#aulen mistbreaker
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jancisstuff · 5 years ago
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Double or Nothing Casino Event at Astral Advent
Thank you, generous hosts!
Jancis got to borrow some of Natja’s amazing wardrobe (even if it needed a few pins to keep it from hanging too long on the midlander’s short frame) and escorted Maril around to watch games. Before the two knew it, they were whisked away into playing the games of chance! Beexu gave Jancis her token after throwing a drink in Autgar’s face. Combined with Maril’s determined win, and some excellent party play at the roulette table it all paid off.
Jancis walked away with an armful of prizes for the little ones!
June 2020
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gregoshorner · 5 years ago
Double or Nothing Casino - Triple Triad (2/2)
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Thank you to the Astral Advent and our hosts, Clover Greenwoode and Gigimai Zuzumai! Gregos had fun helping out the Triple Triad Tournament. (2/2). Here are all of the participants (sorry if I missed anyone!).
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zaiusrhalseer · 6 years ago
My Turn!
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Zaius Rhal’seer and Aulen Mistbreaker have joined your party!
Beginning Dungeon: “Another invitation?”
Assisting: “You just want to watch, that’s all.”
Being Assisted: “..tch. Suppose I shouldn’t waste all this fire.”
Idle/Waiting 1: “Surely you haven’t had enough yet?.”
Idle/Waiting 2:“If we stop now, so does the fun.”
Witnessing Aulen KO: “I suppose with the lance, I should have expected this…”
Reviving Aulen: “Should have brought a healer.”
Being Revived:“Ngh…that one is stronger than he looks. Good.”
Finishing Dungeon: “I have to wonder how much longer you’ll be satisfied with just watching, Aulen. Until next time.”
Zaius met Aulen Mistbreaker in the past, and was reintroduced to him a few months ago. Within a few weeks of that, Aulen had asked Zaius to aid him with a leve involving some bandits. Expecting a formidable force, having heard of Aulen’s skill, he was surprised to find the two of them tearing the bandits apart with little difficulty, to the point Zaius let one flee when it was clear he was no match for either he or Aulen.Realizing the other had actually asked him there to watch him fight, Zaius was amused, and intrigued. After some more discussion, he offered his services should Aulen ever need ‘help’ again, and would be pleased that the other had found them some tougher foes, joining his party without hesitation.
(Send an ask with ‘My Turn!’ to see how much of an ass Zaius will be in YOUR Trust Party!)
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jancisstuff · 5 years ago
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The Astral Advent Valentoine Party! 2020
Jancis was lucky enough to get an invitation.
Thank you, generous hosts!
The night was beautiful. I thought I would be able to observe from above, but Autgar did not seem interested in that, nor some others from their glances. I am unsure why it mattered. Such a beautiful night where Thaliak only knows how the hall became an enchanted garden, it was not enough for me to watch it. That is my place in such romantic settings. Luckily it was not too engulfed by Menphina.
Ignera was there and it was so good to see her. Especially in good spirits and with a nice glass of wine making new friends and helping. I think I saw her give Autgar a bag later in the night. Gifts for a party.
It was good timing, too. There was a fight with the food and I am sure he could use a present. I helped clean it up and made stew out of what I could clean off of the turkey, though some of the crispy skin just could not get the chocolate out of.
A’ken was there, observing like I. Having a complicated time with another there. I understand all too well, but he is so cheerful. I had to make a deal with him in order to get him to speak with his peers. He wanted me to stand next to Autgar. Luckily, he forgot about the deal as soon as he went over to Tiergan and others. The stories and tales, then cake.
I did stand there and finish the deal. I do not think anyone noticed.
After that I saw Osric and Kanaria. They invited me to tea with their children. Nymeia willing, we can do that.
I am glad I went. The blessings of Menphina are different for me, and this night reflects the ones I cannot manage. But I am glad I went.
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gregoshorner · 5 years ago
Double or Nothing Casino - Triple Triad (1/2)
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Thank you to the Astral Advent and our hosts, Clover Greenwoode and Gigimai Zuzumai! Gregos had fun helping out the Triple Triad Tournament. (1/2). Here are all of the participants (sorry if I missed anyone!).
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jancisstuff · 5 years ago
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jancisstuff · 5 years ago
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I had to get some air. The thought of trying to once again use these prisms in some way. The scar-less spot on Berrod’s arm. To ensure that sword wound I had did not scar took over a moon.
Swift healing left large scars. Left an overabundance somewhere. Like Nald’thal, there was always a trade. The most ideal trade was time generally, less the toll be taken elsewhere. Time to rest, let the aided healing finish in its own.
The idea of applying these crystals’ energy to heal the Twelveswood felt wrong. Everywhere. The insistence to keep revisiting this idea. It was not a sidewalk to patch up like in the Goblet. This was life. Life does not patch up like that. Deep wounds take time. Or they do not heal.
I wanted to bring up more. Where were the twins. That had been our goal before. Not to take the word of someone no one here trusted and feared for multitudes of reason, directly or indirectly. The gold dust and dozens murdered.
Must need limit more casualties. Berrod was correct, though. Focusing on the items causing the most harm would limit that in the long run.
May they truly be safe and where they want to be.
"Probably gonna have to, with the way this has been goin'."
"I'm not exactly sure of -how- comfortable I am working with Shadow again...wherever the Shadows are, things go from worse to catastrophic."
"They amplified the user's flaws."
"Like....another soul."
"Nothin' like brute forcin' some magic."
"I ain't sayin' anything about killin'. I'm thinkin' it real loudly though."
"Then if all this white rock can be left alone and in a place it cannot harm others, the resource needed is time?"
"A broken clock's right twice a day."
May 2020
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jancisstuff · 5 years ago
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I think, team first. It allows me to succeed, it allows my team to succeed.
LeBron James
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jancisstuff · 5 years ago
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Dinner and Prism Talk
May 1 2020
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jancisstuff · 5 years ago
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The Prism Problem
Jancis joins Agent Friends in their quest to seek out a mysterious power that has literally fallen into their hands. The problem, it’s fallen into the hands of others that don’t respect what power entails.
Hearing more of disturbances happening in Mor Dhonna, the group heads there to find a man overwhelmed by aether.
December 6 2019
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jancisstuff · 5 years ago
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The Prism Problem
Breaker, the man from Mor Dhonna, recovers enough to realize he can feel where the two women who brought him into this situation are. A sense of their direction. Deciding it was best to go confront these two and their knowledge of the prisms, our heroes head far south into the desert.
Surviving a swarm of man-eating vilekin, the group weather through a firestorm, poisoned steam, and with Breaker’s help bring down the two women. With curious crystals of their own at key points, the pair is brought back for questioning while Breaker is left to recover once more.
Jancis’ ability with water and shields work out well, though she takes a nasty burn and through the brutal fight loses her voice for a sennight.
((Thank you, Generous Hosts!)) Jan 17 2020
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jancisstuff · 5 years ago
Looking Back: Returning
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After spending many moons working on mineself and work that had to be done, I found myself reaching out to old friends and company I long missed.
Steadfast, I was accepted to the fold. To aid in ongoing work. The meeting that night opened me up to what plagued the agency the most. Work that is still in progress.
“For the sake of those who don’t know the whole situation, I’ll begin at the beginnin’, an’ make it brief. For those o’you up to speed, bear with me aye?”
Thank you for bearing with me.
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