#Astral advent
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reginrokkr · 3 months ago
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Tag dump repost #2
◟༺✧༻◞ τόμος α: αναμνήσεις από μια χαμένη ζωή┊kingdom of celestia.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ τόμος β: descensus in regnum tenebram┊kingdom of khaenri’ah.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ τόμος γ: αγκασμένος στην αθανασία ┊aftermath of disaster.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ τόμος δ: ψάχνοντας τη χαμένη μοίρα┊to the journey’s end.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ τόμος ε: ανακαλύπτοντας την αλήθεια┊100 years of penance.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ τόμος ζ: ενδιάμεση της ανθοφορίας┊way of the prophet.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ τόμος η: μαρασμός της αφάνειας┊twilight’s prologue.┊
◟༺✦༻◞ τόμος θ: λυκόφως οι θεοί που πέφτουν┊advent of ragnarök.┊
◟༺✦༻◞ chasing luminous river of stars ┊noctilucent crossroads.┊
◟༺✦༻◞ rupture of the everlasting darkness ┊astral reverberations α.┊
◟༺✦༻◞ rupture of the everlasting darkness ┊astral reverberations β.┊
◟༺✦༻◞ where edges of eternity collapse ┊aetherial crisis.┊
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twilightichor · 6 months ago
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Tag dump repost #2
◟༺✧༻◞ τόμος α: αναμνήσεις από μια χαμένη ζωή┊kingdom of celestia.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ τόμος β: descensus in regnum tenebram┊kingdom of khaenri’ah.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ τόμος γ: αγκασμένος στην αθανασία ┊aftermath of disaster.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ τόμος δ: ψάχνοντας τη χαμένη μοίρα┊to the journey’s end.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ τόμος ε: ανακαλύπτοντας την αλήθεια┊100 years of penance.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ τόμος ζ: ενδιάμεση της ανθοφορίας┊way of the prophet.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ τόμος η: μαρασμός της αφάνειας┊twilight’s prologue.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ τόμος θ: λυκόφως οι θεοί που πέφτουν┊advent of ragnarök.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ chasing luminous river of stars ┊noctilucent crossroads.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ rupture of the everlasting darkness ┊astral reverberations α.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ rupture of the everlasting darkness ┊astral reverberations β.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ where edges of eternity collapse ┊aetherial crisis.┊
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dizzy-dudd · 2 months ago
🦋 A Star is Born 🌟
On one winter’s night, as the cold wind blew, Meta Knight looks up into the sky atop the towers of Castle Dedede.
“A star shines bright in the skies of the north, prophesying the birth of another astral starborn. It has been a very long time since an event such as this has occurred, when Kirby made their way to this planet during a spring breeze, but that felt like eons ago.
I wonder why the galaxy believes it needs another one of us again, is there another threat that has yet to put our land in peril? Is there a danger that lurks in the dark once more? Whatever it is, it is clear that there is a reason for this occurrence.
I wonder what you will be like when you arrive. Will you be kind and compassionate like Kirby? Will you be strong and heroic like Dedede? Will you be as brave and considerate as Bandana?
Or will you threaten this land once more like dark matter did years ago?
Will you wish to care for and nurture this land? Or will you wish upon its destruction?
Nay, I mustn't let such thoughts plague my mind, I must stand firm and observant in my judgment…
…and yet I just cannot wait for you to arrive, young one.
I raise my mighty blade in the air for you, awaiting the advent of a brand new star.”
Meta Knight ⚔️
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gatheredfates · 11 months ago
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Nicknames: Not applicable. Age: Twenty-one. Nameday: Twenty-Seventh Sun of the First Astral Moon (apparently I gave her my birthday, so that might change!) Race: Duskwight Elezen. Gender: Cis female. Orientation: Straight? Profession: Lady of the House of Deveraux and Dubois, last remaining survivor after the Dragonsong War; apprentice baker and occasional confidant to Firelight Trading Company.
Hair: A light blue, leaning more into teal. She tends to style it in loose curls around her shoulders. Eyes: She is heterochromatic! One eye is teal, the other is a steel grey. Skin: Pale with a silvery undertone; it tends to reflect whatever light hits it, rather than possessing it's own distinct colour. Tattoos/Scars: None of any note.
Parents: Lord and Lady Deveraux, dead by Alaice's sixteenth year. It is said that Lord Deveraux attempted to defend his wife from the dragons before he was engulfed in flames. No remains of her mother have been found. Siblings: Not applicable. Grandparents: Not applicable, more unfortunate souls lost to the war. In-Laws and Others: Alaice has a child from her first marriage, a daughter called Alyna. Her husband, Draeir Dubois, died under mysterious circumstances in the months preceding the Ishgardian/Dragon peace treaty, bringing no end of speculation from gentry and smallfolk alike. Some suspect his desire to expand his house beyond Foundation's spires drew ire from the High Houses and he was made an example of. Others suspect a more... intimate cause. Without a murder weapon or obvious intent, none can deduce a proper suspect.
She is particularly close to @riftdancing's Siyoh Mari who, whilst not understanding a lick of Ishgardian gossip, will happily entertain the confusion over a cup of tea as Alaice dramatizes. This leagues better than Elandervier who told her she'd 'rather chew on a voidsent's ass' and leaves at the very mention of anything to do with the city. She has an extremely complicated relationship with the other Elezen due to their mutual upbringings, trauma and reconciliation.
When Firelight is conducting business in Ishgard, she can be seen at its patriarch's side helping him navigate the intricacies of the city. Pets: Unless you count the many birds that have taken residence in her gardens, not applicable.
Abilities: Alaice is ice-aspected to a dangerous degree, and it's an element she has always tried to keep under wraps for fear of heresy and expulsion from the Holy See. As a result, the magic is unpredictable and emerges as a by-product of extreme situations/emotions. Only a select few people know she possesses such an ability. Hobbies: Like all ladies of her standing, Alaice was given a proper education including tutelage in deportment; music, song and dance; needlework and painting — among other gentle pursuits. She has a particular affinity for bird watching and, in the advent of her husband's death, has sunk herself readily into her little business as a baker.
Most positive trait: Alaice possesses a remarkable capacity for trust despite her confinement and husband's abuse. Worst negative trait: Her naïvety. As a woman constricted by the societal expectations of Ishgardian women, Alaice knows scarce little about the world around her — or even Ishgard proper. It is something she is working constantly to undo.
Colours: Blue, white, silver, gold and shades of brown. However, given Ishgard's proclivity to the cold, any colour that can break through the sheen of snow is a welcomed addition in her eyes. Smells: Anything floral and/or citrus. These are not necessarily smells she will wear, but remind her of a time before the Calamity when the climate of Ishgard was better suited. She's also partial to vanilla, almond and loves the smell of rain. Textures: Knitted wool and smooth glass (or ice, though she tries not to think too much about it), the gentle prick of pine and the grooves in wood and stone. Drinks: Champagne, white wine and mead. She's also discovering some enjoyment of red wine, stay tuned if she gets more extreme!
Smokes: Rarely. She smoked recreationally after her parents died, a sort of 'dare' from the other ladies in her company, and took it up in secret as a way to release anxiety in the early days of her marriage — away from the prying eyes of her husband. Alaice quit after becoming pregnant with Alyna and hasn't taken it back up due to associating it with those negative experiences. Drinks: Semi-regularly. Much like smoking, she quit entirely when she got pregnant and tends to only partake as a social nicety. She can acknowledge where she was falling into unhealthy patterns when she was married and tries not to go back to those places. Drugs: Not applicable. Mount Issuance: Not applicable. Alaice was fed on the indoctrination by her husband that is not a lady's place to traverse, but that men should come to her. If she is needed for Firelight Business she will be escorted by their couriers, but she has no vehicle of her own. Been Arrested: No. Being a suspect was traumatic enough. Why would she kill her lord husband?
Tagged by: @eriyu — at least for this one! I'm going to try and do one character per tag. Tagging: @thefreelanceangel, @hythlodaes, @piyopikamika, @sealrock, @thevikingwoman & @yloiseconeillants! If you'd like a chance of being tagged, you can like my permanent interaction call here!
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dailycharacteroption · 8 months ago
Roleplay Ramblings: New Elements part 1
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In the past not just Pathfinder, but even Dungeons and Dragons, there has been a baseline assumption that the four elements of western elementalism were the “true” elements of creation.
Sure, Pathfinder did have wood, metal, aether, and even void elementalists out there in the world, drawing upon not just the Chinese Wuxing, but also the expanded western elements and even Japanese Godai, respectively. However, these were generally considered not “true” elements since those that drew upon them do not call upon an elemental plane. Metal is just a group of themed spells and doesn’t even have independence from the earth element for kineticists, wood draws upon the First World, Aether draws upon both the ethereal and astral plane, and Void… well, we’re not really sure how that one works at all drawing not just from negative energy, but also concepts of stillness and serenity. All together, they represent unique ways to tap into magic… but they still are only elements in name.
…Or so we thought.
With the advent of Rage of the Elements, it became revealed that the elements of Metal and Wood were indeed real, but had been inaccessible for an unfathomable length of time due to the treachery of the Elemental Lords.
Fans of Pathfinder’s lore will recall that the four “evil” elemental lords of the familiar elements imprisoned their “good” counterparts inside magical gemstone artifacts, The Moaning Diamond, the Garnet Brand, the Untouchable Opal, and the Gasping Pearl. All in a bid of an alliance of power between the four as they ruled the planes.
However, doing so had an unusual side effect in that this imbalance of power actually literally unbalanced the planes on a cosmic scale, shunting both the planes of Metal and Wood out of alignment with the rest of the multiverse, seeming to vanish entirely as the borders of the planes they once rested between closed in with their new neighbors.
However, after the goodly elemental lords were freed one after the other, thanks in no small part by planeshopping members of the Pathfinder Society, the balanced was restored and the two planes have begun creeping back in, freed from their isolation as their residents and wonders marvel and are marveled in kind by the cosmos they have rejoined.
These two planes have elemental lords, genies, and elementals of their own, a whole ecology that parallels the other planes but also prove unique in their own right. Presumably, the two more destructive or antisocial of the elemental lords of metal and wood were not included in the original conspiracy due to their comparative lack of malevolence or thirst for power compared to their contemporaries, though that isn’t to say they don’t have their quirks.
To describe them briefly, (in preparation for further entries this week) the Plane of Metal is a place of change and creation, of forged form and function, of art and science, of creation, but also destruction, for while many wondrous things can be created from the harnessed metals and materials, they are also associated with destruction, not just for metal’s association with weapons, but also the fact that nothing that is created can last forever, and all metal succumbs to rust and corrosion eventually.
Meanwhile, the Plane of Wood is a place of cultivated order, for while it is a place of constant genesis and life, rarely if ever does it grow without some for of guidance, either directly from sapient beings or simply by the nature of the plane itself. It is a place of fractals, plants growing on plants growing on plants all the way down and all the way up to perceptual infinity. But it is also a garden where wonders are cultivated, harvested, and crafted, with many elemental beings being literally carved into shape from the living essence of the plane. Very different indeed is this plane when compared to the wild verdant nature of the First World.
These planes were introduced in Second Edition, and everything about them rules-wise has been written with that assumption… But maybe you prefer First Edition, and want to see how the return of these planes can be realized in that system? Well, that’s what we’re going to look at this week! Some things won’t need much work, but others will require a bit more, but we’ll explore it all the same. I hope you’re looking forward to it!
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kyzveryown · 10 months ago
I’ve returned with another Observations for the third Kingdom Hearts: Missing Link closed beta. Like the second closed beta, there wasn’t much in terms of story which is to be expected. Below is a list of notes, thoughts, and observations I wrote down as I was watching the story cutscenes.
[Note: For context, I’m differentiating the versions of Scala ad Caelum from KHML and KH3/DR from the other. So, "α-Scala" refers to the KHML version, "β-Scala" refers to the KH3/DR version. Lastly, I call Brain "Blaine". It's just a preference.]
— It seems like the Founders (presumably) were able to track the temporal paths (the paths in which they're traveling through time) of the Union Leaders after they departed from the Ark before Daybreak's collapse. A "connection point" was mentioned so based on that, there can be two possibilities to explain what might've happened; the Ark's pods had a set destination and were supposed to arrive at the same point but didn't due to some unforeseen circumstance. Or the Ark's pods each had separate destinations and the Founders weren't expecting their temporal paths to be that spread out (basically, they were expecting them all to arrive roughly around the same time but not decades apart). This could mean that each pod traveled through time at different speeds. That would explain why they all arrived at different points in time. However, given what we know about the mental and physical effects of time travel via the pods, I'd say it's the first possibility. — Blaine and the Player seemingly arrived in α-Scala at the same time? The Founders (presumably) were anticipating Blaine's arrival, but not the Player's. So, that makes the Player an anomaly which is suspicious considering when, where, and how they initially died. How did their soul/heart even get back? — I wonder what the black feather represents. Maybe there's a secret society in α-Scala that worships and/or follows the path of darkness. It'd be interesting if that ends up being true. — I remember someone over on Twitter saying the Organization XIII-esque twins standing on the rooftop reminded them Kadaj and Loz from FFVII: Advent Children and now I can't unsee it. — The twins are tracking the Player (and possibly Remus) for some reason. I wonder why? Also, that short scene with them on the rooftop reminds me of KHIV reveal trailer. It mirrors the part where you see the Master (presumably) and the other hooded figure watching Sora fight the Kaiju Darkside. Of course, there's the possibility that neither of the black coats are The Master. Could be someone else entirely. — Nept definitely knows more than he's letting on. It seems like he has the power to either alter or erase memories and based on that one specific shot, that power may have something to do with his eye(s). This is a huge reach but maybe he has a Gazing eye? It wouldn’t be all that surprising if someone other than The Master had one. The Gazing eye could be something like a gift or a curse bestowed upon someone from a higher power (*cough FFXIII). It’d be interesting if that’s the case. — Looks like my "astral plane could be a chaotic realm" claim isn't too far off. I'll reserve my thoughts on that and wait for more information. If that turns out to even be somewhat true, then I’m going to have A LOT to talk about. Trust me, I am itching to write about that, but I’ll be patient.
And that covers all of my thoughts for now. Still patiently waiting for the game to release (again, whenever that’ll be).
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theblindarcher · 2 years ago
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Advent Protocol engaged
GBA FE inspired portraits of the Astral Chain protagonists / Akira Howard made to commemorate the game's third anniversary.
Fun fact; this got liked and RT'd by Takahisa Taura on Twitter. That absolutely blew my mind when it happened.
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13daysadvent · 1 year ago
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A multi-winged Blot is here to reveal the 2024 theme: 👿 Demons & Divinity 😇
No matter how many eyes they have, all creatures good and evil will be featured in this year's digital zine & advent calendar!
Apps for this year are now open!
Zine/Merch Artists: https://forms.gle/7v8AiTbXGGM31xAo6
Writers: https://forms.gle/UDPT4vZzp83VU3yD6
Other Creatives: https://forms.gle/4aBiZvCfDAZ1zyxH9
Looking for a little more detail on the 2024 "Demons & Divinity" theme? A full write-up on this year's theme can be found below the cut! 🔻
For demons/demonic beings we are looking for typical representations of malevolent supernatural entities across religion, folklore, and mythology. This can include things such as demons and fallen angels seen in Judeo-Christianity, natural evils personified as gods or spirits, underworld entities that rule over the realm of death, mischievous tricksters, and beings of chaos representing disorder and destruction.
For divinity we are looking for representations of benevolent beings that may or may not dwell on upper planes. This can include representations of God or angels seen in Judeo-Christianity; celestial entities that dwell in or are associated with the heavens/astral realm, stars, or the cosmos; entities that rule over life and rebirth; and beings that gather power through worship and mass belief.
The above are merely examples and not a hard list to be followed. What we are not looking for, on that note, are things that fall more under the classification of cryptids. If you've already applied and this has given you new ideas, remember that our forms are always editable.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask! And remember to stay spooky, buddies!
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altocat · 1 year ago
It would appear I have been summoned again lol. I am currently trying to talk with Japanese players about Sephiroth’s voice lines in EC and I really can’t recommend looking into the discussions on the LifeStream website enough—especially if you guys are curious about this stuff.
For instance, here are the names and Japanese names of Seph’s weapons and attacks so far!
Localization notes:
Limit Breaks
Astral Gate (星門, Seimon, lit. "Planet's Gate" or "Star's Gate")
Ardent Flare (アーデントフレア, Ādento Furea)
Weapons and Abilities
Nameless (無銘, Mumei)
Telluric Fury (動地, Dōchi, lit. "Shaking Land")
Edged Wings (斬り羽, Kiriha, lit. "Cutting Feather," a euphemism for an excavation site)
Aerial Frostblade (氷翼急翔, Hyōyoku Kyūshō, lit. "Cold Wings Swiftly Soar")
Glaireid (グライレイド, Guraireido, lit. "Gli-Raid," Glide+Raid)
Sweeping Slash (孤斬, Kozan, lit. "Lone Cut")
Aonibi (青鈍, Aonibi, lit. "Dull Blue")
Frenzied Stance (荒天のかまえ, Kōten no Kamae, lit. "Stormy Weather Stance")
Northern Lights (ノーザンライツ, Nōzan Raitsu)
Radiant Aurora (極光, Kyokkō, lit. "Aurora")
Prototype Crimson Blade (試作・紅蓮太刀, Shisaku: Guren-tachi, lit. "Prototype: Crimson Tachi")
Firaga A
CC Alloy Sword (CC合金刀, Shi-Shi Gokin Katana, lit. "CC Alloy Katana")
Thundaga A
Mythril Type-0 Katana (ミスリル0式打ち刀, Misuriru Reishiki Uchigatana, lit. "Mythril Type-0 Uchigatana")
Steadfast Stance (不動のかまえ, Fudō no Kamae, lit. "Immovable Stance")
Shinra Blade: Model I (神羅刀壱号, Shinra Katana Ichigo, lit. "Shinra Katana No. 1")
Shock Blast (ショックブラスト, Shokku Burasuto)
Shinra's Hero (神羅の英雄, Shinra no Eiyū) - Default; pairs with Nameless
Edged Wings Training Garb (羽刃の修験装, Kiriha no Shugensō, lit. "Cutting Feather Ascetic Garb") - Featured; pairs with Edged Wings
Aeroglider (グライディングスーツ, Guraidingu Sūtsu, lit. "Gliding Suit") - Voucher; pairs with Glaireid
Some curious details include: Sephiroth’s training garb’s name, “cutting feather,” is apparently a euphemism for an excavation site, and though not mentioned here, that Japanese name “kiriha” is the name of a famous sword, kiriha sadamune. This sword was forged by one of the sons of Masamune. A cool detail.
I find it interesting that Sephiroth’s default set could be run together as “Shinra’s Nameless Hero” too.
Sephiroth’s training garb also seems to be a very strict get-up if we go by Japanese. It is his “ascetic garb” which has the implications of something you wear to practice strict self-denial and discipline, almost like a monk.
People have been discussing some other great details on the LifeStream forums since the new Ever Crisis chapter—especially about Seph’s Nibelheim meltdown being his literal “Limit Break” as a person, and why that changed the name of that very attack to “Hell’s Gate” after it summoned the fires of Sephiroth’s wrath.
People also noticed how much Jenova in Advent Children’s opening looked absurdly close to the picture of Lucrecia AND Sephiroth in general. Ever Crisis is really giving us a ton of insight. I will keep sharing with you guys the more I talk to the Japanese players and my friends. I am just a lurker here but I feel like certain great tidbits of info are being missed, so I will do my best to share. I will also try to get those voice line translations!!
You're amazing. Thanks so much for all your valuable insight! I personally find this stuff pretty fascinating.
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lunatic-fandom-space · 1 year ago
Ayyyyyyy Ive been tagged by @vanilla-poisons, this is 9 People You'd Like To Know Better
Three Ships: Alfred/Herbert of Tanz der Vampire, Puzzleshipping (Yami/Yuugi) of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Keyshipping (Astral/Yuma) of Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal
First Ever Ship: Arazhul_HD/Chaosflo44 who are two Minecraft Youtubers, I usually dont like to count rpf ships because it embarasses me a little but mcyt rpf was my first fandom and that was my first ship. Also, my first non-rpf ship was Bill/Dipper of Gravity Falls which is hardly less embarassing
Last Song: Peacemaker by The Mechanisms
Last Film: I forgor but if proshots of musicals count, the 2014 production of Elisabeth by the Takarazuka Flower Troupe
Currently Reading: A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas with the express purpose of complaining about it later
Currently Watching: a whole bunch of proshots of Elisabeth
Currently Consuming: chocolate from my advent calendar
Currently Craving: more chocolate tbh
People Im Tagging: @jaewul @violent-kurumi @sleepypharaoh @collector-of-tommys @blueschists @e-blast45 @adhd-languages @peggy-uwu @chewingtoniii
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turkey-sandwich · 5 months ago
Checked my cards and my 5☆ collection for funsies and this is what I got (got a little too long, oops~)
Color coded for your convenience: initial card / scout / tour / event / collab / global scout / uncolored card names are either from in game campaigns or reward from buying with real money (Sparkling Subaru, Tag Team Yuta and Joyful Days Hajime)
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Eichi: Leader Of Heaven, Daring Spy, A Breath of Spring Air, Red that Sings for the Advent of Morning
Wataru: Ode to the Rose
Tori: Red that Pierces Through the Clouds, Nocturne of Wings
Yuzuru: Passion Burning Within the Idol
Hokuto: Leader of Glittering Stars, My One and Only Goal
Subaru: Sparkling Even More, Breathtaking Adventure
Makoto: Splendid Snapshot
Mao: None (would've had his Ring.A.Bell card if he came home, dammit Isara)
Tetora: Survival and Guts
Midori: Delusional Dollhouse, Hopeful Bouquet, Comfortable Staying Just As I Am, Departing Orient
Shinobu: Light Beaming from the Darkness
Kanata: None
Chiaki: Leader of Justice
Hiiro: Leader of Cards, Innocent Prince
Aira: Indigo Crystals
Mayoi: Coward Hiding in the Corner
Tatsumi: Tranquil Prayer, Moon Capital Night
Nagisa: Leader of Paradise, Dream of the Wasteland, White that Sings for the Break of Dawn, Astral Echoes of Spring
Hiyori: White that Illuminates the Darkness
Ibara: Deceitful Commander, Enduring an Irregular Time, Frontline Watchdog, Sizzling Moonlit Trek
Jun: Striped Hyena's Hunt
Shu: Leader of the Arts, Uncompromisable Outfit
Mika: Ruler of the Dark, Dainty Highschool Detective, Accompanying Shadow
Hinata: Leader of Twin Planets
Yuta: Tag Team Challenge
Rinne: Leader of the Bees
HiMERU: Hidden Feelings
Kohaku: Hard-working Honeybee
Niki: None
Rei: Leader of Demons, Entrancing Myth
Kaoru: None
Koga: Glittering Rock Wolf
Adonis: None
Tomoya: Leader of Rabbits
Hajime: Clumsy Struggling Time, Lost Gretel, Joyful Days
Nazuna: Guide to the Future, Sun-kissed Ruby
Mitsuru: None
Keito: Leader of Crimson, Green-Black Guardian
Kuro: None
Souma: The Oath of Gods
Tsukasa: Rookie Skater
Leo: None
Izumi: Fairy of Morning Mist
Arashi: My Best Self, Glitter Dappled Sunlight
Ritsu: Kitten Knight
Natsume: Leader of Magic
Tsumugi: None
Sora: None
Madara: None (this is kind of sad lmao)
Total amount of 5☆ cards: 64
Flash Yellow Cards: 19
Sparkle Red Cards: 18
Brilliant Blue Cards: 16
Glitter Green Cards: 11
Unit with most amount of 5☆ cards: Eden (11), followed by fine and RYUSEITAI (both with 8 each)
Unit with the least amount of 5☆ cards: MaM (0)
Characters with the most amount of 5 ☆ cards: Ibara (5) and Midori (5)
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astrxlfinale · 6 months ago
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HC; Limits Unbinding.
Given the advent of his Awakening within Herta's space station. Both frightening potential and a means of understanding a limit were met all at once. The Stellaron can very well be his downfall, despite the energize he utilized to protect in that instance. It's met with warning and concern from multiple members of the Astral Express crew, in turn, this developed a nature within Caelus to have a natural semblance to hold back even in times he should.
A good margin of his focus a 50/50 divide I'd say has to be devoted to keeping this Star of Calamity within the halls of being tamed. It craves experiences no different than he does, and the wild songs of battle elevates the worst of it's instincts. Thus, a good deal of what he's endured across his travels keeps this in mind. Caelus holds an unnatural scale of mental fortitude as a result of keeping these whispers of primordial chaos at bay.
Gradually, this has begun to change bit by bit as he's compelled himself to ease up on that weariness. Gradually testing his limits, devoting himself more to the dangerous situations around him, as much as the internal war being wages. Thus, there's a lot of hidden potential practically frothing at the surface due to this, a means where the alignment of his will and a momentary 'truce' with his Stellaron soul is holds hidden depths, aching to be unleashed.
Mastery holds an importance place in his lifestyle as it's truly a matter of life or death. Far from his own, it's finding that golden ratio to harness the Stellaron, to concentrate it's conceptual ability onto his foes, to disarm it's radioactive like effects upon his allies. (Proof was found the day he defended March with that barrier, giving him a good marking point to reach.)
It creates an interesting duality to his mindset. Where he's often someone who basks in the adventure, and forwardly notes the choices he takes. Compare it to his approach to his abilities, and there's a demanding, controlling grasp he keeps upon it every step of the way.
Tuning that control into technique from then on will be his key.
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thesnacken · 1 year ago
A few things about Dusklain, because its my OC and my Blog I can do whatever I want :3c
Dusklain had slightly-above-average exposure to Gaius. While she was hardly exceptional among her contingent, she did end up helping Allie, the youngest of Gaius' adoptive children for a time.
Because of this exposure, Gaius did recognize Dusk at the Praetorium, though couldn't meaningfully place her at the time. By his appearance as Shadowhunter, however, he had remembered.
Dusk was also deeply invested in the Shadows of Werlyt campaign.
Dusk didn't originally plan on working her way up the ranks as a member of the godsbow; her first choice would have been to join the Conjurers' Guild after securing her place in Gridania.
The reason she didn't do this is because her ability to manipulate aether was still sorely lacking. She spent a good deal of time working with E-Yumi-San, but as with her failed training as a Geomancer among her people, it proved fruitless. Some block existed that she was unprepared to topple.
A major breakthrough occurs during her training as a proper Bard. The techniques of "spinning" aether become the basis by which she learns all other disciplines.
Dusk worked closely with Yll Fen before learning the trade (one of two canon crafting skills she has learned). Her work within the guild is partly responsible for the philosophies that carry her through the story.
She is a seasoned leatherworker and tradeswoman before she departs Gridania, though her ability to comfortably cook had not yet been restored.
Prior to the Sundering (and, in the version of events where it occurs, before she took the seat of Azem) Dusk was an Amaurotine Ranger, maintaining the safety of travelways and playing diplomat and guardian where necessary. Hints of these experiences linger in the Dusklain of the eighth astral era, and manifest particularly in her atypically acrobatic methods in combat.
Dusklain uses two unique techniques within the discipline of the Gunbreaker: A battery of explosions she deemed "Oni's Teeth", and a method of shedding a barrier of aether off her body to take blows in her stead (not unlike the Pokemon move "Substitute").
There are two "breakpoints" in Dusk's story: If the ancient Dusklain was takes the seat of Azem, and (in the timeline where she never did) how she responds to the events in Azys Lla. The contrasting storyline sees her adopt a portion of Sephirot's power, and departs between Heavensward and Stormblood to reclaim her homeland (The Warlord version of events). In all versions of events she possesses the Traveler's Ward, though from whence it came differs.
Dusklain canonically heard the song "Answers", and in fact is the advent which prompted her to break from Conscription and flee to Eorzea.
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hoyotunes · 4 months ago
Welkin's Advent from Astral Theater Vol. 2 Yj.W, HOYO-MiX
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mindthetimes · 4 months ago
A Hacked Video Game Account And The Dilemma It Brings
The Conversation On Hack Accounts
It is not considered civil or appropriate to talk about hacked accounts in the open. One is met with controversy and questioning when it is brought up in the first place - the method of which the account is given up and made available to the perpetrator is most highlighted, and it seems so that the occurrence is made subject to fate and the workings of time and predestination. It may also seem so that the area between the white hat hacker and its opposite, kuro-dark-black-abyssal-evil whatever you may call it, is blending with each other. Good and evil being in kahoots, primarily due to the upbringing we have had from the late 90's to today, wherein one person is good and then bad the next. So, most arguments against the situation of being hacked, is that it's no one's fault, and that it is what it is. But the reality persists that point A has switched over to point B. From what is, becomes no longer, and from accessible becomes locked. Door slammed. You can't go here anymore. The path is closed. That or, not everyone's police cybersecurity division has caught up to even wanting to take on petty cases such as a hacked video game, which video games are, in the first place, a global concern.
Video Games Are A Global Concern
The internet is a global town, yet when push comes to shove, the developers retreat to their home countries, their base of operations, for protection. This is why it is not easy to track down hackers, but that's ultimately not the concern here. The primary concern is that of ownership, and when it comes to that, the reapers will do whatever they can to deem the globalized law and legalities correct under their circumstances, and the clause of their base of operations, so that they can make the situation the right one. It always begins with an intention, a mindset, making that a positive one for the sturdy and unfazed mind. And then, it travels on, even a thousand years into the future, to the great-grandchildren and their branches, until ultimately that leaf grows and does what it is created to do, beginning from that one intention set by its initial "advent". And that intention could be as complex as planning a bombing attack, or seeing a person in a dream and gathering information from that dream, connecting it all until a path is made in the astral plane towards that specific goal and locking it in, subconsciously, into oblivion.
The thing is, most countries have astral walls built up, making them very private and secure from these attacks. It just means the value of the human beings residing in that specific country is higher than the other countries. But privacy isn't everything. Openness and opportunity, one can argue, is forever and is worth taking into account.
In this case, let's bring up a Genshin Impact account, which is leveraged heavily by its exploration and having the Traveler as your main avatar. The creation of Genshin Impact, as a game, solidifies the foundations of security against openness and opportunity that we have been building since the Y2K and even from the many years before that. So, yes, most of the world is "secure and safe" from an astral perspective, unless they aren't. A carefully crafted plan from many roots from the generations that we are connected to may exist and still come to fruition. But I am only bringing this up to connect it with hackers, who, from the root word hacking, are actually there to foil these plans in the first place and they would have done their work, even lazily, when they have secured the account that they consider is an offense to the parameters of their own security, whether from the clause of their personal values, or their work as a mercenary...to get paid.
The Lost Accounts Are In An Artificial Prison and Are Fed Once or Twice A Year
It would seem obvious that I have had my accounts hacked for me to be talking about this. I wouldn't be giving much mind to it if we were in the early 2000s, yet video games have evolved to become a catalyst to our hopes and dreams, a forefront to the democratic revolution. That, I would say, is the primary concern for it, but if it were up to me, games should remain a casual endeavor, and should not have this underlying web of black markets and social statuses that are tied into it. I am talking, specifically, of course about games with elements of virtual money-earning and trading involved when creating the account. These are often free-to-play games with micro-transaction or elements that hook the player to continue playing their game. And these also often include elements that are made public via an API or source code that hackers can use to trace whether the player has made "subjectively unreasonable" decisions with their accounts and smite them with the almighty hand of the Greek god Zeus. They wouldn't do this if someone is in the private, making sure they are under the clause of security and safety, wouldn't they?
The account I lost to the hacker was logged into once this year. It was at a peculiar date, which would mean that, as someone in the public eye (albeit having very little, if any, eyes looking toward my direction), they are watchful eyes that are considerate of the exchange made, whether it was through giving access to the account freely under the guise of a free "battle pass", as some kind of secret being sold. And whether or not it would be wise to write about it at this point, I have yet to know. For we are all part of the connected generations whose ancestors have plans for us that could either be foiled by other generations and their plans, or could become a destiny worth looking forward to. And it could be one where, in this current plane, all accounts are made public and the fastest hands who click first take it all for the reaping, or it could be one where all is managed accordingly, through a microchip implanted on our back-of-necks, making sure we adhere to the standards of security we are subjected to, under the banner of our birth.
Our Next Steps
It seems we are given a choice here for what to do next:
We could either make sure all of the information we submit in the Account Recovery Form is "complete" and "accurate", whatever that even means - just making sure we are who we say we are seems to be the gist of it, including OUR history, and every action we have from the day we were born up to the present time. To those that can do it, congratulations! Have an…uh…anniversary cake.
Or we can just start another journey with them from scratch, making do with the leftover pieces of the shell of the human being we have become, knowing that humans can recover and rebuild, being able to leave the past self behind and find a gleam of hope in the tragic incident that is losing four years worth of gaming, and to a similar degree, human life and the career of the human race. Also, to suffer from dyslexia and omitting words from phrases and going blank sometimes.
The third option is to ignore everything, accept whatever and whenever, and curse these corporations and their unending work, which is the nature of life anyway, and just do your own thing, all at once, without much consequence except for an occasional stub at the toe. Which, no kidding, definitely hurts.
I am not dissing video games here, and the lack of substantial support, though it seems like that's where the tone of this article is being lead to. This is all information we already know of yet have no power, but that is only in the context of the clauses of our own security. Perhaps a neighboring country and their equally valid meta-verse has something to say and act towards, accordingly, and specifically, one that I do not have the grasps for. Easy-peasy, as it seems.
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n0vaisnthere · 11 months ago
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Xianzhou Lufou—☆
Cosmic / Other—☆
Astral Express—☆
Stelleron Hunters—★
Genius Society—☆
Herta Space Station—★
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