#aurelia the baroness
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dehydr8edwater · 11 days ago
Hrrrrmmmm... requests... how about Aurelia? Thoughts? I am a proud supporter of women's wrongs 💍❄️
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i did not feel nothing when she called me a whore in bl3 and that is all i will say on the matter
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kitsumidori · 2 months ago
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So I've had this Borderlands/Sam & Max au idea ever since I've played The Devil's Playhouse Remastered (+ a lack of old man yaoi), especially with the main plot involving Eldridge God's hence why Wainwright and Alistair are the main leads
I've also very likely spelled some names wrong but I'm too lazy to change them (⁠;⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)
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abyssarts · 1 year ago
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ummm ladies
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winterswake · 1 year ago
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???? Aurelia are you a porn bot now????
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cakerapop · 2 years ago
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adyflygonna · 2 years ago
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It's mermaaaayyy!!! I had to draw my favorite ice queen as a seapony. She's a beaut, ain't she?
I wanna do Timothy next :3
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chichirid · 6 months ago
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fischl identity pack
(names, pronouns, titles)
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names: ali, amethyst, annabelle, ashlee, astrid, aurelia, avril, bellatrix, blaine, chelsea, cora, cressida, demetria, ebony, elisabeta, elysia, erin, faelina, felicia, feronia, harlow, heidi, helena, ivy, jade, katherin, lea, lucinda, luna, mavis, mila, noel, octavia, onyx, pandora, quinn, ramona, ravenna, rosalind, ruby, sabrina, sylvana, velora, vespera, violet, yvaine, zephyra
pre / suffix: de ville, noir, die unsterbliche, sangre, the nightwalker, schwarz, dracul, de wit, nott, ashenfell, von ravenwood, muerte, die sangriento, moretti, von karstien, rosselin, baroness, de angelis, vexlar, nocturne, la mort, le cœur (“Cœur” meaning heart), mortelombre, ambrosiea, van essen, der weise, blacknight
pronouns: crow/crows, rav/raven, hex/hexes, divine/divines, dark/darks, mystic/mystics, goth/goths, magi/magics, electric/electro, glo/glow, noir/noirs, night/nights
titles: the conjurer of spectres, the prinzessin der verurteilung, the summoner of mirages, the shadow actress, the midnight mistress, the gifted chuunibyo, the unsettling sovereign of immernachtreich, the mystique phantasm, *prn* whose illusions are hauntingly real, *prn* with a macabre taste of magic, *prn* mesmerising flashes of amethyst at midnight, *prn* who is adorned in black, *prn* who is trailed by prophecies, *prn* who is veiled by the everlasting darkness
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lukedanger · 5 months ago
Owlcatober - Day 2 - Fake Names (KM)
Day 2 of @owlcatober, focusing on a group of differently named adventurers preparing to infiltrate the Kingdom of the Cleansed...
[Ao3 Link]
And so dear readers, we leave the tale of the Baroness to follow the deeds of Sir Tristian, friend to Amalia of the Kingdom of the Cleansed! And the tale is now written not by Linzi the [insert title later], but Brynn the Ca
“Story check.”
Linzi looked up as she was interrupted by Ekundayo, her heavy maille shirt rustling as she did. They were all dressed differently, even Tristian had traded his Sarenite robes for the earthen robes of a humble pilgrim. A large black furred wolf with a riding harness was also sitting by the fire with them, next to Tristian at the moment.
“C’mon,” Amiri growled, clearly unhappy without her oversized sword in favor of the javelins, hatchet, and small shield of a skirmisher, “We went over this a bunch of times. I’m not dumb, I’m even learning those stupid letters!”
“Stories fall apart in the details,” Ekun retorted, having wrapped his head in cloth in a Thuvian style. “I will start: Taiwo, mercenary from Thuvia. Came north to see the world, offered to guide Tristian’s party. Prefer to be left alone.”
Amiri grunted, shaking head. “Fine - Valeria, thief from Numeria. Got caught robbing a League tower, sold as a slave, broke out after pushing a mill wheel for years, looking for a new life in Gevaudan.” She glanced at Octavia, “You next.”
“You had to use that as a background…” the wizardess exhaled, shaking her head despite the large pointy hat and thick black robes she was wearing. “Okay: Aurelia, necromancer from Galt trying to redeem herself. Fond of quite good whisky, late night strolls, and hates cities.”
Their attention turned to Kaessi, wearing a worn gambeson with a spear propped next to her seat on a log. “Layla. I came here to make a new life away from Qadira, joined a village militia with other settlers, and deserted after the troll attacks.” She cast a particularly harsh glare towards Tristian - the kind that stayed whether she was feeling kind or harsh that day. “So why does he not need to lie?”
“Amalia is… not fully aware,” Tristan admitted, looking down as if in shame as he was judged by kindness. “She knows me only as a humble pilgrim who was interested in how the Kingdom of the Cleansed offers redemption.”
“The covers were my suggestion,” Ekundayo added, “to reduce suspicion.” He turned to Linzi, then frowned at her notes. “I thought you left the book behind? Too iconic.”
Linzi exhaled. Yes, he had been quite firm on that. “A Cavalier of the Paw still has her entry in the annals to consider! A worthy cause sought, and a worthier one to charge into!” She stood up, the heroicness of the pose rather dampened by stumbling. Linzi was unused to the weight of maille on her shoulders, even with the belt of strength that Valerie had lent her.
“Regardless,” the bard-pretending-to-be-cavalier continued, “You can be sure to follow Brynn into gllloorrrrrrious battle!”
“Speaking of paws,” Amiri grumbled, “where’s Dog?”
Ekun sighed. “Too known. Besides, someone else plays the role of war wolf. Brynn?”
“Oh, right,” Linzi had almost forgotten the most important part! “Thank you Sir Tristian for keeping an eye on Gnaw while at Tuskdale!”
She could see Kaessi tilting her head and mouthing ‘Gnaw’ in confusion as the large black furred wolf rose and sniffed Tristian’s hand.
“Perhaps you should get her out of the harness for tonight,” Tristian suggested, gesturing towards Linzi.
“Oh, of course!” Linzi really should have known better. She didn’t have a squire, after all! Then again, I end up playing squire often enough… she thought as she started removing the strapping. Oh, if only she could write what she was really doing: she knew readers would have a laugh at it.
Hopefully the Baroness did not realize it either. That would be awkward. And embarrassing.
While I do not plan on doing as much with Kingmaker for Owlcatober, I did want to do a few things and test the waters a bit. Since KM was my first stab into Pathfinder at all I went relatively generic, and the baroness I rolled for it ended up as the proto version of Elaina. I've been mulling on ways to reroll her to stand out as her own character. Luckily, a confluence of circumstances such as the name I grabbed for the barony and certain problems like "They're In This Together!" constantly repeating offered an idea...
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noblestripes · 2 months ago
Wild ride after touching the shooter game series for the first time, I literally flew through them all, except for Borderlands 3 (shit crashes on the Switch, plus horrible ass writing).
Borderlands 1: Lilith because Siren (nice power)
Playthrough 1 is a chore because of the ancient UI and systems.
Borderlands 2: Maya because Siren (Cloud Kill best skill)
TVHM is activated but untouched as of now.
I won’t forgive Gearbox for killing off Maya and making Krieg sad.
Borderlands The Pre Sequel: Aurelia because rich bitch (totally broken because of cryo damage and crit skills but a seriously squishy glass cannon)
Really need to keep an Aurelia death counter while playing through Ultimate Vault Hunter mode, I estimate my accidental deaths as 100 and true deaths as more than 300 throughout normal and true vault hunter modes.
(Claptastic Voyage was so wild though.)
Borderlands 3: Amara because also Siren (haha eight extra hands)
Began TVHM with mayhem mode turned on, but I couldn’t bear going through that boss fight again.
(Also that certain sidequest where the Baroness turned into a cradle robbing cougar devoid of character development from TPS, like seriously?)
So my preference would be TPS > 2 > 1 > 3 (writing totally sucks but gameplay shines).
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theealluringstoryteller · 1 year ago
Against the world around us
chapter 3
The rewrite
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Water trickled down the smooth soft curves as Omorose stood up from the lukewarm water. She had hoped that the hot bath would ease her mind before she had to make her way to the ceremony where she would meet her potential husband. A total stranger she had to decide if she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. Left to her own devices the relaxing water didn’t stand a chance against the moment that awaited her. A moment she had to bare alone. Aurelia had left to the Empire due to some important issues but apologized before she had left and Omorose’s loved ones wouldn’t be in attendance. She couldn’t gather enough courage to send word that she had agreed to an arranged marriage to a stranger. The tongue lashing she would’ve received from Nina alone made her fear the idea.
A soft knock brought the Baroness out of her thoughts. Quickly she stepped out of the tub, water pooling at her feet as she reaches for her plush bath robe.
“Baroness!” A voice called from behind her door.
“Just a moment!” She huffed out tying the soft material to her body.
Soon the door opened revealing a middle aged woman that held an arm full of fabrics.
“King Rhett sent me! He wanted you to be dressed in traditional Intacian clothes for the ceremony.”
Allowing the woman into her room the Baroness pointed a manicured finger to the gown that laid out on her bed.
“I already have my gown picked out.” Omorose states closing her bedroom door.
The older woman studied the gown picked out by the Baroness. It was floor length, made of expensive silk in the color of white, the dress featuring a silver beaded sleeveless corset top with the beading trailing down to the rest of the gown and gleamed under the soft light.
“It’s a beautiful gown your Grace, but, king Rhett-”
“I’ve already decided! He’s picked out everything else. Let me have this.”
Twisting her lips shut the handmaiden set the contents in her arms onto the foot of the bed.
“Fair enough but, the veil is required.”
She informs the Baroness picking the thick material from the pile of other fabrics. Seeing the veil Omorose mentally groan but,kept quiet out of respect.
“You’re expected down there in an hour or so and you can’t be late.” The handmaiden stated leading Omorose to her vanity “And you’re nowhere near ready!” She added forcing the young woman down into the seat.
“This hair will take up majority of our time!” The handmaiden fussed gathering all of Omorose’s luscious curls into a make shift ponytail.
“Ever thought about straightening it. would save you tons of time!” She went on to say starring at the heap of hair in annoyance.
The Baroness loathed the idea of ruining her curls for a straighter look. The smell alone made her sick to her stomach! The thought brought back the memories of her being forced into the chair of the long time employed hair dresser who took their time parting sections into her hair and going over each with a hot metal comb. Her mother smiling in the corner making backhanded compliments.
“I prefer my hair in its natural state.”
“Really? It’s quite unruly.”
“Despite what you think I believe it adds to my beauty.”
Frowning the handmaiden watched the Baroness easily tame her hair. Her comb gliding through thanks to the method of wetting and moisturizing her strands and combing from the ends to the roots. It took less than what the handmaiden believed it was going to take.
“Perfect!” Omorose smiled applying a cream that rejuvenated her curls.
“Well at least allow me to do your face! King Rhett didn’t send me here to be a wallflower.” The handmaiden insisted.
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“King Rhett! Presenting first army commander Castin Hammer!” Was announced silencing the whole room.
Shamelessly Omorose, stared at the tall dark haired man, who wore a cocky smile on his handsome face. His bright blue eyes were filled with a light mischievous gleam. Castin stood tall a few inches off from king Rhett it was more built from the constant work of being a commander.
Heart racing as he peered down at her with such a characteristic look. She nearly developed a childish crush on him right then and there. She could tell he was a charmer but his down fall was quickly revealed to be his cockiness.
That was the only thing that could explain why Castin felt bold enough to gift the Baroness such a skimpy gift during their first real meeting and in front of so many witnesses.
After the removal of her veil, the gasped of shock confirming that Rhett made the right decision when it came to the bride, Rhett thought the Ceremony would go smoothly. Castin would make his proposal, offer his gift and the Baroness would accept leading to everyone celebrating the official engagement between two people and two nations. It quickly soured with Castin’s boyish behavior and Omorose’s reaction to it all.
Omorose’s heart went from racing to a complete stop hearing the humiliating sound of laughter. She couldn’t hear anything other than the laughter. It made her eyes sting and a limp form in her throat she couldn’t swallow. The movement of Castin’s lips explaining his crude gift was clear as day and slowly turnt her humiliation into rage. Her hand flew up making contact with his face. The harsh slap jerked Castin’s head to the side leaving him shocked.
Cursing under his breath Rhett took a hold of the situation hushing Castin while trying to calm the Baroness down. The night ending with Rhett watching Omorose angrily leaning after their short discussion where he got her to see a bit of reason as to not back out of the arranged marriage idea.
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“I need this delivered before the early morning.” Omorose demanded pushing the envelope into the royal carrier’s hands. Her voice horsed and her eyes red and puffy. The carrier looked concerned. It was four hours after the sunset there was no way it would be delivered on time.
“I’m sorry your Grace-”
“You don’t understand! Either this letter gets to the Fentress estate by morning or I’m leaving here tonight and arriving there by morning. Take it up with you king.” She tells the carrier not sparing them a chance to get another word in as she turned away determined to get back to the confinement of her room.
By midnight a knock sounded on her door this time King Rhett’s voice was heard.
“The letter was sent by air. It should get to your estate before the sun rises.”
Omorose relaxed a bit hearing that and began resting her tired eyes still wet with tears but Rhett continued.
“Baroness, I would like to invite you to breakfast so we can further discuss the arranged marriage.”
“I’ve already made up my mind! Pick another suitor or find another Imperial who is actually willing to put up with that sleazy dog you call a friend!” Omorose spat then whispered “which would be impossible. We were all raised with self respect” under her breath.
“Please, I know Castin made a horrible first impression but he is still the best choice-”
“That’s insulting to the rest of the Intacian men, no?”
“He’s a good man!”
“Foolishness! Who am I? Savannah?”
Confused as to who Savannah was Rhett chose to ignore that and continue with his pleading.
“I understand your frustration but, please Omorose hear me out over breakfast tomorrow.”
Closing her eyes Omorose sucked in a breath before releasing it in an attempt to calm herself
“I refuse to be made a fool of twice-”
“It won’t happen again! I swear on my life.”
Giving in Omorose reached for her pillow covering her face to middle her scream as she cursed herself for doing so.
“Fine… but, if I regret this there will be things far worse than hell you’ll have to deal with.”
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Since the moment Amara gave the last push, heard the first cry of her baby and turned from it Nina stepped up. Still covered in blood and other fluids Amara took the tiny bundle away to care for her. Taking the role of mother without the title. Constantly having to hold her tongue when Kendrick and Amara made decisions she didn’t agree with for the young girl cause they were her actual parents and Nina was just a servant who took care of the actual tasks of a parent.
Nursing, nurturing, cleaning, comforting, dressing,protecting, speaking life into their Omorose. She was far more a mother than the woman that bore the child. Far more of a father that impregnated the woman that bore the child. Despite the social norms and what society thinks Omorose was Nina’s daughter in Nina’s eyes. She knew that girl like the back of her hand. There was no secrets of Omorose’s that Nina wouldn’t keep, no fears she wouldn’t ease out of the Young Baroness’s mind. They were tied in a bond meant for mothers and their daughters. A sacred connection that didn’t have to develop over nine months with an umbilical cord attaching them together.
So when Nina got the letter in the late night she was on an Air ship moments later heading to Intacia.
Her mind racing with different thoughts.
‘Now she wants me there, foolish girl.’
‘why did she even agree?! Foolishness! She was taught better! And this pig headed idiot! Lingerie? Was he raised in a brothel! Who convinced this man that lingerie was a good gift for a first meeting! A whore would’ve been over the moon perhaps but someone like Omorose!’ Nina sucked her teeth glaring a hole into the wall in front of her. She couldn’t wait to set that boy right. Clearly he needed to be set right and so did Omorose.
“The Baroness is expecting you later in the day-”
“Take me to her now!”
“I can’t do that! She’s in a meeting with Commander Castin at the request of King Rhett.”
Nina’s eyes felt like it lit a hungry flame on the Palace servant’s skin. “Oh another meeting with the philandering Commander so he can offer her something more crude? When will the line be drawn?” Nina questions “After he gifts her with a replica of his cock? A useless little paper weight that would be.”
“The king gave strict instructions-”
“Your king clearly lacks intelligence!”
“There’s no need for disrespect-”
“Oh what gotten enough of it last night at the expense of the Baroness?” Nina hissed rolling her eyes. “Take me to her now or I swear by the Goddess-”
“Nina I assume?” Rhett cuts in finding his way into the grand foray when another servant went to get him.
“Omorose? Where is she?”
Rhett nodded sensing the no nonsense attitude the woman held.
“The Baroness agreed to try and get to know Castin alone-”
“You left my Rosie, in a room with a rabid horndog?”
“He won’t do anything unless she asks for it? Castin may be many things but he is not the type to hurt women in that nature.” Rhett assured.
Nina let out a humorless laugh as she walked towards Rhett.
“Take me to her now! Or I will turn this palace upside down!” She threatens throwing in a few Intacian curses for added measure.
Taken aback Rhett raised an eyebrow “you’re Intacian?”
“And proud!”
“And you’re still serving the Baroness?”
“Serving?” Nina spat feeling insulted.
“I never served Omorose! I raised her.”
Rhett couldn’t believe his ears “Did you say raise?” He asked not believing it. An Imperial raised by an Intacian.
“Since her mother gave birth I’ve raised her! Since she was mere seconds old!”
“This might change everything-”
“King Rhett…it sounds like Commander Castin has upset the Baroness once again.” A servant announces waiting for the King to following him up to the room where he left the two.
“Damn it Castin!” Rhett huffed turning his full attention on getting to that room before anything worse could happen. Nina followed closed behind eager to see Omorose and talk some sense into her.
Opening the door Rhett took note of the Baroness pissed expression as she stood from her chair while Castin still sat in his nonchalantly.
Rhett tried to get a sense of what made the Baroness so angry while apologizing profusely to the young woman.
“I’ll accept the proposal!” Omorose announced refusing to look in Castin’s direction. Her announcement shocking everyone.
“Finally.” Castin sighed rolling his eyes causing Rhett to glare at him fiercely. “You’ll marry him?”
“Only for the sake of the kingdoms. This marriage will hold no other purpose besides that.”
Dumbfounded Rhett spilled words trying to get the Baroness to list to him but his voice fell on deaf ears.
Nina quickly followed Omorose her fingers reaching out to harshly pinch her side like a mother would do to her misbehaving child.
“Ow! Nina! Stop!” Cried Omorose as they turned a corner.
“Marriage! Rosie? You agreed to marry that… that” she trailed off trying to think of an insult.
“For the kingdoms Nina! To unify the kingdoms.” Omorose pouted rubbing a smoothing circle where she was pinched.
“I didn’t ask you here to scowl me for agreeing to marry that bastard! I asked you to be here because going through it alone was too much to bare last night and I can’t bare to continue without you.”
The scowl expression melted from Nina’s face as she pulled Omorose into a hug. “You don’t have to sacrifice yourself to right your parents wrong Rosie! I know that’s the only reason why you agreed.”
“If not me then who?” Asked Omorose peering at Nina’s now soft expression.
“Anyone but you! You deserve more than a man that gifts you lingerie during your first meeting! You deserve a man that will respect you from the beginning.”
“That may be true but setting things right is more important than a fairytale man.”
“I regret teaching you to be selfless. I should’ve let you be influenced by your parents selfishness instead.”
Laughing Omorose rolled her eyes before looping her arm around Nina’s.
“We have much to catch on.” She tells her mother figure as she lead her through the halls to her room.
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vaulthunting · 2 years ago
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all gifs on my profile are by flou (artstation)
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vaulthunting is a blog run by @deepslate where i reblog as much borderlands stuff as i can :) see below for tag navigation!!
also sorry if this appears in a search :( just ignore it
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Borderlands Borderlands the Presequel Borderlands 2 Borderlands 3 Tales from the Borderlands Tiny Tina's Wonderlands New Tales from the Borderlands
Borderlands Movie
Lilith the Siren Roland the Soldier Mordecai the Hunter Brick the Berserker
Athena the Gladiator Nisha Kadam the Lawbringer Wilhelm the Enforcer Claptrap Timothy Lawrence the Doppelganger Aurelia Hammerlock the Baroness
Maya the Siren Axton the Commando Salvador the Gunzerker Zer0 the Assassin Gaige the Mechromancer Kreig the Psycho
Amara the Siren Fl4k the Beastmaster Zane Flynt the Operative Moze the Gunner
Rhys Strongfork Fiona the Con Artist
Angel Alistair Hammerlock Buttstallion Captain Scarlett Clay Dr Zed Ellie Hodunk Felicity Rampant Handsome Jack Janey Springs Katagawa Jr Lor(elei) Mad Moxxi Mr Torgue Patricia Tannis Sasha the Kid Sister Scooter
Shade (Tiny) Tina Tyreen Calypso Troy Calypso Wainwright Jakobs
art gif image text post
designs cosplay ships (relationships) au (alternate universe) oc (original character)
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kitsumidori · 1 year ago
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Wise words from a lesbian on the internet said: "If you have a cast of six characters, you can line them up pretty well with the mane 6."
I've been working on this on and off for a while and while I'm still a little nervous about posting art on here (especially after a bot reposted the last one) I really don't want this to go to waste, especially since I really had fun with this.
Fun Fact: I was originally going to have the mane 6 as the BL2 vh's, but the only ones that would fit are Twilight as Maya, Applejack as Krieg and Pinkie as Gaige.
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mermaidsirennikita · 8 months ago
Do you know characters from historical fiction who have unusal jobs?
I'm gonna go with this under a historical romance lens as I don't really read historical fiction much anymore :)
Hotel of Secrets by Diana Biller has a heroine who runs a hotel in Vienna! This book is so different and interesting in so many ways
Lady Charlotte in Grace Callaway's Lady Charlotte's Society of Angels series (Victorian Charlie's Angels) runs a detective agency lol
In Want of a Viscount by Lorraine Heath features an entrepreneur heroine! I don't know that it's like, her JOB JOB, but it's still there. The Notorious Lord Knightly, my favorite book in that same series, has a heroine who secretly writes an erotic memoir about her experiences with the hero, lol. It's like... Lady Whistledown if she slayed, and was less "DEAREST READER" and more "that fucking asshole Lord K touched my nipples in a garden and I think you all should know that"
Prince of Broadway by Joanna Shupe features a heroine who wishes to be a casino owner. She's not there yet, but the book is about her getting there with the hero's help. Baron, an earlier Shupe book, has a heroine who's a fake psychic lmao
The heroines of Julie Anne Long's Lady Derring Takes a Lover and Angel in a Devil's Arms run a boarding house together--which in itself isn't a crazy job, but it's definitely not super common for ladies of their day and status (the titular Lady Derring was a countess before her husband died, and the other heroine was that husband's mistress). After Dark with the Duke, another book in that series, has an opera singer heroine.
The Postilion by S.M. LaViolette has a heroine who's disguised as a young man and does in fact work as a postilion (fancy horse helper). LaViolette has some other leads with interesting jobs... His Valet features a valet lead, which isn't THAT crazy (though I've never read a valet hero) but the character was assigned female at birth and is disguised as a man (she uses she/her pronouns by and large in private, but is clearly nonbinary). Aurelia features a heroine who draws nature sketches for a naturalist hero. If it counts because it's kinda under the table but still, Hyacinth has a heroine who disguises herself as a man and racks up cash by playing cards. The titular Melissa of Melissa and the Vicar runs a high class brothel.
Actually, When a Scot Ties the Knot by Tessa Dare ALSO features a heroine with that same job.
S.M. LaViolette writes as Minerva Spencer as well, and she has a series about a string of heroines who are in a ladies' circuses. The Boxing Baroness features a lady boxer; The Dueling Duchess features a gunslinging duchess; and The Cutthroat Countess has a heroine who throws knives for a living.
A Caribbean Heiress in Paris by Adriana Herrera has a heroine who runs her family's rum business, and An Island Princess Starts a Scandal has an artist heroine and a business bitch heroine.
The Duke's Perfect Wife by Jennifer Ashley has a lady reporter heroine, which is why she feels perfectly comfortable jumping into her ex-fiance's carriage and going "SOMEONE SENT ME PICTURES OF YOU NAKED".
The Lord I Left by Scarlett Peckham features a dominatrix heroine, and the recently released The Mistress Experience (excellent) has a famous courtesan heroine. The heroine of The Rakess is a famous writer and lady about town.
Lisa Kleypas has a couple of author heroines--Sara Fielding in Dreaming of You and Amanda in Suddenly You.
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More DD au ramblings bc I'm ill
Gaige is a Necromancer class and this is an absolute no brainer. She functions kinda like a Houndmaster but fucked up and evil. Also her robot hand is skeletal instead of mechanical.
Continuing with the theme of TTAODK class mods: Salvador would be a Barbarian, and probably focus more on melee than guns. Sorry.
Aurelia could definitely still be a Baroness class, however I don't think ice magic fits the magics of the DD setting and if we focused on her sniping stuff we'd probably end up making her too similar to her brother. However, I think if we DD-ified her Contractual Aristocracy tree into something like an Antiquarian, she could end up as something very interesting indeed.
Speaking of which: Alistair and Aurelia are your starting characters.
Timothy could also work as an Antiquarian kinda type, but with way more focus on inventory management and maybe some strange occult abilities granted to him by the same unseen force that branded him with the Iron Crown. (Yep, Jack doesn't really exist in this universe. Because yes.)
Claptrap is a piece of animated stonework. He's completely immune to bleeding, disease, and has ridiculous HP, PROT and Move resist, but his other stats and Blight resist are complete ass. Also, he's a critical-focused support class, kinda like an Occultist (complete with 0 minimum healing skills) + Jester (but with stress heals that have a chance to cause stress instead).
Krieg would probably end up being a sort of Flagellant/Leper/Abomination combo.
Brick, Zer0, Nisha, Athena and Mordecai could probably function mostly unaltered (obvs, their costumes and abilities would be changed slightly to fit the universe, but still) but I'd have to rename Mordecai's class so it doesn't overlap with Hammylocks. That or I change Hammylock's class to "Gentleman" which would be kinda funny tbh.
Fl4k would be very cool in this setting, but I'd probably have to turn them into an undead or something. That, or they're animate stonework like Claptrap.
I have exactly 0 clue how to make Zane, Moze or Wilhelm fit into this, so if anyone has suggestions for them I'm willing to listen.
I also have no clue how to make Sirens fit into this whole thing, so...
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smallcatsims · 2 years ago
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And Baroness Carter gives birth to Aurelia, who I dearly hope is their last baby. I remodel some of the girls’ old rooms into a nursery and playroom for the babies.
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