#aurora monroe
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earth-cr0sser · 9 months ago
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blehhh hanoi roxx again :P
i realized ive never drawn razzle before 🤯
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simspaghetti · 1 year ago
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Love-Day Festivities! 🌺💕
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eternalworry · 4 months ago
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simosyne · 5 months ago
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Fiona and Dottie Monroe entertain each other (their faces are priceless) while Keira does her homework
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tooswcctx · 2 years ago
closed: @musingmixtape ( Adam Carver & Aurora Monroe )
It felt so natural to leave a party with Aurora, walking back together towards his apartment building, making sure his best friend was safe and had somewhere to sleep that wasn't a random couch or floor. Not that there were any ulterior motives, not for Adam, it was just the normal thing to do. Except the last time, well, it hadn't exactly been totally platonic. He wondered if she even wanted to admit it happened...for a second time. Everyone had told them that they would end up together one day, something they'd both laughed off at first but now he couldn't help but wonder. Were they onto something? Maybe it was this thought or the boozey buzz he had going on but he couldn't stop himself when he opened his mouth. "I'm starting to feel a little déjà vu right now," Adam teased, smirking over at her, testing the waters.
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igrofox · 1 year ago
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Подходя к клубу, Стэнфилд уже встретилась с подругами, их парнями и Закари. Внутри у входа клуба компанию ждали Крессида, Коул и Норманн. Сходу всё семейство накинулось на именинницу с объятьями.
-Поздравляем с днём рождения!
-Спасибо, любимые. – обняв в ответ, Фелиция чмокнула рыжую с блондином.
-VIP зона в подарок от меня и реки алкоголя от Коула.- отпуская Фелицию, сообщила Крессида.
-Буду твоим личным барменом и закрою глаза, на тот факт, что алкоголь тебе можно будет только с завтрашнего дня.- развязно улыбаясь сказал Коул.
-Это же дорого.- возмутилась Стэнфилд, но её прервала Аврора, налетевшая на неё со спины и прикрыв рукой её рот.
-Это потрясающе! Она безумно рада.
Вся компания залилась смехом и направилась в здание. По началу, все выпивали вместе, но спустя час парочки разбрелись кто куда. Пока Коул увалок Фел на танцпол, Кресс наслаждалась компанией Норманна с бокалом вина.
Затерявшись в толпе, движения Коула и Фелиция становился всё тактильнее и страстнее. В танце его руки блуждали по ее изящной и давно им изученной далеко не самым пристойным способом фигуре. - Теперь я даже не нарушаю закон, находясь ТАК близко к тебе… - Запах ее духов опьянял и дурманил, а собственная одежда становилась удушающей клеткой. - Но мне по-прежнему недостаточно… - Монро теснее прижался к именинницы, даже не пытаясь скрыть своего желания. Он лёгким движением повернул Фел к себе лицом и прижал к себе - Может уединимся, принцесса? Хочу поздравить тебя лично. - рыжик с трудом отвела взгляд от притягательных аквамариновых глаз и немного отвернула лицо.
- Коул, в тот раз я злилась и хотела отомстить Лиаму, но не сегодня… Он ждёт меня к утру.- Монро вернул зрительный контакт.- Коул…
-Одна ночь…Забудь обо всех лишь на одну ночь. - его голос хрипел от возбуждения, а сам блондин еле сдерживался от желания впиться в эти пухлые губы - Умоляю… Только сегодня, а завтра все вернется на круги своя.
- Я не смогу сейчас отказать твоим глазам и тебе. -Девушка аккуратно приблизилась к губам парня.
Понимая, что сдерживаться больше не может, Монро схватил рыжую за руку и, в спешке, они покинули клуб.
Зайдя в  квартиру, его поцелуи были жадными и страстными, а движения нетерпеливыми и дергаными.  -*У меня есть только эта ночь, одна гребаная ночь.* -Подхватив девушку под ягодицы, Коул уселся на диван, сажая Фелицию поверх себя. Он без разбору стягивал с именинницы одежду, не в силах оторваться от ее губ. - С Днем Рождения, принцесса.- В ответ был лишь стон наслаждения.
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lordkingsmith · 6 months ago
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ngl, Mauv might be my personal favorite design so far. this is her missing poster/before she was taken design but she just looks rad. she was certainly a dramatic trend setter. her entire thing was turning heads. unfortunately for her, like Waylan two years later, she happened to turn the wrong head. Mauv was actually biking home from a small get together, and decided to take a shortcut through the very edge of the forest, like she'd done a hundred times before. The King was waiting for her. the only thing left of her was her missing poster and her bike in a ditch just inside the forest's edge, wheel still spinning even hours later.
the coats are matrilineal and Mauv has her family line's. They're bears. She's the one who tells Waylan how to escape, and the general idea where the king hid his family's from him. Both she and Waylan are used as lovers and bodyguards to the king. The two will never have romantic feelings for each other, but they are extremely close friends over this. Whenever the king punishes Mauv, Waylan takes care of her. Whenever Waylan is punished, Mauv nurses him back to health. and this tends to happen whenever either makes a run for it.
Mauv had aspirations to write horror novels and open her own bookstore. she still hopes she can if she's ever set free.
She doesn't know what to think of her niblings, but she does have to acknowledge they and Nora are the best shot everyone has of getting out of the king's clutches alive. She's also struggling more with knowing how much time has passed and she's now the only survivor of a big, happy, family unit. The niblings may have lost a father, Nora lost her husband and best friend, but the last time Nora saw her youngest brother Alistair had just gotten off school and was reading a book at the bookstore she worked at. She mainly questions now if she actually wants to leave and face her reality and situation and grief...or actually betray her closest friend and their family to live pretending her family is still waiting for her outside the forest.
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apod · 5 months ago
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2024 October 12
Northern Lights, West Virginia Image Credit & Copyright: Jonathan Eggleston
Explanation: A gravel country lane gently winds through this colorful rural night skyscape. Captured from Monroe County in southern West Virginia on the evening of October 10, the starry sky above is a familiar sight. Shimmering curtains of aurora borealis or northern lights definitely do not make regular appearances here, though. Surprisingly vivid auroral displays were present on that night at very low latitudes around the globe, far from their usual northern and southern high latitude realms. The extensive auroral activity was evidence of a severe geomagnetic storm triggered by the impact of a coronal mass ejection (CME), an immense magnetized cloud of energetic plasma. The CME was launched toward Earth from the active Sun following a powerful X-class solar flare.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap241012.html
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stephaniesblogxx · 9 months ago
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girlblogger questions!
get to know your mutuals more <3
favourite colour: pink
favourite show: i love lucy
favourite movie: gentlemen prefer blondes
favourite actor/actress: marilyn monroe
favourite band/singer(s): hole, lana del rey
favourite book: 1984 by george orwell
currently reading: the fall by albert camus
tbr list: pride and prejudice, the last grand duchess, girl in pieces
tagging: @honeymoonswan @knowitsforthebetterr @lanadelreystan101 @maxxxthewpoet @mimiicritter @crucified-cam @cryingporcelaindoll @aurora-doll-333 @notyourfavlolita @neptun4ngel @lak3cityqui3tpills @lilblondedarling @stellablahh @georgiannesblog @gossipgirlblogger101 @dollsleeping @dangeroustaintedflawed @d011ette @diizzzie @dreamysnowangel444 @unknownn-girl + anyone else who wants to join xoxo
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earth-cr0sser · 10 months ago
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frankielbottom23 · 23 days ago
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....now playing: stone cold crazy by queen 🎵....
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heyyy. i'm frank longbottom, im 18, and a seventh-year gryffindor (go lions 🦁). i'm a pureblood and obsessed with photography and music. he/him. honestly at this point kiss a frog who cares.
feel free to msg me for anything :)
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James Potter - @james-the-amazing-potter
Sirius Black - @starlight-starbright-thatsme
Remus Lupin - @looneymoonyy
Peter Pettigrew - @wormy-loves-ch33se
Gilderoy Lockheart - @mystical-magical-me
Kingsley Shacklebolt - @king-ofthe-crop
Xenophilius Lovegood - @xeno-graphical
Lucius Malfoy - @lucius-malfoy-back
Rodolphus Lestrange - @rodolphus-le-strange
Barty Crouch Jr - @lifeofthe-barty
Evan Rosier - @whokilledevanrosier
Pandora Rosier - @pandoras-nox
Regulus Black - @reg-arc-black
Marlene Mckinnon - @marls-mckinn0n
Hestia Jones - @hjonesworld 
Mary McDonald - @mary-mcdeal
Emmeline Vance - @emmelineandhervans
Sybill Trelawney - @sybill-patrica-trelawney
Lily Evans - @lilytheginger
Alice Fotescue - @alicethekindone
Andromeda Black - @andromedashoax
Bellatrix Black - @the-queen-bellatrix - jan 10
Severus Snape - @severusprince-snape
Fabian Prewett - @fabian-with-an-f
Gideon Prewett - @the-prewett-twin
Alecto Carrow - @alectocrow
Aelius Fawley - @aelius-with-a-quill
Anna silvae - @annajohn-silvae
Adam Morningstar - @adam-lukas-morningstar
Imogen Morningstar - @imogenmorningstar
Olivier Hrdina - @oxxen--free
Addison Caddel - @addison-caddel
Persephone Lylia - @daughter-of-spring
Elias Smith - @magandang-kaluluwa
Alexander Kemet-Ali - @kingalexanderthegreat
Phoenix Harvey - @flyasaphoenix
Veronica Davis - @veronica-davis
Theodore Sinclair - @tjsinclairofficial
Anastasia Selwyn - @anastasia-selwyn
Valentina Zabini - @vszabini
Lia Matthews - @lialovergirl
Nia Dolohov - @antoniadolohov
Gavin Prescott - @gav-the-rockstar
Azalea Anderson - @xoazalea
Atlas Spencer - @alternate-world-of-atlas
Vidalia Carrington- @vidiadelafairy
Lucia ‘Lucy’ Graham - @luciagraham
Calliope Gardner - @your-favourite-callie
Asher Hayes - @secretlifeof-asher
Amariah ‘Riah’ Rowle - @scattered-across-thesky
Rafe Taylor - @whokilled-rafe
Nhia Moua - @nhia-moua
Tobias ‘Toby’ Newtman - @toby-netman-tics
Petra Elwood - @petraholly-elwood
Nico Mallory - @nico-lovesthe-sun
Jamie Min-Ho - @thathojamie
Regan Meris - @reagan-is-tired
Orson Peters - @orson-does-good-ish
Emmerson Peters - @clown-boy
Aurora ‘Rory’ De’vuex - @diddlydumdum
Mason Nordhaus - @mace-haus
Casey Ward - @manic-pixie-nitemare
Gabby Chen - @gabbyjchen
Azalea Anderson - @xoazalea
Simone Igwe - @mustofbeenthewind
Fallon Montague - @fallonhastallons
Ambrose Berrywill - @ambrose-ellis-berrywill
Camille Laurier - @camille-laurier
Michael Monroe - @mickeymousewizardhouse
Aspen Parker - @aspenophelia
Lilith Parker - @lilithivyparker
Doyle Laconi - @doyle-andi-laconi
Atlas Spencer - @alternate-world-of-atlas
Liya Min-Ho - @liyathebetterho
Brenna Dahl - @brenna-burningvalley
Zeriah ‘Zee’ Grey - @zeri4h-gr3y
Grayson ‘Gray’ Winchester  - @theonlyshadeofgray
Milo Michealson - @milopitchedthatball
Kenji Min-ho - @yourhottesthokenji
Ember Harvey - @emberamethyst
Seraphine ‘sera’ - @sera-seraphine
Silas Hagedorn - @sil-adorne
Catalina Simmons - @caramiacatalina
Clementine Caddel - @clementine-caddel
Dylan Andrews - @dylan-the-d1ld0
Kenji Min-ho - @anongymous-loveletters
Gabriel Lumiere - @gabriel-lumiere
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eternalworry · 4 months ago
One of the best things I’ve ever made trust 🙏🙏🙏
FUN FACT: Vanessa and Ren actually dated in highschool but Ren fumbled LMFAO
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simosyne · 7 months ago
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Turns out I did not have my camera mod installed, whoops!
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alldancersaretalented · 7 months ago
Dancers attending P21 Intensive
Olivia Elise Victoria Nikolovva
AM Dance
Aurora Monroe
Ale Mancillas Dance Studio
Balbina Cueva
Allegro Performing Arts Academy
Arina Bryzgunova Bella Verbera-Hernandez
Aspirations Dance Company
Lola Nelms
Avanti Dance Company
Hayden Goren Eva Graziano Mia Menji Kaylee Randeniya Rosie Zahoul Sans Blair Tennant
Capitol Dance Company
Malia ?
Center Stage Performing Arts
Tommie Milazzo
Club Dance Studio
Brooklyn Besch Emma Kleve Claire Pistor
Dance Alliance of Camarillo
Shiloh Lark Farrah ?
Dance Dimensions Performic Arts Center
Victoria Safahi Serena Wilcox
Lyla Haider
Dance Collective DC
Janelle Liu
Dance Edge Studios
Antonia Zanin
Dance Magic Performic Company
Savannah Lee
Dance Makers of Atlanta
Nola Paulina
Ella Bustillos Hudson Hensley Ella Nani Knight Ella Koehnen Soleil Lynch Aria McCrea Cheyenne Ringerman Sydney Swinehart
Dance Republic
Graisyn Clare
Dansé Escuela de Danza
Alexa Ahumada Marielisa Portillo Isabella Trabucco
DC Dance Factory
Pay Lynch
Dolce Dance Studio
Brixtyn Cappo
École de dance Louise
Léonie Macorig
Edge Studios
Sienna ? Aria Giusti
Encore ELite
Leona Zariel
Epic Motion Dance Studio
Maria Sofia Rodríguez Mia Sofia Covarrubias Tinoco
Essence of Dance
Ava Killam Makena Killam Briar ?
Eternal Dance Company
Maddie Kronenberg
Evoke Dance Movement
Emmy Claire
Evolution Dance
Scarlett O'Neil
Evolve Dance Center
Maria Belen Salido
Evolve Dance Centre
Izabella Modarresi
Excel Performing Arts
Emma Sheff
Fusion Dance Omaha
Gigi Murray
Glass House Dance
Eden Cui
Groove Studios WA
Kaiden Koths Abby Mae
Hart Academy of Dance
Lydon Thach
Havilah Dance Company
Caitlyn Marie Malea Jade Moore
Inferno Dance Co
Maizie Smith
Instyle Dance Company
Jacilynn Mar
Janet Dunstans Dance Academy
Adeline Glenn
K2 Studios
Neriah Karmann Lennon Reign Jessica Sutton
Larkin Dance Studio
Matinly Conrad Palmer Petier
Legacy Dance Productions
Sophie Boonstra Paisley Clarke
Legacy Studio of Performing Arts
Brynne Smith
McKinley School of Dance
Teodora Narancic
Murrieta Dance Project
Khloe Cabrera Gracie Gilroy
N10 Dance Studio
Claire Avonne Kingston Madison Ng
No Limits Dance Academy
Ayanna Voulgaris
Nor Cal Dance Arts
Aria Davi Aubrey Paz Olyvia Reza
North Calgary Dance Centre
Ellie Blakley Georgia Blakley
Libby Haye
Onstage Dance Center - Los Alamitos
Adalyn Nicole
Pave San Diego
Eleanor Bullock Aryanna La Fontaine Cooper
Pave School of the Arts
Sofia Cuevas Stella Fisk Livi Matson
Perception Dance
Mabel James
Project 21
Ellie Anbarden Olivia Armstrong Lilly Barajas Sienna Carlston Kami Couch Katie Couch Kenzie Couch Airi Dela Cruz Stella Eberts Gracyn French Regan Gerena Richie Granese Mady Kim Brooklyn Ladia Leilani Lawlor Chloe Mirabel Savanna Musman Madelyn Nasu Avery Reyes Berkeley Scifres Bristyn Scifres Sara Von Rotz Leighton Werner
Project 520 Dance Studio
Adelynn ? Karli Heim Sasha Muratalieva
Queen City Dance
Annabel Speck
Seattle Storm Dance Troupe
Claire Clark
Shooting Stars Dance Studio
Karsyn Hernandez Malani Maliya
Stars Dance Studio
Hannah Burak Catherine Clayton Fabiana Pierleoni Elie Rabin
Starstruck Performing Arts Center KS
Kinley Winn
Steps Dance Center
Emmie Pitt
Studio Fusion
Harley Gross Juliet Anne Wydo
The Collaborative
Addison Cullather
The Company Space
Piper Perusse Stella Marcordes Vivian Marcordes
Isabella Tamayo
The Dance Collective DC
Eva Rogachevsky Quincy Thomas
The Dance Collective MD
Lyla Urban
The Dance Company of Los Gatos
Scarlett Blu Chloe Rose
The Vision Dance Alliance
Emily Polis
Utah Ballet Festival
Ruby Taylor
West Coast Dance Complex
Mila Barnett
Xtreme Dance Studio
Jocelyn Longroy
YYC Dance Project
Kinsley Oykhman
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doechiiseason · 3 months ago
caught up on tag games during company time. open invitation to all my oomfs. do one do all and tag me ^_^
1. veggie ID hi @baekhyunnybyun i am garlic >:)
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2. put the top ten from your on repeat playlist on a poll (or your most used playlist if you don't have spotify) @sonsband @niurd-main hi guys thank you for the tag <3
3. pick a song for each letter of your username and tag that many people <- i’m not doing that also hi again bex
false self - willow
love me not - ravyn lenae
elastic - prado monroe
either on or off drugs - jpegmafia
close with desires - teo glacier, thuy
end of the road - boyz ii men
your blood - aurora
ain’t no thang - wayv
never ask - shayhan
ganma - lexie liu
4. @28reas0ns you tagged me to do this game ages ago sorry for only just getting around to it 😭
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amniotic · 11 months ago
Strawhat Pirates mixtape 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝₊⊹𓆉︎
i'm very normal about them, so i made a mixtape for the strawhats. this is more like a OPLA mixtape cause i'm still in alabasta in the animé akjjassja ⋆。𖦹 °.🐚⋆❀˖°
˗ˏˋ listen here ˎˊ˗
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Good old fashioned lover boy - queen Valentine - Laufey Algo contigo - Rita Payés Can't help falling in love - Elvis Presley Hey Lover - The Daughters of Eve O' Sarracino - Renato Carosone Me and my husband - mitski The other woman - lana del rey Mio Amore- the flamingos Sway - Dean martini Washing machine heart - mitski
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Nuestra canción - monsieur periné Hijo del sol luminoso - Joe Vasconcellos Pregon para iluminarse - Los Jaivas You've got a friend in me - Cavetown Hypeboy - Newjeans Music for a sushi restaurant - Harry Styles Hopes and Dreams - Toby Fox Hunger - Aurora The mother we share - CHVRCHES 愛彌々 - Mongol800×Wanima
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No Church in The Wild - JAY-Z Leave my body - florence + the machine Die for you - the weeknd STRONG - Miyavi Guy.exe - superfruit I love you, i love you, i love you, i hate you - Miyavi Yo no soy celoso - Bad Bunny Espada - Javiera Mena No Tengo dinero - Juan Gabriel King of Lionheart - Of Monster and Men Hasta la raíz - Natalia Lafourcade
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Lies and truth - L'arc~en~Ciel I'm not calling you a liar - florence + the machine Cloud 9 - Beach Bunny Friday I'm in Love - The Cure No hace falta - Monsieur Periné Soldier, Poet, King - The Oh Hellos Teenagers - My chemical romance Rabbit Heart - Florence + the machine Starman - Seu Jorge
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Dangerous Woman - Ariana Grande Are you Satisfied - Marina Vine Solita - Natalia Lafourcade Diamonds are a girl's best friend - Marilyn Monroe Dog Day are Over - Florence + the machine The River - Aurora Free - Florence + the machine Entre el mandarinal - Daniel toro Little Talks - Of monster and Men Ïf We All Die Tomorrow - Tom Rosenthal
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