dusting off the metal family hyperfixation with some hc’s
Dee hc’s
.freckles everywhere .loves dressing feminine .hella touch and attention starved .used to hate all animals but has a love for rats that started from the one on the lab .gets sick super easily like extremely easily .autistic .bad motor skills .Non-binary transfem she/they they/them .oral fixation. Subconsciously chews on everything .doesn’t know how to take care of there hair type .all animals hate her except for the animals that hate everybody else .super flexible .no muscle mass whatsoever .scared of dogs .dissociates constantly .gifted kid burn out but still gets good grades so no one notices .eating disorder because there constantly scared that someone poisoned there food or that there are bugs in it .echolalia to the moon and back, really clashes with heavy meowing as a stim .hates sweet stuff but loves ice .banshee screams into pillows when there really upset (one time forgot the pillow and Vicky came up with a baseball bat because she thought they were being murdered) .will cry if the spaces between there fingers are not cold .gets cold suuuuper easily .also overheats easily .has textured skin (think Anitra out of drag Rupals drag season 15) .sleeps in the weirdest places and positions .separates food to eat it .was born early, got sick a lot as a kid almost didn’t make it to 5 .lactose intolerant but actually takes it serious and doesn’t eat anything with lactose .lot of gender dysphoria .cries a lot but only people they trust know or see it, glam knows something is wrong when Dee stops crying aurond them .very shy and scared as a child .loves science (not a hc) .chronically Ill .scared of thunder storms .sick kid that’s in the hospital all the time .heavy realized that he could pick Dee up and now does it all the time, dee hates it and heavy has been hit many a time .wears minimal to no concealer because they hate the way it feels on there face .there url would be rariDee fight me .does just as much if not more trouble as heavy but doesn’t get caught .HATES being called differently abled .some sort of childhood stuffie that they can’t sleep without and hide from everyone .low iron .dissociates when overstimulated .has problems with self injuries when stimming .claustrophobic .has a habit of lying to get the reaction they want out of people .still sleeps with stuffed animals .uses forearm crutches/wheelchair .partially deaf HOH  .has Gastroparesis
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samywammy · 3 months
Heyy guys ao this is mainly 4 my moots but my parents have cut into my phone usages so i will be on this app aurond 7:30 pm so replies will be more slow :( but never fear! I will get more allowance if i obey these rules! Luv you guys and take care!
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Lol liking hazbin hotel is wild as someone with a special interest in how hotels work, demonology, 1880s to 1950s, Louisiana as a whole, magic from aurond the world, and musicals.
Anyways, because no one else in my family cares about hazbin or those special interests,
I feel like I'll explode without interest dumping on someone!
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spritehouse · 8 months
Fic idea TW WARNING (seriously listen to the TW) discussion of torture, kidnap, murder, psychosis, schizophrenia, trauma, malnutrition, like seriously torture, the general idea of this was taken from the movie martyrs, you are under NO obligation to read this you can just delete it
Spencer Reid never goes to the bau, he never gets a chance because when he’s 17 years old he gets kidnapped by a (cult? This the organization from the movie martyrs but religious and with no ground in reality) and tortured horribly for the next 4 years. Eventually aurond this time he escapes in the panic of an incoming fbi raid. Even though he and most of the members that tortured him are gone by the time the fbi gets there they have videos of everything they inflicted on everyone in the facility and files for all the people there. The fbi find the files and videos of Spencer but since he is not marked deceased or accounted for in their raid they mark him missing. A few months later people who are later identified to be members of the organization start showing up brutally murdered and the bau is called in when Spencer’s DNA is found on one of the bodies. In the few months since he has escaped Spencer’s psychosis from all the trauma and schizophrenia leads him to believe he is being haunted by someone in the facility that he saw dead when he first arrived ( this is basically martyrs au with a happy ending because I can’t without a happy ending) and the only way to get ride of her and is by killing the peoples that killed her. Back at the bau they start to profile Spencer to catch him and get him the help he needs before he hurts himself or an innocent. They watch all the videos learn all about what happened to him and who he was before being kidnapped. They continue to profile Spencer while he falls deeper into psychosis killing his abusers more and more brutally while also slipping up and giving the bau more to work with. He eventually even starts leaving messages at the crime scenes hinting to we’re he’s going next. Eventually they do find him, injured, malnourished and in need of a nap and it’s a whole big hurt comfort scene of them arresting the man he was trying to kill and Spencer having the emotional breakdown he hasn’t allowed himself to have since he freed himself, I was thinking this would be one of those fics where they have the whole long first part and then the second part would be a continuation like a second book. The rest of it would be spencer recovering emotionally while also juggling being the fbi biggest resource in shutting this organization down for good because he’s a genius who managed to find all of the other members some of which where never even at his specific location. During the time he is helping the team they become really close with him bonding with them as the first people he’s trusted in years and them learning to love him and help him live the best life he can. This second part would lean very heavily into the comfort even with Spencer learning to process all of his trauma and adjust to life now that he’s free
cult fic... lays down... also recovery fics...
if only i had the capacity to write more than one chapter of any fic..
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from Welsh and Old English forenames
Adhel Adnorhuw Adolcmær Adyne Aelynn Aldric Aldrion Aldwy Aldæg Alhhan Alion Allini Aninghead Anlyniad Anmod Anwulf Aradfric Arddaf Arona Arvis Arwan Arwegard Aryne Astan Augwige Aurgant Aurion Aurond Auruffys...
Beadog Beadry Beary Bebeor Beodris Beofwig Beolm Beornwen Beoruffa Beoryth Berecg Berefric Bereth Berewis Berhirad Berhtmund Berlyn Beron Bervyth Beryne Bevine Birlafyd Bleorth Blodmun Blodrys Blowac Bloyse Bradfrys Brawen Brawryn Briant Bælfrida Caderhth Cadgiefri Cadgy Cadorwulf Cadro Cadræd Cadwin Cainghed Cairawr Carno Carwynon Ceiraine Ceiriht Celafyd Celys Cemryn Ceofwen Ceofweno Ceolræ Ceorys Ceres Ciran Clenna Cleormund Coelinghn Coelyn Colcwin Conaminor Coniamed Conwacon Conwen Conwyn Cradno Crain Crawen Criceri Cynemry Cyngui Cynis Cynor Danwalys Dellis Delywen Deorce Derees Derefric Derht Deric Deriona Deweald Dewen Dewinlys Dewynifu Dilia Dreth Dryht Duffin Duffitt Dægegarno Dægen Eadoc Eadwend Eadwyn Eaffi Eagmundoc Eahmunric Eahwyn Ealia Eanwen Eardbe Earid Earnifine Earnwen Earobald Earona Earwenno Earyð Eaven Eavine Ebryhtno Ecgbeadhe Ecgbedrys Ecghervin Ecgwalhha Eilwend Eilynd Einer Einerhian Eiran Eiric Eiron Eirwy Eladward Elanna Elfwyn Elgarfri Elgarlyr Elgiefu Elhiwald Elmon Elodry Elonan Elond Elsianis Elsigan Eluan Elundan Elwelwyn Elwen Elynne Elyrht Emlyne Emunsig Eneth Eodwead Eofri Eofwen Eohstige Eorht Eoræd Estano Eswig Euline Eurganto Eurys Ffinen Flaela Fordwen Friarwy Fridhund Gantorug Garan Garand Garard Garewulf Garnwulf Garon Gavis Gerht Gewulfsig Glacerht Glafyd Gleor Glestio Glien Gline Godwulf Gofriano Gofwen Golyn Gridheuan Grugaren Grugart Gulfric Gwacen Gwald Gwarefris Gweald Gweastig Gwegberi Gwelwy Gwena Gwenber Gwend Gwenna Gwenys Gwils Gwilyn Gwine Gwingwen Gwinwenno Gwyne Hanwine Heada Headana Headmun Headwulf Heald Heale Healhine Hearfrund Hearge Hearwen Hefry Heiri Helin Helodmod Helwidwi Herawd Hered Herhian Herhth Herhtwulf Herhyn Heuan Honon Huffina Huffion Hunbeoræd Hundberon Hwynewig Iefri Iolodron Ivorht Ivoryð Iwales Jachno Kenewilig Kunys Lafan Lecolm Leorg Leorht Leoric Leortan Ligeren Listard Llacelt Llacona Llafwild Llaweard Llegwen Llelwy Llion Llyniarg Lynstan Maboys Maceolm Machald Madberic Madmund Madsiane Maelwulf Mairic Mairiono Mannan Maran Mardd Marhtmæri Marwen Megar Meine Menne Merewint Merht Merilstai Meswen Mesyllion Mialdhund Miliad Miliri Milish Millt Milwend Modmund Modylwyn Morhter Mornod Mornwenne Mwynge Mwynwulwy Myfin Myfion Nonsin Obalun Obeofa Obeorg Ohswin Olegy Ollano Orgarrawn Osfric Osganerl Osigen Osiono Oslaitt Osmorg Osmorug Osmundoc Ostan Oswearth Oswig Oswild Oswilys Owald Owearvyth Peren Perhund Plecgwiht Plegydd Pleod Plewi Plewyn Pryht Pwyne Remlyn Rherio Rhilis Rhiric Rhisige Rhonswig Rhtan Rhtmund Rhtmær Rhtno Rhtnod Rhtwig Rynflæd Scian Sciric Sciron Scmær Sexrere Siaredoc Siarno Sigen Sigend Siger Sigerhod Sigewen Staine Sulfgant Sweado Sæberyth Sæmunia Særmon Sæwigstan Sæwiht Sæwulfno Tanwen Taranne Tatwenno Teryce Torht Torwen Tosmundo Toswe Trawegar Under Urweard Waldas Waleurg Weadræd Wealana Weald Wenian Whydd Whyne Widwulf Willwyn Wilrigeal Wilyno Wineryth Winhelwyn Winnant Winwean Wionwen Wuffitt Wulfge Wulfgeth Wulflæd Wulfri Wulfsig Wulis Wulwyn Wærben Wærmeils Wærmodry Ægburwyn Ægemryn Ægmund Ælfgen Ælfgengu Ælfri Ælfrid Ælfwenna Æsceiran Æscen Æsculf Æthin Æthund Æðelbeth Æðelm
Same thing, but longer names
Adbeare Adweadhere Aenrian Aerawd Aervythræd Aetran Aetrychafric Afwige Aldard Aldarnor Aldgilstrian Aldwendoc Aldythiadwyn Alfgerecgwyn Alhiang Alhilwend Anwingui Anwulf Ardricerht Argaerhiward Arther Astian Ateron Augargn Augheald Balanghere Beadburgarn Beadiand Bealegmund Bealynfen Bearvyth Beberic Beddyl Beohtwulf Beolwenith Beolym Beorhowen Beorht Beoric Beorwenifed Beredyfion Bereweleow Berhorhtry Berhtan Berhth Berhtwulfri Berhund Berhygeth Beridherht Bleganwenys Blodwith Bloyddyth Bradhun Braine Branwig Brynsig Bælfherhiran Cadfrige Cadwearri Cadwin Cairobatnor Caradwulu Carawr Carfris Carmestri Carnebraint Carran Cartan Catwen Ceadoc Ceilyn Celadbervine Cemodræd Cendarwen Cenric Ceornog Cereoreir Cerhaf Ceriona Cerlym Cerona Cirlys Ciroslaceiri Cirwear Coelan Colbered Coleod Collined Collth Colwulf Consianto Culfgare Cynetradgar Cynewealt Cynewigard Cynfyn Cyngwen Cyngwyn Cynhanna Cynwilis Deiraine Deliald Denodre Deofmærburys Deolyne Deorhor Derhund Drynelyr Duddund Duddynmon Duffin Duffion Dufonwenne Duwend Dægberhtmuni Dægeben Dægmun Eadbeor Eadgarawen Eadgard Eadnona Eadron Eadsig Eadwigered Eadwion Eagmune Eahberht Eahmund Eahræd Eahwulf Ealdeoht Ealdgairic Ealine Eardwyn Earnian Earnwulunydi Earoswig Eartanin Earwac Earwealdwen Earwen Earwulfgard Earyce Eastyn Ecgber Ecgbere Ecgfry Ecgmun Ecgmune Ecgwayn Ecgwen Ecgwingen Ecgwynwent Eifana Eiffion Eilistan Eilræd Eilyner Einemunbenn Eirawn Eiriffyno Eirwyelwin Eirwynheald Elachafwen Elawenric Elbeard Elesyla Elgarnwenwen Elgarwelm Elhinnbeadgy Elhstan Elhstanodwr Elhstin Elhswen Ellwilrefu Elmorceir Elonstatno Elowarwen Elridwin Elweno Elwuligulf Elwynes Elyngui Emlyne Emlynnemær Emlywenine Emryhtno Emunda Enbeornwion Eodmun Eoflæd Eofriadbat Eofryn Eofwidfric Eofwiliant Eofwin Eorhel Eorilis Eormon Eormor Eorthillod Eowall Erherhunwen Erhtwulf Estanan Fflananne Ffydilys Follen Gaineth Ganmodgan Gannandbald Garadsigen Garair Gardwulf Gargarnor Garlaf Garnwena Garweald Gavenna Gerhor Giangerhiana Gladberys Gladganweal Gladwulfdelm Glegberht Glewulurysen Godricerht Godræd Gofmæri Gofrynes Gofwild Golcmær Golodwen Gructi Grugarnwen Gwalen Gweaditt Gweadog Gweald Gwealdre Gwealt Gweanwen Gwearai Gwearan Gwearwen Gwelwen Gwenfere Gwenna Gweofricbeor Gwinelræd Gwineslai Gwynan Gwynfyn Hacelwenbead Hanwen Harwyn Headbe Headgard Headmær Headoc Headwulf Healdæge Heallund Hearanne Hearwen Helgilm Heluctige Heohstig Heorychan Herecolm Hereestan Heresigenda Herhtmærbur Herhun Herynfydd Heulfryn Hlonwulf Hostafwen Hrædrædwenys Hunberemund Hundber Hunetheard Hunith Hunnesinesen Hunweadno Huwenwine Hwulfsig Hygerht Ianedund Iengen Ifithry Inetherht Iolleng Iolwynfyddan Ionanog Ionwello Ionwenys Ionwinerht Ivorgar Jacolwenia Jestyn Laconine Lafric Lechnosfric Leduddairifu Legartaith Legburht Legnord Lelwehelfsia Lesionwald Leulunden Liadno Lleofræd Llewulf Lliric Mabond Maboyd Maboys Machowartan Madwulf Malafwion Marmund Marona Matnor Meddai Melwearwyne Merhth Merhtmun Mestan Mestid Meswena Meswinesenne Miardian Monweare Mornis Munstane Mwynno Myfinewyn Nebeandbald Obaleofrice Ohstanwen Ohtmunberht Ordweadoc Orhowr Orhtrys Orhtsig Osigen Oswend Petrewulf Petrys Plechn Pledwen Pleofno Pleofnon Regarged Rerhian Rhianwac Rhildhelwen Rhilræd Rhorhowr Rhtantorgifi Rhtatedol Rhtmun Rhtmund Rhtnos Rhtremryne Rhtrugar Rhtræd Rhundbeald Ronwegn Sciaran Scmæri Sianrilstant Sigerht Sigerædwin Sighair Stafyddynina Stigen Stionwulflæd Sulferic Sweanwen Swenys Sæbeor Sæmunburic Sæmundo Sæwayn Tafwin Taldhelm Tangwarwe Tanlyn Teremun Teslyn Testige Torceina Tordic Torhtgarnhaf Tosfria Tosmundol Toswiht Trugwenric Ugheren Undbald Unnerenbeben Vanrethron Weadwealth Wenined Wigend Wigent Wigewenburg Wihtno Wihtrug Wildar Wineild Winelmornwen Wineth Wulenian Wuleodmunri Wulfen Wulfgarwen Wulfgia Wulflæd Wulfri Wulfrild Wulfwites Wulfyd Wulirwen Wynewulfrice Wærburoban Wærmorughno Ægbecgberhis Ægbeor Ægeris Ælfwen Ælfwinish Ælfwyne Ællawn Ællurht Æscmærbeald Æthealhsti Ætherht Æthufor Æðelafred Æðelwena Æðelwulf
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dreiidrie · 6 years
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Aurond and Bastion  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(Since some of you were curious whose hands were in Aurond’s drawings.) 
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Do you ever have something you kind of want to say but don't know if you can play it off light heartedly enough for you not to be seen as disrespecting the dead? My brother said something earlier, and while its kind of true, I don't know if its light enough for me to be able to say. And I don't know if this is a thought I'm going to have to keep to myself, even if only out of respect for the dead, and the friends and family they left behind.
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orsociana · 2 years
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📌Venerdì 29 Aprile CLUB 84 presenta 🔥 LATINNightS 🔥 ▶️ La NOCHE CALIENTE finalmente ritorna in città per un appuntamento speciale! Due sale per un doppio divertimento con il meglio del reggaeton e della musica latina! 🌎 INTERNATIONAL LATIN PARTY 🌍 ⬇️ clicca qui sotto x ticket a prezzo ridotto ⬇️ shorturl.at/hqxHI 💥 Sala 1 #reggaeton #brazilianmusic #merengue 💃🏻 Sala 2 #bachata #salsa in collaborazione con l’Auron Dance ☎️ Info & Liste: +393298156478 #latinnightstorino #aegeetorino #venerdi29aprile #club84 #ottantaquattrotorino #exoticainternationalparty #internationalturin #erasmusturin #clubottantaquattro #internationaldanceturin #venerdinotte #torinoeventi #aurondance #bailaconmigotorino (presso Club Ottantaquattro) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcvjD97NDb9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hey lefty I found this book in the security office it doesn't seem to open also I saw meg aurond here acting suspicious. she also seemed to be caring some thing in a bag it was pretty big
What? She was here? I certainly don't recall seeing her recently and Helpy would have alerted me if he had seen her on the security cameras.
I'll take a look at this book later maybe... I'm busy right now.
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sad-gang666 · 4 years
Canciones para estar encerrado en casa durante esta pandemia By: Sad Gang
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Cevid 19 cuarententine love (escuchar)
Rojuu & Steve Lean - Hurtt (escuchar)
Bones CtrlAltDelete (escuchar)
Sticky m.a - Solo (escuchar)
Goa & Steve Lean - Yx (escuchar)
Goa - My Crush (escuchar)
Mac Miller - Hand Me Downs (escuchar)
Lil harte x interface - como que me voy a morir (escuchar)
Trippie Redd - Love Sick (escuchar)
Kali Uchis - Solita (escuchar)
Trippie Redd - Who Needs Love (escuchar)
Oliver Tree - Let Me Down (escuchar)
Trippie Redd The Way (escuchar)
Lil uzi vert - P2 (escuchar)
Adán cruz x Go - Obscuridad (escuchar)
Rojuu - nomolestes (escuchar)
Rojuu - ikari (escuchar)
Goa - ex crush (escuchar)
Sticky m.a & Steve Lean - Piensa en mí ft Duki (escuchar)
Adrian Koslov x Goa - ALONE (escuchar)
Beatboy - Cenizas (escuchar)
Beatboy - Actitud (escuchar)
$uicideboy$ - ...And to Those I love, Thenks For Sticking Aurond (escuchar)
Lil peep - Moving On (escuchar)
Goa - Duele (escuchar)
Kiddie gang - quiero ir (escuchar)
Sticky m.a - humo y alcohol (escuchar)
Sadboys (escuchar)
Charles ans - aunque la vida duele (escuchar)
Gera mx - El otro (escuchar)
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Do you have troubling picking favorites? Is yes, you may ignore the next questions ; what is your favorite season? What is your favorite memory? What is your favorite destination?
yes i have trouble picking favorites but ill try
okay my favorite season is summer because the weather, the fact that ihe sun comes up aurond 5am and stes aron 10 pm and i have way more energy in summer than in the winter
favorite memory is probably getting accepted in my dream school and when i came home my mum picked me up from the busstation and gave me cake
and my favorite destination is home and home is not like a place but it is a feeling or maybe people i want to see
(i hope you get th things im saying, thanks for the questions <3<3 :) )
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Ok so fic idea
Dees journey of becoming more comfortable with stimming aurond people. I hc Dee as someone who stims like aggressively, jumping up and down flappy hands and arms and squealing and shrieking in excitement (yes I’m projecting and it doesn’t fit his character). And since this doesn’t fit dees charecter I think they would be pretty embarrassed about it. So a story where they get comfortable stimming in public and aurond Lif or just a story of times that they stemmed like that would be so amazing. A don’t really see this kind of stimming in media even Fanfiction and the thought of a character I’m hyperfixated on stimming like I do is just so exiting to me
If you do write this please tell me so I can see it have a wonderful day
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othahm-blog · 5 years
#kevinmorby #harlemriver is one of master piece ,i like it so much , good music always have a fact inside because simply music give you some tenderness when all the pain aurond . And acutely that fact is some moments are much bigger than you i think feat is hard for ignore it every time we are going to be kind not suceful cause we don't prepare for it and we don't go to be riche because it's a fucking joke ok ,finally we choose to be kind ,kind is a sweet word . #towrite #fact #love #emmastone #cigarette #book https://www.instagram.com/p/B8EWYUVHYmk/?igshid=154001cmd2c1b
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dreiidrie · 6 years
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orsociana · 3 years
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Bachateri are you ready ??? For the 2nd time in Turin, at the Auron Dance, the King and Queen of Bachata Elegancia will be back !!! Leo y Jomante On Stage !!! Sunday 13 March 2022 !!!! H. 16,00: OPEN Intermediate H. 17,15: OPEN Gestures H. 18,30: OPEN Advanced 💃🏻🕺🏻💃🏻🕺🏻💃🏻🕺🏻 Bachateri siete carichi??? Per la 2ª volta a Torino, all’Auron Dance, torneranno il Re e la Regina della Bachata Elegancia!!! Leo y Jomante On Stage!!! Domenica 13 Marzo 2022!!!! Ore 16,00: OPEN Intermedio Ore 17,15: OPEN Gestualità Ore 18,30: OPEN Avanzato 💃🏻🕺🏻💃🏻🕺🏻💃🏻🕺🏻 Auron Dance Social Club Via Pio VII 132, Torino Info e prenotazioni: Auron 340 7462946 Andrea 392 1572348 Gioele 349 6303198 @leoandjomante_official @leocato_kingofelegancia @jomante_queenofelegancia @elegancia_dance_lounge @auron_dance @marco.lorusso.aurondance @lionetti.andrea #bachata #bachataelegancia #bachataelegante #kingofelegancia #queenofelegancia #elegancia #stage #stagebachata #marzo #march #leoyjomante #leoandjomante #aurondance #picoftheday #instagood #dance #lithuania #italy (presso Auron Dance Social Club - Torino) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaEid40NgYC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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adelzahara-blog · 6 years
Besok, 3 Atlet Senam Riau Mulai Bertanding di Asian Games 2018
Adel Zahara Besok, 3 Atlet Senam Riau Mulai Bertanding di Asian Games 2018 Artikel Baru Nih Artikel Tentang Besok, 3 Atlet Senam Riau Mulai Bertanding di Asian Games 2018 Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Besok, 3 Atlet Senam Riau Mulai Bertanding di Asian Games 2018 Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Besok, 3 Atlet Senam Riau Mulai Bertanding di Asian Games 2018 Tiga atlet senam artistik putra andalan Riau, Senin (20/8) akan turun di nomor Tim dan Aurond pada Asian Games 2018. http://www.unikbaca.com
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