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gutachter · 1 year ago
Diffusionsoffen, luftdicht und ohne Schimmelpilz
„…Im Zuge der Energieeinsparverordnung sind die Anforderungen in Bezug auf die Dämmeigenschaften und vor allem auch die Luftdichtigkeit stark gestiegen und steigen immer weiter, womit es in vielen Fällen nicht zur zu einer Verschlechterung des Wohnklimas, sondern oftmals auch zu bautechnischen Fehlausführungen kommt. Fairer Weise muss man hier erwähnen, dass die Energieeinsparverordnung aber auch…
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untitledpatrick · 1 year ago
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hslf · 2 years ago
the saint afra boys being the way they are is just what happens when an only child, a twin, and the youngest sibling are stuck together for an extended period
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Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person, they are almost indestinguishable. - David Ausburger, quoted by Glennon Doyle
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nerds-yearbook · 3 months ago
In 1869, Abraham Erskine, the creator of the formula that turned Steve Rogers into Captain America, was born in Ausburg, Germany. (According to Marvel promotional materials)
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greybackpack · 1 year ago
I hope that somewhere out in the Horizonverse, there is a surprisingly intact stained glass mural. I hope that Aloy might find it at just the right time, when the sun rays hit it just right, and she’d be able to stand there immersed in vibrant colors and just get a chance to truly relax.
I was just reminded of a fond memory where we had to tour a bunch of churches in France. I was not enjoying the tour at all, I mean they’re lovely but to a kid, you see one really big cathedral, you’ve seen them all. And then like three churches in, I remember being really bored and stifled and then I looked up and boom there it was, this huge mural (window?) of stained glass in so many different colors. It was amazing. It quite literally stole my breath away. The way the sunlight hit the mural was indescribably beautiful. It wasn’t a picture of anything, I think, it was just a regular stained glass cathedral window.
Anyways, I think Aloy would love it. The vibrant colors and how breath taking it can be and how much history and knowledge it holds. She’s not religious and neither am I, so the whole religion part probably wouldn’t appeal too much but just the beauty of it and the things the glass had lived through would delight her to figure out and read about.
Fun fact, the oldest stained glass murals/windows (that are intact and more of what we consider as stained glass) are the Prophet Windows in Ausburg Cathedral in Germany.
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Headcanons: Dino Cavallone's entire family tree - Pt. 1
Because I can and I will.
Ofc this is ALL headcanons and also I have ADHD, pls don't take this too seriously.
So, because of several conversations I had with beloved anons, I am going to do this at best of my ability, because I am very hyped.
Let's start this one. Under cut pls :D
The Cavallone Family Ancestor
Well, all families have a start and sometimes the start is not as glorious as one might think.
The first was Bencivenni lo Caballone. He was a knight who rersponded to Pope Innocent III's call for crusades. He participated to the Fourth Crusade (1202-1204), sacked Costantinople (1204) bringing home some souvenirs, let's call the loot like that.
The Pope ofc granted him a piece of land on the Romagnan coast, a small castle, a noble title and the forgiveness for all of his sins, because that's what the Pope had for people who could not pay actual cash money to have their sins forgiven.
Also "lo Caballone" was originally just a nickname, but that is how the 60% of Italian surnames were born.
We now have several centuries of relative anonymity, during which the family formally established their name as Cavallone and expanded their influence through strategic alliances and marriages and whatnot.
Most notably, the firstborn daughter of Marquis Duccio Cavallone, Gemma, was sent to be married into the D'Este family, a most notable noble family (c.a. 1400s) and a couple of centuries later the second born son of Marquis Petronio Cavallone, Ambrogio Cavallone, became a quite influential cardinal at the Vatican (c.a. 1600s).
This of course granted the family quite the fortune, and also granted their survival amongst the various wars among who should rule the Sacred Roman Empire, who had to be Pope and who should survive Plague 1.0 (1300s) and Plague 2.0 (1600s).
But then we arrive at the 1700s.
The Austrian Wars and the birth of Cavallone the 1st
This will be the summary of the summary of the summary historically speaking.
The 1700s are interesting years for the peninsula. Italy will only fully reunite only in 1871, so there is still a long way to go. Historically speaking the Spanish who had invaded the peninsula and took possession of it started to lose their grip, also because King Charles II of Ausburg dies with no heir, thus beginning a war lasting for 13 years, they therefore sign first the Peace of Utrecht in 1713, the Treaty of Rastatt in 1714 and finally the Treaty of Aja in 1720, thus ending their domination in the peninsula.
The peninsula is not free, but becomes property to be sold and divided among the powerful dynasties. It is a mess and by 1748 the geopolitical panorama has completely changed.
This includes also the Romagnan territory, which is now half under the Medici's dominion and half under the Pope's dominion. Which means that all of the small families were very limited. However the Romagnan people were rioting and this is definitely fertile soil for ANY sort of change.
Now, up until that moment the Cavallone family has been fairly quiet, but all of this happening in their area is worrying, so Duke Domenico Cavallone has to do some damage control.
It's the period where the Illuminists really take on Italy, so there are newspapers, magazines for men and for women, cafes, places where people can debate and talk about phylosophy et cetera.
So Domenico Cavallone invests some cash money and becomes the patron and founder of several cafes and promotes several magazines and newspapers.
He also pours some other cash money in creating his own personal army, which will later become the foundation of the future bosses body of subordinates.
This is because he is secretly financing the riots against the Pope/the Medici and he is expecting an attack at any moment.
And the attack arrives.
Duke Domenico Cavallone is in the front line, ready to defend his turf. There is also his army behind him and the Pope has sent his army to quiet down, quote, "the dirt and the plebs", but the pope was expecting barely armed populace, NOT a full army and the Duke Cavallone.
Chronicles report that the Commander in charge of the Pope's army told Duke Cavallone that he would be in trouble, and that the Duke replied with a "we will talk after I win".
And the Duke won. Chronicles report that a white flame engulfed him as he charged to defend his city and his land and defeated the Pope's army. Ever since a flame mark appeared on his left arm.
In any case after the defeat the Pope retreated and left the Duke and his territory alone. The Duke however was excommunicated, and the excommunication has not yet been lifted.
None of the Cavallone has had any interest in having that lifted yet though.
Duke Domenico and his wife Bice Ricciardelli went on and prospered. They had four children who lived after infancy. The second born and first son, Alvise Cavallone, inherited the will and the assets of Duke Domenico Cavallone.
Lo and behold the family tree part 1
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gxtzeizm · 2 years ago
well hello ausburg *cough* can you do a favor for us? *cough*
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kiki-de-la-petite-flaque · 1 year ago
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In un celebre passo dell'𝑂𝑟𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑜 𝐹𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑠𝑜 - il duello tra Orlando e Cimosco - Ludovico Ariosto descrive un tentativo di imboscata del secondo, armato di un'arcaica arma da fuoco, ai danni del primo. L'appostamento di Cimosco è paragonato a quello di un cacciatore, che attende il cinghiale con l'arma e "cani armati" (XII, 73).
Era consuetudine all'epoca provvedere alla difesa dei cani da caccia, in genere con strutture difensive in tessuto (fig. in alto a destra: due esempli in lino seicenteschi, Veste Coburg). A questi andava l'ingrato compito di "accompagnare alla morte" il cinghiale, in genere già ferito dal cacciatore con uno spiedo.
Seppur rari, esistono pure alcuni esemplari di armature canine in piastre di ferro. L'esemplare più famoso è conservato nell'Armeria Reale di Madrid (inv. 254235) e appartenne all'imperatore Carlo V. E' stata realizzata da Desiderius Helmschmid di Augusta intorno al 1540 e presenta, incisa all'acquaforte, l'immagine di un cacciatore che infilza un cinghiale con uno spiedo.
Fig. in basso: dettaglio dell'arazzo Le cacce di Massimiliano (Capricorno), 1531-1533. Uno dei cani è "armato": l'aspetto dell'armatura suggerisce un materiale rigido ma che si adatta al movimento del corpo. Potrebbe essere una copertura in cuoio abbellita nella parte esterna da una trapunta.
In a famous passage from the 𝐹𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑠𝑜 - the duel between Orlando and Cimosco - Ludovico Ariosto describes an ambush attempt: Cimosco, armed with an archaic firearm, tries to surprise and kill Orlando. The ambush of Cimosco is compared to the ambush of a hunter, who awaits the wild boar with the weapon and "armoured dogs" (XII, 73).
It was customary at the time to provide for the defense of hunting dogs, generally with defensive structures in fabric (fig. above right: two examples in linen, 17th centuruy, Veste Coburg). The dogs had to "accompany to death" the wild boar, usually already wounded by the hunter.
Although rare, there are also some examples of canine armor in iron plates. The most famous specimen is housed in the Real Armeria of Madrid (inv. 254235) and belonged to the Emperor Charles V. It was made by Desiderius Helmschmid of Ausburg around 1540 and has etched a hunter spearing a wild boar with a spear.
Fig. at bottom: detail of the tapestry The hunts of Maximilian (Capricorn), 1531-1533. One of the dogs probably wears a fabric armour.
Photo Credits: Patrimonio Nacional, David Hancock.
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quidcrusheu · 1 year ago
Kaffeemaschine from ausburg owls always makes me smile while serving coffee and making compliments. Super nice and good looking, also neurodivergents makes hot
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gutachter · 1 year ago
Diffusionsoffen, luftdicht und ohne Schimmelpilz
„…Im Zuge der Energieeinsparverordnung sind die Anforderungen in Bezug auf die Dämmeigenschaften und vor allem auch die Luftdichtigkeit stark gestiegen und steigen immer weiter, womit es in vielen Fällen nicht zur zu einer Verschlechterung des Wohnklimas, sondern oftmals auch zu bautechnischen Fehlausführungen kommt. Fairer Weise muss man hier erwähnen, dass die Energieeinsparverordnung aber auch…
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jackhkeynes · 2 years ago
The German Secesssion
The German Secession was a schism in Christendom which took place in the first half of the thirteenth century. Often considered on of the most influential religious developments of the second millennium, it led to the permanent formalisation of the Ausburg See as independent from Rome with its separate papal line beginning with Paul I/XI.
The Secession generally refers to the period from Paul I/XI's Denunciations and declaration of the sedes sanctissima in Augsburg in 1225 to the capitulation of Rome in 1251, although religious strife due to the schism would wrack the polities of Germany and surrounding regions for centuries to come.
The 1210 declaration of a renewed crusade for Jerusalem by Pope Just, and the military catastrophes that occurred in the course of this push, were a major source of discontentment in Rome. Further, Europe was at the time in the throes of the First Great Dying, a plague that would be surpassed in severity only by the Second Great Dying of the early sixteenth century. (These events are related, in that the plague is thought to have arrived in Europe carried by returning crusaders).
The decades after the Pauline Denuncations saw each individual duchy (and in some cases each county!) declare either for Rome or for Augsburg, in an unstable patchwork of allegiances that would lead to the collapse of the German Empire in spectacular fashion.
The ongoing Baptism of the North (the project to fold the northeasternmost part of Europe into Christendom) was inflamed by the Secession. Along with a new, more totalist Roman Pope in Hermeneus II, it was feared that Augsburg might spread heresy faster than Rome could reach the North.
The events of the Secession have been a perennial subject of dramatisation, most famously (and perhaps most innacurately) in 1961 historical epic 'With the North Star to Guide Us'.
'A Mapbook Compendium of Europe, from the Division of Rome until the German Secession (450 - 1250 N)', published by the Tommarth Open School of History in 1997
'A Baptism of Fire: Christianity and the Baltic' by Agata Naziunas, published 1988 by Leidéyai Givatés
'Comparing the German Secession to the Great Fracture; how the Final Antipope emerged from a popular reaction to the Failed Crusade, and how to understand his successors' reactions to Rome in the sixteenth century', scholastic writing in the 1901 publication of theological journal 'Proclamatio Divior'
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hslf · 2 years ago
lthree types of guy in this world
man in his twenties who is a girlfailure venerated prophet saintly priestess necromancer seancer constructing an intricate supernatural mythos starting a religion gathering followers desperate to be loved fortuneteller past life voyeur (in his last life he was the last lighthousekeeper in the british isles) clingy loser chasing childhood love pliant as melting plastic 
dead girl guy haunting the haunted house back 
used to want to be a youtube vlogger now finds himself chainsmoking handrolled amber leaf cigarettes in the front seat of his first car weeping furiously hardly able to see the road gunning it to shropshire deeply scared of ghosts no longer a believer in the transformative power of comedy
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chelleisamazing · 2 years ago
Slaying against p$g 🤝🏼 clowning against ausburg
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ernestonuez · 1 month ago
MILAGROS EUCARISTICOS. Ausburg, Alemania. Por: Beato Carlo Acutis. Expos...
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aliisamartikainen · 2 months ago
Going over Ausburg to substitute Nuri as a coach right now, I don't think I can do it worse
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