Glasses:
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Her Nails:
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 year ago
Australian Pokemon: 3 creepy lines
Another of my posts of Fakemon based in a hypothetical region called Goorda based on a mix of Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand (though mostly Australia). This time I designed three evolution lines based on creepy or ghostly concepts. For pervious posts see regional variants, birds, early-game standards, misc 2, misc 1, starter variants, and starters.
First up is Parapteer, the Parasite Pokemon, dark/psychic type. This Pokemon is a parasite that is weak and helpless on its own. It targets Staryu and hollows out their bodies, using them as a new home while disguising itself as a Staryu. It benefits from its host's latent psychic powers, which are added to Parapteer's own. It uses the psychic powers and disguise to sneak into a group of Staryu and plant its larvae on them, beginning the next generation of parasites. Pictured is Parapteer both in its host's body (left) and exposed (right).
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Parapteer is based on Dendrogaster, a genus of parasites found worlwide that grow inside of starfish as weird, branching tentacle creatures. Parapteer exaggerates Dendrogaster to make it more like a body snatcher, killing Staryu and stealing its body as a grotesque puppet master. Honestly, this might be too grotesque for a Pokemon fan work. It would definitely have some ability like Minior where its disguise can be broken, revealing the parasite within. It could be found in the same areas as Staryu, meaning a trainer trying to fish up a Staryu has a chance of getting Parapteer instead. Its name comes from "parasite" and "puppeteer". I got the idea for this fakemon from this post.
Next is Thylament, the Mournful Pokemon, ghost/normal type. Thylament were once living beings, but they were driven to extinction by humans and have lingered on as ghosts. They mourn their deaths and avoid humans, who they fear for causing their extinction. It takes a very skilled trainer to earn the friendship of a Thylament.
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Thylament is based on thylacines, also known as Tasmanian tigers. These wolf-like marsupials were once a dominant predator of Australia before being outcompeted by dingos and having their population reduced to Tasmania. The rest of the population were killed by European colonizers, with the species becoming extinct in 1936. Real thylacines were orangish, but Thylament is greyscale due to its status as a ghost. Its name comes from "thylacine" and "lament".
Thylament evolves to Skulvenge, the Vengeful Pokemon, ghost/dark type. Unlike its morose and mournful pre-evolution, Skulvenge is driven by anger over humanity causing its extinction. They take their anger out on humans, especially those exploring alone. Very few trainers ever successfully tame a Skulvenge and it is said that Skulvenge will only ever accept a trainer who also burns with anger out of a shared desire for vengeance.
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Skulvenge is a mature thylacine who has decided that it's not going to take extinction lying down. The skull on its head and the inversion of its colors mark Skulvenge as being more angry and aggressive than Thylament.
The last Pokemon for today is Davalossam, the Shipwreck Pokemon, ghost/water type. When a ship sinks with crew aboard, the ghost of the crew may fuse with the shipwreck, animating it as a Davalossam. The vengeful sprits of the drowned crew seek to drag others to their fate, driving Davalossam to attack and sink ships. Nobody knows how many Davalossam lurk in the deep seas, but all sailors fear one day encountering one determined to drag them down to the depths.
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Pokemon makes some very disturbing ghost types, so I don't thing a shipwreck in the shape of a shark driven by the vengeful spirits of its downed crew would be too far for an official game. I drew from sailor folklore of ghost ships and similar stories for Davalossam's origin, as well as stories of sea monsters that attacks and sink ships. While not being a grass-type, it probably would know at least Wood Hammer, being made of wood and all. Its name comes from "Davy Jones' Locker" (a euphemism for the bottom of the sea in reference to shipwrecks), "jetsam" (discarded refuse from ships), and "thalassic" (oceanic).
I wanted to include a 4th line based on the legendary creature known as the yara-ma-ya-who, but I am struggling to come up for ideas for how to adapt that to a Pokemon. I'm open to suggestions. Thanks for checking out this post, I hope you liked it.
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