stephjanet · 6 years
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« Escargots, Anyone?! » #theyweregreat #omgee #landmollusk #nomnom #foodie #stephurfoodgameup #theconsciousfoodie #beherewithme #atlfoodie #cherishthenow #love #travelnoire #mytravelgram #travelgram #travel #paris #france #auparis #foodfoodfood #instagood #instamood #instacool #instadaily #instapic #instaphoto #picoftheday #photooftheday (à Bouillon Pigalle) https://www.instagram.com/steph_ur_food_game_up/p/BvM_RkLgXhK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m6uog1sdf68u
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jhonny3006 · 4 years
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Source : Aupari Arierep
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I have had a rollercoaster of thoughts today... from being stressed about being able afford to travel in July, to needing to buy a house instantly, to needing to save the planet from global warming (the CORAL IS DYING!!!).  As i do most saturdays i try to only watch things on netflix that will educate me about a topic. I have been following one project where the dutch guy has designed a sort of contraption to collect and remove plastic from the worlds ocean ( plastic ocean on netflix). They have done all the testing and got the money and are currently assembling the “thing” ( for lack of an actual word) and it should be launched into the sea off the west coast of LA in the coming months. I’m actually very excited to watch it all happen. It is really sad that there is literally 1000 and 1000′s of tonnes of plastic in the ocean. It is such a beautiful part of our world and people have such disrespect for it. One of the main things they find out there is fishing nets. Fishing boats either toss them or lose control and basically no one is watching and no way to trace it back to the ship - so what do they care. I would think that fisherman who rely on it for an income would have more respect for their livelihood. Anyways so yes i am excited to see that first stage of the project be launched and if it is successful they will launch more of the “things” to speed up the collection of plastics. 
The first doco i watched today was ‘before the flood’ which has Leo DiCaprio as the main person. It literally baffles me that USA still has politicians saying its all bullshit... global warming is a hoax... Here i am in Colombia where it is known that the government and police etc take bribes. You would think that in a country that is “the leader of the free world” would be above that. I actually hate when they call themselves that... it is literally one of the worst countries to live in...each for their own and they don’t care about the damage their success does. They can’t sort out their gun issues because the gun people own the government and they wont accept or acknowledge global warming offically because the fossil fuel companies pay millions and millions to the high up politicians to pay scientists to say its all false. Trump is such a moron “ Global warming??!? its freezing today” like can he be more dumb!... but he is the leader of the “free world” god help us if that is who is running one of the most influential countries in the world. This doco brought up a good point... like there are so many developing countries - take india.. where 300 million people dont even have power yet... the equilivent to the population of USA. Like my thought would be to just put a solar panel on each house and then that stops the need to start them on fossil fuels and then move them to a green tech... but the indian lady was like why should we when 1 american creates more of a footprint than 10 indians put together. Leo was pretty honest and was like well Americans won’t change their ways... and she is like exactly.. so why should we? it is the american Right! to use as much power as they want. ALways their right. *eye roll* ... it will also be their right to relocate Florida in 30 years or so when the ocean takes over the city. 
The 2nd one was about how the coral is bleaching every year during “el nino”. Soon the coral wont be able to recover before it happens the following year and it will die completely giving no homes to millions of fish ... and then what will happen to all the communities who rely on fishing for food and income? They basically explained it like the human body... if our core temp rises even a few degrees it is dangerous for us. Its the same in the ocean.. the coral can not survive when the water is to hot.. and that can be by 1 or 2 degrees. So althought trump may not feel it because he is cold *eye roll* the ocean does and it is suffering silently. The Great Barrier reef lost 30% of its coral in 2016 and it is just going to increase every “el nino”. 
Merge this with my stress that i need a buy a house as soon as i get back to Australia.. but will have zero money .. and then deciding my house will have solar power... to do my little part.. I did even look up hybrid cars..but that is a bit beyond my reach financially lol..I shall have to wait until they come down in cost. Also ... I may also have 2 or more jobs when i get back just so i can save money quickly so i can get into the housing market. 
I remember a convo i had with Rach.. or a convo she told me she had with the mother of the kids she auparied for in France the other year ( gosh that is nearly 3 years ago RACH!!). Anyways Rach said she had a convo with the mum about what she was going to do next and rach had said the she might move to another country and have another year abroad and the mum had said stop putting your life on hold. I feel like i am having feelings of that... i have put my life on hold... i am obviously living my life and growing as a person ( i hope) but like.. i am not going forwards towards the life goals i had set out for myself in my early 20′s ( or to be honest when i was 12). I wanted to own a lot of house by the time i was 30.... that age has gone and i literally have like $2000 to my name.. and nothing that is actually an asset to my life. That does stress me. I want to be able to have my own income free of a job... and the time is ripe to enter the real estate market and begin taking hold of my portion. For now i literally can do nothing lol. I will think on it and see what i can do so i return to Australia with a little bit of savings.. enough to jump start me into some what of a positive life moving forward. 
Many thoughts.. many mini stresses... but for now all i am going to do  is focus on my trip to aruba / peru and walking the trail to Macchu piccu...
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expatsparis · 5 years
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At #CityTalks later in March this year: "From Sinophobia to Sinophilia: Cultural Encounters as Knowledge Acquisition" 👉 https://buff.ly/2RynYTS featuring the @AUParis Professor and Historian @albertowu https://ift.tt/2UXoHBq
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autodestr-blog · 8 years
Austin TX
Austin TX, Texas is fast becoming one of the hottest cities for travellers to the USA. With a unique blend of southern hospitality and cosmopolitan energy, it’s a perfect mix of nightlife, spectacular food and world class live music. 
Join Reuben Mourad as he uncovers some of the local secrets that will give you an Austin experience like none other. To find out more, see http://blog.expedia.com.au/the-austin... 
Victoria Garcia7 months ago
The Best SEO firm from Austin of Austin is at Lockhart, Tx. Everyone knows that!!
Campo87 Campo873 weeks ago HELL YEAH! Reply
Victoria Garcia Victoria Garcia9 months ago Austin TX Locals don't go to Rainey St. Reply 1
Zeus Shama Zeus Shama10 months ago One of the better travel videos on Austin here on YouTube.  Thanks! Reply 1
Michael Piseno Michael Piseno8 months ago Franklin's. not "la barbeque". Reply 2
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maliaauparis-blog · 9 years
ITS HERE! A $20 afternoon in NYC! 
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Living the Blistered Feet Kind of Life
First of all let me say OW. My poor toes have seen better days.
Back to La Defense!!! I didn't get too lost this time, but of course I was with my host mum. Actually when I am not a nervous mess it's actually an interesting place to explore! I even went to French McDonald's! Looking at the menu I wasn't brave enough to order anything other than macaroons and a smoothie but still it was a step! I will be going there twice a week starting soon so I think that I will get more adventurous. 
So I took my written and oral test. Oral didn't go as well as the written. I am so shy in general and adding a new language into the mix and almost all the words I have ever learnt, English and French, left my mind. It was awful! I ended up getting into the "fake" beginner class. Not quite level two but more than level one. My classes start Oct. 13th and will be Monday and Thursday from 10-1:30, for the next 12 weeks. Originally I thought that I was going to have to go to the location in Paris that was almost an hour from my home, but luckily there was an opening at this location that is only a 25 minute train ride!
Mummy's Club at the park! It's always so nice to have the kids play at the park while you can talk with other people your own age. Sharing stories of the kids and the families make the whole thing so much easier to handle. I love trading stories because there are some days where you want to kill these kids but hearing other people with the same type stories is great because it makes you feel less crazy. 
Jules also tried his first English phrase on me... "I. Have. To. Poop." It was great. So we had to go poop, in the library. Where he clogged the toilet. Yet another thing that I cannot explain in French. Always an adventure with these kids.
Another night of babysitting as well, much less of a disaster than the first night, only Jules cried himself to sleep, and everyone was asleep before 9:30 which meant that I was also asleep soon after.
Always a fun and interesting day. Always a LONG day.
We had two separate soccer practices and a drawing lesson. In different parts of town, within 20 minutes apart.
J at 2:30 soccer
G at 3:00 drawing (the opposite end of town)
A at 3:30 soccer
Everything over by 5:30.
My day started at 11:30 (of course I was up and cooking lunch much earlier than that) and ended at 11:30. Waking up, eating, going to the butcher and bakery, cooking lunch, picking up kids, feeding them, taking them to their activities, helping with homework, making dinner, showering them, feeding them again. It is all hard work. And to make matters even better, I was sick. With a fever. It was a fun day.
Thursday: was much better.
Nothing interesting happened. We had to walk home in the rain which sucked, then had to walk to G's piano lesson in the rain which also sucked but at least we were prepared for that trip in the rain with our boots and umbrellas.
So relaxed. I love Fridays. I do laundry and fold and iron and go to the market, all  on my time at my own pace. The mum is home on Friday's so I don't really have to do anything kid related unless it is babysitting which will only happen some Friday nights. Plus this weekend the family was away camping so I was by myself Friday through Sunday afternoon.
Friday night into Sunday morning I went on a 30 minute ghost tour at Versailles Castle. The castle where countless French royalty lived and where French court was moved in the 1500-1600's, also the place where Marie Antoinette was imprisoned and beheaded. Creepy little fact but interesting to me because I am strange. We didn't see any ghosts, at least not that I noticed. (it is said to be the most haunted place in France so I was really hoping) But honestly I think that we were being so loud and there was so many people it probably scared the ghosts away. I want to spend the night there alone and see what it really has to offer, but I am not sure that is allowed... And if it is it probably costs more money than I will ever have, being that I am a poor, struggling college student and all. Overall, while disappointing that we saw no ghosts, though I suppose they could have been hiding and watching us, or invisible, it was still a very fun night and I didn't get home until almost 1:30 am. Much to my dismay because I had to be up at 10 am.
Aka the best day ever and the day my feet died.
I will forever stand by my claim that getting lost and seeing where the road takes you is the best way to discover Pairs.
We went through beautiful gardens, cobbled streets, eat chocolate sandwiches with our feet hanging over the river, it was all so amazing. 
We found this insanely beautiful Mosquee de Paris that we went inside of. SO GORGEOUS. I was wearing a dress, because I did not know we would be going to a mosque, so I had to cover up with a wrap, actually two wraps and was quite the fashion statement. But it was all good fun, I wasn't going to disrespect a religion and I think that it just added to the experience. 
By the time we were done exploring and we had to find the hairdresser (Silvia was going to get ll her hair cut off and needed moral support), my feet were actually bleeding. So we had to go to a drug store and buy band-aides. Like there was no way that i was going to be able to walk any further with out them. But in finding a drug store we stumbled across these two gorgeous old extremely Parisian streets, Rue Mouffetard and Henry IV. Each having a market with fruits and food and coffee and beer. It was so beautiful, we are going back to find Hemmingway's house which is in the area.
We drank coffee and beer at an adorable cafe, once again enjoying the amazingness that is Paris.
Until it started to rain.
But it was all good fun. I was soaked by the time I got home though. That part was awful.
Boring yet relaxing day.
What is the best thing to do by yourself when it is storming outside? ead in bed. That has been my day and it is fantastic.
Tune in next week for more adventures of Cait the Au Pair
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theshelfdiaries · 11 years
My Thoughts on... RIP YouTube Responses
Having joined the Youtube watching thing fairly late, I knew of no content creators to begin with. I don't know about any of you, but I found the majority of my favourite Youtubers through video responses. When the whole "Women on Youtube" topic was alight, my subscription box doubled within a few days. This was all down to video responses (Malia from Auparis, Rosianna, Ophelia Dagger, Connor Manning, Mother Effing Books   just to name a few!). Mickeleh mentioned in his most recent video that YouTube doesn't seem to know how the whole concept of responses work and I have to agree. Some YouTuber's channels were built and grow because of video responses. I can't understand why YouTube are doing something that will be so detrimental to the community. The replacement seems like a poor attempt and a shadow of its soon to be predecessor which will in turn allow people to spam content creators videos and genuine thought provoking responses will be lost in the abyss of earning $20 per survey. Bad move YouTube, bad move. 
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Malia AuParis
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expatsparis · 5 years
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At #CityTalks later in March this year: "From Sinophobia to Sinophilia: Cultural Encounters as Knowledge Acquisition" 👉 https://snip.ly/4eidon featuring the @AUParis Professor and Historian @albertowu https://ift.tt/2Sh7xvq
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monamidaesung · 11 years
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Telling Someone You Like Them
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maliaauparis-blog · 9 years
I get complimented on looking “Well put together” a lot. It’s not effort, its a system! For all my fellow lazy disgusting ladies* out there, I present the case for dresses.
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This is Malia, or AuParis on Youtube, and she's one of the best travel Youtuber's evah. Her whole channel is full of interesting videos about couch-surfing, traveling for cheap, (see above :)) and being awesome in general. Also, how to wash your hair with baking soda, which is cool. 
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10 Days + a Visa
I got my VISA!
Well it isn't in my hands yet, but I got approved. I pick it up 2 days before I leave, cutting it short I know. Bu I guess it was for the best that I changed my flight dates back a week. Thinking about the fact that if I hadn't changed it I would be leaving this Friday is crazy to me. I definitely would not be ready to leave yet. Like not just physically with packing and stuff but emotionally. I have too many people to see before i leave and not enough time! Even the thought of it is giving me anxiety. Holy crap.
Every once in a while I think to myself, "Why are people letting me do this?! WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA?!" But then I think of how amazing this is going to be, what an fantastic experience this will be.
I have been practicing my French but it seems like anytime someone asks me I forget everything that I have learnt, as soon as they walk away I remember it again.
I am rambling, this post has no point. God I am nervous. 10 days... 10 DAYS... Maybe later I will be able to post something that makes more sense. Or maybe it will get worse and all I will be able to post is "AHHHHHHHHHHH"
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the1janitor · 11 years
Malia talks about a subject that we've been discussing lately. BAD WORDS.
This is another person you should subscribe to if you haven't, she is just the bess.
Also she gives me a shoutout at the end! yayyy
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theghostlybird · 12 years
How to do Austin (by auparis)
Vote for her, VOTE FOR HER!!!
http://www.mydestination.com/users/maliamoss/bbb#tab   <-- vote here.
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